"Aaand... cut!" said Justyna. "Well done, everybody, that was excellent. Let's take a break."
I feel so proud and excited. I had just finished my first scene in Justyna's new movie. She's the director, by the way, and it was she who decided to film "Seduction" at our family home.
There are lots of new things I need to get used to. First of all, individual scenes are not shot in sequence. It all depends on the different setups and the lighting and everything. It's when Zoe gets to work that the whole thing is assembled in the proper order. Zoe is Justyna's editor. Her job begins once the shooting is done. Today it's Justyna and Sonja, the camerawoman, who are here.
In the beginning, Sonja had to keep reminding me not to look directly at the camera or at the director. But I've got the hang of it now. My sister Helen is already an experienced porn actor, and she has helped me enormously.
The scene we've just done is where Helen has already won my trust and is gradually undressing me on the couch in our living room. In real life, Helen and I have been having sex together for ages, but today we are pretending that it's my first time.
But now Helen and I are in our dressing gowns while Justyna and Sonja set up for the next scene. This will be where Helen is watching me masturbate with a vibrator I am supposed to have found in our Mum's bedside drawer. There will be lots of big close-ups.
I wondered about makeup, and now I understand. Justyna likes things to look natural, so no false eyelashes and certainly no shoes in bed. The lighting is very bright, and so we put oil on our skin which we do ourselves. Once it has soaked in, this makes our skin look smooth and matt. Helen and I help each other with the oil. There's concealer for any spots and blemishes, and then our regular face makeup.
Now we are all set for the masturbation scene. Usually, Justyna likes long uninterrupted takes, but there will be many close-ups of my pussy in this scene.
As you can tell, I am well into this now. It will be my first professional performance (the pay is ever so good). I have yet to decide on my professional name. Helen is known as Olivia North. I like that name coz it sounds genuine and not contrived or artificial.
In the beginning, I was very uncertain about doing this, but Helen reassured me, and now after a lot of rehearsals, I am ever so comfortable about being naked and being filmed.
Of course, it helps that Helen and I are lovers anyway. And in the scene where Mum gets us to lick her, front and back... well, that happens in real too!
I do hope you aren't shocked, please don't be. We are such a happy family now since my Dad left. Mum had an affair with another woman, and he just couldn't handle it. We are in a good place with all of this now.
Now it's time for me and Helen to get into position and begin our scene. I get aroused very quickly when I am with Mum and Helen, so I am naturally wet and everything before the filming even starts.
"Aaand... action!"
I am showing Helen the vibrator, and we are both giggling. It's the very same vibe that I once watched my Mum using on herself a couple of years earlier.
I am in a crop top and denim shorts, Helen in jeans and a tartan shirt. Our feet are bare (that's one of Justyna's signature things. - always bare feet.)
Before filming starts, we rehearse the scene, and we agree on the kind of dialogue we will use, but the words are all improvised.
I decide to try the vibrator on myself, so I undo my shorts and wriggle out of them, pull down my panties and lay back on Mum's bed, legs spread.
Using two fingers, I part my lips and sort myself out down there. Sonja's camera lens is right up close at this point. I look up at Helen and giggle again, and then I press the tip of the vibrator briefly against my clitoris.
Still looking into Helen's eyes, I smile and gurgle. Then I giggle a bit self-consciously and begin to slowly stoke the vibe up and down one side of my clitoris. Then up to the top, where I press a bit harder, then down the other side.
This is where reality and pretence get a bit mixed up. My body is definitely responding to all this. Helen's role at this point is just to watch. My role is to carry on masturbating until I cum. As the camera pulls back, I push up my top and clutch my right breast as I concentrate on my feelings.

My climax needs to be not too soon but not too long either. There's no need for me to worry, coz my body is taking care of it quite naturally.
The only bit of acting is for me to look straight at Helen when it happens. No screaming, just a sigh and a smile. The camera comes very close now as Sonja captures my vaginal contractions. The bright light will make everything glisten beautifully.
"Aaand... cut!"
It has been a long day, but such fun. Justyna and Sonja make it all seem like a party, and all the technicalities of filmmaking are purely incidental.
Helen and I are in bed now, just kissing and cuddling and giggling about some of the silly things that happened during the filming.
"God, Kate, you are so much better to work with than most girls."
"Why so?"
"Well, you don't sweat the small stuff."
"And it's all small stuff!" I say, to complete the quote.
Now we are kissing properly, by which I mean kissing where our whole minds and bodies are involved. This is so lovely coz now we can let our bodies just get on with it, and they do!
Lips and fingers and tongues and the seeking out of each other's favourite places. That's the great this about a relationship like ours, we grew up together, we know absolutely everything about each other. Like I know that Helen LOVES when I touch her bottom. By which I mean her anus.
I was a bit awkward about that at first. I was just sixteen when Helen asked me to touch her there. She called it her rosebud. But once I saw how much pleasure it gave her, I was happy to touch her there as often as she wanted.
Now I just LOVE licking the soft crinkled skin around her bum hole. It's ever so sensitive there. I read somewhere that there are as many nerve endings there in the clitoris. So no wonder it's such a popular place to visit.
Day Two of the filming and Justyna has returned, with Sonja, and they are all smiles and excited as hell.
It seems that yesterday's shooting looks terrific, and NO, we can't see anything yet, and YES, we will soon, once Zoe has finished the editing.
But today, Mum is the star. It's the scene where she first discovers what her two daughters are up to in her bedroom. Mum is in her bathrobe. She watches for a while and then makes her entrance, and as the bathrobe falls from her shoulders, the girls realise what they must do. They both kneel.
In rehearsal, Helen and I decided that I would go behind partly because it would be a new thing for me, and any hesitancy would be great for the film.
So, now we have a run-through so Sonja can get her camera angles just right, and Mum and I can get used to our first-time anal things.
I have done things with Helen, but this is my Mum!
"Aaand... action!"
Mum is naked and standing with legs apart, looking magnificent. Helen is kneeling and fingering Mum's pussy. I am kneeling behind her and pressing my face against her bottom cheeks. I'm really nervous now coz this will be my first time with Mum this way.
I decide to use my hands to part her cheeks, a little but just enough for me to reach her bum-hole. Summoning up my courage, I stick out my tongue and touch her most private place.
Mum groans encouragingly, and so I press more and lick more, and I can feel her pushing back against me. The taste and aroma are intoxicating. Now I feel all pleased with myself as I circle her rosebud with the tip of my tongue. I can see Helen's fingers below as she finger-fucks her mother really fast.
Oh, GOD! Mum's anus is opening, and now my tongue can slip inside. I am entirely unaware of the camera, while Mum moves in a gentle rhythm now as her two daughters bring her to her climax.
My hand goes down between my legs instinctively, and without thinking, I rub myself, my wet cunt, my eager clitoris. The three of us, licking, lapping, touching and entirely lost in our world of sexual desire for each other. No leaders, no followers, no rules, no taboos, just the ultimate and primitive expression of love and lust.
"Aaand... cut!"
(To be continued)