Jan had been married for twenty years, and she was bored with her life. She had a good job, although somewhat boring. She had a good husband, although boring. Even her life was good, although boring. She was desperate for some excitement, thrills, really rough sex with strangers using her and just enjoying her body.
She looked in the mirror as she was getting dressed for a night out with Brian, her husband. She saw a slim brunette, forty-two but looked according to friends more like thirty-five, about five foot three, shoulder-length hair, decent tits measuring thirty-six C and still firm, nicely shaved quim that was still tight and sensitive, and which was not used as often as she would have liked.
She had considered having an affair, but she had made wedding vows which stopped her from doing that, and it would have felt wrong. She just wished Brian was a bit more exciting and broad-minded. She had tried dropping hints about threesomes, and sex games, but he took no notice of her hints, staying safe and boring.
Like tonight, she thought, slipping on a long evening dress. What she would give for him to suggest her going without underwear, which she did anyway without him ever noticing. Or taking her to a sex club or swingers' party where she would be used by other men or even women.
She sighed. It was not going to happen. That is why she had done something today that was so naughty, so unlike anything she had ever done before. She had been browsing on a sex site she had found accidentally some weeks before, and seen an advert intended for those who had a boring sex life and who wanted to experience some extreme sex.
She had clicked on the advert, leaving her email address and asking for more details. She was regretting it already, and when, or rather if, she got a reply, she would probably delete it without even reading it. But just the idea that she had actually done something was already making her wet. Ah well, at least she still had her dreams and fantasies, as well as her small but well-chosen selection of vibrators.
It was two days later, she noticed when browsing whilst on her coffee break at work, that she had a message from the website that the advert had appeared on. She glanced at it quickly, aware that management could monitor her computer usage, and then left it until she could read it properly at home later that evening.
She waited until Brian was watching some film involving lots of shooting and explosions, then called up her mailbox. The reply was not all that informative, merely stating that they could supply a morning, afternoon, evening or night of extreme sexual adventure, and then giving her a quick questionnaire to complete, which would, so they claimed, enable them to tailor the actual activity to her own personal sexual preferences.
There followed about fifty questions dealing with her present sex life, her fantasies, dreams, and sexual orientation. There were pictures which needed a rating from one to ten for erotic content, appeal, like or dislike, would try/would not try, and so on. She answered each question as honestly as she could, knowing that she would delete everything once she had completed the questionnaire.
It came as a surprise to her when she reached the final question, and then pressed the "send" button. She sat staring at the screen, shocked at what she had done. Then she felt the wetness between her legs and understood that just filling in the questionnaire had caused that. She wondered what the actual event would make her feel like.
It took several days this time before she got any reply. When it came, again she found it while looking online when at work, she did not even open it there but left it totally alone until later that evening. She did not want any trace of it showing if management did monitor her online activity. This message contained a little more detail but still left a lot of blanks.
Jan supposed that was to keep an element of surprise for the event, and so heighten the sexual effect. She was wet already just thinking about what could be in store for her. All it told her for certain, was that the event would last for a total of five hours, with three hours of that being the actual event. The rest of the time would be for getting changed, setting up, and showering and changing after the event.
She was offered a choice of payment options. She could either pay the full amount, which was £300, payment methods as listed, or she could have the whole thing free of charge provided she gave them full ownership of, and permission to use any film or pictures that came from the event, and which would be professionally filmed by their cameraman.
They warned her that some of these could appear on internet porn sites. If she chose this option, she would be allowed to wear a mask to cover part of her face if she so wished. That sounded very reasonable, so she ticked that box. She would also be given a safety word that she could use at any time, although using it would end the event and render her liable to pay the full cost of the event. Again, she thought that was fair, and ticked her agreement.
As her hand hovered over the "send" button, she wondered when she had decided to go ahead with the idea? No matter, it was enough that she had decided. She checked briefly to make sure she had ticked all the necessary boxes, including her preferred dates, then sent the reply. That was it, she was committed to an afternoon of unknown extreme sex involving who knew what. She laughed out loud, making Brian look round at her and wonder what she had found that was so funny.
A few days later Jan received the email, confirming the day and time of her session. She had chosen a day that Brian would be away on a business trip, attending some seminar of some kind, running from Monday morning, although he was setting out late Sunday to drive there, and would be home late on Tuesday night.
She had booked for the Monday afternoon, and they confirmed this and gave her the address to go to, telling her to be there by noon, and that the session would officially end at four in the afternoon, after which she had been allowed an hour to shower and dress, and to recover from the exertion.
There was also another of the interminable forms, warning her that the event could involve strenuous exertion and asking her to waive any and all injuries arising from this, whilst at the same time assuring her that she would be accompanied at all times by a female employee, who would make certain no actual harm was permitted to be done to her. She clicked the appropriate box and sent it.
As the scheduled date grew closer, she started having second thoughts, but decided she had come this far in realizing her wish, she was not backing out now. The Sunday night before the event, Brian had gone off to his meeting, and one of her daughters had come round for a few hours, "to keep you company, Mum," she told her. Jan tried casually chatting about sexy games and how she was probably too old for such silliness.
"That is rubbish, Mum," her daughter, Julie, told her. "You are still young and I would guess still very much into sexy fun."
"I would be," she confessed, "but your Dad is not interested as much lately."
"Then look elsewhere for fun," Julie told her. "Why not? It is sex, it is meant for enjoying."
Jan was taken aback at this casual attitude to something she had been brought up to regard as special but had to admit she agreed with Julie. After all, isn't that exactly what she was doing? She felt much relieved after her daughter had left, knowing that at least one person agreed with what she had planned.
The morning of the scheduled day dawned bright and clear. Contrary to her expectations, Jan had slept well, and woke apprehensive but looking forward to her event. She showered and shaved, making sure her pussy was completely smooth and hairless. She sprayed her favorite perfume over her body and re-checked her legs to make sure she had shaved every part of them, as well as under her arms.
Other than that, there was nothing more she could do. All her clothing would be provided by the organizers when she got there. Jan set out in plenty of time, getting to town almost an hour early and having to find a coffee shop near the address she had been given. The minutes seemed to tick by so slowly, but eventually, Sue went out and found the address.
She was surprised, having thought it would be a sleazy back-street dump, but it turned out to be a modern office block, the company she wanted being on the third floor. She went into a smart reception room and sat as directed until a woman in a smart business suit came through to show her into a side-room.
"Hi, Jan," she said as Jan sat down, "I am Beverly, I will be your minder, protector, whatever you want to call it, for the event. I will be there to urge people on, and to make sure you are safe at all times."
Jan nodded her understanding.
"I will give you orders and instructions which you will carry our without argument," she went on, "and I will get others involved as much as I can. Are you okay with that?"
"What will the event consist of?" Sue asked, almost afraid to hear what was in store for her. "And will I be masked as promised?"
"The event will take place in one of our Adult shops," Beverley told her. "We have obtained a license for a live show, so only customers who pre-booked will be allowed in the shop. That way we can control numbers, and make sure all those present are acceptable to us as known customers."
Jan nodded in relief. So they were being careful about who could be there. That was good.
"We have already put some equipment in the shop for using," Beverley continued, "and you will be touched, teased and even fucked by the customers. Is this acceptable?"
Jan nodded her agreement.
"As I told you, Jan, I will be right there with you all the time," Beverley reassured her, "and nothing bad will happen, unless you count having more cocks in one afternoon than you ever dreamed of as being bad."
Jan smiled at this, glad to see Beverley was also smiling, and Jan was put at ease by the woman's calm approach.
"Now, your clothing for the afternoon is in the next room," Beverley told her, "and the shop is only a few minutes away, so you go change, and I will be back in a few minutes for you."
Jan went into the next room and found all her clothes laid out neatly. Stockings, of course, (why did men like them so much?) black fishnets held up by broad leather-look bands serving as garters, a black half-cup bra that displayed her boobs rather than hid them, a tiny black thong with cat's tail attached to the rear, and a Catwoman-style mask (with ears) to hide her face. All topped off by high-heeled shoes with ankle straps.
Jan guessed anybody could remove almost everything in around five seconds if they were not bothered about damaging things. She wondered briefly how Brian would react if he came up to bed one night to find her dressed like this. Hmm, maybe it was something that would be worth trying.
Jan had to admit, it was as pornographic as anything she had seen online, and made her feel more than naked. A knock at the door and Beverley came in, followed by a large man carrying a digital video camera.
"Oh yes," Beverley purred, "you are stunning. I do not think we will have any trouble getting the audience to join in today, darling."
She ran her hands over Jan's barely covered boobs. Jan squirmed at her touch, and Beverley smiled, raising an eyebrow.
"Hmm, seems we are sensitive, this will be fun," she gloated. "Now just a couple of things and we are ready."
She sat Jan down, and used wet-wipes to clean off her make-up, then applied fresh make-up, using colors that Jan never touched, lip-stick deep red that looked so sluttish, eyeshadow in greens and blues. Yet when she showed Jan the finished effect in the mirror, Jan had to admit it made her look so hot, so erotic, so fuckable.
Beverley fitted a ball-gag to Jan's mouth, then went behind her, taking each wrist in turn, and clipping them behind Jan in soft leather handcuffs. Jan tried to ask what the hell was she doing, but it came out as muffled grunts.
"Don't worry, sexy girl," Beverley told her, "the gag will come off before we start properly. Now just this..."
Jan felt coldness followed by stinging pain as Beverley clipped a set of nipple clamps to her exposed nipples, tugging gently on the attached chain to make sure they were securely fixed.

Jan found she needed to walk slowly and carefully, being unused to heels so high. She normally wore heels about three inches, these were nearer to six inches. Beverley led her along the corridor to the lift, the cameraman behind them filming Jan's twitching buttocks. Once in the lift, they went to the ground floor and Beverley started to lead her out into the street.
Jan stopped, expecting a car, but a sharp tug on the chain and she followed Beverley meekly. She was led along the street, Jan blushing as she saw the smiles on the faces of those passing her, mainly men, but a few females. As they turned onto the next street Jan saw it was a busy shopping area, with dozens of people, all who saw and seemed to enjoy the sight of this sexy half-naked woman being led along on a leash by her boobs, with a cameraman filming her embarrassment. A few men even stroked her bottom as they passed.
Jan knew she must be blushing furiously, she could actually feel her face burning. After what felt like ages, they turned into a shop, and a round of applause came from the crowd of customers who had been waiting for her arrival. The first impression was about thirty, maybe more, almost all men, just two females that she could see.
Should she have told Beverley she was straight? Not into girl/girl action. Jan did not think they really cared, what mattered was that the girls were most certainly into her from the looks on their faces. She wondered what it was like to kiss a girl. Looked like she would be finding out very soon. Beverley came to her, undoing the ball-gag, with the two women close behind her.
"Enjoy the walk?" Beverley asked, smiling at her. "This is Janice," she told Jan, indicating the younger woman, "and this is Doris," indicating an older woman in maybe mid-forties and very well dressed.
"They enjoy helping if you don't mind. I would let them, they can be very helpful."
Jan nodded, looking around her. Men everywhere she looked, most with a significant bulge in their pants, a couple of low tables, a dining table, it looked like, and ...oh God, that looked like an old-fashioned medieval pillory, only under the holes for head and hands, there was a solid wooden board all the way down to the floor.
"While I am setting things up for you," Beverley told Jan, "I will let Janice and Doris take you around and introduce you to the audience."
Jan nodded, slightly numbed at what was happening. Janice stroked her cheek gently.
"Relax, sexy Jan, " Janice told her, "you will enjoy it," and then kissed her long and deep, one hand on her bottom pulling her closer so their bodies pressed against each other.
"Let's not be greedy, Janice darling," Doris told her and moved Janice to one side while she herself stole a kiss, stroking Jan's bottom and thigh.
Jan reacted without thinking, pressing into the kiss and enjoying the intimate touching. But she knew she was not gay, so what did that make her? Bi? Or just someone who enjoyed close physical contact and did not care where it came from. Or who it came from. Who cared, it felt good.
Doris led her over to where some of the men were stood, and Jan found herself surrounded by male bodies, almost all taller than she was. As each kissed her, she felt their hands and others wandering over her body, stroking and teasing. The nipple clamps were tugged by most of them, all enjoying the effect they had on her and loving the muffled squeals that came from her.
After a while, Janice and Doris moved her along to the next group of men, and the kissing, touching, stroking and groping were all repeated until Jan was squirming helplessly for them. Then another group of men, with Janice and Doris guiding her along, grabbing their own touches of her, and seeming to be very taken with her bottom, cat's tail brushing between her thighs with each step.
Then to the final group, and another round of touching and kissing. By the time they were done, Jan was feeling so horny she would have laid down and pleasured herself in front of them if she could have moved her hands. When she saw the initial introductions were finished, Beverley came to stand next to her.
"Okay, gentlemen... and ladies," she announced, with a brief pause before the "and ladies". "This is Jan, a first-timer so please be kind to her. Today, Jan has agreed that you can do whatever you want providing there is no physical damage. So no actual biting, and no spanking with anything other than bare hands or the approved paddles. And of course, condoms are there on the counter and to be used for all anal or vaginal penetration."
The men all nodded at this simple declaration of her limits, Jan noticed.
"Now, as to her costume," Beverley told them, "the mask is not to be removed, is that understood?"
More nods from the men.
"How many want the stockings to stay on?"
Almost all the men raised their hands and Beverley smiled.
"As I expected," she said, "so shall we start off with the pillory? Or do you want the rest of the clothing off first?"
"Clothing," came the call, and Beverley pushed Jan forward, unclipping the nipple clamps.
"So help yourselves, people," Beverley told them. "Just mind the rough stuff."
Jan found herself surrounded by the men, all reaching for her. She saw Doris go behind her and felt the bra unclipped and slipped off her, but the tiny G-string was pulled until the fabric ripped free, then hands and mouths were all over her, trying to kiss or stroke her. Beverley stopped them, and called to Janice, who came forward with a spreader bar opened almost all the way.
Beverley and Janice both knelt down to clip Jan's ankles in place, pulling her legs wide to do so. Then Jan was half-dragged to the pillory, and her cuffs removed, before her head and lower arms were placed in the cut-outs, and the top brought down and locked in place so she was trapped, bent forward at the waist, with a padded table under her belly, and the spreader bar strapped to the padded table's legs.
Her head and hands stuck out nicely from the pillory, and a low raised platform was placed in front of the device so that anyone stood on the platform was at the right height to use her face or hands. Jan learned quickly that it was impossible to see anything behind her, so every touch, or smack, came as a surprise.
When something pressed against the stretched open entrance to her pussy, she had no idea if it was a finger, a vibe, dildo or cock. Quite a few were behind her, and she started getting lots of sharp smacks on her bum, not enough to hurt, but hard enough to sting and she found herself getting wetter as the spanking went on. Then one of them used a leather flogger, and she writhed as it stung her naked arse.
At the front. the men seemed shy, only one had unzipped to have his cock held by her hand. Things were clearly not moving fast enough for Beverley, or for Doris.
She heard Doris call from behind her, "Come on, guys, you got a wet hungry cunt here, waiting for attention, you got a gorgeous bum-hole here, that looks tight and virginal, what more do you need?"
Jan squealed as Doris's wet finger slid into her bum.
"See, tight as a virgin," Doris told the watchers, "as for that cunt..."
Jan felt long hair brushing between her thighs, then a tongue exploring along her slit. She trembled as it made contact with her clit, and this encouraged Doris to pay more attention to that, which she did eagerly, nibbling and tongue-teasing it. Bi or not, it felt so good to Jan. Then something pressed at the entrance to Jan's pussy and slid inside.
A buzzing told her it was a vibe, she had no idea who was using it, but they were sliding it in and out, pumping faster as Doris took her higher, and then she was screaming as she came, her first real climax from another person in weeks. The display of oral sex had the desired effect on the men, and as Doris stood up, stroking her wet slit in appreciation, a cock slid into the vacant hole.
Then Jan was being rough-fucked in front of everyone, hands gripping her hips as they banged into her hard as they could, and she was coming again, even as she felt the cock twitching inside her as he exploded. By now someone was on either side of her kneeling and her tits were being nibbled and kissed, the nipples standing out rigid as they were tormented.
In front of her, some of the men were gaining confidence, and she had a cock in each hand and another busy face-fucking her. As Jan hit a climax, she clamped down with her mouth at the intensity of it and felt the cock in her mouth, as well as the ones in her hands, explode, her mouth filling with creamy spunk faster than she could swallow it.
Behind her, the cock that had caused the last climax was pulled out, and she felt more hands grip her hips. She waited for the cock to slide in, but this one had another destination in mind, and she screamed as it slid into her bum. It was so tight, never having had that hole used by Brian, just by vibes wielded by various girlfriends, so the sensations created were new to her, but no less enjoyable for that, and as expected with that amount of tightness, the bum-fuck did not last long, and again she enjoyed feeling a twitching cock deep inside her.
Another cock was in front of her, its owner using it to slap her face to get her attention, and to make her open wide for him. Time seemed to vanish as every man there enjoyed Jan's helpless body, either screwing her, bum-fucking her or face-fucking her. Not to mention smacking her bottom until she could feel it glowing warmly, or cock-slapping her face. Some even pulling out to let their spunk shoot over her face.
Every so often, Janice or Doris would wipe her face clean, ready for the next man to shoot his load over her. Eventually, she was unclipped from the pillory and laid down on the low table so that any who still had the energy could have her again.
Two more decided to try Jan naked and spread-eagled, both lasting long enough to force her to come two or three times each for them before they came deep inside her twitching cunt, then two others pulled her around until she had one cock in her pussy and another in her bum-hole.
They took a few moments to get into rhythm, but once they were moving together, Jan had the ride of her life, and when a third cock pushed itself into her mouth, it was like all her Christmases at once, as she just came and came for them, one climax following another, on and on until all three had come, and she was left lying there twitching helplessly.
Then she had Doris straddling her face, while Janice was between her legs, and she was tonguing Doris, while Janice made her come and come, before they changed ends, and Jan teased and tongued until Janice came over her face, while Doris was making her come again and again, love juices pouring from her twitching pussy until she collapsed exhausted and totally fucked out.
It came as a shock when Beverley appeared to tell her time was up and they needed to leave. As for the cameraman, Jan had not noticed him since walking to the shop, so again, big surprise when he told her he had got some fantastic footage and that she could work with him again anytime.
As they were leaving, Jan saw Janice and thanked her for being so sweet and so helpful.
"Are you kidding, sexy tits?" she asked, kissing Jan one last time. "Not counting that last session I had you twice from behind, once with a strap-on, and I think Doris enjoyed you even more. If anything we should be thanking you."
So all in all, everyone seemed to have had a great time. Beverley draped Jan into a cloak to cover her nakedness, and Jan was escorted back to the office, there to get showered and then changed ready to go back to real life. "I may call them again some time," she thought, "see if they can think of a new adventure for me. Or maybe I will start dressing up for Brian and see if I can reawaken his interest in sex. If not, then I might just dump him and find someone who will."