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The Replacement Presenter Ch. 2

"Shawn convinces Anna to have some fun"

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I suppose I could justify Wanda and Chuck as something that Shawn and I had discussed. We knew each other’s thoughts on them. Thomas, Brent, and Zach were birds of a different feather. The thought of fucking one, or all, of them, aroused me almost irresistibly. I would have contained myself and none of them would ever touch me, but for one thing. Shawn was encouraging me to escalate my sexual escapades. Sure, he had high hopes of bedding Wanda, and I knew his hopes would be realized. That didn’t explain his encouraging me to have sex with these virtual strangers.

I thought about our fantasy life and the things that excited Shawn. He did have the tendency to get more excited when talk turned to me being serviced by someone other than him. He explained it as something he felt would make me happy. The thought of me being blissfully fucked by someone else excited him. He had told me the only thing stopping him from pushing for it was his concern about losing me. His greatest fear was that I would fall for another lover and leave him. That was not going to happen. My view of the situation was that it was purely recreational sex for fun. I had all the love I needed and wasn’t remotely interested in a relationship with another man. Shawn was the man for me and that wasn’t changing.

I put the shoe on the other foot. Hopefully, he would be here at the resort with me soon. I didn’t mind him fucking Wanda at all. As a matter of fact, I was looking forward to watching and participating. But what about other women? Would I be happy that he screwed some woman I never met before? What if he went on a sexual tear and fucked everyone in sight? I looked around the room until I spotted a likely hottie. The redhead sitting a few tables away would be right in his wheelhouse. I pictured him sucking on her pert B-cups, eating her shaven pussy, and pounding that same pussy. I analyzed my reaction to those thoughts. I knew he wasn’t going to go pussy crazy when he got here. He’d be selective and would talk to me before he did anything. He wasn’t going to leave me for some resort pussy.

My erect nipples and dampening pussy answered my question. I would be happy for him and the idea of watching him turned me on more than made me jealous. Conversation at the table had tapered off into silence and that brought me back from my thoughts. Brent was grinning at me. “I’m not sure what you are thinking about, Anna, but I would be honored if thoughts of me got that kind of reaction out of you.”

He had obviously noticed my erect nipples and flushed face and had deduced that I was aroused. I grinned back at him. “How do you know I’m not thinking of you?”

His grin got wider. “I don’t suppose you would care to share those thoughts with the rest of us?”

“Nope. They will remain my little secret.”

He let it go, much to my relief, and the conversation moved on. We took our time and spent nearly two hours at the table getting more inebriated and aroused as the time went by. Thomas suggested that we all go to his suite for a while. I gave Wanda a look and she winked at me. She was ready for whatever happened next, and I decided that I was too.

The walk to the room was unremarkable to everyone except me. My mood changed from enthusiastic arousal to nervousness. By the time we arrived, I was shaking visibly and Wanda picked right up on it. As soon as we entered the suite she rushed me off to the bathroom.

Tears were in my eyes and my shaking continued. She looked at me with concern. “Anna, what is it? What’s upset you so much?”

“I don’t know. I was fine with you and Chuck, but this seems wrong somehow. I feel like I’m making a huge mistake.”

She pulled me into a hug. “Baby, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Are you afraid you won’t be able to stop?”

“Yes, once I let myself go just a little bit, I’ll be lost. I’ll be doing something I promised my husband the day I married him I would never do. I know he said it was all right for me to do it, but it doesn’t feel right. The temptation is huge and I’m afraid if I give in to it, I’ll lose everything.”

She pulled back from our hug and looked me in the eye. “Then we won’t do it. I’ll explain that we aren’t ready for what they want, and we’ll go hit the hot tub. You’ll get time to think, they won’t mind, and I’ll get to seduce you again. It’s a win for everyone.”

I clasped her to me hard. “OK, let’s do that.”

I spent a few minutes trying to get the ‘she’s been crying’ look off my face with limited success and the two of us walked back into the room. I decided that I didn’t need Wanda to be my shield. “Thomas, Brent, Zach, I think you guys are amazing and if I were single, you wouldn’t be able to keep me off you. I’m married to a wonderful man, and this doesn’t feel right to me. Maybe if he was here, he could tell me in person it’s all right, but he’s not and I won’t betray him.”

Thomas gave me a gentle smile. “Now I’m convinced I made the right decision. Your love for your husband and dedication to the promise between you show that you are a good and honorable person.

“Just to be clear. You would be happy to enjoy our company if your husband was here and approved?”

“Yes, assuming I believed he really approved.”

Thomas’s smile turned to a grin. “Well, why don’t we just ask him?”


A smiling Shawn came walking out of the bedroom. I ran to him and practically tackled him. I was a sobbing mess as I kissed his face and lips over and over. “I’m so sorry, Shawn. I feel like I’ve cheated on you with them, and they haven’t touched me. Please don’t hate me.”

Shawn was making ‘shh’ noises trying to calm me. He pulled me into the bedroom and closed the door. “Anna, sweetheart, calm down for me. Everything is all right. I’m not angry or upset with you. I told you I was OK with you having sex with them, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but I just knew you were saying that for me. You’re so good to me that you’d let me screw those guys even though you don’t want me to.”

He kissed my forehead. “I would do that, but the fact is I want you to do it. I think it will be an amazing and fun experience for you. I know you will still love me when it’s over and I know that I will still love you.”

I looked into his eyes. “Really? You really feel that way? You’re not just saying that for me?”

“I promise you that I do feel that way.”

I felt the weight of the world lifting from me and my lips were suddenly crushing his. We stood there and kissed for the most wonderfully long time. I hadn’t seen him in a week, and I had missed him so much. Now he was here, and I felt such relief and happiness.

When we finally stopped kissing, he gave me his mischievous smile. “Besides, if you’re fooling around with them, it will give me the chance to fool around with Wanda.”

I smacked his arm in mock anger. “Yeah, I kind of figured you had the hots for her since you’ve only mentioned fucking her about a million times.”

We walked arm in arm back into the living area and immediately had everyone’s undivided attention. I walked Shawn over to Wanda and let him go. “Wanda, my husband wants to fuck your brains out. Do you think you might be interested?”

Her answer was to grab my husband and kiss the living shit out of him. I could see they were going to be at it for a while, so I walked over to sweet Zach. I didn’t hold back this time. My hands went into his curly hair and I pulled his head down and kissed him. His kisses were sweet, intimate, and fucking hot. My motor was running at high rpm when he began kissing my neck. Holy shit, it felt amazing. I was so hot that I didn’t trust myself to direct things. He took control, to my pleasant surprise. I had him figured as a passive guy because he seemed so sweet, but nothing could be further from the truth.

His hands gripped my ass and pulled me hard against an erection that was a pleasantly large surprise. His fingers played with my pussy while his mouth fell to my tit and began torturing my nipple into submission. I wanted him in me, and I wanted it now! He didn’t disappoint me. My feet left the floor as he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me tenderly on the bed and kissed me deeply before standing up. He began to dance for me, and the strip tease he performed was hot as hell. I discovered later that he had earned the money he needed to finish college by stripping professionally. 

I’d never had a man strip for me before and I was so fucking aroused by the time he was done that I had to suck his amazing cock. I practically dove onto him and did my best to suck him deep. My hubby is a well-endowed man and I’ve had plenty of practice over the years of our marriage deep-throating his cock. Zach was a bit different. He wasn’t that much larger than my husband, but the shape of his cock made all the difference. His cock head was much larger than his shaft and the curve of his shaft ensured that my G-spot was going to get a workout. I had no problem with any of that.

He started to go down on me, but I pulled him up. “Some other time. Right now, I need your cock in me.”

He was such a nice guy that he didn’t keep me waiting. His massive cock head rubbed up and down my slit as he wetted it, then he started entering me. It felt so strange having his big cockhead pushing into my canal. When it slid across my G-spot I screamed in ecstasy and the orgasm that followed was beyond belief, but he was far from done.

He started out making love to me and I will admit that it made me have feelings for him, even though my love was reserved and always would be. His technique was flawless, and he was pushing every button I had. It wasn’t long before another earth-shattering orgasm took control of my body. He then decided to take things up a notch. His hips picked up the pace and soon he was fucking the living daylights out of me. My legs were spread wide and his hands were shoving them back toward my chest. I watched him hammer that amazing cock deep into me over and over with perfectly controlled violence. How could I not cum? I did, over and over until I felt him swelling within me. I broke off our passionate kiss and pushed him over onto the bed. I swallowed his cock as deep as I could and sucked it like I needed his cum to live. He was more than willing to give it to me, and soon his hot cum was exploding into my mouth and down my throat.

We fell back onto our backs and rested for a while after that. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me for the longest time. I was infatuated with him and knew at that moment I wanted to be with him again. When he broke our kiss and I opened my eyes, I discovered that we had visitors. Thomas, Brent, and Chuck were naked, erect, and watching me with hungry eyes. The thought of all three fucking me scared me a little and aroused me a lot. Zach got off the bed and I found myself surrounded by erect cocks attached to horny men.

Brent’s cock was the first one in my mouth and while he wasn’t as big as Zach, he was still nicely endowed. I sucked him in deep and let my tongue communicate my desire. Brent was on his back and I was between his legs sucking his nice cock, when I felt Thomas rubbing his cockhead up and down my drenched pussy. I let out an involuntary groan as he sank deep into me, and I went after Brent’s cock like a wanton slut. I lost track of time and place as the two men pumped me from both ends. I just kept cumming as Thomas increased his pace, his body slapping against my ass while I screamed my orgasm around Brent’s cock.

Both cocks pulled away and I looked up in confusion. I moaned when I realized that they were just switching places. Brent lay down on his back and I climbed him like a studly tree and soon had his cock buried deep. Thomas knelt in front of me and I started sucking his cock, still wet from my orgasms. I jumped a little when Chuck started playing with my ass. I knew what he was after, and while I would normally resist ass play, I was so aroused that it actually felt good. When his lubed finger entered my ass, it seemed to multiply the sensations in my pussy. He continued to slowly fuck my ass with his finger as Brent pumped up into me and my mouth worshiped Thomas’s cock.

Chuck’s finger left my ass and I was surprised to find that I was disappointed. I needn’t have been because seconds later his cockhead was pressing against my anus. Brent picked that moment to make me orgasm hard and by the time I came back to the real world, Chuck’s cock was sliding deep into my ass. What followed was a continuous orgasmic experience that drove me nearly insane with lust.

The three men coordinated their movements well and would switch places while I recovered from yet another orgasm. Whoever was just in my ass would run to the bathroom, wash his cock, and return to plunge his now clean cock in either my pussy or my mouth. They fucked me and fucked me, and fucked me until I was a ragdoll suspended on three cocks. Thomas was in my ass when he shot his load. The hot jets of cum shot deep into my ass. The pulsing of his cock must have done something for Brent because his cock swelled in my pussy and his hot seed filled me.

I was nearly out of it when Chuck gently held my head and filled my mouth with his cum. I was barely functional when the three men pulled their spent cocks from my body. Thomas picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. It was a good thing he did because I didn’t trust my rubbery legs to hold me up if I had to walk.

He started the shower while I sat on the commode and let the cum dribble from my pussy and ass. When I stood on shaky legs, he led me into the shower and washed me with tenderness. That didn’t stop him from exploring every inch of my body, but by this point, I was fucked out. Rather than arouse me, it felt like the most wonderfully relaxing massage. He dried me off and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss before leaving me to dry my hair. I felt like I had run a marathon by the time my hair was dry.

I walked nude back into the bedroom and picked up my discarded negligee. I didn’t see the need to put it back on. Hell, everyone in the room had not only seen me naked but had also fucked me. There wasn’t any sense in hiding my nakedness now. When I entered the living area, I saw that Shawn was long stroking into Wanda, fast and hard. She was cumming like a mad woman and I watched as Shawn reached his Rubicon and stiffened as he shot his load into her pussy. They lay there in the afterglow, sweating like pigs, and gasping to catch their collective breath. The kisses that followed were loving and intimate.

I relaxed and had a nice cold drink while trading kisses and snuggles with the guys. Shawn and Wanda left the room for the shower, and it wasn’t long before Shawn returned and pulled me into a huge kiss. Wanda took a little longer to dry her hair before rejoining us. We said our goodbyes and left. I clung to my husband during the short walk back.

When we got to the suite, Shawn and I immediately went to bed. As much as I wanted to reconnect with my husband sexually, we were both too exhausted and were soon asleep in each other’s arms.

The following morning l awoke to the sound of the ocean and took a deep breath of the tropical air before my eyes discovered the way to opening. Gradually coming back to life from my deep sleep, I couldn’t tell you what first got my attention, but I can tell you what I first remember. My husband lay quietly beside me, watching me as I awoke. His gentle smile when he saw me come back to the world made my heart flutter. The feeling of completeness that came over me brought tears to my eyes and I managed to find enough voice to express my total love. “I love you; I want you; I desperately need you.”

He pulled me into his arms and we hugged each other as tightly as we could. For the next half hour or so we just held each other, basking in our unconditional love. My thoughts finally got the best of me. “Can you forgive me?”

“Forgive you for what?”

“For breaking my marriage vows, for fucking those men, for enjoying it, for watching you fuck my best friend and getting off on it? I’m probably missing something, but I think you get where I’m going. I don’t know how to deal with this. Everything I’ve been taught all my life tells me that I what I’ve done is unforgivable.”

He kissed my forehead, which I should find patronizing, but I actually find reassuring. “This is our life together and no one can tell us how to live it. I love you more than I ever have, and I have loved you with all my being since I met you. There is nothing to forgive. What happened is something to celebrate. I know that you had a wonderful time last night. If you let your guilt go for a second, you’ll realize that you loved it and it didn’t make our love cease to exist.

“Look, honey, I’m not saying that it’s all right to fuck anything that walks, or that you would even do that. What I’m saying is that as long as we don’t risk the love we have for each other, it’s not a bad thing to have some fun with other people. We need to define our rules, but so far, I think we’ve done pretty well. Especially you. You didn’t do anything that I hadn’t already told you that you could do.”

He continued, “Honestly, I don’t care if nothing ever happens again, or if we end up doing this kind of stuff more often. All I care about at the end of the day is having you in my arms, and your love. That’s all I have ever needed. Some fun with sex is just something we can explore while we’re young enough to make the best of it. At the end of the day, it’s just sex, and I would give that extracurricular stuff up without a second thought if that’s what you want.”

I understood what he was telling me, but regardless of my own sexual escapades, I was concerned about one of his. “I watched you with Wanda and it was beautiful, erotic, and loving. Are you in love with Wanda? Am I going to lose you to her?”

His initial hesitance scared me near to death. Why was he hesitating? Why hadn’t he answered me? The tears were running down my face by the time he answered. “I’m not in love with Wanda. You have my love now and forever. Do I have feelings for her? Yes, absolutely. I’ve wanted her since forever, but not as your replacement, never as your replacement. It’s just that I know her as a person. A person who is our friend and a wonderful human being. Add to that her beauty and I hope you can understand my attraction. I care for her and want her to be happy while you and I are happy together. I will never choose her happiness, or her, over you. Not now, not ever.”

He paused for breath. “I mean, shit, what kind of asshole would I be to betray the woman I love using her best friend? Maybe some guys are built that way, but I’m not. I wish there was some kind of instantaneous truth machine I could employ at this moment, but all I have is my word.”

I looked up at him, knowing he could see my tears. “I need three things right now. I have to pee something fierce, I need a shower, and I need to make love to my husband. I don’t expect your help with the first one, but I could sure use your help with the other two.”

He kissed my eyelids. “I’m sorry if I upset you. I’m sure I’d be beside myself if you were that close to Chuck. I should have thought past my own wants and for that, I’m very sorry. Now, regarding your three things. You are absolutely correct that I can’t help you with the first thing, although I could use some help with that myself. As far as the other two go, It would be my privilege and honor to wash your body and show you how much you mean to me.”

Oh god, the rush of love that went through me in that moment. If I could only bottle it up and use it to bribe people to be kind, I’d eliminate the evil in the world in days. “You’re going to let me hold your cock while you pee?”


Oh my god! He’s never let me do that before and I’ve wanted to do that so bad. I know it’s a bit weird, but I want to hold a big cock, aim it, and feel it as the piss flies. The act isn’t all that erotic to me. It’s more a curiosity with an erotic element, but still, it seemed like a really fun thing to do. I grinned at him and jumped out of bed. I ran to the bathroom and squatted while beckoning to him with my hand.

By the time I was done, he had managed to extricate himself from the blankets and make his way in front of me. I wiped as he’d seen me do hundreds of times and stood. I moved behind him and while peeking around his shoulder, grasped his semi-hard cock. I pointed it at the toilet and gave it a few pumps. “OK, baby, let ‘er rip.”

He stood there for the longest time. “Well? Don’t you have to go?”

“Yes, I really have to go, but this is just a bit weird. Give me a second.”

It was kind of funny. Us girls don’t have bashful kidneys. Hell, we don’t understand it. If you gotta piss, then you gotta piss. What’s the big deal? It seems that guys think a bit differently. Especially guys that have been in dangerous situations in their lives. As I understand it, it’s an alpha male thing. A smart alpha male ensures his surroundings are safe instinctually before letting himself be vulnerable while pissing.

The poser alpha males — you know the ones, the ‘I’m the manliest man ever!’ guys — are a bit different. Poser alphas are usually blessed with genetics that they never earned and an attitude of superiority that is largely a legend in their own mind. Those guys don’t hesitate to piss anywhere and shouldn’t be the least bit surprised when a betrayed boyfriend or husband takes advantage of the opportunity for a little payback.  Just saying.

I felt a warm dribble on my hand and it was all I could do not to stroke him. I felt a rush through my pussy as the dribble became a little stream, then suddenly, a torrent! Holy shit! How do you keep this thing from washing down the fucking wall! It took me a moment to get the nuance of holding a pissing cock, but I figured it out and was laughing with joy as I aimed his jet at various parts of the commode. When he finally finished (I didn’t know the human body could hold that much liquid) I gave him the vigorous shake I’d read about. It seems I’m a bit too vigorous, but I figured that I was cleaning up the mess I’d made when he first started pissing anyway, so what the hell.

I was laughing with joy when he turned and his wet dick slapped my belly. I managed to break away long enough to brush my teeth, while he followed suit next to me. Both of us were brushing frantically and watching each other out of the corners of our eyes. Not slaves to oral hygiene, we both spat, rinsed, and ran to the shower.

I grinned up at him, “That was so much fun! Now kiss me!”

He did, oh goodness, he did. How can I explain the connection that occurs between two lovers when they kiss? How much harder would that explanation be if they are soulmates? The bliss, the need, the utter and complete giving of oneself is impossible to describe. It can only be experienced with the touch, the mutual need, and the unconditional love that are the essence of the magic. That feeling is what makes us as human animals strive to get through the day, sometimes in spite of impossible odds. The total love, body, and soul, of another human being, is the pinnacle of human existence. It’s sad that we so often forget that.

I had missed Shawn so much. His life had been crazy before this trip and the two of us hadn’t connected as much as we both needed. But now he was here with me, and I couldn’t imagine wanting him more. The way he pulled me into his arms so tight and kissed me so passionately told me that he felt the same. His warmth, his lips, all of him, overwhelmed me. We were in too much of a hurry to dry each other off. I’m sure I was still dripping when I ran to the bed, only to be tackled giggling by my horny husband, and tossed onto my back.

Our mouths met in the hottest of kisses and our hands were groping needily at each other. I hoped that my touches on his body were having a small fraction of the effect that his were having on mine. “Shawn, I can’t wait. Please make love to me.”

Our need was too great, and our arousal too strong, to need more foreplay. The foreplay had started when we got out of bed this morning. Now, I needed his cock in me. My wonderful, sexy, studly, husband didn’t disappoint me. His cock nestled between my labia and my two fingers gently guided his cockhead where it needed to be. For the first time in weeks, my husband slid his wonderful cock into me, deeper and deeper, until our fit was perfect. He filled me so wonderfully full that I basked in the sensation while he poised unmoving and awaiting my body to tell him what it wanted.

He read the tea leaves well because he began to move in me. Slowly to start, pulling out until he was barely in me, then slowly sliding back in deep. Our mouths were hungrily trying to devour each other as he began to move a bit faster. I wrapped my legs around his hips to pull him deeper and suddenly I was cumming. His cock, his love, his everything, brought me to the height of ecstasy and I wasn’t coming down soon. His magic strokes, so deep, so filling, made me cum over and over until all I wanted was for him to feel some small part of what I was feeling. “Cum for me, baby. Fill me up, then fill me up again. I’m yours forever. FUCK ME!”

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He did. Oh my God, he did. His cock swelled within me and his cum jetted into me with hot spurts that kept extending my orgasm. He filled me and kept going until I came hard again. I was a spent mess on the bed, and he was lying next to me battling to get his breath back when there was a soft knock on our door.

I struggled up onto my elbows. “What!”

Wanda’s chuckling voice came through the door. “Now that you guys have said good morning to each other, you need to get ready for the morning meeting.”

I was a bit grumpy. I wanted to spend the day alone with my husband. “What the fuck day is Saturday around here anyway? There had better be one coming soon!”

Shawn and I struggled our way out of a perfectly comfortable bed and took our second shower of the morning. We took our time touching, kissing, and reconnecting without regard to the clock. Fuck em’ if they don’t like it. After all that had happened over the last few days, I doubted much, if anything, would be said.

Breakfast ended up being a lively affair and everyone’s mood was up when the meeting started. I showed up in a thong and a pair of sandals. Shawn wore the mandatory speedo, which I thought was hilarious. Shawn and Speedos don’t get along well. It seems that his cock is always trying to make its escape when he wears one. I knew he was very aware of his imminent exposure, and I couldn’t stop giggling about it.

It didn’t help when we got to the room and I started hooking up the computer. He was watching me as I squatted, bent over, and generally exposed myself to the room. His cockhead was playing peek-a-boo with his speedo when I looked over at him. I caught his eye and motioned him over. He squatted down next to me and raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

I gave him my all-business look while sneaking my hand out to caress his exposed cockhead. “Look, buster, this is business. Put your thoughts about fucking me until I’m stupid out of your head for a little while. I promise that I’ll make it worth your while. Focus on the project, your creation, and what it will mean. Let’s do this.”

He gave me his serious look and a nod. I pulled my hand away from his tempting cock and watched it shrink until the questionable containment of his speedo was able to hold him. He was still semi-erect, but that was good enough for me. I knew that once he got on point, he’d be fine.

Thomas, Brent, and Zach watched expectantly as Shawn took the floor. “Anna has covered the project overview and process specifics with you. I won’t re-hash what she has so capably explained. What I would like to do is get into the weeds with you. Ask me anything. I don’t care how mundane you might think it is. If it proves to be something I missed, or misunderstood, then we are all better for knowing that.”

What followed was intensely interesting to me and everyone in the room. Outside of that, no one cared. Suffice it to say that Shawn really wowed them, not only with his answers but with his recommendations on how best to proceed. It was an all-star performance, in my biased opinion.

When the to-do list was updated, next steps discussed, and the questions wound down, Thomas took the floor. “Shawn, I couldn’t be more impressed. It is obvious to me that you and Anna are an amazing team and it is also obvious that we need you both to make this happen. I’ve talked to Chuck about this and he is all in if you are.

“We want to enter into a five-year contract for the services of your company. This is predicated on including Anna. The two of you will manage the project from start to finish. The installation will be in our Bogota, Columbia facility, and based on your projections, should take three of those years. The other two years will be for the planning of three other installations. We’ll review our working relationship before the five years are up and adjust accordingly. I suspect I’m going to want you as permanent company staff before the contract is up. None of this will be a surprise to Chuck. I have plans for him as well, and if he agrees, he and Wanda will live in Bogota along with you. The relationship between the four of you is important to all of you and I want you to be happy.

“Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I want you both to know that Brent, Zach, and myself, have had a wonderful time with Anna, but in no way expect that to be part of any agreement we have. I can’t describe how amazing our experience has been, and I would be a blithering idiot if I didn’t want more, but your relationship, our working relationship, and your friendship are way more important than our sexual gratification. I guess what I’m saying is that we love the sex, but we won’t risk your marriage or friendship because of it.”

Shawn shot him a grin. “Yeah, I get that, and I appreciate the sentiment and the honesty. We barely know each other at this point so I suggest that we just continue to enjoy ourselves. I assure you that we will let you know if something is going sideways.”

Thomas nodded his agreement. “I would like for us to meet one more time on the last day to cover any questions we can come up with. Let’s enjoy the rest of our stay. I’m sure Shawn and Anna have some catching up to do and would appreciate the time away from business matters.”

Our meeting ended shortly thereafter with an agreement to meet for dinner. I had come to look forward to our group dinners. The conversation was interesting and entertaining. This evening I wanted to be alone with my husband, but I mentally compromised with regard to dinner. It’s not like we didn’t have to eat anyway. Shawn and I left and went back to the suite. We were barely in the door when what little clothes we were wearing hit the floor and we hit the bed. Our coupling was a frantic need to touch and be touched that left us both breathless and sweaty. A refreshing nap later, we showered and not bothering to dress, went searching for Chuck and Wanda.

We found the couple sitting at the pool bar and from the looks of things, they were having a great time. A few drinks later, so were we. Chuck was getting a bit touchy-feely with me, and Wanda was blatantly doing the same with my husband. I suspected that the two of them got each other stirred up by talking about fucking us. Our arrival caught them at the height of their fantasy, and they weren’t going to be satisfied at this point until they fucked us.

Shawn caught my eye and gave me a wink and a smile. I nodded my agreement, then planted my lips on Chuck’s. I had my tongue aggressively in his mouth in a hot second. His curved cock was pressing hard against my belly when our lips finally parted. Chuck looked over at his wife. “I think we should go to the suite.”

Of course, he wanted to go to the suite so we could fuck. We all did, but that didn’t stop me from messing with him a bit. “No thanks. Shawn and I just got here and I’m not ready to go to bed yet. Why don’t you and Wanda go ahead, and we’ll see you later. Unless we find a sexy couple to hook up with.”

Wanda picked up on what I was doing right away, as did my husband. Chuck was clueless. “Uhm, wow. Yeah, I guess we’ll see you later.”

I couldn’t stand it. The look of disappointment and confusion on his face was too hilarious and I lost it. It didn’t take long for Wanda and Shawn to join me in the laughter. Chuck still didn’t get it until I reached out and began stroking his wonderful cock. “Just fucking with you, Chuck. Now, can I go fuck with you?”

Wanda had a mischievous grin on her face that scared me a little. What came out of her mouth next took my breath away. “I have an idea. Let’s fuck right here. We’ll never get another chance to fuck in public. Let’s live a little.”

Fuck! I could never do something like that. I mean, it was really exciting, but I just couldn’t. Could I? Chuck’s cock was feeling really good in my hand, and I was getting wetter by the second thinking about it plunging into my pussy. That might have influenced my decision in some small way. Chuck took my hand and led me to a padded pool lounge nearby. I pushed him down and crawled between his legs. My focus was entirely on his cock, and I slowly pumped him with my hand. I wanted him in my mouth and didn’t hesitate to run my tongue up and down his shaft to make sure he was rock hard. His cock moved into my mouth as he slowly face-fucked me.

The curve of his cock made the head hit the top of my throat, gagging me. I decided that if I turned around, the curve would be in the right direction. There was also the added benefit of my pussy being on his face while I blew him. We got situated and the sparks began to fly. His oral skills are outstanding, and he had me wiggling and moaning my way through an orgasm in just a few minutes. I had no intention of making him cum yet. I wanted him in my pussy now rather than later.

He took the initiative while I was recovering from my orgasm by flipping me onto my back. I watched him aim his cock at my pussy and slip it deep inside me. It truly was remarkable how effective his cock was at exciting my G-spot. He had me cumming again in no time and I had barely returned to reality when his movements became less rhythmic and much more intense. He was on the verge of cumming. “I want your cum in my mouth. Let me suck you dry.”

That’s all it took. He pulled out and barely got his cock into my mouth before the first jet shot down my throat. He came hard and he came a lot while I sucked it all down with enthusiasm. Spent, he collapsed onto the lounge next to me, breathing hard. I licked my lips and looked around to discover things had changed a bit while I was distracted. Shawn was vigorously fucking Wanda from behind. That wasn’t much of a surprise.

What surprised me was Brent with his cock in her mouth, and Thomas standing next to them waiting for his turn. Zach and model guy Ben were walking toward me and from the look on their faces, they had plans for me. Plans that I suspected included fucking my brains out. Chuck saw them coming and got up to give them some room and soon I found out how good Ben was at eating pussy. Zach kissed me passionately while my fingers ran through his curly hair. His kisses just added to the fire in my loins and within a few minutes, Ben found himself with a very wet face as I came all over it.

Ben wiped his face with one hand while gripping his big cock with the other. He aimed it at my center and was soon pounding my pussy something fierce. I came all over his cock while Zach caressed my face and kissed my neck and ears. It was an odd combination of tender and rutting that worked wonders for me. I was thrusting my hips up to meet Ben’s thrusts and he pounded me into a massive orgasm.

Ben pulled his cock from my pulsing pussy and shot his wad all over my stomach. He grinned down at me, stood, and walked away. I suppose I should have been a bit pissed about that, but in all honesty, he’d given me all I wanted from him, and I was kind of relieved that he left.

Now Zach and I were alone on the lounge, and he kissed me sweetly. His whisper gave me delicious chills down my neck. “I want to be alone with you. Let’s go back to my room and make love.”

I pushed his head up so I could look into his eyes. “Zach, I love the way you fuck me, but my husband is the only one that I make love with. You’re a great guy and an amazing lover, but my love is reserved for Shawn. If you want to fuck me, I’m right here, but I won’t go off alone with you. I don’t want you to think that we have anything between us but friendship and sex.”

His face fell and it took him a moment to think it through. His eyes met mine again and he tried to quirk a smile. “You are so amazing that I had to try. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t. If a purely sexual connection is what you want, then I’d be the world’s biggest fool if I didn’t accept the gift you are giving me.”

I was torn. I wanted him to fuck me without a doubt. The last thing I wanted was for him to have deep feelings for me. I was on the verge of gently pushing him away when he slipped his big cock into my pussy and began to fuck me with long and languid strokes. I decided that I’d give him a while to get over me. The fact that he was fucking me so wonderfully had nothing to do with it. Really. Well, maybe a little.

I was enjoying his attempt at making love to me in spite of what I had told him, but I wanted things moving at a more lustful pace. I got him to roll onto his back so I could ride him at my own pace. Grinding my clit against his pelvis as his big cock filled me was blissful and I lost track of the world around me.

I was brought back to reality when I felt hands squeezing my ass. Thomas had apparently got tired of waiting for Wanda and decided that my ass was the next best target. He had the resort’s ubiquitous lube in one hand and the well-greased fingers of his other hand prodding at my asshole. His fat index finger penetrated my ass and the sensation of being double penetrated turned me into a mad woman of lust. There was zero resistance from me as he stretched my anus with his fingers. When he pressed his cock against, then into my ass, he took things gently.

I felt his body press against me and realized that he was buried fully in my ass. I’ve never felt so full, and I lost my mind. I turned into a bitch in heat, trapped between two amazing cocks while they made me cum over and over. Zach’s cock swelled inside me until I thought I couldn’t take anymore, then suddenly his hot cum began jetting into my pussy. His pulsing cock had barely begun shooting his cum when Thomas let loose with a loud groan and filled my ass with his own. I lay on top of Zach exhausted from the orgasms and the marathon my body had just been through.

I barely noticed when the two men got up and left me. I must have dozed off because I was brought awake abruptly by hands running up my legs. I jumped at the touch and was ready to tell someone to leave me the hell alone when Shawn’s face appeared above my own. I pulled him into a tight hug and held him close. We snuggled for a little while before hitting the beach shower to rinse off the sex.

We joined Chuck and Wanda in the hot tub and spent the next hour drinking, talking, and relaxing. We relaxed so much that I nearly fell asleep leaning against my husband in the hot tub. Wanda noticed my exhausted state since it mirrored her own and suggested that it was time to get ready for dinner. If my stomach hadn’t growled with hunger, I probably would have begged off. Considering the dress code, and the fact that we had showered and soaked in the hot tub, there really wasn’t much we had to do to get ready for dinner. We douched, brushed our hair, pulled on thongs, and called it good. Our husbands escorted us to dinner while we received appreciative looks from the voyeurs that had watched us fucking.

Dinner wasn’t as exuberant as previous meals, simply because we were all worn out. The four of us returned to the suite after dinner. Shawn and I went for a walk along the beach and had a wonderful make-out session before returning to our room. Wanda and Chuck had their door closed and the suite was silent except for the sound of the ocean leaking through the windows. We snuggled in bed and a barely remembered kiss carried me into sleep.

Shawn and I spent the next day on our own. Chuck made sure that we had the limo for the day and we explored the local art galleries and tropical attractions. It was a rare moment during the day when we weren’t touching. We had a wonderful time and I would have been happy if we remained alone for the rest of our quasi-vacation.  Nevertheless, we returned to the resort, reinvigorated from our fun day together.

I’ll readily admit that I had enjoyed the wild sex, but as far as I was concerned, I was far happier alone with Shawn. I had my Shawn and that’s all I needed.

We met with Thomas, Brent, and Zach on their last day for four hours. The first hour was used to answer some final questions, while the remaining three were all planning for the new construction. Thomas and his guys left without any additional hanky-panky between us. Zach did manage to get me alone for a minute and kissed me until my knees got weak. I knew Shawn was watching or I wouldn’t have let him kiss me. I winked at Shawn over Zach’s shoulder and he just shook his head. I’ll admit I was torn about young Zach. I found him nearly irresistible, but I didn’t want, or need, the emotional baggage that would result if I fucked him again. It wasn’t worth it.

Thomas and Brent both kissed me right out in front of everybody without hesitation. My motor was running fast when they finally left, and Shawn took pleasurable advantage of my excitement back in our room. We spent a pleasant evening with Wanda and Chuck. Chuck informed Wanda and me that he and Shawn were golfing in the morning and wouldn’t be back until late afternoon. I gave Wanda a speculative look and she grinned at me. The two of us were going to play our own little game while they were gone. I couldn’t wait to get her alone again.

Shawn kissed me awake before he left in the morning. “I’m leaving, sweetheart. You and Wanda have fun today, just be careful and watch each other’s backs. Don’t go off alone. Okay?”

I was confused, “What? Huh?”

“I want you to enjoy your day with Wanda, but you need to be safe. Okay?”

I almost told him I hadn’t planned on being more than an inch away from Wanda every minute of the day. I was just waking up and wasn’t much for talking, so I grunted out, “Okay.”

He left, I dozed, then warm soft lips connected with mine, and I fell into such a lovely kiss. I tasted mouthwash and hoped that Wanda had used enough for both of us. My arms held her close and our kiss was soft and full of need. It was a lovely way to wake up and I hummed contentedly while my drowsiness was replaced by the rising heat for the woman kissing me.

I managed to pull myself away from her before I decided to never get out of bed and made my way to the shower. Of course, she followed me, and that was just fine with me. We washed each other’s bodies, and it took multiple times because our hands weren’t scrubbing so much as they were caressing. We got the job done and had a great time doing it.

After we were both squeaky clean I kissed her with need and passion. We stood there under the warm water and basked in our affection for each other. Her lips were wonderful, but I wanted to make her cum, and I set out to do that. The water ran over her nipples as my tongue snaked out and flicked them one by one. I twisted her around a little so that the water was raining down her back and sucked her nipple into my mouth. I played with her beautiful tits for a while, building her heat, and making her desperate for me to go lower.

I teased her and made her wait for my tongue. My fingers were working her clit while I sucked on her tit and her moans got loud. I kissed my way down her stomach, put her leg over my shoulder, and began eating her succulent pussy. When her orgasm hit, she leaned back in her ecstasy and the water cascaded down her front. I held my breath and let my tongue flitter over her clit until she jerked away. She leaned against the wall, her legs barely supporting her, as her orgasm finished running through her.

I stood and wrapped her in my arms. We stood under the water and kissed lovingly for a most pleasant time. I shut the water off and dried her thoroughly before drying myself. I wanted to pamper her after her orgasm. I wanted her to feel loved. I led her into her room and picked out a sexy bikini bottom for her to wear. I dressed her, then brushed and dried her hair, and she was ready to go. I didn’t say a word when we got to my room. When she started to help me, I took her hands and kissed her lips. I led her to the chair and sat her down before taking care of my own hair and thong. When I was ready, I walked over to her and pulled her to her feet, and into my arms. I kissed her deeply, then looked into her eyes. “You ready to watch the hard dicks spring up when you walk onto the beach?”

Wanda gave me a beautiful smile. “I love you, Anna. Please tell me you will always be with me.”

I kissed her again. “I love you too, Wanda, and I won’t ever leave you, but I do have to share you. Just as you have to share me.”

Her smile never wavered. “Of course, dumbass. I love my hubby and you love yours. We just happen to love each other too. I think that makes us both pretty lucky.”

Any doubts I had were gone. “I think we’re pretty lucky too. Now let’s go make dicks hard, but no gang bangs! I need to save something for my husband on our last night. Don’t you go getting us in trouble.”

The mischievous look she gave me made my heartbeat race like a jackhammer. She kissed me quickly, “Gotcha!”

I gave her a swat on the ass and laughed as we walked out of the room. We settled on the beach but seemed to be in the constant shade of some lover boy wanting to get to know us better. Model guy Ben dropped by and helped us spread lotion on our backs, even though we’d already done that ourselves. Our backs turned into our fronts and our bottoms had to come off to ensure full lotion coverage.

The next thing I knew he was fingering my pussy and his hard cock was pointing at my face. What’s a girl to do? I started sucking his cock and Wanda took it upon herself to start eating my pussy. I was primed and ready. It didn’t take her long to make me orgasm massively. Ben gave me exactly zero seconds to recover before he replaced Wanda between my legs and began feeding his big cock into my pussy.

He fucked me good that last time. I knew that I would never see him again and I was fine with that. It was nice to enjoy one last fuck and he did it right. Not slow and loving, and not pussy pounding, the fucking was just perfect and I had the most wonderful orgasms. I encouraged him to trade up for Wanda and he proceeded to fuck her the way he’d fucked me. We were both satisfied puddles of womanhood when he finished. Wanda and I shared sucking his cock and I got most of his load. I shared it with Wanda and we cleaned his cock up with our tongues.

The three of us took a refreshing dip in the ocean for a fun half hour. When we walked out of the ocean Ben kissed us both, said his goodbyes, and walked away. Wanda and I decided it was time for lunch and some alcoholic beverages. We enjoyed our lunch and drinks, especially the drinks, and discovered that we could barely keep our eyes open. We returned to the suite, showered, and snuggled together to nap. That’s where our husbands found us when they returned.

I woke and I could feel that Wanda was awake as well. We chose to pretend we were still asleep while our husbands talked in low voices. I did the ‘pretend you’re sleeping and peek through your eyelashes’ thing and saw Shawn and Chuck watching us. Chuck put his hand on Shawn’s shoulder. “God, they’re beautiful.”

Shawn nodded. “I can’t believe how lucky we are. They’re like two goddesses. I want to touch them more than I can say, but I don’t feel worthy.”

Chuck patted Shawn’s shoulder. “Be glad that the only dumb thing they’ve ever done in their lives was marry us. Speaking for myself, I’ve got Wanda now, and I’m never letting her go.”

“Couldn’t agree more, dude. Couldn’t agree more.”

I decided it would be fun and hot as hell if Wanda and I pretended we didn’t know that they were standing there. With that in mind, I snuggled up to her with my eyes still closed and began to lightly kiss her as if we were both just waking up. It didn’t take us long before we were all over each other. We got ourselves into a sixty-nine with me on the bottom. Her head and my pussy were pointed toward the doorway. The two of us went to town on each other and I actually did forget that our husbands were there. I got lost in the feelings of my heart and the sensations in my body.

When we had recovered enough, we moved back into each other’s arms and kissed for a while. Then we grinned at each other and looked up at our husbands. We both laughed at the look of lust on their faces and the raging erections that were pointing at us like they were angry at something. We curled a finger at them and let them decide between them which of us they were going to fuck. Wanda and I would be happy either way.

They took option ‘C’, none of the above. They both came after me first and I soon found my husband’s cock in my mouth and Chuck’s pounding my pussy while Wanda watched and played with herself. They fucked me through one big orgasm before switching places and doing it again. They left me a puddle and went after a giggling Wanda. She sucked her husband’s cock while my Shawn fed his cock to her pussy. She screamed out her orgasm as Shawn fucked her and it was easy to tell she enjoyed him a lot more than she did Ben. That made me very happy.

After some recovery time for the guys, and a few drinks for all of us, Chuck buried his cock in me, and Shawn did the same to Wanda. They pounded us good and filled our pussies with their hot cum. Soon after husbands and wives re-connected, and we whiled away an hour lying around and talking. Shawn and I showered together and did all the dressing we needed to for dinner. Wanda and Chuck walked with us to dinner, but we sat at separate tables. These last hours at the resort would be alone with our spouses.

Shawn and I spent those hours in each other’s arms, only coming up for air long enough to snack and hydrate. We stayed up all night and watched the sunrise as we walked along the beach. We could sleep on the plane. We talked a lot too. Our lives had changed in some pretty dramatic ways. I told him that I was in love with Wanda and reassured him that I would always love him. He thought it was awesome that Wanda and I loved each other, and he assured me he didn’t feel threatened. We are both comfortable with Chuck and Wanda. We know that they will never do anything to hurt us. They want to be with us and we think that’s wonderful.

The Bogota project will be life-changing and I’m sure Shawn and I will have more adventures together. As long as we’re together I have everything I need. I reclined my seat and let that lovely thought carry me into dreamland.

Written by Woodart
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