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Jack and Trisha Are Initiated Into The Swinger's Club

"A gangbang, bukkake, and double penetration. What's not to like? Trisha certainly enjoyed it!"

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Author's Notes

"Trisha and Jack are initiated into the swinger's club. Little did Trisha know that her night would involve a gangbang, bukkake facials, and double penetration. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Jack thought he was ready to watch his wife being fucked, but was he truly prepared for the night's events? He will soon find out!"

The big day was approaching and there was an underlying sexual tension in the household. Friday would be Jack and Trisha’s official initiation into the dinner club. The girls both noticed that their mom seemed distracted and asked if everything was okay.

“I’m good girls, thank you for asking. I am just a bit stressed with some of the things I must do for book club. We have a big party and I need to help plan things.”  The girls were always so concerned towards their mother and asked if she needed any help. Trisha politely declined and the girls were on their way as they were always busy after school.

Over the past few months, Jack and Trisha’s lives had turned upside down sexually. Another way to view it could be a sexual awakening. Trisha thought that had she deleted that video from her phone, none of this would have ever happened. Her one-time lapse of judgement, her one-night stand would now be a distant memory.

With the girls gone and the house empty, Trisha contemplated her situation. Would deleting that video really have changed things? Who was she kidding? She knew the answer to the question. Her first experience with a large cock changed her. Once she had one, she wanted another. An insatiable lust had been awakened inside. Jesus, that is what led to the glory hole. Trisha still felt like such a dirty slut when she thought about that nasty little endeavor. Part of her hated herself for it, while the other loved it.

She was so thankful that Jack was such a loving husband and understanding of the situation. He had forgiven her, or so he claimed. Sex between the two of them had never been better and she hated that much of her shitty sex life over the past two decades was a result of her prudish behavior. But things were better now. Her marriage was reinvigorated. New adventures were set to begin.

Jack reclined in his seat on the plane as he flew home from London. His business trip went well, and Zoe made the cool London nights blazing hot. Jack had never cheated on Trisha, but she opened that Pandora’s box and would now suffer the consequences. Jack loved his wife, but Zoe was on his mind. She was new, exciting, and Jack genuinely enjoyed their chats on Lush. Plus, the sex was amazing! The lights dimmed on the plane as it crossed the waters of the Atlantic. Jack pulled his blanket over him and slowly stroked his cock. It was dark and no one could see him in the privacy of his business class pod.

When Jack returned home, he hugged the girls and gave Trisha a peck on the cheek. Trisha asked him how the flight went.

“Not bad. I love the business pods on overseas flights. I slept like a baby and had such sweet dreams.” Jack smiled as he looked at his wife, but he was thinking about Zoe.

After a great dinner with the family, our seemingly perfect suburban couple went to bed.

Trisha was nervous about the Friday dinner. It would not only be their initiation into the swinger’s club, but it would also be their first time truly swinging. Swapping partners. Freely having sex in front of other people.

Trisha turned to her husband and said, “Jack, are you nervous about Friday?”

Jack looked at his wife and brushed her hair off her face. “Nervous? A little. But these people are just like us. I’m sure everyone was nervous their first time.”

Jack repositioned himself in the bed and said, “Besides, you are the one who started this journey. I thought you wanted a bigger cock to satisfy you.”

Trisha looked at Jack. She sighed. “Jack, I am sorry about all of this. I never wanted you to feel like you were not enough for me. I do love you. Nothing will change if we go through with this, right? We will still love one another just the same as before?”

Jack looked at Trisha and got serious. “Babe, things did change with your one-night stand. We can never go back. Things were hard, but we got past them. I forgave you. I think this has actually strengthened our love for one another. Hell, did I get mad when you fucked Ed in his own house?”

Trisha looked down at the bed. “No, no you did not. But you did neglect to tell me that Vicky sucked your dick that night.”

Jack grimaced and said, “Ah, I see you found out about that.”

He took a sip of water from his glass on the nightstand and said, “Babe, we have been married for over twenty years. I love and trust you. For us to work going forward in this new chapter of our life together, we need to be honest with one another. No more secrets.”

Trisha looked at Jack and said, “OK. You are right. I do need to tell you something. When you were gone, Vicky invited me over to her house. I thought it was going to be a simple lunch, but it turned out to be much more. It was a test before our initiation.”

Jack was intrigued and asked what happened.

Trisha meekly noted, “Well, we did eat a small lunch. We had some wine. One thing led to another, and I might have made out with one of the wives from the swinger’s club.”

Jack got excited. “Ooh, was she hot?”

Trisha smirked at her husband and said, “Jack. Jeez. Yes, she was extremely attractive, and I am sure that you will love fucking her when you get your chance.”

Jack rubbed his hands together and looked like a kid in a candy store. Trisha looked at him and shook her head.

Trisha continued and said, “As a part of the test, I was also tied up and one of the members had sex with me.”

The color drained from Jack’s face. “What? Tied up? Were you raped?”

Trisha took Jack’s hand and said, “No, it was nothing like that. The woman I was with tied me up. We had some intimate time. I was blindfolded and the next thing I knew a man was having sex with me. It was all part of the test, I guess.”

Jack looked at his wife and said, “Are you sure? You did not feel violated?”

Trisha shook her head. “Not at all. Shivani was at my side and telling me that everything would be ok. She made me feel safe.”

Jack gave a weak smile and said, “Wow, I am going to need to think twice about letting you go back to Ed and Vicky’s house. You seem to get fucked every time you go there.”  He gave a weak chuckle. He accepted that there were going to be certain hurdles to overcome to fully accept being a member of the swinger’s club. He guessed that this was one of them.

Jack looked at Trisha and said, “Well, if we are being totally transparent with one another, I slept with someone on my business trip to London.”

Trisha looked shocked and her face turned red. “What?! What do you mean? Who? Who was it?”

Jack took his wife’s hand in his. “Now calm down. Calm down. You started this shit. You have slept with at least four different men that I know of in the past few months. It is only fair that I get to do the same…and this was only one person by the way…not four.”

Trisha understood what Jack was saying but was stung by his revelation. “Who is she?”

Jack replied, “Just someone I met online. When you first cheated on me, I was on the internet quite a bit. Chatrooms and such. You know that is how I met Ed and got into this whole swinger thing. Well, while I was online, I met someone, and we would chat with one another. She lives in London, and we decided to meet since I was going to be there.”

Trisha looked hurt. “Do you love her?”

Jack kissed the back of his wife’s hand and looked at her. “No, I love you. You know that.”

Although Trisha had actually slept with more than the four men Jack knew about, this was the first time Jack had slept with someone other than her. It was hard for her to be mad because she figured she was getting a taste of her own medicine. Trisha had justified all her infidelity in her head. They were one-time flings. Momentary lapses in judgement. There was no emotion involved. It was just sex, so it was okay. Now that the shoe was on the other foot, it hurt.

Jack looked at Trisha and said, “If we are going to do this, if we are going to swing, we will need to trust one another. We cannot hide anything. It needs to be just sex. We will need to put our emotions aside and save them for one another.”

She heard what Jack said but had a tough time processing it. Tears ran down Trisha’s face as she thought about Jack making love to another woman. She was sure that it was more than sex to Jack. Trisha thought about it and knew that she needed to trust her husband. This new phase of their life needed to be about sex and nothing more.

Jack kissed Trisha on the forehead. “Just sex. Not love. If we think about it this way, there is nothing to be nervous about. We can do this. We must be a team, or it will never work. No jealousy. No emotional ties. okay?”

Trisha wiped the tears from her eyes and shook her head in acknowledgement. “Yes. You are right Jack.”

Jack smiled at his wife and said, “Besides, I am the one who should be jealous. You will be able to fuck big cocks like you want. It’s not like I get juicier pussy or anything like that.”

Trisha laughed through her tears.

Jack tried to break the tension further. “Well, some of those pussies might smell better than yours…”

Trisha punched him in the arm and said, “Fuck you, asshole.” They both laughed and held each other. A few gentle kisses and they fell asleep side by side, just as they had done thousands of times before.

In the blink of an eye, it was Friday. Jack booked a hotel for the weekend and told the kids that mom and dad were having a getaway for themselves. The girls were old enough to be on their own and wished their parents a good time.

Jack and Trisha each packed small bags. Friday would be their initiation, but they did not know what to expect. To be safe, they booked a room so they could be alone after their big night. As instructed, they both dressed as if they were going to a nice dinner. As a matter of fact, they were. The “dinner club,” as it was called, did indeed always start the night with a light dinner.

Jack and Trisha arrived at the address provided by Ed. It was a large house on private property and a gate protected the entrance. Jack punched in the code, and they were soon inside. After a short drive, the house came into view and a dozen cars were parked in the driveway.

Trisha nervously looked at Jack and said, “Jesus. What have we gotten ourselves into Jack? Look at all the cars here!”

Jack took Trisha by the hand and smiled. “It will be okay. I am sure the first time was nerve wracking for everyone.”

Jack parked the car and kissed his wife on the lips. He squeezed her hand and said, “We cannot turn back now. It will be fun! It’s just sex, remember? You are the one who brought this on. Now, let’s finish it.”

They walked hand in hand to the front door and knocked. As had happened once before, Ed and Vicky answered the door.

“Well, hello you two!” Vicky said enthusiastically. It was apparent that she had already partaken something to loosen her inhibitions.

Vicky grabbed Trisha by the hand and pulled her inside, giggling all the while. The two women disappeared around the corner.

Ed shook Jack’s hand and took him to an office. An imposing man was sitting behind a desk with some paperwork in front of him.

Ed smiled at Jack and said, “Jack, tonight we welcome you into our little club. But before we do so, there are a few clerical items to settle. Did you bring the money for your initiation fee?”

Jack produced a cashier’s check for $50,000 made payable to the “Dinner Club Society, LLC” and handed it to Ed.

Ed smiled as he took the payment and said, “This is Tim. He is our club attorney. He has the non-disclosure paperwork you need to sign. Basically, keep your mouth shut about the club and there will be no issues. We have all signed this same document.”

Tim smiled and shook Jack’s hand. He was a prominent attorney in town and had been a member of the club for a few years. After reviewing the documents with Jack, ink was soon put to paper.

Ed and Tim patted Jack on the back and said, “Welcome to the club! It’s time you met the guys.”

The three men walked down a long hallway and soon found themselves on the patio. Jack found it curious to see that seven men were chatting away, but not a woman was to be found anywhere.

Ed smiled and said, “Jack, I would like to introduce you to the men of the club.” The men were all as Jack had imagined. Most looked like him. Middle aged, relatively fit, and smartly dressed. They all held positions of power. In addition to Tim and Ed, there were two business owners, two business executives, one doctor, and one former professional baseball player.

Jack shook hands with a tall black man and said, “You must be Cal. I’m Jack. I believe you have already met my wife.”

Cal shook Jack’s hand and said, “Nice to meet you, Jack. Yes, Trisha is a lovely woman. She is going to fit in nicely with our little family…as will you.”

The men chatted away, getting to know Jack. They smoked cigars and the drinks flowed. This is why they were outside on the patio. No one likes cigar smoke in the house. Jack found that it was customary for the men and women to separate before dinner. Jack now understood that Trisha was likely getting the same treatment he was, only on the other side of the house.

After an hour or so, the men were notified it was time for dinner. The dining room was filled with ten women, including Jack’s lovely wife Trisha. Energy filled the air, and it was obvious they all had been drinking. When the men entered the room, catcalls and whistles abounded. Smiles were everywhere and each man sought out his wife. To say there were a few passionate kisses would be an understatement. Each couple took a seat with their respective spouses. Trisha and Jack sat at the head of the table with Ed and Vicky.

The raucous room went silent as Ed tapped his glass with a knife. “Tonight, we welcome Jack and Trisha to our family!” 

Jack and Trisha both stood and acknowledged the room. Shivani blew Trisha a playful kiss. Any nervousness that Trisha had was gone. She was excited and could not wait to see what the night held in store. She looked around the room and was delighted to see that there was not one man she would be hesitant to fuck. Little did she know that would soon happen. When she saw Cal, she smiled and blushed. Jack found his view to be much the same. Nine lovely vixens in addition to his wife.

A light dinner was served, and drinks were plentiful. The club learned long ago that heavy dinners and all-night fuck sessions did not mix too well.

As dinner waned, Trisha’s stomach was filled with butterflies. She knew why they were here. She was already wet with anticipation.

Ed stood and announced that dinner would be concluding. Sexual tension was electric in the air. Everyone stood and hands were on bodies everywhere.

The throng made their way to a large room in a secluded part of the house. It looked to be a game room in its normal life, but tonight it was custom made for the event at hand. A number of beds and couches filled the room. Booze, a bowl of condoms, little blue pills, and sexual toys were the favors for this party. Music filled the room, and the temperature was just right.

Trisha expected everyone to get naked and sex to erupt. There was nothing, however. In fact, the music suddenly died and the room was silent. Everyone lined up against the wall while Jack and Trisha were left standing in the middle of the room.

As president of the club, Ed approached Jack and Trisha and then addressed the room. “Tradition is important. It gives us something in common and binds us as one. Everyone in this club has gone through the same initiation process and tonight, Jack and Trisha, you will do the same. Jack, please undress your wife.”

Jack knew what was to come, but he kept the secret and Trisha was in the dark. Jack’s palms were sweaty, and his hands shook as he unbuttoned Trisha’s blouse. He now had no problem with his wife screwing one or two guys at a time, but nine at once? He did not know what to expect.

Trisha was shaking like a leaf. Why was she the only one getting naked? Her husband faced her and unbuttoned her blouse. She had no bra on tonight, so her breasts spilled out for the room to see. Although she knew she would be having sex tonight, and presumably lots of it, she was suddenly self-conscious. Having nearly twenty people watch her getting naked was a bit unnerving. Jack unzipped Trisha’s skirt and shimmied it over her hips. She was soon down to a thong.

Jack moved in close to his wife and whispered into her ear, “Everything is going to be all right. I love you.” He gave a gentle kiss on the lips, and then removed her panties. Trisha felt vulnerable. She was completely naked with a room full of people she barely knew looking at every part of her. She wanted to cover her private parts, but somehow knew this was daft.

With his wife naked, one of the women in the room took Jack by the arm and pulled him aside. With her husband gone, Trisha was now alone. Panic started to set in when she noticed the men in the room begin to undress. This was exacerbated when she saw that all of the other women in the room remained fully clothed.

A handsome Indian man was the first to approach Trisha. He was completely naked, and his brown cock was hard. Trisha knew this was Shivani’s husband Amit. She looked to her friend for support and encouragement as she had done before during their lunch a few weeks ago. Shivani was sipping a drink and gave Trisha an approving nod.

Amit took Trisha in his arms and kissed her. Although she had fucked many men over the past few months, Trisha thought of reserving kisses for her husband. As Amit’s tongue parted her lips, Trisha assumed that this must be acceptable behavior in the club and relaxed. She put her arms around Amit and began to kiss him back. His cologne smelled nice, and Trisha inhaled deeply. Trisha could feel Amit’s hard cock rub her leg and the precum from his head felt wet and sticky. When his hand found her ass, a tingle of excitement shot through Trisha. Her nervousness was fading, and she forgot that a roomful of people was watching her.

Trisha was enjoying Amit’s kiss when she felt a hand fondle her breast. She thought it was Amit, but quickly realized that his hands were on her ass. Who owned this third hand? Trisha soon felt another body behind her and realized it was the owner of the hand squeezing her breast. He felt tall and his smell was different. She felt his hard erection pressing into her skin. She continued to kiss Amit and felt hands roam all over her body. With cocks touching her from both front and rear, Trisha felt a wave of lust wash over her.

The men laid Trisha onto one of the beds in the room and Amit was soon between her legs. He pushed them apart and she could feel his warm breath on her pussy. She quickly exhaled when Amit’s tongue penetrated her labia which were wet with anticipation. As Amit savored Trisha’s sweet nectar, Trisha sensed something to her right. She turned her head to find a large white cock staring her in the face. Instinctively, she grabbed the penis and placed it into her mouth. The cock felt large and girthy. Trisha wanted it inside of her. She sucked and felt a hand on the back of her head pushing her to take in more. Trisha relaxed and felt pressure at the back of her throat as the wide head of the cock in her mouth announced its presence.

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Amit was getting a mouthful of taste as Trisha’ body was rapidly responding to her excitement. He could no longer stand it and he prepared to enter her. Amit pulled back the skin of his uncircumcised head and took aim at Trisha’s wet pussy. Using his fingers to spread her puffy folds, he pushed inside. Amit was not particularly large, and he was a good warm-up for Trisha’s beginning of the night.

Having a cock inside of her hungry pussy felt nice, but it was not big enough to satisfy her. Trisha bucked her hips wanting more than Amit could give. She was now hard to please with a smaller cock. While Amit had his way with her pussy, Trisha focused on the cock in her mouth. She grabbed it by the fat shaft and stroked it as she sucked, swallowing as much precum as she could.

With a cock in her pussy and one in her throat, Trisha felt a pleasing sensation when a new mouth took in one of her sensitive nipples. For the first time in her life, she was pleasing three men at once. She opened her eyes to see her new suitor and was shocked to see more hard cocks surrounding her. With both hands, she reached forth and secured an erection. She did her best to service the five men who were surrounding her.

Jack sat on the sideline and did not say a word. He watched as his lovely wife of more than twenty years, the mother of his children, was being used like a dirty whore. Perhaps she was getting what she deserved. She certainly played the part of a slut over the past few months and Jack did not even know about the glory hole incident.

Despite everything, Jack still loved his wife. Twenty-five years of history was hard to dispel. It is just sex, he told himself. The other side of Jack, the darker side, was happy to watch his wife service so many men. It was erotic to him. Jack’s raging hard-on proved that Mother Nature does not always follow the emotions of the human mind. It is a primal response.

Jack was so horny but was instructed not to intervene. The bulge in his pants was becoming uncomfortable and he used his hand to adjust himself.

A cute redhead, the wife of the man with his cock in Trisha’s mouth, noticed the bulge in Jack’s pants. If her husband was having some fun, why couldn’t she do the same? Jack was instructed not to intervene with his wife this night, but no one said anything about him doing anything with any of the other wives. As Jack watched his wife being manhandled, he felt a hand on his cock. His attention broken, he saw a petite hand with exquisite red nails squeezing the fabric of his trousers.

Jack looked at Coleen, the lovely redhead in question, and she purred, “Looks like you need some attention. Are you feeling left out?” She leaned forward and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Jack did, indeed, feel left out. With his soulmate being ravished in front of him, something he thought he wanted, Jack had so many mixed emotions and was confused. Even though he was in a room full of twenty people, he paradoxically felt lonely. Helpless, in a sense.

Trying to push these feelings away, he grabbed Colleen and kissed her deeply. He held her with a passion that was magnified by the situation at hand. His hand roughly grabbed Colleen’s breast and he pulled her tight to his body. Colleen was surprised at Jack’s roughness, but she liked it. She kissed Jack back trying to match his passion and rubbed his bulge.

Colleen dropped to her knees and quickly loosened Jack’s pants. In short order, she had his cock in her lovely mouth and was sucking him hungrily. Jack closed his eyes to savor the feeling. His fingers ran through Colleen’s auburn hair, and he caressed her as her face danced on his cock. He felt a pair of hands rubbing his chest and opened his eyes to see Shivani at his side. He leaned over and kissed her as Colleen continued to suck him.

Trisha took no notice of what was happening with her husband Jack. She was preoccupied with other matters. She noticed that the bumping down below suddenly stopped and the cock in her mouth was quickly withdrawn. Trisha was a bit confused as to what was happening. Why did everything suddenly stop? She was startled when a hot stream of Amit’s cum landed on her face. Instinctively, she closed her eyes and turned her head away. Another splash of cum hit her cheek as she looked away, and then another. With her head turned, she felt a hand roughly grab her and a new cock was shoved into her mouth. Trisha had no time to react and simply began to suck.

Trisha felt a new pair of hands on her legs, and they were soon parted. A new cock was in her pussy and hitting hard. The man inside of her was much bigger than Amit and Trisha’s pussy could instantly tell. She did not climax with Amit, but the feeling of her current partner would soon remedy the situation. He was rough with Trisha and his cock filled her with its girth. It was only a matter of minutes before Trisha’s vaginal muscles spasmed wildly and pleasure flooded her body. She pulled the cock from her mouth to gasp, and it was quickly back inside. As she was trying to enjoy the feeling of her orgasm, she heard the man in her mouth moan. Trisha knew what was coming and braced herself. A torrent of hot creamy cum soon flooded her mouth and she gagged as it was impossible for her to swallow it all.

With Amit’s cum beginning to congeal on her face, this new cum onslaught ran down the sides of her mouth and dripped to her neck. The man down below matched his partner when he pulled out of Trisha and deposited his load onto her face. Trisha turned her head just in time to see a lusting man vigorously stroking his cock inches from her face. She figured that this must have been the man who was just fucking her. Trisha heard the telltale sounds of a man about to ejaculate and she did not turn her head this time. She simply closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of another load of sperm landing on her face. A newfound feeling began to grow inside of Trisha. She was feeling the part of a scandalous tart and she liked it. No, she loved it. She wanted more.

Jack did not notice Trisha receiving her facial treatment. The women of the club were seeing to that. They had moved Jack to one of the couches and he was now pant-less. Shivani was on her knees praying to Jack’s cock. Jack was bigger than her husband Amit and she wanted to feel him inside of her. As she sucked Jack, his head leaned back in ecstasy and Shivani knew she was in control. She took one of his testicles into her mouth and gently sucked.

Jack responded the way Shivani hoped when he exhaled, “Oh my God!” and grabbed the couch. She smiled and once again took his cock back into her mouth. Jack felt movement on the couch and a pretty Hispanic woman was straddling him. Her shaved pussy was staring him in the face. He marveled at the darkly pigmented labial folds which were slick with lust. A hand grabbed the back of Jack’s head and pushed him into the heavenly dessert he so desperately desired. He wrapped his arms around the Latin beauty and sucked her into his mouth. The taste was divine, and he wanted more. Jack’s tongue moved to the base of Sorita’s pussy, and he slowly licked upwards, savoring the precum that coated his tongue. He soon found his target above and took her clit into his mouth. Sorita moaned and bucked her hips into Jack’s face.

Trisha felt hands urging her to sit up and she complied. She wiped some of the cum from her eyelids to get a better look. Everything was moving quickly, but she saw that she was still surrounded by a swarm of naked men with hard cocks. One of the men helped her turn around and positioned her so she was bent over the corner of the bed. A man was conveniently already sitting where she was positioned. Once she settled in, his hard cock was inches from her face, and she took him into her mouth.

Trisha felt hands grab her hips and a new cock was soon pushing into her from behind. This position was nice as it allowed her to feel new sensations in her vagina. The swollen head of the cock in her pussy was hitting new spots on her vaginal walls and it felt so good. With the rhythmic thrusting causing her body to move, it was a little difficult to blow the dick in her mouth, but Trisha did her best. The man behind her employed a good pace and Trisha was enjoying every minute. It did not take long for her to cum again. Trisha pulled up from the man in front of her to enjoy another orgasm. As she did, arching her head back and contorting her face in euphoria, the man in front of her moved off the bed and was replaced by the man who had been fucking her. He jacked his cock and shot a thick load onto Trisha’s chin. The fresh cum ran down her neck in rivulets ending on her chest.

A Hispanic man then laid on the bed in front of Trisha, his hard erection standing proudly before her. Trisha clambered onto the bed and straddled the man, slowly easing his cock into her. She watched as the dark skin parted the lips of her pink pussy and loved the contrast. Trisha put her hands on his chest and rocked her body to ride the man beneath her. As she now expected, a new cock soon presented itself near her face for some oral attention. Trisha ground her pelvis as her current position was stimulating her clitoris. It felt so nice and sent shivers of rapture up her body. The man she was blowing did not last long and shot his load onto her face. It was apparent that he had been saving up for a while as spurt after spurt of milky white spunk landed on Trisha’s face. There was so much, in fact, that Trisha laughed.

With her eye closed to protect her from the fresh cum that now dripped from her eyelids, Trisha chuckled, “Jesus! How much do you have there?”

The man ignored Trisha and simply continued stroking his cock and ejaculating onto her face. He grunted savagely with each spasm of his cock.

Cum dripped from Trisha’s face onto the man beneath her, but he did not mind. These types of things regularly happen in a swinger’s club. He held onto Trisha’s hips as she continued to ride him. Trisha felt the bed shift as a new man climbed onto the bed. She felt him take a position behind her and wondered what he was up to. Her curiosity was soon answered when she felt a lubricated finger penetrate her asshole. Trisha thought this manual stimulation would be the end of things, but she was wrong. Her mind came to quick attention when she felt the head of a cock pressing into the muscles of her ass.

Trisha looked back and said, “Hey what is going…”

She did not get to finish her sentence. The hard cock pushed its way past her defiant sphincter and was soon inside of her rectum. Trisha had never been so full. With a cock in her pussy and one filling her ass, her mind was blown. She literally could not compose a coherent thought as her body could only focus on the sensations beneath her waist.

Trisha closed her eyes tightly and wailed, “Oh fuck!” as the dueling cocks ravaged her body. She came instantly.

Jack relished the pungent taste of Sorita’s cum as she ground her pussy into his hungry mouth. When she pulled away, Jack looked across the room to see his sweet wife being double penetrated. She was covered in cum and looked to be in a state of bliss. Jack was mesmerized by the site, but his attention was soon distracted when Shivani lowered her tight pussy onto Jack’s cock. She had lifted her dress and now sat naked on top of him.

Jack looked into Shivani’s eyes and said, “You are so cute. God, your pussy is so fucking tight!”

He kissed Shivani deeply and grabbed her hips. Jack could feel Shivani grinding into him and he tried to match her rhythm with commensurate thrusts. Jack’s cock, although nothing to write home about, was larger and girthier than what Shivani normally had at home. She bit her lip and took all that Jack had to offer. Her tits bounced with each movement and Jack soon took one into his lips. Shivani was in heaven…and so was Jack.

Trisha’s body was like a boat being tossed in a rough sea. With one man fucking her pussy and another simultaneously reaming her ass, she felt like a ragdoll. The sensation of being filled to the brim with cock was driving Trisha mad. There were no thoughts in her mind other than lust and desire. A new cock was waiting to be sucked, but Trisha ignored it. She could only concentrate on being fucked at the moment. Another orgasm ripped through her. She had lost count of what number this was.

The man beneath Trisha reached his breaking point and strongly grasped her hips. He pushed deep inside of her, and she felt his cock empty its contents into her. His warm semen filled Trisha to the brim and was soon running down her thighs as he pulled out. The man behind her now had full access to her ass and picked up his pace. The muscles of Trisha’s ass had long ago relaxed, but still felt tight around the cock inside of her. She knew he was nearing his climax as he began to ram into her with increasing force. Trisha could feel the man’s scrotum bounce off her ass with each thrust. She leaned forward and dropped her face into the bed. Faster and faster, her ass was now being bludgeoned into submission. Trisha grabbed a handful of the sheets beneath her and screamed into them. A new sensation filled her mind when a river of warm cum sped forth into her rectum. The man pulled out and a squelching sound was made when the muscles of Trisha’s asshole quickly closed following the cock’s exit. Cum soon escaped her asshole, running down her legs to mix with the ejaculate still oozing from her cunt.

At this point in the night, Trisha had lost all track of time. She had no idea how many men she had fucked nor how many times she had cum. Everything was a blur. As she repositioned herself on the bed, she saw Cal’s familiar face approach her.

Cal looked her in the eyes and said, “Hi Trisha, remember me?”

Trisha, her face and body now covered in multiple loads of cum, stared back at Cal and said, “Yes. Are you going to take me Cal?”   

Cal smiled and replied, “I went easy on you back at Vicky’s house. I am going to give it to you hard tonight. Are you ready?”

Trisha smiled and said, “I want you to fuck me with your big black cock!”

Calvin flashed his pretty smile and pushed Trisha onto the bed. She spread her legs wide, knowing that Cal was larger than anyone she had for the night. Her pussy dripping with fresh cum, Calvin did not have to work hard to push his member into Trisha. Even though she was thoroughly lubricated, Trisha gasped when Calvin thrust his cock into her. He was gentle with Trisha back at Vicky’s luncheon, but tonight was different. Cal grunted and pumped into Trisha with great vigor. She could feel his muscles tense with every thrust and her pussy purred for the thick black cock which was currently pleasuring her. Cal went hard and deep. Faster and faster. Trisha’s mind went blank once more as pleasure seemed to be the only part of her brain that was working.

Jack sat on the couch and was in ecstasy as Shivani bounced on his cock. Her breathing changed and a squeal escaped her lips as she orgasmed intensely. Jack could feel her cum escape him and it sent him over the edge. He grasped Shivani tightly and emptied his seed into her. It was a beautiful sight as the two orgasmed simultaneously and then collapsed into each other’s arms.

All was quiet in the room save for the sound of flesh smacking flesh as Calvin continued his conquest of Trisha’s body. Breathing heavily having just finished with Shivani, Jack looked across the room to see a black man pounding his cock into his sweet wife. Trisha’s legs were spread-eagle, and the sight of Cal’s black body juxtaposed to Trisha’s creamy white skin was spellbinding.

Cal’s large cock was what Trisha desired. It gave her the pleasure she so desperately sought. As he incessantly pumped into her, Trisha could not help but to moan loudly. It was not long before another orgasm ravaged her body. Trisha was getting light-headed having expended so much energy during the night. Her vision was getting slightly blurred as her body was reaching its limit. Cal’s pace was furious, and Trisha could barely respond to his assault on her body. Just as Cal was reaching his climax, Trisha felt the now familiar sensation of hot cum hitting her face again. Someone had been jacking off next to her, but she never noticed as she was too preoccupied with Cal.

Trisha licked the cum from her lips and swallowed. This was very apropos for Trisha as the life-giving semen quickly elevated her blood sugar. Trisha noticed this made her head feel better, so she used her fingers to scoop as much cum as possible from her body. As she licked her fingers clean, Cal pulled his throbbing cock from Trisha’s pussy and shot his load onto her. Unlike earlier at Vicky’s home, the excitement of the night powered Cal’s cumshot to hit Trisha in the face. With each spurt, Cal’s ejaculate lost power and a trail of fresh white semen soon striped Trisha’s chest and stomach.

Being the last of the group to finish, the room erupted with cheers and jubilation as Cal emptied his load onto Trisha. The women of the club rushed forth to congratulate their newest member. Trisha sat up, laughing and smiling at the congratulatory gestures of her newfound friends. Their celebration was shortly interrupted by Ed who asked Trisha to smile. It was time for another tradition of the club, a picture of the cum covered slut following her initiation.

Her hair matted with dried cum and loads of semen in various stages of drying all over her face and body, Trisha smiled for the camera. With the picture taken, Ed withdrew, and the women resumed their celebration with Trisha.

As Jack and Trisha’s initiation was now complete, loud music returned to the room, and those who still had the energy began to pair up with one another. Some of the women in the room were pleasing one another since many of the men in the room were spent.

Jack looked at Trisha and they both smiled.

Jack gazed at his wife and said, “I would give you a kiss, but the whole covered in cum thing…you understand.”

Trisha looked at her husband and burst out laughing.

Ed and Vicky approached the couple and handed Trisha a wet towel.

Ed smiled and said, “I figured that you might want to clean up.”

Trisha thanked him and wiped the cum from her body and face as best she could. Although people were having sex around the room, she was spent for the night. She saw Jack watching the action and thought about her husband.

Trisha looked at Jack and said, “Honey, why don’t you go play? I am worn out.”

Jack smiled. “Are you sure? I can stay here with you.”

Trisha shook her head. “No, baby. I had my fun. Now it is your turn.”

Jack quickly paired up with a free maiden and they were soon having fun together. As Trisha recovered on the sidelines, Ed sat next to her.

Ed grinned and said, “You did well tonight. I am so happy you and Jack joined our little family.” Ed then handed Trisha a folder. She looked inside and saw ten photos of the female club members on their initiation day. Each was smiling and covered with layer upon layer of cum.

Ed had a serious look on his face and said, “These are for you. As you can see, every woman here has gone through the same initiation process. Remember, this club is highly confidential. If you ever breathe of word of this to anyone, this photo of your pretty little cum covered face may just find its way to the public.”

Trisha smiled and said, “You don’t have to worry about that. We are family now.”

Ed smiled in return and said, “I know. It is just a little precaution we must take. I hope you understand and do not take offense.”

Trisha leaned forward and kissed Ed on the cheek. “None taken.”


To be continued...

Written by TheDoc
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