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Secret Diary of a Cheerleader (Chapter 4)

"Danny and JJ go wild as the competition reaches its conclusion"

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Friday May 23rd 
I'm so excited and I could explode!!! We actually won. It was amazing to hear our names read out for first place in the duo competition. I would like to think that we got there on merit with just a little oil in the cogs of bureaucracy. Congratulations to JJ for getting first place in the Juniors section. I got a very commendable second place. I would have liked to have won, but at least I was beaten by my best friend in the whole world, so I won’t complain.

I was still pinching myself, after hearing the details of our prize. For the duo competition the sponsors had sneaked in a non-monetary award, which had taken everyone by surprise, not least JJ and me. The $750 dollars would sure come in handy, but what was announced afterwards left me tingling – and some! There are a few times in life when you have to say, “Did I hear that right?”

“And as a special award for the duo competition, we have a little extra something for the winners.”

I looked at JJ, and she looked back and I knew she was thinking the same thing. 'What special award?' They had kept this quiet.

“In recognition of their achievement, the sports faculty are awarding a special treat for Miss Jackson and Miss Marsh.”

‘Just say what it is!’

“I’m pleased to announce that they will spend an evening with Tray Houston, a week today.”

‘Tray Houston! Did he just say Tray Houston! As in, Tray Houston?!!’

I wanted to jump up and down and punch the air, but I was stunned. My hand reached for JJ’s and I just beamed, my heart suddenly beating like a drum. I was going to spend an evening with the biggest name in football. The hunkiest, hottest, most beautiful man in the universe! I gripped JJ’s hand, just to stop me from fainting. This was going to be amazing!

Friday May 30th
If a guy ever got his rocks off in a bigger way, I want to be there. Tray Houston is a stud! I am going to keep my diary under lock and key cos if this ever gets out, it’ll make Clinton and Lewinsky look like a kids’ tea party. It's my 18th birthday next week and this was the best pre-birthday present I could ever have wished for!

I was beyond excited for our big night. I spent most of the day painting my toe nails and choosing what to wear. Julie and I had both decided that we needed to dress to impress. I had been out with her to buy a new dress the previous day. I had a bunch of nice clothes but I wanted that certain something that would make us get noticed and make us irresistible to our host for the night. Let’s not mince words, JJ and I had wholly dishonourable intentions. There was no way we were spending the evening with Tray Houston and not have him in the sack. That was the plan anyhow.

I sat on my bed and wiggled my toes. Stars on one foot and stripes on the other. I had thought of doing the flag on every toe, but I’m not that good! As I waited for them to dry, I received a call from Julie.

“Danny, I’m so excited!”

“Me too. I’ve just been trying on my dress. I’m just wondering what color panties to wear.”

“You could try no panties!”

“In this dress?! That might be going too far. I want him to see my panties. I want to feel chic yet available.”

The truth was, my dress was short and black and had one hell of a split up the side. I wasn’t in the habit of leaving too much to the imagination. Having the figure I have too, I was going to look super sexy. The fabric was very swishy and silky and followed every contour of my body. If Tray couldn’t keep his eyes off me all the better. For her dress, Julie had chosen an even more daring one. She had a semi see through frock, with a fine red bodice and red fishnet skirt. She would be an uber slut and together we were going to set Tray’s pants on fire.

“Anyway, the limo will be here in an hour and there’s so much to do!” I said.

“I know, I’m just off to do a trim.”

“Wow babe! You are running late, I did mine earlier. I’ll let you get on.”

“Thanks, Danny. I’m too excited!”

“Me too! Tray Houston – oh my!”

“Oh stop it!”

“See you in a while, JJ.”

“You too!”

An hour and a half later, JJ came round to mine and we waited eagerly for the limousine to arrive. A few of our best friends came round too, to have drinks and see us off. I have to credit the Sports Faculty, they had excelled themselves this time.

“Julie, do you think my bum looks big in this?”



“Do you think he’ll like this, Danny?”

“Yeah! You look stunning! If I were Tray Houston I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

“You can’t anyway!”

“You know what I mean.”

“Ha ha yes. Oh frick! Here’s the limo!”

After an excitable hugging session we got into the stretched limousine, amid whoops and ‘Go Danny and JJ!’ from our friends. There was a cool, blue light in the car and we sat back and sipped cocktails as we listened to Rihanna piped over the speakers at full blast.

We pulled up outside the club and piled out of the limousine, suddenly feeling like the glitterati as photographers from local newspapers as well as the college powered their bulbs, capturing the moment that we emerged from the car. Temporarily blinded as we were by the wall of flash photography the haze quickly cleared and there, standing by the door was a single vision of male beauty, the like of which I had never truly seen. Tray Houston was even better in the flesh than he was on the numerous posters I had drooled over. He was tall, chisel-jawed and cut a granite-like figure in his dinner suit. It was a black tuxedo with red buttons on his shirt. I looked at JJ and held her hand as we walked towards him. We were suddenly the luckiest girls in the world and any aspirations at a lady-like entrance melted away as my panties became damp in seconds.

“Good evening ladies.”

“Tray!” was all we could say.

“How y’all doing?”

“Oh just fine,” I said.

“Awesome!” added JJ.

I knew that like me, JJ would be sporting a sticky gusset.

“Ya’ll looking really good, tonight.”

“Ooh thank you!”

Tray’s voice went a little softer, and he said, “In fact smoking hot!” He winked and we giggled helplessly.

We were shown to a table with bar stools, but Tray chose to stand.

“You girls do such a great job from the college. You make the sport what it is!”

“That’s very meaningful, coming from you, Tray!” I said.

“Yeah, it means a lot,” said JJ.

“Well, you are the life blood of the game. Do you intend to turn pro, or you going academic?”

“Oh, we don’t know yet,” I said.

“Yeah, we’re just having a party, really,” added JJ.

“I don’t blame you girls. Life is for living. Hey here’s our drinks.”

I watched Tray as he spoke, studying the way his muscles made his suit rumple around his arms and how his chest puffed with his pecs. He was delicious and I was slowly melting. His voice was full-on Southern, but with a deep, manly twang. He had a naturally tanned look; I even thought there was a hint of native American in his genes and it made him even more sexy and mysterious. He had a lovely calming way with him, saying all the right things and giving me sexy glances, without making it obvious. He was simply charming as well as being porn on legs.

“So, you’ve got me for the evening, girls. What do you want to do, go to a club, grab an Italian or what?!”

I looked at JJ and there were some embarrassed giggles.

“Is it our decision?” I asked

“Sure, it’s your treat!”


“Well, within reason.”

I looked at Tray and licked my lips, sliding my hand up the inside of my leg. I had the desired effect. He looked down and gulped.

“Is a hotel within reason?” I offered.

I felt my cheeks flush as the words left my mouth.

“Wow! Well is this your treat or mine?” he said, beaming.

“We want to make the evening special,” said JJ.

“Phew! Ya’ll making me hot!”

“That’s the idea,” I said.

“And we have no inhibitions,” said JJ, coolly.

“You make it hard for a guy to say no.”

“Well, you’re half right,” I said.

“Eh? Oh yeah! Cheeky.”

“Well let’s go spend some of our winnings on a nice room then,” said JJ.

We stood up and Tray stood between us, his arms round our shoulders and we headed down the street and across to a posh hotel.

As we entered the foyer, I suddenly thought, ‘We’re actually doing this. We’re getting a room with Tray Houston!’

In the elevator, there was a tense atmosphere, with JJ and I snuggled together and Tray looking at us. It was like no one was sure who should make the first move or whether an elevator was the correct place to kick things off.

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Once in the room, however, it was a different story. Julie and I turned on Tray in a big way, pulling off his jacket and undoing his pants at the same time. He too was ready and willing and any doubts as to his commitment were soon dispelled as he began to fondle us through our clothes. As we undid his buttons, his hands roamed around our bodies, caressing our boobs and squeezing our butts in a gentle yet firm way. 

I put my hand down the open front of his pants, claiming a nice handful of wang as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss the sexy football star. His tongue pushed into my mouth and I French kissed him deeply and passionately. We were like two freshers on a first date. His cock grew through his boxers as I pinched his shaft and he turned to kiss JJ. Tray was like an octopus as we kissed him, his fingers were well and truly doing the walking. It was like he couldn't get enough of our bodies and he had a massive erection in no time.

I lowered his pants, while JJ finished undoing his shirt and we gasped at the sight of his perfectly toned torso. It was a wonder to behold and I slid my hand down his abs, which sent a shiver through my body and turned any remaining dry parts of my underwear well and truly wet. I planted kisses on his arms and chest as he fondled my bum through my panties and before long his fingers had found my sopping wet gusset and from JJ’s murmurs of pleasure, he’d found hers too.

Tray groaned as we shared him, kissing him alternately and lovingly massaging his rock hard cock through his boxer shorts, which we full to bursting.

He had managed to unzip my dress before I could roll down his trunks and his fingers made light work of my bra, undoing the clip and unleashing my boobs to the air conditioned room. His cock was huge! I don’t know, he was seven if not eight inches and just the right thickness. It was a beauty. I wanked him gently, while he removed JJ’s dress and then her bra. Before I knew it, he was stark naked and as fine a figure of eye candy I’ve seen. Julie and I were naked, apart from our panties. I don’t know who led whom to the bed, but we just ended up there in a triangle and continued our petting on the duvet.

His groans of, ”Oh my!” coincided with his fingers pushing past my panty crotch and finding my wetter than wet pussy lips He was knuckle deep in the blink of an eye. Julie decided to lose her own panties and Tray was more than happy to finger us at the same time as we played with his cock. I kissed his shoulder and nibbled his neck as JJ squeezed his glutes. Gradually we became more and more intense, kissing and groping and caressing each other breathlessly.

Somehow Tray ended up on his back and I knelt by his head and bent over, offering my tits for him to suck as JJ went down on his cock. I cupped my breasts together, rubbing them in his face and pausing now and then to allow him to suck on my nipples until they were stiff and glistening with his saliva.

Julie was sucking him slow and deep, fingering herself at the same time. My pussy was aching and I looked at Tray and his lovely hazel blue eyes. I removed my panties and slipped a finger between my legs. He put a hand around my waist and squeezed my butt, pulling me towards him. His meaning was clear enough and I needed no confirmation, as I turned round and straddled his face with my butt on his nose. His hands made a bee line for my breasts and he weighed them as his tongue slipped into my juicy cunt. I gasped and squealed simultaneously, as he lapped up my juices, which were now trickling down my legs. I was almost embarrassingly wet.

Let it be known that Tray Houston knows how to lick pussy. He had a superb way of delving his tongue into my vagina and also rubbing his tongue against my pink button, in a way that kept me deliriously happy and constantly on the edge of orgasm. My stomach was trembling, as a spasm of pleasure surged through my body. I leaned forwards and ran my hands through JJ’s hair. She was stroking his cock, her hand enclosed round the shaft as her lips and tongue indulged the swollen bell end. Tray’s cock was the classic cock. A beautiful straight staff, topped with a bulbous head; not too veined and nice and thick.

The bed was a writhing puddle of oral sex. My pussy was tingling and Tray’s throbbing cock was just what I needed to ease my ache. I climbed off his face and Julie sat up and Tray was treated to a hot session of two girls kissing and fondling and boy did he appreciate it!

“Fuck! You two are too much!”

“Hmmm… well show me how much you appreciate it, then,” I said, in-between smooching my best friend.

Tray cupped my breasts and pinched my nipples, his lips brushing my neck, which sent uncontrollable shivers of delight through my body. Julie kissed him, and they shared a French kiss, with me sandwiched in the middle. I was one lucky girl with my fingers occupied by JJ’s wet cunt and tight little ass and Tray’s cock slipping between my legs. I kissed Julie’s face as Tray’s hot breath blew in my ear. Then I was pushed forwards, and Julie swung her legs under me, so I ended up on top of her as Tray’s hands lifted me by the waist.

I whimpered with delight as his cock toyed with my pussy lips.

“Tray! Put it in! Just fuck me!” I wailed.

Julie stroked my hair, planting a wet kiss on my lips as Tray entered me. I gripped the duvet as my pussy pulsated, and his cock went deeper and deeper and I moaned into JJ’s neck. It seemed as if the whole Earth moved as he fucked me, his body lunging manfully, taking me so deep. I was so wet by now, his cock was able to glide in and out effortlessly. Though he was fucking me hard, it was a totally pleasurable thing, to have my hero’s rock hard dick thrusting in my cunt. I just clung to JJ, kissing her, as my body slid against hers, our boobs squashed together. I didn’t want the moment to end, but Tray’s animal grunts and fierce groans were telling me, he was well on the way, so I just let go.

As I was losing control, Julie was fingering herself manically; her hand bumping into my mound, which elevated my pleasure to astronomic levels and sending herself into a frenzy.

“Oh Danny! I’m gonna come!”

“Yes baby! Come!”

It was a mad ten seconds, with Tray pounding my pussy as his groans were getting louder; I was panting and moaning and Julie’s body was trembling uncontrollably, as she went into orgasm.

“Yeeeaargh! Fuck! Can’t hold…on!” groaned Tray.


“Hmmmmm…aaaahhh…. Yes. Yes!!!


Tray’s hands were holding me tight as he came. I could feel the strength in his grip, his thumbs pressed into my butt. I was rocking and bucking on the bed, as Julie was in the throes of her own orgasm and Tray unleashed his load into my pussy. I could feel his ejaculation well up inside me. His spunk was hot and thick – he just came and came, like he had been saving it up just for me.

As the evening went on, we paused for breath, sending down for champagne and strawberries. We fed them to Tray as he sipped his bubbly, tending to his every needs, as he was ours. After a while, JJ and I got him hard again and it was my friend’s turn to be fucked, as I lay on the bed.

Having Tray smash her pussy from behind, seemed to add extra weight to her young body. Julie was moaning and whimpering, her hair all in my face. I urged Tray to finger her ass as he fucked her because I know how much JJ likes to have her ass hole played with. It sure did the trick and Julie had one of the biggest orgasms I've known with Tray's prize cock filling her cunt to the brim.

Giving Tray the choice of losing his cream inside JJ’s pussy or in her mouth, we were not surprised when he pulled out and had JJ lie on the bed. Tray’s biceps were popping like giant pebbles has he jerked his manhood. My slutty friend got comfortable, with her head on the pillow and her mouth open, as Tray stroked himself to orgasm.

I so love to see a guy pleasure himself – it’s such a turn on and doubly so with JJ’s cute face as his target. I watched him, as the determination grew in his eyes and his entire body became a rigid mass of testosterone. Then his hand became a blur and he jerked off his satisfaction onto Julie’s sweet lips and nose.

“Aaaaaaaaaaargggghh! YES!!! Fuck!!!”


I had my finger inside his ring as he came, because I heard that that can make guys come harder. It seemed to work and he sprayed Julie’s face with a huge load of jizz.

After polishing off the strawberries, JJ and I were ready to go again and we gave Tray a night he wasn’t going to forget. After coming a third time, even our super fit football star had to admit defeat.

“Ya’ll be the end of me!” said Tray, as JJ and I used the bed as a trampoline.

“It’s the endorphins!” said JJ, “Sex does that. It gives you endorphins!”

“If you say so!” said Tray.

I bounced up and down with JJ, as naked as the day we were born and managed to steal a kiss between jumps.

Tray just stood there and laughed.

We were young, we were Cheerleaders and we were crazy for sex! Tray might have thought he was spent, but it’s amazing what two girls having a sixty-nine can do for a man’s libido. We weren't going to let him go, until we said so.

The end

Written by DanielleX
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