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Work Trip To Amsterdam

"Inspiration and Courage from Chris21235"

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I must apologize in advance as this is my first story or rather a true account of an experience that stemmed from a story I read on this site. By some standards, it might seem a little on the tame side compared to many stories on this site. It is, however, true and happened to me back in April. I do owe thanks to Chris21235 as it was his story that led me into the adventure I want to write an account of. If you want to read it its simply entitled "The Club".

A bit about me, probably as typical as you can imagine; my late forties, married two children in their late teens, working full-time for a project management company that involves some travel which I love. Anyone who knows me would not believe in a million years I did what I did. Friends, family, work colleagues. Although in my late forties, I still feel young at heart and try and look after myself: 5'7", average build, brunette, shoulder-length hair. After the children, our sex life began to decline, which I have sort of lived with and come to terms with, which evolved into rather mechanical sex once a month.

I suppose this whole chain of events started just over a year ago when I was staying away and doing some figures on my laptop. After finishing my evening meal in the hotel restaurant, a guy came over and asked me whether I knew the password for the hotel Wi-Fi. I told him, and we kept chatting and although I may be a bit slow sometimes, this was clearly his way of trying to chat me up.

There were the usual sort of chat up lines for two lonely business travelers away from home. What happens on a business trip stays on a business trip. "Would I like a drink?" he asked, which I pretty much guessed could have ended up in the offer of a nightcap in his room although I did take it as a huge compliment.

We laughed a bit when I told him I was very touched, but it just wasn't going to happen, which he respected and disappeared. Over the following weeks, I just could not get that situation out of my mind and sometimes played the situation through in my mind, just imagining what it may have been like to experience another man after all these years. Even in my early years, I only had two sexual relationships before meeting my then-to-be husband. I even found myself getting quite wet at the thought of what could have happened that night!

I soon realized I needed more than 'what if' thoughts, so when alone I started to explore some of the porn sites, but soon found them to be very artificial and not very credible. I found, or got more turned on by reading the stories written by normal people, some fiction I know, and they were very entertaining and also some very credible true ones. However, they were a big turn on for me and a lovely piece of escapism. Having only been exposed to very vanilla sex, I became fascinated and turned on by some of the stories; swinging parties, threesomes, foursomes, groups, clubs, even domination, BDSM and wondering what it would be like with another woman.

In February of this year I came across Chris's story, "The Club". It just had me obsessed with the character he described. He could have been me in every detail, the feelings and emotions. In summary, the woman concerned was on a business trip a long way from home and decided to arrange to visit an adult/swingers club, before returning home to a completely normal family life as a respectable member of the community. I read the story several times. At that time, Chris had only published part one.

My mind suddenly went into overdrive. I had a conference I had been asked to attend in Amsterdam, which was in five or six weeks time. Just like the woman in the story, it would be easy enough to add a day before or after the conference without arousing suspicion. I also guessed Amsterdam was as good as any city to find such a club. Actually, when I started to search online, there were only two such clubs in Amsterdam that I could find. Both were very casual, no preregistration, which suited me perfectly.

If I was going to do this, the less evidence of my activity the better. Just turn up on the night, and it sounded from the description that a single woman or unicorn (a term I would learn) would have no problem getting in. So at this stage, I didn't need to make a decision until I was there. I was, however, already favouring the smaller, more central of the two clubs.

I also decided that Sunday may be my preferred evening, which would work well for the conference which started on Monday afternoon. Sunday evenings were also just for couples and single women. While I am very open-minded, I really felt I just wanted to take one step at a time. I felt a couple's and single women's evening may be a little more gentle or civilized rather than lots of single men hitting on you.

I was also intrigued by what it might be like with another woman. So, travelling out on a Sunday made perfect sense. My only concern was any work colleagues that may want to come out a bit early with me, so I kept a fairly low profile as to my travel plans. I then booked my flights which got me into Schiphol at around 3.00 in the afternoon, giving me plenty of time. The club did not open until around 9.00 pm and I certainly didn't want to be the first there. So everything was really done.

The only last thing, of course, as any woman will tell you, is what to wear. I looked at dozens of websites advising what to wear at a swingers club. After two or three shopping excursions, I chose a wrap dress with buttons up the front which opened completely and a belt around the waist. To compliment this, a sexy black shear bra and matching knickers, which was complimented by some hold-ups and modest heels. Not my normal sort of dress, so these were carefully placed at the back of the wardrobe.

Well, the next few weeks seemed to fly by and every day the tension, nerves and excitement grew. There were times when nerves got the better of me and I thought about whether I could ever go through with this, but the excitement just kept drawing me back. Finally, I was on the plane heading for Schiphol and in no time, I found myself checking into my hotel at just gone 5.00 pm.

I just knew the next five hours were going to drag. I had a drink in my room, tried to get a little sleep as I guessed and hoped it would be a late night. I set my alarm and just dozed for a few hours until around 7.00 pm, then had a shower and started to prepare myself, starting with a shower, making sure I was smooth everywhere!

I put my makeup on, sexy but subtle, and then got dressed into my wrap dress. Somehow, the bra straps just showed too much through the material of the dress,  so I decided this evening would be bra less. I have to admit I am quite proud of my breasts despite having two children. They are, of course, natural but seem to have remained quite pert and firm ! My stomach, I should add, I am less proud of, but did manage to shed a few pounds before the trip.

After another forty minutes or so, I looked in the mirror and felt quite pleased with the results; not too bad I thought. I was conscious that my nipples were showing through the dress, but that rather turned me on, and I did have a jacket to wear over the top until I got to the club. Still an hour to kill, so I checked I had everything; Photo ID, which was the only formal requirement, cash, as there was just a cash bar and cash admission, which again suited me, so no strange names appearing on credit cards or bank statements and, yes, I did put a handful of condoms in my small clutch bag.

So, after thinking about this for the last six or seven weeks, the moment was almost here, the point of no return. So many conflicting thoughts going through my mind, such as guilt and was there anything I had forgotten which could lead to me being found out?

Despite these thoughts, I was so turned on and excited, and I was taking a step so far removed from my day-to-day life, way outside my normal comfort zone. My stomach was full of butterflies. It was now just coming up to 9.30 pm and I figured by the time I called an Uber, and I got there there, it would be close to 10.00 pm.

I called the Uber and felt very self-conscious as I waited outside the hotel for the Uber to arrive. I'm not really sure why, as I looked perfectly decent with my jacket on, possibly just going out for dinner or a company event. As the Uber arrived, I got in and for the first time I felt a bit daring, so, rather than I had rehearsed in my mind just to give the street number, I just came out with the name of the bar, "Same Place". I'm not sure whether I was expecting a reaction, but nothing.

After less than ten minutes, we were there and as I got out I saw the club. I have to say from the outside it did not look very inviting. My heart was pounding as I walked up to the large double wooden closed door and, avoiding any hesitation, pushed the buzzer. A middle-aged guy dressed quite casually opened the door and showed me into a small lobby area where he was already checking another couple in who looked as nervous as I felt.

He was explaining about the twenty euro entry fee which covered your first drink at the bar, issued them with a locker key and requested they hand their mobile phones to him, which were placed in a small bag and secured away. She looked nervously at me and smiled and said, "No contact with the outside world now," as she disappeared through a door with her husband.

I went into the main bar area. Then it was my turn and the guy repeated the same preamble. Although Dutch, he spoke perfect English. Of course, it was all very routine for him. He explained the rules and, being a single woman, if I felt uncomfortable in any way or anyone bothered me, just let the bar staff know. I showed my ID, handed in my phone, paid twenty Euros and was given my drink voucher and a key to the locker. With a deep breath, I walked through the door into the bar area.

Once inside, my eyes quickly scanned the scene where there was a large, almost circular bar with bar stools and couples chatting, but mainly with each other. To the left was a dance floor empty at the moment with a couple of poles around the edge. Also, around the edge of the whole area were some leather mattresses and some alcoves with curtains that could be pulled. I could see the stairs going down to additional play areas and a dungeon which I had seen on the clubs website.

Just at the top of the stairs was a bank of lockers. I checked my key tag and opened the locker, put in my clutch bag and, after a moment's hesitation, as it was quite warm in there, I took my jacket off and put it into the locker. Then I walked over to the bar and exchanged my voucher for a large G&T. There were literally a few minutes where I felt a bit awkward, wondering who I was going to talk to and how I was going to break the ice, as they were all couples chatting together.

Then the couple that came in just before me came over and started to chat, just small talk, first trip to Amsterdam, here for work or pleasure and so on. It turned out they were a lovely Irish couple from Cork and really came to Amsterdam for some culture but also, after much discussion, to explore the swingers' scene. I guess they were in their early forties. This was also their first visit to a place like this.

They both congratulated me on doing this on my own and admitted, although having done their research, they still were not quite sure what to expect or how far they would go. I will call them Clare and John, not their real names. John was tall, medium with dark hair, wearing jeans and a white shirt, and would say very good-looking, and Clare had average build-shoulder, length blonde hair wearing a strapless cocktail dress. Both had lovely soft Irish accents. Around the bar area and in the dance area there must have been twelve or so couples ranging from the mid-late twenties up to their late fifties.

After chatting a bit more, John offered to buy us all another drink, and we all laughed about Dutch courage, literally! After a bit more relaxed chatting, Clare asked if I would like a dance as there were now a few couples on the dance floor. As soon as we got on the dance floor, I knew she wanted to chat a bit more openly to me. As we danced closely together she started to whisper that this whole thing was John's idea, and she did get some convincing, but as the time got closer he was the one getting cold feet, and she was the one getting more turned on by the thought of where this, may go.

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She said, as a good Catholic girl, she had only had one sexual partner and never been with a woman. She went on to say she was cautiously open and hoped this evening could address both of those. She went on to say that John really fancied me and if things moved in that direction would I be happy to just start to play, but no pressure. Well, my stomach turned, and I felt my knees go weak, but at the same time I thought how lucky I was to find or be found by this lovely couple. I actually fancied them both. I just nodded and said no objections from myself.

We carried on dancing, this time a bit closer. She whispered in my ear, "I am so nervous," and with that, gently kissed me on the lips. There was a pause as we both understood we were comfortable. We then kissed again, but this time with no resistance, our mouths opened, and our tongues were gliding over each other. I just remember thinking how different a woman's tongue felt to a man, much softer and smoother.

My stomach was in knots of excitement. Slowly I felt Clare's hand exploring my body, gently rubbing my breast through my dress, then letting her hand wander down and into the slit of the wrap dress just touching my thigh. I shuddered and could feel myself getting so wet. She then slipped her hand so gently into the top of my dress, her hand gently cupping my breast, rubbing my nipple, which was so hard now. She then took my hand and guided it into the top of her dress until I could feel her breast, which was smaller than mine but very firm and with such a hard nipple.

We both literally shivered with excitement! After what seemed like an eternity of slowly dancing, kissing and exploring one another, we felt we should get back to John whom we left at the bar. Clare added that John may be a little shy and may need some encouragement, which was fine by me as he was a rather good-looking guy.

When we got back to the bar, John was in conversation with a Dutch couple, both chatting in perfect English. As we got back, there were some brief introductions, but they then made their excuses and went on to the dance floor wishing John good luck with us two and with a knowing grin, said they hoped to see him later.

Clare could not wait to tell John that we had chatted, and I was happy to play along with them and see how things went. He looked at me or rather my nipples poking through my dress, material and smiled and just said that's great, as he ordered another round of drinks. Clare said, let's take them over there, looking towards a large vacant mattress between the bar and the dance area.

Once settled, Clare took the initiative and started to unbutton the front of my wrap dress, kissing me as she did, exposing more of my bra-less breasts. Slowly they were completely exposed, and she started to suck on my nipples. I had never felt anything like it, it was like electricity was pulsing through my body. As Clare pulled away, John took her place. He was a little rougher but still a huge turn on, and I could feel myself getting so wet my pussy just tingling.

I gently put my fingers into the top of Clare's strapless dress and slowly eased it down over her lovely firm breasts until they were completely exposed, stroking her nipples as they became harder. John then started to kiss me gently on the lips, his hand wandering through my dress along my thigh until his fingers felt my sopping knickers. His fingers hesitated for just a second before pushing inside my knickers and exploring my pussy.

I really can't describe the feeling which seemed to go on for ages. While he was doing this, Clare was busy slowly undoing the belt on my dress and then the remaining buttons, at which point they just fell open, exposing my body completely, other than my soaking knickers hold-ups and heels.

Clare then stood up and said," shall we go over to the bar and get another drink" I just felt so erotic walking with her to the bar, standing there with both our breasts exposed ordering drinks. As we got back to our mattress, Clare gently eased my dress over my shoulders and wriggled out of hers and put them safely down beside the mattress while we were getting the drinks. The feeling of standing at the bar topless with this beautiful Irish girl in a similar state of undress just felt so erotic. Both of us are normal people, mums and respected members of the community back in our normal lives. When we got back with the drinks, by then John had also stripped down to his boxers.

As we sat down on the big mattress, John got back to sucking and chewing on my nipples in turn went while Clare started to finger my pussy in the most incredible way. I could not resist wanting to feel another man's cock after all those years. My hand gently slipped into Johns' boxers where I felt his hot hard cock. He groaned as I closed my fingers around it and started to massage him.

All my senses were just being overwhelmed as I slowly wanked Johns cock as he moaned and Clare was doing the most sensual things to my pussy with her fingers. I have honestly never been so aroused in all my life. I felt Clare pause, then a different, more gentle sensation as she went down on me with her tongue exploring deep into my pussy. It then seemed the natural thing to do to gently pull John's boxers further down.

As I did, his cock sprung up to attention. I leaned forward and gently guided it into my mouth, tasting the salty pre-cum. I tried to take it as deep as I could to the point of beginning to gag. After only a few strokes, I felt he was about to cum, so I think we both thought the same. He wanted to save himself and I really wanted to feel him deep in me. I think Clare could see where this was going and without a word she gently pulled my sodden knickers down my legs and carefully over my heals. She then whispered in my ear if I wanted a condom and added that he has only ever been with her, but whatever I was comfortable with was ok. Maybe unwisely, in the heat of the moment, I just wanted to be fucked so hard and feel his cum pouring into me.

Very quickly we re-positioned ourselves for the missionary position, which is my favourite. I whispered to John as he lowered himself on to me. Don't hold back, just fuck me as hard as you can, I whispered. I felt him push in on me, so easily. I was just so wet, he was a good length as he started with long strokes, building and getting harder each time. As the pace got quicker and rougher, our bodies noisily slapped together, my hair and my breasts bouncing to the rhythm.

Clare looked on excitedly and, perhaps for effect, gently held my wrists down so I felt helpless as I was being fucked. Sadly, it was not that long before I felt his hot cum erupting into me. We just lay there for a second, almost oblivious to our surroundings, both panting. I felt John slowly withdraw and, as he did, the sensation of warm cum running out of my pussy. I looked around, and a few couples had been watching from a respectable distance.

Clare said that it really turned her on seeing John fucking me so hard. She asked if I was alright and hoped I had no regrets as she slowly rubbed my body, smearing the cum from around my pussy over my stomach and breasts. The whole scene seemed surreal, although I think over the last few hours I had become somewhat desensitized to everything. John suggested before we get dressed we should just have a little look at the dungeon and other play area downstairs. As we went downstairs, there were more mattresses spread around and the dungeon area on the far side.

There were only two couples down there, one having fun on one of the mattresses and the other was a couple in the dungeon area. As we got closer we saw it was the Dutch couple that we had been speaking to earlier. She had both her arms secured above her head by the wrists on a cross-like structure while he was playing with her breasts and smooth pussy.

He beckoned us over and said it turned her on so much to be touched by strangers while she was restrained, so feel free! The Dutch girl was almost in a trance but quietly grinning when she heard the conversation. Clare was the first to go up to her, cupping her small breasts and gently rolling her nipples. She smiled and softly moaned. John then started to finger-fuck her, first with one finger, then with two. She squirmed and tried to wriggle as she appeared to quickly come to an orgasm with a loud moan.

Clare then whispered something into John's ear to which he just nodded in agreement. She then asked the Dutch couple if they wanted to play. The guy, of course, agreed and started to gently explore Clare's body, running his hands through her hair, then gently massaging her breasts before fingering her pussy, the wetness clearly showing.

The girl asked me to release her from the wrist restraints and as I freed her she took my hand and led me over to one of the mattresses and gently started to kiss me as she explored my body. As I glanced up I could see the Dutch guy positioning Clare on the other mattress on her back and parting her legs, then rolling a condom on to his hard cock.

John was, at the same time, positioning himself to push his cock into Clare's mouth. She was being slowly fucked by the Dutch guy as, at the same time, John pushed his cock deep into her mouth and she coughed and gagged. The scene looked like something straight out of a porn movie. I have never experienced such an erotic scene.

At the same time, the Dutch girl was fingering my pussy and sucking on my nipples. Just as I was contemplating that I might like to experience what Clare was having done to her, the lights came up a few times, and we were told by the guy that let us into the club would be closing in fifteen minutes. Those four and a half hours or so had just flown by! After John and the Dutch guy had finished with Clare, I were not sure if they had actually come, but Clare was certainly enjoying the experience with the noises she was making!

We then all made our way back upstairs to try and start tidying ourselves up. I found my dress, which seemed pretty much intact, my knickers, I think, were gone forever and my hold up was looking a little worse for wear. So just a case of brushing my hair, getting my jacket and clutch bag and my phone as we signed up. It was now just gone 3.00 am.

We said goodbyes to the Dutch couple, then John and Clair insisted I take an Uber with them, and they would drop me off at my hotel first to ensure I got back safely. Not a good idea wandering the streets of Amsterdam in heals and knickerless at 3.00 am! As I walked back into my hotel lobby, I'm sure the night manager must have guessed what I had been up to, as he politely wished me good night or rather good morning madam. Once in the room, I just lay on the bed and knew nothing until I woke around 10.00 am.

On reflection, the next morning I had no regrets; absolutely none!

I think women generally find it difficult to compartmentalize love and respect with recreational sex, a term I heard a lot of when researching. What happened was over a five-hour period with people I had never met and will not meet again. It was in a foreign country. I was discreet. No one in my circle of life would ever know about this. For most of my life I have been thinking and looking after others but I have been missing something at home.

So, for five hours, for the first time ever, I was just doing something I wanted to do for myself and not hurting anyone. Well, I think I can justify my few hours of pleasure. I think I was lucky that I met a lovely couple in a similar situation to myself. If I had not met them, the evening could have been different, but I'm sure it would still have been exciting and incredible.

I would never try and push anyone, but am I guessing there are hundreds of women out there in a similar situation to me and all I would say if you think you can make that mental distinction between recreational sex and love, go and explore, but with respect and being discreet. Finally, would I do it again? Absolutely, if an opportunity arises, which it probably will. Maybe Amsterdam next April. I would love to explore further!

Finally, thanks again to Chris 21235

Written by Anna2121
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