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Achilles Pussy (Or How I Can Never Resist My Urges)

"Barry gets more than he bargained for when he catches Gina and I having fun..."

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I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. Fuck, my head was pounding. As the faces of my two alarm clocks began to merge and become a single one again on my nightstand, I saw that it was just before eight, in the A.M. I guessed. I gulped, Jesus, my mouth was dry. It felt as though my throat was full of salty sand, I could barely swallow. 

I spotted a bottle of water on the nightstand and reached out to grab it, desperate to slake my thirst. I leaned out to grab it and instantly regretted it, my brain felt like it was rattling around inside my head and I thought that I might be sick. Blech!

I wrapped my fingers around the bottle, trying to grasp it and I managed to knock both it and my alarm clock to the floor. "Fuck!" I groaned, reaching down and moving my hand around over the carpet, trying to make contact with the plastic but finding only discarded underwear and dust bunnies... My fingertip touched something cold and rubbery and I recoiled in disgust, it felt like a used condom. I kept moving my hand until my fingers found the plastic. I grabbed it as fast as I could, brought the bottle to my mouth, pulled open the stopper with my teeth and took a long swig of the tepid liquid. Taking a deep breath through my nose, I realised that the water was stale! Shit, I had picked up an old bottle from the floor, god knows how long it had been lying there! I nearly spat the contents straight out onto the carpet but somehow I managed to hold it in and swallow what was in my mouth.

That woke me up a bit and I sat up a little, leaned over the edge of the bed and located the fresh water and took a huge gulp... As I did, I counted four spent condoms on the floor (the fact that they were tied into neat knots to prevent spillage, immediately appealed to the OCD side of my nature. Of course you wouldn't have known it to look at the rest of my apartment but it was true!) I felt a heavy leg awkwardly slump over mine, followed by an arm over my lower back. I turned around into it. My heart sank and stomach lurched as I recognised Red Barry, one of the bouncers from Shenanigans, a club I often frequented at weekends. His nickname came not only from his strawberry blonde hair but also from his fiery temper, he had a reputation for being a bit heavy handed with some of the more awkward or inebriated punters.

Fuck, what had I been thinking? You know, he'd actually been trying to get me in the sack for ages but I kept knocking him back, refusing his clumsy advances. I mean, he was actually pretty handsome and had a great physique, but I just wasn’t interested in him. I thought that he was a dick, it was that simple. He was one of those mini-Hitler types who let a little power go to his head (or perhaps I should say, both of his heads!) I knew that he couldn't understand why I wouldn't just sleep with him and I also know that it pissed him off, because I think that he felt as though it was his right or something. Like many bouncers, he seemed to think that the women he allowed into the club should all show their gratitude by offering, at the very least, a token blow job. He had a tendency to be kind of passive-aggressive, I'd seen the way he treated some of the punters and I just didn't want to go there...

I lay there, trying not to wake him, hoping to put off what would no doubt be an awkward conversation. As I kept perfectly still, trying to piece together the possible scenarios which could have led to me caving in and fucking Barry, at least four times judging by the rubbery debris on my carpet! Judging by the way my head felt, there had been copious amounts of alcohol involved.

I carefully maneuvered myself from my side and onto my back, without waking him. It meant that his hand was on my belly and his leg was now between mine. I felt his fingers come to life and begin to move over my soft skin.

I closed my eyes and had flashbacks of myself and Gina, she's one of my best friends and my top partner in crime. We always watched each other's backs when we were out, so I wondered how she could have possibly let me make this huge error and end up in bed with this idiot. Then I remembered knocking back tequilas with her, in an attempt to prove some guys at the bar wrong and basically drinking them under the table. We always had such a laugh while we were out and often got ourselves into mischief.

I smiled as I remembered how we had shown those guys at the bar. One of them had been particularly drunk and had been coming on a bit strong. I grinned, as I remembered how Gina and I had added insult to their collective injury by engaging in a particularly passionate kiss, just to show exactly how uninterested we were in them. I should explain, neither Gina nor I were actually gay, but we did like to dabble and experiment with each other from time to time and we had even done a few of threesomes with a rather lucky male friend and a female one. Mmm, that had been fun...

My pussy gave a token pulse as I remembered the feel of her tongue in my mouth, as her fingers had rubbed at my nipples, through my bra. Her other hand had deftly slipped between my legs and inside my panties. God, I had already been soaking as she'd expertly fingered my pussy and of course I had reciprocated, pushing myself forward slipping my own hand under her skirt, along her smooth thigh, while my free hand slid up under her top until I found her pert little nubs. She'd moaned into my mouth as I had pulled and tweaked them.

Back in my room, I felt Barry's hand slide up my belly to my own breast. I think he was still asleep as his fingers began to rub my soft nipple which began to respond and I could feel my clit began to get firm and start to tingle between my legs. I let out an involuntary gasp and remembered how the guys at the club, watching mine and Gina's raunchy display, had been standing, mouths agape and beginning to pitch tents, as their collective cocks stiffened in their trousers. At that point I realised that our wanton behaviour had gathered quite the little crowd and I had whispered into Gina's ear that it might be a good idea to slip outside, so that we could continue in relative privacy.

She'd agreed and the two of us had practically ran outside, giggling like schoolgirls. As soon as we reached the iron stairs of the fire escape, she was on her knees before me, pulling up my skirt and roughly pulling my panties down. As quick as a flash, her fingers were inside my pussy and her teeth were on my clit, sucking it into her hot mouth while her tongue flicked and stroked. Let me tell you, that girl knows how to use her fingers and before I knew it, I was thrusting against her as she fucked me with her mouth and hand. I grabbed her hair hard and pulled her against my throbbing mound. My knees were turning to jelly and I was gasping and moaning, loudly.

I know that I should have kept quiet, not made so much noise, but I couldn't, I just couldn't and when I felt her push a thumb into my arse, I fucking exploded. I called her a filthy fucking whore as I gripped her hair, knees bending as my back slid down the wall. My legs were wide apart and although I was coming like a train, she didn't stop her assault. I was moaning loudly and I could feel my juices flooding her mouth as she prolonged my orgasm with that wicked tongue of hers.

"You like that, you dirty fucking bitch?" She grunted into my pussy as her fingers rubbed my g-spot, thumb pressing against them through the wall of my rectum.

I couldn't even speak at that point, my body was shaking so hard as I felt her pull out her thumb and fingers and pull my pussy lips apart so that she could lick me clean. Holy fuck! I was panting and quivering, my whole body was on fire. I pulled Gina roughly by the hair to my mouth and I began to kiss and tongue her sloppily, sucking my own juices from her lips and tongue. "Oh my god, you are fucking amazing, Gina. You know, I sometimes wonder why I need a cock at all!"

Gina just laughed, “You will always need cock because you’re a fucking whore who’s completely under the command of her slutty pussy!”

“You’re not wrong there, but you are a close second, Gina. You give oral like nothing I’ve ever experienced!” I sighed, smiling.

It was my turn to please her.

I got onto my knees before her, pulled up her top and I was soon sucking a nipple into my mouth through her bra. She gripped my shoulders and sighed as my tongue flicked and sucked the little nub to full alertness. I roughly pulled down the cup of her bra and sucked her naked flesh into my mouth. God, it felt good.

"Open your legs!" I ordered as I pulled at the seam of her knickers, tearing them and letting her wet panties slip down her leg. My fingers began to stroke her pussy lips, slipping easily between them, they were slick, hot and puffy, just the way I liked them. I pushed two fingers inside her, wiggled them around and then pulled them back out, so that I could suck and taste her juices from my slippery digits. Oh that sweet tang! I had to have more.

"Lie back, I want to eat that gorgeous little pussy properly!" I ordered, pushing her back against the steps and positioning myself between her thighs.

She moved, so that her legs over my shoulders and I pushed her thighs up hard against her, doubling her over and really opening up her cunt against my mouth, as it closed over her pussy lips and my tongue began to probe and delve into her sweet, wet slit.

Gina groaned, "Oh god, fuck me, fuck me," as she arched her back, pushing her pelvis against me, her hands in my hair, pulling my face onto her.

I could barely breathe and I had no choice but to open my mouth even wider and suck her firm clit inside. I pushed one finger into her, followed by a second until her grunting and telling me to fuck her encouraged me to push in a third finger. I was really stretching her hole open. She was as wet as fuck as I began to thrust and I formed a cone with my fingers and found that I was able to slip all four of the fingers of my right hand inside her. By now she was moaning like crazy and I was able to manoeuvre my hand until my thumb was rubbing the base of her clit. I looked up at her, eyes closed, drool dribbling from the side of her mouth and I thought I would try something...

Her cunt was really sucking and slurping at my fingers and I raised my head a little, slowed down the movement of my hand and I spat onto my fingers as they moved in and out of her hole. I brought my thumb from her clit towards the palm of my hand and I gently began to push. She yelped and looked at me.

I paused, thinking that I might be hurting her, but she whispered, "Do it, fist me, get your fucking hand deep inside me!"

I spat again, my saliva mixing with her copious pussy juices and I pushed even more firmly, feeling her muscles resist. I coned my fingers together more tightly and the heel of my hand began to enter her tight cunt. She let out a low moan, maybe more of a growl and I pushed again. Her muscles gripped my wrist as my whole hand slipped inside her completely, to the wrist with a squishing slurp. I balled my hand into a fist and gently began to thrust and fuck her. She was going crazy now and I leaned down and took her clit between my teeth and flicked it with my tongue.

That was when she began to come and when I say come, I mean she went fucking crazy.

Her whole body was shaking. All I had to do was move my hand a little, I could feel it pressing against her cervix. I just flicked and sucked her clit with my mouth and tongue and I could feel her muscles clamping around my wrist, so tightly that it was almost cutting off the circulation. I continued to keep a little pressure on both her clit and inside her until she had finished climaxing. By now, it felt like my hand was going to sleep and I was incredibly uncomfortable on the metal stairs, the rough pattern was cutting into my knees.

I sat up and began to pull my hand from her, straightening my fingers and squeezing them together again until they slipped out from her (much more easily than they had gone in!). My hand popped out with a loud sucking noise and hot fluid ran out of her gaping hole. I leaned in and began to lap her juices and kiss her bruised lips.

She was panting, sighing and stroking my hair as her legs slipped from my shoulders. "Are you okay?" I whispered.

She nodded, eyes glazed, "Fuck yes! I've never felt anything like that in my fucking life!"

Just then, I heard a noise behind us. I turned my head to see Barry approaching, he was grinning and clapping his hands.

"Bravo ladies! Bra-fucking-vo!" he said as he walked towards us.

Gina and I sat up, pulling our skirts down, but before I could pull my knickers back up, he slapped my bare arse and pushed a finger inside my sopping slit.

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"What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed at him, shuddering as I felt a second and then a third cold digit join the first inside me.

"Ladies, that was such a fucking sexy show,” he explained, continuing to plunge his fingers into me whilst unzipping his fly with his other hand. “There I was, sitting in the staff room, checking the CCTV screen when I saw what you two were up to. My cock was hard and I started stroking it, when it occurred to me that I could actually just come out here and get a piece of the action for myself."

Gina and I looked at each other. The security camera! Shit! We'd forgotten all about it!

As if reading our minds, Barry continued, "Oh don't worry girls, I won’t let anyone see what you got up to. You know, I've never actually seen that done in real life..." He smiled wickedly, "I’ll remove the disc once I’ve finished having my fun here. I reckon that’s something I’d like to watch."

I could barely think, my pussy was pulsing and gripping his thick fingers as he roughly fucked me with them.

“But, but...” I weakly objected.

“Shut up!" He grunted, pushing me on top of Gina and holding me in place. "Suck her tits while you take my cock. I am going to fuck you like the dirty little whore you are."

Gina looked at me, raised her eyebrows and shrugged and before I had time to say anything, she was lifting her breast, filling my mouth and effectively gagging me. I could feel him pushing and pulling his fingers from my hole, spreading my juices over my lips and further wetting my already dripping cunt.

I should have stopped him, I know I should. He was a slimy prick and I knew it, but as soon as I felt the blunt tip of his prick against me, my pussy was practically sucking him in. He grunted as he thrust it in, deep and hard, stretching me open. God, he was fucking huge! If I'd known how big he was I might have agreed to fuck him before now. As he pulled out, he slapped my arse, hard and I yelped against Gina's nipple as he plunged in deep again.

I was bumping against her as he fucked me, pumping my cunt with his huge thick shaft. I reached in between my legs and began to rub his balls as they swung against me, mmm they were smooth, oh I did like a nice smooth sack. Gina slipped her hand between our bodies and began to furiously rub her clit, writhing against me. I felt Barry's fat fingers at my arsehole and I heard and felt him spit as he pushed a finger deep inside my bottom. I screamed and pulled my fingers back against my own soaking cleft and rubbed and rubbed until I came. I felt Barry pull out and he grunted as his spunk squirted over my lower back. He collapsed onto me, shuddering.

As my climax subsided and I began to come back to my senses, I pushed him back. "How fucking dare you? You fucking bastard!" I'm sure I didn't sound very convincing though, as I still felt so fucking good.

I turned around to face him, "You prick, Barry, you fucking prick!"

I raised my hand to slap his face, but he grabbed my wrist and held it in place. Gina's juices were still on it and he pulled my hand to his mouth and sucked my fingers. I must have looked horrified because he laughed again, holding me in place as though I were nothing.

“You loved it, you fucking loved it,” he hissed.

I bit my lip. I couldn’t argue with that and my pussy was still pulsing post-orgasmic waves through my body.

He grabbed my face with his other hand and pulled me towards his before whispering into my ear, "Okay, here's the deal. You know I've been after you for a while but you've never agreed to fuck me. I want to spend the rest of the night with you. I imagine you’ll agree, especially now that you’ve sampled my cock. I'll hand you over the master CCTV disc tomorrow morning, once we’ve finished."

He let go of my face and I turned to look at Gina. She simply shrugged and I looked back at him. Really, I should have felt outraged and disgusted, but my pussy was tingling like crazy and the appeal of having his meat inside me again far outweighed any repulsion I felt at that moment. Gina knew where my mind was going and she smiled at me...

“Right you two, let’s go in and retrieve the disc, then you can bugger off, Gina,” Barry said, straightening himself up.

She leaned forward and whispered into my ear, “Girl, I think you are in for the fuck of your life. Go for it. Usual terms apply?” She winked and put her arms around me, hugging me before I got up to go with Barry.

“Yeah,” I whispered, grinning like a kid on Christmas Eve.


Argh, so that was how I had gotten into this fix and why my pussy felt like it had been hit by a truck and man, what a trucker he had turned out to be. It was crazy, I mean, I wasn't actually attracted to this guy in any way, but here I was feeling the juices begin to flow between my legs and my breathing was getting faster as I remembered more and more of the details of the last few hours.

Judging by the speed and pressure of his fingers on my now stiff nipples, I figured that surely he would wake soon.

My body squirmed as his hand slid down my belly again and his fingers moved over my coarse pussy hair, his touch was getting firmer, he was waking up. I wasn’t quite sure if it was because I wanted to escape his touch or if it was from the pleasure the excitement of fucking.

Who was I kidding? I needed him inside me again!

“My name is Suzanne and I am a cock addict,” I giggled to myself then gasped, parted my legs and tilted my pelvis up, proffering my swollen clit to his fingers. On the one hand I felt kind of ashamed, but on the other, I couldn't stop the way my body was reacting to his touch. I knew that his cock, if not yet fully erect, couldn't be far from it. I felt his fingertips slide between my lips and slip on my juices, straight down towards my aching hole. My back arched involuntarily, trying to get his fingers inside me... My pussy was a naughty little bitch and I knew that she wouldn't be satisfied until there was a thick juicy cock thrusting in and out, however good those fingers felt, as I eased myself fully onto them.

I reached out until I felt Barry's thickening morning wood under my hand and I squeezed, pulling along his shaft, he was pretty hard. I love the feel of a cock in my hand, the way it feels so hot, so heavy. I just cannot get enough of it.

God I needed him inside me. Wait, this was Barry! Would-not-touch-with-a-bargepole Barry! A shiver of disgust flowed through my body, a wave of ‘no, no, nos ‘get up and run away now’ messages rushed through me, cooling my ardour and making me sit up until... Until the message reached my clit, which immediately bounced those sensible feelings and repelled them. The insatiable itch, deep in my pussy shouted ‘I want to come and I want to come NOW!’

My eyes focussed, like a heat-seeking missile and I spotted an unopened condom. My arm stretched out and snatched it up, teeth tearing it open, as I threw off the duvet. In one killer move, I spotted my erect ‘prey’, sheathed it and speared myself on Barry’s cock, cowgirl-style, all in one fluid movement .

‘Fuck my itch!’ my pussy seemed to yell as Barry’s eyes opened with a look of startled amazement, taking in the madwoman on top of him, riding him like a circus pony.

“Morning?” he mumbled as I fucked the life out of him, sucking his cock deep into me, writhing, falling forwards and backwards, sideways, every which way, testing out just how well his cock was connected to his groin.

At any moment almost expecting to see an explosion of blood as my wanton pussy sucked his cock right from his body!.

‘Find that itch, find it! Find it now!’ Juices and sweat flowed. I rode and bounced on Barry, or whatever the fuck his name was. I didn’t care, whoever it was had a cock, a big bulging thick throbbing cock. That was what I wanted, what I was demanding, it was what I needed ! Barry was almost inanimate, his face frozen in, was it fear, at the frenzy he saw before him. Odd, maybe I had been gentle with him last night or maybe he had just been drunk?

I half got up, changing my position again. I was sitting, facing him still, but leaning back with my hands and legs supporting me as I let just the tip stay inside me, swaying, going gently up and down. Oh where is that itch, find it, find it! I sped up, plunging deeper, filling me, so wet, clamping him tight, oh so good, so good, so… My strength gave way as another pulse flew through me. I collapsed backwards, feeling the pain in Barry, as my head fell between his ankles, while I still clutched tightly to the only part of him worth knowing.

I paused for a second, my hand reached down to check that he was still actually connected, I knew he was still inside me, but I worried again about him, well, just for a second! Nah, it was fine, I felt his coarse hair at the base of his cock.

I threw my left leg up past his chest and my right underneath his back as I thrust myself further onto his cock, it was there simply for my pleasure and was a scratching stick for my personal itch! I pushed and shoved, my toes pushing past his face as I forced as much of Barry inside me as I could get. Fuck me!


Please? Did I hear that right? It was so weak and indistinct.


It was slightly louder now. Barry was speaking with a rather sad-little-boy voice, like one who had been caught by his big sister, sniffing her dirty knickers and hoping that she would not tell their mother. It was that timid a plea.

“What? What IS it?” I said as I thrust hard again on Barry’s twisted but still throbbing cock, so firmly planted in my greedy, insatiable pussy.

“Please stop, I can’t take any more! Enough, please, my balls are going to explode and my cock is arghhhh!!” He mewled.

Okay, to be honest I had writhed in impatience as he was speaking and in the end I sat up and swung my legs around to get off the bed, squashing him while still keeping him tight inside me.

“But Barry, I was just getting warmed up again. You do really have the most tremendously satisfying cock, but if you want out, then okay. But hang on a bit...” I pulled myself from him with a massive squelch.

Wow, it almost felt like the windows rattled as the vacuum was broken!

I sighed, “Okay, take five, get your strength back before we continue...”

“What makes you think I would want you again?” He looked a little scared.

“Gina?” I called out and the dark screen on my open laptop sprang to life, filled with her smiling face.

“Good morning guys!” She waved from the screen. “Have fun last night? Oh, you don’t need to answer that. Look, I can show you!”

Images began to flicker past on the screen; Gina and I misbehaving outside the club, Barry coming out and fucking me from behind and then it switched to my bedroom. Although she was obviously fast-forwarding through the footage, you could see everything. Barry let out a groan when he saw himself masturbating as I plunged a huge dildo in and out of his ass. I’d never seen semen shoot quite so far. It was impressive to watch it. There was a lot of fucking. I was taken aback, maybe this guy was a keeper after all?

“Oh, Barry, I’m pretty certain you’ll agree.” I said wickedly, then added, “I am sure that people would love to see you take it up the ass like that!”

“But... but how did you get that footage? That disc was in my pocket?” He wailed, falling back onto the pillow.

“Oh that would be me!” Said Gina, looking very pleased with herself as her pretty face filled the MacBook screen again. “I took the liberty of removing it before you left. I’m sneaky!” She winked.

“So,” I interrupted, “In answer to your question, yes, I rather think we will be repeating last night’s events and I think that you will enjoy it, a lot. Barry, you ought to bear in mind that women are not just stupid creatures to be used and objectified as you see fit, don’t you agree?”

His face was bright red as he stammered, “Shit, fuck...”

“Hey, Barry, why don’t you throw yourself in the shower?” Gina called out from the tiny laptop speaker. “I’ll be over within the hour and I’m rather keen to sample that rather delicious cock myself. Chop chop!”

“Oh, Gina?” I grinned. “We’re going to need more condoms...”

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my sordid little tale. I do hope that you enjoyed it. Please feel free to vote and comment.

Written by Mazza
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