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A Lifetime Of Love Part 1

"A brother and sister story"

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Today started just like any other day since my retirement.  I wandered into the kitchen about 9 a.m. and started the coffee machine.  I normally set up the coffee the night before as a habit I had when I was in the military.  After my retirement from the Army, I was well-off enough not to have to work.  I had made some very prudent investments that paid large dividends to give me my freedom.  I live in my family home, on the west coast of Florida, which I inherited from my parents when they passed.  But let me tell you how I got here.

I am the oldest of two children.  My two-year younger sister, Ann, and I grew up in a very strict environment as our father was a Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps.  Every generation of our family had served in a branch of the military and I was expected to follow my father’s footsteps and join the Corps. 

After graduating high school, I spent the summer hanging out with my buddies and not doing much.  I had a part-time job that kept me busy part of the day.  The summer passed rather quickly and September rolled around.  My mother was frustrated with me because she wanted me to go to college, but I wasn’t interested.  My father was waiting for me to join the Marines and had even taken me to the recruiting office to discuss my options.  

All during our upbringing, my sister and I were fairly close but occasionally fought like cats and dogs.  After she started school in September, I usually got home about the same time as she did.  I would hang out with her and help her with her homework before dinner. The evenings were getting worse at home.  Our father would come home totally pissed off over issues at the base and take it out on us.  Mom would blindly watch TV while knitting or retreat to her bedroom and read when the tensions rose.  Some nights there were screaming matches between mom and my father, during which times Ann would come and stay in my room.  We comforted each other hoping the screaming would stop soon.

One night in late October, a friend picked me up at the house and we headed to the lake.  He had gotten a couple of six-packs of beer and we proceeded to get pretty much drunk.  He dropped me off about 1 a.m. and my father was waiting for me.  As I staggered up the front walk, he came out and told me that if I wanted to drink like a man, I should be able to take the punishment like a man.  The last thing I saw was his fist.  I came to stretched out on my bed with my sister holding a steak to my eye and caressing my hair.  She was cooing softly and kissing my forehead. 

I stayed in my room for the next two days with Ann bringing me food and fussing over me.  On the third day, I got up, got dressed, and headed to the Recruiting Station.  But instead of going to the Marines, I went in the Army.  Since I was eighteen and a high school graduate, I didn’t need my parent’s permission.  When the recruiter asked when I wanted to leave, I answered, “Now”.  I was scheduled to be at the bus station at 6 a.m. the next morning.  With the arrangements made, I went home.  I called my part-time job and told them I quit and send my pay to my account as usual.  I waited in my room until Ann got home.  That was the hardest night of my life.  Ann kept hugging me, crying, and begging me not to leave.  Not to leave her alone with him.  We fell asleep on my bed.  I got up at 4 a.m., kissed Ann, and left.  I never said a word to my parents.

Thus, I started my career.  I would call home every once in a while.   Ann would tell me that our father just shut down after I left.  She said that it was like living with two strangers, nobody talking, just going about living.  She had a good support group with her girlfriends and stayed away from home as much as possible. 

A couple of years later when I was stationed in Germany, Ann called me all excited.

“I’m coming to Germany!” she exclaimed.

“Great, when and how?”

“I’m being assigned to Ramstein Air Base.”

Assigned???  “Whoa, what do you mean assigned?” almost yelling.

“I did what you did.  When I graduated and turned eighteen, I enlisted in the Air Force.  I just graduated basic in Lackland and advanced training and got assigned to Ramstein,” she explained.

After a moment of silence, she asked, “Aren’t you going to say something?”

“I mean, I’m in shock.  This is a lot to take in just out of the blue.  How did this happen and why didn’t you tell me what you were planning?” I asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Well, first of all, I didn’t tell you so you wouldn’t freak out.  As to how?  Well, that’s a little more complicated.  Remember when you lived at home and you built those model airplanes?”

“Yeah, and you would bombard me with tons of questions about the planes, go on.”

“Well, I’ve always been interested in planes and after you left, I joined JROTC for my last two years in high school.  Anyway, that’s when I started to make plans.  So now I am a C-130 maintainer coming to Ramstein,” she finished.

“Ann, I’m only thirty minutes north of Ramstein in Baumholder.  We can see each other whenever we want.”

“Yeah, I know.  Isn’t this great?  Anyway, that’s one of the reasons I’m calling.  I am coming on a commercial flight from JFK to Frankfurt.  Can you pick me up?  I will have about nine days' leave before I have to report in.  I should be in at 2:45 p.m. local time on Tuesday.”  She waited while I mentally ran through my schedule.  

“I’ll be there with bells on, waiting for you!”

We said our goodbyes and hung up.  My mind was a tumble of emotions, mainly giddy with joy.  I had four days to get ready to pick her up.  I had recently been promoted and was authorized to live off base and have a car.  I had bought an older Mercedes and it could really move out on the Autobahn.  The first stop was with my Platoon Sergeant to request a two-week leave, explaining that my sister was coming.  Then it was a flurry of cleaning my apartment, buying groceries, and getting gas in my car.  And, almost as an afterthought, a case of light German beer.  I usually don’t keep beer in the apartment as I almost always catch dinner and a few beers at the little Gasthaus in my village.

Tuesday morning came and I was a mental wreck.  I was up early to shower, shave and get dressed in a good pair of slacks and button-down shirt.  I felt like I was going on a date.  Ridiculous, she’s my little sister.  But that thought didn’t quell the butterflies in my stomach.  I got to the airport early and even after finding parking I still an hour to wait for her flight.  I caught myself pacing and forced myself to sit.  When they called her flight, I jockeyed myself just outside the arrival doors.  Loads of people started streaming out the doors and I was bobbing and weaving, searching the faces.  As the stream slowed to a trickle, someone tapped me on my shoulder.  I whirled around and was facing a young woman.  Not quite the little girl I remembered.  Ann stood there, a bit taller and filled out a lot more than the skinny girl I left behind.  Ann was smiling her mischievous grin and sparkling eyes.

As she held me at arm’s length said, “Oh my god, Mike, you have filled out marvelously.” And then threw her arms around me.  As I held her, I noticed that she was nearly as tall as myself, she had cut her hair so that her blonde hair just reached her collar.  And, her breasts were pressing in my chest, not the small buds she had before.

As we released our hug, she twirled around asking, “What do you think?”

I stammered, “Ann, it is you that have filled out marvelously.”

I gathered her two suitcases and asked, “Is this all you have?”

“Yes, I shipped most of my stuff to Ramstein.  Of course, if I need something, I can always buy it.”

I led her out to the parking garage, she asked where my car was.  I pointed it out and she started squealing and bouncing up and down.  “You have a Mercedes?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yep, they are very common here and some are really cheap.  I got a good deal on this one.”

One the two-hour drive back to my apartment she constantly chattered about the sights she was seeing.  Occasionally, she would grip the armrest when she realized how fast we were traveling.  However, another sight would catch her eye and she forgot about the speed.

When I got off the Autobahn and started winding our way to my village, she kept oohing at each building she saw.    Finally, we were at my apartment, which is on the back side of my landlord’s house.  It is quite modern in comparison to their house.  The only problem was I only had one bedroom, albeit there was a king-sized bed.  

“Ann, you get the bedroom while you’re here and I’ll take the couch.  Don’t worry, I’ve slept many a night there already.”

“Nonsense, that bed is big enough for both of us.  After all, we’ve slept together when mom and dad were fighting,” she argued.

I wanted to argue back, but a part of me really wanted to hold her again.

“We’ll discuss this later, but first, you must be starving, I know I am,” I remarked.  “I have a great Gasthaus that I eat at and think I should introduce you to some great German cooking.  Do you want to freshen up any?”

“Yes, show me the bathroom, I need a quick shower and change clothes.”

“Holy crap, you’ve got a huge circular bathtub!”  I heard her cry.  “You could have a party in here.”

I snickered to myself at that.  Then a creeping smile crossed my face as I imagined Ann and I in there together.  Stop it, she’s your sister.

I had been on my computer in the living room when she emerged from the bathroom.  I know that my jaw dropped.  She was standing there in a form-fitting t-shirt and jeans that appeared to have been spray-painted on.   As she finished brushing her hair, she asked, “What’s wrong with you, you’ve seen me before?”

I blushed a bit as I answered.  “Not like this.  My god, you have blossomed into a beautiful woman.”

Now it was her turn to blush.  I continued my gaze at her great tits and the flare of her hips.  She put down her brush and picked up her purse saying, “Let’s go, I could eat a horse,” and she headed for the door.  I jumped up quickly to follow and couldn’t help but admire her butt.

Out on the street, Ann kept up the incessant chatter about the surroundings and that of an old-world feeling.  I really don’t recall her ever being this chatty.  Then it occurred to me that she might be nervous and tired.  I continued to throw my comments every now and then.  Once we made it to the Gasthaus and inside, I told her, “I’ll order for you since the menu is in German.”  I ordered our meals in my rudimentary German.

“Damn, and now you speak German too?” Ann looked at me amazed.

“Not really, I can order food and drinks, ask for directions but could never get in a conversation,” I replied.  “Do you want wine or beer with your dinner?”

“I’ll have a beer.  I found out that I enjoyed the taste when I was in advanced training.”  

“Well, let me warn you, German beer has a higher alcohol content than American beer, so take it easy,” I cautioned.

Her chattering slowed during dinner as she gobbled her food and downed her beer before getting halfway through her meal.

“Get me another beer, please,” as she continued to munch.

We finished dinner and she leaned back in her chair and patted her slightly extended belly saying, “I’m stuffed.  That was fantastic.  Let’s have one more beer before we go home.”

I figured it wouldn’t hurt since all she ate, but on the walk back home, I noticed she wobbled a bit.  I offered her my arm and she leaned her head on my shoulder.  I caught a whiff of her shampoo and felt the softness of her hair on my cheek. A tiny spark traveled through my body landing in my groin.  Damn it, you better not go there, I thought.

Back at the apartment, we both took our turns using the bathroom and changing.  I put on a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and a jock strap to hold everything in place just in case of any stray thoughts.  Ann came into the living room and joined me on the couch wearing a baggy pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt.  When she cuddled next to me, I noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were poking the t-shirt.  I thought to myself, it was a good decision to wear the jock strap as a twinge radiated through me and threatened an erection.

“Mike, do you have a girlfriend?”

After a moment of silence, I replied, “No, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Oh, hell no! That’s the last thing I need.  I don’t want to get any kind of a reputation other than being a great mechanic.  Besides, I won’t have time.”  She was quiet for a minute and asked, “Why not?”

“Why not what, have a girlfriend?” She just nodded.  “Well, I don’t have a lot of time either.  During the week, I’m pretty tired when I get home, what with ‘PT’, working ten-hour days, and coming and going.  And let’s not forget getting put on details and pulling duty.”  I sighed and continued, “Plus on weekends, I catch up on my sleep and hang out at that Gasthaus bullshitting with the old Germans.  Not many young women frequent there anyway.”  I looked down at her and said, “Look, you are exhausted, why don’t we go to sleep now, we can talk more tomorrow.”

When we got up from the couch, Ann grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with her to the bedroom.

“Wait, I’m going to sleep on the couch,” I protested.

“Mike, please, sleep with me for tonight, just like we did when mom and dad would fight.  I still remember the night before you left, you holding me as we went to sleep.  I want that feeling again,” she begged.

I didn’t fight it.  After all these years, I still wanted to comfort and protect her.  We both got in bed and she cuddled up to me.  Soon she was softly snoring.  I felt another twinge go through my groin and decided I better go to sleep as well.

I awoke the next morning lying flat on my back with a sore throat, meaning I had snored quite a lot.  I could tell it was morning and glanced to the bedside clock.  7:45 a.m.  Late for a workday, but early for a weekend.  I started to move and realized that Ann had draped one of her legs over mine and had a hand on my chest.  Just then she nuzzled in closer, murmuring, “This is nice.”

She moved her arm down and bumped my cock.  I looked down and saw that my shorts had ridden down low on my hips and the head and a couple of inches of my cock were extended up from under the waist band of the jock strap.  She slid her hand down and actually laid it on my cock.  I flinched and her eyes flew open.  When she did that, she seemed to squeeze it.  Quickly she removed her hand to her chest and looked me in the eye and just say “Oh”.  I looked back at her sheepishly and realized she didn’t shrink back or take her leg off of me.  She looked back down at my cock and then took her fingertip and poked the head.  Again, I flinched.  

“Mike, can I tell you something?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“You know when I would fall asleep in your bed, I would usually wake up before you did.  I could tell you were hard under your PJs. I always wanted to touch it, feel it and play with it.  Is that weird?” she asked.

“Ah, yeah.  We’re brother and sister.  So, yeah it would be weird,” I responded.

“What if we weren’t?  I mean what if we weren’t brother and sister right now?” she asked, gazing at my face and eyes.

I snickered and said, “Hell, I would have been all over your ass last night,” reaching down and playfully slapping her butt.

“Really?  I kind of had that feeling last night.  I saw you checking out my body and the way you wrapped your arm around me when we were on the couch.”

“I didn’t…” I tried to say, but she just put her finger to my lips.

“Don’t lie.  You’ve never lied to me before, so don’t try it now.”

I stammered, “Maybe a quick glance.”

“Shit, sitting there staring with your mouth hanging open is not a glance,” she said as she slapped my chest. 

I carefully studied her face and saw those sparkling eyes and the mischievous grin again.  I scooted up in the bed to lean on the headboard.  As I did, my shorts slid all the way down over my butt, leaving everything pretty much exposed.

Ann looked up at me and said, “That, my dear brother, was a quick glance, not an opened mouth stare.”

“Ha ha, so true.  Ann, I must ask you a...

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Written by Mercury7259
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