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Lust Island

"Two nineteen year-old students find the solitude of island life leads them to lust."

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Competition Entry: Back to Nature

“I think I can see land!” exclaimed Sarah, shielding her eyes from the sun.

“Aye, we’ll be ashore in half an oor,” confirmed the skipper, who had overheard the girl’s remark.

“I’m relieved it’s calm,” replied Molly. “I’m not a great sailor. It was my one concern, when I accepted the job.”

“Yeah, me too,” agreed Sarah. "It’s been alright. I didn’t need my sea legs.”

Sarah and Molly had been chosen from a batch of applicants to work as summer rangers on a remote Scottish island, monitoring the seal population. Sarah like Molly, was 19 and had opted to do the summer job as part of her gap year, while studying for a degree in environmental science.

A little while later, the two students threw their bags onto dry land, the little boat bobbing and bumping against the jetty wall. They were struggling to maintain their balance but were helped off the vessel by the strong but gentle hand of the warden, a man of around 35 with blue eyes, a short-cropped beard and tousled brown hair. 

Sarah surveyed the surroundings. Sea on one side and a rugged landscape on the other, consisting of grassy meadows dotted with the odd windswept tree and a hill to the south.

“Welcome to Ulig,” said the warden as the two girls found their footing on the quay. He looked at his notebook and addressed the girls again. “I’m Tom. So, Sarah and Molly, who’s who?”

I’m Sarah,” said Sarah.

“Which means I must be Molly,” joked the other girl.

Tom offered a hand to the girls and loaded their bags on to an open backed truck.  He made some idle conversation as they drove the short distance to their lodgings.

“You’ve brought some fine weather with you, it won’t be like this every day.”

“Do you get much rain?” asked Sarah.

“Not really. But once it does, it’s set in for the day and then passes. We have some wet weather gear in the drying room. They might not be very elegant, but they do the job. I’ll let you two drop your things off, and then I’ll give you a quick tour of the facilities.”

“Is it just us?” asked Molly, “Or is there another boat?”

“Nope, just you two. The boat only runs once a fortnight.”

The lodge was about a mile from the quay along a very rough road. They passed a few sheep on a large pasture and on the other side, dry heather and the odd rocky outcrop on a gentle slope to the sea.

“Here’s the lodge,” said Tom, pulling on the hand brake with an audible crank.

The girls stared at the converted croft that would be their home for five months. Tom gave them a tour of the accommodation, familiarising the girls with the kitchenette, laundry room and dining area.

“The Wi-Fi is quite good here. No one to share the bandwidth with. I keep enough beer in the fridge, unless you’re planning to get wasted.”

“Ah, you never know!” returned Molly.

“There’s a big freezer around the back, with more food. There is an air ambulance on Skye, in case of emergencies. I think that’s about it,” said Tom. “Oh, and don’t climb the cliffs.”

“Ummm…I think you can rely on us there!” said Sarah.

“Well, I’ll let you get settled in, and we can meet up outside in an hour, if that’s all right.”

Tom disappeared, leaving Sarah to look around her room, which was basic but functional. Apart from the essentials, there was desk with a laptop and a selection of books on birds and seals.

“Knock knock,” said Molly entering through Sarah’s open door.


“Just checking if you got a bigger room,” Molly said.

“Have I?”

“Nope, identical. He seems like a nice guy,” commented Molly.

“Tom, yes, I thought that, too,” agreed Sarah. “Where do you think he’s from?”


“His accent.”

“No idea. Ireland? I’m not good with British accents. He’s a boob man though.”

Sarah chuckled at Molly’s observation.

“You noticed. Well, we are rather well-blessed. Didn’t know where to look, bless him. Anyway, talking of accents, are you from Trinidad?”

Molly looked surprised. "Do I sound like a Trini?”

“Well, I kind of guessed the Caribbean, but not Jamaica.”

“Guess again.”

“Hmmm… I dunno. Barbados?”

“Nope. Guyana.”

“Oh, Guyana!  I would never have thought of that.”

“Yes, I was there till I was 11 and then moved to England. My Dad works for the Commonwealth Office. We moved when he got posted over here, but I have tons of relatives there.”

“I always thought Guyana was Native American.”

“A lot of people do. We’re a bit of a mixture of Black, Native American and Asian.”

“That’s really cool. I don’t know where my genes are from.”

“With that much blonde? Viking.”

“Ah, probably.”

The girls chatted amiably for a while and then Molly left Sarah to unpack.

Sarah had packed a short skirt and a couple of skimpy panties. Although now, that seemed like wishful thinking. There was no night life on the island. No pub. No shops. Just the field station and its basic supply of food and drink. At least there was beer. What would she have done without beer!

She had figured that one of the summer rangers might be a fit guy of her age. As it was, having Molly as her co-Ranger was kind of a relief. Being the only female would have been a bit weird. At least she could have girly chats and cosy evenings over a couple of drinks.

A while later she sat on the steps of the field station as birds were squawking over-head, carrying beaks-full of shiny fish. Presently she was joined by Molly and then Tom.

“Right then,” said the warden. “I’ll show you the main colony, where we have just over four hundred pairs of harbour seals.”  

Tom took them along an uneven path, which zig zagged down to the coast, where the boulders were either covered in slimy seaweed or encrusted with limpets.

Tom talked them through their duties in more detail, the girls listening intently. Sarah already knew that the Ranger’s job was no picnic. But it would give her a massive advantage when she did her degree and would help towards her future job prospects in conservation.

Life on the island continued in a similar vain for the next few weeks. They kept scrupulous notes and took loads of photos, following the instructions they had been given. There were days, like the day they arrived when life was good. At other times, like when it rained all day, with the wind in her face, it was not so much fun.

The evenings were maybe the hardest time for Sarah. It had its moments. On clear nights, she could still read at 11 o’clock, and the gulf stream meant it remained tolerably warm. Sometimes, she and Molly would sit outside drinking until the early hours. They would watch the sun set and then rise again before they went to bed. Sometimes Tom would join them, but he was normally up with the lark – literally, as he did the daily bird count.

Saturday evenings were a little more relaxed all round, as Sundays were a day off. That meant a lie in. In effect, they had the option of doing absolutely nothing, although Sarah found the potential lassitude less of a draw then it might be and normally ended up going for a walk, taking snaps with her camera.

On one Saturday evening, Sarah and Molly were exchanging stories from back home, over a bottle of wine. They were already in their pyjamas and were joined by Tom, who had changed into a vest and shorts. The warden was always friendly and could be quite amusing, but he had a distinct air of professionalism and didn’t seem to be able to switch off from his work.

“Some wine?” offered Molly, as he sat down.

“Sounds good,” he said.

Tom always wore his green combats and a shirt, and this was the first time that Sarah had seen his legs, or his arms below the elbow. His legs were hairy, but not excessively so. Sarah noticed that Molly too was checking him out, gazing over his rather well-defined biceps and triceps.

“I saw an otter today,” said Molly.

“Oh bugger, where?” said Sarah. I’d love to see one.”

“It was just sitting on the slope by the jetty.”

“There’s normally a few by the southern point,” said Tom, his blue eyes gaining Sarah’s attention.

“Well, that’s my Sunday planned!" Exclaimed Sarah.

“Take your camera,” said Tom. “If you sit down quietly, they come quite close.”


“So, that must be your first two months under your belt, isn’t it?” observed Tom.

“I guess it is,” agreed Molly.

Sarah nodded and then saw an opportunity to test the water a little, in attempting to scratch an itch.

“How long have you been on the island?” she asked.

“This is my second season. I do March to October. I’m contracted to do next year, and then I’ll see what comes up.”

“So, you’re alone for three months?” added Sarah.

“That’s right – and at the bleakest time of the year.”

“Don’t you get lonely – or are you always skyping your girlfriend?”

“You’re joking. What girl’s going to tolerate me being on here for eight months a year.”

“Ooh, that’s rough. I guess you let your hair down in the winter?”

Sarah’s remark drew a little rebuke from Molly.

“Well, someone’s a nosey parker!”

“It’s all right,” said Tom, kindly. "It’s a perfectly reasonable observation.  And yes, I have my moments.”

‘I bet you do,’ thought Sarah, feeling decidedly flushed at the confirmation that Tom was single.

While she and Molly had grown quite close during their time on the island, they had not got as far as exchanging any intimate stuff. However, while Tom had nipped into the kitchen, Sarah opened up.

“He’s quite fit isn’t he.”

“Sarah, you devil!”

“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”

“I might have.”

“I thought so.”

“This enforced celibacy – it’s harder than I thought it would be.”

“Well, you know what you were signing up for.”

“Yeah, I did, but now, two months in. I’m gagging for it.”

Molly giggled into her wine glass.

“Me too!”

There was a pause, as Sarah processed Molly’s reply.

“So, what we gonna do?”

“Well, I can lend you my vibrator, if you promise to wash it.”

“No, Molly. Be serious!  I at least had the presence of mind to pack a toy. But it’s not the same.”

“Well what then?”

Sarah looked round, gesturing sarcastically.

“Well, there’s not many options are there?”

“Oh… I thought you meant you wanted to bail. I mean, nympho or what! You mean Tom?”

“Yes Tom.”

“No. It will make things weird. It won’t work.”

“Well, I’m not halfway yet and I need some cock.”

Molly half choked on her wine, from the Sarah’s candid honesty.

“Ha Sarah. Maybe a good night’s sleep, get your otters and you’ll see things in a new light.”

“You must have more self-control than me, Molly.  I’ll give it a go.”


Another week passed, and the routine of her job kept Sarah on the straight and narrow. Towards the end of the week, a heat wave set in and she swapped shirt and jeans for sleeveless top and shorts. The Saturday was really hot, and Sarah returned after a day in the field, as Molly was applying some after sun lotion to her skin, which had turned from milky coffee to light mocha. Sarah had been careful with a very high screen factor; being blonde. She had assumed a healthy tan but felt envious of Molly’s beautiful skin tone.

Sarah did a bad job of disguising her admiration of Tom’s physique as he chopped some wood. This made Molly giggle and Tom looked up, aware of some private joke, but not certain if it was at his expense or not.

Sarah returned presently, with three bottles, passing one to Tom and Molly. The warden sighed, savouring the ice-cold glass against his brow and downed half the bottle in a single draught.

“Whoo! I needed that.”

“Hmmm…nothing like sating an urgent thirst, is there?” said Sarah, with a tone that was steeped in innuendo.

Molly giggled again, but Tom didn’t react, or at least didn’t show it. He put his empty bottle on a pile of wood and collected an armful of logs that he had chopped.

“Right, I’m going to get this barbecue going.”

“Is there anything we can do?” asked Sarah.

“No, it’s all good. I’ll give you girls a shout when it’s ready. Feel free to chill round here or whatever.”

“Ha! Fat chance of chilling’ in this heat,” joked Molly, drawing a broad smile from Tom.

“I’m going to take a shower, Molly. Are you going to join me?” said Sarah. Her tone was a little suggestive, and it had the desired effect, as Tom looked from one girl to the another, a log spilling on to the floor.

“I might just do that,” said Molly, running a hand through her long black hair.

Molly joined Sarah in the porch, leaving Tom’s mind to go wherever it may.

“You’re a tease!” chided Molly, once they were inside.

“Just seeing how the land lies.”

“Is that what you call it!”

“Yes, but look at him. If only he could fuck me once a week, I could get by.”

“Sarah! You’re awful.”

“Well, I have a strong sex drive.”

“Maybe you should have considered that before spending five months on an island.”

“Well, I didn’t think it through.  But it’s nice here and relaxing and everything. I’m not complaining.”

“But you just need a good ploughing?”

The two students laughed as they walked into the shower block and stripped off their clothes.

“I need a prune!” said Sarah, pointing to her pubes.

“I always maintain a nice landing strip,” returned Molly. "Being fully shaved doesn’t look right.”

“Yes, it’s nice. Anyway, would you, you know – with Tom?”

“In the right circumstances.”

“What does that mean?”

Molly turned on the shower and picked up the soap.

“I mean, if everything was right.”

“No, still too vague. Aren’t you just a little bit horny, Molly?”

“Hell yes! I just think now would be messy.”

“Maybe. But just at first. And it would maybe be a bit awkward for a bit, but we’d get used to it.”

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“You’ve got it all planned out, you minx.”

“Not really. You have amazing boobs, Molly. Can I feel them?”

“Ummm… yeah, be my guest,” said Molly, with a giggle.

Sarah stood behind Molly and weighed the honey-brown girl’s tits in her hands.

“I just love your nipples.”

“Thank you. Can I return the favour?”

“Help yourself.”

Molly took the soap and made a thick lather between her hands and rubbed the foam all over Sarah’s voluptuous, up-tilted breasts.

“Ooh that’s nice.”

Molly put her hands around Sarah’s waist and slid them down over the blonde’s firm buttocks.

“I think we’d actually kill him,” said Molly, giving Sarah’s bum a squeeze.

“Wouldn’t we just…”

Sarah looked into Molly’s eyes and for just a fleeting few seconds, when their bodies touched, the girls kissed. Just as quickly they broke the clinch.

“Sarah. I don’t know what happened there…I must be hornier than I thought.”

“It’s fine. It was nice. Is that the first time you’ve ever kissed another girl?”

“Yeah, like… ever!”

“Awww… I’m your first girl kiss. That’s nice.”

“I’m not you know…”

“Into girls?  What if you are? Or not, it doesn’t matter.”

“I know, but…”


“I really liked that.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment then,” said Sarah, turning the shower button to off.

“I’m horny Sarah… shit, okay I want a cock!  There, I said it.”

Sarah laughed.

“At last! So, what we gonna do?”

“Make ourselves irresistible and just take the initiative.”

“And would you kiss me again?”

“And more. I’m so randy now, Sarah.”


The girls dabbed themselves dry, although it was hardly worth it, as it was particularly humid. After a while they re-entered the garden and their olfactory senses were met with the delicious aroma of sizzling sausages.

Tom was busy turning over the bangers and pieces of steak with a pronged fork. Sarah handed him another beer and she and Molly sat on a couple of fold out chairs.

“Smells amazing!” said Molly.

“Yeah, I’m famished,” agreed Sarah.

“Won’t be long,” said Tom. "I have a rare one, if you like ‘em like that.”

“Ooh no. Medium for me,” confirmed Sarah.

“Yeah medium is good,” said Molly.

“Medium it is! Sorry if the sausages are a bit well done. I put them on early cos they’re thick ones. I think it’s the heat.”

“I don’t mind a nice thick sausage,” said Sarah with as much double entendre as she could muster.

Molly almost choked on her beer as she yelped, mid swig.

Tom looked across at the girls, who were lounging about in a very relaxed fashion, now just in vest and shorts, and were nicely merry.

“Okay, here you go!” Tom dragged a large wooden box on to the patio, as a make-shift table and served up the meal. He took a bag of bread rolls from a small hamper and shared them out.

Molly and Sarah tucked into the food, as Tom pulled up a chair. The girls made complimentary comments about Tom’s barbecue skills.

“The least I can do. The bangers are okay?”

“Hmmm…perfect,” said Molly, a little fat oozing on to her chin as she bit into one.

“Yaaah, properly yummy,” agreed Sarah. “You really have multiple skills Tom.

“Well, you know. A jack of all trades.”

“No, you keep this place going; recording the wildlife; cooking. You do great, Sarah added.”

“Yes, you do a first-class job,” agreed Molly.

“I don’t know what to say girls, I do my best. But we all muck in. I like to think we’re a team.”

“Oh yeah, no, definitely,” concurred Sarah.

“Maybe, you need to let us look after you a bit,” suggested Molly.

Sarah looked at Molly and nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, Molly is so right, Tom. We should take care of you. You deserve to relax.”

“When you say take care of me?”

Sarah looked for Molly for help.

“I think what Sarah is trying to say, Tom, is being a team, we should maybe have a night when things are a little more informal.”

Sarah looked at Molly, and the two spoke sotto voce.


“Well I don’t know.”

“Have you two had too much beer?” asked Tom, smiling.

“Ah ha, no.  Absolutely not,” said Sarah.

“No, I’m fine too,” agreed Molly.

“Just so I’m getting this right. And I apologise in advance,” said Tom. “This taking care of me thing. You mean like… in the bedroom?”

The girls looked at each other, surprised at Tom’s sudden frankness.

“That’s what we were thinking, yes”, said Sarah. “Are you shocked?”

“But you’re kind of in my care.”

“Fuck that! We’re nineteen,” added Molly. "It’s okay.”

Sarah smiled, amused by Molly’s uncharacteristic directness.

“You’re in your peak of condition, Tom,” observed Molly.

“Yes, you’re properly fit,” agreed Sarah. "More so than guys our age. They don’t have a clue.”

Tom drained his bottle as the girls stood up.

“It’s still warm,” observed Sarah.

“Shall we go inside?” said Molly

“Sure, it’s a good idea,” agreed Sarah.

The girls stood up together and Sarah whispered into Molly’s ear, as Tom poked the dying embers of the barbecue.

“Leave that,” said Sarah, tugging Tom by the wrist.




Molly took Tom’s right hand and the girls marched him into the house.

Sarah had dragged a spare duvet from her room and had laid it onto the floor in the living space.  A few candles had been lit and placed around the window ledges, creating a soft glow in the room. There was a frisson excitement, as Tom surveyed the makeshift bed and realised that this was no prank, but that the girls meant business.

“Well, you’ve had this all planned out,” said Tom, in an effort to retain a semblance of responsibility.

“Inspired more than planned,” replied Sarah as she fiddled with the hem of her vest.

“Have you ever had two girls before?” asked Molly, pinging open the stud on her shorts.

Tom shook his head, both in answer to Molly’s question and in recognition of his surrender to the situation.

“No. I never did.”

Molly smiled, her boobs bouncing even in her bra, as she pulled off her vest. Sarah pulled off her own top and then set about undoing the button on Tom’s shorts. Now carried away with the momentum of the girls’ seductive behaviour, Tom allowed his hands to wander.

“Undoing two bras at the same time, is harder than it looks,” he said, trying to remain calm amid his companion’s libertine antics.

“The same can’t be said for this one,” giggled Sarah, gliding her fingers over his cock, which was throbbing inside his trunks.

After a few moments of fumbling, Tom managed to undo the catches and the girls’ breasts were revealed in all their wonder.

“Blimey!” was all Tom could utter.

His cock was now bursting through the fabric of his undies, as Sarah and Molly wriggled out of their shorts. Tom was in awe of the girls’ breasts and pawed at them, caressing them, playing with the nipples, while both girls groped his cock. Sarah dragged the back of her fingers along the thick ridge of his penis, which was like a thick pipe inside his trunks.

They released the pressure on his pants, drawing down his underwear in a single movement, causing Tom’s cock to spring up like it was on a coil. It was now the girls’ turn to be in awe, as they savoured the moment that his beautiful member was revealed.

Sarah fell to her knees and looked up at Tom, as she placed the palms of her hands on Molly’s hips. Rolling Molly’s panties down, she revealed the little square of black pubic hair and then her gorgeous fleshy lips. Molly returned the favour, divesting Sarah of her panties.

Edging towards the duvet, Molly took Tom’s cock and wanked him gently as she exchanged a French kiss with Sarah.

Tom’s cock twitched as he watched the girls kiss and fondle each other, running their hands between each other’s legs. After their clumsy kiss in the shower, they had become uninhibited after the alcohol and their desire to exploit the situation.

“Wow! You two should carry a health warning!” exclaimed Tom.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself just how hot and wet we are?!” returned Sarah.

Tom ran his hand through Sarah’s hair and with the other hand dabbled his fingers against her pussy. He had applied barely any pressure and his fingers were swallowed by her wetness, his tentative exploration becoming deeper as her juicy pussy surrounded his digits. Still delving his fingers in the blonde, he turned to Molly and kissed her deeply and at the same time found her wet pudenda. Breaking the circle for a second, they knelt on the duvet, before resuming their position, as Tom continued to caress every inch of their bodies.  Sarah and Molly were getting hotter and hornier and Sarah nodded to the caramel-skinned girl; Molly intuitively reading Sarah’s signal. Sarah pushed Tom back onto the duvet and ran two fingers across her pussy lips, while Molly bent down and smothered his face with her boobs. Tom moaned as the soft flesh of Molly’s breasts pillowed his face, her nipples brushing his lips.

Tom’s cock was a perfect specimen of manhood, the fat bell-end a healthy shade of pink, atop a thick veiny shaft that was all of eight inches.

Sarah and Molly licked their lips.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” said Molly.

“Be a shame not to,” said Sarah.

The girls knelt above Tom’s cock and kissed, as they both stroked his dick. Gradually, they eased down across the duvet until they were prostrate on their tummies. The girls’ lips met again, but this time Tom’s cock was sandwiched between their mouths. Tom put a hand across his eyes and groaned as the girls drooled over his glans as they sucked him. Just by having his throbbing cock in their mouths was making both girls even more hungry for sex.

Sarah and Molly took turns to suck their man, drawing grunts of pleasure with each stroke of their mouths. Sarah tickled his balls with her tongue as Molly sucked the mushroom head. Then Sarah took him into her mouth again, while Molly gently wanked his shaft. Every deft touch of fingers, lips and tongue was making Tom groan louder.

Relenting temporarily, they broke the oral embrace leant back on their heels. Tom looked up at them expectantly, as they manoeuvred themselves to each end of his body. Sarah jiggled her breasts around Tom’s face, while Molly kneaded his now walnut tight scrotum. Tom sighed as he sucked on Sarah’s firm ripe nipples.

“Who’s first?” asked Molly.

Sarah looked up and puckered her lips in thought.

“Hmmm… rock, paper, scissors?” suggested Sarah, as Tom watched incredulously.

“I guess…” agreed Molly.

The girls made a fist and one two three… Sarah made paper to Molly’s rock.

“Darn it! Okay, you go first,” conceded Molly.

Sarah spread her pussy lips and straddled herself over Tom’s cock, taking his stiff wand with one hand and rolling the tip around her moist opening. She gasped, as his hardness slowly penetrated her pussy and she eased herself onto his dick. As Sarah was beginning to use Tom for her own pleasure, Molly shuffled forward a couple of inches and squatted over his face, intent on putting his tongue to good use.

The girls linked fingers, which gave Sarah a perfect way of steadying herself as she fucked Tom, cowgirl. Weeks of pent up frustration, relying on her dildo were being released as she thrust with her hips - her soaking, achingly wet pussy at last receiving the service she desired. Being fucked and watching Molly ride Tom’s face was such a turn on and the torridly steamy threesome was making her pant.

Molly rubbed her clit, as she felt the first gentle waves of pleasure begin to build, with Tom’s tongue driving into her sex.

“Oh fuck, yes!" Moaned Sarah, as Tom’s rock-hard phallus ploughed her vagina.

“Hmmm… save some for me, girl,” sighed Molly, as she wriggled on Tom face, her swollen lips kissing his mouth and her juices leaking onto his chin.

Sarah leant back, resting her hands on Tom’s muscular thighs and rolled her stomach like a belly dancer, at the same time splaying her legs. Her body developed a rhythm of its own as her gyrating movements took Tom’s cock deeper, until she was planting her bum against his balls. Her stomach rippled with pleasure as her body moved in time with Tom’s thrusts. She leaned towards Molly and the girls put their arms over each other’s shoulders and kissed each other passionately as they drew muffled groans of ecstasy from the warden.

As Molly moaned into her hand, her body trembled as a spasm of orgasm made her whine with pleasure. At the same time, Sarah threw her hair back and bounced up and down on Tom’s cock enjoying sensational sexual delight from every inch of his cock.

The girls were lost in the heat of their embrace, their eyes closed, kissing, as their pussies were being pleasured by prick and tongue. Sarah’s orgasm built gradually and then as her rocking and grinding pulled his cock deeper into her pussy, she gave in to her body’s demands and pressed her mouth into Molly’s neck as waves of orgasm began to flow through her body.  

Allowing herself to savour the sensational throbbing of her orgasm, Sarah eased herself off Tom, his erect cock now streaked with her girl cum. Molly turned round and bent over, holding onto a chair for support as she prepared for the pounding that she craved. Tom guided his cock into Molly’s pussy, as he gripped her hips. Molly’s ass cheeks quivered as Tom drove home, and the Caribbean girl whimpered into her fingers from the sheer intensity of his fucking, which was hitting the spot.

Sarah squeezed Tom’s buttocks, which were chiselled and tense and she ran her hands inside his legs, stroking his sack between each thrust. Tom’s mop of hair was wet at the ends as beads of perspiration ran down his forehead, the heat of the evening holding its warmth in the house. He was soon ball deep, the ‘fwap fwap’ of his balls louder than ever.

Tom held Molly by the waist at first and then bounced her tits in his hands as he drilled her pussy, his urgent fervid groans of elation telling of his imminent climax.  Molly squealed with delight as Tom wrapped hanks of her black hair in his hand and with a final thrust, he pulled out as a splash of semen splattered her bum. Sarah looked on with lust, as his cock erupted with cum, thick ropes of his cream coating Molly’s tanned skin.

Tom staggered from a little post orgasmic dizziness, Sarah steadying him with a helping hand.

Molly stood up and examined the spunk, which was all over her bum, working it between her fingers.

“Well, Tom.  A bit of a stud on the quiet!” complimented Sarah.

“Hmmm…this can’t be a one off,” agreed Molly.

Tom mopped his brow and looked from girl to girl.

“I guess we can fit something in the diary for a Saturday night.”

“Or whenever the moment grabs us,” corrected Sarah.

Tom smiled, his cock still quite hard.

“Okay, well I guess, in that respect, you two make the rules.”







Written by DanielleX
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