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A Stormi Night

"Stormi runs to Uncle Pete for comfort, then seduces him."

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Author's Notes

"Please ponder a moment: If a sane person in the real world discovered family members fucking, what would they actually do? This is meant to be a realistic incestuous romance, unlike the thousands which are 'sex twice a page stroke fuel'. I have written many of those and they have their place, but not this time."

In the middle of my niece Stormi’s high school graduation, it began to sprinkle. As usual, the ceremony was held outdoors at the football field. I’d received my own diploma there a decade and a half earlier. There was only a slight drizzle at first and I felt just a drop or two per minute.

I was sitting quite a distance from my relatives. My two older brothers and I still got along fine. They were happy I’d babysit their kids for free, and I enjoyed doing it since I’d never married or had any children of my own. Neither of my snobby sisters-in-law wanted anything to do with me, though. I’d dated a dozen or so ladies on and off through the years, including all five of their younger sisters. Regrettably, I never found a woman I wanted to be with for long.

Despite a few raindrops here and there, the ceremony continued with the principal calling students’ names, giving them a handshake, and passing them their reward for a dozen or more years of schooling. I felt pride swelling in my chest as he called, “Stormi Davis” and she took her turn walking across the stage in her cap and gown. I stood and clapped vigorously, then whistled as loudly as I could. As the slow drizzle changed to light rain, he called the names and handed out diplomas at a speedier pace.

Near the end, the precipitation suddenly increased to a downpour and strong winds started blowing. The principal tried to salvage the last bit by waving the twenty or so remaining graduates onto the temporary stage as he shouted in the mic, “The rest of you come get your diplomas, quick!” The small crowd rushed him and grabbed their certificates as nearly everyone else ran for the parking lot. I held my umbrella up and casually walked to my truck. I smiled in self-satisfaction, seeing only four or five other umbrellas in the crowd of a thousand or more.

The thunderstorm kept going all afternoon and didn’t show any signs of abating. Through my living room windows I had seen horizontal rain, watched leaves and trash flying in the strong wind, and heard multitudes of thunderclaps. I turned off the TV when the movie ended, then walked upstairs. When I reached the top the doorbell rang and there was rapid pounding on my front door. I sighed and went to answer it.

When I opened the door, rain pelted me, and a strong blast of wind pushed me away. In addition to the storm; an empty plastic bag, several leaves, and my oldest niece Stormi blew into the entryway. I shoved the door closed and locked it, then asked in surprise, “It’s after ten o’clock and raining like crazy! Why did you run all the way over here? It’s nine blocks.”

She panted briefly. Once she caught her breath, she complained, “My parents suck! I hate them! My asshole ex-boyfriend too!” I detected hurt and sadness in her voice instead of real anger. She hugged me tightly and her waterlogged jacket soaked the front of my shirt as she sobbed and shivered. Much of her wet red hair clung to her face and neck.

I patted her back to calm her, then kissed her forehead and said, “Take it easy. It’ll be okay, sweetness. You’re sopping wet. You must be freezing.” I instructed, “Go upstairs and get a hot shower to warm up. I’ll make us some cocoa, and we’ll talk.”

She smiled a little and hopefully asked, “Irish cocoa?”

She wasn’t even close to twenty-one, but my compassion and her pretty face inspired me to reply, “Okay. Anything for my favorite new graduate. Go warm up, and I’ll meet you in the living room.” Since she and her cousins didn’t have any grandparents left, I’d taken over the task of spoiling them rotten.

She pushed her request even further, “How about in the rec room?”

I wasn’t a fan of smoking, but I let her in my basement bar and recreation room, to avoid stinking up the rest of the house. “I guess a cigarette would help you relax. All right, sweetie.”

She told me, “Thanks, Uncle Pete! You’re the best!” Her pretty brown eyes sparkled a bit as she smiled, then she kissed my cheek. I told her, “I’m wet too, so I’m going to change quick. Meet you in the basement.” I glanced at the shape of her backside filling out her jeans when she turned and briskly climbed the stairs. I smiled, realizing she really wasn’t a kid anymore.

His wife Helen and I didn’t get along at all, but after I swapped my wet clothes for slippers and a bathrobe, I called my brother Frank. “Stormi is upset again, so I’m letting her stay here tonight.”

“Good! She’s impossible these days! It would be great if you could keep her a while. Maybe you can calm her down, so she won’t be such a bitch at home.”

I sighed. “Frank, you and Helen just don’t understand her the way I do. She has trouble sometimes, but she’s not a bad girl.”

He dubiously asked, “You’ve been drinking, right?” I hadn’t had a drop in weeks, so I laughed. He finished with, “Good night and good luck.”

“Night, bro.”

She loved cocoa and usually drank two cups, so I started making four cups of Irish cocoa on the stove. As I was pouring the Irish crème into the sauce pan, the dispenser top fell off and into the milk. Instead of four shots like I had intended, maybe nine or ten poured out by the time I noticed. I grumbled in annoyance as I fished out the bottle top with a spoon. I figured it being boozier than usual would be fine, since I didn’t want to throw it out and start over. I poured our chocolatey sweet drinks into two large beer mugs, so we wouldn’t need to run up and down the stairs for refills.

Instead of just sitting on the sofa and waiting for her in the basement rec room, I did a few things I thought she’d like. I noticed a candy cane leftover from Christmas by the bar and remembered she loved them. Since they were nearly pure sugar and wouldn’t go bad for years, I put it on the table next to her mug. I lit two candelabras at the bar, then brought three candles to the coffee table and lit them. I turned down the lights, put wood in the fireplace, and started a fire to drive away the chill and give the room a more relaxed atmosphere.

As I closed the glass doors in front of the fire, I heard, “Eek! The floor down here is really cold!” Stormi was standing on the bottom step. I could see her smooth, pretty legs from her toes to the bottom of the pink bathrobe she wore, just above her knees.

I commented, “If you’re cold, there’s a longer robe in the hall bathroom upstairs.”

“I know, but I like pink better than gray.”

I walked over and said, “Hop on, I’ll give you a piggyback ride.” I leaned forward a bit, and she climbed on my back. Her arms wrapped around me, and some of her damp hair brushed the side of my face. I asked, “Do you remember the first time you stayed over here and I gave you a ride?”

“A long, long time ago. I think I was eight?” She climbed off, stepping onto the thick shag carpet covering a third of the room, then sat on the couch.

I sat next to her and replied, “No, the year I bought the house and your little sister Summer was born, you were an extremely mature six. You wanted to have coffee with me at breakfast. You were in such a hurry to grow up.”

She smiled and leaned on me as we reminisced, “You gave me chocolate milk with a little coffee in it, and you started telling people I was your little lady instead a girl or a kid. That was so cool!” She picked up her mug and took a sip of cocoa. “Mmmm! Good, but it’s really strong.”

“The bottle of Irish crème was rebellious, like your parents say you are.” We giggled a little. “Extra spilled into the pan, but it still tastes good, right?”

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She drank some more and smiled. “So good! Mom doesn’t let us have sugar at home.”

“I want you to be healthy, but a little treat once in a while won’t hurt.” I wrapped an arm over her shoulders. She took a cig from the pack on the coffee table and said, “I’m so glad I can smoke down here.” I held her hair away from the candles and stared at her mouth intently, as she leaned down and sucked, lighting her long white cigarette from the tip of a candle flame. The motions of her cheeks and mouth put naughty thoughts in my mind. I handed her the candy cane. “I’d rather you suck on these instead, but seeing you happy warms my heart.”

She sighed. “Awh! That’s why you’re my favorite family member, Uncle Pete. You’re always so good to me, even when I mess up.” I stared as she unwrapped one end of the candy cane and gave it a few licks. “When you caught me smoking with my friends when I was twelve, you didn’t spank me or tell my parents. You just said you were disappointed and made me promise I’d never smoke again. You’re very important to me. Knowing you were disappointed made me cry half the night. I meant my promise, but a few years later, other friends peer pressured me and… and it’s really hard to quit.” I noticed her starting to blush in embarrassment and regret. “Thanks for buying cigarettes for me.”

“Everybody makes mistakes. You know I’ll always be honest and kind to you. Just be honest with me too.” We drank a few more sips of cocoa, then I watched her purse her lips close together and blow out the last puff of smoke as a long thin stream.

She said, “My parents would never let me do anything fun when I was a kid, and they still don’t.”

“To them, you’re still their little girl. They’re trying to protect you. Why are you mad at them this time?”

We’d talked about her not wanting to go to college before, but the latter part of her answer was the last thing I expected. “They keep pushing me to go to college, but I don’t want to. Mom sent college applications in my name, and nine schools accepted me. Dad says if I don’t go to college, I need to have a job by fall, or they’ll kick me out of the house!

I know I’m an adult and need to be responsible, but… but I don’t want to move across the country for school or be stuck at a boring job all the time! I want to be a wife. I want to raise kids and have a happy family! I’m a good cook, and I don’t mind housekeeping. Why can’t I just be a wife and stay-at-home mom?”

I wondered in surprise, “You really want to depend on a man to support you, instead of doing whatever you want?”
Her cheeks started to redden, and she lit another cigarette. She moved her right foot and set it on my left one. Occasionally, she’d move her toes, until a couple of them rested between mine. “If I can ever find a good man I can trust. One like you, with a sense of adventure that’s still kind and shares things with me. Both my ex-boyfriends were major jerks. Tim dumped me for a girl with bigger boobs after only two weeks. Danny was great at the start, but he was an even bigger asshole! For our three-month anniversary… BAWHAHA!” She hugged me as she blubbered and cried a while.

I pulled the cig from her fingers and put it out as she kept crying. “What happened? Did he hurt you?”

“He… I gave him my virginity. Two weeks later, he gave me a necklace for our three-month anniversary. I didn’t notice his phone was recording us making love that night. At school, I caught him showing the video to his friends! My friends found out and said they didn’t want to hang out with a slut like me. Bwahaha!” I held her as she sobbed, wiping her tears on my robe and chest. We cuddled, and I played with her hair a lot.

I said, “You’re not a slut! Not at all! You only had sex with him how many times?”

“Four, and I wish I could take all of 'em back!”

“When you’re in love, sex is a natural thing and nothing to be ashamed of. He betrayed your trust and violated your privacy. You didn’t do anything wrong, you just got taken advantage of.” We drank the last of our cocoa and I felt quite tipsy.
“I’m glad you’re so understanding, Uncle Pete. I know you’d never hurt me like that. I love you.”

“I’m sorry he was thoughtless and stupid enough to do that. I love you so very much, sweetness.”

She turned and kissed my lips. I felt a growth starting between my legs and the alcohol had loosened my morals. I returned the kiss, sucked her lower lip gently, then licked her front teeth as she opened her mouth a little. She moaned, “Mmmm!” She licked my lips, then slowly stuck her tongue in my mouth and tasted mine.

I leaned back with my shoulders resting on the arm of the couch and she eagerly followed, climbing on top of me. She opened the front of my robe and started licking one of my nipples. As my hand moved down and squeezed her butt, I realized the obvious. “Stormi, we shouldn’t do this. We’re family.”

She sat up and straddled me, with her knees next to my lower ribs. I moaned, and my manhood swelled further, when she pressed her pelvis against it through our robes. “But I can feel you want it.” Her dampness moistened my scrotum when she opened her robe. She rocked her hips, rubbing her labia against my rapidly hardening rod. I was terribly aroused, and would only need to move a few inches to penetrate her. She smirked and continued, “He’s wide awake. Please make love to me? Love me and marry me, Uncle Pete?”

I held her hips and reluctantly declared, “We’re family, and we’re too drunk for this. I’m sorry, Stormi, but no.” I slid my hands under her buttocks and lifted the horny young hottie away from my package. She was a bit lighter than two of the sixty-pound bags of mortar and cement I often used at work. I reiterated, “You're gorgeous, and I love you so much, but we can’t.”

She stood and wiped away a few tears. “Then at least carry me upstairs? The floor is so cold!”

I agreed, “Okay, but no funny business.”

I blew out the candles, then picked her up with my arms under her knees and back and she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Thanks, Uncle Pete. I love you.”

I kissed her forehead as I took my first step toward the stairs, “You’re a beauty and I love you, but we’re family.”

I carried her upstairs, then past the kitchen to the first-floor staircase. I took a few deep breaths before I climbed it, then lumbered down the hallway toward the bedrooms. As I was about to sit her on the bed in the guest room, she exclaimed, “Pee! I need to pee!” I hurried to the bathroom and put her down. She dropped her pink bathrobe to the floor and started blushing as she said, “Can’t sit on the toilet with a robe on.”

The nude and intoxicated cutie spread her knees far wider than necessary as she sat, nearly doing the splits as I stared between her legs a moment. I could see far enough inside her to tell she wasn’t a virgin, but not far from it. The thin patch of dark red pubic hair excited my primal instincts. I tilted my head upward and gazed at the little pink nipples on her perfectly round breasts. She definitely wasn’t a kid anymore! I imagined what they would feel and taste like as I heard her peeing.

She untied the front of my robe and reached for my cock, saying, “We don’t have to go all the way to feel good. Let me suck you.” As her hand squeezed my shaft, my blurred mind could only come up with, ‘Sperm in her mouth won’t get her pregnant.’

I stopped resisting, putting my hands on the wall cabinet above the toilet to keep my balance, as my pretty redheaded niece licked and sucked me to Heaven.

In the morning, I vaguely remembered licking and fingering her little pussy, as I woke with my chin on her lower belly and her sparse auburn pubic hair tickling my nose.

Written by CreepyUnclePete
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