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Bitches On Heat

"An all girl party descends into an 'anything goes' reverse gang bang"

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Isn’t it amazing how quickly the second week of a holiday seems to go? That’s exactly how I felt the other day after returning from a two week trip to Europe. Just as I was wallowing in that post vacation melancholy, it was time for a girlie weekend at my place with my usual crowd plus a couple of Laura’s friends from uni. The most I have ever put up in my apartment was five, but with seven of us, I had to be a bit creative and organised for Laura’s Mum to bring over a folding bed and some spare duvets.

At the outset, this was only ever intended to be an all-girl party with shopping and maybe a few naughty games thrown in. We’re all either working full time/part-time or in university and these things can’t be organized at the drop of a hat and diaries have to be consulted to get everyone at the right time. Various commitments mean that that’s not always possible and this was the only window for a while.

By the Sunday we were all shopped out and as always I was up first, and prepared a buffet-style, continental breakfast for the girls. I had put Gemma and Aisha in the spare room, as they are my closest friends, so naturally had the most comfortable surroundings. For anyone new to my stories, Gemma is 24, half Japanese with long black hair, cute nose and brown eyes. She and I were partners many moons ago, but now we’re just very close friends. Because Laura and I have a semi-open lesbian relationship, anyone in our immediate circle is fair game, so when I say Gemma and I are ‘close friends’ you know what I mean. Aisha is 23, has long, dark brown rather than black hair. She has brown eyes and was born here but her parents are from an area of Pakistan, known as Baluchistan. Her culture is very conservative, but she is totally westernised.

Aisha and Gemma have been partners for a while now, and while they’re both lesbians, they have been known to dabble with the opposite sex, but like once in a blue moon.

Laura, my partner is very booby, with 34FF boobs. She is blonde like me and is just 20 years old. Laura and I have made a pact that we will only do another girl or a guy if we share them. That way, no one gets hurt and everything is out in the open. I guess there is always the outside chance that someone will get an emotional attachment, but Laura and I are such close friends as well as lovers, I don’t think I need to worry.

Ashlie took the folding bed in the spare room. Laura and I have known Ashlie for about two years. Her father was once my boss at an art gallery, where I worked for a while. She is the ultimate sex kitten with gorgeous brown eyes, long black hair, but an entirely European complexion. She says she has Scottish ancestors, which explains the Mediterranean appearance. It’s funny, isn’t it. You arrive from Spain, three thousand years ago, with your fine beakers and skilfully-crafted pottery. Where do you go? Scotland! Beats me.

That left Laura’s uni buddies in the hastily concocted duvet/blanket arrangement. I put them in our room, as the spare room was getting a bit cramped. Samara is yet another Asian girl. She is of Iranian origin, and has luxurious black hair, with a remarkable sheen when it’s brushed. Her eyes are an unusual, kind of green brown. Also she has those luscious kind of ample, but pointed boobs with big nipples. Her partner is Hayley, who is mousy-blonde, slim and sexy with a lovely bubble butt. Both girls admit to being bisexual and had slept around at uni with a few guys before they met.

Our parties work because we’re all comfortable with each other and when we enrol any newbies, we always have gentle initiations. There’s no pressure, just lots of affection and encouragement. The main thing is that I always emphasize the importance of togetherness and mutual satisfaction. I know it sounds like some secret kinky club, but it’s just normal girls doing normal stuff. I am naturally uninhibited and a hopeless exhibitionist. Being from a very proper, middle class family I have developed a rebellious, naughty side, and as a result, like to let my hair down. I like to think that my friends remember my parties as the best they’ve ever been to.

The plan for the Sunday was that we would go for a walk in the nearby park in the afternoon and then come back for games and party into the evening. The first half was scuppered by torrential rain. I looked out of my kitchen window before breakfast. The strip of grass below was in standing water!

Now, the inside of my apartment isn’t that interesting, so after a bit of a discussion I phoned for a minibus from the local taxi firm and we had ourselves a day out in a nearby stately home. It was actually in the next county, but following a spot of haggling, it worked out at ten pounds each, taking us there and back.

So, what was meant to be a stroll in the park, with seven hot girls strutting our stuff in the late summer sunshine, turned into a cultured meander through the fusty-smelling rooms of a country pile.

Imagine the scene. A giggly bunch of twenty somethings, in skimpy shorts and over-short summer dresses poring over renaissance artwork and more silver than you can shake a stick at. The buttoned up curators were agog. I loved the ceilings, which reminded me of the icing on birthday cakes when I was a kid. They served lovely coffee and walnut cake in the café, which they insisted on calling a buttery. It had all the old copper saucepans and everything. All in all it was a bit of a hoot.

The weather had much improved by the time we got home and I hardly faltered on the way to the fridge and opened two bottles of Chardonnay. Samara only drinks red, so I had bought a bottle of Shiraz just for her. We all clinked glasses and settled down on sofas and bean bags, ready for the evening’s entertainment. Normally, it begins with a few couples kissing or sometimes three girls making out and we end up in a big pile. Sometimes, I have proper games planned, like naked twister, when we’ve had a glass or two.

For some reason, a little discussion broke out into the pros and cons of dildos versus cocks. Gemma said there was more to sex than cocks, which is true. But Laura countered with the argument, that it was the lack of control over a cock, which makes a guy appealing. Aisha rejoindered that a friend in control of a vibrator beat a cock any day. What everyone agreed on was that guys can’t kiss and are generally rubbish at oral sex. Laura and I draw the line at kissing guys, so that was academic.

“Don’t suppose you’ve got any guys tucked away, have you?” asked Ashlie, naughtily.

“No, sorry,” I admitted.

“Except for Tommy,” added Laura.

“Ha ha, yeah, except for Tommy.”

“Hang on, who’s Tommy!” exclaimed Ashlie.

“Hmmm… you kept this quiet, Danny!” added Gemma.

“Oh, it’s just some guy. He’s a soccer player.”

“A footballer? As in a proper footballer?” asked Hayley.

“I don’t know what you mean, but yeah he’s a professional. He’s in the Liverpool squad.”

“Where is he?” asked Ashlie.

I put a finger to my head, pretending to be psychic.

“How do I know!”

“Have you got his number? What’s he like?”

“Yeah, fess up, Danny,” said Aisha.

“Yeah like you care,” I said.

It was clear that this was one cat that wasn’t going back in the bag and suddenly everyone wanted to know every last detail about Tommy.

“OK, friend of a friend… Anfield VIP box… helped me in the allotment… Laura and I fucked him senseless.”

“Danny!” exclaimed Gemma, liked I’d robbed a bank or something.

“Get him here!” said Ashlie, with real gusto.

“How do you mean, 'get him here'?!”

“Is he fit?” asked Samara, bashfully.

“Very. I mean, properly fit. His six pack is like…” I made a clicking noise with my tongue as I rehearsed the action of counting his abs.

“He is the real deal,” confirmed Laura.

“You’ve got to get him here,” said Ashlie.

Hayley sat up and held out her glass for a top up.

“Seriously, Danny. You should see if he can come round.”

“What seriously, seriously? Seven of us?”

“We’ll actually kill him,” said Laura.

“Well it’s not actually seven cos Gemma wouldn’t do him anyway,” I pointed out.

“You can’t say what anyone would do, until they are faced with the situation,” said Ashlie.

“Yeah, and I can speak for myself, thank you,” said Gemma, sharply.

“Sorry, I was only saying,” I retorted.

“Well, I can’t you know…” said Aisha, “But…”

“But what?” I asked.

“I might play with it.”

“Would you suck it?” asked Gemma.

“I might do. If you do.”

“Gemma, you don’t suck dicks!” commented Laura.

“Not normally, but there was that one guy.”



“Greg? You can’t count Greg, I said.”

“What do you mean you can’t count Greg!” blurted Laura.

“Who’s Greg?” asked Samara.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, I’m going for a pee.”

There was a queue on the landing when I came out, and the Tommy subject hadn’t gone away.

“OK, OK, I’ll phone Tommy!”

I have to admit, I had intended to keep Tommy under wraps, but thanks to my Laura, I was now looking for his name in my contacts. The others sat around quietly as I called him up and put my phone on loud speaker.

“Allo yeah.”

“Tommy, it’s Danny.”

“Danny! Hi.”

“How are you?”

“I’m good yeah.”

“Tommy, bit random, I know, but I have some people who want to meet you. How you fixed?”

“Some people? What people?”

“Friends. Girl friends. Seven girls.”

“You wha’!”

“Yeah, your name sort of came up and now they want to, ummm inspect you.”

There was a fit of giggles.

“Who’s tha’? Is this a wind-up, Danny?”

“Honestly. It’s not.”

“Let me talk to him,” said Ashlie.”

“Hang on Tommy, Ashlie wants to speak to you. Go on.”

“Hello Tommy. This is Ashlie. Please come round. I’ve heard all about you. We would love to make your acquaintance… and things.”

“Wow! You sound nice.”

More giggles.

“Danny, I’m due to go training in twenty minutes.”

“Ah Tommy!!!”

“I’ll get kicked from here to da Mersey, If I don’t turn up.”

“Tommy. You can’t let me down!!!”

“Oh shit, Danny.”

“Tommy. Seven girls,” said Ashlie.

“Oh shit. Fuck!”

Silence among the girls and on the phone.

“Tommy, you still there?”

“Yeah, yeah…”

“Tommy, it’s Laura, please come round. Surely you can make something up.”

“OK, yeah. Oh fuck. Shall I just come now?”

Gemma mouthed the words ‘s-h-o-w-e-r’ and made a shower nozzle action.

“Yeah, yeah.”


“No, not you. Yeah, unless you need to freshen up or whatever.”

“Oh, yeah sure. I’ll be fifteen minutes.”

I threw my phone to one side.


“Danielle! You are a star!”

Ashlie and then the others proceeded to give me high fives.

“More wine anyone?”

I supplied more alcohol and opened a couple of packets of Pringles and some salted pretzels.

I turned to Laura and cupped her bum and kissed her deeply. This was a general cue for the other girls to get sexy and being an odd number Ashlie joined Samara and Hayley in a three way snog. Everyone mingled, kissing and stroking each other’s bodies through their clothes. I lost my top along with Laura and one or two girls were soon down to their bra and panties.

We were smoochy and generally a little boozy and turned on, when the bell rang. This created a real stir and air of excitement among the girls as I dashed off to let him in.

I opened the door and Tommy’s eyes went straight from my face to my bra.

“Wow! Danny, you weren’t kidding!”

I gave Tommy a big hug and showed him in and he followed me up to my apartment.

“Girls, this is Tommy.”

“Hi Tommy!!!”


All the girls rushed towards him, greeting in him in a generally exuberant, effervescent kind of way. I introduced the girls to him, one by one. He had gown quite a full beard since I had seen him last, making him look very mature. His hairy legs looked nice in his knee-length combat shorts and I could tell that Ashlie would eat him alive given half the chance.

Tommy was beaming like a Cheshire cat and I tried to gauge if he was overwhelmed, but he seemed all right, except that his eyes were everywhere. Samara who was still fully dressed, had on a tight red dress and her pubic mound made a noticeable bulge in the front. Laura’s ass cheeks were spilling under her denim shorts and Gemma and Aisha had distinct camel toes in their skimpy shorts. Ashlie and Hayley were the only ones down to their underwear and just looked very sexual and up for it.

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“Let’s see his six pack, then!” Ashlie insisted.

“Ashlie, let the poor guy get a drink.”

“I don’t mind,” said Tommy, enjoying the attention.

He lifted his deckchair striped shirt eliciting gasps and wolf-whistles.

“Shit a brick!” exclaimed Aisha.

“They looked like they’ve been carved out of stone,” added Hayley.

“I told you.”

“Look at his groin muscles,” said Ashlie.

“You weren’t exaggerating,” said Samara.

“I have to train every day,” said Tommy,” proudly exhibiting his well-honed torso. 

I showed Tommy to the sofa, handing him a glass of white wine, as the girls assembled around.

Ashlie brazenly ran her fingers through his dark hair.

“You’ll have to excuse my friend,” I said. “Ashlie is feeling rather horny.”

Ignoring me completely, both Ashlie and Samara were taking the initiative and took turns to give him a very intimate lap dance, rubbing their panty gussets against the unavoidable swelling in his pants, in addition to frequent booby squishes in his face. Tommy didn’t know what had hit him and he just continued to sport the same broad grin as his hands roamed over the girl’s bodies.

“Having fun there, Tommy?” said Laura, sardonically.

As she spoke, Ashlie sat on his lap and put a hand around his neck and gave him a full on kiss to the lips, giving everyone the thumbs up with her free hand.

“You got to save some for us!” remarked Laura.

“Oh, there’s plenty to go round!” exclaimed Ashlie, taking a fistful of Tommy’s packet through his shorts.

I stood in front of Tommy with Ashlie still sitting on his lap and undid my bra with one hand and pushed my boobs into his face and invited him to ‘Say hello to a couple of friends.’

Samara and Ashlie proceeded to unfasten his trousers as he sucked on my breasts. Everyone began to get turned on and whoever wasn’t doing something to Tommy were doing it to each other, removing any remaining clothes or underwear in the process. Tommy's lips were clamped around my nipple and he drew my titty flesh into his mouth, which sent tingles everywhere, especially as someone was groping my ass at the same time.

Laura climbed on the sofa behind Tommy and unbuttoned his shirt, sliding her hands over his chest. Samara and Ashlie had succeeded in stretching out his legs, in order to pull off his combats. Tommy had gone commando and his cock, which was now almost fully hard, sprang up. His balls were nicely shaved and smooth, like a pair of dark pink walnuts. His wanger was big; seven inches plus and thick too, which seemed to make him look enormous. The base of his cock emerged from his sack, making the eye follow the length of his shaft to that beautiful bulbous bell-end. A perfect, porn-star cock. Even Gemma was gazing at it like a lost puppy and though she thinks that cocks are ‘ugly’ I’m sure she was won over by Tommy’s super-duper dong.

Somehow, seven girls managed to squeeze onto one sofa, so that someone was stroking some part of his body. He had me on one side and Hayley on the other, meaning that he had only to turn his head to suck a different pair of boobs. Ashlie was holding onto the business end and didn’t wait to be asked before sucking his cock, taking him deeply into her mouth as Samara licked his balls. I rubbed my tits into his face, ruffling his hair with both hands. His hands were gliding over my bum, feeling for my moist crack. I was properly turned on and I wanted Tommy’s cock. Somehow though, I thought that Ashlie would want to go first and would probably fight me for him!

My two friends were now sharing his cock between their lips, stroking his shaft and then playing with his glistening, pink helmet. As he kissed Hayley’s pert little boobs, I ran my hands over his firm pecs, until I arrived at his nipples, circling them and giving them a firm pinch. His cock end looked lovely from above and watching him being sucked by Ashlie and Samara turned me on. I wanted to have sex – with anyone, guy or girl and having a choice of boobs to fondle and lips to kiss just made me more and more aroused. Laura, maybe having a sixth sense had perched on the sofa behind me and slipped her fingers between my legs, giving me a very nice rapid fingering.

“Are you two going to let someone else have a go,” said Gemma, who seemed to be taking the role of self-appointed referee. The two girls had begun to look a bit selfish, but reluctantly gave way, allowing Gemma and Aisha to nestle between his legs.

“Gemma, you’re actually going to have a go!”

“Sure, why not?!”

Gemma was all giggles and introduced herself to his tool by playing with the end, circling her fingers around the top as Aisha drizzled some saliva over his increasingly swollen cock. Gemma bent down and kissed the shaft a few times and then squealed.

“Haaaaaaha! It moved!”

Aisha gently rolled her tongue along the length of his cock, until she reached the sensitive part on the underside. Tommy lay back and groaned as Aisha joined her partner and shared his cock between them; Gemma sucking him slowly and tentatively and then Aisha fellating him with a little more confidence. Seeing Gemma suck cock was just so wrong, yet an immense turn on and she seemed to be enjoying the novelty of the experience.

With so many girls on the sofa, Laura clambered onto the back, without the fear of tipping over and stretched out one leg, hovering over Tommy’s face. I slipped a finger between her pussy lips - she was absolutely soaking wet and I drew my finger out, stretching a long strand of gloopy girl juice. Laura lowered her bottom, rubbing her pussy over Tommy’s lips. His tongue lapped at her cunt and he proceeded to eat one very wet pussy. I leant across and kissed Samara, just as a pair of hands were squeezing my boobs. Gemma and Aisha were now wanking and licking Tommy’s cock. He was groaning hard and it was obvious that he was going to come before anyone had had the chance to fuck.

We had him stand up and I think three hands were on his cock, stroking him, as I sat on the sofa and rubbed my tits on his purple end. Tommy’s legs began to buckle and he began to breath hard as we jerked him off. His cum came out like a jet, in thick ropes, making a proper spunky mess over my tits. I sat up and milked his cum, squeezing my tits around his hot, hard, pumping cock. All this with the girls in a state of elation, with lots of excited squeals and whoops of joy.

If Tommy thought he was going to get time to recover, he had to think again. Maintaining an erection is a fine art. His cock still hard, Laura and I sucked him, working his shaft gently, taking care to stimulate his fraenulum at the same time. The trick is to not let them go completely soft, as that meant his second erection would not be so serviceable. The alternative was to wait half an hour and I knew the girls were in no mood for that, so Tommy had to stay in the game and show his worth.

Aisha poured some wine in to his mouth as we licked and massaged his dick back to full working order. Ashlie sat astride his hips and kissed him; other girls were stroking his shoulders, his arms, his hair and treating him to a general pampering.

I wouldn’t say anyone was drunk, but we were tipsy and our inhibitions lost to the moment. Ashlie was rubbing herself against Tommy and was getting very worked up, probably as much as I’ve seen her and her arousal appeared to migrate to the other girls who were kissing and fondling and encouraging Ashlie to ‘go for it.’

For a while she stroked her pussy lips against his shaft, her labia caressing his cock. He held her, balancing her and taking her weight as she moved towards him, until his nob was lost inside her pussy. They both heaved with a loud groan of satisfaction as there was a clash of cunt and cock. Ashlie thrust her hips and gave Tommy a full cowgirl with her hands gripped on the back of the sofa and wasn’t letting go. Her hair was swaying with her body and her voice was shrill with her moans of delight. Tommy’s cock was so thick and she was all but taking his entire length. There was just the broad root of his cock exposed as she pistoned up and down the shaft. Ashlie was almost beside herself, half sobbing, half mewing with pleasure, spreading her milky girl cum over his dick.

Tommy lifted her by the buttocks and took control, driving his cock into her. Her hair was all over his face and chest, while her body jerked between orgasm and the power of his thrusts. Ashlie cupped Tommy’s face and kissed him hard on the lips. She rode him with such a passion, as Tommy thrust at the same time and my gorgeous friend was like a little doll, as her body trembled with her orgasm, her hair everywhere – his hands gripping her arms.

Tommy’s cock was like a thick, pink parsnip dipping into her tight, wet pussy. He had more than enough to satisfy my sexy, raven-haired friend and she held his shoulders, as her body flexed again, her orgasms riding over her in waves. Tommy sucked on her breasts as she came and already more girls were vying for his attention.

As Tommy and Ashlie kissed, Samara and Hayley were keen to get in on the action.

“Hayley, lie on the sofa, and you get on top,” I said pointing to Samara.”

“We’ll fall off.”

“No you won’t.”

“They need to be lower,” said Laura. “He can do them together.”


“Fetch that duvet and some pillows,” suggested Laura.

“That’s a good idea.”

As Laura and I organised the impromptu love nest, Samara and Hayley kept Tommy occupied with a smoochy threesome on the sofa, kissing him, as he fondled their boobs and played with their butts. Ashlie, Gemma and Aisha had begun their own little three way on the fake sheepskin rug by the hearth. The room was a heaving, orgy of sex as we lay the duvet on the floor, piling up some cushions at one end.

“Hayley, lie there and Samara - get on top,” I said.

Samara assumed a position on all fours, while Tommy stood by with this cock waving from side to side.

“No, not like that, lie on top of her, so your lulu is squashed against hers!”

The other girls had become diverted by our semi-drunken attempt to arrange a threesome. Tommy knelt down and started rubbing his cock against Samara’s pussy lips. She looked really wet and he began to dip his cock in and out, as she moaned with a soft murmur of satisfaction. Her pussy was grinding against Hayley’s, while Tommy alternately stroked his cock in and out of the two girls.

There were whoops and cries of “Tommy's a stud!” and “That’s it Tommy!”

Tommy’s muscles rippled, his body slick with perspiration as he began to fuck them harder, his cock throbbing, sometimes going in a pussy and sometimes bouncing between bum and pussy. He was really going for it, slapping and squeezing Samara’s big, squishy ass.

Samara was so wet, her swollen wet pussy was oozing with her cum, drizzling over her friend’s own cunt lips. I had my arms around Laura and Gemma, and we cuddled together, and we watched the amazing spectacle of Tommy double fucking the two hot girlfriends at the same time. With Samara lying belly to belly with her friend, she was getting the full benefit of Tommy’s cock on her G spot. The girls were doubly turned on, as they could make out, sharing a passionate French kiss as he drilled into their vaginas.

Tommy had remained hard for more than an hour since he had begun to fuck Ashlie and now he was groaning, his face tense and focused as he was absorbed by the pleasure of poking two girls at once. Hayley’s moans soon became the highlight of the moment and both girls came within moments of each other.

As both girls climaxed, Tommy was set upon by Laura and Ashlie and they pinned him to the duvet. Laura held my hands as she turned round, steadying herself and then mounted the horny sportsman and slid her pussy onto his cock, in the reverse cowgirl position. Ashlie held him down and then squatted over his face, and jammed her pussy on his mouth. She cupped Laura’s tits and they each rode him, Laura bucking like a real cowgirl, making a pretend lasso action, crying ‘Yeeha!’ Tommy was groaning deeply as his tongue lashed into Ashlie’s pussy.

For some reason the girls had decided to stand in a circle and chanted ‘Laura, Laura’ as she jerked her hips, driving Tommy’s cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so excited – they were building up to a frenzy. Tommy’s groans went up in volume and it was any wonder he didn’t blow his load there and then but Laura managed to jump off just in time and jerked his dick where he lay, until his legs tensed and his lean, toned body almost left the duvet. His ejaculation was massive, shooting out like a Roman candle of cum, going this way and that, and splattering over the duvet and over Laura’s hand.

Ashlie looked at me with a satisfied smile, wriggling on Tommy’s face, as we tugged the remaining watery cum from his cock. He was well and truly spent.

By now, everyone was very giggly and squiffy, although I had managed to stay relatively in control by my standards. I was dragged to one corner of my apartment for a very nice threesome with Aisha and Gemma.

Even when compared with my usual parties, that night was outrageous. It had all begun so innocently with a nice day out and then a chance comment, which had caused everything to snowball. Needless to say, it was a very late night and the girls cleared me out of wine and Laura opened a bottle of Sambuca. We turned up the music and seven naked girls danced into the early hours, well after Tommy had left.

I can confirm that Tommy was still alive when he left. I hope he didn’t get into too much trouble with his boss! 

Written by DanielleX
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