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Poker Her Night

"A night of poker with the boys gets wild."

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Sitting on my friend Damon’s bed, I stared at him and my other two friends, Raul and Lee, over the top of my cards. We were crammed into Damon’s tiny bedroom around a fold-up card table. They let me sit on the bed since it was more comfortable than the fold up chairs Damon had found in his parent’s garage. All three of them stared at the mountain of chips in front of me. I placed my cards down on the table. “Two pair,” I said.

“Bullshit,” Lee said, tossing his cards in front of him.

“What is it? Two pair isn’t that good,” I said, waiting for them to reveal their hands.

“That’s not two pair, Gabbie. That’s four of a kind,” Damon said, throwing his full house on the table and taking a sip of soda.

I made a show of staring at my cards, then slowly counting them. “But it’s just twos. That’s the lowest suit,” I insisted.

“Then why did you keep calling!” Raul said, shoving the pot toward me and laughing.

“I don’t know. You guys kept saying ‘all in’ so I figured it’d be a fun hand,” I shrugged.

“She’s totally hustling us,” Lee said.

“Nah, I still think it’s beginner’s luck,” Damon said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“She’s playing dumb to get all our money,” Lee insisted. 

“Yeah, I would go to the trouble of hustling you guys for the twenty dollars we each agreed on,” I said, trying to throw them off the scent. Twenty bucks times three of them was just enough to get some new shoes I’d been saving up for.

“It was all I had,” Raul mumbled.

“Why do we hang out with you anyway?” Lee asked, shaking his head and handing me the cash for the game.

“Because I’m one of the boys?” I said, flashing them a sweet smile. Raul scooped up all the cards and put them back in their box.

“Wait, we’re done already? My parents are gone till tomorrow, I want to take advantage,” Damon said.

“I don’t have any more cash on me,” Raul said.

Damon started separating the chips into equal piles again. “Why don’t we just play for fun?”

“It’s not much fun if you aren’t trying to win anything,” Raul said, placing the deck in the center of the table.

“We could play for M&M’s or something,” I suggested. 

“M&M’s? Nah, kinda lame,” Lee said. “Without stakes, it’s just boring.”

“What about strip poker?” Damon asked. The rest of us looked at him. Then all the boys looked at me.

“Why are you looking at me?” I asked.

They looked back to Damon. “We can’t play strip poker. We’ve only got one girl,” Lee said.

Damon shrugged. “So? Gabbie’s cool.”

“So? It’s not fair to her, is it?”

“Not fair for her? She’s got three times as much to look at!”

“Let’s do it. I’m down,” I said.

“What if she is hustling us? Then we’ll all end up naked. If she’s not, then it’s, like… harassment or something. Three guys getting a girl naked,” Raul said as if I had said nothing.

“Not if she agrees to play,” Damon said.

“I said I’m down,” I repeated.

“What if we play with clothes, she plays with our money? Give us a chance to win it back?” Lee suggested.

“That’s an idea,” Damon said, rubbing his chin.

 I flapped my arms to get their attention. “Hello? Have I gone invisible?”

“No, Gabbie, we hear you,” Raul said. 

“What do you say, Gabbie? Give us a chance to win our money back?” Damon asked. All three of them looked at me.

“I said I was down,” I shrugged. I would have played for clothes, but if I got to keep the money and see my friends naked, then I saw no reason not to. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I wondered what their dicks looked like. In a purely innocent, curious sort of way. All those years of M&M poker with my dad were really starting to pay off. We hashed out a few details, finished allocating chips, and shuffled up for a fresh round. It went about as I expected. 

I played coy for a few hands, let them win some of my chips so we could play a little longer. They only had about five items of clothing each. Pants, shirt, briefs with optional socks or undershirt. It would be a very short game if I cleaned them out, and I wanted everyone to have fun. Once I had spread my wealth across the table, I started to play for real, trying to earn my money back. Well, their money back. Things were going swimmingly until, out of the blue, Damon went all-in on what began as a very timid hand.

The whole night he had played conservatively, and I was honestly puzzled when he got so bold. Lee and Raul immediately folded, which left me to either call Damon’s bluff or let him have the pot. I tried to look him in the eye, but he stared at his cards and waited for my answer. Was he bluffing? Maybe he knew I’d catch him if I looked him in the eye. Maybe he made a mistake, realized it too late, and was now trying to protect himself. The possibilities had me curious.

I quickly did the math and even if I called, I’d only have to lose one article of clothing. If he lost, he’d be naked and out of the game. Not only that, but I’d have forty-five dollars of the original sixty since Damon was doing well and had slowly built this bank up. I only had three-of-a-kind, but they were Queens with a King kicker, I felt confident I was safe. “All in,” I said, shoving my pot toward him.

He smiled.

“By my math, that’s one piece of clothing too,” he said.

“Let’s see how this hand goes before you get too cocky,” I replied, putting my cards on the table. 

He looked at it. 

With a smirk, he placed his cards on the table one at a time. Two, two, king, king, king. Full house. The jerk beat me. He knitted his fingers behind his head and leaned back with the biggest grin I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help but smile at how proud he was. It was cute. I got cocky and slipped up. It wouldn’t happen again. “Well?” he said. 

At that point, I had a decision to make. I could take off my sock and use that as my bet, like all three of the boys did early in the game, or I could be bold and make a statement. Show them I wasn’t afraid, mess with their heads a little. My first thought was to plop my bra on the table. The size of the cups was more than enough to distract them, and the thought of what was underneath my shirt just waiting to be revealed would no doubt hinder their judgment. 

Then I figured, why leave so much to the imagination? I’d probably get a much more visceral response if they could see my generous bust struggling to escape the confines of my bra. I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought about it. The three boys stared, holding their breath. I reached down and peeled off one of my socks, tossing it at Damon to pay for the pot. Their shoulders slumped. Then I crossed my arms over my stomach and grabbed the bottom fabric of my t-shirt and slowly peeled it off, revealing my lacy black and red bra, and the large pale breasts squeezed inside of it. I dropped my top in the center of the table to serve as my ante for the round. Six eyes widened in my direction.

 “Ante up, boys.”

Their eyes bounced around the room, yet always found their way back to my cleavage when the effort became too much. I looked at the three of them, all of which were missing their socks, and Lee was shirtless, but they each had a bit of money to buy themselves time. Damon had all the socks, and Lee had already lost his shirt so he was forced to use some of his money or else lose his pants. He chose the money, while Raul anted his shirt and Damon threw a random sock into the pot. 

Damon raised immediately, forcing me to give up the pot or give up two more articles of clothing. If I folded now, I’d just have to ante up another piece of clothing right after. I had a decent hand, so I stood up and took off my second sock, then wiggled out of my jeans and placed them both at the center of the table. The wiggling part caused my breasts to jiggle, which stole the attention of the room. Good, I thought, I’d rather you ogle these than think straight. I want my money back. To my surprise, everyone else called.

The other two boys put up the rest of their money to call, then we rode through the hand till the final card when Damon raised again. Again, I was in a position where I would lose at least one article of clothing to the next hand’s ante, so if I didn’t try to play through the hand I would be just as naked as if I lost. Might as well go for it. I stood up and climbed out of my panties, putting them in the center of the room. As my panties hit the table, the room silenced. Lee threw his pants into the pot and Raul lost his shirt. 

Damon raised again. 

I chewed on my lip and smiled across the table at him. His cheeks were tense from holding back a smile of his own. Lee, down to only his briefs, folded. Raul threw his pants into the pot and I stared across the table at Damon. Was he trying to muscle me? Scare me off? Or did he really have a decent hand? Last time I tried to call his bluff I paid for it, and now I was in a similar boat. I was either going to reclaim my lead with this hand or end up naked. Maybe Damon wasn’t thinking straight, his mind clouded by my curves. Maybe he was being greedy and had nothing to show for it. He had plenty of cash to ride it out. There wasn’t anything to lose.

Slowly, purposefully, I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. I felt the familiar support disappear and I let the straps slide down my arms, revealing my big breasts for all three boys to see. I could have used my arm to hide my nipples, but that took some fun out of it. I twirled my bra around my finger, then tossed it into the pile. “Whatcha got?” I asked, pushing my chest out and letting the boys drink in the view. I have a nice rack and I’m proud of it. Sue me. 

All three stared for a second, then plopped down their cards. Lee and Raul had nothing. They were probably too distracted by my lack of clothing to make a smart call. Damon, however, matched my two pair exactly. Sixes and nines. We both couldn’t believe it. It came down to the kicker. I had a king, Damon had an ace.

I lost.

I sat, naked as the day I was born, while Damon pulled Raul’s, Lee’s, and my clothes plus a handful of chips over to his side of the table. “Rats,” I said. I really didn’t expect to lose, let alone so quickly. Twenty minutes ago I was sitting pretty, now I was buck naked.

Damon picked up my bra and let out a long whistle as he looked at the tag.

“Damn, girl,” he mumbled. He looked up from my bra tag. “Sorry Gabbie, looks like that’s game over.” 

I shrugged. “That’s how the game is played. Does this mean I’m out?”

“Got anything else to wager?”

“Does it look like it?” I laughed, doing a Vanna White flourish of my naked body. Raul and Lee sat in silence, trying (and failing) to not stare at my breasts every three seconds. I probably should have at least pretended to be uncomfortable being naked in front of them, but I honestly wasn’t. My experience at the glory hole and some of my more recent sexcapades had made me damn confident with my body. I’m a good-looking lady with a rack that will give you whiplash, what’s not to be proud of?

“Should we pack it in then, to spare the rest of you some humiliation?” Damon said, already tossing clothes back to their respective owners. One of my socks rolled off the table. I bent over to pick it up and came nose to nose with Lee’s throbbing erection. His hand quickly moved to hide it, but it was clear that he had let it out of his briefs for some fresh air. Was he touching himself while we played? I stared at it for a second, and it twitched as it felt warm air from my nose. I glanced under the table. Raul was pitching a tent too. Damon still had his pants on, but there was a tautness in the crotch that I was all too familiar with.

I sat back up and placed my sock on the table. I wanted my money back. “On second thought, what if I had something else to offer?”

All three of them looked at me.

“What do you mean?” Damon asked. 

“What if I offered, say, a nice firm squeeze of these here boobies?” I said, sweeping my hands over them again with a flourish. They all stared shamelessly.

“You’re saying you’re willing to offer titty squeezes as a wager?” Damon asked.

“I am indeed.”

“I’m in,” Lee and Raul said almost in unison. I couldn’t help but smirk. Boys are so easy. Damon chewed on his lower lip for a second, thinking.

“Since I’m the one with all the loot what incentive is there for me?”

“A chance to fondle my chest isn’t enticing enough?” I asked.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m very tempted, but if you keep loosing like the last few hands, I’m gonna have twenty or thirty titty squeezes racked up and it might get kinda boring,” Damon said. Lee and Raul both shot him desperate glances as if to say, ‘Don't mess this up, dude!’ I cracked a smile.

“All right. Let’s say… a squeeze is worth a dollar, a handjob is worth five, a boob-job ten, a blowjob twenty? Give me twenty-five in chips and we shuffle up again?”

“What does she mean, boob-job?” Lee whispered.

“I think she means titty fuck,” Raul whispered back. 

“What am I gonna do with so many jobs? I can only pop one or two loads a night,” Damon said, brazenly confident.

“Save them up for later? You’ve all got my number,” I shrugged. 

“The deal applies to all of us?” Lee asked.

“Sure, why not?” I said.

Their eyes widened, and they took a moment to whisper among themselves. I couldn’t think of a good reason for them to say no. They were coming out way ahead on this deal, win or lose. I could make back the money easily at the glory hole, but they didn’t know that and I didn’t much care. I was having fun. Cock has always been my vice. Without it, I’d be such a goodie-goodie you’d think I was a nun. People who don’t know about my love for cock probably think I’m a square. Joke’s on them.

“Gabbie, girl, you got yourself a deal,” Damon said and all three boys reached out to shake my hand. I gave them all a firm shake and noted with amusement that the gesture became longer with each binding of our little oral contract thanks to the wonderful jiggling motion each shake put into my chest.

“Good luck, boys. Who’s dealing?”  

And with our deal in place, we shuffled up. I was already naked, of course, and both Lee and Raul were close. The cards went out and everyone folded. Damon gave me my twenty-five in chips and the cards went out again. First hand was a quick fold all around. Cards went out again, and yet another quick fold. They were playing tight. Lee and Raul I understood, they were almost out anyway, but Damon was surprising. I thought he’d be working to muscle me as much as he could with his fat stack of chips and clothes to work with.

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We played a few more rounds, and I spotted a pattern. When I was already out of a hand, they would play normally and were slowly distributing the wealth to each other. If I was in the hand, they’d all fold unless they had a baller hand that they were confident would win them some action. Since I didn’t have any money or clothes to offer, they were slowly hoarding boob squeezes and I was coming up empty every hand. The little jerks were teaming up against me, to get as much action as they could.

I admired their craftiness, I’ll admit. It wasn’t about money or clothes anymore; it was about freebies from good ol’ Gabbie. Part of me wanted to shut it down, just to prove I wasn’t stupid. The other part of me was eager to get started. I chewed on my lip for a second, looking at each of them one by one as I thought about my next move. By now no one bothered to avert their eyes from my body, and that only fueled my desire. I dealt out the next hand and looked at my two cards. A two and a five, offsuit. Possibly the worst hand I could ask for. “All in,” I said before even dealing out the flop.

“All in?” Damon asked. “With what?” 

“Everything I’ve got. If I win this hand, I get my clothes and money back. If I anyone beats me, they get me for the night.”

“That's not how betting works,” Damon said.

“Get you? What do you mean ‘get you’?” Lee asked.

I shrugged. “Use your imagination.”

“All in,” Lee said.

“Me too,” Raul added.

Damon shrugged. “Guess I’m in too.”

With everyone in, I dealt out the rest of the cards but made a show of it. I flipped each card slowly and glanced around the table to see their reactions. Lee was practically sweating, peering at his cards every few milliseconds. Raul chewed on his thumbnail. Damon sat back with a smile. Perhaps he had caught on to what I was doing. Maybe he was confident he’d already won. I dealt the last card. “Time to show, boys.” We all flipped our cards over and I had nothing. Jack diddly.

All three of them cheered for a split second, realizing they’d beat me, then they looked at each other’s cards to see who came out on top. As it turns out, Lee had the best hand. Damon leaned over and looked at my cards. “Why did you go all-in? That hand is terrible.”

I shrugged. “Oops. Guess I’m no good at this game.”

He stared at me for a second, then the pieces fell into place and he smiled. 

“So I win?” Lee asked, his voice giddy. 

“I think you all win,” I said. 


“I said anyone who beats me, gets me. You all beat me, so…” I left it hanging so they could connect the dots. Damon and Raul smiled. Lee’s smiled faded a little, but he was still excited.

“So, um, how does this work? Do we get, like, a raincheck or something?” Lee asked. 

I leaned back on Damon’s bed. “We could. But I’m already naked and it seems a shame to waste the wonderful boners I know you all have right now.”

They all looked at each other. Silence hung in the air as they put the pieces together and realized this was really happening. Then they practically threw the little fold-up card table across the room to get over to me. I grinned from ear to ear. I love how desperate boys get. Lee and Raul got to me first since they were sitting next to my left and right, respectively. Lee was only wearing a T-shirt and kept it on as he crawled onto the bed and pushed his hips into my face. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and opened my mouth, wiggling my tongue at him as an invitation. 

He pushed his hips forward and the tip of his cock slid up my tongue and into my mouth. I closed my lips around his cock and sucked, which brought a moan out of him that sounded like a man who’d just taken a bite of Wagyu steak after being on a deserted island for a month. Raul pulled down his briefs and climbed onto the bed, taking a handful of my ample breasts. He gently pinched my nipple, got his hips up to my face, and let his cock hover over my cheek. Lee watched Raul squeeze my breast and joined in, wrapping his fingers around the other while I bobbed my face up and down the first couple inches of his cock.

Damon watched and took his time undressing. I gave Lee a few more bobs, then turned my face to Raul and took him into my mouth for a while. Someone’s hand, I’m not sure who, lightly rubbed my thighs and slowly crept between them. A finger slid inside me and I moaned onto Raul’s cock, which encouraged the finger to go deeper. I closed my eyes and took in the sensations. Raul’s cock throbbed in my mouth, giving me the subtle taste of pre-cum every so often. Two hands massaged my breasts and played with my nipples while a finger slid between my legs and gently explored my vagina. A second finger was not far behind.

The bed shifted, and I opened my eyes. Damon was naked, stroking his erection with one hand while bringing a condom wrapper to his teeth with the other. He stared me in the eyes as he ripped the condom open and tossed the wrapper, sliding it over his hard shaft and lifting my knees with his hands to settle in front of me. I smiled and switched back to sucking Lee’s cock, licking swirls around his tip and sucking gingerly while Damon lined himself up in front of me. 

He pushed his thick cock head inside of me and slowly buried it to the hilt. I tensed up a bit because of his size, and how good it felt. Lee’s cock popped out of my mouth for a second while my body adjusted to Damon’s cock filling me, then both Lee and Raul pushed their hips forward, greedy to have my mouth once again. “That feel good, Gabbie?” Damon asked. I bit my lip and nodded at him, opening my mouth to say ‘yes’ but it was quickly filled with two cocks at the same time. 

Both Lee and Raul pushed forward at the same moment and I wrapped my lips around both their cock heads, flicking my tongue over them and sucking as best I could with two in my mouth simultaneously. Once my tongue was busy again, they backed off slightly, but I did my best to alternate between them, never letting one be without my oral affections longer than a few seconds. Damon pulled his hips back till only his tip was inside me, then pushed in again, gradually building to a pumping rhythm between my legs. 

Six hands explored my body, rubbing me, pulling me, squeezing me as the three boys enjoyed every inch of my supple flesh and manhandled me to get what they wanted. As things grew more and more heated, Lee and Raul started working their cocks into my mouth with shallow pumps. Not enough to be rough or rude, but their passion was rising quickly and things would only escalate as their horniness took over. Not that it bothered me. I kinda like when the horny animal takes over, as long as they behave respectfully. 

Lee, tired of waiting for my mouth, crawled on top of me and straddled my chest. He plopped his cock between my breasts and pushed them together before working his hips to hump them. Raul’s eyes bounced from my mouth sucking on his cock to my breasts wrapped around Lee’s. From my angle it looked like he was having a crisis over, which was more appealing. Damon sped up, gripping my thighs tight and working his long shaft inside me as deep as he could get it.

“Your pussy feels so good, Gabbie,” Damon moaned.

“Titties too,” Lee huffed. A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead while he pumped his cock between my breasts. 

Raul looked back and forth, trying to decide what he wanted more. “Hey D, can I have a turn?”

“Sorry bro, this was my last condom,” Damon said. He rubbed small circles over my clit with his thumb and I shivered as a tantalizing warmth spread from between my legs. Lee released his grip on my breasts and playfully bounced his cock on one of my nipples while pinching the other, heightening my arousal even further. 

“Ifohmph,” I mumbled around Raul’s cock. All three of them laughed. 

“What was that?” Raul asked as he kindly pulled out of my mouth.

I licked my lips and looked up at him. “I said it’s okay.”

“What’s okay?”

“You don’t need a condom,” I said, then craned my neck to suck on his tip once again. 

There was a brief lull in the action, like they’d all heard Damon’s parents come home and were afraid we’d get caught. Damon pulled out of me and I heard the slap of rubber as he ripped his condom off. Raul pulled out of my mouth and laid down next to me, pushing Lee off my chest so he could grab my hips and roll me on top of him. I let out a series of delighted squeals as he pulled my knee over his hips and reached between us to run his fingers between my legs, slipping a finger inside me effortlessly thanks to Damon’s warm-up.

Raul moved his finger in and out as he adjusted himself underneath me, lining up his cock to replace his finger. Just as I felt his tip slip inside, Damon manhandled my hips in such a way that Raul went balls deep inside me without even having to push. I let out a surprised moan as Raul entered me, then another as his hands cupped my breasts and he took one of my tender nipples into his mouth, sucking on it while Damon spread my booty and pushed his cock head against my back door. 

I was about to look back and remind Damon to go slow, but Lee had already made his way in front of me and cupped my chin to turn my head toward him. He then pushed his cock between my lips and I instinctively sucked. Damon, already slick from being inside me earlier, pushed his cock head into my booty and slowly worked it deeper and deeper until he too was balls deep inside me. And just like that, in the span of a few seconds, I was getting gang banged by three boys. 
I couldn’t have been happier.

The sexual energy in the room exploded after my no condom comment, and the heat of our bodies made us all sweat. Their eagerness was palpable, and my desire to give them their release intoxicating. I don’t know why I’m such a sucker for a boner. I simply cannot let one leave my sight unsatisfied. It pains me. It feels tragically wrong. With a cock stuffing me from every direction, I was quite pleased with myself, and even happier to let my friends get the release they so clearly craved. 

I tried to bounce on Raul’s cock but, with Damon gripping my hips and working his anal escapade to a steady pump, I struggled to find a rhythm that worked for both of them. Lee gently cupped the back of my head and pumped my mouth while Raul sucked my nipples and worked his hips underneath me. Instead of trying to find a rhythm of my own, I just buckled up and enjoyed the ride.

They all knew what they wanted, and I was happy to let them have it. 

That also gave me the extra brainpower to focus on the sensations and enjoy my impromptu gang bang all the more. I wiggled my tongue and sucked as best I could for Lee, and he thanked me by reaching down to massage the breast Raul wasn’t licking. Damon and Raul found a rhythm that worked for both of them and were almost in sync with each other once they figured it out. Each time they pumped forward, I ended up deep throating Lee. Damon smacked my booty and I let out a moan which tickled Lee in my throat. No matter what they did, the effect rippled through me and rewarded another one of them, which only encouraged them to lick, rub, and spank me more often. 

Having Damon and Raul’s cocks in my booty and vagina respectively was an intense and entirely new sensation for me. The extra pressure of both of them pressing against each other inside me with only a thin wall to separate them was overwhelmingly wonderful. That, mixed with the nipple sucking, spanking and fondling, the eagerness from each of them, and the sheer debauchery of the situation was enough to send me over the edge. 

Culminating warmth spread from between my legs and rippled up my spine in waves synchronized with their pumps until my fingers and toes tingled. I took in quick breaths through my nose to feed my brain oxygen as a rush of pleasure overtook my senses. I planted my hands on either side of Raul’s shoulders to stabilize myself and a tidal wave of euphoria rushed over of me. My entire body tensed up and my fingers clenched the bedsheets so hard I thought they would rip. Then it hit me, fast and hard.

The tension in my body turned to muscle spasms. My thighs threatened to give out and my arms wobbled. I felt the muscles in my vagina and booty clench over and over, tightening in bursts around the two cocks that filled them. Muffled, high-pitched grunts and moans were all I could muster since Lee was still working my mouth. “Dude, I think she’s cumming!” Raul said right before my arms and legs finally stopped working and I involuntarily fell on top of him, smothering his face with my heavy breasts as my body tried to escape the riptide of pleasure. 

Damon held my hips and adjusted so he could keep pounding me from behind. Raul planted his feet and thrust his hips underneath me, working his hard cock as fast as he could while he adjusted his face for some air. Lee adjusted, holding my head so he could finish. Honestly, I was kind of glad there were three of them to hold me in place. My orgasm was so intense that my body reacted violently to escape the rapture. If I escaped, the pleasure would end. Nobody wanted that.

My breath came in hot, ragged gasps through my nose and I sincerely thought I might hyperventilate and pass out. I was only a few seconds from begging for their mercy when I felt the telltale swelling of an imminent orgasm in my booty. Damon turned rock hard and dug his fingers into my hips, thrusting his long cock deep inside me as fast as he could. It threw off the rhythm they had going. I doubt he cared. He let out a bestial groan, almost a growl, and his cock erupted inside me, pumping warm, thick cum inside my booty.

“Mhmm, mhmm, mhmm!” I grunted, showing my approval and eagerness for more. Damon’s swelling was so thick I barely noticed Raul swell too, and before I finished my last ‘mhmm’ his cock twitched over and over, pumping even more sperm inside me. Damon and Raul fired their hips like pistons, working their entire, diamond-hard lengths inside me and filling me with satisfying moans and tight grips on my body so I couldn’t escape. Lee pumped my mouth faster until finally, he filled my mouth with his load, holding the back of my head to ensure he emptied entirely into my mouth.

I swallowed gulp after gulp of his sperm as the three of them emptied their tired balls into me like it was their last night on Earth. Damon collapsed on top of me, huffing and puffing as he became the top piece of bread in a Gabbie sandwich. Raul stoically supported my weight on top of him and Damon’s on top of me. Both of them stayed balls deep inside me for a while, catching their breath. Lee pulled out of my mouth and squeezed his cock from base to tip, milking out a few more drops of sperm for me to lick off before he leaned back against the wall and relaxed.

“Good game, guys. Same time next week?” I asked, still sandwiched between Damon and Raul.

Their cocks flexed inside me as they laughed.



Written by VivicaSnow
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