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Coming of Age, Part 1

"Spoiled by my boyfriend on my 18th birthday"

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For my 18th birthday, my boyfriend Steve had a plan. It required a bit of deceit, since there was no way my parents would let me spend the night with a boy. I don't know if they knew I was sexually active yet, but they certainly weren't going to support their daughter in having sex. So, at Steve's urging and with Katie's help, I lied to my parents. I told them that Steve would be taking me out for dinner and a movie on my birthday (which he did) and that I'd be spending the next night at Katie's. Katie even picked me up to help sell the story. Instead of going to her place, though, she dropped me off at the hotel where Steve had booked a room with the help of his older brother.

Katie and I got out of the car, and went into the lobby. There, we met up with Steve and his friend Brian. Brian and Katie had just started dating. We hugged and kissed our boys, and then the four of us went out to dinner. It was a fun time, but I couldn't stop thinking about what was in store later on. I'd never spent a full night with a boy before! 

After dinner, we went back to the hotel. Katie and Brian walked us to the room. It was about 9:00 by this point. Katie gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek, whispering, "Enjoy yourself! And tell me absolutely everything tomorrow!" Steve opened the door, inviting me in. I watched Katie and Brian walk down the hall. She turned and gave me a smile as they reached the elevators. I went inside and Steve closed the door behind us.

It was a pretty typical hotel room. There was a small bathroom with a tub and shower. A desk with a chair was on the far side of the room, near the sliding glass door that led to a small balcony. There was a TV on a dresser, and a nightstand on either side of the queen-sized bed that took up most of the room.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," he said as he leaned in for a kiss. His hands were on my waist and mine were on his upper arms as the kiss slowly grew hotter and hotter. 

Just as his hands started to slide up my sides, I stepped back. "So what's the plan?" I asked. 

"The plan?" he stammered. "Oh, right!" He sat on the far side of the bed and pulled a large cooler from out of sight. Opening it, he pulled out a bottle. "Champagne!" he declared. "To celebrate!" He set the bottle on the nightstand and then removed two champagne flutes and placed them next to it. "There's also some beer in here for later. Or instead of the champagne if you'd rather."

"Where'd you get all this?"

"My brother. I owe him big time now, between all this and the condoms." 

I slid my purse from my shoulder and set it on the dresser. "Champagne's a good start," I said. I'd never had champagne apart from a little bit my parents had let me have the last two New Year's Eves. It wasn't my favorite, but I liked the idea of celebrating with an adult drink like that. "What then?"

"Well," he said, "then I make sweet love to you."

I smiled and raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah?" 

Steve was struggling with the champagne bottle, obviously not entirely sure how to open it. He stopped his fussing and looked me dead in the eyes. "Yeah." I could feel the intensity of that look from across the room. He went back to struggling.

"I see. And then what?"

"And then..." He looked around the room, trying to come up with something. His eyes lit up when they made it to the bathroom. "Then a nice steamy shower!" He chuckled when he saw my eyes go wide. I hadn't thought about showering with him. I'd never showered with a boy before, and the idea thrilled me a little. 

The cork suddenly popped, and we both jumped. I even squeaked a little. Steve ran to the bathroom sink as the bottle fizzed over, leaving a trail of spilled champagne. I laughed, and a moment later, he joined in. "Bring me the glasses," he called.

I kicked my shoes off before collecting the glasses and bringing them to the bathroom. He poured the champagne, spilling only a little more as he overfilled them. He handed one to me and lifted the other, as if to toast. "Wait," I said. He paused, a little uncertain. "As romantic as this bathroom is, can we take this outside?"

"Of course!" He took me by the hand and led me through the room out onto the balcony. I can't say there was any kind of view, but it was a nice night with a clear sky. "Happy birthday," he said again, holding out his glass. I clinked mine against his and we both drank. He moved in close, putting his free hand on my waist again as he leaned down for a kiss. It was soft and sweet and tender. "I love you," he said quietly.

"I love you, too, Steve." We kissed some more, pressing against each other on the balcony. The warmth from his body helped offset the chill in the air.

Our kisses got a little more intense, and his hand slid down to my ass. "Oh yeah," he suddenly said. He gave my ass a quick squeeze followed immediately by a good hard smack through my jeans. 

I jolted a bit and giggled. "What was that for?"

He had a big smile on his face. "That," he said, rubbing the ass cheek he had just smacked, "was a birthday spank. You get eighteen of those tonight."

I giggled again. "Should I turn around for you?"

"No," he said. "I'm not going to give them all at once. I wanna spread them out." He took a sip of his champagne, and I followed suit. "Besides," he smirked, "it would be a shame to use up all those spanks before you're out of your jeans."

"Is that so?" I smirked as I pressed up close to him again, my lips slightly parted.

"Yeah." He leaned down to kiss me again, but I pulled my face back just enough to keep his lips from meeting mine.

"Then we should probably take this inside," I whispered. I waited, my lips open just a bit and almost touching his. I moved my head back and forth, my lower lip just barely brushing his. "Well?"

"Uh, yeah," he finally said. "Let's go in." 

I led the way back inside, draining the rest of my champagne as I went. He closed the glass door behind us and made sure the drapes were closed. I refilled my glass and turned back to him, holding up the bottle. "You want some more?"

Steve set his glass down as he took the bottle from me. "Yeah," he said, then took a swig straight from the bottle. He looked me straight in the eye. "I want a lot more." My breath actually caught in my throat. He put the bottle down and kissed me hard on the lips. He took the glass from my hand and set it down as we kissed. We both knew it was time to stop messing around.

We maneuvered our way to the foot of the bed, our lips merged the whole time. Our tongues were teasing one another. Our hands were all over each other. He spanked me again, hard, and grabbed my ass. "That's two," he mumbled into my mouth. I giggled in return, but I did so partly to cover my moan. Previous boyfriends had slapped or spanked my ass, and I'd returned the favor, but it was always a fun, flirty action. This was the first time I'd been spanked during a time of truly rising passion. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the feeling.

I lifted my top off, our kiss breaking only long enough for it to pass between us. I tossed it aside and both of his hands were instantly on my breasts. I had a black satin bra, and my nipples were hard and easy for him to find through the material. As he played with my breasts, my hands slid up under his shirt, feeling his chest and abdomen. There was another quick break in our kisses as we both helped slide his shirt up and off.

His hands moved behind me to unhook my bra. I knew from experience that it might take a moment. It was too long for me; I needed to feel his bare chest against mine right away, so I brushed his hands away and took the bra off myself. I threw myself at him, pressing tight against his body. The heat in both of our chests fueled each other. I could feel his dick, hard and confined and pushing against my belly.

His right hand slid up between us to paw at my breast, and I shifted slightly to give him access. He rubbed and squeezed my left tit, and pinched at my nipple. "I love you," he murmured again as he took a step forward. I had to move back to accommodate him, and felt the bed behind me. I kissed him harder and placed my hand on the front of his jeans, pressing against his bulge.

I sat at the foot of the bed, and his lips followed me down. There was space between us now as he was leaning over to kiss me as I sat on the bed. He lifted both of my breasts in his hand. Both of my hands were at his waist, quickly undoing his fly and sliding his jeans down past his thighs. He pulled away so that he could get them the rest of the way off. He was wearing briefs, and his bulge was very apparent. It didn't look comfortable at all.

He slowly stepped back toward me, and my eyes didn't leave his bulge until he stood between my legs. I looked up at him, licking my lips, while I slid his underwear down. His cock burst free, hard and ready for action. There was already precum accumulating at the tip. I licked that up and went down on him. He moaned in pleasure. I was still developing my oral skills, but a high school guy will enjoy any kind of head he gets. It wasn't long at all before he moaned, "Oh God," and I knew he was about to shoot. Even with the warning, I wasn't able to keep it all in my mouth, but I swallowed what I could, grimacing at as the bizarre goo slipped down my throat. "Ohhh fuck, babe! You're amazing!" 

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I lay back on the bed and rolled over to get closer to the night stand, grabbing at a tissue. Steve took advantage of my position and spanked my ass again. "Three," he said triumphantly. 

I rolled back over onto my back again. "I thought you weren't going to waste them all on a covered butt," I teased, as I wiped his jizz off my chin.

"I've got fifteen to go," he said. "Plenty of opportunity."

My eyes slid up and down his body, taking him in. He had a good body. He wasn't an athlete but he probably could have been. His cock was at half-mast, but he was young. We both were. I knew he'd be ready pretty quickly with a little encouragement. "You're very naked," I told him matter-of-factly. 

"I am," he agreed, laughing. "And you," he said, suddenly very serious, "are wearing entirely too much clothing."

"Is that so?" I asked, repeating myself from earlier. I deftly undid the button of my jeans and slid the zipper down. 

"Yes, it is," he said.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"This." Steve  climbed on the bed over me and kissed me again. I deliberately arched my back to press my breasts against his chest. He kissed down my neck, his lips making their way to my left nipple. He kissed and sucked it for a moment while his hand played with my other boob. Then he kissed down the slope my left breast and up my right, switching his attentions. I breathed in deep and moaned in encouragement. Then he kissed his way down my belly to my waist. His fingers gripped the waist of my jeans and he scooted down off the bed, standing again as he slid my jeans off my legs. 

I was only wearing my panties now, a black pair that matched my discarded bra. He looked down at me, licking his lips. "I have got the most beautiful girlfriend," he said. He climbed over me again, my legs spreading for him. He pressed himself up against me, my panties the only thing between his semi-hard cock and my pussy. We kissed for a while, and I could feel him getting hard again as he grinded himself against me. 

Suddenly, he rolled away from me and opened the drawer of the night stand. "What are you doing?" I asked. He rolled back to me with a small package, wrapped in purple paper.  "What's that?"

"Your birthday present," he said simply.

"Oh, Steve! You're going to spoil me!" He'd already given me a gift the day before.

He smiled. "That's the point. Open it."

I kissed him again, and sat up as I ripped the paper off to reveal a jewelry case. I opened it to find a silver necklace with a sapphire heart. I'm really not sure if it was real or not, but it was beautiful. "Oh, Steve! Put it on me." I draped the necklace over my shoulders as he moved behind me to affix the clasp. I turned back so he could see. The heart hung down just to the rise of my breasts.

"Do me a favor?" he asked as his eyes moved back up to mine.

"Anything, love."

"I don't want you to wear anything else but that necklace until we leave here."

I kissed him. "Deal!" 

We kissed some more and then he murmured, "Now for the next part of your gift," as his lips moved from mine to my jaw, kissing his way back to my neck.

"There's more?" I gasped.

Steve nodded, nuzzling my neck while kissing it. That sent pleasurable shivers down my spine. His hand slid down my body and between my legs. He began rubbing me through my panties. As he did so, his face nudged me back, urging me to lay back down.

He began kissing his way down my body, just like he had before. He stopped at my breasts again to give each one ample attention before continuing his way down. When his lips met my panties, he kissed my belly while his fingers hooked my underwear and slid them down. He rose briefly and I closed my legs just long enough for my panties to come off. Right away he was back down between my legs, kissing just above my pubic hair.

That was when I finally realized what the next part of my gift was, and I got very nervous. No guy had gone down on me before, and that was clearly what his goal was. I'd heard stories of guys not liking it for whatever reason, often the smell or taste. I was suddenly worried about whether or not I was clean enough, or what if he just didn't like it, or was there something I should be doing while he was down there?

I wish I could say that all those thoughts vanished once he began to eat me, but they didn't. Not yet, anyway. It felt good, and he seemed to have at least some idea what he was doing, but I was trapped in my head. Steve was stubborn, though. He didn't give up. Even better, he really did seem to enjoy himself. He was licking, kissing, and slurping away, and even occasionally slipped a finger or two into me and finger fucked me for a bit.

He looked up at me once, while sliding two fingers in and out of me. His other hand reached up and squeezed my breast. "I want you to let go. I want you to cum for me." He pinched and pulled at my nipple while continuing to finger fuck me. Then his head bowed again and his lips found my clit. 

Instantly, all thoughts in my head were gone. I only knew pleasure. The stimulation of his hand on my tit, his fingers inside my pussy, and his lips on my clit was the perfect storm of ecstasy. I moaned loudly and gripped the bedsheets. This only encouraged him. My back arched as orgasm flooded through me. My thighs clenched his head and my whole body shook.

As soon as I calmed a bit, he made his way back up. I took his face in my hands and kissed him hard. I think he was a little surprised that I hadn't even bothered to wipe his face first, but I didn't care. I could taste myself on him and that almost turned me on even more. 

I could feel his hard cock brushing my thigh. I reached between us and took his shaft in my hand. "Make love to me," was all I said. I pulled him toward my wet pussy, guiding the head between my folds. He slowly pushed in and I couldn't breathe. I gripped the back of his shoulders. He kept pushing in slowly, deeper and deeper, until he was as far inside me as he could get, making my body shudder and my eyes lose focus. I wasn't a virgin by any means, but the feel of a hard cock sliding into my pussy was still a relatively new thing for me, and it felt absolutely amazing!

Eventually I started to breathe again, moaning as he slid in and out of me. He was grunting too, moving a little faster with each thrust. My legs slid up his sides, my feet resting on his butt as his pelvis bucked, his cock like a piston in me. He felt so good, and we were so in love, that I couldn't imagine a better feeling. We were lost in each other, and when he started to cum in me, it pushed me over the edge and we orgasmed together for the first time.

We held each other for a while, with him still laying on top of me, and his cock still inside me. We kissed and told each other how much we loved each other over and over. I was taken by surprise when he rolled us onto our side and smacked my ass again. In post-coital bliss both physically and emotionally, the unexpected spank made me jerk and my pussy clench. "Woah," he said, kind of amazed. He spanked me again and got a similar reaction. "Fuck, that feels good!"

"You're telling me!" I tried to roll him back on top of me, but he was stubborn and spanked me a few more times, delighting in how I squirmed around him. I giggled, begging him to stop, but he got a few more good smacks in. Not that I really wanted him to stop! Finally, I told him, "You'll use up all your spanks if you're not careful!" 

That made him pause. He made a show of struggling to do math. I laughed and hit his chest. "Nine. That's only half." Then he spanked me again. "Eight to go!" We both laughed and he rolled off of me, leaving my pussy empty. That's never a good feeling.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to check out the necklace in the mirror. It really was beautiful. I heard him rustling around in the cooler and then pop open a can of beer. "You want one?" he called.

"I'll have some more champagne." I walked back into the main room and found my glass still full where I left it earlier. He watched the the whole way, sipping his beer. I was strangely comfortable parading around naked in front of him. "I'm kinda hungry. You?"

"Oh yes," he said as his eyes roamed all over my body, "I sure am!" I blushed and giggled. I knew that he was well aware of what I meant, but the look on his face still telegraphed his desire for me. "Oh, you mean for food! Yeah, I could eat."

I jumped onto the bed, kissed him briefly, then found the room service menu on the night stand. I opened it as I snuggled into him, letting him read it over my shoulder. Once we'd made our decisions, he called the order in while I refreshed our drinks. We lay together on the bed, completely naked and comfortable, sipping our drinks and idly chatting while fingers gently grazed over each other's bodies. 

Written by KristenO
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