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Chapter Five.

'The Five Orange Lips'

The wind howled around the tall apartment block that was Harbour Way, and as the night drew in rapidly, the storm grew wilder and louder, and the rain lashed the windows with a savage ferocity. Emma Watson's stylish flat was on the twenty-fifth floor of the serviced building by the River Thames, and it was her pride and joy. The main room had a contemporary look with hardwood floors, underfloor heating, and air conditioning. There was a fully equipped kitchen and three large bedrooms.

Having lived by herself since moving here, Emma had of late given up one of her bedrooms to that most unique of females, Scarlett Holmes. By some odd peculiarity, or maybe a curious abnormality in the universe, the sister of the most famous private detective of the 19th century had been transported to the year 2023. Scarlett's good fortune was to run into Emma, the great-granddaughter of her once-close confidante and lover. Emma looked up from reading the latest edition of The Lancet and saw Scarlett sitting by herself in a mood. It had been a quiet week for both, and boredom inevitably set in. Both started at the buzz of the intercom, which indicated a visitor.

"A visitor? On a night such as this? Could it be a case?"

Emma looked out of the window, which ran into streams of water.

"If so, then it must be a serious one for someone to come out on a night like this."


Emma spoke into the speakerphone at the sound of a woman's voice downstairs.

"Hi, Emma? It's Lucy. From the escort agency."

"Open the door when I buzz."

Emma pushed the entry button for three seconds to let the brunette glamour model in. After five minutes, she knocked on the front door, and Emma ushered her in.

"Scarlett. Emma."

"My dear Lucy, Why are you soaked through? Take off that coat so we can dry you off."

Scarlett helped her off with her floor-length raincoat and shook it in both hands. Lucy wore a figure-hugging dress with such a small neckline as to be virtually nonexistent. The vivacious brunette exuded sex appeal as she took a seat and fluffed her dark hair.

"How are you, my dear Lucy? quite a jolly romp we had at Buckley Hall, wasn't it?"

Scarlett referred to the recent sexual organization they had all taken part in. (See part three.)

"It was certainly memorable. Rhian is still having wet dreams about it."

"Emma, some tea."


As Emma raced off to the kitchen, Lucy looked into Scarlett's big green eyes and stifled a sob.

"Miss Holmes. I don't know if you can help me, but I am sure that if you can't, then no one can."

Scarlett turned an electric fire towards Lucy's chair and sat on the arm to comfort the smoking hot model.

"Here, have some tea and tell us why you have come out on this horrendous night."

Emma passed a cup to Lucy and took a seat equidistant from hers. Once the hot liquid had warmed Lucy's throat, she began to relax.

"It's my great-aunt, Prudence, on my mother's side. I've hardly ever met her, but it seems she was proud of my charity work with 'Animal Rescue.' She's now died, and her solicitor has told me she has left me a very nice sum of money. To help out the poor dogs and cats. She loved animals. It's six figures."

'Result!" Emma said cheerily.

"Yeah, nice. The trouble is, her stepson has a jealous side and thinks it should be he who gets to inherit the money and not me. Rather than leave her legacy in a bank or property where it could be easily gotten, she has hidden the endowment. In diamonds, by the way, in a secret location. Prudence was quite the fan of you, Scarlett, and she has set me a challenge. A challenge that, if solved, will lead me to the money. Nobody else has the clues, so this way she would have been sure it was I that found the diamonds."

Holmes patted Lucy on the shoulder, and the lecherous golden blonde unashamedly leered down her low-cut neck at her substantial cleavage.

"This is capital! I love a challenge such as this."

"This is what she left."

Lucy handed over a handwritten note to Scarlett, who held it up to the light.

"Basildon Bond writing paper in pale blue with the watermark that states it was established in 1911. Despite the smooth paper and line guide to ensure uniform writing, your great-aunt's hand veers sharply to the right. A left-hander most like, and written in a hurry to boot. The message is cryptic, to be sure."

"What does it say?' asked an excited Emma. "Read it out loud."

Scarlett stood up and spoke slowly for dramatic effect.

"Whose was it? She who has gone, who shall have it? She will come. Where was the sum? In five orange lips. How shall we give it? 1x1x1x1x1."

Scarlett rubbed her chin in deep thought.

"A perplexing message to state the obvious. Have you any idea what it means, Lucy?"

"I do. There was another letter in the same envelope. It contained five names and a tiny symbol underneath. A picture of a tattoo template. A pair of pursed female orange lips."

"Curious. And the names?"

"Three women. Two men. Susy is from Barcelona and earns a living as a stripper. Grace teaches a yoga class in the city every Monday and Wednesday evening. Ana is an insurance saleswoman. The men are identical twins. Aged twenty, they play rugby for the University of Cambridge."

"An intriguing collection, to be sure. All known to your great-aunt, no doubt."

Lucy nodded and warmed her feet by the fire as Scarlett ruminated on the facts.

"Have you figured it out, Holmes?"

"Well. She who had it is no doubt great-aunt Prudence. And she who shall have it is obviously Lucy. The clue to the location of the hidden diamonds seems likely to be secreted in these five lips. Body tattoos? 1x1x1x1x1, or the five individual lip tattoos, plausibly conceal the solution to the placement of the said diamonds. To discover the whereabouts, we must endeavour to root out the five tattoos and put all the pieces of the puzzle together."

"Do you think the five will be willing to let us scrutinize their tattoos?"

Emma looked at Scarlett and then back to Lucy.

"Hopefully willing. If not, we must do whatever is needed to study them closely."

"Anything? But they might have their ink, well, you know. In private places."

"I agree totally."

"So how do you propose to do that then?"

"Why, isn't it obvious? We shall seduce them all and fuck them."

Scarlett matter-of-factly spread her hands.

"You must help us out if it is convenient. If it is inconvenient, help us anyway."

"Oh, balls! Here we go again!"


"So, we are all agreed? I will deal with the yoga instructor while Lucy and I visit the tempting stripper later in the evening. You, my dear Emma, shall pose as an actress seeking a more lucrative insurance policy with Miss Fox."

"And the twins?"

"Ah, the twins. A sporting set of robust fellows, if I'm not mistaken, and more than likely an all-nighter. Yes, I think we three best team up on that score. Hah! Cambridge. I haven't been there for 140 years."

Lucy raised a quizzical brow and looked at Emma, who just shrugged and looked to the ceiling.

"To work then, ladies. How exciting!"


At precisely 10 a.m. Emma exited Bank Underground Station and walked the short distance to Number 20, Fenchurch Street. Recently built, the 38-story office building was famously known as the 'Walkie Talkie' due to its unique resemblance to the two-way radio device. After showing one of the security guards at the front entrance her mobile phone entry code, the petite actress took the lift to the 21st floor.

"One, two, three, ah. This is it."

Emma read the names of the occupiers of door number four on the frosted window. Ana Fox, Personal Accident Insurance. This was it. According to Scarlett, this woman had one of the vital clues to the whereabouts of the hidden diamonds. Secreted in a personal tattoo, no less. She knocked on the door and went straight in.

"Miss Fox?"

Emma spoke to an ebony female standing at the window and watering a flower pot. The tall woman turned and adjusted her eyeglasses to look at Emma. The actress wore a medium-length coat with a short skirt beneath it and cut a rather refined figure.

"That's Mrs. Fox."

Ana Fox was close to six feet tall in her high heels. She looked every bit like a professional businesswoman in her plain white blouse and pinstripe mini skirt. The black-haired beauty had a slim, athletic figure with perky C-cup breasts and long legs.

"I do apologize."

"No need. Take a seat, Miss Watson."

"Doctor. I'm here to get some extra accident and injury coverage for a friend of mine."

"Fine. Our experts promise you peace of mind and complete trust. It's my job to maximize profitability and ensure our customers have a satisfied consultation. Coffee?"

"No thanks. So, you're an American?"

"Born in Rialto, California, I came here with my husband five, no six, years ago now."

Emma looked around the office. There is nothing to write home about; it is simply a functional room with one big window and minimal furniture. Despite her recent adventures with Scarlett Holmes, Emma did not consider herself to have any lesbian tendencies, although her latest experiences with other women led her to believe that she may very well be bisexual. Her natural inclination was always towards men, but since encountering the incomparable private detective, her life has changed in several ways. As Ana continued with her pitch, Emma found herself looking directly into the dark-skinned woman's sly-looking brown eyes.

"I said, are you married?"

"Oh! No. No, I'm not. I get a bit tired of men."

"Sister. I'm with you on that. I like nothing more than a girl's night out once in a while. You feel me?"


"I adore my husband, Rick. But he's more interested in hanging out with his friends than he is in spending time with me. I'd never cheat on him, though." Ana leaned in and whispered. "He's hung like a stallion. The great white hope, I call it."


"His dick!"

Ana got up and walked around the back of Emma's chair, and Emma felt her presence close to her right shoulder.

"Yeah. I'd never been seen dead with another man. But a woman?"

"By the way, I forgot to mention that I was recommended to you by Lucy Pinder."

"Lucy Pinder?"

"That's right. Her great-aunt Prudence passed recently."

"Sorry to hear that. She did a lot for the sick pets. She came here when I first got started on a special life insurance policy. Such a shame. You like cats?"

Go for it, girl. Remember Scarlett's coaching? She took a deep breath and spoke in a firm voice.

"Why, there's nothing I love more than a nice pussycat."

Emma crossed her legs, and her skirt hiked up to show a considerable bare thigh. Ana squeezed her shoulder and then sat on the edge of her desk.

"Is that so? You know Lucy then?"

"Only recently. She's very nice."

Their eyes met, and Emma found herself hypnotized by Ana's almost feline-looking big eyes.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

Ana leaned in so that her chin rested on Emma's shoulder.

'What is it?"

Slightly distracted by the taller woman's creeping fingers on the back of her neck, Emma closed her eyes and strained her ears.

"I got some ink done as a thank you to Prudence Pinder. To her design."

"That so?"

As Ana stroked her hair, Emma squirmed in her seat, thrilled by the other woman's touch. Her pants felt moist under her skirt, and she thought there was a definite dampness on her downy pubic hair.

"It's in a place you wouldn't normally expect."

"Right. I never had the desire to get one myself. I hate needles."

"Listen," Ana said as she returned to sit at her desk, giving Emma the chance to open her clamped-together thighs in blessed relief. "I'd like to invite you back to my place for a drink. I never meet celebrities all that much. I like to keep an informal way of working."

"Yes, I'd like that."

Emma accepted without question. This would provide the chance to study the sought-after tattoo.

"Terrific. Here's my address. See you about eight?"


Emma had dressed carefully in a loose top and a very short and tight black skirt and wore four-inch black stilettos. Although Ana might be hooked, it was essential that Emma reel her in by appearing to be a common whore. Her nails were painted a striking shade of crimson, and she hung loose about her shoulders. With a smoldering dark eye shadow, the cutie pie had been transformed far more severely than she dared.

"Well, don't you scrub up well!"

Ana opened the front door of her semi-detached house in South London and looked Emma up and down with admiration. Likewise, Ana looked breathtaking in an elegant and racy evening dress with a plunging neckline.

"Don't stand on ceremony. Get your ass inside."

Emma smiled and tottered in on trembling legs into what was a modern-looking living room. Her high heels cracked noisily on the hardwood floor as she took a seat on the large, three-seater sofa.

"White wine?"


Ana poured a glass of Chardonnay from a half-empty bottle and handed it to Emma. Even her movements had a cat-like quality as their hands brushed and the actress felt her nipples stiffen beneath the soft fabric of her top. Ana exuded an air of confidence that came with her gorgeous looks.

"I like you, Emma. A lot," said Ana as she sat knee to knee next to her.

"I like you too."

The wine tasted good and had the effect of loosening Emma from any apprehensions of what was to come. She was conscious of Ana's perfume as they got closer, and the delicate scent relaxed her even more.

"What is that?"

"Yves Saint Laurent. Black opium, what else?"

Emma took a big gulp of wine and felt her heart hammer in her chest as the deep-ebony-skinned female ran her fingernails leisurely up her right thigh. A rush of blood went into two different and distinct places as the predatory Ana slowly lifted the hem of Emma's skirt. First to her cheeks, and secondly to her loins. They kissed, and Emma opened her legs quite instinctively as Ana moved her right hand between her splayed thighs.

"Mmm!" Ana moaned into Emma's mouth. "You're not wearing pants, you little minx!"

Emma groaned an affirmative as her bare pussy was cupped and stroked lightly.

"No sense wasting precious time, is there? Oh!"

Ana breathed on Emma's neck as she purposefully fingered Emma's bald muff, especially shaved for this purpose. With her skirt hiked up to her navel, Emma slipped the flimsy top from her shoulders and exposed her pert boobs. Both purred as Ana trailed her long nails across Emma's breasts and flicked at the hard nipples. Emma felt an acute tingling as she reacted to the gossamer touch on her sensitive tits and rubbed her thighs together to savor the lovely warmth down there. Ana then clamped her fulsome lips on her left nipple and sucked it into her mouth with an audible slurp.

"Oh, my!"

Emma's back stiffened as her half-naked form reacted to the cool air of the air conditioning, and her silky, smooth snatch glistened with her love juices. Ana lifted her own gown, straddled the pocket-sized beauty, and proceeded to drag her twat along Emma's mound. They both moaned in tandem as Ana expertly gyrated on the other while nibbling on Emma's stark and very erect nubs.

"Fuck! You're so fucking cute! I must have you. Let's go to the bedroom."

Emma was dragged up by both hands, and in the process, her top fell away and she wriggled out of her tight skirt. At five-four in bare feet, the heels gave her a little extra height. The charming doll had medium-sized breasts, a flat stomach, and a cute ass.



Ana slipped her dress from her right shoulder, and the expensive gown slithered down her exquisite body to the white carpet. In a state of total nudity, Ana was extremely slender and willowy. A tall, all-natural fox with exotic curves and bubble butt. Her cunt had been severely trimmed back. So much that her lips appeared to be transparent. And she had that enviable, erotic hollow cavity just below her mound and between her inner thighs. Above all, this was her flawless skin. A rich chocolate brown, free of blemishes. And tattoos. Where were the orange lips? Was this really the person they were interested in?

"In there."

It was an untidy room with a double bed, a bedside table, and one wardrobe. Ana picked up a few discarded pants and socks and threw them in a heap as Emma scrutinized her naked form. No ink anywhere.

"Men! SO messy!"

Ana flopped onto the bed and flung her arms open in an invitation for Emma to join her. Emma fell on top of her, and their hot bodies writhed in each other's arms. Both pushed at each other with their lower bodies, Emma pressing her mound down on Ana, who pumped right back at her. Their mouths met, and their tongues intermingled as they dry-humped each other. Ana grabbed onto Emma's cheeks and used her to bang into her moistening muff.


Ana spun the pair of them so that she was on top of Emma. The ebony goddess slithered down Emma's front, leaving a vertical smear of saliva all the way to her mouth.

"I've wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you."

Emma sighed and spread her legs out wide as Ana played with the soft curls of her pubes. Her clitoris peeped out from its tiny cover, and Ana flicked out her tongue at it. Two fingers parted her outer lips and delved inside her ever-increasing wetness. As she was soundly frigged, a darting tongue brushed her clitoral area from side to side. Emma cooed and wrapped her slim pins around Ana's upper back and rotated her hips as her pussycat was eaten out.


Her bud was teased beyond her wildest dreams, and intense pulses rushed through her northern regions. In a haze of lust, Emma tried to focus on the task at hand. Where was this elusive tattoo?

"Can you do 69?"

"Yes," replied Emma, with a certain confusion. Could she?

Emma took a long and lingering look at Ana's bubble butt. No tattoo could be seen on the perfectly rounded buttocks. Ana then straddled her, and Emma stared up at the pink-lined cunt of the black beauty. As her own pussy was enthusiastically lapped on, she began to lick Ana's smooth labia, making clockwise circular motions all around. Emma hummed blissfully as her pussy was probed and sucked with relish by the quivering Ana.

"Yeah, keep doing that, honey. Lick that fucking pussy!"

Emma buried her face in Ana's cunt and used her pointed tongue to thrust up inside the juiced-up slit. She moved her head back and forth and gripped the firm cheeks in her trembling fingers. Close to orgasm, Emma blinked away tears as she suddenly focused on a curious thing. Just between her anus and vaginal opening, on the tiny strip of flesh known as the perineum, was the tattoo. A tiny pair of Mick Jagger-type lips with a letter inked in the parted mouth.

"The letter K."

"Is that the door?"

Emma looked past Ana's bobbing backside as suddenly, and without prior knowledge, Ana's husband entered the bedroom.

"Shit! Rick! You're back early."

Standing in the open doorway was a surprisingly good-looking man in casual attire. He looked to be about forty, with short hair and a lean body.

"Who the fuck is this? This is the third time in as many months you've brought a woman back here!"

"Are you fucking complaining? Don't you get to fuck them too?"

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"Maybe I should get going."

Rick stared at Emma with blue-piercing eyes that seemed to look right through her. She saw Ana wink at her husband and realized this had been set up beforehand. Well, one thing was certain. Emma was too far gone to turn off.

"You're going nowhere, lady."

She watched Rick strip off and reveal his imposing, tight muscles and fat-free upper body. He exuded a raw masculinity, and it came as no shock as to why Ana never cheated on him with other men. There was simply no need. His erect cock looked to be eight inches in length, incredibly thick, and with flared glans that already shone with his pre-cum.

"I'm going to show you two sluts what a man is for."

"Please do; why don't you? Man!"

Rick responded by ramming his dick down Ana's throat, who gagged loudly as she engulfed his entire big shaft. Emma looked wide-eyed as Ana gripped his hips and nodded her head back and forth on his rigid log. His dick pulsed in her mouth, and her saliva ran out and down her chin in a slow-moving trickle.

"You getting an eyeful? Take notes because you're next."

Emma shrank back on the bed as Rick left Ana coughing and bent over her. His blue eyes drilled into hers as he slapped his dick on her cheek a few times before sliding it into her willing mouth. With his knees pressed into the bed on either side of her trim body, he pushed forward with his pelvis so that his bulbous cock head hit the back of her throat.


Emma resisted the urge to gag as Rick moved in and out at a steady pace. Her lips pursed, and his shaft dragged past them, wetting them until they shone in the bright light of the room. Ana moved closer to watch as Emma was aware of her own spit dripping from the corners of her airtight mouth.


Rick pulled out and handed his sopping cock to Ana, who sucked him dry. She let go, and his erect knob swayed in Emma's pretty face. He shifted his weight, drove his hips forward, and face-fucked the famed actress with swift motions. Beneath them, Ana ran her tongue in teasing swirls from his balls to his asshole, and he growled in response.

"Now, together, you fucking dykes!"

Ana looked at Emma as they began to lick his upright pole at the same time. Emma's pussycat leaked down her left thigh as both willing vixens made long strokes from his balls on up. sometimes in sync, alternating in opposite directions. The wanton young woman felt dirty and depraved. The good girl was elsewhere for the time being. Emma moved onto her belly and took Rick's left nut into her mouth and hummed on it, sending sweet vibrations through his scrotum. Then she inched her way up his thick hose until her lips met Ana's. They both kissed with his massive bell end trapped between their wet mouths.

"I think he's ready for a fucking now, my darling."

Ana's mouth curled into a wry smile as Rick quickly took Emma by the waist and pulled her on top of him. She took a deep breath as she felt his stiff, thick throb between her upper thighs. The massive tip was all pushy at her entrance, and her juices wetted it as she pushed down. Seeing as her pussycat was slick with her aching arousal, he entered her with ease.


Emma shrieked as Rick slammed up into her to the hilt. She lurched forward into the arms of the statuesque Ana, who had rammed her muff onto her husband's face. As they both fought for balance, Emma rose up on her knees and started to ride on his hot chair. Her hips ground on him as he filled her completely, and her cunt muscles contracted in sublime spasms of pleasure as she rocked in bliss. Ana sighed into Emma's mouth as Rick clawed at her taut ass and thrust his tongue into her hot box.

"You like his dick?"

"Uhm, uh huh!"

Despite Rick's generous girth, Emma was so turned on that she repeatedly slammed down on him so that his balls loudly smacked against her rippling ass cheeks. Her stomach undulated as her body glowed with well-earned perspiration. Rick mumbled into his wife and began to fuck Emma by lifting his buttocks off the bed and meeting her down strokes.

"Let's switch. I need a cock in me right now."

Emma was thrown aside like a used Kleenex as Ana sank eagerly on Rick's twitching boner. Emma watched her bounce up and down with a big grin on her face and then wriggled up and planted her snatch on his open mouth. The sensation of his tongue probing her glossy muff was sheer heaven. She shunted to and fro, dragging her loins across his tongue, which remained rigid and stiff. In front of her, Ana fucked her man with a manic hammering that caused her clitoral area to scrape his pubic bone over and over. Her lover's balls slapped up into her ass crack, and she screamed with joy.

"Get the fuck off, slut!"

Rick shot up and shifted both naked women side by side and on all fours. He moved up behind Emma first and gave her a resounding smack on her raised bottom. She winced and then let out a soft gasp as he plunged right into her cunt.

"You want to fuck my wife? Do you?"

Emma stole a sideways glance at Ana as Rick pounded in and out of her. His hips bucked over and over as he buried his rod of steel in her soaking pussycat. He pulled out with an audible pop, moved to his right, and mounted Ana.

"How does it look back there? Isn't he a scream?"

Rick growled and picked up speed, fucking the dusky babe like a sex-starved maniac. Hunched over her back, his hips bounced off her bunched-up ass, and Emma could hear her pussycat make that wet sound of his cock scraping her inner walls.

"You know the difference between black pussy and white pussy?" asked a sweat-soaked Rick as he spanked Ana once and plundered Emma's cunt again.

She bit her lower lip and planted her hands flat on the bed for purchase.

" I don't. I don't know."

Emma croaked an answer as his firm hands stroked her flanks as he thrust back and forth.


She opened her mouth in the shape of a big O as Rick held her steady and gave her powerful strokes that took her breath away. In. Pause. Out and in hard. Pause. He did this several times until her body shuddered in a strong orgasm. He pushed her trembling figure aside and began to wiggle his shining dick over his wife's plump posterior. Each of his earthy grunts brought forth an almighty spurt that painted her black body white. Ana fell flat on her front and looked up at a panting Emma. Rick got up and, presumably, hit the shower. Emma made her excuses and left, eager to give Scarlett the good news.


Of all the known tattoos thought of by Scarlett Holmes, none conveyed hidden messages quite like the simple pair of lips. In her life, the golden blonde has seen the lips express love, desire, passion, sexuality, and fear. Their meanings had different meanings simply because of where they were placed.

On the neck, maybe there is a need for attention. On the breast, meaning love. On the wrist? Devotion. On the buttocks: boldness and complete self-confidence. When Scarlett and Lucy Pinder watched Susy move on the stage, her orange lip tattoo was clearly evident on the stripper's cheek. Lower right, to be specific.

"Are you keen, Lucy?"

"Sure am. Have you ever been to a strip club?"

"I visited the Folies Bergere in Paris back in '86."

"1986. Right."

"Actually, it was in 18...never mind. Let's go in."

An hour earlier, at ten p.m., Scarlett had joined Lucy outside what was a new strip club in Holborn. West London. Sister Secrets was the name, and it was run by a female manager, which surprised Scarlett. At over 14,000 square feet, the club boasted 20 VIP booths and 20 private booths. As well as 100 stunning girls at any one time. She had reserved a side stage booth for the princely sum of ten pounds, plus a minimum requirement of a bar spend.

The entrance door was small but well-lit, with glaring blue and yellow piped lighting. Inside was dark yet vibrant with the mood lighting. A well-stocked cocktail bar was on one side and a low, flat dance stage on the other, with a DJ booth set to the side. Long tassels hung over it, and right in the middle was a vertical dancer's pole. Although it was Friday, the place was only half full. Scarlett grimaced at the R&B music that insulted her ears. She would never get used to modern music if she lived another 130 years.

"What do you want to drink?"

No one is a stranger to a good drink. Scarlett ordered a whisky and soda.

"So this is where Susy works?"

"Yeah. Most evenings. Prudence met her when she came over from Barcelona and did some Au Pair work. It seems they both hit it off. A mutual love of all things feline."

"I see."

"This might be her now."

Settled in their booth, they looked over at the stage, which had mirrored floors and ceilings. As Susy emerged from the stage, several strip lights flashed alternately in blue, red, and pink. The tall Spanish stripper had chosen to wear a French maid costume complete with a starched white apron, which was always a hit with her male admirers. Her dark hair was pulled back into a braid, which accentuated her exotic-looking brown eyes. Her black mini skirt matched her sleeveless black top, which was already half undone to show off her deep cleavage, and her long legs were sheathed in a pair of black nylon suspenders.

"Nice touch."

Lucy pointed out the feather duster as she twirled around on its long wooden stick. Susy had a big grin on her face as she pranced around with exaggerated high steps in her six-inch heels. She pointed to the front of the stage and blew a kiss to someone she recognized. One of her regulars?

"It's Beyonce," said Lucy.

"A bouncy what?"

"The song's by Beyonce."

Scarlett shrugged and watched the routine as the sultry vixen gyrated and ground her backside against the stripper pole. Her hefty tits were literally bulging as if they were trying to force their way out of her tight top. She thrashed her head and squealed as she wiggled her bottom toward the audience, bending to touch her toes and revealing her skimpy underwear. As she faced the tables at the front, she pushed her big boobs together and dipped forward at the same time to display her ample cleavage.

"I must say that she's well developed," Holmes observed.

"Well, they're obviously fake."

"How so?"


"Good lord! Enhanced mammaries! This modern world never ceases to amaze."

Scarlett was completely unprepared, and the fluid moves and dry humping of Susy had her becoming moist between the legs. Susy dropped to her knees and then kicked back and wound her heels around the pole. The flexible stripper spun around the pole with one leg and one arm clinging to it while kicking high in the air with the other.

The music changed to the pulsing of Britney Spears' Work Bitch, and Susy swayed her hips and discarded her top with a flourish. Her bountiful breasts popped out and jiggled wildly as she shook from side to side to the beat of the music. She twirled and swiveled as her apron came off next, and then she whipped off her short skirt, leaving her in see-through pants, a suspender belt, and her stockings. Using the feather duster, she knelt at the edge of the stage and pretended to fuck the stick with deliberate pelvic thrusts.

"Most inventive," Scarlett was enthralled as she crossed her legs tightly.

Susy turned her back, thrust out her butt, slid her hand slowly up the backs of her legs, and drew the pants down to her ankles. She kicked them off, cupped her pussy mound, and grinned broadly. The glamorous tease hid her muff, then showed a tantalizing peek before cupping herself again. She repeated the hide-and-seek game while the audience brayed for a full frontal. With her duster between her gritted teeth, Susy sashayed to the vertical pole, wrapped her thighs around it, and thrust her hips to and fro as she banged it.

Lying down horizontally on the mirrored stage, the olive-skinned Latina Chica lifted her buttocks and pumped her pelvis up and down as if fucking an invisible man. Then she flipped over and slammed her lower body against the floor in a simulation of a doggy-style sex act. Her shimmering tits bounced under her as she humped up and down before she laid on her left side and scissored her leg back and forth to reveal glimpses of her glistening pussycat. By the time she left the stage to a smattering of applause, Susy had reduced all the male onlookers to shivering wrecks.

"Did you get a good look at her tattoo?"

"Not really, Lucy. We need to get up close and personal."


Scarlett and Lucy silently made their way backstage and found Susy's dressing room. Lucy knocked, and Susy answered in her honey-soft Spanish accent.

"Miss Gala?" asked Holmes.


Susy was sitting in front of a big mirror with white lightbulbs all around the border. The Spanish stripper only wore a white robe, under which she was in the buff.

"Your show is most thrilling, very erotic."

"Gracias. I do not get many Senoritas enjoying my act."

"You should. You are very attractive. I notice that you have many tattoos."

"Si, I love them." Susy ran her right hand down her side.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Scarlett, and this is Lucy. We represent the new magazine 'Tattooists and Illustrators Trading Services' and we would be honored if you would be our very first cover girl."

"T.I.T.S.?" quoted Susy with a raised brow.

"Quite an unfortunate acronym, isn't it? Still, it can't be helped. Lucy here would like to take a few pictures of you. Naked, of course."


"These modern cameras are really something."

Susy stood up and put her hands on her hips as Lucy used her Sony Cybershot compact digital camera. Her five-foot-nine frame was perfection, with a light olive complexion and a dancer's muscle tone. Her 36D cup breasts were two stunning globes that sat high on her chest, and the nipples stuck out hard and erect. Her narrow waist flared out to generous hips, and her magnificent buttocks were rounded and firm. Her mons were shaven, which exposed her elongated and fleshy labia in relation toabout her plump pussy mound.

"You are breathtaking," remarked Scarlett.

"Muchas gracias."

Susy had a mane of lustrous black hair that tumbled over her back. Her big brown eyes gleamed under the harsh light of the dressing room, and her full lips pouted sexily.

"'Can you turn?" Lucy asked as she attempted to focus on Susy's behind.

Ink-wise, the Senorita had a Playboy bunny on her left hip—a garland of red roses that snaked down from her shoulder blade to her left hip. Then in again to the alluring apex of her inner thighs. At upper thigh level, Susy flaunted a fake garter belt, and on the outside of her calf was a twisting row of flowers that ended at her toes.

And of course, at the top of her lower right cheek, there are a pair of parted orange lips. Scarlett looked at Lucy, who had scanned her pictures, and then shook her head at the lack of a clear image of the lip tattoo. This problem required physical touch.

"Could you be enticed into posing naked with a naked man?"

Susy threw poses and pouted for the camera, proud of her spectacular body. Through the walls, the muffled beat of the music filtered in.

"Of course. Not a problem."

"What about women?"


"Lucy, for instance?"

Susy looked the English glamour model up and down and nodded.

"That would work."

"Lucy? Strip off and let me see how you two look side by side."

Lucy wriggled out of her dress and came thigh to thigh with Susy, both as naked as the day they were born.

"Well, don't you two look ravishing! Snuggle up."

The pair of dark-haired babies squeezed together and each gripped the other's outer thigh. Lucy made eye contact, and Susy gave her a knowing look right back at her. Their naked proximity was just too irresistible, and Susy's hand went around Lucy's neck to draw her in for a kiss. Scarlett stripped off as she quaked on the spot. No sense in looking at a gift horse in the mouth, she thought at the sight of the quivering babes.

"Any room in there?"

Scarlett's tongue flicked out over Susy's right boob as Lucy opened her mouth to engulf her left nipple. Both reached behind the Spanish dancer and fondled her tight buns. Scarlett moved behind her and nuzzled Susy's neck as the detective used her voluptuous body to grind into her back. Lucy thrust her own ample bosom into Susy's front, and all three wriggled against each other in a knot of arms, legs, and tits. Scarlett lost control of her bare body as she bucked her thighs into Susy.


The blonde was the first to break, as she released herself and sat down in the only chair. She slid down in the seat and parted her legs. Lucy ran her hands up her soft thighs all the way up to her hips. Scarlett gasped as two other hands lifted her legs, and a wriggling tongue kissed her on the insides of her thighs.


Framed by her long hair, the stripper traced the wetness she herself had made and drove her tongue into Scarlett's moist pussy. She shrieked and jerked her bottom on the seat as Susy dipped into Scarlett with moans of lust. Lucy kissed Scarlett hard on the mouth, whose lips parted hungrily, and embraced the brunette's tongue. Scarlett ground her heels into the carpet as Susy tasted her sweet nectar within.


Then she shuddered as two tongues began to slather and slobber on her tongue at the same time. As Lucy swiped up and down, Susy poked her pointed tongue up into Scarlett's asshole. They both made rapid motions to give the golden blonde superb sensations through her nether holes. Copious amounts of spit ran down the delicate region of Scarlett's ass crevice onto the seat.

"Bother. We're going to ruin your chair. Get down on the carpet; I have an idea."

All three buxom beauties got down and formed a daisy chain. Lucy came behind Scarlett, gripped her cheeks, and pushed her nose into her ass. The famed detective purred as she caressed and licked Susy's buttocks, which rippled in front of her face. The Latina in turn sucked on Lucy's pussy from behind and gave the glamour model small spanks on her rump, which made the bodacious brunette giggle into Scarlett's quim.

At last, after thirty minutes of racy girl-on-girl fun, all three of them collapsed in a heap of limbs and boobs. Satisfied and saturated. Scarlett was now close enough to scrutinize Susy's orange lip tattoo. There, in the parted Jagger-type design, she could make out a tiny letter.

"It's a Y."

Now the team had two clues out of five. Not yet enough to form a solution.

"Onwards and upwards," declared Scarlett Holmes as she and the others took a much-earned dinner at the Simpson's in the Strand.

Part two of this case will follow next time.


Written by moasan
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