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B&B: 3. The Sheriff

"Gary and Gretchen try to deal with a Sheriff's threats"

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Gary was pleased to see that Gretchen was waiting for him just inside the back door to the kitchen of the B&B. She opened the door and he stepped inside carrying a box full of Chinese food cartons. She took the box and placed it on the kitchen table. Then she spun, wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his shoulder.

“Hi, baby,” he said.

“Hi,” she replied into him.

He gently grasped her shoulders and nudged them back so he could see her face. One look told him that she had done her best to conceal that she had been crying. She welcomed his kiss with soft, warm, slightly salty tasting lips.

Breaking the kiss, she sniffled a little, looked into his eyes and said, “I love you.”

“Love you more.”

They kissed again.

"Sue and Walt here yet?” he asked.

“Due in a few.”

They both took a seat at the kitchen table. Along with their bedroom, it was the place where the really important conversations took place in their home. After a long moment of silence, Gary tried to lighten the mood.

“So,” he began, “we have the Sheriff on our tail.”

“It’s more like he’s trying to fuck with our lives,” she replied with anger in her voice.

“You don’t see us as outlaws? Bonnie and Clyde, maybe?”

“We have done nothing wrong, Gary. Nothing!” she asserted. “We need to fix this.”

“We will, babe, we will.”

Just then Gary heard a car pulling up just outside the rear door.

“That will be Walt and Sue,” said Gretchen.

Gary watched as she stood, went to the door to open it and welcomed them. Sue was the first to enter. She handed Gretchen two bottles of wine, red and white. Walt followed carrying two four-packs of a locally brewed craft beer that he put directly on the table with the food.

“So, how’s it going, Howards?” asked Walt?

Gretchen began to sob and, almost immediately, Sue wrapped her in her arms.

“What’s up?” asked Walt, his face showing concern.

“It’s something we need your advice about,” said Gary. “Let’s sit and start dinner. I can fill you in while we eat.”

Having regained her composure, Gretchen pointed to the far end of table where she had already set places with plates, silverware and glasses for both beer and wine. She grabbed a corkscrew and opened both bottles of wine, as the other three took their seats. As the group collectively opened the cartons of Chinese food and filled their plates, Gary began to speak.

“I had a visit late today from Sheriff Jensen, and we have a problem.”

Walt raised his eyebrows and said, “Dan Jensen? Really?”

“Really,” answered, Gary. “He said he knows about the party that we hosted and that he won’t have those shenanigans in his county.”

“Shenanigans,” said Walt, “he used that specific word?”

“Yes, that exact word, why do you ask?”

“I will tell you a bit. What else did the Sheriff have to say?” asked Walt.

“Well, when I asked him specifically what we did that was illegal, he mentioned several things. He said we might have been disturbing the peace, operating a disorderly house and possibly serving liquor without a license.”

Walt looked thoughtful for a second and finally asked, “That’s it?”

“That’s it, really. But, like I said to Gretchen, I am worried that we are screwed and won’t be able to host more parties.”

“Okay,” said Walt calmly before pausing for a long moment. “How well do you know Dan?”

“Not that well. We say hello to him when we see him around town. One time he stopped me at the coffee shop to ask a couple of easy tax questions.”

“Well, Sue and I know him a little better than that,” said Gary as he smiled.”


“Sue, why don’t tell our friends how we know him.”

“Well,” said Sue, “I kind of know him in a Biblical sense, if you catch my drift.”

“Wait! You had sex with the Sheriff?” asked Gretchen incredulously.

“Yes, sweetie, I fucked him thoroughly, with Walter watching.”

Walt nodded.

“When and where?”

“About five years ago at a place called Shenanigans, down in Indiana,” said Walt. “That’s why I asked you about him using that word. Shenanigans is a party house for swingers.”

“So,” said Gretchen, “Sheriff Jensen is also in the lifestyle?”

“He was,” said Walt, “and as far as I know he still is. He’s not part of our group. He does not play locally.”

“This doesn’t make sense to me,” puzzled Gary. “If he swings, why would he object to the B&B hosting an occasional party?”

Walt paused before speaking. “Great question. I do have a few thoughts.”

“And they are?” asked Gretchen?

“The Sheriff is elected every four years. I think this is about Dan’s tenth year, so he’s been elected or re-elected three times. He runs on law and order and high morality themes. During his term as Sheriff the County has managed to shut down two massage parlors that sprung up along the Interstate, as well as an adult bookstore south of town. He presents those as some of his signature successes.”

“So you are saying his objections to the B&B are the same as his objections to those businesses?” asked Gary?

“They could be,” said Walt.

“Fucking hypocrite,” muttered Gretchen.

“Do you think that would stand legal scrutiny?” asked Gary.

“Well, we aren’t lawyers, but I know a good one to ask,” answered Walt.

“Who?” asked Gretchen?

“You’ve met him. Doctor Jen’s husband, Mike Wainwright.”

Gretchen almost shouted, “Mike Wainwright, as in Wainwright Law? That guy on all the billboards?”

“Yeah, the billboard picture is a little dated, but that’s him with a bit more hair and a bit less belly. He’s a perfect choice to ask. He was at the party, he swings, and he knows the Sheriff and the law well.”

“When can we see him?” asked Gary.

Walt answered, “He runs three offices between here and the big lake, but I am guessing we might get him on the phone tomorrow. Let me shoot him a text.”

“In the meantime,” said Sue, “how about we eat some of this food?”

“Good idea,” said Gretchen with her first smile of the evening. “I am suddenly famished.”

While the group settled into eating, Gretchen raised the the question of how the Sheriff might have learned about the party? She told Walt and Sue about the conversation she and Gary had at the party with Will, a police officer from a nearby town and suggested that he might be the culprit. Sue thought it was unlikely that Will would have talked with anyone outside the group about the party, but offered to bring it up with him. She added that just about anyone in the group might have casually spoken about a party at the B&B and perhaps the Sheriff had driven by that evening and put two and two together.

Walt interrupted, “Mike just texted back, he said he has time right now if we would like to call his cell.”

“Great, let’s do it,” said Gary.

Walt placed the call and pressed the "speaker" button on his phone. “Hello?” said a deep voice.

“Hi Mike, this is Walt, and I am here at the B&B with Sue, Gretchen and Gary. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.”

“No problem. What’s up?” asked Mike.

At Walt’s request, Gary again told the story of the Sheriff’s visit.

At the end, Walt added, “And you know that Dan’s in the lifestyle, yes?”

“I do,” answered Mike, “and that makes all of this quite interesting.”

“It sure does,” agreed Walt. “Any initial thoughts?”

“Well first, there is zero, and I mean zero, chance that you were breaking any laws by hosting the party. That just won’t fly. It was a quiet party, and even if it was loud, the B&B is well away from its neighbors. Dan didn’t mention any complaints being lodged, did he?”

“No,” answered Gary.

“It’s also not even in the zone of a disorderly house complaint. The party did not create a public nuisance. In modern times, disorderly house citations are reserved for drug house and brothels, and you are neither. Finally, it was BYO party, and that’s just not illegal. So, no worries about being taken to court. If he files charges I could get them dismissed easily.”

Gretchen audibly exhaled. “That’s a relief!”

“It is,” continued Mike, “but it does not mean he can’t create a fuss. Any charges he files would immediately be public record and would likely be picked up by the Tyler Press. That, in itself, might create problems for the B&B.”

“Shit,” exclaimed Gary, “what can we do about that?”

“Well,” said Mike, “I think you need to talk to him. I am willing to help with that, but I don’t think you want to bring me in unless it’s needed. My suggestion is that you and Gretchen should meet with him. You might indicate that you consulted with legal counsel and are doubtful that you are in violation of any laws. More importantly, though, you need to figure out what his issues are with the parties and try to address them.”

“Any suggestions on how to uncover the issues?” asked Gary?

“You have to get him to talk. The more he talks, the more likely you will discover what’s eating him,” offered the lawyer.

After a moment of silence, Walt said, “Mike, thanks so much. I will keep you in the loop. Can we contact you again if there are further questions?”

“Absolutely, you can share this cell number with Gary and Gretchen. If I don’t answer, just leave a number and I will get back. It’s my private line.”

“Will do, thank you again,” said Walt, as he ended the call.

“I just opened my fortune cookie,” said Gretchen, “and it says ‘some lawyers are assholes, but not all’”.

“Mine says ‘fuck the police’,” said Sue.

Walt replied, “Well Sue, I think we can already check that off the list.”

After a round of welcome laughter, conversation turned to how to best engage the Sheriff.

“I can give Dan a call in the morning and ask if Gretchen and I can meet with him later in the day,” said Gary.

“I think Sue should join you,” suggested Walt.

“That’s fine with me,” said Gary, “but why not you too, Walt?”

“I don’t really add anything, but Sue does. He probably won’t remember me, but he will remember Sue and it will highlight for him his past and the fact that he’s not very different from the people he’s hassling.”

“Baby, he won’t remember me,” said Sue. “It’s been years since Shenanigans.”

“Sue, any night with you is a night to remember. Who is everybody’s preferred third in FFM threesomes?” said a grinning Walt, just before he kissed Sue.

Walt glanced at Gretchen who was looking at Sue, wide eyed and astonished.

“Well, I am happy to go with Gretchen and Gary if they would like, but I still think he might not remember me.”

“Please join us,” said Gretchen.

“Okay. But just know I am not going to blow him if he asks.”

After the laughter, Gary said, “Okay, I will call him in the morning and ask for a meeting either at my office or at the Sheriff’s station tomorrow afternoon. I will message everyone after the call to give the details.”

“Can we talk strategy?” asked Sue. “I have some thoughts.”

“Sure,” said Gary.

“Well, in my fiction writing group we pay a lot of attention to the motivations of the characters we create. I wonder if we might consider Dan’s motivations. Why did he warn you about having the parties? If we know his motivations, we might go into the meeting with some ideas about how to deal with them.”

“Love that idea,” said Gretchen. Walt and Gary both nodded.

“So,” said Sue, “I have been thinking about this since Gary told us what happened, and I have some ideas. Shall I share them?

She received three quick affirmative replies.

“Dan told Gary that he thought the parties should end because they broke several laws. We know from Mike that they don’t and Dan probably knows it. So, why did Dan hassle Gary? Possibility one is that he is genuinely concerned that the B&B might evolve into a swingers club, much like Shenanigans. We know he does not favor sex businesses in his County. So, he will do whatever he can to intimidate Gary and Gretchen so that they cease and desist. Possibility two is that he’s jealous. He is a swinger who can’t swing in his own County, and if he can’t, why should others. Possibility three is that he wants to be a part of it. I think all three of these could be true to some extent.”

Sue paused, waiting for reactions.

They all thought for a moment. Gary finally said, “I think that Sue's instincts give us a lot to work with. We should do what we can during the meeting to determine what he really want’s from us? Does he want us out of the swing party business, full stop? Does he want assurances that these parties won’t be public and won’t become the main business of the B&B? Does he want to be part of them?”

“I like what you are saying a lot, Gary,” said Walt. “I think it means we need to be prepared to invite the Sheriff to a party.”

“What?” exclaimed Sue.

“Think about it, Sue. Inviting him to a party helps us address all three of Gary’s possibilities. If he says ‘no way,’ it means he wants a full stop and our only recourse is either to comply or to take him on legally. If he agrees to attend, we have an opportunity to address his fears that the parties could get out of hand or make him look bad. Also, if he agrees, it gives us and him an opportunity to see if he could ever be a part of our little group of swingers.”

“Is Dan married?” asked Gretchen.

“Divorced,” said Walt. “He and his ex used to swing together. Then she had an affair with a non-swinger, and that led to the break-up.”

“That’s important information,” said Sue. “Dan swings as a solo male, and that’s the least advantaged category in the world of swingers. At places like Shenanigans you see single guys who don’t get to participate. I have always felt bad for them.”

“So,” said Gary, “he might be tired of sometimes being the odd man out, and he might well want to be part of a community, like Will and Shad?”

“Yes,” said Sue. “That could be it.”

“Could we put a party together quickly, Walt, if he is open to attending one?” asked Gary?

“I can make it work. How about next weekend?”

Gary consulted the calendar he kept on his phone and nodded. “We have guests on Friday, but Saturday is open.”

“I think we have a plan, right ladies?” asked Walt.

Gretchen and Sue nodded.


The next day, after meeting the Sheriff, sitting alone in his office, Gary mused about how smoothly things had gone. The Sheriff had easily agreed to the meeting at Gary’s office. Walt’s suggestion of having Sue attend was a stroke of brilliance. At first the Sheriff did not seem to recognize her, but a few minutes into the meeting he asked her if they had met since she looked familiar. Sue’s answer was also brilliant.

“We might have engaged in some Shenanigan’s.”

Walt smiled as he recalled watching the Sheriff’s face first register confusion, then recognition, and finally an interesting look of pleasure.

This led to a rather open discussion of swinging and how, even though the Sheriff was obviously not personally opposed to it, he did not want it to become something that Tyler was known for. He felt that this was a problem for Anderson Indiana, the home of Shenanigans. Gary and Gretchen did their best to make it clear that the B&B was first and foremost a guest house, but that their ability make the business work might depend on hosting occasional parties for a select and small group of couples and selected single men and women. There would never be advertising, a website or an open invitation for swingers to attend. This seemed to soften the Sheriff, but he remained skeptical. At that point, Gretchen suggested that he might stop by at the next party to see exactly what the parties were and would continue to be. After what appeared to be a moment of deep consideration, he said that he would try to make that work.

Gary’s cell phone rang and he saw that it was Walt. “Hi, Walt!” he answered.

“Hey, bud. Sue just got back and she’s bubbling. Apparently we are having a party on Saturday, yeah?”

“I’m bubbling too, and yes, if we make it work?”

“I’m on it. Does it make sense for me to give the couples the backstory when I invite them? I think it would help.”

“Good idea,” said Gary. “And by the way, Sue being at the meeting made all the difference. You should have seen Dan’s face when he figured it out.”

“So she said.

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Anyway, let me get on the phone to the core couples. We have a lot to do between now and Saturday. I will call you later tonight, okay?”

“Sure thing, and be sure to let them know that there will be no charge for the B&B. This one’s on us.

“Perfect! Thanks for that.”

“We are thrilled to have so much support. Talk to you later, Walt.”


The party came together quickly. By Wednesday evening, Walt had received commitments from three and a half of the remaining four core couples. Brett and Julia would not be able to find a baby sitter, so they had determined that Julia would attend, giving her some fun and a much needed break from taking care of a toddler and a preschooler. It was decided that the event would be very much like the first one, with the B&B as is. There was one important exception.

“Gary,” said Walt, “I have an important question to ask.”


“You know that exercise room you built in the basement?”


“Sue and I would like to convert it, temporarily, into a dungeon.”


“Yeah, we would like to set it up for some mild S&M activities?”

“Sounds intriguing, but why now?” asked Gary.

“I was talking to Phil. You know him, he’s in the core?”


“Well, he and Patty have occasionally invited Dan to accompany them to out of town swinger events, clubs and groups.”

“So they know him well, huh?”

“They do, and they told me that lately he’s really into being a kinky submissive.”

“Ah, I am beginning to smell a plot here.”

“You are probably well ahead of me,” said Walt. “So, Sue loves to role play a dominant mistress. We were thinking that we might surprise Dan with a trip to the dungeon.”

“What’s involved with setting up the room?” asked Gary.

“Not much. I would like to put five eye bolts in the ceiling, and we will need to clear the center of the room.”

“No problem with that.”

“Also, Gary?”


“I also learned that it was Phil and Patty who spilled the beans on the Halloween party to the Sheriff. They bumped into him at the coffee shop the week before the party and happened to mention it. They really feel terrible.”

“Okay, I will make a point of assuring them that we are all good on Saturday.”

“I am glad it wasn’t Will,” said Walt.

“Me too,” said Gary, “especially since Gretchen really likes him.”

“What lady doesn’t?”

“No shit. See ya soon.”


On Friday afternoon Sue and Walt paid a visit to the B&B with cartons full of S&M items. Gary was in a meeting at his office when they arrived. Gretchen let them in, and left them alone in the exercise room while she prepared for the Friday evening guests.

Later that night, Gary and Gretchen checked out the exercise room. The treadmill and exercise cycle, as well as the weights and weight bench, had been moved to the edges of the room and covered with dark sheets. Hanging from the ceiling were a number of ropes and pulleys, attached to a variety of cuffs. On the floor was something that looked like a wooden cross, with eye bolts located at the ends of each of the two crossed boards.

On the walls were several, framed, bondage-themed, black and white photographs. They hung in place of sports prints that were presumably now, also, under one of the sheets. Finally, there were two pole lamps with spotlights. Apparently, thought Gary, dungeons required appropriate lighting. Overhead fluorescent would not do.

“Strange, but neat!” said Gretchen.

Gary nodded in agreement.


On Saturday all of the couples, plus Julia, arrived by seven-thirty. The Sheriff was expected around nine. Gary and Gretchen, as usual, had prepared a wine and cheese reception on the porch, where the couples sipped, nibbled and mingled prior to heading upstairs where a makeshift bar and bedrooms awaited. Most of the chat at the reception was the usual, although there was some discussion in anticipation of the Sheriff. Gary and Gretchen made a point of chatting with Phil and Patty to make sure they knew that there were no bad feelings. Phil offered to speak with Dan if needed. Gary thanked him, but indicated he hoped it would not be necessary.

By eight-thirty everyone had moved upstairs and activities had begun in two bedrooms. Gary and Gretchen stood outside the rooms and watched. In one, Patty was taking on three men, one in her mouth, the second in her hands and Walt in her pussy. In the other, room, her husband Phil and a woman were engaged in very active sixty-nine.

“Where are Sue and Julia?” asked Gretchen?

“No idea,” answered Gary.

Gretchen kissed his cheek and felt his crotch outside his jeans. “Oh, you’re hard, mister,” she whispered.

“First time in days, babe. Lets hope it starts a new trend.”

Just then, the doorbell rang. “Sheriff,” said Gary as he headed for the stairs.

At the door, Gary welcomed Dan, who was wearing jeans and a jacket over a long sleeved, navy T-shirt. He saw that it read ‘Tyler County Sheriff’s Department Softball’ on the front.

“Can I grab you a drink?” Gary asked while hanging his jacket on a coat rack.

“No thanks,” said Dan. “Technically I am on call until ten. I couldn’t get completely clear until then.”

Gary made note of the pager attached to his belt as well as the absence of an obvious weapon. He felt relieved about that.

“Well, everyone’s upstairs Dan, lets head up.”

Once there, they walked over to Gretchen who smiled warmly and offered her hand.

“Hi, Sheriff, welcome to our place.”

“Thanks for inviting me, and please, Dan tonight.”

“Dan it is,” said Gretchen, as he gently shook her hand. “Did Gary offer you a drink?”

“He did, I am afraid I can’t for at least for an hour or so.”

All of a sudden, one of the women in the room began orgasming loudly. Dan turned his head in the direction of the sound.

“Its Patty,” he said. “I do recognize that voice.”

All three of them watched Patty arching up against Walt’s cock while her hands tried to maintain a tight grasp on two cocks.

“Its hot, yes?” said Gary?

“Yes,” replied Dan.

Suddenly, Gary realized that he had not thought ahead about this visit. What to say? What to do?

Fortunately Sue came to his rescue. She seemingly appeared from nowhere, dressed in a black leather strapless corset, sheer stockings and stilettos. Her hair was up, and her lipstick hot red. Gary could not fail to admire her ample exposed cleavage. He also noticed that the crotch of the corset was held closed with two shiny silver snaps. She was wearing black lace gloves that went well above her wrists, and in her right hand was a black riding crop. Around her neck was a black leather collar, also studded with silver snaps. Gary glanced at Dan and saw, immediately, that he was hooked. He was staring at Sue, and grinning.

“Fancy meeting you here, Sue,” he managed.

“Ah, Sheriff, you knew I would come,” she replied sweetly.

He chuckled, “I hope so.”

“So, what do you think so far?” she asked.

“It’s a nice place, and the crowd don’t seem too rowdy.”

“It’s just a group of really good friends having fun, Sheriff.”

He nodded in reply.

The four watched the action in the two rooms in silence. They saw Phil, who was now straddling the woman’s chest, his cock in her mouth, come loud and hard as he pulled her face against him. In the other room, they watched as the three men took turns at every sexual station that Patty had to offer.

“Yes, friends having fun,” repeated Sue softly as she glanced down at the Sheriff’s obviously aroused crotch.

“I can see that you like what you see. Can I show you something else you might like, Sheriff?”

“Of course,” he answered.

Gary and Gretchen watched as Sue took Dan’s hand and led him toward the basement. They looked at each other and giggled.

“So, what do we do now?” asked Gary?

“Let’s just sit over there on the loveseat and make out while we listen to the sounds of hot, live sex,” suggested Gretchen.

“You had me at let’s,” said Gary as he took her hand and led her to the chair.

They sat kissing, fondling and enjoying each other while the activities in the two rooms continued. Gary noticed that Phil was already erect again, with the woman riding him hard. Better living through chemistry, he thought.

After a time, a completely naked Walt emerged from the threesome room.

“Hi, you two. Did I see Sue and the Sheriff here earlier?” he asked.

“Yes, you did,” answered Gretchen. “She took him down to the Dungeon, oh, probably fifteen or twenty minutes ago.”

“Perfect! Can we head down to the B&B office?” asked Walt. “I want to show you something you might like.”

“Let’s go,” said Gretchen.


As soon as Gary, Gretchen and a still naked Walt reached the small office that was just off the main floor kitchen, Walt asked if he could use the laptop computer that sat on the desk. Gary logged in and watched as Walt sat and typed in the address of a webpage. Almost immediately, a page with the title "Allen Properties Security” appeared on the screen over a list of links. Gary knew that Allen Properties was Walt’s business name.

“Security?” asked Gary, “What are we checking?”

“Wait,” said Walt, as he clicked on a link called 'Picture Frame'. This is something the video security company that I use for my properties set up for me.”

Immediately, a new window opened. Gary saw that it obviously controlled a camera. In the window was blank blue screen. Underneath were control symbols including reverse, play, fast forward and pause. Gary clicked play, and after a few seconds, a view of the dungeon appeared.

“Holy shit,” said Gary, “we are spying?”

“Well, sort of,” said Walt sheepishly.

“Well then, please tell me we are not recording this.”

“You are watching a recording, Gary,” admitted Walt.

“We need to erase this!” Gary exclaimed.

“We can do that. But don’t you want to see what’s happening in the dungeon?

Gary thought for a moment before speaking.

“Actually, yes I do. But we should erase it after. Okay?

“It’s totally your call, Gary,” said Walt. “Shall we watch?”

Gary nodded.

Walt moved the cursor to the fast forward icon under the screen and clicked several times.

“The recording was timed to begin at eight. I am moving ahead to when we see people in the room,” he explained.

Soon they saw Sue and Julia enter the room. Walt clicked the play icon and the video slowed. Sue was dressed as they had seen her earlier, and Julia was looking incredible in a transparent, red, crotch-less body stocking and bare feet. There was no sound.

“The camera is mounted in one of the picture frames we hung on the wall. I can do sound, but it requires an external mic that is difficult to hide, so I skipped it,” explained Walt.

They watched as Sue embraced Julia and kissed her passionately. Then Julia presented her wrists, and Sue cuffed them. Julia stepped over the one of the pulley ropes that were now suspended from the ceiling and raised her arms above her head. Sue attached the cuffs to the rope and then pulled on a second rope to shorten it, stretching Julia just to the point where her heels barely touched the floor.

Sue stepped back to inspect her work, then she leaned forward to again kiss Julia. She gently touched the end of her crop to Julia’s exposed pussy, and stroked her lightly. Julia’s facial expression changed immediately to a look of extreme pleasure. Sue stopped stroking. After giving Julia a light swat on her backside, she quickly left the frame.

Walt again clicked fast forward. As the video quickly advanced, it continued to show the suspended Julia in the room alone, breathing steadily. Walt clicked play again when Sue reappeared, this time with Sheriff Dan Jensen. Sue pointed her crop to a place where Dan should stand. Walt explained that Sue was establishing control.

With Dan watching, Sue walked in front of Julia and kissed her very long and hard. She then squatted in front of her, and began to lightly lick her slit. Gary noticed the bulge in the Sheriff’s crotch. He was already excited.

As Sue continued to lick, Julia’s breathing changed. Gary noticed that her hands, cuffed above her head, were balled in fists. He thought she was getting close to orgasm.

Suddenly, Sue stopped and stood. She looked at Julia disapprovingly. Then she grabbed a rope and released the tension that was holding Julia’s arms and hands above her. She retrieved a set of keys and unlocked Julia’s cuffs. She then pointed to the sheriff, and said something to Julia as she swatted her ass with the crop.

“Here we go,” said Walt.

Julia removed Dan’s clothing item by item, until he stood there nude. Gary saw that Dan’s penis was large, and fully erect. She then cuffed his wrists together in front of him and guided him to laying down, chest up, on the cross. She fastened the wrist cuffs to the eyelet at the top of the cross. Then she grasped the two ropes with padded cuffs on the end and cuffed them over each of Dan’s ankles. Then, pulling on two other ropes, she hoisted his feet and legs into what looked like a seated position.

She turned to look at Sue, whose lips had moved saying something. She hoisted him further until only his upper back and head remained on the cross and his feet were suspended just over his chest, placing his body in a kind of ‘C’ shape. Sue handed Julia an item that had been hidden on a table behind her. Gary did not recognize that it was a butt plug until Julia began to slip it slowly into Dan’s ass. He watched as the Sheriff first grimaced, then sighed after it was completely inserted.

Sue stepped toward the Sheriff and swatted his ass several times. Gary noticed his toes curling with each stroke of the crop. Sue then backed away and pointed the crop at the Sheriff while saying something to Julia.

Julia stepped directly over the Sheriff’s face, straddling it standing with her legs spread, giving him a generous view of her exposed pussy. Sue handed her a container of what looked to Gary like massage oil. She poured some into her hand and began to sensuously stroke Dan’s stiff and hard cock with one, and then both hands. Gary felt himself getting hard.

Sue stepped behind Julia and, mimicking her stance, pressed her tits against Julia’s back and her pelvis against Julia’s ass. She reached both arms around and began to play with Julia’s pussy, in full view of the Sheriff who was looking directly up at them. Sue’s fingers glistened from Julia’s wetness. Julia’s head leaned back as her eyes closed and lips parted. Both of her hands squeezed tightly on the Sheriff’s shaft. Gary noticed that he was breathing heavily and clinching his jaw as he watched Sue’s fingers intently, and felt his cock being expertly masturbated by Julia.

Julia was the first to orgasm. Her knees buckled slightly as her abdomen and chest rippled, but she still continued to feverishly stroke Dan. Moments later, Dan’s cock began to spout cum, most of it landing on his chest, but a few of the early streams covered his chin and lips. Julia stroked him until he finished. Sue removed her hands from Julia’s pussy, and slowly licked them in full view of the Sheriff, occasionally saying something. Julia reached down and scooped some cum from the Sheriff’s chest on to her finger. She tasted it, and then reaching down, presented her finger to the Sheriff who licked it off, with apparent reluctance. Sue stepped over and swatted the Sheriff’s ass with her crop. Julia again gathered cum on her finger and fed the Sheriff. This time he took it more easily.

Gary knew that is own hard cock was probably leaking pre-cum. He watched as Julia again grabbed the ropes, this time lowering the Sheriff. He heard a knock on the office door.

“Who is it?” he responded.

“It’s Sue.”

Gary opened the door and Sue entered, she was alone.

“Ah,” she said, “looks like I was on candid camera.”

“You were,” said Walt.

“And you were fabulous,” added Gretchen.

“We have not finished watching the tape of you three,” said Walt. “How long since you left the dungeon?”

“Just a few minutes,” said Sue. “Julia is getting cleaned up, I am meeting her upstairs to, um, thank her properly for being my bitch.”

“And the Sheriff?” asked Gretchen, sounding anxious?

“He had to run. He said he was meeting someone, but wants to stop by in the morning to meet with everyone here if that’s possible. We can expect him at nine.”

“What the fuck?” said Gary aloud, sounding worried.

Sue touched his hand.

“Stay positive, Gary. I think this is going to work out,” she said softly.

“I hope so,” he replied.

“As do we all,” said Walt. “Let me head upstairs to brief the couples. Oh, and Gary, just click that trash can icon in the corner of the screen to erase the recording if you want.”

Sue and Walt left the office together. Gary sat in the desk chair and Gretchen sat down on his lap.

“We’ve come a long way, baby,” she said, smiling.

“Yep, we have,” he said as he hugged her tight.

Gary held her. He felt her strength.

“Let’s lose this recording, OK?” he asked.

“It’s leverage if we need it, you know?” she replied.

“It’s so not us to do that to Dan, no matter what.”

“I know.”

He reached for the computer and clicked on the trash can.

“I am so proud of you,” she said as she kissed him.


Later, sleepless in bed with chest tight against an exhausted and sleeping Gretchen’s back, Gary worried what the morning, and the Sheriff, might bring.

Written by torchman
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