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The Duel, the Damsel, the Deception, and Debauchery: Part Four: Nude Massage

"My weekend concludes with Kiera offering me two submissives for a hot oil massage"

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The rest of my Saturday was spent in relaxation and camaraderie. The size of the site, roughly twenty-five partially-wooded acres, gave me the feeling that we were the only ones around for miles. Every now and then some other members of the group would make an appearance, but we were mostly left to our own devices.

Most of our day was spent lounging in the sun. It was a perfectly mild summer day; not too hot and hardly a cloud in the sky. We lounged on blankets and furs beneath the sun, rehydrated with juices, and ate light snacks. Kiera had her phone out most of the day, browsing for “equipment” for her new place and showing off her massive collection of dick pics.

“How many dick pics do you have?” Sylva asked in amazement.

“I don’t know,” she said casually. “I never bothered to count them. Maybe a three hundred or so; most of them are from my fans.”

“Three hundred!” I blurted out in dismay.

“Yes.” She giggled innocently as if we were talking about collecting figurines or something. “They come in handy when I can’t find a real cock.”

“What?” I asked, still dismayed. “Are they trophies of the guys you’ve had sex with?”

“Oh no; they’re fans and friends mostly. It’s not just guys’ cocks,” she smiled out.

She swiped several times on her screen. “See! This is ‘wetone69’, she’s fun!” It was a picture of a brunette woman with a vibrator inserted inside of her.

She picked out another picture and expanded it on her phone. It was a young woman, looking very goth, wearing a Star Wars Stormtrooper belt and doing something naughty with a lightsaber. “And this is ‘SluttyStormTrooper’! We have dirty talk contests; she even wins sometimes!”

She zoomed in on one that was obviously Sylva. She was masturbating with a dildo bigger than my thigh. “This is Sylvia with my Bad Dragon.”

“Sylva,” Sylva replied with her face turning red. “I never use my given name anymore.”

“Wait! You named your toy Bad Dragon?”

Kiera giggled. “No, sweetie, it’s a brand name. They make custom-order sex toys modeled after monsters and dragons. I also have ‘the knot’ for my fans into four-legged fantasy fun. I only do humans, though.”

“Wow!’ I replied. “It’s good to know that you draw the line somewhere.”

“It’s fun! You should do it. I bet you’d make tons more than ringing up books.”

She paused and furrowed her brow. “Now I need to find a waterproof cam for my bathroom. I’ll make bank doing golden-shower shows!”

Luckily, I spied Sir Maris, giving me an excuse to not hear her talk about guys paying to watch her pee.

“I need to talk to Maris,” I said, standing up and waving to get his attention while I put on a crop-top for modesty’s sake. “I guess I need to thank him as well.”

He was dressed in jeans and a solid dark t-shirt, looking tall and muscular but still somehow a touch arrogant. He politely noted me waving my shirt around like an idiot and stood there patiently while I covered myself up and jogged over to him. I knew I was giving him a cheap show, but he had earned the privilege.

“My slutty friends told me what you did. I don’t know whether to be pissed that you were party to fooling me or to thank you.”

His face was a slideshow of humor, regret, embarrassment, and guilt.

I continued before he opened his mouth. “I have decided to thank you.”

I closed the distance between us and stood as high up on the tips of my toes as I possibly could. I still didn’t match his height. I then gently pulled his head down to my lips and kissed him softly and gently. I also made sure to press my body against him. Maris was heavily muscled as well as extremely tall and broad. Side by side, he dwarfed my lover.

“Sean,” he said to me softly. The normal arrogance in his voice had dissipated. “My friends call me Sean.”

“Thank you,” I paused. “Sean.”

He smiled. “Thank you, my lady. Please don’t let our rivalry temper your opinion of me. I am actually an extremely nice guy.”

“Yeah,” I said. “That rivalry again. I’ve heard.”

“Think nothing of it. He and I are just always in competition for the same things. The same trophies, the favor of the crowds, the same accolades.”

He paused and admired my breasts, quickly pulling his eyes back to my face. “Even the same women, it seems.”

I just smiled at him seductively, I hoped, and nodded demurely.

“If you’ll excuse me,” he said abruptly. “I need to get ready for practice.

Maris excused himself and went back to lugging his massive amount of gear off to where most of the members camped. I scampered back to my friends.

“So,” Kiera said when I got back. “Did you give needle-dick ‘what for?”

“Come on,” I shot back. “He’s actually quite sweet.”

“Eeew!” Sylva spat out. “He’s a creepy lech. He hits on all the girls, and not in a good way, either.”

Kiera started singing. “Maris and Krystal sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G.”

After they were finished making fun of me, it was time to get back into our garb. A few minutes later, I was back inside Glade’s pavilion, admiring my barbarian bikini in the hand mirror. I looked like a pinup girl! Sylva dressed up in dark brown tight leggings, black knee-high boots and a sort of pirate vest.

“Not dancing tonight?”

“Maybe. I only brought one dancing outfit, though. I need to wash it before I can wear it again.” She held it up, pointing to obvious semen stains.

As Saturday evening approached, more and more people showed up. One group of young men brought in a huge amount of beef to be grilled. The party was definitely on. I didn’t see Glade at all, but when I went back to the pavilion to change my sandals, I saw a bouquet of flowers on the table. Once more it was red roses with a single white one in the center. Maybe I’m just silly but it melted my heart.

I asked around and heard that he was down by the showers. I practically ran down there to see him. He and two other guys had the pipes ripped apart, and there was a scattering of modern tools all around.

“Hand me the 7/8th, octopus skin.” He said to the long-haired, long-bearded man beside him.

“You got it…ahhh…pussy!”

“Thank you. Um, what letter are we on?”

“R,” his bearded friend said.

“Oh. Thank you, Rat-breath! Try the water now.”

“OK, suck-face. Here goes. Any leaks?”

“Nope. We’re good here, unicorn horn fucker.”

I had to ask. “What are you guys doing?”

Glade sprang upright when he heard my voice. He was smiling broadly as he drank in the sight of me dressed in a leather and fur bikini. “Fuck, I missed you! Did you do something amazing to yourself? I swear to all the gods that you look even more beautiful than you did this morning.”

“You like,” I turned around for his delight, making sure to stick my ass out and jiggle myself up top. I thought about telling him of our earlier escapades, but I knew he’d get upset; all guys get upset when they’re not in on the action.

“I will fight you a duel to the death for her,” his companion said while eying me up like I was his dinner.

“Accepted,” Glade said, never once taking his eyes off of me.

“If you guys are fixing the shower, can you make it get hot? That is after you put your tongues back in your mouths?”

They both just stared at me. Even the other guy admired me in appreciation. “Come get something to eat when you’re done.” I walked away slowly, smiling to myself. I wiggled my bottom for my lover; well, also for my lover.

As I approached the group barbeque, Sylva saw me and ran over. “I heard Glade’s back,” she informed me.

“I know,” I said. “He’s down by the showers.”

“The showers are out,” she mentioned. “What is he doing down there?”

“He and two other guys are trying to fix them, it seems.” I paused. “Oh, and insulting each other in alphabetical order.”

She smirked a “boys will be boys” smirk, coupled with an exhale and shaking of the head.

“The showers are fixed!” The huge bassoon voice of the Viking-looking man shouted out to everyone as the three men made it back to the common area. Cheers erupted.

Glade greeted me passionately by kissing me and embracing me with his still-wet, newly showered body. “I love that outfit on you! Well, I love you in any outfit, including what you wore last night. You smell nice, too! Decisions, decisions…” he trailed off.

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“What decision?”

“Do I hold you and drink you in with my senses, pull back so I can admire your outer beauty, or drag you back to my tent to experience paradise?”

I laughed at his compliments.

“Oh, food!” he exclaimed. “Let’s eat!”

The rest of the day was simply amazing. We ate, talked, laughed, and I got to know more of the members. Not all the members were into the wild adult recreation. In fact, the majority were not. However, nobody judged and everyone was so welcoming. I even got to spar with a few people, both men and women. Even Sir Maris allowed me to swing his very large sword.

“See,” I teased him. “I finally get to put my hands on your sword!” I was taken aback by how heavy they truly are.

The revelry was exactly how Tim had described it. It was what made life worth living. I confess that I imbibed with gusto. The king’s “special” candies also aided. My mood was light, euphoric, and wanton.

Night had fallen and several of us were lounging around the bonfire. I was seated on the ground, between my lover’s legs, with my hands behind me. I was alternating between caressing his thighs and what lay between them. As we listened to the stories and laughed, I saw Kiera walking up.

She wore a black peasant skirt and a gauze, off-shoulder, blousy top. Calling it a crop top would imply that it had more fabric. It was little more than a tube of sheer fabric over her breasts and some stubs of sleeves with a cold-shoulder design. She also wore a mischievous smile. What really drew my attention to her was that she was leading two men along with her. One was of average height and decent build with sandy-blond hair, and the other was short and stocky with big muscles and a well-defined stomach. They were both shirtless and collared and chained. Kiera held their “leashes” in one hand.

“Krystal,” she said to me in a lilting voice. “These two slaves not only love to be whipped, but they are both skilled at the art of massage.”

She paused and then stage-whispered to me. “Watch this.”

Looking back to them, she commanded, “Kneel slaves!”

They knelt obediently.

“What will you do for your mistress Kiera?” She asked them.

“Anything, my Goddess,” they said.

“And if you please me, what is your reward?” she laughed out.

“I can eat you,” one of them said.

“Give my goddess orgasms,” said the other.

Kiera clapped with delight and then told them, “Take my new protégé, Krystal, to my tent, strip nude, and then massage her and obey all her commands.”

“Yes, my goddess,” they said. Kiera then held the chains out for me to take.

I looked to Glade and he was laughing. “Go ahead,” he said to me. “I’ll just sit here and admire your ass as you walk away. Have fun!”

My body rub was pure heaven. Having four hands, belonging to two handsome, well-hung, nude men, running all over my body was pure bliss. They used softly scented oils on my flesh, and I fell into an almost dreamlike state of blissful relaxation. The warmth of their hands on me soon penetrated my skin and warmed my body to the core. I could feel my nipples harden with lust and my pussy begin to soak with passion.

When they began to gently roll me over from my stomach onto my back, I stopped them and stripped. I needed every bit of my flesh caressed. I moaned with pleasure as my breasts and thighs were given attention simultaneously. I sighed with delight as my nipples were gently massaged with oiled fingertips.

I stopped the brown-haired muscle-man when his hands left my thighs. “You missed a spot.”

“Where, my goddess?”

I spread my legs. “The spot between my thighs. Make sure you give that plenty of attention.”

He smiled at me and then began massaging my aching pussy. I was soon humping against his hand, begging him to never stop.

“You,” I commanded the other. “Put your cock in my mouth until I cum.”

I took him in my mouth and rocked my head up and down on his manhood, going deeper and deeper as my orgasm built and then exploded. I shrieked out in delight and convulsed as the ecstasy overwhelmed me. They stopped what they were doing and once more began rubbing their hands on my body as the waves of pleasure waned.

“That’s enough,” I said to them. “I don’t want to get too carried away, or Kiera will be pissed that I took all your cum.”

They both nodded forlornly. “Now dress me and take me back.”

As they did, I decided that I could get very used to being treated like that all the time.

As we approached the commons once more, I saw Kiera, Sylva, and Glade talking and laughing about something. Sylva was talking excitedly with her hands, gesturing wildly.

As I drew closer, I could hear her. “…and then Krys came out and pulled off her towel and sat beside me. It was too much for him, and he shot all over Kiera while we kissed!”

Oh no! I “forgot” to mention our lunch to Glade. I was going to be in big, big trouble! It was one thing to act all wild and slutty with him or with this select group of kindred spirits. Acting like that on my own with complete strangers was, as other ex-boyfriends noted during heated arguments, something entirely different.

The conversation stopped as we approached. Glade looked at me and smiled. “You look amazing with your skin all oiled up like that. You have that orgasmic glow about you.”

I blushed and gave him a sheepish smile. It was like he already knew. “I’m sorry,” I began. “I was going to tell you about that earlier today, but I was just so happy to see you, and I didn’t want you to get mad because I…”

He just shook his head with an expression that immediately caused me to stop babbling.

“I wish you would have told me sooner,” he said with no ire in his voice. “Don’t hide your fun from me. I get off on it. It would have been hotter, though, if you had reached down and played with Sylva. I would have killed to see that!” He slapped his knee with delight and looked at me with his face full of humor and a straight, broad smile for a change.

“I can see the look on that guy’s face now!” He gave out a boisterous laugh.

“You’re not mad at me? You’re not going to yell at me for being such a slut?”

“Gods no!” he said loudly. “You can’t want your lady to be all wild and carefree sexually and then blow a gasket when she is! I am many things, my lovely, but I am not a hypocrite.”

“Marry me!” Sylva blurted out to him.

I’m actually glad that she said it because I probably would have said it otherwise.

I then confessed to him what I had just done. “Well then, you should know that I just now sucked that one off,” I gestured to him, suddenly embarrassed that I didn’t even know his name. “While this one licked me to orgasm.”

“And?” he asked.

“And last week I masturbated at work, twice, up at the front counter over a story an online friend wrote. And I probably shouldn’t say this, but last night was the hottest sex I ever had, and I’ve been thinking about it all day. And even worse...”

I trailed off when I noticed the look of sheer delight on his face.

“Are you really that wild?” he asked me.

“I’m sorry, yes! I’m such a whore. I blame my mother! She’s a whore, too! I know, you don’t want me now.”

“Oh stop being silly,” he said. “I do want you, right now, in fact. But even more I want to hear about all the naughty things you’ve done. I love it!”

“You love it?”

“I appreciate you for everything you are, not just select parts; you can stop worrying. How’s this? Let’s go to my tent, and you can tell me everything you’ve ever done. When you see how it affects me, you’ll see that you can stop worrying that I’m going to slut-shame you and run. I don’t do shame. ”

“Besides,” Kiera interjected. “You’re an amateur, sweetie. I’ll get you to come out of your shell yet.”

My lover stood up and presented his hand for me to take. Stunned over his behavior, I took it as happiness began to well up inside of me.

“Does this mean we’ll miss the orgy?” I asked him as we walked. “I would really like to try a gang bang if you don’t mind.”

“Mind?” he laughed out. “Only if you don’t mind me watching! That would be so hot.”

That mostly sums up my roller coaster of a weekend. We spent hours in his tent with me talking about all my sexual experiences. He was more concerned with how I felt about what I did and how much I liked it than the actual deeds, I think. It was actually liberating. We then finally made it to Kiera’s post-party party, and I got to experience three guys at once while Kiera directed the action and my lover watched. It was quite an eventful weekend.

Written by krystalg
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