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Accidental Foursome - Part 2

"Follow-up to our previous story, Accidental Foursome, but what happens next is hardly accidental. Read on…"

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Author's Notes

"If you haven't read Part 1 of this story, I invite you to do so. If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

After Greg and I finished up our morning workout (naked wrestling I think it’s called), we got up, had a quick shower, and got dressed. I had a breakfast date with our new friend Eve and we were going to spend the last at-sea day of our cruise in the spa getting pampered and transformed into the goddesses we are.

I asked Greg what his plans were and he said he wasn’t sure. Breakfast then maybe a workout, perhaps some serious sun worshipping before we had to get back on the plane the next day to return to the Great White North. I kissed him goodbye and said, “Well, Eve and I are off for a girl’s day. Stay out of trouble, I’ll see you after lunch.”

 I entered the restaurant and saw Eve and Adam sitting at a table in the middle of the room. I went over said good morning, kissed them both, and said, “I thought this was a girl’s day.”

“I was just hanging here until you showed up. I’m going back to bed, I’m still wiped out from our party last night,” replied Adam. “You girls have fun. Later,” he said and he left.

“So what’s it gonna be?” asked Eve. “Facial? Mud bath?”

“Mani-pedi for sure.” I answered. “Maybe a facial, we’ll see what’s on offer.” We went to the buffet, got our breakfast, and sat back down to eat. As we quietly relived last night’s events, I commented that I was a little surprised that neither Greg nor I had any regrets this morning.

“That’s not always the case,” said Eve, “I remember this one couple that stayed over with us a couple of years ago. They got pretty drunk and their inhibitions were almost non-existent the night before. He’s the guy Adam mentioned last night that he had a go with. The next morning they got up early and left without so much as a goodbye. I got a phone call from the woman a few days later to say thanks but, having tried it they weren’t keen on maintaining any sort of relationship. I heard later they got divorced last year. Seems she wanted to keep swinging but her husband was too jealous.”

“Really?” I asked. “I would have thought it would be the man who was all gung-ho and the woman would be less into it. No fear here, Greg and I got so turned on just talking about it this morning we had a real intense fuck! I’m game for another go if you guys are!”

“I was hoping you’d say that!” grinned Eve as she reached her foot out and ran it up my calf under the table. Just then she looked across the room behind me and licked her lips. I turned around and saw my husband walk into the room and sit at a table about as far away from us as he could get.

“Never mind him,” I said, “There’s time for that later. Yesterday was a day of many firsts, maybe there are a couple more firsts I can experience today!” We finished our breakfast and made our way to the spa just in time for our 9 o’clock appointments.

About three hours later we left the spa, massaged, manicured, pedicured, scrubbed, polished, and waxed. “How about some lunch?” asked Eve.

“Sure,” I replied, “Then I think I want to go shopping for a new swimsuit.” We made our way aft to the patio-style café overlooking the stern of the ship and ordered salads and iced tea. After we finished we headed below to the shops. We looked through the swimwear and I picked out a couple of suits that would show off my curves but still have some semblance of modesty. I took Eve by the hand and headed for  the door and said, “I’m gonna need some help getting these on.”

We went to her cabin and she put the “Do Not Disturb” sign in the outside key slot before she came back over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a long, luscious, toe-curling kiss. The taste of her lip gloss combined with the scent of her perfume excited me. I started running my hands up and down her back, scratching her lightly with my newly painted nails. Her fingers came around to my chest and squeezed my breasts before she began pulling my top up over my head. My blouse went on the floor and she reached up and undid the front clasp of my bra, letting it fall between us.

As it fell she looked at me and smiled before she leaned down and passed her tongue ever so lightly across my nipples one after the other. She kissed me again and then whispered, “I’ve been thinking about this since I first saw you dancing with Adam last night. You are so incredibly sexy, I want to show you how to make love to me.”

I looked straight at her and said, “I’ve never touched a woman like that before, it’ll be just like losing my virginity all over again. I gotta say I’m a little nervous about this.” I reached forward and kissed her softly, trying to emulate the unbelievable kiss she had planted on me just a minute before. “Ok Teacher,” I said, “I’m all yours.”

“Undress me,” she said, “Take off my clothes, slowly and explore each part of me as you see it. If you want to taste it, taste it, if you think it needs touching, touch it. You’ll know if you’re doing it right by my reactions.” I reached up and began unbuttoning her top, pulling the thin fabric aside as each button allowed me more access to her skin. I ran my fingers lightly down between her breasts.

Once all the buttons were undone I slipped the shirt back over her shoulders and let it fall partway down her back, catching it and pulling it forward, pinning her arms to her side and pulling her towards me for another hot, hard kiss. I jammed my tongue forward to meet hers, savoring the mixed taste of our lipstick, inhaling our perfume blended with the musky scent we were both producing as we became more aroused.

I released her top letting it fall behind her and she broke our kiss and gasped, “Adam said you were a good kisser, he understated it for sure.” I just smiled at her and moved my right hand up to cup her breast, feeling the weight and firmness and recalling when my own breasts were firm and taut.

Eve’s breasts were a little smaller than mine with small areolae, her nipples firm and pointed with her excitement. I raised my other hand and kneaded them both softly, imitating the way Greg fondles mine. My breasts have always been sensitive and I love having them caressed. When Greg plays with my nipples it sends tingly shots of pleasure through me so I tried to do the same to Eve, rubbing her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers as I pressed my hands into their firmness. Her head fell back and she arched her back, pushing her chest towards me as a soft, “Ooohhh” escaped her lips.

I looked at her face, her lips were parted slightly, and her top lip curled up in a little smile; I would have never believed that just looking at a woman’s face would be such a turn-on. I was immediately hooked, I knew I had to do everything I could to give her an earth-shattering orgasm. I reached down and took her hands and brought them up to my chest. She immediately began imitating what I was doing and I let out a little groan of my own to voice my approval of her efforts. She opened her eyes and looked at me and said, “This is going to be fun!”

She smiled wickedly, licked her lips, and dropped to her knees.

She began tugging at my shorts, pulling them down over my hips planting soft kisses on my torso starting at my belly button and working her way down to the top of my thong. I stepped out of my shorts and parted my legs slightly, hoping she would touch my pussy. She kissed my mound through the sheer fabric of my undies and stood back up. “You smell wonderful,” she whispered, “I love a woman’s scent when she’s all wet and ready.” She took my hand and led me over to the bed and sat me down with my knees hanging over the edge.

She got down on her knees and pushed my knees apart, twisting her shoulders under them so my calves were resting on her back. She grasped my hips and pulled me toward her, kissing her way up my inner thighs as her face got closer to my crotch. Her one hand found my mound and started rubbing my labia through my underwear while her other hand slid under my backside, urging me to lift my hips towards her face. She slipped my thong to the side and I felt her tongue trace along the outside of my slit, probing slightly to brush ever so gently over my clitoris.

Her first touch on my love button sent a ripple of pleasure through me and I reached down with both hands, one to pull my thong completely out of her way, the other to grasp her hair and pull her face to me. She inhaled deeply and dove in, her mouth latching onto my clit and she started flicking and teasing it, driving me higher towards my peak.

Suddenly she stopped and reached up to slip my now-soaked underwear off my hips. “Let’s get this out of the way,” she whispered. By this time I wasn’t inclined to waste any energy even to speak, I wanted to concentrate on the pleasure she was bringing to me loins. She cupped one hand under each ass cheek and dove back in, pulling my hips upwards to hold me against her probing, flicking tongue. This woman has mad skills and in only a couple of minutes, I could feel I was going to tip over the edge and release my built-up tension.

“Oh, Eve, that feels incredible,” I panted, “You have about a month to stop that!” I wrapped my legs around her shoulders and pulled her closer wanting her to keep licking my cunt until I came. She slid her hand from under my bum and began probing my folds with her fingers, slipping one, then two, then three inside me. My orgasm was very close now and I began to thrust my hips against her fingers.

She sucked on my clit and started humming and I was gone. I clamped my legs around her, held her head still, and felt a gush come from inside me, soaking her fingers and her face. My pussy spasmed over and over, I can’t remember it everlasting for so long before. Eve just kept her mouth on me but she slowed her flickering tongue allowing my orgasm to begin to fade from intense waves of pure pleasure to a softer, more mellow bliss that settled into my core and relaxed me completely.

I relaxed my grip with my legs and let go of her hair, moving my hands to my breasts to complete the pleasure by softly stroking my own nipples. Eve moved up off my pussy and kissed her way up my body, pausing at the hollow above my hip bones, just below my ribs, between my breasts, the hollows at each collarbone for tickling little kisses. Her face finally came up beside mine and I took it in my hands and kissed her softly, my tongue tasting my own juices mixed with her lipstick and the salty sweat from her upper lip. I held her close and whispered, “Why have I waited all my life to do that?”

“Wow, that was intense!” she replied, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman, nice to see I’ve still got it!”

“You have absolutely got it,” I replied. “Give me a few minutes to recover and I’ll see if I can’t return the favor.” I sighed and snuggled into her for some post-coital closeness. “Hmmm, Greg doesn’t always like to cuddle after sex,” I said, “This is nice.”

We lay together for a couple of minutes and as the feeling faded, the air conditioning raised goose bumps all over my skin. I untangled myself and started pulling back the sheets so we could slip between the covers for round 2 of my first girl-girl lovemaking session. Eve went to the washroom and after she came back I made a quick trip to pee and freshen up.

When I came back into the bedroom she was just closing the drawer of the bedside table. I slid under the covers beside her and we snuggled again for a bit. Eve had completely undressed in my absence. I hesitated for just a moment and then turned to Eve and said, “I want to make you come like you just did to me but I’m not sure I know how.”

“That’s OK,” she answered, “Just try to do to me what you would want done to you. If there’s something I want you to do, I’ll tell you. Remember, I want you to be completely comfortable with this so don’t forget our safe word. Take your time, we’ve got as long as we need.”

“Ok,” I said, “Here goes,” and I leaned in to kiss her. Eve and I had made quite a mess of our makeup so we had both taken the opportunity to touch up our faces during our break. Eve had reapplied her lipstick and the feeling of our freshly glossed lips slipping and sliding against each other was unbelievable. I had always gotten turned on watching two girls make out when Greg and I watched dirty movies (not quite so much as he did) and always tried to imagine what it would be like to have my lips on another woman’s.

Women definitely kiss differently than men do; they seem to have a softness and sensitivity that men just don’t get. Eve responded to my kisses by pulling me close to her, getting as much of our skin to touch each other as we could. I took a deep breath and slid my hand down along her body, resting it on her hip. She rolled away from me slightly to allow me access to her and my hand slid in between us. I let my fingers play lower play lower and I realized that she was completely clean-shaven. I stopped and looked at her with raised eyebrows and said, “Hang on, I’m pretty sure you had hair on your pussy last night. Greg even commented that you’re a real ginger.”

“Well,” she said, “I sometimes like to shave down there and I thought I’d do it to see if you’d like it. Have you never shaved your pussy?”

“I’ve trimmed it for wearing swimsuits but never gone completely bare. I don’t know if Greg would like it,” I shrugged.

“Oh, I think he wouldn’t mind. I’ve yet to meet a man who objects to bald pussy!” she exclaimed, laughing.

“Could you help me shave mine?” I asked her.

“My dear, it would be my pleasure. But how about this; I think it’s pretty obvious we’re going to get together with our husbands tonight, how about I shave your pussy while he watches?” she asked with raised eyebrows of her own.

I thought about it for a moment and said, “Yeah, I think they would both like that!” And with that, I snuggled back beside her and started rubbing her smooth mound with my fingers. Eve let out a soft moan and parted her legs. My fingers found her opening and I slipped one inside. She was completely wet and ready so I began alternating my fingers inside her and then withdrawing them to concentrate on her clit. “Is that OK?” I asked.

Eve’s breathing was getting deeper by this point and she panted, “Oh yeah, that’s just fine. Don’t be afraid to be a little more aggressive on my clit though, I like it rubbed hard.” I pushed two fingers into her to get the lubed up and then started rubbing her clitoris harder, more aggressively than I had ever done my own. Harder than anyone else had ever rubbed it. I couldn’t imagine what I was doing would be pleasurable but the way that Eve was moaning and thrashing about put the lie to that thought. Her hips started thrusting upward in time to my stroking and after a moment she reached down with her hand and stopped me.

“Oh please stop!” she moaned loudly, “You’re gonna make me come and I don’t want it to be over yet!” I withdrew my hand from her pussy and moved back up to start kissing her when she placed her hands on top of my head and pushed down gently. You don’t have to,” she whispered, “but I would love for you to eat my pussy.”  I nodded and began kissing my way down her body, repeating what she had done to me earlier.

I stopped at the hollow at her collarbone, kissed my way along it out to her shoulder, down beside her breast, and paused to lick and nip at each of her perfect little nipples. Along the lower curve of her ribcage, now exposed as she inhaled sharply and raised her torso up to meet my kisses, down to her belly button, stopping to flick the little red jewel she had there, down to the top of her pubic bone where I stopped, inhaled deeply and whispered a quiet, “Here goes.”

I shifted my body down so I could look right at her lovely pussy, the folds flushed pink with arousal and glistening with her wetness in the soft light. I reached up with my fingers and parted her lips, exposing the deeper pink of her opening. Her scent was overpowering as I closed my eyes and flicked my tongue forward, getting my first direct taste of another woman’s pussy. It was wonderful, softer, and more pliant than I imagined, the taste was slightly salty, and it was slick and slippery, not needing my own saliva to lubricate it as my tongue slid from the bottom of her opening to the tiny folds at the top.

“Hmmm, nice,” I mumbled and I dove forward to eat her pussy with more gusto. I moved my lips and tongue like I thought I would like to have done to me and Eve responded, groaning softly opening her thighs and wrapping her legs around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her with her heels and calves. Her hands had left my hair and grasped the bed sheets on either side of her clutching them to try to pull herself down on the bed to push herself into me.

I twisted so I was up on one elbow so I could bring my fingers into play with her as I sucked and licked on her clit. One, then two, then three fingers went inside her as I alternated lips and tongue on her clit, now as hard as any cock I’d ever seen. I figured I was doing something right as she twisted her upper body around, I thought she was just reacting to what I was doing but then I heard the drawer in the nightstand slide open and then close.

Eve pushed me away from her and she panted, “Here, fuck me with this while you lick me.” She passed me a dildo about 10 inches long and nearly as thick as my wrist. It was shaped just like a circumcised cock with veins and everything, even a little indentation in the tip where the opening is.

I took it from her and rubbed it up and down along her opening, rolling it as I went to get it fully lubricated with her juices, then I opened her lips to expose her clit and rubbed it lengthwise to massage her little hard button. Her hand found mine and grasped the fake cock, guiding its tip to her opening as she pushed her hips upward trying to impale herself with it. I pushed slowly on the bottom of the toy and watched fascinated as it disappeared slowly inside her.

When it was finally in as far as I dared push it I leaned forward and placed my lips around her clit and started suckling softly on it. Eve’s hips pulled back and then pushed forward; I got the hint and started slowly sliding this huge cock in and out of her. I kept a slow pace at first and as her breathing quickened I increased the pace and depths of the thrusting. With each stroke, a fraction more of it would disappear inside her until there was only barely enough left to grasp with my fingertips.

Eve must have squeezed with her pussy because the toy slipped back out of her an inch or so, so I grabbed it, pulled it out until only the tip was just touching her, and then drove it back in. It went in all the way again, I was astonished that a woman her size could take all that cock but take it she did. We soon got into a rhythm, me pushing it into her as far as it would go, her squeezing it back out so I could grip it and repeat the process.

She pushed my head back down towards her, I had forgotten all about her clit while watching her cunt swallow that monster tool. I dove in and licked and sucked her like my life depended on it, fucking her with the toy with increasing speed as her moans turned to cries in time with my thrusting. Eve began chanting, “Don’t stop! Don’t Stop!” and I giggled, recalling what she had said last night about her taking during sex. She must have felt me giggle because she giggled too and for a moment we stopped and laughed loudly.

I decided that enough was enough and pushed the toy into her harder than I had previously as I jammed my mouth back onto her clit. Eve breathed in sharply and let out a short grunt as her cunt filled completely with silicone cock. The fucking and sucking resumed and after a few strokes, we were right back where we had left off.  Eve’s hips were bouncing up and down to meet my thrusting into her with the dildo so I was unable to keep my mouth on her clit.

I told her to settle down so I could lick her but she shook her head and said, “Never mind that, just fuck me, I’ll tell you when to lick me again!” I obliged and decided I would watch her face as she came. I started twisting the toy as I plunged it into her which made her start moaning even louder. As she approached her peak she started chanting, “Yes, yes,”, getting louder and higher in pitch as she got more excited.

Suddenly her hand grabbed mine and she held it in place as she pushed up her hips and let out a loud moan. I looked down at her pussy and watched as it spasmed as she came. As her moaning started to fade a little rivulet of fluid seeped out around the base of the dildo and her hand moved to begin sliding it out of her pussy only to jam it back in again. I slid it in and out slowly as I moved up to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me back and she whispered, “Mmmmm that was awesome, you can come play with me any time!”

I pulled the toy out of her and she let out a soft gasp as it slipped out of her with a soft plop, I ran my fingers into her sopping slit and brought them up so we could both lick her juices off of them. We snuggled and cuddled for a while, each of us playing with each other’s breasts and pussies. Eve ran her fingers through my pubic hair and tugged on it playfully and said, “Would you let me clean you up down there?”

“Right now I would let you do whatever you want to me,” I replied, “Just promise to make me feel like you did earlier. If I had known girlie sex was so good, I’d have given up guys long ago.”

“No need to go that far,” she laughed, “but if you want to come visit me sometime, I’m sure we can figure out something to do.” She hugged me tightly and kissed me again making me feel all warm inside again. “But for now, I think we need a shower.” I agreed so we untangled from each other and went to get cleaned up. Our washing involved more touching, rubbing, and fingering and I was ready to go again but Eve told me to slow down and save some energy for tonight. “I have an idea,” she said slyly, “Let’s give the boys a little show tonight.”

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“If it gets you eating me out, I’m game!” I replied, “Maybe they could watch you shave my pubic hair?”

“You sure? I would love to!” she answered, running her hand down my belly to my crotch. “I can’t wait to feel you’re pussy all clean and smooth.” We finished cleaning each other up and got dried off and dressed. As we were reapplying our make-up a knock came at the door. Eve got up to answer it, it was Adam. She greeted him with a kiss and he said, “Jesus Christ I thought you two would never finish!” Eve laughed as I blushed. I wasn’t embarrassed by what we had done but I guess I wasn’t expecting anyone to know what we had been doing.

“Sorry, sweetie,” she giggled, “It’s just that this was Anna’s first time with a woman and I wanted to take our time and get it right.”

“Oh, she got it right, all right,” I offered, "So much so I might give up on men altogether!”

“I hope not!” exclaimed Adam, “I was hoping to get to have that sweet body again tonight! Besides, who says you can’t have the best of both worlds?”

“Yeah, why not?” I answered, “Assuming Greg is OK with it.”

“Trust me, sweetie, he’ll be OK with it!” laughed Eve. We finished up getting ready, I went over and kissed Eve and said, “Thank you for an incredible afternoon. I’ll never forget it.”

“Me neither,” she whispered. I felt like I was a teenager again, bursting with emotion and eager to continue my exploration of a newly found pastime. I kissed her again and then kissed Adam and got up to go find my husband. “Early dinner or late?” I asked.

“Either,” said Adam, “Find Greg and decide then let us know.” I nodded as I went to the door. I looked back over my shoulder to see them hugging, Eve’s hands sliding down towards her husband’s tented shorts. I winked at Eve and she winked back and licked her lips. I just knew she was going to tell Adam about our afternoon together. I decided then and there I was not going spoil Greg’s surprise so I would keep mum about what I had been up to all day.

I went up to our suite to change into one of my new swimsuits because I figured I’d find Greg by one of the pools, catching some sun and ogling the women. I selected a white bikini that stood out nicely against my new tan. I put on a flowered coverup and went off in search of Greg. I found him in the shade of the mid-ship pool bar sipping on a drink and people-watching from behind his shades. He didn’t see me at first so I snuck around behind him, covered his eyes with my hands, and whispered, “Guess who?”

“Hey,” he said, “I’ve been wondering where you’ve been.” He turned around and stood up, taking off his sunglasses. “Wow!” You look fabulous!” he gushed as I turned a pirouette in front of him. He reached out and pulled me close for a hug and a kiss.

“Are you going to stay in here or come out in the sun with me?” I asked. “I want to get one last bit of tanning in before it gets too late.”

“Sure,” he said, “what do you want to drink?” I asked him to get me an iced tea and went out to find a couple of lounge chairs for us. He came out in a few minutes just as I was taking off my coverup. He let out a wolf whistle as I bent over to spread a towel on my chair. “New suit?” he asked.

“If you weren’t my husband I’d slap you for looking at me like that!” I laughed.

“Lucky for me then. If I weren’t your husband I’m not sure I could resist trying to pick you up and taking you to my cabin to ravish you,” he growled.

“Be patient,” I said slyly, “You might get your wish.” I licked my lips and raised my eyebrows lasciviously. We lay in the sun for about an hour when a shadow came over my face. I opened my eyes and there was Greg standing over me.

“I’m gonna go grab a shower and get cleaned up,” he said, “You care to join me?”

“I’m good,” I replied, “this is my last chance to catch some sun before we go home. We have all night for what you have in mind. Relax big boy, you’ll get there.” I smiled and laid back trying to be cool but my whole body flushed hot knowing that my husband had been fantasizing about what I had been doing all day and about what he wanted to do to me now.

Greg shrugged and said with a low voice, “OK but you better make it worth waiting for.”

I waved him closer with one finger and whispered, “I will, and so will Eve.” Greg raised his eyebrows and nodded. I knew I had just given Greg more fuel for his fantasies and after considering it for a second, I decided I was OK with that. Let his imagination run for a bit.

Eventually, the ship turned so that I wasn’t in the sun anymore so I decided that my sun tanning was done for the day. I got up, put on my coverup, and headed back towards our suite. Along the way, I could see that a few men allowed their gaze to follow me as I passed, and a couple of them earned themselves a nudge from their partners. The idea that complete strangers would ogle a 42-year-old woman made me feel good inside and I found myself wondering if Greg might not get his wish sooner rather than later.

I got to the cabin and as I opened the door I heard Greg snoring softly. He was lying on the bed naked and I was pretty sure that he had come back and masturbated in the shower after my teasing him earlier. He can never stay awake after coming and today appeared to be no exception. I let him snooze while I had a nice long shower, using the time to let my own mind wonder about what might happen later this evening My hands went to my pussy and I rubbed out a quick thrill as the hot water sprayed down over me.

I was just drying off when I heard the alarm on Greg’s watch go off, I quickly shut the bathroom door and locked it to keep Greg out. I wanted to make sure he was wound as tight as a watch spring for our encounter later in the evening. I finished drying off and wrapped myself in a towel before going out into the bedroom. Greg came over to me and started to slide his hands under my towel, obviously interested in having his way with me.

I put my hands on his and said, “Sweetheart, I know I said we were going to do it as much as we could this week but I’m asking you to wait. It will be worth it, I promise!” I gave him a quick kiss and ran my fingers up along his crotch, his cock was rock hard and ready for action. “Awwww, poor baby,” I laughed and I went to get dressed.

“How about a quick blow job?” he asked.

“Sorry baby,” I replied, “How many times have I ever refused to have sex with you?”

“None that I can remember,” he answered.

“Exactly,” I said. “Believe me, it would be easy to make love to you right now but Eve and I have a special surprise in store for you and Adam tonight. You will thank me for this later.”

“OK baby, you say so, I’ll play your game,” he said waggling one finger at me. I smiled and licked my lips and turned to the closet to pick out my dress for the evening. “Adam and Eve want to know if we prefer an early dinner or late?” I called out.

“I had a late lunch so late works for me,” he relied.

“OK, I’ll call them.” I turned back to the closet and selected a new black dress that I had bought specially for our trip. Greg hadn’t seen it yet and I knew it would only serve to raise his anticipation even more. A black bra that was just a bit too small so it would accentuate my cleavage, black suspenders, and garter, black seamed stockings, and heels completed my ensemble. I decided to forego panties so I could give Adam and Greg a peek at my soon-to-be hairless pussy through the evening.

Eve and I had decided to tease the boys mercilessly in the hope that their enthusiasm at eventually getting to ravish our bodies would pay dividends. This wasn’t something I would have ever done before but the very thought of what was to come later drove me to do anything to maximize the opportunity. I took my time getting dressed stopping to admire the figure I had worked so hard to achieve. I stood up and looked in the mirror after snapping the straps onto the tops of my stockings and regarded my pale skin and dark bush framed by the silky blackness of my garter belt and stockings. I wondered how it would look once all the hair was removed and felt a little warm rush spread through my loins.

The anticipation was killing me, I can only imagine what it was doing to my poor hubby. I put on my bra, adjusting it so my once perky breasts were propped up just so. I lamented the slight sag brought on by 42 years of life but then took a deep breath and remembered the looks I had been getting from many men all week. “Not bad for an old girl,” I whispered to myself and I stepped into my dress. I held it up with one hand as I went into the lounge area and asked Greg to zip me up. He turned and his jaw dropped.

“Oh wow Anna, you look amazing,” he breathed and I decided then and there that later tonight he would get that blowjob he asked for a few minutes ago. “How did a plain old fart like me ever get together with someone so gorgeous?” He came around behind me and zipped up my dress, running his hands around in front and cupping both breasts with his strong hands. “Mmmmmm, nice,” he whispered squeezing them softly as he rubbed his erection on my backside. “I don’t think I can wait for later.”

“Well then, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands,” I whispered back, teasing him even more by pushing my ass against his hardness.

“No, you promised me it would be worth waiting for so I’ll wait,” he answered pulling away from me. I called Adam and Eve’s cabin and let them know that the late seating for dinner would be good, it was almost time for the first seating anyway so the timing worked out well. I told her that Greg and I were going to have a drink before dinner.

I told Greg that we had plenty of time and if he got dressed quickly he could take me for a drink and show me off. It had been years since I felt confident enough to dress to thrill, when I was heavy I would dress to hide my weight which is never attractive but now, after having spent the day being pampered, my afternoon adventure with Eve and after watching my husband of nearly 20 years nearly drool at my appearance, I felt like a goddess and wanted to feel that narcissistic rush that a woman gets when men stop what they are doing to watch her walk by.

I sat at the vanity and took my time applying my makeup, wanting to look as sensual as I could. Bright red lipstick to match my nails, dark eye shadow to accent my dark brown eyes, and a touch of blush on my cheekbones completed my look.

“Classy,” I thought as I appraised myself in the mirror, “I still got it.”

Greg said he was ready so I dropped my lipstick and compact in my small purse, picked a large red scarf I had bought during the trip to use as a shawl, took my husband’s hand and we headed out.

We arrived at the bar and found a table in a corner with no other people really close. The waiter came over and took our drink order and Greg and I sat back to people-watch, one of our favourite pastimes when we go out. We had been there about 20 minutes when we saw a younger couple come in and sit at the bar. Greg shifted in his seat and I knew he was thinking unclean thoughts about that much younger lady.

“You think she’s cute?” I asked him. He looked at me a little surprised. Greg and I had never been shy about our appreciation for the opposite sex and neither of us had ever expressed any jealousy.

“I do,” he replied simply.

“Me too,” I said, “He’s pretty good-looking too.”

“I guess,” shrugged Greg, “if you like tall, fit, and well-muscled.”

“I do,” I said, rubbing my hand along Greg’s upper arm.

“I saw her by the pool earlier today but he wasn’t with her,” offered Greg. “She had on a swimsuit that would make a blind man stare.”

“And a few blind women too,” I replied, “She’s not just cute, she is hot. I’ll bet you’d like to see her naked.”

“Let me tell you something about men,” said Greg, “Once you’ve seen one woman naked, you want to see them all naked.” I laughed, knowing this was true. “But yes, I would like to see her naked.”

“I’d like to see them both naked,” I said. “Now that we’ve jumped off that cliff, I’d like to do more than see them naked, a lot more. Maybe the next time we try a foursome we can try a younger couple.”

“Maybe,” said Greg. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Greg finished his drink and asked me if I’d like another.

“Iced tea for me,” I said, “I want to keep a clear head.” Greg got up and went to the bar. While he was waiting for his drink, the young lady of the couple we had been watching left to go to the ladies room. Greg moved over and introduced himself to the young man and they conversed, occasionally glancing towards me until the bartender brought our drinks. Greg shook hands with him and came back to our table.

“What were you guys talking about?” I asked.

“I told him that the hot MILF in the black dress was my wife and that she’d like to suck his cock,” he answered staring straight into my eyes. I was dumbfounded. “I also told him that we’d be staying an extra night in Orlando before flying home and if they were up for it we could get together and see what happens.”

“You cheeky bastard!” I exclaimed, slapping Greg’s shoulder. I glanced back toward the young stranger and blushed. He smiled and raised his glass at me. “What did he say?”

“He said he thought you are indeed hot and that he’d talk to his girlfriend about it and let us know. They were planning on flying home tomorrow afternoon but he might be able to talk her into staying an extra night if they could get their flights changed.”

“Oh look, is that a bridge I see?” I teased.

“I figured I’d strike while the iron is hot,” he said, running his hand up my thigh. I parted my legs slightly to give him access to rub my pussy and his eyes widened. “Speaking of hot,” he whispered, “you are being quite the little tease this evening.”

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” I smiled and squeezed my legs back together, trapping his hand against my crotch. Just then the young lady came back to her boyfriend. They spoke quietly for a moment, he whispered something into her ear and she looked over at us. At first, she made no indication but then she smiled and licked her lips as she stared at us. I think she was staring at Greg but I hope she was staring at me. I was as eager to get at her body as Greg ever would have been.

“Can we go outside with these?” I asked, “It’s getting horny in here.” Greg and I took our glasses and went towards the patio passing right next to our new interests. As we passed I looked at him and raised my eyebrows slightly then at her and licked my lips. They both smiled in return but gave nothing more away. Greg and I stood at the rail and watched the sky darken. The breeze was still warm and it wafted upward as the wind caught the side of the ship. A sudden gust blew up and lifted my dress up, exposing my naked ass for all to see.

I reached to hold it down and felt a small thrill pass through me, wondering if anyone had caught a glimpse of my undie-less backside. We stayed there for a bit then Greg looked at his watch and said it was time to go to the restaurant for dinner. We finished our drinks and made our way forward. When we arrived the hostess greeted us and asked if we had reserved a table. I said we hadn’t but perhaps our friends had, we gave her their names and she said that there was no reservation in that name.

She seated us at a table with two other couples and we made introductions and settled in. We had only been there a few minutes when Adam and Eve walked in. They conversed with the hostess, pointed toward our table and I saw the hostess hold up one finger. She came over to our table and asked and said, “Your friends just arrived. They asked me to apologize for the reservation mix-up and said they would join you in the piano lounge after dinner if that’s OK?”

I looked at Greg, and he nodded and I told her that would be fine. She went back and sat Adam and Eve at a table nearby. Dinner was lovely as we talked with our table mates and shared stories about the cruise. Greg and I obviously left out a few details of recent events. Presently dinner was finished, Greg and I passed on dessert and excused ourselves, thanking our new acquaintances for their fine company.  We walked past Adam and Eve’s table on our way out, I said, “See you guys in a bit.”

Eve smiled and replied, “You’ll see more of us than that later if you’re still game.”

“Wouldn’t miss it!” stated Greg. “This little minx has been teasing me all night with promises of patience being rewarded, and I intend to collect on that promise!”

“Tell me about it!” said Adam. “We’ll catch up in a few.” Greg and I held hands as we left and walked slowly towards the main staircase on our way aft. As we walked down the staircase I could feel my dress again lifting slightly, part of me hoping no one would see my nakedness, the other part of me hoping somebody would. I had never so much as contemplated being an exhibitionist but something about the idea of total strangers seeing my private parts sent a little thrill through me.

As we arrived at the lounge the young couple we had seen before dinner walked by, the young lady raising her hand and wiggling her fingers in greeting as they smiled and went past. A sign or just friendly?  We got ourselves seated and I excused myself to the ladies' room. As I was in the stall, I heard someone enter the washroom. I came out to see it was our young lady standing leaning up against the counter.

“So,” she said, “You want to suck my fiancés cock do you?” I was immediately on guard hoping she wouldn’t get belligerent.

“I never said that,” I said calmly, “my husband did.” I took a deep breath and decided to cross that long bridge now in front of me. “Here’s the deal. My husband and I just started sharing each other sexually. We saw you two come in and our fantasies got the best of us. I’m sorry if we offended you.”

“Offended? I hardly think so,” she replied. “Flattered more like. My boyfriend and I just got engaged and we have been having some pretty serious discussions about sex and fantasies and what we would and would not do. Swinging is definitely on the to-do list.” She came over to me and placed one hand on my shoulder, rubbing the fingers of her other hand along my cheek. She leaned in and kissed me softly, her tongue flicking lightly across my lips.

“Would you believe,” I asked after our kiss broke, “that before today I had never kissed a woman, not like that. I had my first lesbian experience today and I can’t wait to have my next one. In fact, it’s going to be in a couple of hours with the couple we shared last night with, I’m all wet just thinking about it.”

“Well,” she spoke softly, “Maybe I can help there. I love girls as much as guys but I’ve never been with a mature woman. I’d like to try that.” She kissed me again and said, “Aaron and I are going to try to change our flights. Here’s my card, call or text me when we get ashore so I have your number. I’ll let you know how we make out. We’ll go splits on a hotel suite if you guys want.”

“Sounds good,” I replied, “I’m looking forward to it.” I kissed her this time, sliding my tongue into her mouth and letting it run across her teeth. I turned and left to go back to my husband.

When I got back to our table Greg said, “What took you so long?”

I pointed to my new friend who was just exiting the washroom, “She did. She and her fiancé want to get together with us tomorrow night if they can change their flights. She even offered to pay for half the hotel suite. I had to fix up my lipstick after she messed it all up.” Greg shifted uncomfortably, I could tell he was getting a hard-on listening to me tell about my brief encounter with a hot young woman. “We should have done this years ago,” I said quietly, rubbing my hand up Greg’s leg to feel his erection. Adam and Eve arrived at our table and we got our drinks ordered.

“So,” said Eve, “What were you two whispering about when we came in?” She smiled and rubbed her hand along Greg’s bicep. “As if I didn’t know.”

“Actually we were trying to set up a date for tomorrow night with that hot young couple that just left,” I said matter-of-factly. “In fact, they are going to try to re-arrange their flight home so we can be together. How’s that for jumping in with both feet?”

“I’m all for gung-ho,” said Adam, laughing, “but you should be careful. There are some people out there who will play on your sense of adventure and try to take advantage. Remember, swapping partners is all about trust. I was very surprised that we all got together so quickly. It sometimes takes weeks or months of getting acquainted before people build the kind of trust you need.”

“Sounds like you’re trying to talk us out of getting together with them,” said Greg.

“Not at all,” Adam replied. “I admire your enthusiasm, you’ll need that eventually after you have a… less than positive experience. And you will, I assure you. Not everybody is into swinging for the pure fun of it. Some people have a “WIIFM” attitude.”

“WIIFM?” I asked.

“What’s in it for me,” said Eve. “There are some folks out there who will gain your trust and then start to demand more than you can give. Some will try to blackmail you, threaten to tell your friends and neighbors, your boss or family about what you are doing.”

“How do we keep that from happening?” asked Greg.

“I think this is a conversation better suited to a more private place,” suggested Eve. “When you’ve heard what we have to say, you may lose your enthusiasm. I think we should go to your cabin and talk about this. That way, you’re already in a place of safety if you have a change of heart.”

“Gee,” I said with a low voice, “You’re all gloom and doom tonight.”

“Think of it like this,” said Adam, “we’re just making sure you’re thinking with your head, not your hormones.” We finished up our drinks and left the lounge for our suite. As we waited for the elevator Adam slipped his hand across my back and pulled me in close and Eve slid alongside Greg for a brief squeeze. We waited silently for the elevator,  Greg and I exchanged quick glances back and forth.

We exited the elevator and walked down the passageway to our suite. When we arrived there, I pulled out the key card and went to open the door when Eve put her hand on mine and said, “Remember our safe word. If at any time you start to feel uncomfortable, say the word, and everything and everybody stops.”

(to be continued in Part 3...)

Written by CaressofSteel
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