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Punishment or Reward?

"A Peeping Tom is found and.... Rewarded?"

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Andy, a high school senior, was sitting in class cracking jokes, during a test. The entire class snickered and tried their best to to focus. The teacher yelled at Andy over and over trying to get him to stop. Finally the teacher snapped and gave him detention for the rest of the week. He quit telling jokes and sat back. At the end of the class he turned in his test and met up with his best friend. "Dude, you screwed up there," his friend said.

"I deserve the detention, so whatever. Later man it starts in ten," Andy said walking off.

Andy was given the task of cleaning out the Freshman lunch room and break area. When he finished at 8:00 pm, he was allowed to go to back to his locker in the senior section of the school. He took his time and decided to walk by the gym and pool. As he walked by he heard some splashes. Stopping he looked through a window into the pool. There were four girls swimming around the pool. Andy recognized them as fellow seniors and a single junior.

One of the girls was the head cheerleader. She was African-American and had a firm ass with decent size breast. She was average height, and her body was muscled enough to be noticable but not overbearing. She wore a string bikini that barely held her breast and more of her ass showed then was covered. It was a seducing shade of red and had a single black rose on the part right on her womanhood. Her name was Alecia.

A second girl had a very goth look to her. Being a pale white, with red hair that came to her shoulders. She was shorter than Alecia, but not by much. She had a slightly bigger chest than Alecia and her ass was a little softer. She was thin with no visible muscles and her ribcage showed very little. Her swimsuit was a black one piece that had large sections missing. Her back was fully gone, minus the part covering her ass and a few strings holding her top on. Her front had sides absent and the top half was only connected to the bottom by a single silver ring sewed onto the suit. It was jet black. Her name was Isabell.

The third girl was the smartest senior in the whole school. She was slightly above average height. Her tan skin revealed her American Indian heritage. Named Stephanie, but was called Robin. Her bikini bottom were design like boy shorts, while her top looked like a sports bra. The entire ensemble was a nice earth brown. 

The final girl and the sole junior of the group was known for how modest and conservative she was. She had never even kissed a guy, let alone slept with one. She was the smallest of the girls and Filipino. She had a wonderful body with both great breasts and a great ass, yet her choice of clothes hid this fact from the rest of the world. At the present moment she wore a very modest one piece that hid her curves. It was a bright pink. Her name was Claire.

Andy stared at the girls swimming around the pool. He had no idea on why they were there this late at night; however, he knew that they were hot and he felt himself getting hard. Not even thinking, he made sure the hallway was clear, then he removed his manhood from his pants and began to stroke it. He grew exicted, watching four woman swim together. Each of them were famous in the own way around the school. Alecia was known for sleeping around. Isabell was known for her personality, and being very nice despite the fact her look suggested otherwise. People knew Robin because of her intelligence, and by the fact she was rather mean and stuck up. Claire was known for how conservative in dress and relationships she was. 

Andy stroked himself at the sight. All too soon, he felt himself complete. He looked back at the girls and was glad to see that they hadn't seen him. He left the school for the night and looked forward to the week now, hoping the girls would swim everyday.

Tuesday, Andy spied on the girls again. It was even better that day when one of their tops fell off, he had gotten a full view. The sight had caused him to finish. The only downside of that day was he had almost been caught by security. Wednesday the pool had been cleaned so no spying for him, that day. 

On Thursday, he had stalked each girl throughout the day, hoping for confirmation they would be swimming again. He followed Robin first. She was wearing a button up dress shirt and a pair of jeans. The shirt was tight and a soft green. Her pants were skin tight. She had her hair pulled back and wore glasses.

"That test was boring," Robin said to some friends. "That teacher fucking sucks at his job." 

"Yeah he does," the others chimed. Robin was clearly leader of the group.

"Robin," one asked. "Why have you been going swimming a lot recently?"

"I am trying to get a scholarship by swimming and need to practice," Robin answered. "Slut, Creeper, and Ms. Prissy are all practicing as well."

"I'm sorry," all chimed.

"Shut the fuck up," Robin smiled. She walked away from the group followed only by one of the girls.

Andy secretly followed them to an empty hallway. 

He grew hard when he saw Robin pull her close and kiss her. So she was at least bi and wanted no one to know about that. He could use that against her. 

After the other girl left, leaving Robin alone, Andy revealed himself. "Well that was hot. Makes me horny."

Robin threw a dirty look at Andy. "Glad you found entertainment in that bastard. What do you want?"

"Oh?" Andy smirked. "Why do you think I want something.?"

"You are a fucking bastard. And for the record I don't care if you tell what you saw here, just tell people that I am bi-sexual. I hate lies being told about me."

"I just want one thing," Andy replied. Robin raised her eye.

"What do you know of Claire?"

"She is stuck up and a bitch," Robin shrugged. "Or do you want to get into her skirt?"

Andy laughed. "I have my reasons. Thanks, have a good day."

Leaving her behind, Andy went to a class and then afterwards hunted down Alecia. She was wearing her cheerleader outfit. It was a tank-top, that showed her cleavage, and her skirt was short. It was the color of her school colors, which are silver and orange. Where Robin spoke very vulgar, Alecia spoke rather plain.

"So how are you?" he heard her ask some friends.

In short Andy, ignored her speaking and just spied on her. He followed her around and was not surprised in anyway when she just walked into the boy's locker room. Quickly following her, Andy entered as well and hid behind some lockers. Steam flowed from the showers, and voices floated out from them. Andy watched has one voice walked out of the shower. It belonged to the football captain. 

"You finally showed," he said to Alecia. "Did you bring what I asked for?"

"Of course I did," Alecia said annoyed. She pulled some paper from her bag. "Here are the test answers for the next three tests."

"How did you get that?" the guy asked. 

"Fucked the T.A. and he gave it to me," Alecia answered.

She turned away from the football player. She decided to rearrange her bag, and when she bent over some her skirt rode up. The football player, named Ron, decided to have some fun when he saw this.

Alecia gasped as she felt a hand begin to rob her through her clothes. 

"Really perv?" she asked. 

Ron responded by sliding his hand down her panties. She moaned has his fingers went into her folds. She smiled has both them and her skirt were pulled off. The fingers returned and she felt herself be played with. Alecia grew wet has Ron's fingers slid in and out. Before she could enjoy it to its fullest, Ron stopped. He turned her around and forced her to her knees. Alecia found Ron's manhood in front of her face. She took it in her mouth as she knew he wanted. She sucked and rub it causing Ron to moan. He grew hornier and grabbed her head, taking control. He thrust himself into her mouth, deeply. Alecia took him without complaint. Ron thrust so deep, Alecia began to gag. 

"Do you like this slut?" Ron asked. When Alecia went to answer, he thrust even deeper into her mouth.

Alecia took him out of her mouth, coughing. Ron didn't even wait before forcing his manhood back into her mouth. He thrust so hard that, Alecia's eyes began to water. Ron moaned has he finished. Alecia removed her mouth has his seed began to flow; however, when she did this Ron's seed no only went in her mouth, but also shot over her face and into her hair. 

"Damn slut, you liked that didn't you?" he smirked. 

Alecia looked at him her eyes still watering. "Please, more."

Ron looked at her. "Beg me to fuck her pussy, bitch. Tell me how big of a slut you are."

"Please, fuck my pussy. I really want you to fuck me because I am a giant slut," Alecia begged. She then licked his manhood to get it hard again. When it was she put a condom on him.

Smiling, Ron picked her up and set her on the bench with her legs spread. Alecia moaned has her sex was filled by Ron's member. He thrust hard into her not caring to please her at all. She moaned has he pumped.

"AWWWWWWWW! Yes! More!"

Ron just smiled and thrust into he finished rather quickly.

"There you go slut," he said. "Clean yourself up and leave. I got a shower to finish."

From his hiding place, Andy saw this all. He laughed at how he was bigger than the jock he hated, who was rather small. He also hated how he treated Alecia. Yes he considered her a slut and while he did want screw with her and not date her, he knew he would have been more respectful. He left when Alecia walked into the shower with all the guys to "clean herself up". 

As soon as Andy left the locker room, he saw his next target. It was Isabelle. She was black skirt that ended mid-thigh. Underneath he saw leggings that were black with green stripes. She wore a silver skull necklace. Her top was black. It was a v-neck with long sleeves. The sleeves flared out at the end and had green lace. The lace was also around the neck and bottom of the shirt. She was looking around has she walked around. Andy couldn't help but wonder where she was going like that, and since he planned to stalk her anyway he followed her. Isabelle walked away from the crowds. She walked out of the building and headed to the dorms. Andy was able to fully hide from her. Not once did she realize she was being followed.

Isabelle went into the girl's dorm and unknowingly led Andy to her room. She opened the door and entered. She shut the door but it didn't latch and a crack remained that Andy could see through. Her room was very dark and Andy could barely make her out in the darkness. She did notice how ever when her hand slid down her skirt and she began to play with herself.

Andy smiled as he watched her. Isabelle's breath grew heavy. Andy watched her, turned on by what he saw. As he watched her, an idea passed through his mind. It would be risky but that was made it so fun.As soon has he saw that Isabelle wasn't looking, he slipped in and shut the door. She never even knew he had entered the room

She was standing still with her hand down her skirt, when he walked up behind. He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it out of skirt.

"WHAT? WHO?" Isabelle said. 

Andy ignored her. He slid his hand into skirt. His figures brushed up against her. 

"Awww," Isabelle moaned.

Andy smiled and began to slide his fingers in to her folds. It wasn't long before she was moaning and gasping for breath. Before he caused her to climax, Andy removed his hand and quickly left. She didn't even bother to figure out who he was. Instead she fell onto her bed out of breath.

"Damn him, I am ALWAYS dominate," she muttered.

Andy washed his hands off in a bathroom, before heading back to the main building. 

"And I thought boarding school was boring," he smirked.

He saw Claire and smiled. For some reason, he wanted to ask her out for months. However her nature made him think that she wouldn't date him so didn't bother. She was talking to her friends so he decided to watch her for awhile. 

Soon Claire left and he quickly followed at a distance. He was surprised when she turned down a random corner. Curious he followed. 

Someone slammed him into the wall. When he realized who it was, he was shocked. Claire was holding him against the wall and he couldn't break free.

Her face was expressionless has she spoke. "I always knew when I am being watched."

With that she let him go and walked off. Andy just sat down confused.

After school that day, Andy went to his detention as usual. The entire time he thought about the girls swimming and what they looked like in their bikinis. He grew excited at the thoughts. He planned to continue to spy on them after he was allowed to leave. Finally he was allowed to leave, and he was out of there very quickly. He headed towards the pool, where he could hear the sounds of splashes. 

All four girls were there. Alecia was wearing her red string bikini. Isabelle was wearing the black, revealing one piece. Robin wore her modest bikini. Lastly, Claire was wearing her one piece. All four of them swam around and dived a few times. Andy felt himself get hard and removed his manhood from his pants. He stroked it, looking at the girls. He was slow, not wanting to finish too soon. After about ten minutes the girls began to get out of the pool. They grabbed their towels and stood talking as they dried themselves off.

Andy suddenly got an idea. He silently headed toward the girls locker room. Ir was unlocked. Smiling he entered and his in the broom closet. He laughed at the stupidity of the janitor leaving it unlocked. He looked through a small vent it had waiting for the girls to enter. It wasn't too long of a wait. He smiled as they entered. Claire went to her locker, grabbed her clothes, and went into a stall to change in privacy. The other three weren't as modest. The stripped right then and there. Having only seen Alecia naked, Andy got a real treat. All three of then had fine bodies that really excited him.

He groaned when he slipped. He made some noise as he fell and things fell off the shelves. He freaked and didn't bother to get up. Andy was afraid that he would get busted. After many agonizing minutes, he finally gained the courage to stand up. He quietly groaned as he saw that all four girls were now fully clothed. He waited for them to leave so that he could leave. They were standing around just talking. Suddenly, Isabelle broke away from the group and through the door open.

"Hello pervert," she said.

Andy was freaked. Isabelle grabbed him pushed him onto to the bench.

"So you get off spying at girls?" she asked.

"Or are you just a sick bastard," demanded Robin.

"How long have you been spying on us?" added Alecia. 

"All week," Claire said. 

Everyone stared at her.

Blushing, she explained. "I always know when I am being watched. I didn't say anything, because usually guys ignored me and I liked the fact someone was spying on me. Something about it made me feel weird."

Every stared at her, Isabelle and Alecia smiled. Isabelle grabbed Andy and pulled him in for a kiss. She kissed him deeply. 

"Are you horny boy?" Alecia asked. Andy nodded, very confused.

Robin smiled catching on to the plan. "Then you shall fuck each of us."

"WHAT!?" Claire yelled.

Isabelle turned to her. "You didn't even let us know he was watching us, so don't even try backing out. You are gonna join us in our fun or else."

Not even waiting for an answer, Isabelle returned to her kiss with Andy. "Let's head to your room."

Soon all five of them, were in Andy's room. Isabelle shoved Andy onto his bead and began to kiss him deeply. She was controlling every step of the act.

"Put those hands of yours to work," she ordered. Andy followed the orders.

His hands slid under her dress and began to rub the outside of her panties. Isabelle moaned in pure lust.

"Awwwww, good job," she moaned. "So you were that man earlier today."

Andy simply smiled and rub her some more. 

"Strip me and then lay naked on the bed," ordered Isabelle.

Andy pulled down her dress and then removed her shirt. Isabelle was left in a simple bra and panties. Both were black and green. He left them on her and stripped his clothes off. 

He then kiss her and massaged her breast through what clothes she had left. His hand slid down her panties and began to rub her sex. He felt the wetness of his partner. 

"Lay down boy," Isabelle said pushing him down. She stood up and removed the remainder of her clothes. "Keep your hands on your sides."

She began to run her hands along her body. She focused a significant amount of attention between her legs. Andy's manhood grew fully hard at the sight. Isabelle was very wet and ready for a great time. However she wanted to torture Andy some more. 

"Move aside." Isabelle laid down next to Andy. "Eat me, now"

Andy followed the command. His tongue slid across her sex. Moving in and out, and pleasuring her deeply.

"Awwww, YES! More you pervert!" Isabelle moaned. "Awwwwww, yes, yes, yes!"

Andy smiled and added his fingers. His tongue and fingers went to work pleasing Isabelle.

She moaned and fell forward grabbing the bed post. She began to shake, and moan loudly. 


Andy followed every order he was given. Isabelle's moans only made him work harder.

Isabelle had Andy stop. She smiled seeing his member fully hard. She deicided to reward him for his work. Isabelle took Andy's sex in her mouth. She took it in and out. Her tongue swirled around it. She pleasured him greatly. He moaned quietly. Isabelle removed him from his mouth and took him in her hands. She massaged his member and began to kiss him. 

She moved his sex next to her sex. She straddled him and prepared to be impaled.

Andy smiled, grabbed her hips, and pulled her down. Isabelle gasped as she was filled. 

"Bad boy, I am the one in charge here," Isabelle said. 

She began to buck her hips in to Andy, feeling his sex within hers. The movement in and out sent jolts of pleasure coursing through her.

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Putting her hands on her chest for support, she began to move her hips up and down quicker and harder. 

"Aw aw aw, yes soooo good," her voice rang. "Oh," she gasped as she felt Andy throb.

Both were reaching their limits. Isabelle went all out and began to thrust her hips as hard and quickly has possible. It worked. She felt herslef shake as her orgasm sent pleasure coursing through her. Andy feeling hers, reached his climax. His seed shot into Isabelle. Very exhausted, Isabelle just smiled and rolled off of Andy.

"Okay who is next," she asked.

The other three girls just stared at what they had seen. For Claire it was her first exposure to sex in any form, and the knowledge that she would be experiencing it had her grew aroused.

Andy recovered quickly and before long he was ready for a second round. He got up and stared at the beautiful ladies remaining. "Who is next?"

Alecia's hand shot up. 

Andy smiled. "Then get over her, now."

Alecia hurried to obey his command. Andy smiled and leaned to whisper in her ear. "I saw you screw that jock earlier. You like to be controlled don't you?"

Alecia only nodded.


Andy smiled and shoved Alecia down onto the bed softly. He smirked and put his member by her mouth, causing her to blush "Have it."

Alecia took him in her mouth and began to suck him. Andy smiled and began to thrust his sex into her mouth. He moaned as she was able to take his entire length into her mouth. He grabbed her head and thrust deeply. Alecia loved every moment of it.

"Ugh," moaned Andy. He pulled out of her mouth and finished on her shirt. Alecia smiled and scooped some up to taste.

Andy smirk and pulled her shirt off completley. Her skirt followed suit and bith ended up in a pile on the ground. 

Alecia wore a lace bra that was hot pink. Her thong matched. Andy smiled in lust at the sight. He laid uotop of her and grabbed her breast. Alecia squealed at the touch. Andy squeezed it and began to massage it. Andy's other hand slid down her thong. 

"AWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Alecia screamed as he went to work. 

Despite her many partners, Alecia had never been pleasured like how he did it. Juices flowed from her sex soaking her panties.

Andy roughly pulled her panties and bra off. Smirking, he got up and pulled some bandannas out of his dresser. Alecia squirmed in delight as he tied her hands to the bedpost. 

"You will let me have my way with you. You will scream in lust and pleasure," he said.

"JUST FUCK ME! PLEASE!" Alecia yelled. She was rubbing her legs together trying to pleasure herself.

Andy smirked and pulled her legs apart. Her sex was inviting to him. He licked it, sending shivers coursing through her. He used his mouth to suck and lick her. His tongue explored all inside her sex, while when he removed it he sucked on her most pleasurable spot. Juices flowed forth none stop. Andy finally grew hard again. He didn't even bother to have her lick him, she was so wet. He blindfolded her and placed his member right next to her entrance. 

He thrust forward, her juices being enough to make it go in easily. Alecia moaned loudly. The lost of her sight made her feel it even more intense. Andy was bigger than the football player from earlier. He wasn't the biggest she had ever had, but he was the most comfortable ever.

Andy thrust deep into her.

"Awww, yesssss, pleeeeeaaaase more," she moaned.

Andy went faster and harder. Alecia wrapped her legs around his waist.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed. When she did that, he was able to slide in deeper hitting a very pleasurable spot. 

"I'M CUMMING!" she yelled.

Andy moaned has she tightened and he began to slide easier in and out. He was able to keep from climaxing. He pumped harder into her. She felt her climax again.

He let his climax happen. She screamed loudly as she felt his seed fill her.

Andy untied her.

"Thank you Andy. That was the best sex I have ever had."

Andy kissed her forehead. "You are welcome."

She got of his bed and pushed Robin to him. She was blushing.

"I have never been in bed with a man before," she said, her face red.

"So are you a?" Andy asked.

"Hell no, girls have fucked me with strap-on before. Lots of times," she smirked. "In fact I brought some toys if some of the girls want to join."

Andy turned towards the other. "Well?"

"I'm in," both Alecia and Isabelle said. They walked over.

Robin grabbed them both and kissed them deeply. She then began to massage both their breasts as she switched between licking both their breasts.

"Ahhhhhh," moaned Isabelle.

"Ohhhhh," graoned Alecia.

Andy grew hard instantly. He got up and began to rub his member on Robin's sex through her pants. She moaned loudly. He bent forward and grabbed both her breasts. He was rough enough to cause her to twitch. They all continued for a long time.

Andy pulled down Robin's pants. She was wearing a pair of zebra print bikini panties. He moved his hand to them and began to rub her sex roughly.

"OHHHHHH!" moaned Robin. "No bitch was ever that rough." 

Alecia grabbed her head and placed it by her sex. "Eat me, now." 

Smiling Robin obeyed. Her tongue was very skilled and knew just the right spots to hit.


Robin smiled. "Thanks for the cream slut."

"My turn, bitch," Isabelle said.

The results were the same.

Andy took Robin away from the rest and removed her shirt. Her push up bra matched her panties. He removed them both. 

"Suck me and then I'll eat you," he said.

"No, both at once," Robin smirked.

Andy laid down and Robin got on top of him. Their sexes were by each others mouths.

Robin sucked on Andy, swirling her tongue around his member. He moaned into her womanhood. He licked it and got it dripping wet with her own juices. They were going crazy with our lust for each other.

"JUST SHOVE IT IN NOW!" Robin shrieked shaking.

Andy got from underneath her and began to please her from behind.

"YES!" Robin moaned. "I love doggy style!"

Andy thrust into her hard. She moaned. They were both sweat covered.

"In. Awwwwww. My. Ahhhhhhh. Bag. Ohhhhhhh. Are. Yessssssss. Strap-ons," Robin stuttered. Alecia ran over and pulled two out.

Both her and Isabelle put them on. They walked over to the other two. 

"Andy move to my ass, now," she demanded. He obeyed.

Robin screamed in pure lust as Andy went into her ass. She had never had anything up there before. He was thrusting hard and deep.

"AWWWWW YES YES THAT IS GREAT DEEPER HAR-" Robin yelled before Isabelle shoved her strap-on into Robin's mouth. Alecia slid under Robin and shoved hers into Robin's womanhood.

Claire was just shocked. Here in front of her was an orgy. A woman was being violated by two other, plus a man. It seemed wrong, but she was aroused by it and it felt so right to watch.

There were vibrators on the wearer's part of it. With each thrust Isabelle hit it and the feeling was intense. She screamed as her limit was reached and she fell away from the group. 

"A-A-Alecia get out. Andy fuck my pussy and cum," Robin ordered. "I am almost done."

They obeyed. 

Andy thrust deep into Robin's womanhood. Soon he released his entire load into her sex. The feeling of his seed filling her insides set Robin off and she screamed as she climaxed.

Andy got up and walked over to Claire. "I know you are a virgin, so I will ask you. Do you want to have sex? No one will blame you for saying no."

Claire stared at him. She saw love in his eyes, something that he had never looked at any of the others girls with. "Yes, oh God yes. I wanted you since I discovered you spying. I felt so wanted. I want you to do to me what you did to each of them. But first shower. I want only you in me."

Andy did what she asked with a smile. When he returned, he saw Claire laying alone on his bed. The other three were laying on the floor. Claire was blushing at the sight of them them have a threesome. 

Isabelle was on her back, while Alecia straddled her face. Isabelle's tongue was pleasuring her sex. Alecia moaned and and ground herself into Isabelle's face. Robin was wearing a strap-on and was using it on Isabelle. Her moans escaped into Alecia's sex. With each thrust, Robin moaned herself. Her toy was designed to pleasure both participants. 

Robin forced Isabelle over onto her hands and knees. She placed her strap-on next to her hole.

"Ever been fucked here?" she demanded to know. 

"Fuck me there for the first time there," Isabelle ordered.

Smiling, Robin obeyed her command. Isabelle moaned has her ass was filled. She felt her self be pulled and was left standing, her sex soaking wet.

"Alecia, put on a toy and fuck her pussy," Robin suggested.

When Alecia hesitated, Isabelle screamed at her. "FUCK ME NOW!"

Alecia smiled and slid a toy into Isabelle's womanhood. Both of the girls with strap-ons pleasure the middle girl like nothing else. Their kisses cover every part of Isabelle they could reach. Isabelle gasped for her air has she climaxed.

In no time, Alecia's strap-on was removed and placed on Isabelle. She got behind Alecia and slid it into her sex from behind. Both were still standing. Robin got on her knees in front of Alecia and began to lick Alecia's sex while it was thrust into. She licked and sucked on Alecia's most pleasurable spot. She climaxed very quickly at the sensation.

Alecia collapsed leaving Isabelle and Robin to pleasure one another. The removed the strap-ons and grabbed on another. Isabelle was on top dominating Robin. Her kisses cover her entire body. Robin's right arm wrapped around Isabelle and pulled her close to grab her breast. Their legs split and the moved their sexes next to one another. Robin took Isabelle's breast into her mouth as the grinded their sexes into one another. Sweat covered them as the climaxed. 

Isabelle grabbed a semi-recovered Alecia and they began to lick one anothers sexes. Tongues slide in the others sex and pleasured each other. The hips rocked into the other causing even more lustful pleasure. Both were exhausted and climaxed one after another.

Isabelle fell asleep while, Alecia crawled on top on Robin. They kissed deeply. Holding each other as the kissed, they too grew tired. The got on either side of Isabelle and the the three fell asleep holding each other due to their lust-filled acts.

Andy smiled. Claire had grown aroused at the sight of the three. He coughed and she jumped up and hugged him. Andy smiled at her. 

"Ready?" he asked.

"Since I first saw you spying on me," Claire whispered.

Andy pulled her forward for a kiss. Her first one. Claire moaned has their tongues met and crossed into each others mouths. Claire felt her legs give way and Andy gentley helped lower her onto the bed. She smiled as he felt him kiss her neck. He moved down and kissed her on the chest. 

"Strip me, please," she begged. Her hands began to roam Andy's body. She felt his his muscles and grew more aroused.

Andy smiled and slowly unbuttoned her shirt. He gasped and then smiled at what he saw underneath. He kissed her belly button and soon removed her dress. She was left lying down in her lingerie on Andy's bed. Even the other three girls were shocked by what she wore. They had stopped their own fun and were staring. 

Claire wore a light green bra covered in forest green lace. It fitted perfectly and showed off a lot of her cleavage. Her panties were matching, and revealed a large amount of her ass. Both were see through. She wore a pair of light gray stockings. A rich green garter was on her right though. A pink rose was attached.

She reached and pulled Andy close for a deep kiss her legs wrapping around his. They kissed deeply and passionately. Claire moved one of Andy's hand over her chest. He massage her through her bra. She threw her head back, gasping for air. Andy kissed her exposed neck. He continued to kiss her entire body. He moved down form her neck and kiss her cleavage. She squirmed at the touch. Andy continued heading down. He laid kisses on both her breasts, and all over her belly. Finally he began to kiss her panties right over her sex. She moaned at the touch. 

"Thank you," her quiet voice said.

Andy slid his hands around her back and removed her bra. Her panties followed. He left the stockings, garter, and rose in place. Claire was red at being nude in front of Andy. Her flesh was beautiful against Andy's sheets. He kissed her nipples and began to use his mouth and tongue to please her breasts. His tongue felt every part of both of them. When he sucked them in his mouth, he bit down gently. 

"Awwww," Claire moaned softly. "It feels so good."

Andy left he breasts and placed his mouth right by her womanhood. "Ready?"

Claire smirked. "No. I want to pleasure you first."

Andy smiled, nodded, and rolled onto his back. His hard member sticking into the hair. Claire grabbed his and began to rub it softly. She use her hand to hold it steady and began to lick his member. She licked it from its base to the tip. She could taste his sweat. When she reached the top, she swirled her tongue around his tip. She took him into her mouth and began to move head up and down. Andy moaned at her actions. 

"I'm about to cum Claire," he moaned. 

Claire made it where only his tip was in her mouth, and gave him the final insentive to finish. He climaxed in her mouth. Claire was somehow able to swallow it all, despite never having tasted it before.

She left to wash out her mouth quickly. When she returned, Andy set her down on her back. He place his hand on her sex and began to rub her womanhood. Claire gasped as his fingers slid in and out of her. She was growing very aroused and it showed as her sex grew wetter with her juices. 

Finally his tongue met her womanhood, sliding in her. He used it to pleasure every part of her he could reach. He bit her thigh on accident in pure lust. She moaned at the feeling.

"More," she said lustily.

Andy got up and bit her shoulder. Claire squirmed when his teach came down. She moaned loudly as she became more aroused. Andy returned to her sex. His tongue went to work pleasing her. She grew very wet at the feeling.

"Please, I'm ready and need you now," Claire gasped.

"Put it in," Andy asked.

"YES!"Claire screamed as his fingers made her climax. 

Andy smiled and kissed her. They held each other, just kissing for awhile. Claire let him go and push him up slightly. She moved her hands to his member. She moved it right above her womanhood. Andy smiled and slid into her slightly.

"Awwww," Claire moaned. "You are so big."

Andy moved in and out of her slowly, staying shallow as to not her hurt her. 

"Ahh, yes. Thank you," Claire moaned. "Now go all the way in."

"You sure? It hurts the first time."

"Make love to me now."

"Okay," Andy said. He moved his member into her sex slowly. When he was about half way in, he thrust his member all the way into her.

"Ahhhh," Claire gasped in pain, as her virginity was taken. 

Andy continued to thrust into her. He bent forward and bit her shoulder. She gasped lustily. Andy continued thrusting.

Claire felt the pain go away. It was replaced by a feeling like none she had ever had before. It felt wonderful. She wanted, need more. She felt herself shiver as a orgasm hit her. 

"AWWWWWWWW YES!" she screamed in lust. 

Andy felt her tighten and climaxed himself. Claire gasped as she was filled by him. 

Andy flipped her over on top of him. Clarie began to grind her herself into him. Andy smiled as he slid into her. 

"Thank you Andy, thank you very much," Claire moaned.

They thrust into each other for along time. Claire smiled as she felt Andy's member throb. He was close to climaxing again. She speed up her pace, almost lifting herself fully off him before slamming back down. The both began to shake. Andy sat up, not removing himself from Claire, and took began to lick and bit her breasts. She moaned at the contact. His tongue circle her nipples and pleasure her chest. Claire squirmed.

He climaxed into her again, causing her to do the same.

They fell to the bed and and stared at each other.

"Th-th-think you could go one more round?" Claire gasped. Her breathing was heavy and deep.

"Yes, how?"

Claire blushed and looked away embarrassed. "From behind?"

Andy looked at her. "Anal?"

Claire shook her head. "No, just from behind."

"Okay," Andy said.

Claire felt herself be lifted and set on her stomach. She pulled her knees forward, leaving her hips in the air. Andy was able to slid right into because of how aroused she was.

His member went deep into her, causing Claire to moan loudly. Juices flowed down her legs from all her arousal. Andy couldn't control himself anymore. He wrapped his arms around his love and thrust hard into.

"AWWWWWWW!" she yelled in pleasure. 

Her sounds made Andy's animalistic side even worse. He bit down on her back, hard.

Claire yelled in pleasure.


Andy obeyed and began to bite her back all over. Teeth marks covered her back. The areas that they wasn't enough skin to be bitten got licked like crazy. One of hands slide down to her sex and began to rub her most pleasurable spot as he thrust in her and bit down on her back. Her limit was hit from all the stimulation.

She screamed in a mix love and lust has one final orgasm shot through her body. Her body shook from the joy she felt. Her knees gave way and she fell down. Andy hot his limit as Claire hit hers. He groaned has her sex grew tighter and shot his load deep into her. When she fell down, he fell with her. The lovers pulled the covers over them and fell asleep holding each others naked bodies close to one another.

Written by winterwerewolf
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