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Mum, Cum, Kate & Cocks: A Bang In Berlin

"June and her daughter Kate take on a room full of porn stud poles with epic results."

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Author's Notes

"A fantasy romp in honor of June and Kate and their mad acceptance of each other. Love and respect to them both from all of your fans. Check out June’s page for actual pictures of Kate and June in a fantasy comparison. <p> [ADVERT] </p>JCH1968-"

My nipples were hard, but it was not due to the cold Berlin morning. I was walking the short three lovely historic blocks from my hotel to meet my precious Kate at her new job. And I had been horny for it since arriving late last night from London.

The rooms were in a posh part of the city on the third floor of a rugged old banking building that had survived the Great War only to be converted into loft space in the nineties. Her employer had rehabbed the lot of the rooms, and the result was state-of-the-art film and audio. Arguably the best adult film studio in all of Eastern Europe.

Kate was living out her dream, and mine. Since I first had "forced" group sex at age seventeen, I could not get enough. Over a decade of fun in sex clubs in the UK, Berlin, and Belgium had made me a cum slut of note in a world of fast-paced private events, BDSM encounters, and dozens of videos. "That June" had made a name for herself as one of the most sought-after and sexy cum queens on the scene, and I loved it!

But one bit had always alluded me, and not for lack of trying. I had never officially become an adult actress. Never been paid for my services, not that I wanted to be. I loved doing it. Of course, there were the videos, professional and amateur. And there were the motivated admirers, connected and shady. What had alluded me was the contract to make me a household name.

Cut to a decade and a half later and during my daily perusal of sex sites, my gorgeous leggy brown-haired eighteen-year-old daughter pops up on an Only Fans page! I felt a proper fifty-fifty split between immense envy and pride, and motherly protective instincts. A real talk later and she was stunned I was not angry. I both cautioned her and encouraged her. "Protection is key, but enjoyment was absolutely necessary otherwise why do it?" Yes, not what one might expect a mum to say, but at her age I was already five or six gangbangs in!

Not soon after a message arrived from a German Porn company who had found her on the web the same way I had. After a read, she and I were screaming like schoolgirls. Seems she had a porn tryout offer in Germany, and they wanted to make her a star! I could not have been more proud.

She began training (butt plugs and the like) and I began advising all through, and the hard work (heh, hard) was about to reap an abundance of success. My Kate was going to be the thing her mum could not: a porn star!

It was now over a year later, and she had been filming almost non-stop both here and in Los Angeles. Her specialty was going to be gangbangs and cum baths. It was in the family blood.

This cold morning, she had promised to meet me for a coffee before we headed up, but the studio had moved up the day's schedule as half of the ten blokes they were getting for the shoot had been tagged for other engagements later in the day. An apology phone call from a production assistant (with well-given directions) informed me I was to meet her there at half ten.

The stone steps up were grand and lovely and the receptionist. a gorgeous black woman named Jezelle took my coat, had me sign in properly, and then showed me the way to Kate's dressing room. "Kate's dressing room!" My heart was hammering near out my chest currently covered in my favorite yellow bra and a short black dress with a yellow wide belt. I wanted to look good but not draw focus from the star, wink! My black boots clicked on the wooden floor as we made our way down the hall. It was wide and long, busy with bustling tech and assistants moving through doors and curtains. Hot men of every color and size greeted me with polite Good Mornings, Gutin Abens, and Bonjours. My girl was in for a treat. Or rather they were!

Her door was ajar, and I knocked pushing it in. The scream of delight that greeted me was music to my ears!

"AHHH! Mum, You're actually here!" She nearly took me down with a slamming hug and I embraced her as I laughed with choking breath. I held tight to her sweet back and marveled at the softness of her expensive, short silk robe. "Sorry about breakfast! She went on, "Lars insisted on moving things up and I had to prepare. Isn't this just mad? You're here in my dressing room! And I have-"

I cut her off, "A dressing room! I know it IS mad! Look at you! Oh, Love, I am so proud and so -!" I actually choked.

"Now don't get me teary-eyed! I just finished my face!" She grabbed my hand and turned us to her lighted makeup table and she sat with me just behind her. "What do you think?" The image in the mirror was a classic staged portrait one might see above a mantle denoting the passage of one's child to uni. The love in her hot-looking eyes was filling me to overflowing.

She was beside herself but still controlled and professional. "I have done it more street tough for today. Oh!" She leapt up before she finished and grabbed my hand making me giggle. "Help me with my wardrobe choices. It's down to these three lingerie sets and these two outfits. Lars says any will do as they aren't staying on long anyway!" The rack had several items hanging and what caught my eye was a light blue lacy bra and thong set. Kate saw me eying it. "I knew it! Blue it is!"

Just as she dropped her robe and began to dress, her mouth not stopping with tales of her life here, an assistant popped her head in. "They need you in five."

Kate looked hot enough to fuck. A classic short skirt of black with a spotted blue and white crop top blouse completed the look. Kate took my hand and just as we stepped out, she kissed my forehead. Not a challenge as she was taller by three inches and was wearing hot pink heels! "I am so happy you are here, but you must promise to be mute. I know how you get!"

I held my chest in mock protest. "Me? Never!"


"I promise, of course! You won't even know I am there." I had no idea how utterly wrong that phrase would turn out.

The room for the shoot had the requisite tall ceiling and dozens of lights pointed perfectly to both enhance and expose. There were three long couch sectionals each with a chaise component, each a slightly different tone. Ah, the memories.

A tall, bearded man greeted Kate with cheek kisses, and I assumed he must be Lars. A hand extended and I was greeted. "You must be June! Your work proceeds you." He leaned forward and we exchanged air kisses. He smelled like home rolled fags and spoke with a German growl. His eyes had mischief in them, and I liked him instantly, especially after the next. "You know I have seen you perform; right here in 2001. The Star Club? You took on seven that night. It was quite impressive!"

One might not think that a woman who spent the last two decades on her back and knees with so many cocks she cannot give an accurate total number, would be able to blush. But I did. "Thank, you. You are so kind."

I kissed my Kate and was shown to a chair off to the side of things. Seems that I was not destined to stay inconspicuous. One of the beefier studs named Jack came up and introduced himself. He was from New York and was on Lush Stories and had been a regular to my page and media. "I'm JackDup02. I am a huge fan!" I shook his hand, and he kissed it. More gratitude and blushing. As he stepped away, I eyed his shorts and could see he was indeed a huge fan. My already soaking pussy gushed at the sight.

I also saw Kate ten feet away mock glaring with a slight smirk and a head shake. Her mum was famous around here and she loved it.

Just as Lars was talking to the cast and crew about angles and such another man came up next to me and whispered in a French lilt, "I'm Paul. I am a big fan. I cannot believe I get to fuck the daughter of JCH! " Another lush, another blush and another gush. I may have to pop to the Lady's soon for a wardrobe change! Perhaps I could borrow one of Kate's or just forgo altogether.

There was no plot involved: just the usual opening dance and striptease then a long line of cocks in holes and Kate doing her thing! I was offered a coffee and gladly took it - this was going to be a long day.

The first setup ready, I sat upright in excited anticipation of finally seeing my girl do her thing in person! ('In the flesh and up close' makes no sense at this point) Kate was alone in the middle of the floor and with music playing in the background she began to do a classic grind and sway. She would turn and look back at the camera, biting a finger or flipping her hair. She model-walked and dropped down in a twist and then the fun stuff happened. She turned back to us and lifted her skirt. The bum I had seen in so many videos being spanked and pounded was pristine and white and sweet. No wonder they wanted her, she was gorgeous. She reached behind and did a classic slide down revealing her star and her very wet little fanny! The light blue fabric stuck for a moment and then it was at her ankles. Rather than remove it she spread her legs wide leaving it as an elastic to stretch and then hold her. Using her hands she spread her cheeks and bent so her head hung between her thighs her face smiling.

Then Lars yelled, "Cut!"

I was surprised. It had been going so well. He called a puzzled Kate over and she flipped off the thong so she could walk. The two whispered and Kate's eyes went wide then smiled, then looked like she was more turned on than ever before. She nodded and Lars walked away saying, "Give us five,"

As the crew reset my Katre came to me. Motherly concern took over and I whispered, "What is it, Love? What's wrong?"

Kate bit her lip and took a deep breath. Her face was alight with an energy I had not seen before. "Mum, Lars had a proposal. He was watching you watch me and wanted to know if you wanted to take part? I think it's brilliant."

I was shocked and responded quickly, "No pet, we don't do that. We made a promise, remember?"

Kate laughed, "No, sorry! Not with each other. He means we do a double shoot. You on one couch with five and me on the other. We have side-by-side gangbangs!"

My heart was racing, and my breath caught. I was actually speechless. I had no trouble with the work, just last week I had met with my Tavern buddies in our annual reunion and the four of us had fucked for twelve hours. I still had it! And Kate had seen my videos and pictures since she first asked about sex so double exposure was never an issue. But side by side? I sat contemplating for only about ten seconds when I looked up and she was grinning from ear to ear.

"You are about to say 'yes', aren't you? He will pay you. You will finally be a porn actress!"

I actually felt my stomach toss as Kate held out her hand. I took a dep breath and stood taking it as she pulled me out into the center of the room. The crew and the guys were all looking like deer in the headlights. Lars was grinning like the Cheshire cat.'

He stepped to me, "Will you do me the honor?" I smiled and nodded, and he laughed with his whole face. "Alright people, Change of plans. Lovely June here has agreed to do a side-by-side with her daughter Kate. Get the second unit wiped down and positioned. Gents, figure out who starts with who, five and five! Don't worry, you will get both sets by day's end. Someone get Miss June what she needs."

Kate was beside herself hugging, bouncing and squealing. An assistant introduced herself as Marta. She asked if I would like to change, they had anything I needed. My instincts kicked in and my old cum slut self rose up to take charge. "I just need a toilet to prep and a liter of lube." Kate reared back in laughter.

"That's my Mum!"

Fifteen short minutes later I was cleaned out, touched up, and lubed up in my bum hole. No risk of getting dried out (my pussy hadn't needed any). Kate was to have the left side couch unit, and I the right. Five guys in nothing but boxers formed half circles behind us each, and two more cameras were set up. I introduced myself to the quintet who to a man were looking like kids in a sweet shop.

"Well, lads, it's been a while since I have been in front of a camera but trust me, I know what I'm playing at!" Laughter from all around and "welcomes" and "it's an honors" were tossed about.

Lars called for attention. "Alright, everyone. Let us do quality work. No need to rush, just get in there and get to it. This is not a contest."

Kate and I called out in unison, "Yes, it is!" and the room exploded in laughter.

"Action!" And away we went.

I was a bit torn as I wanted to see Kate work, yet I really wanted to be used and covered in cum. I had a feeling I would be able to do both. My first batch included Jack from NYC and he stepped up first with an arse grab and a deep French kiss. I ran my hands across his hard body, so young and so firm. His back was to die for, and I dug into the flesh. Both hands moved to my arse and I instinctively went up on my toes to open up my legs.

As expected, another set of hands was unzipping my dress and a third was under it rubbing my already moist mama. I moaned and threw my head back and laughed a loud, "YES!"

I heard moans from across the room mixed with a laugh or two. "You go, Mum!"

Jack was kissing my now exposed chest as the dress and belt were bunched in my waist. The dark-skinned Adonis on his knees was removing my thong and held it up as a trophy, I took it from him, smelled it, and tossed it to the left, a gauntlet thrown down. The hands on my back were soon groping my tits and I looked to my left to see a tall black man stroking a long love pole. I did a classic hook finger and he moved closer, kneeling on the chaise and I took his amazing anaconda in my left hand. Hot thick man flesh made me gush more and I tried to get my mouth to it. My partners caught on and Jack lifted me up and onto all fours in front of Anaconda. My dress was removed, belt and all, and my yellow bra followed all while I was taking my first cock to mouth. It was long, and thick and hot as fuck! I moaned around it as I circled the head with my wet tongue.

The boys behind were busy and soon I had two hands slapping my cheeks and a wet tongue lapping up the juice on my thighs. I was in heaven. There were hands on my ass and on my waist pulling and gripping. The camera panned past me, and I gave my sluttiest wettest slurp as I took the beast into my throat. Practiced muscles worked their magic and soon I had eight inches gagging me, taking my air. I wouldn’t have it any other way. The owner grabbed my head and a full-on face fuck commenced. I was wide-eyed and spitting as he drove deep and fast. This man knew what he was doing. I was hoping however to switch off. At this rate and with my skilled throat he would be cumming soon and I had a plan. It was a plan born of years of experience. Maximum pleasure for them and ultimate pleasure for me.

A well-placed thigh slap and he pulled me off. I looked up slutty and mock pissed. He smiled back and slapped my cheek with his dripping driver. Behind my first pussy pleaser was preparing. I felt the head swirling my mess of moisture around my pinked and puffed labia. Just when I thought he was going in he pushed against my anus! I froze and waited, my hands on two new cocks as he pushed into my aching star.

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I moaned out a slow but loud, “Fuuuuck!” that was met in kind across the room.

“Fuck me!” Kate yelled with passionate need.

I was finally afforded an unencumbered view and the sight took my breath. Kate was already servicing four cocks. She was reverse cowgirl straddling the Frenchmen, Paul, who appeared to be buried up her bum. In front of her, a thin bearded bloke banged her tight pussy with an impressively curved uncircumcised solid nine inches. Her left hand held one more cock and she worked it with learned lengthy strokes. Her head was turned to the side, and she was stroking and sucking a redheaded Nordic-looking longhair. It was a scene from her first gangbang video come to life. I was so impressed and just a little teary-eyed. I turned my own head ready for a triple play myself when my daughter turned to me and smiled the most wicked of sexy sneers. It was the same look she had when she played field hockey or netball as a girl. Even though there were no announced rules, she was going to win this game.

Fuck that, I thought and took control. I reached back and pushed my arse guest all the way in with a loud gasp from him and a soundless scream from me. I had not been aware that I was stroking two cocks this whole time and a third was pointed at my mouth. Jack was climbing under me and took a nipple in with aggressive suction. His mouth worked down me as a long fat fucker pushed past my lips and I sucked with Hoover-level control to slow him down. He moaned a sweet, “Fuck yes, bitch!” and I smiled inwardly.

I worked the new guy in and out until I had to pull off for a wincing moan as my bum buddy began to hit me with steady thunder stokes. My whole body shook and may have collapsed had not Jack grabbed my thighs and latched onto my love clam. The effect of the quintuple stimulation sent me off for my first rocket blast.

“Mmphh- ahh! Holy fuuuck, yesss!” I howled out as the wave struck like a bolt of lightning. Yes, it had been building, but it went from sixty to three-sixty in a matter of moments.

Across the room, Kate yelled, “First one-ugh- Mum?- oh fuck yes, give me that cum!” I nodded and grunted an affirmative as Jack went into overdrive on my clit.

The little tart laughed and said, “I’ve had three-eeEE!” A smack on flesh had caused her to cry out. Hope someone spanked her, the tease. Three indeed! I’d best get to chopping wood then.

As I turned my head to switch suck specimens, I saw Kate lapping up a load of cum on her chin as her partners were repositioning her on her back.

“The day isn’t over yet, Pet!” I called back as Jack was now sideways attempting a Houdini-like entry into my pussy. Bless his soul. With a dip from me and bum rammer he managed to make his mark. I reached down to assist and the three of us achieved docking successfully.

To do "Miss Three Cums" one better, I slurped one cock in while pushing another past my lips into my outstretched orifice. The two men loved the challenge based on their moans and hands in my now messy hair. It was some work but soon I was being four-plugged! Great for the camera it was short-lived as I had to get air and spit them both out with wet strings of spittle as the cock in my ass went into driver mode. I shrieked as a cum hit and bounced around several times before erupting out of my head. My arse was being filled with cum and it was a welcome sensation I put on the top three things a human can experience. I know I would get the other two before lunch break.

The arse filler pulled slowly out, and Jack took the moment to fully penetrate as the camera undoubtedly zoomed in on my held open dripping pink gaping anus. The man who had been responsible was moaning an accolade I was later told was Flemish. I was now a gape queen in several languages.

My hole was not destined to stay empty for long. Jack was very strong and was able to scoot up the couch while staying inside me. He lifted as I rotated on his pole then he lifted me up and slid into my gaper.

“Oooo yes, Jack, keep my bottom filled!” Another bloke was kissing me while pulling my hair and I was shaking in arousal. He was the shorter fat dick from before and he was soon plugging my fanny. Not the biggest I’d ever had (2001 a dungeon in Surrey. Another story perhaps) but he was near. I grunted in shock as he shoved in abruptly. I was now filled to the base with both men. It was another moment where a lesser woman may have panicked. But my practiced lady bits loved the abuse. Ha! cum three was imminent for this fifty-two-year-old!

Kate read my mind as she screamed. “Fill my pussy! Ohhh fuck yes, give me that spunk! Oh fuck, Mummy! SSso good!”

“Boasting isn't sexy, girl!" I teased as they kept at me. "…Yes, yes, fuck me lads…" then back to Kate, " Don’t count this old bird out!”

I called over for one of my idle boys and I took his hands to my scalp as I took his cock to its hair. Gagging as he held me tight and loving the pain in my throat and the discomfort in my nipples that someone else was viciously twisting. I shook as cum three geysered up and I squirted a bit of piss as my twat twitched then twembled (wink) x. I would have apologized but there was no need as both Jack and Wank had sorted a nice rhythm and welcomed the moisture by calling out “Yes!” and “Fuck Yes!” Apparently, there were other rivalries in the studio today.

Not how the day was planned, it was fast becoming more than a dream. This fantasy I had imagined for over year was a full-on Panto of epic fuck and suck. My efforts with my mouth and hands were about to pay off as gagger pulled out and wanked with moans and hisses.

"Oooo fuuck, yess!" he grunted with a trace of German accent and blasted my face, then, hair, then chest with a healthy batch of batter. I caught enough in my mouth to bubble it out for the camera and swallow with practiced culinary delectation. It was actually pretty sweet as cum goes, and I knew cum. It was incredibly salty and a bit funky, but it felt brilliant! Sticky, hot, dripping; the best.

I continued to get pounded while number five offered me a flannel for a tidy up. I laughed, "Oh no, pet, these are merit badges!" He shook his head, not understanding me and said something in German to the man in my middle. The two then laughed and my pussy pounder doubled up. It was enough for Jack in my ass to hold still, such a polite lad.

I was hanging my head in order to collect my breath when a rough hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head up to face the ceiling. He was above me standing on the couch and deftly pointed his cock into my open and willing mouth for a jackhammer pounding straight down. This one was a bit rough, but I would be damned if I gave a hint of that.

Speaking of Jacks, the boys below had switched off and now the wondrous wand in my sloppy backdoor was driving up in fast strokes, blast off imminent. I was so in the zone with the one in my throat I hadn't noticed the fella from the front pop out and stand close to my face. I caught a flash and the throat fucker relented so I could suck another to completion. I hummed, "Mmm!" I tasted divine; that 'later cum' taste I always got after two or three in the tunnel of love. I was stroking, sucking and moaning around the head when I felt the flair. He grunted, again in German, and soon I was getting another salvo of semen!

It was just about then that Jack also pulled out and tossed me aside. I bounced on the couch and slid to the floor, the cum showers I had received flew about and drenched my tits and torso. Soon Jack was hammering my mouth while my tongue tried to take it on.

"Fuck, June! This is a dream!" he shouted as he tensed and triggered.

"A dream CUM true!" I said into a nearby handheld camera just as the next wave of wet wonder splattered about.

I took a moment to take it all in, literally and emotionally. This had been a great bang so far and the cum combo was delicious to scoop and lick. I did my trademark open-mouth gargle and spit up and then proved to another camera I had willingly swallowed all!

I had a moment to breathe as my five had given their all. I turned my attention to Kate and my expression I am sure was lust-filled pride and wonder as the camera zoomed in to capture it.

Wonder indeed. My lovely offspring was on a cock reverse cowgirl. Her face and front were equally painted, and she had two more cocks she was working with hands and mouth. With precision and skill, she would take one in and give it ten then slide back to the other for a repeat. Back and forth, back and forth, all the while being pounded from below. She was red-faced not from stress but the sheer energy output. Her lithe body, legs spread out and held open by the man below her, was being shaken and stirred by another toe- curler and she had no way to relax into it, just let it consume her. It was a vision of sexual surrender as well as triumph.

My girl! My amazing girl!

She held both mouth organs at a safe distance while she hollered out! "OOhhh fuuuuck! Yes, fuck my slutty pussy! Nnnggghhh!" Then back to the task in hand. "Mmmmpphh!" Just like that, she took the right cock back into her mouth, the orgasm still relentlessly hitting her.

I was being prodded by a fat stump as he had recovered and wanted another suck. I lovingly obliged, sitting on the edge of the couch, he, standing; my eyes focused on my baby girl and her stupendous sexual dynamism.

Kate was ready for her first finale. The man under her roughly and aggressively tossed her off onto the couch. Viking The Red was there to spin her about and show the camera her gaping and cream-pied ass. It looked incredible. Then he set about filling it once again. He would fuck twice, pull out to her moan of disappointment, then shove in and do two more. This went on six more times! Meanwhile, the guy who had been fucking her stood on the couch and held her hair tight while he face fucked her relentlessly. Her makeup was a slimy mess, her hair was matted and glazed, and her eyes were red and lusty. In other words, she looked like a star.

My own man in the mouth was ready, as I still knew what to do. With the camera near, he held my head back with a handful of hair and shot several jizz javelins in my open mouth. Three more went into my hair and the last two struggled to fire hard but left a good pool dribbling down my forehead into my eyes. I love feeling the weight of a hefty hard-on slapping my face. I had to laugh slightly at the depravity and having no idea how my own makeup looked, and I didn't give a fuck. I was actually ready to fire once more myself and was not surprised to find my own fingers were reaching behind me plunging in and out of my arsehole.

Killer Kate was now being jam fucked, and another bloke, a slightly round-bellied well hung black guy, was spanking her ass as Red pounded it relentlessly. She was spewing cum from her mumbling mouth as, "Erm, Erm, Erm...!" rhythmically grunted in her throat. Still on duty, the black man was being jacked by her right hand while her left frantically frigged her fruit in front.

"Like mother like daughter," the watch phrase of the morning. came to mind for anyone witnessing. Except I had both of my hands going in my two lower holes.

Red was ready and pulled out roughly just as Kate was hitting her peak. As my gorgeous, sexy, unparalleled daughter was being doused with another load all over her chest, her body was shaking in orgasm. Her open mouth and eyes were pointed at the ceiling and her body nearly fell over had the black guy not held her by the throat. The carotid cut-off I knew well and knowing how she must be feeling sent me over the top in commiseration.

As luck would have it, Lars was aware of the duality and ordered both cameras in front of us for the moment of synergy we both hoped would happen. For my part, it was on the top five orgasms of all time. It ripped through me from core to extremities, shook my rafters, and tossed me into a river of raging pleasure. I was seeing stars and rainbows and all sorts of visionary flashing. I was vaguely aware of a woman screaming in the distance, no two actually. My throat was wide open, and no amount of cock could have stopped me from singing out in praise.


I was coming around, pun intended, and was opening my nearly sealed-shut eyes. I became aware of my body pressed into a couch of some kind and a face near inches from mine saying something soft and caring.

"Mmm gggrr Oolgay?" I heard a rush of sound in my ears and finally focused on my Kate. She was holding my face in her hands and was smiling. Her skin looked like a white mirror glaze on a Bake Off cake. Her teeth shown bright and happy, and her beautiful eyes were alive and energized. "Mum, are you okay?"

I moaned and closed my eyes again in ecstasy at the flood of feeling cascaded to every used part of my body. "More than, Love. That was..." I opened my eyes again and she laughed.


"Yes. Nailed it." I smiled with motherly admiration. "If I wasn't proud before.

"No, I'm the one who's proud. You nailed it! You were freakin' brilliant!"

I was now keenly aware we were not alone as two cameras and nearly a dozen hard-bodied men were surrounding the couch set. I looked up and to a man they applauded. Kate and I caught the moment and as slut sisters now stood and took hands. The bow was silly and funny and made all present laugh.

"CUT!" Lars yelled over the din.

I took my Kate in an embrace, our naked cum covered bodies pressed into each other with deep affection beyond anything sexual. It was the best moment of my life since I gave birth to her. I pulled back and a string of man mixture hung between us. Luckily one of the handheld cameras was still rolling and caught the fantastic moment. We each slung it round a finger, breaking the rope, and we slurped in unison, ending with a cheek-to-cheek smile as the camera zoomed in.

Kate cleared her throat. "Almost lunch. I owe you after skiving off breakfast." I made a puzzled look and she asked, "What is it?"

"I was promised ten cocks. By my count, I only had five." I gestured to her couch set. "I believe you owe me a rematch. Lunch can wait."

Kate laughed and shook her head. She turned to Lars and shrugged; arms wide. He had a huge smile on his face. After all, this video was going to make him millions. "Reset, back to one, everybody!"

"I am going to kick your ass!" The brunette goddess boasted as she wiped off with a flannel from Marta.

"Not if its full of cock, you won't!" I was wiping off myself, and asked Marta for a mirror and some makeup. I had to touch up my face.

I had a reputation to uphold.


PART TWO: the ten-cock swap.

Written by Down4anything23
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