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The Swinger's Chronicles

"Book 2 -Into The Deep End"

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I feel antsy, almost like a caged animal, as I pull my convertible into the garage. I hate feeling this way, especially since not long ago, my home was my refuge and I didn’t want to leave it. It’s confusing and I don’t understand what’s going on.

I grab my stuff, head into the kitchen, and dump everything on the counter. The first thing I do once I’m home is to check my personal cell for missed calls or messages. Nothing.

I sigh as I resign myself to sweats and a night of Netflix. I’m reflective as I throw a frozen dinner into the microwave before heading upstairs to change into sweats. 

Less than two months ago, I had the most erotic sexual experience with the sexiest man I’ve ever met. He gave me his number. I called him and left a message. Nothing. It’s been weeks and I’ve heard nothing.

Back in my kitchen, I’m more pissy and restless than I was an hour ago. Why am I being ghosted? And, why do I care so much?

My adventure started when my friend Kim took me to a swingers club where the most delicious man ignited a passion that I thought I’d buried long ago. He introduced me to pleasures that I had no idea I would enjoy. Now I want more, but he’s not returning calls. 

Pulling the TV dinner from the microwave strikes me as pathetic and sad. I toss it into the sink and start preparing a stiff cocktail instead. Ironic, isn’t it, substituting a stiff drink for the stiff cock that I really want?

I’m halfway through the drink when my cell phone rings. My heart skips a beat when I see that it’s Michael, my mystery man from the swinger’s club.

“Hello.” My voice is a hoarse croak.

“Hey, gorgeous.” His voice is deep, sensuous, and makes me hold my breath. “What are you up to?”

“Not much. You?” I’m trying to sound nonchalant and casual, but think I’m failing.

“Mmmm. Thinking about you. How about I come to pick you up, go for a drink, then get into some trouble?”

I want to scream! Thinking about me? It’s been two months! Why haven’t you returned my calls or my texts? NOW you’re thinking of me? 

Instead, I tell him, “Yeah, that sounds great. Where do you want to go? What time?”

“Text me your address. I’ll swing by around ten. Looking forward to seeing you baby,“ he purred, and then hung up before I could respond.

I text my address to him. I’m a ball of nervous energy. Arousal, excitement, and maybe fear begin to build in my gut as I head upstairs to get ready.

After many outfit changes, I settle upon a very form-fitting, gray dress cut down to my navel. I decide to forgo a bra and allow my nipples to show in hopes that he touches them again.

A pair of black, lacy thong panties and sky-high heels complete my look. I stand back and appreciate the curvy, sexy image in the mirror.

I’m putting on earrings when there is a knock at my door. 

“This is it,” I think to myself as I grab my clutch and run down the stairs.

I swing open the door, expecting to see Michael, but instead come face to face with a stern-looking man dressed in a black suit.

“Hello, Miss. I’m John. I’ll be your driver. Come with me.” He offers me his arm and reaches around to close my front door with the other hand.

I am led to a big, black SUV and John opens the back door.

As I crawl inside, Michael reaches over to assist me. “Hello, baby.” 

I am so nervous that I can’t catch my breath. Michael looks as handsome as I remember. Those dark eyes, the strong jaw, and those lips all make me slightly weak in the knees.

Settling into the seat beside him, I watch Michael’s eyes hungrily rake over my body as he growls, “You look gorgeous, baby.” 

I smile at him and take notice of how delicious he looks. His dark suit jacket is covering a light-colored, collared shirt that is unbuttoned to just below his collar bone and I have an overwhelming urge to touch the sprinkle of hair peeking out from the opened shirt.

Michael takes my hand in his and we travel in silence for what seems like hours but is really just several minutes until we pull up in front of a large building.

John gets out and opens Michael’s door. As he gets out, he gently pulls me behind him and helps me out of the car. I look up at the building and am shocked to discover that he brought me to a gentleman’s club.

“This is a strip club!” I can’t hide the shock in my voice.

Michael smiles at me, “Very good. Yes, it is.”

He grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs and into the building. A gorgeous woman greets us both as she takes a credit card from him, runs a transaction, and motions to a huge bouncer to throw open the doors.

Michael and I walk into a large, dimly lit room. It’s immediate sensory overload. I quickly take in the three stages with women dancing in various stages of undress. Men are sitting around the stages, some drinking, some throwing money onto the stage.

People, mostly men, sat at tables throughout the room as women in evening gowns prowled around, smiling and talking with them. A few led men to somewhere in the back.

Michael allows me a minute or two to take it all in before pulling me over to a table that’s way too close to the stage. He notices my hesitancy and softly tells me to relax and sit.

We take our seats and I watch a tall, thin woman on stage, slowly gyrating and dancing to the music. She slowly removes her top to expose her small, perky breasts. I notice Michael watching her intently and can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

The dancer sashays over to the stage in front of us and smiles down at us as she kicks off her skirt so she is dancing in only a tiny g-string. Michael reaches into his pocket and pulls out a money clip of cash, peels off a few bills, and walks over to the dancer.

I watch as she bends over, presenting him a view of her ass, and pulls the g-string to one side. I hear him chuckle, step back slightly to get the full view, before leaning forward to slip the cash into the g-string.

I am annoyed and can’t look at him as he sits back down at our table. The dancer has now removed her g-string and is dancing totally nude. She waits for Michael to sit down before she slides her back down the stripper’s pole into a squat and spreads her legs wide open as she smiles lasciviously at him.

My annoyance turns to pure anger as he smiles back at her and his eyes target the spread-open pussy before him. I ignore him as he places a drink order with the server without ever looking away from the dancer.

“What do you want, baby?” he asks me. I can’t answer him. I’m too angry.

“Bring her a cosmo, sweetie.” He places a credit card on her tray and watches her ass as she walks away.

“You okay?” he asks me.

“No. I think you’re being very disrespectful to bring me here.” I want to sound indignant, but my voice cracks, and I am close to tears because I’m so angry.

He smiles at me tenderly, traces my face with his finger, and grabs my hand. He doesn’t say a word to me, instead turns back to the stage to watch the dancers perform to the music.

The server brings our drinks and a cigar for Michael. She makes a production out of cutting it and lighting it for him as he leans back in his chair, elegantly crosses an ankle over his knee, and holds her hand as she lights the cigar for him.

I’m struck by how effortlessly sexy he is and appalled that my body responds to him in spite of my rage. I take a sip of my drink and look over at him. 

Michael looks deeply into my eyes as he drags on his cigar and blows the smoke so it swirls and billows above his head. Snottily, I think to myself that he looks like Lucifer.

As if he knows what I’m thinking, he smiles at me and then makes a point of watching the nude dancer on stage.

I turn from him and also watch the dancer. She is much curvier than the other lady, long blonde hair, with very large, firm breasts, a tiny waist, and a full, round ass. Her breasts and her ass both sway as she gyrates in time to the music.

I watch as men toss money onto the stage for her. She dances over to a few of them and allows them to caress her breasts or ass before taking the money from them. 

The way her body moves begins to fascinate me. Her movements are almost cat-like - very slow and deliberate. I can feel my pussy start to twitch as I take in the full, round breasts with the hard, pink nipples. My eyes travel down her flat, toned belly to her shaved pussy and long legs.

The dancer takes notice of me watching and makes her way over to dance in front of us. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles, putting a finger to her lip as the other hand snakes down her body to mock playing with her pussy.

She keeps her eyes locked on me as she turns and drops to her knees, presenting us with a gorgeous view of her firm, tight ass, and muscular back. The dancer leans forward, pushes her ass up in the air, and wiggles it at us. From behind, we have a full view of her sweet ass and luscious, shaved pussy. My own pussy begins to throb and get very wet as I am transfixed by her.

I’m startled as Michael leans over to me, pushes some money into my hand, and whispers into my ear, “Go tip her.”

I glare at him, ready to tell him to go to hell, when he softly growls, “Either you do it or I will.” With that, he leans back, smiles, and takes another drag on that fucking cigar.

I grab the money, glare at him, and shyly approach the stage. I wait as the dancer makes her way over to where I’m standing. As I wait, I can feel the appreciative stares of the other men in the room. My nipples harden in response. 

The dancer positions herself in front of me and smiles as she lowers into a squat in front of me then leans back and spreads her legs wide. She slaps her pussy with her hand as she winks at me.

My body is on fire and I am soaking wet. She pushes herself back up and kisses my cheek as she takes the cash from my hand before walking off the stage.

I turn around and see Michael’s dark and moody eyes watching me intently. I recognize that look and glance down to see his huge erection making a tent in his pants.

He pulls my chair very close to his own and whispers, huskily, to me, “You’re so turned on. You wanna get off with that pussy you’ve been ogling. Don’t you?”

I’m breathless as I ignore his comment and take my seat. 

“Answer me,” he demands.

“No,” I stammer. We both know that I’m lying.

Michael pulls away and I hear him say, “You sure about that? We’ll see.” 

I have no interest in figuring out what he means. I’m still trying to catch my breath.

I vaguely take notice of Michael talking to one of the managers. He sits back down and allows me a few minutes to regroup and sip on my drink.

The manager returns and whispers something in Michael’s ear. Michael immediately grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet as we follow the manager.

He leads us to a room in the back, opens the door, and motions for us to go inside. The room is dimly lit, with two low couches, and mirrors on every wall. There is a table on the side of one sofa that has a bottle of champagne in a chiller, two glasses, another cosmo, a snifter of brandy, and a fresh cigar.

“Really? What? Am I now going to have to watch you get a lapdance?” I realize that I’m almost shrill but can’t contain my irritation.

Pouting, I plop down on one of the sofas as Michael negotiates with the manager by the door. I watch as he peels several bills from his money clip and presses them into the manager’s hand. 

The manager smiles and nods his head before shaking Michael’s hand and backing out of the room, closing the door.

Michael joins me on the sofa and traces the outline of my breast through the thin, gray fabric.

“You got so hot watching those strippers. It made me so hard.” Michael grabbed my hand and put it on his erection.

I pull my hand away as if it burned. “What are we doing, Michael?” I ask him.

“Indulging what you really want, Mia. This is all about you.”

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to be ignored by a man and then get to watch him fondle and ogle some women.” I can no longer contain the fierce anger that’s been brewing.

Michael glared at me, his dark eyes flashing something dark and almost dangerous. I chose at that time to keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.

I sit, pouting, and sipping my drink, when two women enter the room, locking the door behind them. They’re both dressed in barely-there evening gowns and strutting around in stiletto heels.

With some resentment, I watch as they both slide up to Michael and he whispers something that I can’t hear to them. They giggle and Michael pours them each a glass of champagne. 

One woman has long, straight, blonde hair, average-sized, but very firm breasts, and the longest legs that I’ve ever seen. The other woman is a dark-haired beauty, short, but with large breasts and a full, tight, ass. 

I continue to watch as the blonde struts over to a control panel and makes an adjustment. The music from the club fills the room as she slowly walks back over to sit close to Michael.

The dark-haired woman starts preparing his cigar for him, clipping the end and dipping the other side into his brandy. Michael grabs her hand as she tries to put the cigar between her lips.

“How about you dance for us?” He motions to the blonde. He then takes the dark-haired woman’s hand and pulls her around the sofa so she can rub his shoulders.

As the music blared, the blonde began to dance in time to the music between the two sofas. Quickly, she removed the evening dress, now only clad in a lacy bra and tiny g-string.

The small, dark-haired woman rubbed Michael’s shoulders as he leaned back on the sofa and moaned loudly.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and watched the blonde dance. She could move. She was graceful and elegant, and all of her movements were smooth and fluid.

The dancing blonde unhooked her bra and tossed it at Michael. She gyrated to the music, her gorgeous, full, high breasts swayed in time to the music. Michael caught her bra and brought it to his nose, deeply inhaling her scent on the lacy garment.

His eyes never moved away from her. He watched as she hooked her fingers into the waist of her panties and slid them down her legs. Once off, she bent down to give Michael a glimpse of her shaved pussy and ass. I could see his hard-on through his pants.

I was furious at his behavior, yet oddly aroused by the whole scene. His dark-haired beauty kept massaging his neck and shoulders, dipping every so often to unbutton a button or two on his shirt.

The dancing blonde made her way over to Michael and spread his legs. She crawled between his thighs and started to rub herself in time to the music against his hard cock. He repositioned himself so that he was sitting lower on the couch. 

She turned so that she could rub her ass against his crotch as she danced for him. He placed his hands on her hips as he stared intently at her gorgeous ass and back. After a few moments, she turned around so that they were face to face.

She straddled his legs so that her legs were spread wide and lowered herself onto his crotch as she danced, rubbing her pussy against his cock.

In one smooth movement, she stretched one of her legs onto the back of the sofa, moving her pussy closer to his face. With a graceful hop, she positioned her other leg on the other side of Michael. Her body was now resting on his chest, her pussy only inches from his face.

I could hear his low moan as she grabbed the back of his head and ground her pussy against his chest. His eyes burned into her wide-open pussy.

Moving so that her pussy was literally an inch from his face, she leaned back and put her hands on the floor between his legs. She then gyrated and humped her splayed pussy as close to his face as she could.

In one fluid movement, she pushed off of his body and flipped herself so that her feet were back on the floor. Michael was breathing hard at this point, so clearly aroused.

I watched with a mixture of jealousy, horror, and intense arousal. I was struggling to sort out this odd mixture of feelings. The blonde began to rub her pussy against Michael’s cock in time with the music. Bouncing her ass against his erection so hard that I was amazed he wasn’t in pain.

Instead, I could feel his excitement building and hear his breathing become louder and heavier as she ground her pussy against him. I felt my excitement building with his.

Within minutes, he grabbed her hips and pushed her down against his cock as she ground deeper and harder against him. 

I watched as his body shuddered and then went limp. It only took a moment for him to recover enough to kiss the blonde on the cheek and gently push her aside. I was angrier than I have ever been. How could he do this in front of me? Yet, my pussy pulsated with desire. I was so confused.

Without a word to me, Michael got up and walked out of the room. I couldn’t look at, let alone talk to the ladies with me. I was angry, frustrated, aroused, and deeply confused, all at the same time.

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When he returned minutes later, he instructed the brunette to dance for me. I started to object when Michael leaned down to kiss me.

As he pressed his lips to mine, he softly bit my lower lip and growled, “Do it, and don’t say a word.”

Michael sat back down on the sofa across from me and grabbed his forgotten cigar and snifter of brandy before nodding to the dark-haired woman.

The brunette pushed me back onto the sofa as she began to sway and dance to the music. Her dress was pushed down to her waist and I was fascinated by her large, naked breasts with the small, hard nipples as they came closer and closer to my face as she danced.

The dancer straddled my legs with her own and gyrated in time to the beat of the music as she reached into the low-cut neck of my dress and pulled my breasts out. She smiled down at me as she fondled my breasts, circling my hard nipples with her fingers.

I couldn’t help myself. I was getting increasingly aroused and wet as she played with my breasts and rubbed her body against mine. I studiously kept my hands glued to my sides as she rubbed against me.

When the song ended, the brunette glanced over at Michael. I heard him tell her, “Keep it going.” I knew that husky growl and followed her glance toward him. 

That bastard was half sitting, half lounging on the sofa with the blonde beside him. She had her back against the arm of the sofa, one leg on the floor, and the other spread across the back of the sofa. She was topless, with a small g-string barely covering her splayed pussy. 

I noticed that Michael had his hand casually on her upper thigh. I was furious and close to tears. Luckily, I wasn’t able to wallow in my anger for more than a few seconds before the next song played.

My dancer stood up and shimmied the rest of the way out of her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. She slowly swayed to the music as she ever so slowly pulled her g-string down over her fleshy, round ass and luscious, smooth thighs.  

I watched as she bent down, picked up her g-string, and shot it at Michael as if it were a slingshot. I couldn’t look over at him, but in my mind’s eye, I knew he picked it up and held on to it like it were a trophy. Bastard.

The dancer’s eyes locked into mine and never waivered as she strutted over to me. She bent down and sucked one of my hard nipples into her mouth, her tongue circling it before flicking her tongue across the tip. I moaned loudly and she smiled, quite pleased with herself.

She grabbed my hips and pulled me down to the edge of the sofa and spread my legs as wide as my dress would allow. 

Between my legs, I watched as she danced. Her movements were so slow, so sensuous. She ran her hands, so slowly, across her naked breasts and down her flat stomach. Her eyes burned into mine as I could see her, peripherally, reach down to her crotch. 

I pulled my eyes away from her to watch her spread her pussy lips apart with one hand as she stroked her clitoris with the other. A moan escaped my lips as I watched her clit harden and stand erect. 

I was breathing hard and acutely aware of my own hard clit when she straddled my body on the sofa. She ground herself against my body, her hands moving to caress my bare breasts and hard nipples.

My gorgeous brunette grabbed my hands, which I’ve continued to keep at my sides, and placed them both on her ample breasts. 

I heard her moan softly as I began to stroke her hard nipples. She grabbed one of my hands and slowly pushed it down her body. I was amazed at how soft and silky her skin felt. 

My hand was at her lower belly and we were both playing with each other’s breasts as I heard Michael bark out, “Do it now.” I watched my pretty brunette nod and smile down at me.

She ran her hands down my sides to the hem of my dress and began to pull it up my thighs. I panicked and tried pushing it down, exclaiming, “No, no. I…we….can’t…”

“Mia!” I heard Michael bark again. “Let her take it off.” His tone both angered and excited me, yet I knew not to argue with him. I lifted my hips off of the sofa and allowed her to pull my dress up my body and over my head. She tossed it to the floor, leaned down, and kissed me deeply.

My body was vibrating with excitement and was responding to her lips and her touch. My pussy was wet, my nipples hard and aching, and my clit was pulsating with desire.

My dancer began kissing my neck which drove me crazy and my body responded with goosebumps all over. She then began licking her way down my neck, across both breasts, paying special attention to my hard nipples, and then flicking her tongue down my belly.

Michael was a distant memory to me by the time she got to my lower belly. I moaned and spread my legs as wide as I could with her legs on the outside of mine, in anticipation of her touch.

She hooked her fingers in the waistband of my thong and started to pull it down my legs. I could not position myself quickly enough to rid myself of the constricting thong. 

My body was on fire and I gave myself up to this stunning woman. I allowed her to remove my shoes, and push my legs up so that my feet were flat on the edge of the sofa. In my almost squatting position, my pussy was wide open, and everything was visible from my hard, pulsing clit down to my ass.

She began licking up and down my inner thighs, lightly biting my flesh every so often. I clenched the back of the sofa so I wouldn’t be tempted to grab her head and push her tongue toward my throbbing, wet pussy.

Finally, her hot tongue hit my pulsating clit. I moaned out loud, clenched the back of the sofa, and tilted my pelvis toward her mouth. I began gyrating in time to the music against her face. I was in an ecstasy that I’d never experienced before.

When the brunette slide two of her fingers into my pussy and started to slowly finger fuck me, I couldn’t help myself from crying out. She looked very pleased with herself and smiled as she rhythmically plunged her fingers in and out of my pussy.

I looked over at Michael. He was watching us intently. His dark eyes looked intense as he watched my pussy being ravaged. The sight of him watching sent me over the edge and an orgasm barreled through my body. I grabbed the brunette's hand to stop her from fucking me as my body shuddered in orgasmic spasms.

I fell back on the sofa as the brunette stood up, kissed my cheek, and walked out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Michael help the blonde to her feet. He pulled out his money clip, peeled off several bills, and pressed them into her hand. She thanked him and sashayed out of the room.

I was still catching my breath when Michael picked up my dress and tossed it to me. “Put this back on,” he told me.

He slipped my lacy panties into his pocket and watched as I slid the dress over my head and shimmied into it.

I slipped my shoes back on and looked up at Michael. His face was dark and brooding and I couldn’t get a read on what he was thinking or feeling.

“Let’s go, Mia,” he growled at me. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the Champagne room, through the pulsing vibe of the strip club, and out into the parking lot where his black SUV and driver, John were waiting.

Michael helped me into the car and then quietly said something to John. He crawled into the back seat with me and sat, looking straight ahead.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he answered without even looking my way.

My stomach was in knots. Was he upset? Why? He orchestrated that whole scene. I was close to tears as I turned from him and stared out the window.

I wasn’t sure how long we drove, but we eventually pulled into a driveway. “Where are we?” I asked.

Michael ignored my question as he took my hand and pulled me from the car. I noticed that we were in front of a large, gorgeous, modern glass house. I had only a moment to take it all in before Michael pulled me towards the large door.

As soon as we were inside, Michael grabbed me by the waist, pulled me against his body, and kissed me deeply.

“Do you know how fucking crazy you made me at that club?” he growled.

I tried to answer, but he ground his lips against mine. His tongue flicked against my lips and I moaned and allowed myself to sink into pure rapture.

“You’re so fucking sexy. So hot. You’re mine. You are all mine.” His hands roamed all over my body as he kissed and growled against my neck. 

Abruptly he pulled away, grabbed my hand, and pulled me down a hall that led to what I assumed was his bedroom.

Once inside, he started kissing me again as he pulled my dress over my head. “Get on the bed, baby.” 

I went to kick off my heels, but he stopped me, “No. Leave ‘em on.” 

I crawled onto a huge, luxurious bed and laid down on my back. I watched with unabashed desire as Michael quickly undressed, his huge cock springing out and standing at attention. I heard a soft moan escape my lips. My whole body tingled in anticipation of his touch.

Michael crawled on the bed, between my legs. When he got to my face, he kissed me deeply as his hands caressed my breasts, squeezing them and circling my nipples.

“Mia. Mia. Mia. What the fuck are you doing to me?” his voice was husky as he quietly spoke to me. My body responded immediately to him. My nipples became rock hard and my pussy got very wet.

“You drive me crazy,” he whispered against my lips. I threw my arms around his neck and began gyrating my hips against him. When I gently bit his lower lip, Michael pulled away.

He leaned over me, gazing at my naked body. His hard cock began to twitch and as I watched him respond to my nakedness, I got increasingly aroused. 

Michael roughly pushed my legs apart as far as they would go. His gaze burned into my wide-open genitals. 

He very gently began to stroke up and down my pussy, rolling my hard clit between his fingers. I cried out in pleasure. I had never felt anything like this. It was as if I was orgasming both from clitoral stimulation and intercourse at the same time.

Michael then slipped his finger into my pussy. “You’re so wet, baby,” he whispered in my ear. “You liked that woman going down on you. I could tell.” As he whispered into my ear and I could feel his warm breath on my face, I couldn’t help but start to grind and gyrate my hips in some kind of animalistic mating ritual.

“Fuck me, Michael. Please,” I beg.

Michael responded by kissing me, biting my lower lip, and then dipping his head to lick and bite my nipple.

“Turn over onto your stomach, Mia.” Every fiber of my being stood at attention in response to his statement.

“Why?” I croak. I’m anxious and aroused all at the same time. Michael had intimated his proclivity towards anal activity on our last date.

“Do it.” His low, guttural growl excited me and my clit stood at attention and my pussy moistened in spite of my nervousness.

I turned onto my stomach and raised my hips up for him instinctively.

“Oh fuck, Mia. You are so incredibly hot.” Michael’s voice was low and hoarse. His hands grabbed my naked butt cheeks and caressed them lovingly. He massaged my ass cheeks, pulling them apart and tugging at my excited and throbbing clit, making me moan in pleasure and anticipation.

I looked over, moving my hips up higher and my legs as far apart as they would go.

“Oh baby, you make me so hot. I wanted you the minute I saw you walk out of your place.” His voice was hoarse as he said the words and his hands massaged my ass cheeks.

I couldn’t focus on anything other than the intense tugging on my clit as he massaged and pulled my ass cheeks apart. I began to gyrate my hips slowly to egg him on.

His soft moan only made my pussy wetter and I lowered my head to the mattress as I stretched my hips up even higher to expose as much of my pussy and ass to him as possible.

I gasped in both anxiety and pleasure as I felt him dip two fingers quickly into my pussy, pull them out, and then begin to circle my ass. It was easy to lose myself in the intense pleasure of his fingers rimming my ass.

I’d never felt something so intensely erotic. It felt nasty and delicious at the same time. I was quickly brought out of my trance-like pleasure by the feel of Michael’s hot tongue on the outer ring of my ass.

The heat of his mouth, the eroticism of what he was doing to me, and the soft, tickling caress of his tongue rimming me caused me to cry out loudly and push myself back against his mouth.

In spite of my fear and anxiety, I wanted to feel his tongue delve deeper into my ass.  “Michael, please. Please, put your finger into my pussy,” I begged. I found myself gyrating my hips so my ass wiggled against his mouth. “Oh Michael, please. Please. I can’t stand it anymore.” 

Michael abruptly pulled away, making me regret saying anything. Before I could say anything else to him, he leaned back down and gently kissed and licked my ass cheek before giving it a quick bite, licking the flesh between his teeth.

I yelped, not in pain, but in surprise. I basked in the pleasure it brought to me as I lowered my head to the mattress and stuck my ass higher in the air.

I felt Michael move back between my thighs and grab both of my ass cheeks in his hands as he so luxuriously slowly slid his hard cock into my wet pussy.

I heard him groan, but couldn’t focus on it as my own frustrated groan escaped my lips. I bucked my hips against his cock as it slowly, slowly stroked inside of my pussy. I wanted him to ram his hard cock inside of me, as hard, as deep, and as rough as it could go. 

“Michael. Please Michael, please fuck me hard. I want you so bad. Fuck. Me. Hard!” I bucked against his cock as hard as I could.

Michael moaned as he grabbed my hips to stop my movement. He leaned down and began to kiss my neck.

I groaned in frustration. I wanted him deep inside my body. Instead, I began rubbing my clit as I gyrated my hips against Michael’s hands.

As Michael licked his way down my spine, biting his way down my ass cheeks, and making me cry out in intense pleasure, I again lowered my head down to the bed and raised my ass as high as it would go.

I felt Michael kneel upright between my splayed legs. I groaned again in frustration as he pulled himself out of my pussy and placed the head of his cock against my virginal ass.

“Relax baby. Just relax and breathe into the sensation.” Michael stroked my lower back as he whispered the words to me.

I felt him press his cock against my ass, sliding in so slowly. I clenched in both pleasure and anxiety. It felt incredible, but I was afraid of going further and causing pain.

But as the anxiety increased, Michael stroked my lower back and ass cheeks as he gently and steadily pushed the head of his cock further into my ass. One of his hands gently reached around my hips and began to stroke my clit in time to his thrusts.

I relaxed and felt myself stretch to accommodate the girth of his hard cock. I was racked with spasms of intense pleasure. It wasn’t pain exactly, but more of a feeling of extreme fullness pulling against my clit and vaginal area. I cried out and pushed myself against Michael’s hips.

His moans were so loud that they vibrated the room. The fingers that were stroking my clit immediately slid into my pussy and began finger fucking me hard as he used his other hand to grab my hip and thrust himself with all he had into my ass.

As I felt the full length of his hard cock in my ass, the most delicious and intense orgasm racked my body. I had never experienced an orgasm like this. It hit my clit, my vagina, and something deeper all at the same time.

Michael banged my ass with all he had as his fingers ravaged my wet and pulsing pussy. I lost myself in my own orgasm as I suddenly felt an incredible warmth fill my insides. I was jolted out of my own orgasmic pleasure just in time to enjoy Michael’s orgasm.

He pulled his fingers out of my pussy and grabbed both hips in his hands as he thrust himself as deep as he could into my ass as his cock spewed his hot cum deep, deep inside of me.

I was left breathless. I felt Michael slump gently onto my back, his cock still embedded in my body.

“Oh Mia, what the fuck are you doing to me?” He slowly withdrew his cock from my body as he lay down on the bed beside me. I sighed in pleasure as he pulled me down to nestle in the crook of his arm and chest. 

I snuggled against him, breathing in his musky, masculine scent, as I tiptoed into a very satisfied twilight sleep.

I felt Michael sweetly kiss the top of my head and pull me closer to him as he whispered against the top of my head, “I’m crazy about you, Mia. I can’t stop thinking about you, your hot body, and all the things I want to explore with you.”

I sighed in pure pleasure and relaxation as I said to him, “I want to experience everything with you. I’m so excited to be your plaything and push the envelope.”

Michael moaned as he kissed my head again before pulling me close. It was only a moment or two before his breathing took on the deep rhythm of sleep. I nestled closer to him and allowed myself to fall asleep against him. I knew I wanted to experience everything he wanted to show me. I wanted to be his plaything, his toy. As my body gave into exhaustion and sleep took over, I thought to myself that I’m ready for the next adventure.

Written by mbrinkley3717
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