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April's New Friends

"Surprise sex with another couple opens Ross and April up to their feelings about each other"

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I lay still in the grass, letting the sounds of the glade wash over me. The murmur of the flowing creek, the singing of birds, and the soft wet sounds of April sucking my cock all filled my ears. Getting back to nature and sex were two of my favorite activities so being able to combine them was heaven for me.

Releasing my rock hard dick from her skilled mouth, April crawled up and straddled me. She lifted the short skirt of her bright, flowery sundress, giving me a nice view of her recently waxed mound. Taking my erect cock in her free hand, she held it steady as she lowered herself on to it. The sight of my cock disappearing between my girlfriend’s full, soft lower lips always excited me. Slowly, she moved her hips, sliding my cock around inside her.

“That feels fantastic,” I gasped.

“Me, too,” she answered, a bit breathless, “I can’t believe we managed to go a whole week without sex.”

“Well, you were away for part of it. But it sure wasn’t easy.”

The pretty brunette and I had been friends for a couple years but had only been sexually and romantically involved for a few months. Since beginning our sexual relationship after a date one night the previous autumn, April and I had been at each other at least half a dozen times a week. We mostly had sex in our apartments but occasionally ventured to pleasure each other in discreet public places. On this sunny spring afternoon, we were in the fairly private back corner of a small conservation area on the outskirts of town.

April began bearing down faster and harder. I took the hint and moved my hips, thrusting up into her as best I could. My friend was wet and her juice ran out around my pole. She smiled down at me as she rode me, her hands playing with her disproportionately large breasts, which were exposed by the unbuttoned bodice of her dress. They were possibly the first thing most men, including me, noticed about April. Which was the kind of the general idea when she got them enhanced years before she met me.

Slipping off my cock, April lay down in the grass on her side, her back to me and her skirt up. Smiling, I moved in behind her and lifted her top leg. Slipping my cock into my friend from behind, I began fucking her with deep thrusts. With my available hand, I played with her clitoris while I kissed and nibbled her ear and neck.

“Oh yeah,” she whispered as her vagina began fluttering around my cock.

April’s orgasm triggered my own. I groaned loudly as my body shook with the wave of pleasure and my cock pumped its load into my friend’s pussy. That lasted a few moments, then I slipped free and April turned to face me. Holding each other close, we kissed and caressed in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

We both jumped when our ears picked up a giggle and a breaking stick from the woods nearby. There was a risk of being seen when we did it outdoors or in other public places and that was part of the thrill of doing it. In fact, we had been caught once in a back lounge in the students’ centre on campus. In that case, the person who found us had winked and nodded before disappearing to let us finish. 

April sat up with a smile on her face. Her dress was slipping off her shoulders, baring those big lovely tits for all to see.

“Enjoying the show?” she called out cheerfully.

There were some more giggles before a pretty, petite woman with fiery red hair emerged. She looked young, maybe eighteen or so. Her skirt and blouse were in disarray, the latter unbuttoned to expose small, firm tits with little pink nipples. Behind her came a tall, broad-shouldered young man with long, unkempt black hair and few days’ growth of beard. From their appearance, I guessed that they were also students.

“Hi there,” the woman said with a nervous laugh, her face as red as her hair, “I’m … uh … sorry we peeped. We were fooling around in the bushes and heard you two out here. Watching you was … um … inspiring.”

“Yeah. What a hot scene, man,” her male companion added, clearly less flustered than her.

“I’ve done a few hot scenes in my time,” April said, getting up from the ground. She made no move to close her top.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that my friend might not be interested in covering up or getting rid of them. Older than me by several years, April had spent most of her adult life before coming to Eversham University as a porn actress and escort so I knew what she meant about having done hot scenes. Although she worked hard to put that past behind her, my girlfriend’s porn alter ego Stacey King sometimes still came out when April was horny, leading to some rather wild moments. And it looked like one of those was coming.

“Really?” the woman asked, “Like what?”

April walked up to her with a lusty grin on her pretty face. My cock twitched as I wondered what was coming.

“Maybe I should show you,” my girlfriend said quietly.

Her hand reached up to caress the other woman’s face. The woman did not resist. Her lover watched them, as fascinated as I was by April’s seduction of her.

“Maybe you should,” the woman answered. The giggling had stopped, her voice was now tense but excited.

April took that as an invitation, pressing her open mouth to the woman’s and sliding her tongue past clearly willing lips.

“Holy fuck,” the man gasped at the sight of his girl being French kissed by another woman, “Is she like bi or somethin’?”

I chuckled. April had always been upfront with me about her bisexuality though she had not been with a woman in the time I had known her. While part of me felt a bit uncomfortable with what was happening, another part was quite ready to go wherever my friend wanted to take this.

The kiss between the women lingered. April placed her hands on the other woman’s tits, massaging them and stroking her nipples. Tentatively, the woman did the same to April’s much larger breasts.

My cock, still damp from being in April, was starting to harden again as I watched. The other guy was nervously massaging the growing bulge in his shorts. When he saw that my cock was out, he settled on the ground beside me and unzipped to pull it out. He was a good half inch or so longer than me and thicker, too. The thought of touching his cock crossed my mind but I was not as brave or forward a person as my girlfriend.

“I’m Aaron and that’s Patty,” he said to me, his hand gently caressing his stiff prick.

“Ross and that’s April.”

The women were now topless and had sunk to the ground. They were making out in earnest, exploring each other with hands and mouths. The scene felt oddly like it could have come from one of the porn movies April had made as Stacey King. The difference, though, was that this was live and real. No bad acting, no fake-looking scenery or cheesy music, just two lovely young women pleasuring each other.

April got up and sat up against a log with her skirt up and legs spread. Her pink lips glistened wetly in the sunlight. Patty looked quizzically at my girlfriend, then smiled and crawled up to lap at April’s pussy. She licked it like a cat lapping at a dish, then pushing the tip of her tongue in. April watched her for a moment, then looked over at Aaron and me. She beckoned and we both started towards them, but April indicated that it was Aaron she wanted.

When he reached April, my girlfriend took Aaron’s cock in her hand and stroked it. Then she began licking it with her long, pink tongue. Giving me a sly, sexy look, April wrapped her lips around him and began sucking. I could see that her tongue was working him inside her mouth. My hand strayed to my cock and I began stroking myself, enjoying the sight of April enjoying herself with our new friends.

After contentedly sucking Aaron’s big cock for a while, April pulled it out of her mouth. She beckoned him to bend over and, after French kissing him, whispered something in his ear. He grinned from ear-to-ear, then watched as she swapped places with Patty. Now April began devouring the other woman’s pussy while Aaron, obviously cued by April, got on his knees behind my girlfriend. I watched with anticipation, fully knowing what was going to happen.

Aaron pushed the head of his thick cock against April’s opening. He slowly penetrated my girlfriend, his dick disappearing inside her body as I watched. All the while, April attended to Patty’s pussy, seemingly lost in her enjoyment of eating out another woman. Behind, Aaron began fucking April with brisk thrusts. The sight of his cock emerging and disappearing again, growing wet with April’s juices as it did so, excited me more than I could have imagined.

April raised her face from between Patty’s thighs. She looked up at the woman with a smile on her face as Patty’s boyfriend banged her from behind. Then she went down on Patty’s puss again, sucking eagerly on the other woman until Patty came with a cry and shudder. That seemed to drive Aaron crazy, and he began fucking April fast and hard, holding her steady with his hands on her hips.

“Oh God, yes,” my girlfriend moaned loudly when she took her mouth off of Patty, “Fuck me hard, baby. Fuck my wet pussy and fill it with your cream!”

April’s dirty talk never failed to arouse me. While all this was happening, I was sitting with my cock in my hand, stroking merrily as I watched the threesome unfold before me. Apparently, it worked for Aaron, too.

“Jesus fuck yeah,” he groaned, obviously climaxing inside April’s pussy.

That seemed to be the last straw for April. She cried out as her own climax erupted before he had even finished.

I was getting rather close myself, but did not really want to cum by myself. Not that I had to worry about that. April slipped off of Aaron’s cock and got up. After brushing off her knees, she began walking towards me with lust in her eyes. The others followed at her beckoning.

Standing over me, April pushed me down on to my back, then mounted my face. Eagerly, I grabbed my girlfriend’s ass and went to work on her pussy. It wasn’t until the juices running from it filled my mouth that I realized I was eating both April’s cum and Aaron’s. By that point, Patty was chowing down on my cock. She was not as skillful as April but still gave pretty good head. Aaron knelt behind his girlfriend and fingered her pussy as she sucked my dick. By this point, I think we were all kind of lost in the excitement of our outdoor orgy.

“Fuck him, baby,” Aaron said breathlessly out of the blue, “Ride this guy’s dick so I can see what it looks like.”

I was lost in the smell and taste of my girlfriend’s freshly fucked pussy but I still felt the change from Patty’s lips and tongue to the tight, wet tunnel of her vagina. She began sliding up and down on me vigorously. My hips responded almost automatically, bucking up and down to drive my pole deep into Patty.

The two women had cum already while I had been hanging on the brink for several minutes so it was no surprise that I climaxed first. The powerful orgasm exploded out from my loins, blasting a load of my seed into Patty’s vagina. She obviously felt it, holding me deep inside her as I came, then grinding against me until her own orgasm sent little ripples through her vagina.

That left April, who lasted a couple more minutes before crying out as a gusher of fluid ran out on to my lips and face. She had squirted for me before but never like this and never with another man’s seed mixed in. My girlfriend stayed on my face until I had licked her clean, then got off and collapsed on the ground beside me. Patty and Aaron were sprawled out on the ground too.

After a while, we all sat up.

“That’s a hell of a first meeting,” I said, still a little breathless.

“Fuck yeah, man,” Aaron answered, “Never done that before.”

“Neither have I,” I responded.

“Want to come back to our place?” Patty asked, “We have plenty of food left over from a party last night that we can have for dinner and we would love to get to know you two more.”

The tone of her voice at the end left little doubt what getting to know us more entailed. I glanced at April who smiled back at me.

“Sure,” my girlfriend said cheerfully, “But we want to drop by my place before we come if that’s okay. We need to clean up and change. Sex on the ground is dirty in more ways than one.”

We all laughed at that, and then picked ourselves up.


Warm water sprayed over our bodies as April and I shared a shower in her apartment. We cuddled and kissed under the warm spray and soaped each other rather thoroughly, but refrained from going further. The promise of more fun with Aaron and Patty made us conserve our lust and energy.

“I don’t know what surprised me more this afternoon: You coming on to Patty like that or them going for it,” I commented as we dried off.

April laughed and blushed a little.

“I was taking a flyer, I’ll admit it. Though I like to think I can read a situation like that pretty well. It was hardly my first time with multiple partners.”

“I can imagine. You’ve done it for real as well as on camera?”

“Oh, of course. Used to go to a regular orgy, in fact. There was this spoiled rich kid who hired half a dozen or so local escorts to party with him and his buddies every month or two. I got hired for it a few times.”

“And so you’re comfortable with this?”

“Yeah, so far,” April answered with a nod, “I know it’s me being Stacey again but sometimes that’s what I want. You?”

“Surprisingly, yes. When Aaron started screwing you I was a bit jealous but it quickly became a big turn-on.”

April hung up her towel and walked to the bedroom. I followed to see her pulling on a little pink thong followed by a lace-trimmed pink bra. Over top, she threw a pink sundress with a loose, open neck that flashed a generous view of her tits when she bent over. The short skirt left her long, muscular legs bare and would allow easy flashing of the little undergarment beneath.

“Going all pink for them, are you?” I said with a smile as I pulled on cargo shorts and a golf shirt.

“That’s not the only pink of mine that they’ll get to see,” she answered as she did her hair up in a loose ponytail, “I hope.”

“That would be my hope, too.”

Even then, though, I could hear some uncertainty in my voice.


Patty greeted us at the door with a big smile on her face. A very short denim skirt clung to her shapely hips and bum while a white tank top hugged her little breasts. She was clearly braless and the top showed off the sexy little bumps of her nipples.

“Hi, guys. Nice to see you again,” she said brightly, hugging and kissing me, then April.

Aaron met us inside dressed in a tank top and shorts. He looked even more handsome and hunky than he had in the park. I almost gave in to an urge to hug and kiss him but I settled for shaking his hand and back slapping. As he greeted April with a big hug and kiss, he groped my girlfriend’s ass which gave me a little thrill.

Our new friends had a veritable smorgasbord set out on their dining table, so we filled up plates and retreated to their living room to eat. Like many students, they had only a bare minimum of furnishings. The girls sat together on a futon that doubled as a sofa, I took a beat-up armchair, and Aaron settled cross-legged on the floor.

“Have you guys ever done anything like that before?” Patty asked breathlessly after some small talk, “It was so hot.”

“Actually, it was a first for me, too,” I confessed, glancing at April, “But you’re right about it being hot.”

April smiled and looked at Patty. “I lived a pretty wild life for a few years,” she said quietly, “So being with multiple partners isn’t really anything new to me. I think I enjoyed it more this time.”

Aaron gave a long, odd look at April, then glanced at me. Had he recognized my girlfriend from a video or something?

“I had a threesome once when I was like seventeen,” he said, “Before I met Patty. It was me, a buddy, and his girlfriend. It was okay but nothing like this afternoon. You guys fucking rocked our world.”

“More like we rocked your world fucking,” I pointed with a chuckle.

The others groaned.

“You should get a spanking for that,” Patty said with mock disgust.

“That’s not a bad idea,” April added, grinning broadly, “Might teach him to shape up. Bums up, baby.”

I sighed. Putting my plate aside, I got up, dropped my pants, and bent over leaning on the chair. My cock dangled free below me, twitching a little with excitement.

“There you go, ladies,” I announced, “Do your worst.”

They landed their initial blows simultaneously, both of my buttocks stinging with the impact of their hands. Both were giggling as they spanked me. Aaron collapsed in a fit of laughter which got me laughing, too.

“That’s fucking great, man,” he said between guffaws.

More blows landed, not hard but enough to leave my behind a bit red and stinging. It wasn’t until I sat back down laughing that I realized I was getting an erection. The girls noticed, too.

“He seems to have enjoyed that,” Patty said, her eyes feasting on the sight of my swelling member.

“He does,” April answered, “I’ve given him a few spankings and it seems to have that effect on him. Always ends up with us fucking for some reason.”

April’s hand was behind Patty and I realized that it was probably on Patty’s bum. Patty looked at April and smiled, then they turned to face each other. Patty initiated the kiss this time, her face lighting up as April accepted a long, deep French kiss. My girlfriend’s hands were now both on Patty’s behind, kneading and caressing it as their tongues moved back and forth.

I slipped down on to the floor to sit beside Aaron, who had righted himself and was watching the women intently. My cock was still out, hardening slowly as the scene unfolded. Aaron quietly unzipped and pulled out his own. It was half erect like mine. As before, the thought of touching it crossed my mind. I had fooled around with a male friend once when I was sixteen; stroking each other off while watching a porno pilfered from his Dad’s secret stash. It was an experience that I had enjoyed, but never repeated.

“Hey, man, I think the girls are going to be busy for a bit. Want to give it a try?” Aaron said, as if he had read my mind.

“Sure. You ever?”

“When I had that threesome. And one other time.”

Next thing I knew, I was on my back with Aaron half on top of me. His open mouth was pressed to mine; his tongue sliding past my lips. Fingers wrapped around my cock, massaging it as we kissed. I managed to get my hand free to stroke his large penis with my fingers. My heart was racing with excitement; my mind with thoughts of what more I could do now that I had broken the erotic ice with Aaron.

When we sat up to catch our breath, the women were on the futon, Patty laying on her back with April on top. Patty’s top was off as were April’s dress and bra. My girlfriend was contentedly sucking her new friend’s left boob while rubbing her pussy against Patty’s thigh. Patty’s hands were on April’s head, running fingers through her hair and stroking her neck and back.

“Fuck, that’s a gorgeous sight,” Aaron said.

“It is,” I said, but I was not really looking at or talking about the girls. My eyes had strayed to the big, stiff rod between his thighs.

As Aaron continued to enjoy watching the ladies, I crawled between his spread thighs and wrapped my lips around his cock. I had never sucked a dick before but figured I could try to emulate the technique April used on me. Aaron gasped in surprise, then I felt his fingers holding my head in place, pushing me to take him deeper. The feeling of a man filling my mouth, even reaching my throat, excited me even more than I had expected.

Then I felt hands on my ass. One slid down to play with my cock and balls while another massaged my bum and rimmed my back hole. Then a tongue rimmed me, a sensation I’d only felt once before when April rimmed me during some intense play one night. My cock rose to full erection as fingers and tongues worked over my hindquarters. It was obvious that both women were back there.

“Oh shit, man, you’re fucking good at this,” Aaron moaned, “I’m gonna blow in your mouth, man.”

That encouraged me. A mouthful of cum would be another experience to take off my to-do list. Using my tongue, I massaged the base of his cock’s big head while sucking hard on him. An inarticulate groan from Aaron gave me a couple seconds warning, then my mouth flooded with thick, creamy semen. 

To my surprise, I didn’t gag or choke and managed to swallow a fair bit. The taste was a bit muskier than my own, which I had tried while masturbating. He kept pumping seed into my mouth for what seemed like several minutes though I’m fairly sure it was not really that long. Finally, I released Aaron’s cock and looked up at him with a grin on my face.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“Fucking amazing.”

The girls were giggling behind me.

“I think Ross needs some release, too,” Patty said.

“Indeed,” April responded, “Roll over, baby.”

I did as asked and Patty promptly mounted my cock, once again taking me into her tight interior. She leaned over me so I could play with her small tits, tweaking and pinching her hard nips as she rode me. We fucked like that for a bit, then Patty pulled off and got down on all fours with her ass up and her thighs spread. I got up and knelt behind her, driving my cock into her wetness with a single hard thrust.

April was on her back beside us with Aaron sucking one large tit while his hand worked between her thighs. He kissed and licked his way down my girlfriend’s body, then went down on her waiting pussy. I found myself really feeling jealous for the first time, wishing I was the one filling my mouth with April’s succulent flavour.

I nearly stopped right there, but my approaching climax distracted me back to fucking Patty. I began fucking Aaron’s woman harder and deeper, working her clit with a finger as I rammed my cock into her again and again.

“Oh yeah, baby! Oh fuck, that’s so good,” Patty said loudly, her pussy squeezing my cock as she climaxed.

I exploded inside her, my hips moving almost involuntarily as I kept pounding her pussy while I came. There were tears running down my cheeks when I stopped. I fell back on my haunches, my cock pulling free of the tunnel that had gripped it. From nearby, April’s cries of pleasure assailed my ears. Aaron clearly knew how to eat her right. And even though I had just enjoyed a good hard fuck with his lover, I still found myself wanting to be where he was, enjoying the gush of April’s lovely nectar on my tongue.

“I’ll be back,” I muttered, quietly retreating to the bathroom. I didn’t need to go, just wanted to be away from the scene in the living room to collect my thoughts and feelings.


Light filtered in through the blinds of Aaron and Patty’s living room when I awoke. Exhausted and a bit drunk, we had gladly accepted an invitation to crash on their futon for the night. As quietly and gently as I could manage, I pushed aside the comforter they gave us and sat up. A moment later, April sat up beside me and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning,” she whispered, “I think they are still asleep. No noise from the bedroom anyhow.”

I looked at her and returned the kiss.

“Sleep well?”

“Better than I expected. Alcohol and orgasms work wonders for my sleep,” she answered, “But I’d like to go. We can leave them a note.”

“Sure,” I answered, glad April was on the same page as me.

Soon we were dressed and walking hand-in-hand through the streets of Eversham. It was Sunday morning so all was fairly quiet.

“How do you feel about yesterday?” April asked.

“It was wild. I still can’t believe I went down on Aaron like that. It’s just…” I hesitated, looking for words, “It’s just that I found it hard seeing you with him at times.”

April nodded and smiled.

“It was possibly the hottest group scene I’ve been in and I think a lot of that was because it was with you. I never even considered that you would do a guy until I saw you and Aaron making out. But, yeah, I felt rather jealous, especially seeing you fucking Patty.”

“Would you do it again?” I asked.

“With Aaron and Patty?” she responded with a smile, “Yeah, I would. But only if I felt sure you were down with it. I don’t want to hurt you with how I satisfy my desires.”

“Me, too. I’d love to have another go with them but I need to know that when it’s over, you’ll still be there.”

April paused and took a breath. She raised her hand to caress my cheek.

“I will. I will still be there, Ross, because … I love you,” she said, almost in tears.

We stared at each other for a moment. Then April slipped into my arms and I held her body tight against mine. In the six months since our friendship became a relationship, neither of us had actually said those words.

“I love you, too, April,” I answered quietly, then we kissed a long, slow kiss.

Slipping out of my arms, April grabbed my hand to tug me towards a park across the street.

“I need to be with you again, Ross,” she said in an insistent tone, “I need to make love to you right now.”

My ears noted the use of the words “make love”; another term we had never used between us. My heart was racing as I realized our relationship was hitting a turning point.


“There’s a bench in this park that’s quite private. It will do nicely,” she said, a smile returning to her pretty face.

We reached the bench which was, as April had promised, quite private behind a clump of bushes. She sat down and pulled me down beside her. I rested my hand on her left knee and slowly slid it up under her skirt, caressing the smooth warm skin of her lean thigh with delight as we immersed ourselves in a long, deep French kiss.

April’s hand was soon between my thighs, massaging my swelling dick through my shorts. That prompted me to slide my hand all the way up. Easing her thong aside, I stroked her moistening pussy with a finger.

We kissed and played with each other for a while, then April slithered down to kneel on the ground in front of the bench. I turned to face her with my legs open. Slowly, her eyes on mine, April undid my shorts and pulled my cock free. Still maintaining eye contact, my girlfriend licked it bottom to top several times before taking the head inside her mouth. Her tongue circled the head several times as she started sucking, then she gradually took it deeper.

“Oh baby, that feels good,” I said, playing gently with her hair as I watched her suck me.

April was deep throating me at this point, my cock head hitting the back of her throat multiple times as she slid her lips back and forth on my shaft. Her fingers were playing with my balls, massaging them firms but gently as her mouth worked my cock.

After I was rock hard and drawing close to climax, April got up. Kneeling on the bench straddling me, she lowered herself on my penis, which was slick with her saliva. We stared into each other eyes as my cock opened her up. When I was all the way inside, she moved her hips in a slight rotating motion. Her skirt partly covered us but I doubted anyone who stumbled on us would be dense enough to not realize what we were doing.

“I love riding your cock baby,” April said in a breathless voice, beginning the stream of dirty talk that so turned me on, “You fill my wet, horny pussy up so well. Fucking you is so hot, Ross. I just want to fuck again and again, over and over…”

Still talking softly, she began sliding up and down on me, her tits bouncing inside her dress. I pulled April’s head forward so I could kiss her as she rode me. My hands grabbed her ass under the skirt and kneaded it as it moved up and down. Then I released her and we gazed into each other eyes as she rode me faster and harder.

I had a hand down between us rubbing her swollen clit with a fingertip. That sealed the deal and April climaxed with a loud cry that bordered on a scream. The sensation of her vagina squeezing my cock sent me over the edge. It was not quite a simultaneous orgasm, but it was close. I threw my head back with a groan as my cock blasted a load into my girlfriend’s body.

April collapsed forward on me. Resting her head on my shoulder, she buried her face in my neck. It took a moment for me to clue in that the warm, moist feeling on my neck was tears.

“You okay, hon?” I said softly.

“Never been happier, Ross,” she answered, “Trust me, these are tears of joy.”

For a time, the only sounds were birds singing and April’s soft crying. Then she became quiet, snuggling against me and sighing. My cock softened but our position kept it inside her.

“I just want to be here like this all day, Ross,” she said quietly after many minutes had passed.

My ears pricked up at the sound of voices nearby.

“Me, too, but I think we are about to lose our privacy,” I whispered in reply, running my fingers lightly over her hair.

April lifted her head and kissed me, then got up and offered me her hand.

“Let’s go home, then,” she said.

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