Lucy hummed softly to herself, as she turned off the shower and reached for the towel. After rubbing her hair vigorously and sawing the towel across her back; she started the more delicate job of firstly stroking her arms dry, then lifting each breast in turn and wiping away the beads of moisture. The fact that her nipples where still so responsive made her smile as her hand lead the towel to the top of her mound and the puffy lips beyond. She already knew that the rosebud of her bottom was still sore, but oh so very happy.
Lucy had been seeing Richard for about six months, meeting through a group of mutual friends, their relationship had developed slowly. From sweet, delicate love making after about four weeks, to the no holds barred sexual adventure they were on now.
Finishing off drying her legs, Lucy mused that it was good to have a regular partner; and as she walked back into the bedroom the object of that relationship was laid out on the bed. He was lying prone, and in a delightful heap of limbs and bedding. Leaning over she delicately dropped a kiss on each cheek of his bottom and stroked her index finger along his crease.
Sliding the second of her thigh highs onto her leg she felt his warmth on her back, as one hand came around and cupped her mound and the other gently thrummed on a nipple. Tilting her head to the side she sighed, as the mixture of kisses and licks on her neck started that pulling sensation deep in her belly.
“Sorry sweetie, I have to go...” the voice of regret obvious in her throat. “Lots of meetings, I need to sort out a surveyor, and I’m meeting the bank later.”
She turned to look at him, and running her hands through his hair she added, “I’d ask you to dinner at mine tonight, but I know you have that dinner in town. It’s the last viewing at the property tomorrow, before the auction on Tuesday; I can’t believe I forgot about the surveyor!” She added as the tumble of thoughts flowed from her.
Richard stood back, letting her finish her dressing. “I might be able to help you with that. Can you give me until about 10.00 o‘clock? I have an old friend from uni, he might be able to help.”
Dropping her bag on the floor, Lucy walked into his arms, reached up on her tip toes and gave him the kind of kiss that can melt stone.
“Oh really, I knew there was a reason why I loved you!” She whispered as she planted a kiss on his nose, and turned, picked up her bag and ran before to many questions could be asked about the “L” word.
Her morning was taken up with the whirl of trying to get the project of the Victorian conversion ready to go. Assuming of course, she mused, that it didn’t reach silly money at the Auction on the Tuesday. So it was about 11.30 that morning before Lucy had the luxury of sitting in a street cafe, sipping an espresso and watching the world go by. Thoughts and memories of the night before with Richard were giving her a warm glow, and the memory brought the return of that pull. Sex with Richard was special, very special, just her mix of fun, adventure and pure lust.
Thinking of him she pulled her phone from her bag. They had got into the playful habit of sending flirty texts during the day, and she was hoping that something special was waiting for her. Sadly, not the flirty text she had been hoping for, but a very ‘business like’ one instead. “Mark, my friend from uni will survey. 10.00 at the project. Text the postcode.” Well, Lucy thought to herself, he must be having a busy day as well, and then quickly fired off the reply.
So, at 10 the following morning Lucy stood in the derelict garden of the large Victorian villa, she was hoping to buy. Making polite conversation with the estate agent and watching the Saturday morning traffic on the road; watching for that familiar car to sweep around the corner. Having some detail on the facade pointed out to her, she turned away from the road, just as the familiar sports car turned in, and there in the car sat the two heart stoppingly, gorgeous men. They looked so different from each other, and yet so totally complimentary.
Next to her familiar tall, slender, distinguishingly grey haired partner; was his friend, looking similarly built but with the most dazzling smile, and with the most edible milky coffee coloured skin. As they leaped out of the car, Lucy preyed that he was happily married, or else she was in real trouble. The introductions passed in a blur, but the easy way the men had around each other smoothed all of Lucy’s tensions away.
For the next couple of hours, every nook and cranny was inspected, cellar to attic and gutters to drains. Notes were taken and friendship was forged, so it was just after noon when they shook hands and waved good bye to the estate agent as she wrapped up the open house viewing. Dusting off her hands, Lucy stood between her two heroes; both over 6 feet in height and towering over her 5 feet 5 inches, then she threaded her arms through theirs and said
“Lunch on me, know any good local pubs?”
Richard released his arm from hers and wrapped it around her shoulders, dropped a kiss on the top of her head and said “Follow me young lady – I know the perfect place.”
Ten minutes saw them at a country pub on the outskirts of town, not far from Richard’s house.
Walking into dim and homely interior Lucy said “I have to go and wash my hands, could you see if we can start a tab, oh and I’ll have a diet coke.” Then as she walked away, she called over her shoulder “After all, not all of us can walk home from here.”
When she returned the men were sat across from each other, each nursing a pint of beer, laughing and obviously at ease with each other. Richard pointed to the glass of chilled white wine waiting for her on his side of the table.
“Wine? – You two seem happy,” she said
Richards arm came around her shoulder again, as he pulled her to him and whispered into her hair.
“I thought we could go home to mine, I haven’t changed the sheets yet and I thought we could get them really dirty first!” His darkest sexiest voice sending shivers down her spine, and a flush to her cheeks.
She looked at him, puzzled; this was Richard behaving in a protective way, most unlike his usual self. As if he was staking his claim in front of his friend.
“Have you picked from the menu yet? I think I’ll have the chicken Caesar salad.” Then looking up from the menu she added, “So, what were you two laughing at?”
Mark stood and said “I’ll go and order... I let Rich tell you that one!”
Richard turned looked directly into her eyes and said. “Just reliving memories and experiences from Uni...” Then he dropped his head to watch his thumb running over the knuckles of her hand. “Just some shared memories and experiences.”
“Oh yes,” taking a nervous sip of her wine, “Any of these experiences and memories, you’d like to share?”
“We were young and horny, we were kids playing with new toys; it’s in the past.” As his hand lifted hers to his mouth, and gently kissed the back of it.
Lucy looked as she gently set the glass back on the table, her thoughts were in total confusion, was this just men reminiscing over the women they had fucked at university, or was there something deeper. Richard’s reaction was far too coy for just reliving drunken nights at the bar, and Mark had run to order their lunch like a scalded cat; and why did her thoughts keep coming back to the word “shared”. It was as if he had managed to read her mind, and see her most forbidden fantasy, the thought being shared. A silent ten seconds brought Mark back to the table.
“Three salads ordered, should be about ten minutes... you two are very quiet – problem?” he asked.
“No, not at all... Richard has been telling me about the women you shared at uni. Sounds like fun.” And lifting her glass to her lips offered a silent prayer that she was right.
Richards head spun around to look at her, open mouthed and Mark visibly darkened, “Oh he did, did he...”
“LUCY! No Mark I didn’t – this one just took a flyer...”
But before he could say any more, Lucy flattened her hands on the table and said “Boys! Boys it’s okay,” and with a giggle she added “it sounds like fun. I do hope you didn’t leave them unhappy”
“Them,” Mark gasped, “What’s he been saying...? It was only once. And we didn’t take her at the same time, ‘cos she wouldn’t do anal!”
Richards head sank into his hands and he started laughing. “Oh Lucy, you witch.”
“So,” the witch in question asked “Did you stand in line or was she spit roasted?” At this point to reassure them both she took the hand of each. “It’s alright, really – it is. She was a lucky girl, wish it had been me.”
At this point a young waitress arrived and started to set the table and bring their food, and some sort of normality resumed between them. Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy spotted Mark and Richard exchanging silent messages, and she inwardly smiled to herself. That would give them something to think about. Then about half way through their food Richard put down his fork and said.
“Spit roasted – in turn. I can’t even remember her name.”
Mark grinned and said, “Happy Days.”
Lucy toyed with a piece of chicken; and as she spearing it onto the prongs she said “Fancy doing it again?”
She knew this was a dangerous game, she could have just signalled the end of her relationship with Richard, but it was a fantasy of hers. Not only might this be her only opportunity, but she trusted these guys, and that was rare. So as time stood still, and her heart pounded, the two men looked at each other, and then Richard said.
“Thought you’d never offer,” As he swung her around and laid her across his lap “Are you sure baby?.” A loving, concerned look in his eyes.
Lucy just nodded, and sitting up said to him “I think we need more drinks, I’ll have another wine, you two are on Coca-Cola ... We don’t want any drop off in performance do we.”
Mark just sat there with a heart stopping smile on his face.
“Come on Lucy,” Richard said to his closed bathroom door. “How long does it take to pee? And, I’m getting fed up with looking at Mark’s cock.” Nodding an aside to Mark he said in a whisper “That should do it.”
A throaty giggle was heard through the closed door. Then a flush, then after what seemed an age the tap. As the door opened Lucy said
“It was never locked you could have walked in at any time.” Noting with immense pleasure, just how far their jaws dropped when she walked passed them.
Lucy’s hadn’t wasted her time in the bathroom and was now wearing a black lace basque, undercut so that her generous breasts were exposed, hook fasteners down the front and a delicate lace trim around the lower edge. The matching “G” string left nothing to the imagination and the outfit was completed with three inch black stilettos. Walking passed them she turned to face the two naked men and waving her finger at her host she said.
Lucy had been seeing Richard for about six months, meeting through a group of mutual friends, their relationship had developed slowly. From sweet, delicate love making after about four weeks, to the no holds barred sexual adventure they were on now.
Finishing off drying her legs, Lucy mused that it was good to have a regular partner; and as she walked back into the bedroom the object of that relationship was laid out on the bed. He was lying prone, and in a delightful heap of limbs and bedding. Leaning over she delicately dropped a kiss on each cheek of his bottom and stroked her index finger along his crease.
Sliding the second of her thigh highs onto her leg she felt his warmth on her back, as one hand came around and cupped her mound and the other gently thrummed on a nipple. Tilting her head to the side she sighed, as the mixture of kisses and licks on her neck started that pulling sensation deep in her belly.
“Sorry sweetie, I have to go...” the voice of regret obvious in her throat. “Lots of meetings, I need to sort out a surveyor, and I’m meeting the bank later.”
She turned to look at him, and running her hands through his hair she added, “I’d ask you to dinner at mine tonight, but I know you have that dinner in town. It’s the last viewing at the property tomorrow, before the auction on Tuesday; I can’t believe I forgot about the surveyor!” She added as the tumble of thoughts flowed from her.
Richard stood back, letting her finish her dressing. “I might be able to help you with that. Can you give me until about 10.00 o‘clock? I have an old friend from uni, he might be able to help.”
Dropping her bag on the floor, Lucy walked into his arms, reached up on her tip toes and gave him the kind of kiss that can melt stone.
“Oh really, I knew there was a reason why I loved you!” She whispered as she planted a kiss on his nose, and turned, picked up her bag and ran before to many questions could be asked about the “L” word.
Her morning was taken up with the whirl of trying to get the project of the Victorian conversion ready to go. Assuming of course, she mused, that it didn’t reach silly money at the Auction on the Tuesday. So it was about 11.30 that morning before Lucy had the luxury of sitting in a street cafe, sipping an espresso and watching the world go by. Thoughts and memories of the night before with Richard were giving her a warm glow, and the memory brought the return of that pull. Sex with Richard was special, very special, just her mix of fun, adventure and pure lust.
Thinking of him she pulled her phone from her bag. They had got into the playful habit of sending flirty texts during the day, and she was hoping that something special was waiting for her. Sadly, not the flirty text she had been hoping for, but a very ‘business like’ one instead. “Mark, my friend from uni will survey. 10.00 at the project. Text the postcode.” Well, Lucy thought to herself, he must be having a busy day as well, and then quickly fired off the reply.
So, at 10 the following morning Lucy stood in the derelict garden of the large Victorian villa, she was hoping to buy. Making polite conversation with the estate agent and watching the Saturday morning traffic on the road; watching for that familiar car to sweep around the corner. Having some detail on the facade pointed out to her, she turned away from the road, just as the familiar sports car turned in, and there in the car sat the two heart stoppingly, gorgeous men. They looked so different from each other, and yet so totally complimentary.
Next to her familiar tall, slender, distinguishingly grey haired partner; was his friend, looking similarly built but with the most dazzling smile, and with the most edible milky coffee coloured skin. As they leaped out of the car, Lucy preyed that he was happily married, or else she was in real trouble. The introductions passed in a blur, but the easy way the men had around each other smoothed all of Lucy’s tensions away.
For the next couple of hours, every nook and cranny was inspected, cellar to attic and gutters to drains. Notes were taken and friendship was forged, so it was just after noon when they shook hands and waved good bye to the estate agent as she wrapped up the open house viewing. Dusting off her hands, Lucy stood between her two heroes; both over 6 feet in height and towering over her 5 feet 5 inches, then she threaded her arms through theirs and said
“Lunch on me, know any good local pubs?”
Richard released his arm from hers and wrapped it around her shoulders, dropped a kiss on the top of her head and said “Follow me young lady – I know the perfect place.”
Ten minutes saw them at a country pub on the outskirts of town, not far from Richard’s house.
Walking into dim and homely interior Lucy said “I have to go and wash my hands, could you see if we can start a tab, oh and I’ll have a diet coke.” Then as she walked away, she called over her shoulder “After all, not all of us can walk home from here.”
When she returned the men were sat across from each other, each nursing a pint of beer, laughing and obviously at ease with each other. Richard pointed to the glass of chilled white wine waiting for her on his side of the table.
“Wine? – You two seem happy,” she said
Richards arm came around her shoulder again, as he pulled her to him and whispered into her hair.
“I thought we could go home to mine, I haven’t changed the sheets yet and I thought we could get them really dirty first!” His darkest sexiest voice sending shivers down her spine, and a flush to her cheeks.
She looked at him, puzzled; this was Richard behaving in a protective way, most unlike his usual self. As if he was staking his claim in front of his friend.
“Have you picked from the menu yet? I think I’ll have the chicken Caesar salad.” Then looking up from the menu she added, “So, what were you two laughing at?”
Mark stood and said “I’ll go and order... I let Rich tell you that one!”
Richard turned looked directly into her eyes and said. “Just reliving memories and experiences from Uni...” Then he dropped his head to watch his thumb running over the knuckles of her hand. “Just some shared memories and experiences.”
“Oh yes,” taking a nervous sip of her wine, “Any of these experiences and memories, you’d like to share?”
“We were young and horny, we were kids playing with new toys; it’s in the past.” As his hand lifted hers to his mouth, and gently kissed the back of it.
Lucy looked as she gently set the glass back on the table, her thoughts were in total confusion, was this just men reminiscing over the women they had fucked at university, or was there something deeper. Richard’s reaction was far too coy for just reliving drunken nights at the bar, and Mark had run to order their lunch like a scalded cat; and why did her thoughts keep coming back to the word “shared”. It was as if he had managed to read her mind, and see her most forbidden fantasy, the thought being shared. A silent ten seconds brought Mark back to the table.
“Three salads ordered, should be about ten minutes... you two are very quiet – problem?” he asked.
“No, not at all... Richard has been telling me about the women you shared at uni. Sounds like fun.” And lifting her glass to her lips offered a silent prayer that she was right.
Richards head spun around to look at her, open mouthed and Mark visibly darkened, “Oh he did, did he...”
“LUCY! No Mark I didn’t – this one just took a flyer...”
But before he could say any more, Lucy flattened her hands on the table and said “Boys! Boys it’s okay,” and with a giggle she added “it sounds like fun. I do hope you didn’t leave them unhappy”
“Them,” Mark gasped, “What’s he been saying...? It was only once. And we didn’t take her at the same time, ‘cos she wouldn’t do anal!”
Richards head sank into his hands and he started laughing. “Oh Lucy, you witch.”
“So,” the witch in question asked “Did you stand in line or was she spit roasted?” At this point to reassure them both she took the hand of each. “It’s alright, really – it is. She was a lucky girl, wish it had been me.”
At this point a young waitress arrived and started to set the table and bring their food, and some sort of normality resumed between them. Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy spotted Mark and Richard exchanging silent messages, and she inwardly smiled to herself. That would give them something to think about. Then about half way through their food Richard put down his fork and said.
“Spit roasted – in turn. I can’t even remember her name.”
Mark grinned and said, “Happy Days.”
Lucy toyed with a piece of chicken; and as she spearing it onto the prongs she said “Fancy doing it again?”
She knew this was a dangerous game, she could have just signalled the end of her relationship with Richard, but it was a fantasy of hers. Not only might this be her only opportunity, but she trusted these guys, and that was rare. So as time stood still, and her heart pounded, the two men looked at each other, and then Richard said.
“Thought you’d never offer,” As he swung her around and laid her across his lap “Are you sure baby?.” A loving, concerned look in his eyes.
Lucy just nodded, and sitting up said to him “I think we need more drinks, I’ll have another wine, you two are on Coca-Cola ... We don’t want any drop off in performance do we.”
Mark just sat there with a heart stopping smile on his face.
“Come on Lucy,” Richard said to his closed bathroom door. “How long does it take to pee? And, I’m getting fed up with looking at Mark’s cock.” Nodding an aside to Mark he said in a whisper “That should do it.”
A throaty giggle was heard through the closed door. Then a flush, then after what seemed an age the tap. As the door opened Lucy said
“It was never locked you could have walked in at any time.” Noting with immense pleasure, just how far their jaws dropped when she walked passed them.
Lucy’s hadn’t wasted her time in the bathroom and was now wearing a black lace basque, undercut so that her generous breasts were exposed, hook fasteners down the front and a delicate lace trim around the lower edge. The matching “G” string left nothing to the imagination and the outfit was completed with three inch black stilettos. Walking passed them she turned to face the two naked men and waving her finger at her host she said.

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“No stockings – I’ve lost enough stockings to you lately!” then leaning forward she gently and comically put a finger under each chin and closed their mouths “I take it you like it then? The outfit... I had it in the car – I thought you might like to see it, I just didn’t know that we would have company.” She added as she leaned over and ran her hand down Mark’s chest, and swept it up the curve of his cock.
Then turning to him she added, “Mmmm this looks nice, mind if I have a taste?” Looking first to Mark and then for permission to Richard.
Mark just grinned and widened his stance, but Richard announced “No, I don’t mind this time, but it’s not happening again.”
So Lucy turned back, sank to her knees and held Marks penis in her hands, examining and delicately licking the tip. Noting that his cock was a shade darker than the rest of his body and the visual texture reminded her of velvet, but it felt like steel. Rolling a groan in her throat Lucy sank her mouth over the head of the glans, gently rubbing her top lip over the rim and swirling her tongue over the head in her mouth. Then as her hands came up to hold on to his hips she felt his tummy muscles tighten. So she pulled her head back and looked up at him, he seemed to be enjoying himself. So she slid her head back over the darkening cock, a little further this time, drawing the head of his glans across the roof of her mouth. Taking him further and further back until she hit the gag point, then swallowing pushed on through, but she still hadn’t reached the bottom. Relaxing her jaw Lucy tried to push further, but to no avail, and with a sharp snap to her head, she released, bring his cock out of her mouth and gasping for air.
Then she started to work into the shaft the strings of drool and dribble that hung from the tip like a rope. Mark was moaning softly, but before she could suck him back in, she was stabbed in the cheek by Richards cock. Turning to look at him, she watched as he side stepped closer – putting him and Mark side by side. So taking the hint Lucy knelt there with a cock in each hand; and wondered if there was any way she could get the two in her mouth at the same time. Probably not she thought but would it be fun trying.
For the next five minutes Lucy knelt there, with a cock in each hand and screwing her hands in a rhythmic motion, and sucking as much of each of them in turn as she could. Her own saliva running down her chin, her neck and down over her breasts. The men in turn moaned and groaned until Mark pulled her up and swung her into his arms, kissing her hard and deep, his tongue claiming her mouth in sweeping movements as he walked them both across the room and threw her on the bed.
“All fours!” he growled as he smacked her ass to reinforce his instruction, as well as yanking down the “G” string as he spoke.
Lucy giggled but did as she was told. Closing her eyes when she felt Marks tongue running up her pussy from clit to ass. Her body vibrated as she felt him mumble.
“Fuck you’re so wet, I just have to slide inside.” As his mouth nibbled and licked the swollen pussy lips in front of him.
The bed heaved from one side, and as she opened her eyes she was greeted by the sight of Richard sliding in, in front of her. Mark was now licking up over the rose bud of her ass, then further up the crease between her cheeks and made his way up her spine, to her shoulders where he nuzzled the nape of her neck. All the time she was moaning at this sweet torture she was watching her man, wriggling onto the pillows putting his cock in the perfect position for her mouth. Mark leaned across to the bedside table, intent in taking a condom that was waiting there.
Richard grabbed his arm and said “Well Lucy?” All Lucy could do was to shake her head. No, a condom wouldn’t be necessary.
With that assent, Mark gently nuzzled back into her neck as his cock slowly slid into her pussy. His hands came around her body and cupped her breasts, pulling on her nipples as he pushed in, holding himself deep inside of her. Lucy gave a low, deep growl in her throat as the delicious feeling of hard veiny cock slid through her. At the same time the invisible string from her nipples to her clit turned into a charged electric wire sending shocks pulsing through her.
“Oh God.” that was all she could say, as she lifted her head to look at her lover, then gently lowered her mouth over the pillar of man meat that he was holding up.
Mark’s hands settled on her hips to help with the thrust and to give her balance, so Lucy could lift one hand to hold Richard’s cock firmly in her hand, and lower her head to suck in his balls as she stroked his prick. Richard ran his fingers through her hair, holding her gently but firmly.
“Cock Lu, suck my cock...”
So, not needing any further encouragement Lucy sank down over his cock, the angle wasn’t great for deep throating but that wasn’t necessary, she just loved the feeling of being filled at both ends. The sensation of being fucked and loved by these two men, together with the constant pressure in her cunt, was being escalated by Marks insistent finger on her clit; and very soon she had that familiar clenching feeling echoing through her body.
“Shit Rich, she’s starting to cum!” A strained Mark called out.
His movements slowed and controlled as Lucy cunt rippled around him, desperately trying to milk his cock. Lucy lifted her head from Richards cock, as the orgasm pulsing through her body took over. Holding her steady, the men let her ride her orgasm out. Richard was raining kisses over her face and Mark had his arms around her kissing her spine, through the fine lace material.
“Shit man, you’ll need to change the sheets now – she squirted all over my hand.” Mark added.
“I know, it’s on my legs.” then lifting her head. “Are you alright Baby?”
“I just need a few moments to recover.” as Mark withdrew and she climbed into the crook of Richards arm pit, leaned up to taste his lips as Mark snuggled in beside her. Rolling onto her back Lucy settled between them and took a cock in each hand and loved the feeling of strength and desire in them. Then, gently stroking each of them, she said.
“So, boys what’s next?”
Mark was first to reply as his cock leapt in her hand, “I thought you wanted to recover?”
This brought a laugh from Richard and he asked, “Ready to go again Lucy?”
Lucy nodded and grinned at him. With a finger he waved her towards Mark “Ride him!”
“Mmmm, with pleasure” As she swung her legs over Marks hips and settle on his upright cock.
She leaned down and sucked his nipples one at a time, and pressed her tits into his belly. Grinding and rotating her crotch into his hips. Gasping as her sensitive clit worked into his pubes. Then Richard was kneeling beside her, kissing her lips, and his hand working down over her back. Then with an index finger, he started to slide between the cheeks of her ass.
“Trust me Lucy?” he whispered into her mouth, grinning when she nodded.
His hand ran further into her crotch, with his fingers sliding either side of Mark’s embedded penis. Lucy was wet, so very wet and this liquid was his goal. Rubbing his wet sticky fingers around her ass hole, he slowly inserted his middle finger into her anus. Working it slowly in and out, rimming it around getting her ready.
“Relax Baby... relax and push back onto my hand.”
Lucy shifted her legs further up the side of Marks body, and he widened his legs, giving Richard plenty of room to kneel in between their legs. Mark rested his hands on her ass cheeks and pulled them apart. Richard pulled hard on his foreskin to stiffen as much as he could, blood throbbing, trapped in its length, as he offered his cock into her pouting ass hole.
Slowly so slowly the head teased into the tight ring of muscle making Lucy sigh and slip forward. Mark held her steady and Richard slipped his hands up her back and held onto her shoulders. Holding her still as his cock slipped its full length, deep into the warm wet recess of her ass. The men stilled and cradled her, letting her get used to the feeling of being totally full.
Lucy slipped down and rested herself on Mark’s chest her arms resting on his shoulders.
“Breath Lucy, breath – take it steady, just get used to the feeling,” Mark whispered in her ear.
Nodding, all she could feel was the total fullness and after three or four deep breaths she started to relax and release the relentless hold her body had on the cocks impaling her. Then they started to move, and after two strokes they had choreographed their movements and rhythm. She was lost, full of feeling, as their cocks stroked and rubbed up against each other through the thin membrane dividing them. Mark’s hands came up to hold and caress her breast, and Richard nibbled her neck as the sensation in Lucy’s body sent her ever closer to the orgasm of her life.
“Shit, I’m coming again!” she howled into Marks neck.
Stroking and soothing her, yet steadily increasing the pace, Richard said, “I know Baby... just let it go. Cum over him, let him know what it feels like when you let go.” Richards voice starting gently, but increased in ferocity as he spoke. “Come on Lucy, fucking cum! Shoot that cream all over his dick!”
Then, as she did, her body quivering and shaking, both of her men groaned, and held her until the quaking had passed. Sweat covering her body in a fine sheen and her hair stuck to her head.
“Oh Christ...!” she moaned
“Rich...” Mark moaned, “Rich, I so hope you are close, I don’t know how much longer I can hold.”
Richard gave Lucy’s ass a resounding slap, and said “Don’t rest Baby, we are going to ride and you are coming again!”
Lucy nodded, not really sure that the latest orgasm had finished any way. Every stroke sent more shocks through her body, and she just gave herself up, releasing what little control she had left.
Mark and Richard’s cocks seemed to be fighting for control of her body. Feeling them stiffening and tensing. The smell of sex after her orgasm filled the air, and increased with every movement they made. Her sticky cum dribbled down onto their balls, making them slap against her and each other.
“Oh fuck, Richard please, please.” She cried as the spasms started a fresh.
“Yeah Rich...!” Mark growled as he shot ropes of cum into her, as her spasms sent him over the edge.
Richard stilled until they both started to relax again, then as Mark held Lucy, Richard started driving into Lucy with new force and within four strokes, he too released and bathed Lucy’s rectum with his orgasm.
They stayed as a sweating sexy heap for a few minutes, before Richard held onto her and rolled to the side taking Lucy with him as his slowly softening cock stayed in her ass. Mark’s cock trailed across her thigh and then onto his stomach, as she rolled away.
Richard smoothed the hair away from her forehead, “Are you alright Lucy?”
All she could do was grin and nod her head. Then they both looked to Mark as he cleared his throat and said.
“Waive the bill for this morning; In fact, I think I’m moving in.”
“Oh no, you’re not!” came Richards’ speedy reply. “That was a one off and Lucy is mine!”
Lucy grinned and said “I really think we should change the sheets now.”