“All rise! Court is now in session. Justice Alison Londerwan presiding.”
“Be seated,” said the judge.
Rumple’s lawyer leaned over and said to Grace, “Oh, God. Judge Londerwan has a reputation for being a real hardass! If she decides against us, you may all wind up in jail!”
The judge in question was a slim, fit woman in her mid-forties with shoulder-length blonde hair and a stern countenance.
“Mr Timor, is the prosecution ready to make its opening statement?”
“Your Honour, we are.
“Rumpleforeskin’s is a bar with a ripe reputation for questionable sanitation, poor taste in food and beverages, and even worse behaviour. We intend to show that it has become a focus for obscene behaviour, and foments such behaviour in the surrounding area, as well as exporting it to other jurisdictions. We will present photographs and videos, and, if necessary, provide live testimony to substantiate our charges.”
And Timor sat down, congratulating himself on being brief. He knew that Judge Londerwan hated ungrammatical expression and unmoderated verbiage.
“Mr Johnson, will you please present the defence’s opening statement.”
“Your Honour, this is a classic case of overreach by the authorities. They are mistaking their own personal opinions for the law of the land. We will show that not only is the prosecution’s case flawed in law, but that they are hypocrites for presenting the arguments they intend to make. They want to wrap themselves in virtue while simultaneously cloaking their own licentiousness. They can’t have it both ways.”
And Johnson sat down, equally pleased with his opening.
“The prosecution will present its case.”
Timor rose. “Your Honour, this case will be very simple. As it turned out, on the night in question, one of the denizens of this cesspool…”
“Objection! The prosecution is making a speech.”
The judge looked at the district attorney, “Please use more appropriate language, Mr Timor.”
“My apologies, Your Honour. One of the patrons of this establishment, a Ms Kistin Pencil, happened to have taken extensive photographs, and video recordings of the indecent behaviour to be found at Rumple’s, as its…patrons…call it. We believe this is all the evidence we will be all we need. Their own actions will condemn them.”
The prosecution turned to the court technician and nodded. After some arrangement of equipment and shuffling of chairs, the prosecution started to show videos, one after the other.
The image on the camera jittered as the person wielding it was apparently climbing the side of a dumpster. Finally, the image stabilized, and showed what looked like a hot tub inside of the battered walls of an ageing dumpster. There were three naked people; one man and two women.
The district attorney identified one of the men as Scott, last name unknown, commenting that all three of them fled the scene, naked, when the police broke in and raided the place.
In this video sequence, Scott was using a peeled banana as a dildo on one of the women, slowly pushing it into her as she held herself up on her hands and knees. She watched as he worked the fruit into her loins.
He then pulled it out, and took a bite, savouring the flavour and licking his lips. Next, he restored it to her fleshy sheath and repeated the process, this time reaching around to her head and offering her a bite.
She smiled, twisted over her right shoulder, licked the blunt end lasciviously, then wrapped her mouth around the shaft of the fruit, taking it far down her throat until finally pulling back, and just biting the tip off of it. She licked her tongue all the way around her lips and started exaggerated chewing.
Meanwhile, the other woman came up for air, after having sucked Scott’s cock underwater. She gasped for two breaths, then dove back to continue her task.
The video went jittery again – apparently as the videographer was laughing.
That ended the clip.
“Your Honour, this next video is of the notorious Daddy D, as he calls himself, and his accomplice, Gracie. We’ve been trying to nail them on morals charges for months now as they seem to have a parade of women – and men! – coming into and out of their home at all hours, and in all stages of undress. It’s a scandal to their neighbours, and to our fair city.
“This video seems typical of their behaviour, and is the first time we’ve had proof that we could submit to a court of law. We feel it is imperative that we nail them, once and for all!”
He signalled to the technician, and the image appeared on the screen.
A tall, well-built man with a lumberjack frame was standing naked behind a table, with a petite, buxom woman with short, pixie-ish hair dyed in three different colours, bent over a table in front of him. As the video unspooled, it became evident that he was fucking her hard. She was gripping the far edge of the table and was squealing as he shoved his body forward, but the expression on her face was not one of pain, but of pleasure.
Then the image was obscured by another naked body, evidently another man, moving in towards her head. The camera moved to the right, and a large, dripping, uncircumcised penis was being held to her mouth. She looked up at the owner of said penis, then, with a worried expression on her face, opened her mouth to it.
The owner, whose face was not visible in the frame, quickly shoved it deep inside her throat. She gagged and spluttered around it, then moaned as it was withdrawn partway, then shoved even further into her throat.
Meanwhile, the lumberjack smiled broadly, and started fucking her even harder, and in synch, so that both men were moving together towards her centre at the same time. This caused her to squeal loudly around the cock filling her mouth, and making her gag for breath each time it receded.
Shortly thereafter, the second man cried loudly, shoved his cock into her throat to the hilt, ignoring her agonized, muffled cry, and came, pumping rope after rope of cum directly into her.
He withdrew, wiped his cock on her face, and was quickly replaced by a woman. She had cut-off jean shorts, which were down around her knees, along with her pink panties. She leaned back slightly, grabbed a handful of Gracie’s hair, and pulled Gracie’s head back, and ground her face into the woman’s cunt. “Eat me, bitch, now!” was heard on the soundtrack.
Gracie’s eyes went wide, and a look of pain crossed her face as her neck was forced painfully back. She extended her tongue and began to lick and suck the woman’s pussy. After a while, Gracie started to moan, just about the time that Daddy D began to make a groaning noise deep in his chest. He grabbed her hands, pulling them hard behind her, then pushed his prick hard into Gracie’s cunt, forcing her face further into the woman’s pussy.
Almost immediately, a look of pain or ecstasy, or both crossed his face, as he came deep inside her, shoving her further forward still.
The woman, perhaps triggered by what was happening before her, started to grunt, and grabbed fistfuls of Gracie’s hair, grinding her cunt into Gracie’s face. Then, suddenly, she cried out, and squirted, covering Gracie’s face and hair in girl cum.
After a time, Daddy D rolled Gracie’s limp form over on her back, leaned forward, resting his head between her tits, then reached his hands up and found the metal piercings that went through her nipples. Slowly moving himself erect, he pulled the nipple piercings up with him, stretching Gracie’s tits as she writhed beneath him, struggling to move up with him.
And he smiled.
The video stopped.
“As Your Honour can see,” said the district attorney, “they were abusing this poor woman…”
“Oh, I wasn’t abused, Your Honour. I had a lovely orgasm, you just couldn’t see it in the shot…”
The judge banged the gavel down. “Mr Johnson, would you please control your client, and instruct her she is not to address the court except through counsel?”
“Oh, sorry, Your Honour. But he was lying about me!”
The judge gaveled her to silence and glowered.
Next, the video camera showed a medium-height woman with shoulder-length brown hair that had a slight wave being escorted to a table to one side of the bar. “Look, Kimmi, I know you’re a bit nervous about this…”
“A bit?”
“…but trust me, you can stop it at any time you want, just by standing up and pulling off the sign, okay?”
The tall, slender man talking to her had shoulder-length sliver hair with deep-set eyes and a warm smile that nevertheless gave off a “shark” vibe. He was James, one of the defendants, and he had his arm around the woman’s shoulders, walking her to the table. “Now, just remove the rest of your clothes, and we’ll get started, okay?”
She looked at him nervously, but slowly removed her top, undid her bra, and slipped her track pants and panties down to puddle on the floor. Kicking them off, she was now naked. She looked up at him.
“Excellent! Now, just bend over the table, like this…” and he guided her forward onto the table, face down, pressing her tits into it, with her hands by her sides, then kicked her legs as wide as the table legs.
“And now the sign…”
He taped a sign on her back.
“Read it to me again?” she asked, her voice trembling.
“Of course. ‘Spank me, please! You can do any of my holes, your choice, for a short spanking. Cum as frequently as you like! And thank you! – Kimmi’
“I think that sounds quite…inviting, don’t you Kimmi dear?”
“Uh, I guess so.”
“Good! Now, I’ll just put the blindfold on…”
She twisted up to look at him. “Blindfold?”
“Of course, Kimmi. You don’t want to scare away the people you’re trying to attract by looking at them, do you?”
“Um, I guess…not?”
“Very good. Here we go.” And he fastened a black blindfold around her eyes. “And I’ll just use a bit of rope to tie each of your legs to the table, just to remind you to keep them spread, shall I?
“There! All set. And good luck, you sweet, seductive submissive!” And he gave her ass a solid SMACK!, then walked away.
Almost immediately after that, a man walked into the scene from the other side of the screen, but his head wasn’t visible. He seemed to be wearing the same clothes as the silver-haired man who just departed. And right behind him, a line seemed to be forming up.
He stopped by the table, glanced at the sign, then gave her ass four quick slaps, two on each buttock, causing her to jolt and squeal, and leaving her with four pink handprints, slightly overlapping. There was the sound of a zipper, and he moved around behind her, loosing his cock, and rubbing it up and down between her labia. Then he slowly started to enter her in one, long, smooth shove until he was balls-deep inside her.
She squirmed until he was completely seated inside her, then heaved a deep sigh that quickly turned into a moan.
“Your Honour, I believe we’ve seen enough of this video…”
“I quite agree. Let’s move on, shall we?”
“Your Honour, this next video is, I’m afraid, quite graphic, but it will underscore the prosecution’s case. I ask the court’s indulgence.”
The screen came alight, showing a woman dressed in a skimpy outfit, eyes downcast, on her knees with her hands clasped in front of her. “All right, slut. Stand up and strip!”
She slowly stood up, and the camera panned out to show she was standing on the bar. She slowly started unbuttoning her blouse, quite deliberately, to the sound of whistles and cat-calls, including some from feminine voices. Once she got to the bottom button, she shrugged her blouse off to show a lacy black bra. She undid the front clasp, held it briefly to her tits, then shrugged it, too onto the floor.
Next, she reached behind her and unzipped her rah-rah skirt, then slowly lowered it down with one hand, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her pussy was shaved, and her cunt lips were already pink and puffy.
Once she was naked, she stood with eyes still downcast, and awkwardly placed her hands by her sides, as if unsure where they should go.
“Now, sit your ass on the bar, and spread ‘em so we can see your cunt, whore.”
She slowly lowered herself down until she was seated on the bar, then, placing her hands behind her on the bar, spread her legs wide.
“Hold your cunt lips open, slut, so we can see how wet you are, how much you want it,” the harsh voice commanded.
She slowly leaned forward, took both hands, and used them to spread her pussy lips wide, one hand on each side. It became evident very quickly that she was already wet. So wet, in fact, that as they watched, she started dripping on the bar.
“What’s your name, cunt?”
“Lucky, sir.”
There were guffaws, and one shouted comment, “Not yet she isn’t!”
“Now tell us what you want, slut.”
In a very low voice, she started to say, “I’d like to be…”
She cleared her throat, and, still looking down, she said in a much louder voice, “I’d like to be punished for being a slut, and for tempting people with my sluttish behaviour.”
There was a deep chuckle, then the voice said, “I think we can make that happen. Jump down.”
She complied.
“Now, come over here.”
She walked over to a massive, old-style, wooden hat rack, next to which was the man with the shoulder-length, silver hair.
“Now, face the hat rack, clasp your hands behind your back, then bend all the way forward, as far as you can.”
She did as bidden. Her long red hair cascaded down in front of her. It was a light, almost strawberry blonde colour, with red highlights.
The man picked up a length of rope from a nearby table, tied the rope around the wrists of her clasped hands, then ran it up to one of the spikes on the rack, and fastened the loop to the spike, leaving a bit of slack, but securing her in this position.
“Now, back away until you’re almost on your tip-toes.”
She did until the rope became taut, and her arms were pulled further forward.
“And spread your legs wide so we can use your cunt or your ass as we please.”
Lucky swallowed hard, then awkwardly spread her legs wide.
The man with the silver hair stepped forward and fastened a blindfold around her eyes. Next, he reached into his pocket and brought out a pair of clover nipple clamps that were connected to each other by a silver chain. He quickly affixed the clamps, prompting her to gasp both times. Then he gave the silver chain a quick tug, causing the clamps to pinch hard.
She squealed and started trembling.
“I’m going to put up a sign on the hat rack. Let me read it to you.”
“I’m a filthy, fucking slut, and need to be punished. Please spank me, pinch my nipples, then use my cunt, my ass, or my mouth however you want, as many times as you want. And please, tell me what a fucking whore I am while you’re doing it.’”
“Is that accurate, Lucky?”
“Yes, sir.”
The man backed away, and asked the unseen crowd, “Okay, who’s going to be first to fulfil…Lucky’s… heartfelt request?”
A tall, blonde woman with knee-high black boots and a long, flowing skirt swaggered forward. “I think I can help this poor, unfortunate slut to her cunt’s desire.”
Cries went up, “Michelle! Michelle’s back! Yea! Go get her, witch!”
Her hand, which had been empty to this point was suddenly holding a crop. Brandishing it with a flourish, she gave Lucky’s presented cunt a firm, underhand slap, followed quickly by another, causing the girl’s body to jerk. Then Michelle started slapping her ass, then started working down inside one thigh, and up inside the other. Finally, she used the rod to cane her hard across the ass, prompting Lucky the cry out.
Michelle then swaggered forward, put the handle of the crop under Lucky’s chin, forcing the girl to turn her head upwards. As she was blindfolded, she could see nothing, but Michelle was inspecting the girl as if deciding on something.
“Is that mouth good for anything, slut?”
Lucky’s lips quivered, “Yes.”
Michelle used the crop to yank down on the silver chain, pinching Lucky’s tits hard. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, Mistress!”
Michelle thought for a moment, then pulled up a chair slightly to one side, seated herself, then pulled the girl’s head around so it faced her. Michelle scootched the chair forward a bit, tipped it back slightly, then hiked up her skirt and rested her legs on Lucky’s back, with one leg on each side of the girl’s head. She used the crop to flip the girl's long hair up, out of the way.
Next, the blonde woman pulled her skirt up to her waist, revealing that she wasn’t wearing panties either, and that she was, in fact, a true blonde.
She crossed her knees behind Lucky’s head, forcing the girl’s face into her blonde pussy, then rested the crop lightly on the silver chain attached to the nipple clamps.
“Okay, you dirty whore, show me how well you can eat pussy. And if you slow down or fail to please me…” Michelle pushed down hard on the chain, causing the girl to cry out.
“Now, get busy, slut. I want to see your mouth and face covered in cunt juice. Now!”
And she emphasized her words with another tug at the chain.
Lucky quickly got busy.
The video stopped.
“Your Honour, I think we’ve seen enough of this.”
The judge looked at him, then reluctantly said, “Yes, I suppose we have.” And she sighed.
The next video showed a short, slender woman, about 5’ 2” with long, brown hair, tats visible on various parts of her body. She looked to be about thirty and had a wicked gleam in her eye.
“This woman’s name is Deana, Your Honour,” the district attorney said, “and she is one of the defendants.”
On-screen, Deana finished getting out of her clothes, kicking them to one side, then spreading her legs slightly. She looked at the naked man on his knees before her. His head was bowed, and his hands clasped behind him.
“You fantasize about being dominated, do you?” she said.
“Yes, I’ve always…”
“Shut the fuck up! Just answer my questions.”
She kicked him lightly between the legs, not hard enough to really hurt, but enough to surprise him. He went, “Ooff” and leaned forward.
“Yes, what?”
“Um, yes, mistress?”
“Yes, Mistress. Got it?”
“Yes, Mistress. I’ve got it.”
“I notice you’ve got a real hard-on there.” She lifted the rigid member with her toe. “What were you hoping to do with it.”
The man was quiet for a time, then licked his lips and said, “Fuck someone?”
Deana tipped her head back and laughed. “You’ll be lucky!”
She reached over to a nearby table, and took a short length of thin line, knelt down in front of the man, then said, “Now, don’t move a muscle. This might hurt a bit – I hope!”
She made a slip knot on a loop of the line, then put it around his cock and balls, turning the noose so the knot so it was on top, then slowly tightened the loop until his erection and balls were bunched together. His cock started to turn purple and the veins stood out in sharp relief.
“You know,” she mused, “I think that could hurt quite a lot after a while. Why don’t we find out.”
She stood up, pulling on the line. The man stood up, or rather was dragged up by his balls, flailing with his arms to keep his balance.
“Turn around.”
He quickly turned. Deana took another piece of line, and quickly secured his hands behind his back, then ran the line between his legs, and looped it around the helmet of his circumcised cock, then dragged his hard erection down until it was pointing slightly backwards at the ground behind him. She ran the line back up to his tied hands, and secured it so his hands were forced down, and his cock was pulled painfully backwards.
“Kneel down again, slut.”
The man awkwardly got down on his knees. Deana walked around to his back, then jerked the line connecting his hands to the tip of his cock. He shuddered and yelped.
She grabbed a handful of his hair, then forced his head back until he was facing her, upside down. “Shut the fuck up unless I give you permission to make a sound. Understand?”
“Yes…I mean yes, Mistress!” His voice was strained by his stretched throat.
She walked back to his front, then knelt down again. He stared at her.
Giving a wicked grin, she reached down and started lightly stroking the underside of his shaft between the bound tip, and the balls bunched up at the base.
Next, she started stroking his shaft again lightly encircling it, and tracing his length, up and back, while lightly running another finger along and around his taut ball-sack. A drop of pre-cum slipped from the tip of his cock, splashing on the floor.
“Looks like someone’s getting excited.” She leaned in and rubbed her tits against his chest, then ran her tongue around the divide between his lips, while continuing to fondle his shaft, then tracing the tip of his cock with her nails, and tickle his balls.
Two more drops of pre-cum splashed on the floor. She leaned down, rubbed her finger through the small puddle, then said, “Spread your legs further.”
Awkwardly, he waddled his knees apart. She got up, moved behind him, and knelt down again at his back. She ran her wet finger down his ass crack until she came to his puckered asshole. He groaned again, so she deliberately stuck his asshole with her fingernail, causing him to jump.
When she was sure he’d be silent, she started rubbing her finger up and down his asshole, until it was lubricated. Then she pushed her finger slowly but steadily up his ass. His body went rigid, and he trembled, but he made no sound.
She kept pushing it in until it was almost in to the third knuckle, then she started wiggling it gently to stimulate his prostate. His breathing became laboured, and sweat broke out on his body. She continued massaging his prostate until his body started to quiver and he started breathing hard, at which point she quickly pulled her finger out and backed away, not touching him at all.
The air whooshed out of him, and he started panting.
She smirked, then stood up and walked around to his front again.
“You really, really want to cum, don’t you, prick?” She leaned forward and used two fingers, including the one that had been up his ass, to smear the growing pool of pre-cum on the floor between his legs.
He nodded and said, “Yes, please, Mistress. Please! I was so close!”
She laughed, brought the two fingers to his lips, and forced them inside his mouth, then used them to paint his tongue.
Then she tilted his head up with her other hand, leaned forward and looked him in the eye, and said, “No.”
She stood up, moved close to him, walked her feet wide, and said, “Unless…”
He looked up at her hopefully, “…unless you do the greatest job of eating pussy in the history of the world, and can make me cum all over your face.” She finished, bending her knees slightly, and moving her cunt forward until it was almost touching his nose.
He dove forward, extending his tongue, and started enthusiastically licking and sucking her cunt, turning his head from side to side to change angles, looking like a hungry dog eating its first meal in days.
The video stopped.
The judge exhaled noisily. “I assume there’s more.”
“There is Your Honour, but I hesitate…”
“No, I think you’ve made your point.”
“I’m not quite sure what this next video is, Your Honour…let’s try…”
The image formed of two people, off in a corner.
One was a blonde woman with short hair and a lean jaw. That much could be made out. The other had dark hair, and was seated on the blonde’s lap. They had their arms around each other. Both had their heads turned so their faces were obscured, and they were deeply engrossed in kissing. Passionately. Noisily. Messily.
Then the darker one started groping the blonde’s tits. She not only seemed to like it, but she moved away slightly to give them more room to play. They both sighed contentedly and continued their make-out.
“Mr Timor, is it your contention that two people snogging in the corner of a bar constitute an obscene act?” She grimaced. “Although I do think they should get a room.”
The video shut off quickly. “Uh, no, Your Honour. Our mistake, excuse me.” He straightened up and stopped, looking thoughtful. “Was that…Jane…um, what’s her name?”
“Let’s move on Mr Timor, please.”
The district attorney shook his head. “Of course, Your Honour. My apologies.”
“Next, Your Honour, we have a couple that becomes a threesome, who become a four-way, who become a, uh, five-way, I guess you’d call it.”
The screen lights up and an older man is shown sprawling on a beat-up old sofa, a big, empty coffee mug by his side, asleep.
The image grows as the videographer moves closer, then the view is obscured by the back of a naked woman who has shoulder-length, platinum blonde hair.

“Mr Rumple, sir?”
The man looks up. “Yes, that’s me. Who’s there?”
“We’ve never met, sir, but James asked me to come over and check on you. My name is Marta.”
“James, eh? Well…wait. Did you say, Marta? As in Marta Rab…something?” He sat up suddenly.
“Rabinovich, yes.”
“But you’re not real! James writes stories about you.”
The woman, who was now seen as clearly naked except for a red dog collar with a black tag, and matching red leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She perches on the edge of the sofa, with her ass touching the man’s groin area.
She chuckles. “Oh, you mean the stories that the writer guy is writing about my Lord and me. Well, he’s got quite an imagination, but…I’m real, see?”
She picks up his left hand and places it on her right breast.
The man snatches it away at first, but then stops. “James asked you to check on me?”
“Well, actually, he asked me to do more than just check on you.” She chuckles again, then turns, unzips his trousers, and reaches in for his cock.
“Little girl, I know you mean well, but…”
She has, by this time, successfully fished his cock from his trousers, and is stroking it, watching it as it grows. “James says you’re the founder of the beast, whatever that means, and wants me to…check out…the beast itself.” And she leans down and takes his rapidly growing erection in her mouth, then slowly lowers her head further down, taking more of him in.
Rumple groans. “If you knew how long…little girl, why are you doing this?”
She lets his cock slip from her mouth, smiles and says, “Because my Lord asked me to, and I always do anything my Lord wants.” And she takes him back into her mouth and throat, going deeper this time, then starts bobbing slowly up and down.
“Are we interrupting anything important?” a woman’s voice says.
Marta continues to bob up and down, leaving Rumple to say, “Um, it depends on how you define important, I guess.”
The person speaking is a tall, naked woman, with long, blonde hair reaching almost to her lovely ass, slender, long legs, and modest breasts with big nipples. “Looks kind of important to me. It’s Rayne, sir. I’m here with my husband, Rich. But I was hoping to do that.”
She’s accompanied by a tall, naked man with an athletic build, a crooked smile and a straight erection, who says, “Yeah, Rayne loves getting as much cock as she can, especially from multiple guys at once.”
Rayne socks him playfully on the shoulder. “Like you don’t love extra pussy, with some pussy on the side!” She turns to Marta and Rumple, and says, “Mr Rumple, sir…”
“Just Rumple, Rayne. We’ve known each other long enough, I think.”
She smiles, “Well, then, Rumple, my husband and I were wondering if we could join you both in what you’re doing. Please?”
Marta lets Rumple cock escape her mouth, and smiles. “What did you have in mind? We’re game.” She turns to Rumple and says, “Aren’t we?” And she runs her hand up to the button fastening Rump trousers closed, and undoes it, then untucks his shirt.
Rumple puts his hand on hers, halting her exfoliation of his clothes, then says, “Look, folks, this is all very nice, but…”
Rayne leans over, lightly grasps Rumple’s cock, looks at Marta, and says, “May I?”
Marta nods and stands up. “Sure…if I can…” and wraps her arms around Rayne’s husband’s neck.
Rayne winks, turns back to Rump and licks his cock two or three times, then sucks it rapidly into her throat, and starts vigorously pumping up and down, far faster than Marta had been doing.
“Uh, Rayne, if you keep that up, that’ll lead to…”
She looks up at him, smiles, and answers, “Mmmm-hmmm”, even as she continues to suck on his cock.
Meanwhile, Marta has started running her hands down Rich’s back and is now cupping his ass with both hands, pressing her body against him, forcing his prick straight up against her belly. Rich is stroking her tits, then runs his hand down between them, awkwardly hooking his hand down between her legs.
She spreads them wider to accommodate, and soon is heard to be moaning.
“Well, it looks like I’m missing the real party here.” James walks into the picture. He, too, is naked and has a full erection.
“I came to check on Marta, and find a swing-ding in full sweep! But I need to be part of this. Oh, hi Rayne. It’s good to finally get to meet you in person, especially given how fucking hot you look!”
Rumple puts his hand on Raynes’ head, gently pushing her off. “Is that you James? I can’t quite see in this light.” And laughs.
James joins him, “Yeah, it’s me, Rump. What have you got yourself into? I sent Marta over, and you’ve got a party going!”
“Now, look, James, if this is a joke…”
“Fuck, no Rump! Don’t you have any idea how highly people think of you? I sent Marta over to prevent you from being mobbed by your fans! If you think you’re going to escape a second orgy with lame excuses…well, your girl fans won’t take kindly to it!”
James smirks, “But, I guess I was almost late to the party. So, may I join y’all?”
Rich sticks out his hand, “Hi, I’m Rich, Rayne’s husband. Good to meet you…in rather unusual circumstances.”
“Hi, Rich. Glad to know you…now, what say we get this organized, instead of people just, you know, fucking all over the place. Let’s try some things – I don’t often have this many bodies to play with!”
He turns to Rumple, “You okay with that Rump?”
Rumple thinks for a moment, then stands up and starts shedding his clothes. “Aw, what the fuck. What have I got to lose? My virginity?”
Rich says, “You know, James, I’ve joked with Rayne about getting her ‘air tight’, with all three holes filled, but have never had the bodies to do it. Can we perhaps try?”
He looks at his wife, and says, “You okay with that, hun?”
Rayne shivers slightly, and says, “Well, fuck, why not. Let’s give it a try – but I want something in return.”
“What’s that, babe?”
“I want you guys to cum over my face and tits, okay?”
Rump chuckles, “You’ll have to point me in the right direction, but sure.”
Soon the five people are down on the threadbare carpet. Rich was on the bottom, with his wife on top of him, facing up, with his cock up her ass. Then Marta manoeuvred Rumple to kneel between Rich’s legs, with his cock pointing towards Rayne’s pussy. Rayne guided his cock into her vagina as Rumple leaned forward, resting his head between her tits. She put her legs around his back and kissed the top of his head.
Then James put his cock into Rayne’s mouth, with his body across hers from left to right, holding his upper body up on his elbows. His knees were on one side of Rayne’s head, and his face was planted in Marta’s pussy, with her knees over his back.
The video stopped.
The district attorney was actually peeking through his fingers at the screen, but straightened up, looking sheepish.
The judge sat up. “Why did you stop, Mr Timor?”
“Well, Your Honour, I thought in the interests of propriety that…”
He stopped when he saw the deep frown on her face.
She finally bestirred herself, and said, “Tell me, did any of them actually manage to reach orgasm in that ridiculous position?”
Mr Timor looked nervous, “I, uh, believe so, Your Honour, I believe they all did, yes.”
“Astonishing. And did that young woman, Rain, I think she said her name was, did she get the guys to cum on her, as she wished?”
“Um, well, yes, she did, Your Honour.”
“And you’ve seen all of this video?”
“Yes, Your Honour, several times, I…” He stopped, wondering if he’d just made a mistake. “It was necessary to build my case, Your Honour.”
“Uh-huh. I’m sure it was. Anything more, Mr Timor?”
“One last video, Your Honour, although it’s slightly out of sequence.”
“Proceed.” And she sat back, looking cross.
The video screen came to life, showing a slim, blonde woman with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a blue sundress, and had one finger on her lip, looking around.
Two arms slipped around her waist from behind. “Welcome to the party, Bonnie. Looking for some action?”
The woman twisted around to face the man behind her. “James!”
“In the flesh.”
“What about your wife?”
“I brought her. That’s Marta over there.” James nodded at the platinum blonde standing naked, talking to tall, blonde Michelle, who was now also naked, and looking incredibly pleased with herself. Sated, even.
“Marta? That’s Lady Jay?”
“No, Bonnie, you’re thinking of that writer fella, the one who’s using my name as his pen name. No, this is the real me, and Marta’s my wife – and my slave. I’ll call her over in a few minutes, but I wanted to see you alone first.”
Bonnie turned in his arms and put her arms around his neck. “C’mere, you!” And she stood up on tip-toe and kissed him soundly, letting her hands slide down his body to his ass.
He gave as good as he got, and soon the two had reached the “get a room” stage of kissing, with James’ hands drifting down to cup her delicious ass in turn, while pulling her into him so she could feel his erection.
James broke, tilted his head back, then leaned forward so their noses were touching. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that. And this…”
He stood back and lifted her sundress up by the shoulders. She raised her arms, and pulled it completely off, revealing that she was naked underneath. She tossed it away onto a nearby table.
“You never disappoint, do you Bunny-girl?”
“Be quiet and kiss me – even if you aren’t a Leafs fan.” And she smooshed her naked body against his.
Their kiss was interrupted by another naked body pressing against Bonnie’s back. James broke the kiss, “Allow me to introduce you to Marta, my devoted slave, and loving and beloved wife. Marta, this is the snuggly Bunny I’ve told you so much about.”
Bonnie twisted her head around to look at the gorgeous woman. “James, if you have this to come home to for supper, what are you doing trying to eat my lunch?”
James’s face split in a wicked grin, “Who says I can’t eat both? I’m a hungry guy! Let’s find someplace to get serious, shall we?”
“Before we do, James, just stand there for a moment. There’s something I’ve wanted to do, too.”
Bonnie knelt down before him, took his cock in her hand, flicked her tongue over the tip of his cock, collecting the pre-cum off it, then licked all around the head. Next, she licked with the flat of her tongue up and down the helmet of his cock, and finally, slowly, gently, took him into her mouth.
She withdrew, then gradually took the cock deeper and deeper into her throat with successive strokes, until it hit hard against the back. She gagged slightly, then held still, holding him deep inside her, looking up into his eyes.
He looked down at his friend holding his cock deep in her throat and stroked her hair. “You dear, lovely girl. Keep this up, and I’m not going to be good for much else! Come on. I love that you’re doing that, but come up here and let’s see what kind of mischief we can get into, shall we?”
She let his cock slip out of her mouth, licked her lips, then, with his help, stood up. Marta moved in and kissed Bonnie on the mouth, lips closed, then broke and said, “Bonnie, you have no idea how happy you’ve made James. He talks about you – a lot. He’s had the hots for you forever. Thank you.” And she kissed the younger woman again.
She was about to break when Bonnie put her hand behind Marta’s head and pulled her closer, Bonnie parting her lips. After a short pause, Marta opened hers, and Bonnie’s tongue found its way in. Marta moaned and sagged against the girl.
When they finally broke, Marta said, “Oh, God! Now I see why James is so infatuated with you! You are, without a doubt, the personification of sex.”
Bonnie giggled, “No, I’m just perpetually in heat, that’s all. You should hear what my three girlfriends say about me!”
James gathered the two women, one in each arm, and started walking them towards a battered leather couch in a dim corner of the room. “Now, what shall we do together, eh?”
Bonnie looked at James and said, “I kind of like that threesome you had with Sammi in one of your chapters.”
James stopped and shook his head. “You’re thinking of that writer fellow again. What happened?”
Bonnie looked nonplused for a moment, then shrugged and said, “Well, Marta and I go down on each other in soixante-neuf, then you move in behind and fuck me while she licks your cock as it goes in and out of my pussy.”
James leaned back and said, “That writer guy came up with that? Wow. Okay, let’s try it and see how well it works in practice!”
They pulled the extra cushions off, providing a bigger play space on the couch, then Marta lay down on it, followed by Bonnie putting her head between Marta’s legs, and carefully positioning her knees on both sides of Marta’s head. Once in position, she snuggled down so both women could reach the other’s pussy without straining.
James knelt down behind Marta’s head, positioned his cock at the entrance to Bonnie’s cunt, then gently but firmly pushed inside her already soaking pussy. He then started to move his cock slowly in and out of Bonnie, fondly and finally fucking her.
Bonnie arched her back and moaned, then started to work even harder on Marta’s pussy, even as she wriggled her ass under James’ ministrations.
After sliding hard in and out of Bonnie’s cunt for a few minutes, James withdrew, then repositioned his cock. “Would you like me to fuck your ass, Bunny-girl?”
Bonnie lifted her head, her mouth dripping, and said, “Fuck yes! Please!”
James slowly pushed his dripping cock in while Bonnie tried to relax her sphincter until his cockhead moved past her anal ring. At that point, he pushed more firmly, until he had driven in to the hilt.
She moaned, “Oh, fuck! That feels good!”
“Well, shut the fuck up, slut, and get back to eating pussy!” James reached over, shoved her head back down, then grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back, forcing her head forward. This also pushed his body further upright. Using the leverage, he began to ravage her ass, slowly at first, then faster, until finally he was pounding her, and she was making little mewling noises each time his body slammed into her ass cheeks.
Finally, first Bonnie started to moan deeply, then Marta, and finally James cried out.
The three friends all came within seconds of each other, and collapsed, with James releasing Bonnie’s arms, and using his arms and legs to avoid crushing Bonnie and Marta as he collapsed forward.
The video stopped again.
The judge was drumming her fingers on the bench in front of her.
“Anything more, Mr Timor?”
“There is a lot more video, Your Honour, but we feel we’ve made our case.”
“Does the prosecution rest, then Mr Timor?”
The district attorney gulped nervously. He wasn’t getting the reaction he had hoped for from her Honour. “Yes, Your Honour. If it please the court, the prosecution rests.”
The judge looked over at the defence table. “Mr Johnson, are you ready to present your case?”
“We are, Your Honour.”
“You may begin.”
“Defence would like to call Kistin Pencil.”
“Objection, Your Honour! This witness was not on the defence’s witness list!”
“That’s because, Your Honour, she is on the prosecution’s witness list.”
The judge looked at Timor. “Mr Timor?”
He shifted from one foot to the other. “Objection withdrawn, Your Honour.” And sat down.
Kistin Pencil was sworn in. She was wearing a white shirt, a dark, narrow tie, grey slacks, and a sports coat with narrow lapels.
“Ms Pencil, are you familiar with the videos and photographs the prosecution has shown in making their case?”
“I am. I took them.”
“All of them?”
“All the ones I’ve seen so far, yes.”
“How did you happen to have taken them in that bar, on that night?”
“I frequent Rumple’s bar on a regular basis, and was there for the party.”
“And what party would that be?”
“Rumple – the proprietor – was holding a Vernal Equinox party for his regulars, and I was invited.”
“Invited? Why would you need to be invited, Ms Pencil?”
“Because it was intended for the regulars, including me. Rumple, or Rump as some of us call him, decided that a celebration of the Vernal Equinox was appropriate to mark the return of one of their assistant bartenders, who happens to be a witch.”
“A witch?”
Johnson paused for a moment, then decided not to pursue that line of questioning. “And how did the prosecution come into possession of your photos and videos?”
“Well, first they confiscated my cameras, and then they issued a search warrant and subpoena.”
“Surely you have that reversed. Don’t you mean they issued a search warrant and subpoena, and then they took your cameras?”
“No, they took my cameras at Rumple’s on the night of the party. I didn’t get a subpoena until several days later.”
Johnson turned and looked at the district attorney, then up at the judge. “Your Honour, I could, at this time, contend that this evidence is tainted, and should be thrown out as there was no search warrant, and I reserve the right to do so at a later time. However, I’m aiming for bigger game, if the court will indulge me.”
The judge leaned forward. “One moment. Mr Timor, were you aware of this?”
“Well, uh, Your Honour, I think…”
“Yes or no, Mr Timor. Were you aware of this sequence of events?”
“Um, yes. Your Honour.”
“I see. Very well, Mr Johnson, pray continue. I am eager to hear what your…bigger game…is.”
“Will the court technician please roll defence exhibit A?”
“Objection!” Timor shot to his feet. “The defence did not list any videos as evidence!”
“Mr Johnson?”
“No, Your Honour, we didn’t. The prosecution did. The videos we will show were among those taken by the prosecution from Ms Pencil on the night of the party, and they entered them into evidence. They merely chose not to show all of them. We are merely correcting their oversight.”
“Your Honour, how did the defence come into possession of these videos, other than the segments we have submitted to the court?”
Johnson turned to Ms Pencil. “Ms Pencil, were there any copies of your photos and videos?”
Pencil nodded. “There were. A couple of years ago, I had a camera stolen from me by a mugger on the street, and lost some photos that I valued very highly. To prevent that kind of loss again, all of my images are now immediately conveyed to my encrypted storage file in the Cloud. I retrieved them from there at your request.”
The judge looked at the district attorney. “Overruled. You may proceed, Mr Johnson.”
“If the court technician will roll the first video.” And he sat down.
The video flickered to life. This time, two police deputies were visible in the scene. Very visible.
They had Grace, one of the defendants, up on the bar, face first, her naked ass facing the room. If anyone asked her, she told them she was a “fat, old, lesbian tart.” She was also diabetic, was missing one leg, and got around in a wheelchair.
The cops had to have lifted her out of her wheelchair, and were holding her over the bar. One was pulling her arms forward over the bar, keeping her immobilized. The female cop was leaning on her remaining leg and fisting her ass, while simultaneously forcing her truncheon in and out of Grace’s pussy. She was squirming and wailing.
The defence counsel glanced at Grace and was shocked to see her smiling.
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
“Okay? I loved that!”
He looked at her, shocked all over again, then thought quickly. “Well, knock it off! We want the judge to think the cops were pigs – at least for now!”
Grace glanced at him. “Okay, if you say so, but I can be pretty piggy myself!” But she wiped the smile off her face.
When the video finished, the judge leaned forward and fixed the district attorney with a menacing stare. “Who were those deputies?”
The district attorney’s mouth worked open and closed like a fish out of water, but nothing came out.
Defence counsel stood up. “Your Honour, I think things will become a little clearer if we can finish showing our exhibits.”
The judge sat back, continuing to stare at the district attorney. “Very well. You may proceed.”
“Will the court technician please roll defence exhibit B?”
Once again, an image appeared on the screen. It appeared to be much later in the evening, based on the state of dishevelment of the denizens.
This time there were a number of people, naked, groping and writhing together near the bar. The two deputies were among the crowd, but now their uniforms were unbuttoned, their trousers were missing, as were their hats. They were clearly inebriated, and most definitely engaged in sexual relations with others of the throng.
The female deputy was on her knees, sucking off James while he was pulling her head hard against his groin. Her partner was bent over a table, and taking it in the ass from Rayne, who had somehow managed to procure a large, purple, strap-on dildo, which she was using to great effect.
Meanwhile, two bar regulars, named Coma and Tose, came into the scene. They were normally virtually dormant, but the surrounding action seemed, surprisingly, to have energized them.
Tose was being ridden cowgirl by one woman, while Coma watched and wanked. Suddenly Coma let fly, high over the crowd, just missing Kistin. Kistin, ever the consummate professional, turned and sidestepped to film the flood, with Tose filling the girl's belly like a hentai futa.
Kistin’s camera panned around the room, then stopped abruptly when she found herself focusing on someone who was clearly the district attorney. She then zoomed in tight on his face.
The DA was on his knees, naked, sucking the cock of a tall, muscular man who was likewise naked and had his back to the camera. The district attorney’s eyes were closed, and he seemed to be in ecstasy.
Then he opened them, saw the camera, and leapt back from the man whose cock he was sucking. “Give me that camera!” the DA screamed. “Give it to me or I’ll have you all thrown in jail! Give it to me!”
His imaged lurched forward, filling the screen. Then a hand covered the lens, and the image rocked back and forth for a bit, then went dark.
There was silence in the courtroom. Then Mr Johnson stood up and said, “If it pleases the court, I would like to call our final witness, the proprietor, Mr Rumpleforeskin, also called Rumple or Rump.”
The judge looked at Johnson. “Is this necessary, Mr Johnson. I believe you’ve made your point.”
“Your Honour, I would like to settle this so no one in the District Attorney’s Office will be tempted to re-open this case at a later time with a different prosecutor.”
The judge tapped her fingers on her desk, then leaned back. “Proceed.”
Rumple was sworn in.
“Mr Foreskin…”
“Please, I’ve had to live with that all my life. Call me Rumple.”
“Very well, Rumple, then, how did you happen to be having a party that evening?”
“It was a celebration of the Spring Equinox, as Kistin said.”
“And what did Ms Pencil mean when she said she was invited?”
“Just that. It was a private party, for our regulars only.”
“Was it open to the public, as your bar usually is?”
“Nope. We closed it to the public and had technically rented it out to Grace and James, over there,” he pointed to the defence table, “for one dollar. I had James turn off the OPEN sign so no one would wander in by accident.”
“So, how did the two deputies come to be there?”
“They’re regulars. We see them all the time, and they sometimes help us with security. They were invited.”
“So, their actions were not disruptive to your party? They were not abusing Grace, for instance, in the video we saw?”
Rump chuckled. “Grace would clean the clock of anyone who tried to abuse her. No, they were doing this at her request. She’s wheelchair-bound, but very definitely active sexually. They were pleasing, not hurting her.”
“And how about the district attorney? Was he invited?”
“That pimple? No, he forced his way in later in the evening. By that time everyone was having such a good time that we decided not to make an issue of it. But we did ask the two deputies to file trespassing charges against him.”
“And did they?”
“They did, but somehow the charges got mislaid. Then this trial came up, and we’ve been too busy to make an issue of it.”
“No further questions, Your Honour.”
“Mr Timor?”
The district attorney was sitting at his desk, head in his hands. He waved his hand weakly and said nothing.
“Your Honour, the defence would normally rest its case now, but instead, I would like to ask the court to dismiss all charges, and award costs to the defendants.”
The judge leaned back again, and said, “Mr Timor do you have anything you’d like to say before I rule?”
Timor stood, swaying, then said, “Yeah, I’m leaving!” and he moved towards the door.
“Bailiff will please take custody of the district attorney. He’s not going anywhere.” She turned to the defendants. “The court rules that all charges against the defendants are dismissed. The court further rules that the State will pay all costs of the defendants, and rules against the prosecution with prejudice.
“Court adjourned.” And she banged her gavel, then leaned over, and said, “Bailiff, take him to a holding cell, then call the Sherriff, and tell him I want to see him in my chambers immediately.” Then she walked out.
“All rise! Court is adjourned.”
Grace and James once again rented out Rumple’s for a private party for the sum of one dollar, and were planning another celebration, this time for their courtroom victory.
All Rumple regulars are invited.
© Copyright 2021, Grace Weasel and James Llewellyn Gainsborough. All rights reserved.