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Soulful Escapades

"A young couple invites their hottest exes on a tropical vacation"

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I barely have the energy to pull my keys from the lock as I push open the front door. The day has drained me—endless client calls, looming deadlines, and a headache that settled behind my eyes hours ago. All I want is to step inside, kick off my shoes, and decompress.

I hang my purse on the hook in the entryway, slip out of my heels, and let out a long sigh as my feet hit the cool floor. The plan is simple: pour a glass of wine, eat a comforting meal, and forget this week ever happened. But the moment I step into the kitchen, I knew my plans were thwarted.

Tiffany is there, standing by the counter, her warm smile lighting up the room as she chats with Kenneth. It’s not that I don’t like her—quite the opposite. Tiffany is always sweet, open, and... inviting. But she’s also Kenneth’s Ex, and after the day I’ve had, seeing her here, unannounced, is the last thing I need.

I blink, my eyes darting between her and Kenneth. “What’s going on here?” I ask my voice tight but trying to stay civil.

Kenneth straightens up, a little too casual for my liking. “Hey, babe. I was hoping to surprise you. I thought it’d be fun, you know, to try something different.” His eyes shift to Tiffany, who smiles at me, as sweet as ever.

“Hey, Shae,” she says, her voice soft and friendly. “I hope it’s okay that I’m here. Kenneth said you might be open to... hanging out again.”

Her sincerity softens the tension in my chest, but it doesn’t stop the irritation bubbling up inside me. I’m not mad at her—how could I be? Tiffany is always kind, and if I weren’t running on fumes, I might’ve welcomed the idea. But right now? After the day I’ve had? I don’t have the energy for this.

“Can we talk?” I say to Kenneth, keeping my voice steady. “Privately?”

Kenneth nods, giving Tiffany a quick, apologetic look before following me down the hall. Once we’re out of earshot, I turn to him, crossing my arms.

“Kenneth, what were you thinking?” I hiss. “You didn’t think to run this by me before inviting her over?

He rubs the back of his neck, already looking regretful. “I wasn’t trying to upset you, Shae. I thought... we’ve talked about spicing things up, and I figured it could be fun. You, me, and Tiffany, like before.”

“Yeah, we’ve talked about it, but under the right circumstances,” I say, exhaling slowly. “I’m exhausted. I just wanted to come home and relax. I wasn’t even sure if me and you were gonna have sex tonight, and now you wanna add a whole other person?”

“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice softening. “I didn’t mean to blindside you. I thought maybe it’d take your mind off work. My intention wasn’t to overwhelm you.”

I rub my temples. “I know that. But you have to talk to me first before doing something like this. Especially with Tiffany. I don’t want her to feel bad or awkward.”

“We don’t have to do anything tonight. I’ll just ask her to leave,” he offers.

I sigh. “Yeah, and make me look like the bad guy? No thanks. I’ll go.”

Just as I’m about to step away, Tiffany’s voice interrupts us. “Hey, you guys, it’s fine. I need to get going. My roommate’s not home, and I forgot I have to feed the animals before it gets too late.”

I feel a wave of guilt wash over me. “Tiff..I’m sorry... I didn’t mean—”

“Don’t apologize,” she insists, her smile still as sweet as ever. “Let’s just do a rain check. You guys have a good night, okay?”

Kenneth walks her to the door while I head to the kitchen, grabbing Tiffany’s half-empty wine glass. I gulp down the rest and pour myself another large one.

Kenneth returns a few moments later, entering the kitchen cautiously, hands raised in mock surrender. “I completely misread the situation.”

“That’s an understatement,” I mutter, taking a long sip.

“What made you think tonight was a good night for a threesome, Kenny?”

He sighs. “I don’t know. I ran into Tiffany at the gym after work, and it reminded me of all the wild times we had together. I mean, she’s the reason I’m as open to... exploring things, even now.”

I scoff, sarcasm thick in my voice. “Wow, thanks. Making me feel special here.”

He winces. “Shit... I’m sorry, Shae. I’m screwing everything up tonight. Let me make it right, okay?”


He perks up a little. “Why don’t you go take a shower, and I’ll grab us dinner. When I get back, we can rewatch as many episodes of Southside as you want. That always makes you laugh, right?”

I raise an eyebrow, but I can’t help the small smile tugging at my lips. “Okay... that sounds more my speed tonight. Thanks, babe. And I’m sorry for being such a Debbie Downer.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. Just go get comfy. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay. Be safe.”

He grabs his wallet and keys while I head upstairs. I need that shower... and maybe a little space to breathe for now.

By the time I’m done with my shower, I’m in a much better mood, the wine kicked in and I’m in relaxation mode.

Kenneth comes back with a feast of the best steaks and sushi from our favorite Japanese restaurant, as well as French macaroons from my favorite bakery. The meal stands no chance against us; we devour every morsel.

Kenneth leans back on the couch, rubbing his temples as I pour us another glass of wine. The week has drained us both, and I can see that restless look in his eyes.

“We need to get away,” he says, exhaling. “Let’s just do it, let’s book the private jet and head to Tulum.”

I nod, already imagining Tulum’s beaches. But then a bolder idea hits me. “This may be the wine talking, but I have to admit Tiffany did look good tonight. And maybe it is time for us to start exploring more of our sexual fantasies together. How about we invite some company? You know, shake things up?”

He raises an eyebrow, catching on. “Like who?”

I take a sip, a playful grin spreading. “Tiffany and... Tyrelle.

“Tyrelle. Your ex-boyfriend Tyrelle? Or shall I say your ex-fiancé, Tyrelle?” He cocks his eyebrow suspiciously.

“Let’s not forget he’s also your buddy who introduced us, and also served as your groomsman in our wedding,” I say, amused.

“Oh yeah.” He feigns forgetfulness.

“I think it’ll be nice to revisit a couple of past adventures and add a little spice to the vacation. They're the only people we’ve had threesomes with together, so I think it makes sense that they’re included in our first foursome. I mean, we’ve always talked about it…”

A mischievous smile spreads across Kenneth’s face. “Whose the lawyer here? Because you're making some solid arguments?”

“Listen, if we continue with our plans on trying to have kids when I turn thirty, we have eighteen months to be as wild and crazy as we want to be. Let’s just use this time to do whatever and whoever we want.”

“You know, every damn day, you remind me why I put a ring on it,” he says, chuckling. “I’ll reach out to Tiffany. Do you think Tyrelle would be down?”

“I think I can convince him,” I say, leaning back with a smirk.

I pull up Tyrelle’s number, my heart racing a little as I type out a quick message. He replies almost instantly, asking what’s up, and I decide to jump straight to the point.

“Hey Tyrelle, it’s Shae. Kenneth and I are planning a trip to Tulum for some much-needed R&R, and we were hoping you’d be interested in joining us. I know it’s been a while, but we’re planning on bringing along a couple of friends and thought it’d be nice to reconnect.”

He takes a moment to respond, and I can feel the hesitation through the silence. Finally, the little typing bubble appears.

“Is this just a friendly getaway, or… something more?”

I chuckle, liking his directness. “Let’s just say it’s going to be a trip where anything goes. No strings, no stress—just a chance to let loose and have some fun... If you’re up for it?”

There’s another pause before his reply comes through. “I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting a text like this tonight... but... yeah, I’m in. When do we leave?”

Grinning, I text back, “Next Friday. I’ll send you the details.”

“Tyrelle’s in,” I smile, cocking an eyebrow at Kenneth.

Kenneth dials Tiffany’s number, a look of anticipation crossing his face. When she picks up, I can hear her voice, warm and familiar, through the speaker.

“Hey, Tiff. It’s Kenny. Long time, no talk, right?” he chuckles.

She giggles, that easy, carefree sound I remember. “What’s up?”

He leans forward, lowering his voice slightly. “Listen, Shae and I are planning a trip to Tulum, and to make up for tonight... we thought it’d be fun to have some company. Just a chance to unwind, revisit some old times… and maybe explore some new ones.”

She’s quiet for a moment before she responds, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “You two and a beach? Count me in. And Shae’s cool with this?”

“Oh yeah, this was her idea. She’s all in.”

“Perfect,” Tiffany purrs. “I’ve been looking for an excuse to take a little vacation. Plus, you know I’ve always liked both of you.” There’s a playful edge to her words, and I can tell she’s already looking forward to the trip.

Friday morning comes and the four of us gather in the airport’s private lounge, a mix of excitement and anticipation buzzing in the air. Tiffany spots me first, and we exchange a quick hug, and I pull her aside.

“Hey, I’m sorry for making things awkward the other day. I’m always so happy to see you but that day at work was just… the worst. I hope I can make it up to you this weekend.” I offer.

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She smiles, “You have nothing to apologize for, Shae. I get it. Plus, this weekend is all about having fun and leaving everything else behind.”

“Thanks, I’m really glad you’re here, Tiff.”

We rejoin the guys, who have already ordered a round of drinks. Kenneth lifts his glass, a glint of excitement in his eyes. “To a weekend we’ll never forget.”

The four of us raise our glasses, clinking them together, the sound echoing with promises of adventure. We down the shots, and Tyrelle pops open a bottle of champagne, the bubbles dancing in our glasses.

As we board the private jet, I watch Tyrelle and Tiffany exchange glances. Their chemistry is unmistakable, and I’m not surprised when, shortly after takeoff, they slip away to the private bedroom at the back of the plane. Kenneth notices too, grinning as he wraps his arm around me.

“Looks like they’re already getting started,” he whispers, leaning in close.

I laugh, leaning my head on his shoulder. “Well, we did say this was a vacation for all of us.”

The rumble of the private jet’s engines is a soothing lullaby as we soar through the sky, but my heart pounds in a frantic beat. Kenneth and I have been talking about doing a vacation like this for years, and now that we’re here, the reality of it all hits me like a ton of bricks.

Kenneth sits beside me, his hand resting on my thigh, fingers tracing lazy circles. He leans in, his breath warm against my ear. "Are you nervous?" he whispers, his tone laced with excitement.

I nod, my throat suddenly dry. "A little."

He chuckles, the sound low and reassuring. "Don't be. This is going to be fun. Remember, we talked about this. We trust each other, and we trust them."

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I know. It's just...been so long since we’ve done anything like this." My voice trails off as I glance toward the room where Tiffany and Tyrelle are getting acquainted. The door is slightly ajar, and I can hear their laughter, light and carefree.

Kenneth follows my gaze, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Come on, let's go see what they're up to."

Before I can protest, he stands up, pulling me along by the hand. We push the door open and step inside. Tiffany looks up first, kneeling on the bed with a mini champagne bottle in hand. Her eyes sparkle with anticipation and her yoga pants and thong are in a pile on the floor. She’s beautiful, her locs cascading over her shoulders and back, her dark caramel skin glowing under the soft lighting. Beside her, Tyrelle lounges casually, his tall frame taking up most of the space on the bed. His cocoa-brown skin contrasts perfectly with the white upholstery and his muscular build hints at the strength hidden beneath.

"Hey y'all," Kenneth greets, his tone casual as if this isn’t a highly charged situation. "Sounds like you two are hitting it off?"

Tiffany grins, her free spirit evident in her smile. "Yeah, Tyrelle and I were just exchanging stories of how we met you both."

Tyrelle nods, his eyes wandering from Kenneth to me and back again. "Yeah, our stories are eerily similar, seeing as they both include having threesomes with you both.

Kenneth squeezes my hand, silently urging me to speak. I clear my throat, trying to channel my inner confidence. "Yeah, that's... something."

Tiffany's gaze locks onto mine, a challenge in her eyes. "With that said, we were thinking it'd only be fair if he and I hooked up too. Would you two wanna watch?"

My pulse quickens at her words, and my body tingles with anticipation. Kenneth raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Ummm... yeah..."

Tiffany leans forward, offering me the champagne bottle. “You know, there's this whole 'mile-high club' thing. Have you guys ever thought about joining?"

Kenneth's chuckle is low and husky. "Now that you mention it, I think that’s a club we’d like to join."

Tyrelle shifts on the bed, his muscles rippling under his shirt. "Sounds like an adventure worth having."

Kenneth turns to me, his eyes full of desire. "Shae? You up for it?"

I look down, letting a sly chuckle escape my throat. "Let's do it. Let's make this flight unforgettable."

Tiffany wastes no time, squealing giddily as she straddles Tyrelle's lap. Her hands go to the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head in one fluid motion. Tyrelle's eyes darken as he takes in her curvy form, his hands moving to cup her ass. She bends down, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together as they devour each other hungrily.

Kenneth pulls me closer, his lips brushing against my ear. "I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I know I'm highly fuckin’ favored."

I nod, my eyes glued to the scene unfolding before me. "We... are."

As if on cue, Tiffany breaks the kiss, her breathing heavy. She turns her attention to Tyrelle's belt, fumbling with the buckle. Within moments, she has his pants undone, freeing his hardened dick. She smiles wickedly as she wraps her hand around him, stroking him slowly. Tyrelle groans, his hips arching into her touch as he shimmies his pants down his legs, flinging them with his feet in a pile on the floor.

Kenneth's grip on my waist tightens, and he leans in closer. "Ready for this?"

I nod, my mouth watering. "Yes."

Without another word, he guides me towards the couple, positioning me behind Tiffany. The heat radiating from Tyrelle's body is almost palpable, and I can feel my arousal rising. Kenneth disrobes, his skin is the tone and texture of acajou silk and his muscles flex beneath his skin with each subtle movement.

"Watch them," he commands softly, his voice thick with desire.

I obey, my eyes transfixed on Tiffany as she mounts Tyrelle. Her movements are slow and deliberate, each stroke teasing him mercilessly. Tyrelle's breaths come out in ragged gasps, his hands gripping the duvet cover tightly.

"Fuck," he groans, his eyes rolling back. "Harder."

Tiffany obliges, picking up the pace, her hips bucking as Tyrelle cups and massages her breasts.

"Shae," Kenneth murmurs, "touch yourself. Let me see how much this turns you on," he says, stroking his growing erection.

I hesitate for a split second before slipping my hand beneath my dress. My panties are already damp, and I easily slide two fingers inside myself. The sensation is electric, my clit throbbing in response to the erotic display before me.

"That's it," Kenneth encourages, his eyes locked on my hand. "Show me how wet you are."

I start to rub my clit in earnest swirls, the pleasure building rapidly. Tiffany glances over her shoulder, her eyes meeting mine briefly. She smiles, "Fuck Shae, you’re such a baddie!" She rides Tyrelle's dick faster and faster, edging herself to completion. She cums hard. She’s so wet she practically slips off his dick.

"Fuck, I didn't cum yet," Tyrelle says, glancing at her, breathing heavily.

Kenneth's voice is a low growl. "Shae can help you with that. Can't you, Shae?"

I don’t need further prompting. I crawl over to Tyrelle, I lift my baby blue tank dress from my pear-shaped frame, slipping my drenched panties over my hips and onto the floor. I lie down beside him, and he rolls over, positioning himself between my legs. He swipes his dick up and down my slit, as he takes in the maple-warmed richness of my skin, Tiffany’s cum still coating his erection.

He thrusts inside me. I let him control the pace and intensity; the only thing on my mind wants is to satisfy him. It’s been so long since he and I had sex, that I’d forgotten how amazing he feels inside me.

I look over his shoulder and see Tiffany stroking Kenneth's saluting member, pre-cum already spilling out in small spurts. He weaves his fingers through her locs before she inhales him fully, taking him deep into her throat.

Tyrelle grabs my face, turning my attention back to him. "Don't worry about them right now; I want you to show me what I've been missing all these years."

I give him a mischievous smile and kiss him, starting with little pecks, slowly adding a bit of tongue. But as his strokes get harder and deeper, so does our lust and need to devour each other. I’m sucking his lips as he holds my tongue hostage between his. We only stop kissing when we feel that familiar, synchronic wave of ecstasy begin to surface. I lift my knees on either side of my chest, offering myself to him fully. He strokes my clit as he pounds into me, and within seconds, we’re cumming together, hard.

This sends Kenneth over the edge, and he stiffens. Tiffany holds him inside her mouth, stroking his balls and the base of his dick, ensuring she gets every last drop out of him.

She crawls over to me and kisses me, letting Kenneth's cum spill into my mouth in a sloppy, messy exchange. Our tongues meet, sharing the forbidden flavor as we kiss. I moan into Tiffany's mouth, my hips still bucking against Tyrelle’s.

The dual sensations of Tyrelle and my orgasm, mixed with Tiffany's cum-filled kiss, are almost too much to handle. My climax crashes over me, wave after wave of ecstasy washing through my body. Tiffany retreats and we both swallow the last remnants of Kenneth's cum as she backs away.

“Goddamn,” Tyrelle groans, watching us with rapt attention. “That was so fucking sexy.”

Kenneth blows out a long breath, a grin spreading across his face. “Damn, this trip is about to be epic if this is just the plane ride.”

Tiffany’s eyes gleam with satisfaction. “You have no idea,” she says, her voice dripping with mischief.

Tyrelle lays down with his head in my lap, I trace the lines of his face and scalp gently with my fingertips. Kenneth is sprawled out at the foot of the bed, with Tiffany resting on his chest, wrapped in his arms. The plane hums beneath us, steady and powerful, as it soars through the sky. The four of us leave more behind with every mile, flying toward something exhilarating, unknown, and deliciously tempting.

I close my eyes, letting the thrill of what’s ahead wash over me. Whatever waits for us in Tulum, I have no doubt—it’s only the beginning.

****I'm thinking of making this into a series, let me know if you'd like to hear more about their sexy adventures!****

Written by IridescentRobot27
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