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A Father's Foot Fetish Exposed Ch.3

"Alan falls in love once more."

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Author's Notes

"This is a work of fiction. Any relation to actual persons or places is purely coincidental. <p> [ADVERT] </p>All persons depicted are over the age of eighteen."

Alan slammed the front door shut and slid down to his butt. He could hear the bathtub running upstairs and thought about going up to join his daughter in the bathroom. But it sounded like she wanted the night to be over, the last thing she said being 'Night daddy', so he decided against it.

He retreated to his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed. As he lay on his pillow something tickled his nose. He pulled his head up and saw Angela's panties. That's right, he had forgotten he threw them on his bed earlier. He stuffed his nose into them and enjoyed her odor. He was far too spent to orgasm for a fifth time that day so he didn't even try. He set them aside and laid down to sleep. Her scent, however, didn't leave his nose. Some of her juices must have seeped onto his pillow, so Alan fell off to sleep with an erection, nose deep in his daughter's pussy.

The next day, Angela was off to her classes and Alan to work. He could barely concentrate with Angela dancing through his mind. He counted the minutes until he could get home and continue his escapades with her. When he did, however, it did not go as he thought it would.

When Alan got home and greeted Angela, it was your typical father-daughter relationship. She didn't act flirty with him at all, just back to her old ways. Alan realized he needed to figure out how to balance being her father, and her lover. He wasn't in a relationship with her, he couldn't be. He was her father, they just happened to have sex.

The next day continued mostly the same. Alan tried to engage; offering foot and leg massages, touching her on her sides and legs gently whenever she was close, and being generally flirting overall in how he talked. But Angela didn't respond. Alan satisfied himself by using her panties he had saved. He came into them twice that day until they were too hard to use anymore.

The next day, with the panties used up, Alan went to the laundry basket. Inside he found the clothes Angela wore to dinner two nights ago. Alan took her pantyhose and brought the crotch to his face and breathed her scent in. He brazenly dropped his pants and wrapped the feet around his cock and stroked himself. It had been less than two days, but he missed her so desperately already. He also thought if she saw him that might put her in the mood to fool around. As he stroked he exaggerated his grunts in hopes that she'd come to investigate.

He wasn't let down as Angela soon appeared in the doorway, reminiscent of the first time she'd caught him to kick off this whole affair. Alan pulled her pantyhose from his face and looked at her with a grin, excited for her reaction.

"Don't blow it all on my underwear, save some for this weekend," she said casually before strolling away.

Alan was disappointed, but at the same time intrigued. She wasn't joking before, she had something planned for them this weekend. As hard as it was to do, Alan dropped the pantyhose and put his cock away. He was going to save himself for his daughter.

It was four days until Saturday, and it wasn't going to be easy for Alan. He normally masturbated at least once a day, and since he started fooling around with Angela his sex drive kicked into overdrive. He was horny nearly every second of the day.

Angela certainly made it difficult for him. She'd walk around in panties and a t-shirt, leave dirty socks lying around the house, she even left her soccer cleats on his bed after practice on Friday. Alan masturbated with them, but he was careful. He made sure not to get too close to orgasm. He knew he'd been building up a massive load all week, and he wanted to give it to Angela.

Saturday finally came and Alan woke up early with a rock-hard erection. He pulled himself out of bed, washed, and threw on some old clothes before heading to the kitchen. Angela was already there, sitting at the table painting her toenails. Alan walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, being sure not to disturb the delicate work.

"Morning, hun, you're up early for a Saturday."

"We've got a big day today. I gotta get ready."

Big day. That intrigued Alan. He had been looking forward to this all week, and that just excited him even more.

"So what are our plans for today anyway?"

"It's a surprise, dad. You'll see when we get there."

The anticipation was driving him wild, but he had waited this long already, he could wait a few more hours. Alan cooked breakfast for the two as Angela finished painting her nails, a warm violet that contrasted her pale toes.

After Angela was satisfied her nails were dry she hopped to her feet and headed to her room announcing, "Ok dad, time to get ready."

"Wait! What should I wear?" Alan called after her.

"It doesn't matter, you won't be wearing it for very long," she replied with an evil grin before taking off to her room.

Alan grew more excited by the second. He ran up to his room and threw on some cargo shorts and a t-shirt and went to sit in the living room to wait. It took a painfully long time before Alan finally heard Angela coming down the stairs. He turned to see her and was surprised to see her wearing her soccer uniform. Loose white and orange jersey with a black sports bra underneath and black shorts, along with her white knee socks.

"Ready, dad?"

"Uh, yeah. Do you have practice today?" Alan asked, getting to his feet.

"Nope, just the game on Monday," Angela replied as she placed a pair of running shoes on the floor and slipped her feet into them.

It took a moment, but Alan recognized those shoes, they were his wife's. Stitched fabric, a pink tread and nose fading to purple at the heel, they were her favorites. Alan watched as his daughter slid her angelic feet into where his wife's once stood, it was a perfect fit. Angela was taking her mother's place as his lover, this confirmed it for Alan.

"Ready to go?"

"Uhh. Yeah, yeah... let's go"

Alan threw on some sneakers and the two headed to the car. He was about to open the door when Angela grabbed the keys from his hands saying, "I'm driving."

Alan agreed and got into the passenger seat. He thought about asking about the uniform, but he decided to just wait and see. He rested his hand on Angela's thigh as she drove, and she shot him a cheery smile. Alan could smell the sweat coming off his daughter already,  she was wearing dirty clothes.

Alan recognized the area they were in, Angela's college campus. He assumed they were just headed through, but she abruptly turned in the recreational area parking lot. She circled the soccer field and came to a stop right outside the main soccer facility, right where Alan had picked her up last week and many times before. Angela unbuckled herself and hopped out of the car, Alan following her lead.

"I thought you didn't have practice," Alan said, perplexed.

"I don't!" Angela squealed as she grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the building, "Come on!"

"Wait, am I allowed in here?" Alan protested as she pulled him through the doors.

"God, dad, enough already," Angela groaned, "be adventurous for once. I promise you won't regret it."

Alan shut his mouth and let her lead. She brought him downstairs and through a hall, stopping briefly at a door so he could read the sign, 'Women's Locker Room' before yanking him through it.

Alan's heart raced as he entered forbidden territory. It looked much like a men's room, rows of lockers with benches in the middle stretched from left to right. On the right there was a line of mirrors and sinks, and past that a white tiled shower room. He, like most men, always fantasized about being in the girls' locker room. Those fantasies, however, generally didn't involve family members for most people.

Angela pulled Alan down a row of lockers to the back wall. They reached a caged area with a door and a couple of machines inside, the laundry room. Alan suddenly had an idea of what they were doing here, and his dick started to grow with excitement. Angela opened the door and went inside, retrieved something from a shelf, and returned to him.

"This door is usually locked, but I made sure it would stay open for us."

"How did you do that?"

Angela simply winked at him and held up a single key in her hand, what she had taken from the room.

"Guess what this opens…"

She didn't give him a chance to respond as she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the front of the room, a big open space. She suddenly pulled her body against his and looked longingly up at him.

She spoke in a soft, loving voice, "Daddy… I'm so thankful to have you. I know how much you've sacrificed to take care of me alone since mom. And I just want you to know how much I appreciate you. You make me so happy, and I just want to repay you by making you the happiest I can."

Alan nearly had a tear in his eye. He brought his hands up and held her cheeks, looking deep into her eyes.

"I love you, Angela…"

"I love you too, daddy…"

The two shared a passionate, steamy kiss.  Hands explored each other's bodies rapidly, pulling clothes and squeezing flesh. Angela pulled her father's shirt up and he removed it over his head. Alan did the same, pulling her jersey off and tossing it to the floor. Alan cocked his head and latched on Angela's neck, making her moan. She grabbed his shorts and underwear and pulled them both down at once, exposing his cock that was already ready to go. The tip of his head pressed against Angela's belly button as the two made out.

Angela suddenly pulled away from him. She walked into one of the rows of lockers and held up the key again. Alan watched in awe at his beautiful girl. She was so striking. Her slim, toned body in just a sports bra, compression shorts, and knee socks with her mother's running shoes. His mouth was watering. Angela approached a locker and unlocked it with the key. She reached inside and grabbed a bag before returning to Alan.

"You always wash my clothes at home," Angela began, "but what about the girls who live on campus? Who does their laundry?"

Angela handed Alan the bag and he slowly opened it. He was greeted with an old musty odor as he saw it was full of dirty soccer uniforms.

"They get washed here. And they only do laundry after a game. So right now, this place is filled with my teammates' dirty clothes," Angela declared with a devious smile.

Angela snatched the bag from Alan and dumped it on the floor where her jersey was. Out fell a few pairs of socks and compression shorts and a couple of jerseys.

"This is my gift to you, daddy," Angela explained as she went back to the lockers and opened another one. She brought another bag back and dumped it in the pile, this one included a pair of thong panties among other things.

"Ohhh, Jackpot!" Angela exclaimed, "Those are Emily's. She's a bit of a slut"

Alan couldn't believe what was happening. His daughter was giving him a goldmine of dirty socks for him to play with. He didn't know where to begin. Touching Angela's clothes was one thing, but messing with strangers' undergarments was a whole nother level of perversion.

"This is Maya, black girl with a great ass," Angela said as she dumped another pile. "What are you waiting for, dad? Dig in. You just better save your cum for me, though."  She grinned at him and left to retrieve another bag.

Alan's knees felt weak. He dropped down and pulled off his socks and shoes and knelt in the pile of clothes. He grabbed Emily's yellow thong and brought it to his face. He breathed in her flavor as he wrapped a sock around his dick and gently stroked himself.

"Karen, petite blonde," Angela announced, dumping the bag over Alan's head.

Alan swapped the panties for a fresh sock that fell to his shoulder and squeezed some compression shorts on his cock. The sour smell of dried sweat shocked all the nerves in his body. He had to slow his stroking so as not to cum.

"Ali, cute little Asian."

"Sam, our thick goaltender."

"Veronica, sexy latina."

Angela kept dumping more and more bags of dirty laundry on him. Alan sprawled out on the growing pile and grabbed handfuls of clothes, bringing them to his face to smell. He didn't know what belonged to who and he didn't care. Each individual odor was mixing together into an intoxicating cloud of pleasure that surrounded him.

"Kira, Abbey, Maggie…"

Angela kept piling on the clothes on her father until the lockers were emptied. She had a giddy expression on her face watching Alan frolic in the musky clothes of her teammates. Alan grabbed every pair of panties he could find and wrapped them all around his cock. He gathered the socks and began smelling each one individually, trying to differentiate their unique scents. He was in foot-fuckers paradise.

Alan was shaken from his trance as he felt Angela tapping his leg with her shoe. He opened his eyes to see her standing above him with an armful of cleats. Alan's jaw dropped as she released her load and the cleats tumbled to the floor in front of him. Angela crouched down as Alan got up on his knees facing her. Angela ran her finger up the length of his panty-covered cock and giggled. Alan shivered at her touch, afraid of cumming at her lightest touch and ruining everything.

"So, take your pick," Angela said, spreading her arms over the selection.

Alan's mouth watered. He reached down and grabbed a white and yellow cleat and opened the lip to check the size, 5.5. He brought it up to his nose and sucked in the sour scent, letting out a groan as he exhaled.

"Ahh you like that one, huh?" Angela jabbed, "I think that's Ali's."

Alan took the cleat and slipped it over his panty-covered dick, letting it hang off his erection. He picked up another one and brought it to his face, taking in the new scent. Angela grabbed hold of Ali's cleat and began stroking her father with it. Alan went from cleat to cleat, comparing the flavors of the girls' feet. He was able to match up some of the shoes with the socks based on the girls' individual scents. Angela circled Alan and began draping dirty socks over his shoulders and around his neck before returning to stroke his cock. Between the aroma of sweaty feet surrounding him and his dick being stroked by this stranger's dirty makeshift vagina, Alan was in a state of pure bliss. He wanted it to last forever.

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Alan opened his eyes and looked down at Angela. His perfect little girl had given him this amazing experience, he was so grateful. But even in this intensely perverted situation, Alan wanted more. He wanted his daughter. He would trade all the dirty socks in the world to be with her.

Alan dropped the cleat he was smelling and wrapped his hand around Angela's head. She looked up at him with her crystal doe eyes as he pulled her into him and slid his tongue into her mouth. Angela reciprocated his kiss and the two grabbed each other's bodies as they began making out. Alan was being more aggressive this time. He slid his hands inside Angela's shorts and squeezed her firm butt. Angela moaned as she ran her hands over Alan's chest and pulled the cleat off of his cock.

Angela pushed Alan back onto his butt and got on her knees in front of him. She pulled off the panties on his cock except for one, a pink and white striped thong. She stretched it over the head of his dick and slid it into her mouth.

"Oh fuck. Ange, that's so dirty…" Alan moaned as he felt Angela's saliva soaking through the thin fabric as she began sucking him.

Angela moaned over Alan's dick as she bobbed her head up and down on the soaked panties. Alan brought a few socks to his face and nibbled on the fabric as Angela blew him. He held onto her head and followed her motions, she looked up at him and the two locked eyes as they performed this degenerate act.

After blowing him for a short while Angela released his cock and removed the panties. She mounted Alan and sat on his thighs, sliding her crotch right up against his dick. She brought her feet up and rested them on either side of his head. Alan rubbed the coarse fabric of her shoes with his hands before untying the laces on each one and pulling them off. He brought the opening of one to his nose and took a deep whiff.

As Alan breathed in the scent his mind went back to his wife's feet. Their look, their feel,  their smell. They used to drive him wild, and now his daughter's feet were taking their place.

"You smell just like how I remember your mom," Alan said softly as he pulled the shoe from his nose.

"Really?" Angela smiled brightly.

"Mhmm… The best smell in the world."

Angela blushed as she pressed her feet into Alan's face. Alan took them and dug his nose into the dirty cotton. He opened his mouth and took her toes into his mouth, soaking the fabric around them. Angela held his dick against her crotch and grinded against it. Alan could feel her lips rubbing against his shaft through the thin lycra as he sucked on...

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Written by QuietNightFantasy
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