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Goldilocks And The Three Bears

"A sexual take on a classic fairytale"

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Goldilocks was well known in the village, and not for anything good. She was so named because of the golden curls on her head, and on her pussy, not that she let anyone openly look, but she did enjoy roaming around town pantyless. She was, as some would call her, a flirt, a tease even. She liked getting her own way and she always did thanks to her Daddy who was Mayor of the town. Anything his darling sweetheart wanted, she got, and she lorded it over everyone. She was, despite her flirtatious behaviour, a virgin to any form of sexual activity. She was all talk and would run away to Daddy if anyone dared suggest anything inappropriate to her.

No one was surprised when she was found, her pretty dress torn, her golden curls matted with cum, mixed juices drying on her legs and face, and a satisfied grin on her lips.


It was a typical day for Goldilocks as she skipped through the woods near her village. She moved freely in her pretty blue dress, feeling the warm air against her bare pussy lips. She whistled to herself as she ventured deeper into the woods, further than she had before. As the sun rose overhead, she began to sweat. Her stomach grumbled with hunger and her dress clung to her slim form. She thought it was just her divine right when she found the cabin hidden within a clump of trees and freely walked through the front door.

The main room was wide open with a kitchen, dining room and loungeroom in one. There were pictures of men and women on the walls. The people in the photos looked like they could have been bears. Two big and burly men with thick necks, broad shoulders and hairy arms and chests. The female was just as big and burly, with large arms and shoulders, and thick thighs. Goldilocks shivered, thinking who would let themselves look like that. Her pristine, privileged life did not allow for such grotesque people to exist around her.

The smell of porridge drew her away from the pictures on the wall. Her attention was drawn to the large table in the middle of the room. Three bowls of porridge were placed around the table. Her stomach growled at her demanding to be fed. Moving to the first bowl, the liquid burnt her lip as she brought the spoon to her mouth. She threw the spoon across the room, disgusted that it would hurt her so. Moving to the next bowl, she carefully tasted the contents. Though it cooled her sore lip, it was too cold for her to enjoy eating and she dropped the spoon back in the bowl, splashing the porridge over the table. The third bowl was the perfect temperature and she greedily consumed all that was in it, including sliding her tongue along the sides of the deep bowl to get every inch of the mixture.

Tired from her meal she headed towards the chairs in the lounge room. Upon inspection, she was surprised at the look of them. Each had the standard four legs and looked like a typical wooden chair, but there was a hole in the middle of each and she did not understand why. Feeling exhausted she chose to sit in the taller chair first. As she sat down, she felt instant pressure on her arse. The sudden introduction of the object surprised her and made her jump off the chair. Looking back, it was once again a normal chair with a hole in the centre.

She tried the next chair with the same result, a sudden punch of pressure between her arse and pussy, that made her jump off the chair. The third chair was much smaller, and the hole was further to the front of the chair than the others. As she sat down the protrusion returned however this time it pierced her pussy lips and slid inside. At first, Goldilocks was shocked and felt slight pain at the invader in her most private of parts, but a warmth flooded through her she had never felt before and she began to relax.

The protrusion pushed further into her wet pussy, filling her virgin hole and making her moan. She leaned back on the chair, savouring the feeling of this hard rod inside her. As her hips rocked backwards her pussy spasmed and made her shiver. Her eyes opened wide at the tingling in her groin and she continued to rock her hips back and forth feeling the warmth build. The phallic toy rubbed against her pussy walls as she moved, causing friction and electricity to radiate through her body. Her mouth opened as she screamed out her first-ever orgasm. Her body shook with the intensity and she gripped the chair tightly. As her body relaxed, the protrusion began to hurt and she jumped off the chair, almost crumbling in a heap on the floor.

Unsure of what had just occurred and feeling tired, Goldilocks headed upstairs to the bedrooms. There were three rooms, a large masculine room, and an equally large room with a pink doona on the bed. The final room was of similar size with a green doona. Goldilocks flopped onto the first bed and cried out. It felt like she had dropped on cement, there was no give in the mattress at all. She moved to the next room and gingerly crept onto the bed. The mattress gave way instantly, swallowing Goldilocks in a sea of blanket and pillows. The final bed was perfect for her and she curled up, her legs, folding up to her chest, exposing her bare arse and dripping pussy to the door of the bedroom.


Charlotte was the first to notice something was wrong. As she walked through the door, she could smell the sweet tang of pussy juice and stopped in the doorway looking around the room. Kurt and Aaron pushed past her, propping their axe and sword against the wall and making a beeline for the porridge they had left on the table.

“Wait,” Charlotte called to her brothers before they got to the table. The boys stopped and turned to her, watching her sniff the air. Both took deep breaths and the aroma finally hit them.

“Some girl has been in the house,” Kurt growled. He was the oldest of the siblings and the largest. Standing at 7ft tall, he was solidly built, with strong, thick arms and legs that were quilted with silvery grey hair. He immediately reached for his axe as his piercing blue eyes searched the room for signs of the intruder.

“Hey, who ate my breakfast?” Aaron stood at the table looking down at his empty bowl. The youngest of the siblings Aaron was slightly shorter than his brother and sister, thought just as stocky. His hazel eyes shone in contrast to the red curls over his body and his strong arms stretched the black shirt beneath his armour. He was well suited to serving the evil queen as her huntsman and collected his sword as he inspected the room.

Charlotte joined her brothers at the table looking down at the mess and the missing porridge. She had moved into the cabin when home life had become unbearable. She stood almost as tall as Kurt and had been in the gym all her life developing the strength she would need to defend herself. She had always been a stocky girl and was more like a tomboy than a girly girl, much to their parents’ and the town's disappointment. When she could take their disapproval no longer, she moved into the hidden cabin where she could continue her training and just be herself.

Scanning the room Charlotte followed the tang to the wooden chairs in the loungeroom. Leaning in she could see the glistening stain of pussy juice on all three chairs. Aaron’s chair had the most, with an added tinge of blood and it was clear some girl had cum on his seat, possibly for the first time. A creak from above led the siblings upstairs.

Each glanced into the rooms as they travelled across the landing until all three were standing outside Aaron’s room, observing the sight before them. On his bed, curled in a ball, was Goldilocks. Her pale skin stood out in contrast to the green doona on the bed. With her knees pulled to her chest the three could see her golden curls and glistening pussy lips.

Aaron and Kurt felt their cocks twitch at the sight of such an innocent pussy, and thoughts of abusing that tight snatch filled their minds. Charlotte’s pussy spasmed and dribbled at the innocence before her. A wicked giggle escaped her lips as she turned to her brothers to see a mutual acknowledgement in their eyes. Goldilocks was known to the three of them. In fact, she was the reason why Charlotte and her brothers left home, her constant teasing and spoilt-brat attitude had made life in town impossible. Now, here she was, in their house, they just couldn’t pass up on the opportunity.

Charlotte carefully crawled onto the bed as her brothers stood on either side ready to grab her arms as she woke up. Charlotte slid a hand over Goldi’s hip, under her thigh, and stroked the exposed pussy. Goldi moaned but did not wake. Charlotte moved her hand between Goldi’s legs, gently moving one to the side and rolling Goldi onto her back. Again, she moaned but her eyes remained closed. Charlotte crawled further up the bed, so her face was level with the golden curls of an innocent pussy. Leaning down, she snaked out her tongue to travel the glistening slit before her. Moans escaped Goldi’s lips as the tongue pushed in between the lips and lapped at the juices inside. Charlotte placed her hands on the young woman’s legs pushing them further apart, in turn separating the lips and giving Charlotte a view of the dripping pussy within. The pressure on her legs stirred Goldilocks, her eyes fluttering open and a scream escaping her lips. Charlotte pulled her down the bed and held her hips tightly.

Aaron and Kurt grabbed her arms as she tried to move from her position on the bed. Her eyes grew wider as Charlotte drove her tongue into her pussy. Goldilocks squirmed on the bed, trying to break free as she felt a similar burning beginning in her toes. Her mind was wild and fearful, but her body was responding to the assault of the tongue in her pussy. Charlotte replaced her tongue with two fingers driving them deep into the tight space. Her tongue glided up to the virgin clit protruding from its protective hood, and slowly flicked the nub.

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Goldilocks was surprised at the sudden jolt of electricity emanating from her nether regions and closed her eyes. She had bumped the area on occasions and felt the tingle but never like this. Her body betrayed her. She felt fresh juices spill out onto her legs as her body shook with each flick. The tingle in her toes began to intensify, as it had done on the chair, and she felt herself about to burst. She opened her mouth, getting ready to scream when a long thick rod drove into her throat.

Goldilocks had not realised the brothers had let her go and looked up to see the taller one kneeling over her chest. His cock was wide and tapped the back of her throat, making her gag. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes as her jaw relaxed and accommodated the shaft in her mouth. Her hands were free to move to the strong thighs straddling her. To her surprise, she did not push him away, instead reached around to his muscular butt, pulling him closer, driving the cock in further.

Kurt held onto the bedhead as Goldi grabbed his arse and took more of his cock into her mouth. He savoured the sensation of this virgin woman tasting his rod. Her tongue slid inexperienced over his shaft as she attempted to suck on his pole. Despite her obvious lack of skill, her attempts aroused the tingle in his balls. He began to buck his hips, fucking her virgin lips and relishing in the friction of her tongue and occasional graze of teeth on his shaft. The tension rose and he drove his cock deep into her throat, his warm seed splattering throughout her mouth. He slowly pulled out and watched his cum dribble down her chin as she spluttered with the amount in her throat.

Goldilocks tried not to choke on the warm, sticky fluid that had been shot into her mouth, dribbling some of it down her chin. As she tried to catch her breath, she felt a familiar protrusion at her pussy and briefly saw the younger of the men kneeling between her legs before an explosion of pain radiated from her private parts. Her head fell back onto the bed and her eyes squeezed shut as the pain was replaced with the warm feeling of pleasure. She felt like her body was on fire as the cock stretched her pussy wide, driving deeper and deeper into her with each thrust. She felt her leg being lifted, bringing her hips off the bed, and giving the large cock more room to plough into her.

Aaron drove his cock into the wet pussy before him. Her snatch resisted his knob briefly before he punched through the opening and drove deep into the waiting space. With each thrust, he felt her body relax and welcome him deeper. Her pussy grabbed his shaft with each thrust making his balls tingle and tense with each hammering drive into her. Lifting her leg, he placed it against his muscular body, bringing her hips off the bed and allowing him to plunge deeper into her wet cunt.

He felt her body begin to shake with an impending orgasm and withdrew his cock, using his hand to finish himself off, stroking the shaft and jetting his cum over her bare legs. Goldilocks whimpered as she was denied yet another orgasm. She raised herself up on an elbow to protest and felt legs sliding under her arms and thighs push her shoulders down. As her head rested against the bed she was presented with a large, dripping pussy that smothered her face.

Charlotte positioned herself at the head of the bed, sliding her legs under Goldi’s lifted arms, and lowered her thighs to her shoulders, pushing her back down on the bed. In this position, Charlotte smothered Goldi’s face with her excited pussy. Her lips were large and throbbing, her cunt dripped her juice into Goldi’s mouth. She ground down on the face beneath her, forcing the young woman to eat her out.

“Lick and suck that pussy!” the deep voice growled at Goldilocks and she obeyed, sliding a tongue into the hole as had been done to her. The juices flowed over her mouth and her face as her nose rubbed against the protruding clit. Charlotte rocked her hips back and forth over the girl’s face as the tongue fucked her saturated pussy. The bumps to her clit started the rising warmth in her belly. As she felt the orgasm approaching, she slid her hips back forcing the tongue out of her snatch and onto the nerve ending. Her body shook as the tongue lapped at her clit. Juices gushed from her cunt over Goldi’s face with each spasm of her release.

Goldi lay on the bed panting, her face covered in pussy juice. Her mind tried to comprehend the events so far as she felt herself being rolled onto her stomach. The younger of the brothers sat at the head of the bed, his hard, throbbing cock rising above the red curls that tickled her face. She felt pressure behind her and attempted to protest. Once again, a cock stifled her scream as the rod at her arse pushed slowly in.

Kurt rolled Goldi onto her stomach and onto Aaron’s waiting cock. He positioned his throbbing muscle at her rear entrance and slowly pushed forward. Feeling resistance he momentarily stopped his movement. As Aaron plunged his cock into Goldi’s mouth, Kurt began the slow glide into her tight arse. Inch by inch, he delved deeper into her rear, stretching her hole with his thick cock. The canal gripped his shaft tightly and his stomach tingled and tensed.

The further he drove into her, the more she relaxed, allowing his full length inside, his taunt, muscular stomach resting against her perfectly rounded arse. Pausing briefly to deliver a firm slap to her pale cheeks, he began slow thrusts in and out of her rear. He held her hips and admired the ruby red handprint now visible on her arse as he drove into her, harder and harder. The friction on his shaft made him dizzy with the increasing tension in his groin. He felt his balls tighten as he drove deep into her arse and exploded into her.

Aaron waited till Goldi opened her mouth to protest then slid his long hard cock into her mouth. As her mouth closed around the shaft, she pursed her lips and began to suck the rod further into her mouth. Her tongue lashed the length of him and rimmed his knob as it glided to the back of her throat. Fully embedded inside her, Aaron twirled his fingers into her golden locks, grabbing a handful and pulling her head off his cock. A grimace of pain flashed in her eyes as Kurt buried his thick rod in her arse. Aaron lowered her head back onto his muscle, pushing her head down hard, plunging the head to the back of her throat.

Goldilocks felt immediate pain as the cock pushed into her arse, but she was distracted by the hard pole driving into her mouth. Having learnt from the first time, she played her tongue across the shaft and rimmed the knob as it drove deeper into her. She felt on fire with pleasure and pain. The cock in her arse was stretching her as it assaulted her virgin hole, but there was pleasure she had never felt before. The deeper he went the more she relaxed and welcomed the foreign object, her pussy gushing with the warm tingling sensation building in her toes again.

She began to suck hard on the cock in her throat, her tongue lapping at the shaft and pushing the knob to the roof of her mouth. Fingers were in her hair lifting her head up and down on the rod, releasing it from her lips before plunging it deep into her throat. She tried to suck and lick the muscle, but the movement allowed minimal control and she pushed her lips together to create the tight space she knew he would love. The friction increased on Aaron’s shaft and he knew it would not be long before he shot his load over her. He quickened the movement of her head, feeling her lips grip his shaft tightly. His balls tensed as he pulled her head up and shot himself over her face.

Goldi licked her lips and poked out her tongue to receive Aaron’s cum, as she felt Kurt empty himself into her arse. Jet after jet of cum covered her face and hair, but she accepted it all, not caring about her pretty golden locks. She felt relief and disappointment as the cock was removed from her arse. She could feel juices dripping down her leg as his cum and her excitement mixed in the stream.

Her pussy throbbed to be released, and she whimpered, moving her hand to her pussy to rub her clit. Charlotte grabbed her hand and, leaning forward, licked her clit. Pressing the angry nub firmly with her tongue she drove two fingers deep into Goldi’s stretched pussy and held her tight as her body shook violently with an orgasm.

Goldilocks felt her head spinning as the tongue pushed on her clit and her body erupted with an intense orgasm. Her pussy spasmed and her hips bucked against the mouth on her cunt. First the first time that day, she was able to scream as her orgasm took over her body.

Spent and exhausted she lay on the bed, covered in cum and pussy juice, every hole abused and used. Her beautiful golden curls matted together as the cum dried and she feel asleep on the bed.

The siblings looked down upon the young woman on the bed. She was no longer the pristine young girl, her dress torn, her body covered in the remnants of their pleasure. They each took a shower before gathering the sleeping young woman and carrying her to the outskirts of town where the townspeople were sure to find her in the morning.

Written by Nyissa
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