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I Met Her In The Supermarket, Part 3

"Eloises introduces me to Biggy"

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Eloise called me as I was leaving for Robin's house. "It's off for today. Robin broke her ankle and she's in Southampton Hospital."

"What happened?"

"She was leaving Restoration Hardware yesterday when she stepped off the curb and fell. The ambulance was there right away. She's going to have to wear a boot for a while."

"Gee, that's a shame. I'll go and visit her in the hospital."

"Maybe you and I could meet up?"

"Why not? I'll meet you in my hot tub."

"Sounds like a plan!"

I drove over to the hospital. Robin was in a private room. "What did you do to yourself?"

"Oh, please. I misstepped. I'm an old lady and I fell. I'm so disgusted with myself."

"These things happen. You'll be fine in a few weeks, you'll see."

"The doctor says I broke a couple of bones. It may take a few months to heal."

"Don't worry. I'll be there to help you heal, Robin. Are you getting good care?"

"I better be. I've thrown enough money into this place." That made her laugh. "Yes, the care is great. But, I have to hire a live-in nurse to help me. And then there is the boot over the cast. Well, I guess no exercising for a while."

"Maybe no exercising your foot but there are other places that need to be exercised. I promise. Eloise and I will keep you fit and happy."

"Mmm. I look forward to that. You know, meeting you at Citerella's Market was certainly serendipitous."

"I'll say. You never know what will fall into your lap. Literally. Here, I brought you a portfolio with some photos of my artwork. I like my work and so do my friends. It's just another way for me to focus my expression. But, music is my first love."

"I promise that I will give you my expert opinion. However, what I say doesn't matter. It's your soul flowing through the brush. It most likely makes you feel whole."

"It does."

We chatted for about a half hour until she got sleepy. I kissed her on her forehead and made my way out to the parking lot. It was nice out now but a storm was coming in tonight. I tooled my way around town, then headed up to Sebonac Inlet Road and the bulkhead parking lot at the top of the National Golf Course. I always love to see the replica windmill on the hill off one of the fairways. So cool. I stepped out of the car and looked toward an island in the bay. No other people anywhere in sight. The clouds over Flanders looked ominous. Peconic Bay was like glass. I suppose it was the calm before the storm. I felt an idea rising. I quickly drove back to my house. Within five minutes, I was painting my thoughts on canvas. It was fast and furious however, soon, I was spent. I shot my creative load. Fortunately, my studio had an Eames Lounge and I had to ease down in it.

The phone was ringing. I awoke discombobulated so I just let it ring. When I came to, I called Eloise back. We talked about Robin for a while before the conversation turned to sex.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"No, not tomorrow. Sorry. I have a deadline on a project and I also am sitting in at a gig at the Talkhouse tomorrow night. No, tomorrow's no good."

"Well, how about now?"

This lady wasn't fooling around. "I'll heat up the hot tub. Give me two hours to get my shit together."

"Two hours is perfect." I gave her directions and hung up. I spent the next two hours cleaning, neatening, straightening, and basically, hiding stuff. The tub was hot. I rolled a few numbers. I popped a bottle of wine. I showered. I was ready.

The sun was setting as she pulled into the driveway. She said, "I've gone down this street a million times and I have never seen this house before. It's so private."

"Yes. I love it - just me, the woods, and the beach. You can't beat it. And who is this?" A tall, good-looking younger man got out of the passenger seat."

"Carlos is the guy I told you about. He works at The Rose Gallery in town. I've flirted with him for years."

"Hi, I'm Carlos Biggs. My friends just call me 'Biggy'."

"Ha. I guess it pays to advertise. Come on and let's get this party started."

Carlos seemed uncomfortable. He was tall and thin - maybe six-two, 185, somewhere in his mid-thirties. He looked vaguely familiar. I'm sure I'd seen him around the village. There was also something about his mannerisms. He seemed to be on the twink side of things. I wasn't turned on.

He excused himself to use the bathroom and I guided Eloise out to the bubbling hot tub. As she stripped, she said, "I want to try double penetration with you two. I've never done it and I've wanted to try it."

"Which hole can I have?" I said, caressing her tush.

We got into the tub as Carlos returned.

"Come on in. The water's fine," said Eloise as I rolled my eyes.

Carlos peeled off his clothes. As he peeled off his tighty-whities, his five-inch dick came into view. It was flaccid. He entered the tub next to me.

Eloise said, "I've wondered what your cock looked like, Carlos. Does it get bigger?"

Carlos seemed a bit slow and again, uncomfortable. "Yeah," he said, "about nine inches."

"Wow. I can't wait to see that." To me, she said, "I've been teasing him for years"

"Carlos, she wants a double penetration today. Are you up to the task?"

"I'll try my best, sir."

"Sir? My father was "Sir", not me. I'm just Ray. Relax, kid, and toke on this." I reached over to rub El's thigh. Carlos reached over and rubbed my thigh. It was hands akimbo: Eloise on my thigh, both stroking my cock, my fingers inside El's twat, his fingers on her nipple. I reached over to Carlos and grabbed his dick. Yes, it was about nine inches and impressive. "Stand up, Carlos, and show us that thing."

Carlos stood, his mast pointing straight ahead. It was impressive. The glans was dark red and plum-shaped.

"Eloise said, "Okay, it's decided. He can take my pussy. Ray, you've got my butt."

Carlos sat back down. "Um...," he said, "You're only the second woman I've ever been with, Eloise. I'll try my best."

"Really," said Emily. "I'm flattered...but I thought you said that you were bisexual."

"I'm really gay, on the submissive side. Maybe I'm not sure what I am," he said. "But I want to do this. I really do."

I stood up in front of him. My cock was semi-hard. My piss hole was smiling at his eyes which were just a few inches away. "I want to make him comfortable, Eloise. I want him to show me what he can do." Carlos smiled and kiss the head. I wiped my dick around his face. Finally, he took it between his lips and sucked it in. I looked at Eloise, who was tweaking her nipple, and nodded. She smiled back as she put her other hand into the squishy place.

Carlos was good. He took my seven inches down to the root. When he came back up, his tongue curled around my staff. When he reached the head, he sucked in hard as the tip of his tongue tickled my pee hole. He did some variations on his subsequent sucks, much to my pleasure. I groaned. "Carlos, that's good, man. So good. You're gonna make me cum."

Eloise had moved her knees up and now, was vigorously jilling herself. Juices were running down her thighs. Her hand whizzed over her clit and she was panting.

"I'm cumming...I'm..." Carlos sucked in my glans and coordinated his sucks to my pulsing shots. I arched back and leaned in. I just let it flow. When I finally stopped and my cock slipped from his mouth, I said, "That was a great, I mean, great. Great blow job. Absolutely aces. And right now, if I was you, I'd clamp my talented tongue onto Eloise's clit. She's getting close." I waved my hand toward Eloise.

"I've never eaten..."

I said, using my dom side, "Eat her out. Suck on her clit. Make her cum in your mouth. Do it. Now!"

She got up to sit on the coping. He got down on his knees and put his face over her vulva. She was flicking her clit. He put his tongue into her vagina and she sighed, "Mmmm." I knew he would get the hang of it.

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Meanwhile, his girlish little ass looked nice. So nice, in fact, I ran my hand down between his cheeks, down to where the sun don't shine. I ran a finger around his rosebud. He raised his ass to me. Eloise was holding his head and moving it around her clit. I got behind Carlos and started rubbing my cock around his hole. His ass replied quickly as I felt him squeezing it and sucking me in. I wasn't quite hard yet and so I played my cock around and just in his pucker.

Eloise was panting, bucking, arching and heaving. Carlos was eating her and pulling one nipple. He was splashing around in her juices when she arched and cried out, ", fuck, oh, fuck." she went limp. Just then, my cock throbbed and Carlos pushed back, sucking the head past his sphincter. I slowly slid in but he seemed insistent and I slid all the way in quite easily. Eloise was watching me fuck him. Carlos began to squeeze my cock. He was sweating heavily, too. Eloise reached down and stroked his cock.

"Faster, Eloise. Stroke me faster. I'm close."

I was fucking him like I meant it. Long, hard strokes, bottoming out and coming back to run along his prostate. Again, I could feel my spunk rising and I let go, blasting his intestines. He started to shoot, too. His cum flew all over Eloise and her hand caught a few globs. She licked her fingers happily as Carlos and I rolled over and caught our breath. My cock head was still inside him.

"That was some orgasm, boys. I love this bi-play. It's so cool."

A few minutes later, she went to the bathroom. Carlos and I disentangled. Carlos looked at me with these puppy eyes. He said, quietly, "That was a good fuck. Do think I can maybe meet you and we can fuck alone?"

"It's possible," I said, "Especially since you are an excellent catcher. But let's concentrate on Eloise and let's double-fuck her, alright? And, let's hit the bed."

Eloise returned. Her attitude seemed to be a bit more chill and she had a jaunty step. "That was much better than I thought it would be. I was thinking about what a little slut I am but then, the thought occurred to me that all three of us are little sluts. How great is it to be uninhibited! I mean, I love being a slut for you...and for me."

"Good, Eloise, because I want to form a chain first before we both fuck you silly. Come over here and suck my cock. Carlos, stick your face in her ass and lubricate her good. And come over here, so I can take a look at your cock. Nobody cum. We'll save that for the big finish, ok?"

"Thanks for the direction," said El as she gobbled my cock. I licked around Carlo's balls and taint. He stuck his tongue up her ass. After about five minutes, I yelled, "Switch!" Carlos sucked me in, I ate El while she slurped Carlos. After five more minutes, I said, "Stop! El, get on all fours and let slide into your ass. Come on, Carlos, let's make her crazy."

"Oooh, I like that! Do me!"

Carlos got below her and slipped his cock into her snatch. He was having trouble getting hard.

"You can do this, Carlos. Close your eyes and visualize my ass that you're fucking. Just go with it."

I reached around and rubbed his sac while my index finger crawled up his taint. I could feel him getting stiff. He held the tip and pushed into Eloise. She was already well-lubed and loose. He slid in without trouble.

I was semi-hard and getting stiffer as I slid my cock around her pucker. She turned back toward me and we began to swap some spit. She tasted of cock and I tasted of pussy, it was a gourmet cocktail. I pressed the glans against her hole and popped in. Slowly, amid Eloise's groans, I slid my seven inches in.

"Umph." When he was about halfway in her twat, I could feel him rubbing above the membrane separating us. "I can't believe it. I'm so full of cock. This feels so good. Unreal. Don't stop."

Eloise had a little belly just above her pubes and it caused her to arch a little to get perfect vaginal insertion. My old friend, Davy, refers to this part of a woman as a "gunt." I always thought this was a perfect name for it. Anyway, I digress, I had one hand on her "gunt", it felt exquisitely soft and warm as her "cunt" sucked Carlos in.

Carlos and I were in a rhythm now. He sawed in as I sawed out. A few times, we stalled halfway so we could feel each other sliding past. Eloise was making a constant moan, very quietly. That is, except for her demands that we go faster. When Carlos bottomed out and he was balls-in, only then did Eloise complain. But as he pistoned back, she whispered, "Do it again." He did and she promptly let loose a queef, a pussy fart.

We resumed our rocking as Eloise began to shake. We held our rhythm while she had a small orgasm. We could tell that she was building to a much larger one. Carlos resumed his penetration and we lost our rhythm. Carlos was now drilling faster and I was holding on for dear life. Eloise was moaning and squeezing her muscles tight around us. Carlos could not hold out any longer and he grunted and bellowed. I could feel his pulsing, spurting cock and it truly felt amazing. I was coming, too, and I spurted several intense volleys that I think coated her esophagus.

Eloise screamed out, "Stay in me. Stay in me!" Her nipples popped and her skin turned red. She began to flop up and down, side to side and in and out. Her "gunt" was bouncing off Carlos. The woman was literally on fire. Her pelvic muscles squeezed and released very quickly and rapidly.

Then she screamed out, "Yes, yes. Oh, God, yes!"

She erupted like a volcano and like a volcano, he released an immense lava flow. Her vagina expelled him and then expelled me, her juices flowing. She started to squirt. She must have released at least one gallon of excretions. Then, my dick exploded. I'd already cum a couple of times and it was not a large load but it sure was satisfying. I couldn't hold this bucking bronco. My dick flopped out covered in cum. And then, the smell hit us all, an overpowering smell of sex, urine and who knows what else. Eloise pushed Carlos off and ran urgently into the bathroom.

Carlos and I lay in the stinky bed and smiled at each other. "That was fucking incredible," he said, "Her pussy was so tight." We heard the toilet flush and shower start. We got up and headed to the shower.

My large shower fit all three of us and we took care to wash each other. When we were clean, we dried off and returned to the bedroom. I stripped the bedclothes and threw everything in the washing machine. I threw new sheets on the bed while they got dressed.

"I'm sorry I made a mess," said Eloise. "I couldn't control myself. I think my whole body came."

"Yeah, that was something else," said Carlos. "I didn't think a woman could make me cum but I was very wrong. I suppose I'm really bisexual. I really loved the experience of having both of you."

Eloise smiled. "Yes, it was really something else. When you guys came, I felt so full of cock and cum. It was exquisite. I was outside my head. I want to do this again."

"Oh, we will. And soon, too. Carlos, your ass is like ice cream."

"What are we going to do for Robin?" asked Eloise.

"First, we'll introduce her to Carlos and his big dick. Then, we'll make sure she's comfortable and we'll all fuck her into the ozone. Oh, she's going to love you, Carlos."

"Wow. This sounds great," he said.

"And, it will be."

I watched them drive away. I felt a little wobbly. I felt very serene. I'd lucked into a very good scene and I couldn't wait for the next one.

Written by oldhippie1949
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