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Bank Holiday Break

"What a way to relax. Naturist camp, good company and hot sex."

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My name is Tim, I’m forty-four years old, I work long hours and really look forward to my weekends off when I can head off to a naturist camp or even the naturist beach depending on the great British weather of course. It is such a great escape from the mundane Monday to Friday ritual of working in a suit.

A bank holiday weekend was coming and I had decided to try a new camp site, that I had heard about near the Wye valley; such a beautiful part of the countryside and not that far from where I live.

I loaded the car on Thursday night and had my caravan hitched up so that I was ready to get going early Friday morning.

I pulled off the main road onto a country lane, after about three miles I saw the signs for the site and turned into its driveway. Ahead of me were two very large wooden gates. At first I thought they were quite intimidating but then quickly thought ‘safety, security, privacy’. I got out of the car and pressed the intercom button. “Hello,” said a soft feminine voice.

“Hello, this is Tim, I have a reservation for the weekend,” I replied.

“Hello, Tim. My name is Kathy. Please come through the gates, park to the left and I will come down to meet you.”

As I got back into my car the electric gates began to open and I could see a long lane lined either side by trees.

I pulled through the gates and stopped on the left as I was asked.
I could see a woman and a man walking towards me, they were dressed in gowns.

“Hello, Tim. I’m Kathy and this is my husband, Ken.”

“Hello, pleased to meet you both,” I said as I shook their hands.

“Come up to the house for a cuppa and we can tell you more about the site and the rules etc,” said Ken as he was shaking my hand with quite a firm grip.

“Okay, that would be nice, thank you.”

I followed them to their beautiful home. Upon entering the hallway both Kathy and Ken removed their robes and put them on hooks.

They both had good all over tans so I knew straight away they were also naturists and not just the proprietors of the site for making money.

I will also add at this point that they had nice bodies, quite pleasing to the eye.
Kathy stood about 5’3”, with shoulder length auburn hair, deep green eyes, a curvy figure and ample breasts with rather large nipples. I guessed she was about late forties. Ken was about 6’, with a short military style hair cut, not a muscle bound guy but he was in good shape, in his mid fifties.

They were both fully shaven and hair free except on their heads.

We went into the kitchen and as myself and Ken sat at the table, Kathy asked if I would like tea, coffee or a cold drink. “A cold drink would be nice please, Kathy.”

Kathy joined us at the table with a tray of drinks.

Ken produced a map of the site which was rather large and in two sections separated by a river and woodland. He went on to explain that one section was for everyone that just enjoyed being naked while the other section was for those that enjoyed a more alternative lifestyle.

Both sides had exactly the same facilities; shower block, toilets, pool, sauna, steam room and Jacuzzi. He went on to say all I needed to do was decide which side I wanted to stay on.

“Any questions before you decide?” he asked.

“Well, could you explain the more alternative lifestyle?” I asked.

“It is for those that are very open minded about sex, people who enjoy voyeurism, exhibitionism, and swingers.”

At this point my mind was getting rather excited about the possibility of watching others have sex as I had always been a voyeur.
I told them both I would like to stay on this side but it would be a new experience for me.

Ken went on to explain all the rules for this side of the site, such as "no" means "no" and you can only participate if invited to do so. If people wanted to be watched they would either just get on with it in the open or if they were in their caravans or tents then they'd leave their doors and curtains open.

He showed me on the plan where I could put my caravan and where to park my car, saying that they would pop along later to see how I was getting on.

I returned to my car, followed the route Ken had shown me.
There was quite a few people already here and the weather was dry and sunny just what I needed.

I set up the caravan and parked my car, went inside the caravan and began undressing when there was a knock at the door, I thought it was Ken and Kathy.

I opened the door in just my boxers to find a mature couple standing there.

“Hi we just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the site, we hope you enjoy your stay, I’m Helen and this is my husband Dave.”

“Hello Helen, hello Dave, and thank you both, I’m Tim.”

“Well we will let you finish sorting yourself out; when you're ready why don’t you pop round to our caravan we can have a drink and a chat and then we can introduce you to some of our friends that are here if you want?”

“That sounds great, thank you both.”

Their Caravan was in the next pitch to mine which are a good size so that everyone is not right on top of each other.

I removed my boxers and jumped into my shower to freshen up and shave. I am 5'10", medium build, Short brown hair going a bit grey, hairy chest with a pierced left nipple and smooth cock and balls, my cock is average at 6" long and circumcised. Once dry I stepped out of my caravan, as I looked around the site I could see people of different ages chatting, taking walks or still setting up their caravans and tents.

I joined Helen and Dave as they sat outside their caravan on deck chairs drinking ice cold pims.

“Hi Tim take a seat and I will pour you a drink, is pims ok for you?” asked Helen.

“Yes, thanks Helen.”

She poured me a drink passed it to me and we all start chatting about life in general.

Helen must be about 60, 5’ tall, short blonde hair, small boobs that sagged a little, quite slim, smooth shaven, shapely legs and a nice butt, turns out she was once a professional chorus line dancer.

Dave 62, 5’10” tall, short crew cut hair style, smooth bodied with a few tattoo’s, a smooth cock and balls, obviously had looked after himself after leaving the army.

We had finished drinking the pitcher of pims and Dave went inside to make another, while Helen and I continued chatting.

“Have you been to a camp like this before Tim?”

“I have been a naturist for as long as I can remember but this is my first time to a site like this for open minded people.”

“And would you consider yourself to be open minded?”

“I think so, I never judge anyone and don’t knock anything, and I’m always open to trying new experiences.”

“Really? good for you, well you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to and can say no at any point" she smiled and continued, "We have been coming here for years now and have become very good friends with Kathy and Ken as well as many other regulars that come here.”

“It always makes for a better time if you can make friends.” I replied

“Mmm a great time if you become very good friends.” she smiled and winked.

Dave rejoined us and topped up our glasses, “So what have you been talking about?”

“I have just been telling Tim a little about the site, this is his first time at a swinger’s site, he tells me he is very open minded and open to trying new things.”

“Good to hear.” smiled Dave

“Hi guys.” said Kathy as she walked over to us, she gave Helen and Dave a kiss on the lips and turned to me and said “are you settling in ok?”

“Yes thanks, Kathy.”

“Well you have great neighbours in Helen and Dave they will see you right if you have any questions.” she sat herself down next to Helen and Dave passed her a drink.

“Where’s Ken?” asked Helen.

“His getting his cock sucked by Mandy.” Kathy laughed

“Trust Mandy not to waste anytime.” Dave said. “I should pop over and say hi soon, not seen her for a few months.”

They all explained to me that Mandy is in her early fifties and has turned into a real nymphomaniac since she became a widow five years ago.

My mind began racing imagining Ken getting his cock sucked and felt a twitch between my legs.

“Oh looks like that got someone’s attention,” Helen said nodding towards me.

I started blushing, “Sorry.”

“Don’t ever be sorry about showing your appreciation no matter how it shows.” she laughed as she moved over to me and rubbed my shoulders, “Besides looks like you have a nice cock so why not show it off in all it’s glory.” her hand now rubbing my chest

“How effective is it having your nipple pierced?” she asked as she gently stroked my nipple ring.

“It can be very effective.” I replied, feeling my cock grow to its full size.

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“Depends how it is treated really.”

“And how do you like it to be treated?” asked Kathy

“Some tugging, licked, sucked and love having a vibrator on it” my openness was confident due to the strong pims flowing through my system.

“Now there’s something to work with Helen, go on have a go, if Tim doesn’t mind that is.” said Dave.

“I don’t mind at all.” I smiled

With That Helen knelt between my legs and started flicking her tongue tip over my nipple with her eyes looking up at me to see my response.
I’m sure my throbbing cock against her chest would be giving away more than my face, it felt so nice and I started to feel relaxed about this mature stranger turning me on.

“Fetch my purple vibrator Dave, lets just see how effective this is.” she chuckled.

“Bloody tart.” laughed Dave as he went inside their caravan.

I looked at Kathy and she was stroking her own nipples as she watched her friend working on mine. Helen straightened her back put her face close to mine and asked, “Hope you don’t mind me helping myself?.”

“No not at all, you're doing a great job.”

Helen leaned in closer and started kissing me quite passionately her tongue probing between my lips to find mine.
I responded by flicking my tongue against hers.

“Here you go, darling.” said Dave, as he passed a purple vibrator of about 6 inches long to his wife.

Helen took it from him turned it on and sucked on the end before circling it around my pierced nipple. The instant thrill chased through my body. I looked towards Dave to see how he was reacting to his wife playing with me but he was too busy sucking on Kathy's nipples, who in return was stroking his hard cock.

Helen was now sucking and nibbling my other nipple as she used the vibrator on my pierced one and her other hand was playing with my freshly shaven cock and balls, how I had not cum by now I don’t know as I was so turned on. I reached down to play with Helen's stiff nipples while she worked on me. She looked up and winked at me before carrying on with what she was doing. I looked again over to Dave and Kathy.
Dave was now standing and Kathy was sucking on his swollen cock while her hands kneaded his ass cheeks like she was making bread dough and he held onto her head as he fucked her mouth.

Helen asked me if I would like to lay on the blanket that was on the grass by us, I did so without any hesitation, she said “Remember Tim you can say no at anytime hunny ok?”

“Okay, but can’t see me saying no you have me so turned on.”

She straddled my face and lowered her smooth shaven pussy to my face. She had long labia lips that I flicked my tongue at and she let out a small moan of approval, then lowered her head to lick on the tip of my cock that was now oozing some pre cum.

“Mmm it did have a positive effect on you,” she said as she began taking my swollen cock into her mouth.

I sucked her pussy lips into my mouth I could taste her sweet juices as they began to build up. Using my tongue I separated them and run my tongue along her moist opening, my tongue then searched out her clit from under its hood and I flicked it several times and it stiffened to my touch.

“Fuck yeah, I love that,” she said and then continued sucking on me.

She had the whole length of my hard cock in her mouth and I could feel her lips against my smooth shaven balls, then I felt the buzzing vibrator against them as she sucked up and down my shaft.

I sucked her clit into my mouth still flicking my tongue over it as I massaged her firm ass, her pussy juices now running out onto my chin so I knew I was pleasing her.

Helen rose up and spun herself round so that she was sat on my lap and lay down on top of me her breasts and hard nipples pressing against my chest.
She began kissing me again, then moved her mouth to my ear, “I want to feel your lovely hard cock in my wet cunt.”

“I would like that but I don’t have any condoms,” I replied

“We have some if you want to use one but I do love bareback sex, I get checked regularly,” she whispered into my ear.

“I also get checked regularly and prefer bareback to be honest.”

“Then all we need to know now is would you like me to fuck you?”

“Oh yes, I would really like to feel your juicy pussy around my cock.”

Helen adjusted herself slightly, reached a hand down grabbing my cock and held it at the entrance to her soaking wet pussy. I looked across at Dave to seek reassurance it was ok to fuck his wife but he had Kathy on her knees and was giving her a good fucking from behind, the look on Kathy’s face told me she was really enjoying it.

Helen lowered herself onto my throbbing cock until I was buried in her balls deep and she began to slowly rock back and forth while playing with my nipples. I reached up to her breasts and took her nipples between my thumb and a finger tweaking them as if tuning in a radio.

“Pull them harder!” she gasped.

I did as requested and pulled hard on her stiff nipples giving a bit of a twist at the same time, she really liked this and began riding my cock harder the more I squeezed.
I could hear Kathy moaning quite loud now and Dave saying, “Yeah take it you dirty bitch,” as he slapped her ass cheeks leaving bright pink hand marks with each stroke of his hand.

“Fucking hell turn my back for a minute and you start without me,” laughed Ken as he joined us.

He got in front of Kathy and offered his hard cock to her mouth, which she gladly accepted and she was now being spit roasted by the two men. I could feel Helen's pussy juice flooding onto my balls and running down the crack of my ass, fuck this woman is so wet.

“Oh my god I’m going to cum!” she squealed.

Then her body went into spasm, her cunt muscles tightened their grip on my swollen shaft, she collapsed on top of me and began kissing me wildly.

“Wow that was so good thank you for making an old woman very happy.”

“You did all the work, Helen.” I laughed.

“You can put that right next time,” she winked.

We lay holding each other to watch the other three. Dave was really pounding hard into Kathy now and Ken was pulling her hair as he fucked her throat.

“I’m cumming,” said Dave.

“Yeah fill her up with your spunk, I’m going to fill her mouth very soon.” grunted Ken.

“Don’t swallow it all Kath, I want you to share some with me,” Helen said as she moved over to them.

Dave gave a few more deep thrusts then held onto Kathy’s hips pulling her back on his cock hard and started pumping his seed deep into her, almost immediately Ken started unloading his sperm into his wife’s throat. He pulled out and Helen grabbed his cock and sucked the last remaining cum from it before moving to Kathy and started licking at her lips. I could see them swapping the cum between them using their tongues, it was so hot to watch. Kathy laid down as Helen raised her legs into the air and then went down on that cum filled pussy to lick it out and clean up.

Kathy was moaning loudly as Helen's tongue went to work on her, "Fucking hell, I'm cumming again!" Kathy screamed.

Helen finished devouring that cum filled pussy and then lay on top of Kathy and they began kissing again. Once finished we all sat with our drinks. Dave turned to me and said, “Well do you think you will enjoy being here?”

“Let’s just say my weekend is off to a great start, so damn right I will.” I laughed raising my glass to them all.

Part two coming soon, hope you enjoyed the first part, please leave any comments good or bad, I have not written anything for a while so I’m a bit rusty.

Written by BiUKSwinger
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