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The Examination

"Jodi and her doctor find themselves in a sticky situation"

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The Examination

She sat in the sparkling white office in the scratchy, thin paper robe that they make everyone wear. Perched upon the barely cushioned table that sported a pair of metal torture devices that forces women to lie in the most completely vulnerable position, she waited for her turn with an unsympathetic doctor. Yes, Jodi could say without a doubt, that she hated getting her yearly pap smears.

They probed, poked and prodded, and worse, it didn’t even feel good while they did it. If this Dr. Chapman was anything like her last two doctors, he probably was an old wrinkly prune with a sadistic gleam in his eye.

At least the nurse was cute. It was the first time she had ever seen a male nurse in an OB/GYN office. While he took her vitals, Jodi admired his classically pretty face and long, lean body. She only hoped that the Dr. Prune didn’t notice the extra juicy when he examined her.

After a soft knock sounded at the door a tall, skinny man came bustling in. The first thing that Jodi noticed was that he had short blond hair with the tips dyed emerald green. She blinked a few times, thinking it would clear the imagined green spikes from her vision. Then the man turned and Jodi went from extra juicy to Niagara Falls.

He was gorgeous. Stunning. And he, Jodi thought when she noticed the white lab coat and a name badge announcing him to be Dr. Lincoln Chapman, was definitely going to notice Niagara Falls.

“Jodi Danna?” His eyes met hers, and Jodi felt her nerves do a tango. They were a cold shade of glacier blue.

“Yes.” She took his offered hand, and her skin tingled and her breath caught at the touch of his skin against hers. The corner of his full, very kissable lips twitched as he controlled a smile, and she was mortified to realize that he probably knew what she was thinking.

Jodi sighed. There wasn’t much she could do about it anyway she decided.

She continued to watch as he slipped into the chair across from her. His eyes never left hers as he took a pen out of his pocket and pulled the clipboard that had her medical file on it towards him. Then he smiled.

It was supposed to be a reassuring smile, a sweet smile that was supposed to calm her. But the faint little quirk at the corner betrayed his wicked amusement at her expense, and Jodi felt her face burn even hotter. She felt exposed, and it wasn’t just because all she wore was a thin paper robe that opened in the front. It was because of the intensity of his blue eyes, his knowing smile. But mostly it was because he didn’t seem to be completely disapproving of her uncontrollable response to him.

“So, Miss. Danna, I’ll need to ask you a few general questions about your health before the examination.” His voice was soft and soothing, calming her far more than that smile was supposed to. Jodi nodded her assent to the handsome doctor. “Do you smoke?”





“Unless you consider 4 aspirins in one dosage drugs, then no.”

This time, when he smiled, Jodi saw the child that Dr. Lincoln Chapman might have been: shy, yet charming, and full of life. She smiled warmly back. He dropped his gaze to the clipboard and wrote a few words when he asked, “Sex?”


“When was the last time you had sex?”

“I, uhh,” Jodi stammered. It’s not like she didn’t know this question was coming. Every other doctor she ever had had asked this question. But discussing her sex life (no matter how deficient it might be) to this doctor, this man, made her turn scarlet again. “Born again virgin.”

Dr. Chapman snorted at her answer and gave her a mischievous look from beneath a fringe of his long eyelashes. “That long, hmm?”

Her mouth about fell open in shock before a giggle tickled its way out. “Unfortunately, yes,” she answered. The room felt less tense for his professionally incorrect attitude and she felt better for it. Some of her earlier composure returned, and she felt more capable of looking at him while they spoke. He quickly finished up with the remainder of the usual doctor questions, then told her to lie down.

Suddenly her nervousness returned as he helped her to lean back onto the uncomfortable table. He was so close that she could feel the heat emanating from his body. Her own body revved into overdrive when the hand he used to support the back of her head while she reclined seemed to caress her neck as he withdrew it.

Christ, this was going to get embarrassing when it got to be Pap smear time. At least he wouldn’t have to use any of that sticky, yucky jelly for lubrication. Jodi grimaced inwardly at the poor joke, and focused on what the doctor was saying to her.

“… and so we’ll do a full check up, and save the Pap smear for two weeks from now.”

No pap smear? Whoo-hooo!

“I’m sorry, Dr. Chapman, but my mind must have been wandering,” she said, “but why aren’t we doing the Pap smear?”

“You told me that you just finished your period two days ago.” His tone was patient, as if this were the first time he was explaining this rather than the second, but there was a definite gleam in his eyes that showed he knew exactly where her mind had been wandering. “We shouldn’t do the test for another ten days, so you’ve a short respite.”


“Exactly. Why don’t we start with the breast exam?” He plucked a pair of latex gloves from a box, and tugged them on. Jodi watched as the white plastic stretched to cover the warm skin of his hands, and jerked when he let the elastic snap against his wrist. Her eyes roamed up over his broad shoulders to his eyes. They sparkled in the harsh florescent lighting, appearing to be two jewels set in his handsome face. And they were focused on her.

He moved to her side, never breaking eye contact, and Jodi’s heart began to pound. She felt like the prey being stalked by a tiger. With white fingers, he parted the left side of her paper gown. The cold air of the room made her nipple pucker into a rosy pearl; hard and round. When it became the prey to his commanding gaze, she drew in a sharp breath, making her breasts rise encouragingly.

Then her mind blanked as his hands cupped her right breast. For a moment, she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his big hands lightly squeezing, his confident fingers making sensuous circles round and round. When it seemed that he was taking a rather long time checking for abnormalities, she looked up at him. Instead of looking away, like most doctors do, his attention was centered on her naked flesh. It swept over her fine boned shoulders and breasts that were unusually large for her petite size. Her skin sizzled as his eyes dipped down to her flat stomach, and lingered where the edges of the thin paper met at the crown of her womanhood.

He licked his lips. Jodi had to mask a groan by clearing her throat, and asked in a husky voice, “So, what’s up with the hair?”

“Hmmm? Oh. I bet the girls at the front desk that the Niners would beat the Packers.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Niners lost and I got green hair.” He sounded completely normal, as if he wasn’t touching her so intimately, and she wondered if her fertile imagination had fooled herself into thinking he was looking at her body with longing.

Then a whisper of a touch brushed over her nipple. Fire ignited at the tip and burned its way down into the deepest part of her. Instinctively, her back arched, begging to be touched more firmly. When he swept his thumb over the taunt peak once more, a purr rumbled softly from her throat. It wasn’t just her imagination. He couldn’t mask his response to her; his fingers were eager to give what her body was silently asking, and his breathing started to come in fast, irregular pants.

Deciding to take a chance that he might be willing to break the ethical principles he was currently bending, Jodi reached up and took one of his hands. Slowly, she dragged it across to the breast that was still hiding beneath the paper shroud. He immediately cupped it. The gown fell away, and she watched as he fondled both breasts. His hands mirrored each other. They pinched and twisted her nipples, squeezed and rubbed. They let go.

She could feel phantom hands caressing her sensitive mounds, yet all that really touched her was the chilly air. The doctor’s face was hard and unforgiving, and a spurt of shame raced down her spine. “Oh, god,” she whimpered, “I’m so sorry.”

Jodi turned her head away and pulled the gown back together. When she tried to sit up, however, his large hand held her in place. “Miss. Danna?” Even his voice sounded just as unforgiving as his expression.

She refused to acknowledge him, determined not to see the censure in those cold blue eyes. Instead, like she always did when nervous, she began to babble, “Listen, I’m very sorry, Dr. Chapman. That was…” the most erotic moment of my life, “inexcusable of me. It won’t ever happen again. In fact, I’ll get a new doctor; one not as gorgeous as… uhh…” Shit! Her mouth always managed to get her into trouble. His hand continued to hold her down when Jodi tried to sit up again, and her voice started to get panicky, “A really old one, who‘ll …”

“Jodi?” With a firm hand, he turned her face to his. Before she had another chance to speak his head dipped down and he silenced her with a kiss. With the encouragement of the gentle press, she opened her mouth to allow his warm tongue in. At the first stroke, she sighed. The next had her eyes fluttering closed. His tongue was like velvet and he tasted of nighttime secrets.

“Doctor…” Jodi broke away, trying to grapple with the overwhelming desire that flooded her body, but he kept on nipping at her lips with his teeth. She allowed him to take her again with another kiss; this one just as passionate as the last, yet it was more gentle. Placing a hand on his chest, she was thrilled to feel his heart pounding just as hard as hers. Then she pushed him back before the kiss consumed what little thought was left. She wasn’t about to let this go any further without making certain this time. “Dr. Chapman…”

Jodi opened her eyes to his ice cold ones. “My name is Lincoln,” he said, as if angered, “Say it. Lincoln.”

“Lincoln,” she whispered, and the chill melted from his eyes, turning hot like the blue center of a flame.

“Say it again.”


“Good.” he brushed a light finger over her swollen lips, then moved in for another kiss. This time she relinquished all thought and worry and gave in completely to him. At her surrender, Lincoln turned animalistic. A low growl sounded from deep in his chest, and he slanted his lips more firmly over hers. He cupped her face in his and plunged his tongue in deep. With long, thorough strokes, he made fierce love to her mouth.

Impatient to feel her, he pushed her gown open. His hands took their fill of her soft breasts. They kneaded and caressed, touching every part of her sensitive fullness. By then, Lincoln’s mouth had inched its way across her jaw to her ear. He teased her with light nips that sent shivers racing up and down her spine.

Then, as if he needed her to understand, he explained, “I don’t usually do this, Jodi.” He nibbled and bit down the side of her neck, then rained light kisses over the injured area. “I’ve never done this with any of my other patients, I promise. There’s just something about you… I can’t seem to help myself.”

He sank into her mouth again, drinking in the exotic flavor that held the power to leave him weak with desire. Jodi’s arms were wrapped tight around his neck, holding him hostage to whatever it was that had him captivated from the moment he walked in the door.

She was beautiful, yes, but there was more to this woman than her elfin delicacy. She had a spirit that he seemed to recognize, as if she belonged to him. He couldn’t explain it. They had been sitting together in the room for a mere ten minutes before his professionalism gave into the need that was fighting to be unleashed.

Yet, when she took his hand and let him touch her in a way that went beyond the usual doctor/patient relationship, Lincoln became angry with himself for letting ten years of school and internships go down the drain for a pretty face. He spent a long five seconds telling himself that she wasn’t worth everything he had worked so hard for, that Jodi Danna didn’t mean anything. But it was fleeting and unsubstantial, and here he was, kissing her as if her mouth was the air his body required to subsist upon. Rational thought had flown right out the window, and with it every ounce of his restraint.

Lincoln ripped the paper gown off, wanting her completely naked for him. Shoving her back onto the examination table he decided to participate in every male gynecologist-in-training’s dream. He fitted one of her small feet into a padded stirrup, then the other. He spread her knees wide open and stepped back to enjoy the sight.

God, she was sexy, lying there with her long hair spilled like a golden waterfall down the sides of the table. Her full breasts rose and fell with each breath; her stomach was corded with muscle from regular workouts. Between her slender thighs was a small thatch of curly white-blond hair. Lincoln could see that she was somewhat damp, and knew if he were to try, his cock would slip in between those very ready lips with satisfying ease.

Beneath the bright light, her fair skin seemed almost translucent. With her chocolate brown eyes half closed and her pink lips, swollen from his kisses, slightly parted, she looked like the perfect vision of a woman who had just been thoroughly fucked.

Then he wondered what she would look like after he fucked her. Or, better yet, while he fucked her. Would her eyes be closed, or would she watch him as he pounded in her? Would those luscious lips be parted in a wild scream as she came, or would she thrash about in the silent throes of ecstasy?

There was only one way to find out.

Lincoln stepped between her thighs, noting for the first time how convenient it was that the table was made perfectly for his height. Had he wanted, he could unzip and plunge to his dick’s content without bending over at all.

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And he would. Later. For now, he wanted to taste her.

Leaving his pants zipped up, he leaned over her prone form. Not touching any other part of her body, he pulled a desire-hardened nipple into his mouth. Jodi moaned, blindly stabbed her fingers into his green tinged hair. Her body bowed up, as if it were seeking to touch his.

He released the bud to detangle her hands from his hair and pressed them down onto the table. “If you touch me, I will stop,” he threatened softly. When she nodded, he brought it back into his mouth. The sounds of her pleasure grew louder as he sucked hard. He bit down on the tip lightly and swirled his tongue around it.

She began to rock her hips in an instinctive invitation. When it accidentally came into contact with his hard arousal, a breath hissed from clenched teeth as he tried to control the urge to take.

Jodi couldn’t help her movements; she had been lost in the wonderful sensations that were assaulting her with each caress of the tongue and pinch of teeth. Nothing touched her but his mouth and breath, and that alone aroused her enough for her body to demand more. Again, she rocked her pelvis until her moist womanhood brushed the rigid lines of his cloth covered cock, but this time it was done with the intentional purpose of driving him to claim her. She needed more.

Instead of caving into the demands of both of their bodies, Lincoln stepped back and dropped down into his chair. With a last ironic thought of how he’d never be able to sit in this seat again without thinking of today, he wheeled himself into his professional position. He quickly discarded his gloves, wanting to feel everything from the crisp crinkle of her pubic hair, to the hot, slick juices of her desire.

Jodi stared at the man who sat between her legs. His face, she saw, was level with her moist opening. With fingers lightly powdered from the gloves he had just taken off, he grazed through her short slip of pubic hair. Her hips rose off the table, urging him for more, and he let a finger slide between the slit. Her clit throbbed in response to the fleeting touch, and Jodi groaned in frustration.

“More,” she pleaded when he didn’t do more than let his fingers whisper soft touches. When Lincoln pressed his thumb hard against the aching nub, rubbing it back and forth, Jodi panted, “Yes! Harder!”

Unable to resist any longer, he parted her lips and delved in. He captured her clit between his teeth and wrapped his lips around it. He suckled and nibbled, wrenching muffled screams from Jodi. Abruptly, he released it, only to lave her with long, hot strokes of his tongue. He slipped a finger inside, then two, and caressed her from within; his tempo in tandem with each stroke of his tongue. Her hips undulated, rising as he thrust his fingers in and falling as his tongue reached the pinnacle of her desire.

Suddenly, Lincoln felt her muscles tighten around his fingers, and a gush of warm liquid spilled down his hand. He could feel the shudders from the orgasm ripple through her body as he ran a free hand over her flat stomach. He stood and brought his lips to hers so she could taste the salty sweetness of her body.

He was bent over her naked body, one hand tilting her head to his kisses while the other continued to thrill her body with clever fingers, when a soft knock on the door preceded the entrance of the nurse. Lincoln’s head snapped up with a start, shock and fear coloring his healthy tan into a grey pallor. There was no way he could explain this away. They were caught.

Jodi swung her head around so that she could see. It was the cute nurse from earlier, and he was shutting the door hastily as a malicious gleam entered his eyes. All it took was one look at her lover to know that they were in serious trouble. This man could ruin Lincoln’s career with but a word.

“Well, well, well,” he sauntered a bit closer, “Isn’t this cozy?” When Lincoln tried to move away, he said, “Now don’t let me interrupt you two. It doesn’t look as if you were quite finished yet.”

Lincoln ignored the sarcastic comment. Instead he focused on finding a spare gown for Jodi to cover herself with before confronting the nurse. Deciding that attempting to lie would be beyond pointless, Lincoln faced the issue head on: “What are you going to do, Daren?”

The man laughed harshly. “What do you take me for? A rat?” He was watching Jodi intently as she struggled to sit up. “No, not me.”

“What do you want then?” He recognized the look in the man’s eyes. Though he may not snitch on them, he wanted something in return. And Lincoln knew exactly what that was.

“I’m sure you know what I want,” Daren said, taking one of Jodi’s hands into his. He felt the jerk of her hand as she tried to pull it away, but he held it fast in his. “I want a little taste of your patient.”

The look of outrage on Lincoln’s face made Daren laugh. “Or maybe she can have a little taste of me. You‘d enjoy that, wouldn’t you darlin’? I saw the way you were eying me earlier.”

Jodi flushed at the memory of how she was him checking out. Truthfully, she wouldn’t mind in the least. Or, at least, wouldn’t as long as Lincoln didn’t mind. She had always been open to variety in sex, and the nurse was good looking. But he was trying to blackmail them: sex for his silence.

Confused from the way her emotional pendulum had swung so drastically opposite in mere moments, she kept silent. Lincoln needed to come to terms with the situation before she gave the slug what he wanted in order to keep him quiet. A strange look of dismayed resignation passed over his face, then he shrugged and said, “It’s up to you, Jodi.”

She turned back to Daren to see him locking the door. As he turned to face her, he unzipped his pants. The head of his cock peeked out from his tented boxers, and Jodi watched with curiosity as Daren pulled it the rest of the way out. He grinned when he saw her eyes widen at the sight of his length and thickness. “So, what’s it gonna be, doll face? We gonna have some fun?”

Jodi wet her lips with the tip of her tongue as she watched the nurse pump himself with a careless hand, and nodded. “Good,” he said. Without another word, he plopped down on one of the visitor’s chairs, and gestured grandly over his erection. “Well, enjoy.”

With a backwards glance to a now sitting Lincoln who was watching her every move, she dropped the paper gown and knelt on the hard tiled floor before Daren. He wasn’t looking at her anymore, but had his eyes closed as his head tilted back against the wall. Jodi despised the man for his intrusion, hated him for threatening her lover’s livelihood. Yet she desired what he represented: the chance to experience a quiet fantasy that had lurked at the edges of her mind. The ménage à trios; two men craving her body, both working bringing her to completion, and only she could give them release.

Knowing that only her willingness could save Lincoln’s job was a great motivation to please the man before her. Yet her toes curled at the sight of Daren’s magnificent erection, and her body tingled with the awareness that Lincoln was watching her every move. Wanting to make him forget his anger at Daren, Jodi’s every move, every action, was performed just for Lincoln’s enjoyment.

With practiced ease, she surprised both men by downing Daren’s entire length in one fluid motion. Both groaned loudly when her lips brushed against the hair at the base. Jodi felt Daren’s body jolt violently beneath her as the tip of his cock came into contact with the back of her throat. Slowly, she dragged her lips to the top, and then plunged down again. Again and again she rose and fell over his cock, and as his grunts and groans of delight grew louder, Jodi could feel lust rolling through her body like an incoming tide.

At the top of his engorged head, she ran her tongue around in circles, spiraling out to the edge of his hood. Then she took it into her mouth to alternately graze her teeth lightly over before sucking as hard as she could.

“Jesus-fucking-Christ, Lincoln. This girl can suck!”

Lincoln didn’t respond to his crudeness. He could wish for a hundred years a different man there at Jodi’s mercy, but it honestly did not matter who the other man was. It was all Jodi, her amazing mouth, and the glorious view of her heart shaped ass. It was round and high, with a little dimple in the right cheek, and it jiggled ever so slightly when her head bobbed up and down. In his mind, he imagined how he would take her from behind, make her scream in ecstasy while her mouth was full of another man’s cock.

Daren was oblivious to everything but the heat of Jodi’s mouth surrounding his cock. He had wanted her earlier, saw the glimmer of mutual lust in her eyes, but had restrained himself. It was his figuring, though, that if the doc couldn’t keep his dick away from this hot piece of ass, then there was no reason he should either. But he wasn’t greedy; having her fuck him with her mouth was more than enough to satisfy him.

And boy, could she fuck. He wasn’t sure what she was doing, but whatever she was doing was working its magic. Daren could feel the tension in his loins building, his body was humming from the wickedness of their play. Then, when Jodi none so gently raked her teeth down the entire length of him he came.

A hoarse cry erupted from his mouth as he jetted his semen down Jodi’s open throat. She swallowed it while he was still in her mouth, and he was shocked when a quick build up overflowed into yet another orgasm before the first was over. Daren’s mind then blanked out to everything but the aftershocks.

He might have fallen asleep there, completely sated, if not for a sharp pain that pierced his leg. Daren cracked open an eye to see it was Jodi’s fingernails that was causing him pain. He watched silently as she dug a hold into his legs as Lincoln pounded into her from behind.

Jodi had been so focused on the thick cock in her mouth that she didn’t realize Lincoln was behind her until he had grabbed a hold of her hips none too gently. He maneuvered her body so that she was vulnerable to whatever he chose to do. She had felt exposed in the most delicious way, the anticipation in waiting for him to take her, all had left her feeling that the merest touch in the right place would set her off like a box of fireworks.

Then she felt him; the smooth head of his masculinity sliding through her feminine wetness, pressing ever so slightly against the opening of her well. Through the exquisite distraction, Jodi barely managed to continue her work on Daren. Her lips had automatically descended, their usual plumpness thinned as her mouth widened to accommodate the girth, and as they were tickled by the thick black hair that surrounded the shaft, Lincoln rammed his cock home.

Had her mouth not been so full of Daren, she would have loosed a scream of absolute rapture. He was in her, filling her so completely that the pleasure bordered on pain. It was everything she could possibly have asked for; both in the primal fury of Lincoln’s domination over her, and in the culmination of her fantasy come true.

As Daren loosed his seed with a victorious bellow, the sinful flavor of another man slid down her throat, as Lincoln claimed her body with thrust after thrust after thrust. She held onto the other man as her lover lost control, digging her nails into him as she was plundered deeper and deeper. Jodi reveled in very inch that filled her soul, despaired as he withdrew, and was renewed as he came back into her once more. Without warning, they shattered together. Lincoln trembled as he covered her womb with his hot liquid, and Jodi milked every last life-giving drop from him with her convulsing well.

“Whoo-yeah, boy,” Daren shouted, startling them both from their sex-induced stupor, “Now that’s how you fuck a woman.”

Lincoln managed a wink at Daren, as the two pulled away from him, still joined. Daren was still talking, but they were ignoring him until they heard, “Maybe I otta get me a piece of that ass. Bet she‘s wondering how it‘d feel to have Big Bob in that pretty pussy of hers instead of her mouth.”

“No, Daren,” Lincoln said, handing Jodi her clothes, “I don’t think so.”

“I think I’ve had all I can handle of Big Bob.” Jodi let out a little snort of a giggle, and disappeared behind the curtains to dress.

“Why don’t you go out and make sure no one heard anything. I’ll be out soon.” Lincoln checked his watch. “Day’s almost over, so it should be pretty slow out there.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that.” He walked over to the door, but twitched aside the curtain where Jodi was first. He crowded her against a wall, cupped a breast in his hand, and sealed his lips over hers. Their tongues battled briefly, and then with a pinch of a nipple, he released her. “Figured I’ll never get another chance to do that, Sugerlips. Dr. Chapman seems like a rather possessive fellow if you know what I mean.”

When the door swung shut behind him, Lincoln came up to her. “He’s right you know,” he said.

“’About what?”

Just like Daren did, he pressed her against the wall. “I’m very possessive. If not for the fact that he basically had us by the balls today, I would never have let him touch you.” Jodi stared up at Lincoln in wonder at the fierceness of his tone. “You’re mine, now. Understand?”

Jodi nodded, “Only yours, Lincoln.”

He smiled in triumph, and sealed the promise with a kiss. Lincoln put every ounce of his being into the kiss, determined to erase any memory of the men in her past. Especially Daren.

“When do you get off work?” Her voice was breathless, sounding low and seductive

He smiled, thinking of all the time they would have together. “I should be done in an hour or so.”

“Good.” Jodi plucked a pen that had somehow managed to stay in his shirt pocket and scribbled something on a scrap of her first paper gown before handing it to him. “Here, when you’re done, come over to my place.”

He studied the address scrawled hastily on the fragile paper, and tucked it into a pocket. “I’ll be there.” Lincoln pulled Jodi close and kissed her gently, showing her the tenderness she had yet to find from him that day. When they broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers, and said, “I suspect it’ll be a rather long night.”

“Oh, yes.”

“And you should probably get yourself another gynecologist.”

“Think so?”

He nodded, “Uh-huh. A really old one who isn’t as gorgeous as me.”

Jodi laughed, and she smacked Lincoln in the arm for his impertinence. He was smiling down at her when he tucked her hand in the crook of his arm, and together they left the room.

Written by ladyjessamine
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