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The Club

"A married woman explores a new world on a business trip"

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The Uber ride seemed to take an eternity, though it really couldn’t have lasted more than ten minutes. My nerves were a jangled mess, my stomach was churning. All the planning, all the preparation, holding my emotions and obsessions in check. Months and months, leading up to this. The wait was nearly over.

The opportunity was unique and nearly perfect. I was on an annual business trip to the West Coast, 2,500 miles and three time zones from home. The conference was scheduled to end after lunch on a Friday. I suppose the organizers assumed many of the attendees would choose to stay the weekend, although in my experience that’s rarely the case.

For me, the timing was such that I couldn’t feasibly make an afternoon flight home, and so my options were a red-eye or stay an extra night and fly home on Saturday. My wonderfully understanding husband not only agreed but urged me to stay the extra night, sleep in, and catch a flight at a reasonable hour.

That meant a perfect storm – a night alone, far from home, in a large and exciting city where no one knew me. And so, here I was, the evening sky deepening, riding through a mysterious neighborhood.

The car came to a stop in front of a nondescript, unmarked building, discreetly tucked away off the main thoroughfare. I took a deep breath, thanked my driver, and, exhaling, stepped to the curb. I double-checked the address in my private notes on my phone and noticed that my hands were trembling. A mix of fear, guilt, and excitement swirled through me, and in a semi-daze, I walked to the door.

The door. The metaphor wasn’t lost on me, even in my hazy state. A faithful wife, loving mother, by all outward appearances an ordinary, forty-something suburban woman living a safe and comfortable life, about to descend into an entirely different world. One that polite society would tell me I should avoid at all costs.

At the threshold, I hesitated. This was my last, best opportunity to turn back. I briefly weighed the options, guilt battling against my urgent need to escape the suffocating confinement of my ordinary life. A clear voice inside me warned me to walk away from the risk, the betrayal. But something intensely primal seemed to pull me forward.

I banished that inner voice, reached out, and opened the door.

Soft amber light spilled out of the interior, casting an understated glow onto the street. I stepped inside to find myself in a corridor. I followed it to a left turn and continued until it opened into a well-appointed lobby, not unlike that you might find in a high-end restaurant. There was a reception desk, behind which stood a young woman. Her raven-colored hair with bangs framed a pretty face. Bright red lipstick lent a hint of sluttiness to her pouty mouth. Sex was already in the air.

Her bright blue eyes widened in a friendly manner, and a broad smile lit up her face as she greeted me.

“Welcome to our club. May I have your name, please?”

I felt something catch in my throat and realized that I was trembling again. I wondered if she noticed.

“Parker.” A slight pause. “Katherine Parker.”

There. That was it. This establishment was discreet and anonymous in all things but this. Everything had been done with the utmost care. I knew that I would need to be verified of course, and my thorough research provided reasonable assurance that my information would be safeguarded. After all, no illegal acts were to take place. Immoral acts were another thing. And so, it didn’t come out easily.

The young woman typed my name into her computer and then looked directly at me, her smile radiating warmth and welcome. “This is your first visit with us, I see.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Did you have any difficulty finding us,” she inquired.

“No, none whatsoever. Everything was easy.”

“That’s good to hear,” she responded. “We’re glad you’re here. Let’s get the formalities out of the way, shall we?  May I see some identification?”

I reached into my clutch and handed her my driver’s license. While she was processing it, I checked my phone to make sure that my location services were turned off and that the phone’s do not disturb setting was active. I had already checked in with home before setting out. One advantage of being on the West Coast – he was no doubt fast asleep at this point. But one cannot be too careful.

“Thank you,” she handed the license back to me. “And may I see your test results please?”

I pulled them up on my phone and handed it to her.  Some more keystrokes and she returned it to me.

“Everything is in order. Willow here will escort you into the club. Have fun!”

Out of nowhere, another young woman had appeared. This one had a bit of a Suicide-Girl look – slender, pale, visible body art, pierced nose. She, too, wore the same warm smile.

“Hi, I’m Willow. May I call you Katherine, or would you prefer a different name?”

“No, Katherine’s fine,” I replied. I was comfortable using my real first name beyond check-in. In fact, I wanted to use it. I needed to own this evening completely.

So much effort had led to this moment. The exhaustive research, the application, and interview process. Finding a discreet opportunity to sneak off and procure my STD test from a particular lab no more than two weeks prior to this evening. The process was nerve-wracking and incredibly exciting. I’d lost count of the number of orgasms I’d experienced imagining what tonight would be like.

And now I was here, being led into a beautifully appointed, dimly lit lounge.  At the far end was a dark mahogany bar. The crowd was quite attractive, the dress tasteful with a hint of provocation. I glanced at myself in one of the many mirrors. My red dress hugged my slender figure, highlighting my gentle curves. The neckline plunged to reveal a hint of cleavage from my modest natural breasts, and the above-the-knee hem showed off my toned legs. My nipples, hardened by my excitement, poked visibly against the fabric of my sheer lace bra and the dress.

Willow led me through the room and down a short hall into a locker room, where she handed me a wristband with a key fob. At her suggestion I left my clutch in the locker, explaining that any bar tab could be settled at the end of the evening. We then proceeded back into the hall, and she pointed out where the playrooms were located toward the back of the house. With that taken care of, we returned to the lounge and took two seats at the bar.

“Allow me to go over a few quick house rules,” Willow said. “The club is built on a foundation of trust and respect. While there are no boundaries here, you and only you decide what is right for you. Consent is required and that is understood. No means no. ‘No’ and ‘stop’ are universal safe words in this space”.

She pointed to a fit young man in form-fitting black slacks and tee.  “There are hosts throughout. If you need anything or have any concerns, simply call out and one will assist you. Although there’s little to no chance you’ll need one – you’ll find everyone to be very respectful. That’s really it. Just relax and have fun! Any questions?”

“No,” I replied.

“You’re a first-timer, do I understand correctly?”

“Yes,” I responded.

“Any experience elsewhere?”

I hesitated. “No, none. This is all new to me.”

“Nervous?” she asked.

“Perhaps a little.”



“Any concerns?” she asked.

I pondered the question and looked around the room. “I guess I’m just worried I won’t connect with anyone.”

Willow reached out and tenderly took my hand in hers. “Katherine, you are an attractive, sexy woman. You will have no trouble at all meeting people here.” She leaned forward and gave me a warm hug.

And with that, she was gone. I sat on my barstool feeling aroused, excited, a bit nervous, and very much alone. Now that I had finally arrived, I was completely unsure of myself. Should I sit and wait for someone to approach me? Should I walk around and see if I could meet some people? Should I go to the locker room, disrobe, and walk into the play area?

“What can I get you?” The voice startled me. I turned to see another friendly face, this time the bartender.

“Oh”! I replied. “I’d love a glass of champagne if that’s possible.”

“Anything for a pretty woman like you.” In no time he returned with a flute, and I took a sip. It almost immediately had a soothing effect. As I was pondering my next move, a woman sat on the stool next to mine.

“I’ll have an Oban, neat,” she called out. When the drink was served, she turned to me and smiled. “Hi, I’m Kat.”

I studied her. Medium height, small delicate features, slender like me. Late thirties-early forties was my guess.

“Coincidence. I’m Katherine,” I replied. “It’s nice to meet you.”

She laughed. “Who’d have thought it? I don’t recall seeing you before. Are you new here?”

“Yes, this is my first time. I’m in town on business and thought I would indulge myself in a little adventure.”

Her downward gaze lingered for a moment on my wedding ring. “So, you’re alone, I take it?”

I paused once again. Why was it so hard to respond to a simple question like this? Finally, “I am.” I paused once again and then plunged forward. “I’m from the East Coast. I thought the distance would work to my advantage.”

“Oh, I see.” A somewhat devilish smile appeared on her face. “The thousand-mile rule.”

I was, for better or worse, very familiar with that phrase. “In a manner of speaking, yes. But likely not in the way you’re thinking.”

The smile changed to a look of puzzlement. “What do you mean?”

I took another sip of my champagne. “If you mean that distance means discretion, yes. On the other hand, I know some people say that, past a certain distance, it’s not really cheating. I’m not one of those people.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get that personal with you,” she hastened to reassure me. “I shouldn’t presume to be entitled to pry into your motives and circumstances.”

“It’s quite alright,” I quickly replied. “No offense taken.”

Her scotch arrived, and she raised her glass to me. “Good. Then here’s to you. It’s nice to meet you.”

I raised my glass and touched it to hers. “Thank you, and likewise. I’m glad you came over. I was quite uncertain how to begin here.”

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She took a sip of her drink. “I understand. I remember my first time. I was alone, like you. Dazed and confused, as I recall.”

I laughed. “Yes, that’s it.”

“And yet so very excited.” Her hand touched down lightly on my arm.

My stomach tightened. “I am excited.” I paused before continuing. “This place is so erotic.”

Kat looked directly into my eyes and reached forward with her other hand to brush my hair back. “May I?”

I was momentarily startled, and I suspect it showed. Another pause, and then I closed my eyes and sighed. “That feels nice.”

Her lips brushed mine. Electricity shot through me. I let out an almost inaudible moan. Her fingers trailed down the side of my face, and her lips parted slightly. Mine did the same in response, and her tongue flicked lightly against mine.

My moan was audible this time. She cupped my face in both her hands, and I opened my eyes to see her staring intently at me. “If you’re willing, I can be your guide for this evening.”

“That’s so very kind, but I don’t want you to sacrifice your evening for me.”

She kissed me again, tenderly. “There’s a reason I came over here. I saw you across the room. I find you very attractive and alluring, and the slight air of vulnerability you are exuding intrigues me.”

I felt myself blush. “I’m flattered. And, yes, I do feel a bit vulnerable.”

“That’s perfectly normal,” she replied, “and sexy. For both of us.”

She dipped a finger into her scotch and then ran it down my upper chest, from the base of my neck to the top of my cleavage.  I closed my eyes again and felt the sensation of her finger leaving a wet trail on my skin. She leaned forward and gently licked it off me. The feeling was incredible. She whispered softly in my ear.

“You taste wonderful.  I want you to have an incredible night.”

Without another word, I felt myself being led toward the play area, hand in hand with my new friend. We proceeded down a dark hallway toward the rhythmic beat of techno music bouncing gently off the walls. We stopped in the doorway of the first room on the left. Soft green light illuminated a woman on her knees, her partner’s cock deep down her throat. Her dress was still on but had been pulled off her shoulders to expose her breasts. Her nipples stood out prominently. A naked woman leaned against the back of an armchair nearby, her legs splayed out, her fingers rubbing her clit, her gaze fixed intently on the couple.

Kat pressed against me from behind and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Her breath was hot against my neck.

“Do you like what you see?” she whispered. I could only whimper in reply. Her hand began to caress my inner thigh, her fingers traveling higher each time, until she was under my skirt and touching my now-soaked thong.

“Mmmmm, seems like someone’s excited,” she breathed as her finger pushed the thong aside and entered me. I stiffened slightly. Guilty thoughts began to creep back into my consciousness.

Her kiss on the back of my neck as she plunged deeper chased those thoughts away. I, too, was transfixed by the sight before me – both the couple and the woman. The man was fucking his partner’s face now, her head in his hands. With each thrust he seemed to penetrate deeper, his balls slapping her chin. The other woman was rubbing furiously now, and a slight scream emitted from her as a splash of clear fluid hit the slightly padded floor. She grabbed the back of the chair for support, breathing heavily.

The woman opened her eyes and took us in. I felt myself being pushed forward toward her. I complied, standing before her. Kat placed her hands on my shoulders and gently pushed downward. I knelt, my knees resting on the small puddle the woman had made. Before me was a beautiful pussy. Something I had only seen in videos and photos.

Kat seemed to sense, without asking, that this was my first experience with a woman.  She whispered something into the other woman’s ear and then knelt beside me.

“Just do what feels natural. You’ll know.”

I traced my fingers across the woman’s abdomen and down toward her labia. Her clit was engorged, and when it touched it tenderly, she jumped.

The rest did indeed come naturally. Soon I was feasting on her, listening to her body. When she was close to the edge, she pulled away and turned to one side. I saw Kat shove two fingers roughly into her and the woman came again with another low scream. Without thinking, I was rubbing myself furiously, and when Kat knelt back down next to me and kissed me deeply, I exploded.

“Good, we’ve gotten that one out of the way,” she giggled.

We turned to gaze once again at the couple. The woman had leaned back on her heels, her partner having released her.  She seemed exhausted, her breathing ragged, saliva running down her chin onto her breasts. Kat spoke to them.

“May we?”

The woman nodded, and the man approached us. He stepped out of his pants and stood naked before us. His cock was magnificent, and it glistened with the saliva of his partner.  A generous drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip.

Kat took my hand and guided it to his member. Once again, I hesitated and tightened. Since my wedding, I had never touched another cock. What was I doing? She waited patiently until I began to relax again, my hand being drawn by reflex toward that beautiful organ and the illicit deed I was about to commit.

I touched it and nearly gasped at its hardness. Wrapping my hand around its massive girth, I slowly began to stroke it.  He moaned in approval.

“Why don’t you taste it,” my guide urged.

My mouth opened to accept the tip. I swirled my tongue around the head and it pulsed in response. Ever so slowly, I took him in, deeper and deeper until I could feel my gag reflex. The taste, the sensation, and the dirtiness of the act of betrayal combined to send an electric shock directly to my clit, which I realized was being rubbed by Kat again.

I made love to that cock, worshiping it as if it were the last thing I would ever eat. I lost myself in the sensation, only to be interrupted by a tap from the man’s partner.

“My turn,” she mouthed inaudibly. She was naked now, her fit and yet curvy figure the embodiment of sexiness. I watched in fascination from up close as she worked her magic on him. Without thinking, I began to run my fingers up and down her back and leaned forward to kiss her shoulder. I reached around and cupped a breast in my hand, feeling its weight and warmth. She moaned as she worked his cock, and I continued to fondle her while Kat strummed my clit.

Suddenly the man pulled back.  Without a word, his partner lay down and opened herself to him. He knelt and began to rub his cock up and down her slit.

“Go ahead, put it in her,” Kat whispered. I looked at him and he smiled. I grasped that beautiful erection and placed it at the entrance to pussy, then guided the head in.

He took it from there, starting slowly and then building in intensity until it was evident his partner was going to cum. Biting her lip, she let go with a moan. He was unrelenting, continuing to thrust into her aggressively, until her second orgasm hit. He paused, withdrew, and after giving her a moment to come down, shoved his cock back into her mouth.

I felt my dress being unzipped, Kat’s hands helping me up so I could step out of it. No words were necessary as she unhooked my bra and slid my thong off. She placed my clothes on a chair and directed me to lie down. My heart was pounding as the woman released her partner and he approached me.

Oh. My. God. Everything until now had been short of the ultimate act of betrayal, infidelity, and selfish lust. Suddenly a tidal wave of guilt washed over me, and I nearly stood up. But then I felt Kat’s soft fingers playing across my nipples, and the other woman’s mouth on mine, her tongue gently probing, her fingers stroking my cheek. A rush of adrenaline shot through me.

The key to the door of my prison of conformity was in my hand, the decision mine.

I spread my legs for him.

Kat took his cock and playfully ran the tip over my lips, pausing to slap it against my clit. All the anticipation, the planning, the sneaking, the shaving, the shopping for the dress and lingerie. All the fantasies, the masturbating. All the agonizing over the wrongness of this, all of the longing in the pit of my stomach for something more, something so attractive because it was forbidden. All the tortured feelings about a secret I would have to forever keep locked up inside me.

My family back home. My girlfriends. My god, they would never suspect. Wife, mother, whore.

His cock entered me, and I felt my emotions freefall into the abyss.

Time seemed to stand still as he slid into me, his member still dripping with her juices. His girth split me in two, and I could only exhale sharply with a grunt as I stifled a scream. He began gently, but soon he was pounding me mercilessly. I could hear the word “fuck” come from his mouth over and over as I felt my orgasm building. As if on cue, Kat kissed me, a deep, passionate, soulful kiss, and I reached up for her as my body convulsed and I lost control.

He didn’t stop. Orgasm after orgasm ripped through me. I didn’t even try to count them. My own screams now echoed in the room, a string of “fucks” harmonizing with the slurping of my cunt on his cock and the slapping of our bodies together.

I felt his cock grow, and he pulled out, let out a roar, and shot stream after stream of warm cum, painting my face, shoulder, breasts, and belly. I cried out in delight that I had brought that out in him, and let another orgasm take me.

I was whimpering like a little child and out of breath.  There was cum everywhere. Suddenly, the man’s partner was licking me clean, gently, tenderly, thoroughly.  What she couldn’t take in her mouth she rubbed into my skin, and then she hovered over me.

“Open your mouth, my pet,” Kat gently commanded, and I complied. The woman emptied the contents of her mouth into mine and then leaned in for a kiss. The cum spilled out onto my chin and she lapped it up hungrily and moved over to share it with Kat, who accepted it eagerly. The sight was almost too much for me to process, and fluid began to leak out of me.  Sensing that I was ready for more, the man shoved his still-hard cock back into me and fucked me to my most intense climax yet before presenting it for me to clean with my mouth like the good slut I had now become.

We gradually untangled and thanked the couple. Kat sat me up and straddled me from behind, stroking my hair and planning loving kisses on my shoulder.

“That was a nice start,” she whispered softly into my ear. “Let’s get some water and stow those clothes, then let’s see what other trouble we can get into.”

Written by chris21235
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