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First Love, Young Love

"Love at first sight for a teen Marie and a stranger"

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Competition Entry: The Moment You Knew

I was seventeen and had only ever had one boyfriend before, a boy from my class at school. With him, the furthest we had got was kissing, and he was not very good at that. As a thank you, and a breaking-up present, I had let him grope my boobs through my dress before saying goodnight to him, both of us knowing that we were not going to be dating each other again.

Since him several months before, I had not dated any other boys and had not felt any attraction to any other boys. Instead, I spent my free time with girlfriends, so it came as a surprise on one Friday night when I was out in a group of five girls, to notice a boy looking at me with obvious interest.

I say 'a boy'. He was older than I was, smartly dressed in a good quality suit. I wondered idly if men knew the effect a smart suit made on females. At first, I thought he was watching one of the others. After all, the other girls were all better endowed than I was, my boobs were a modest 32B, which was not much but it suited my small frame. I only stood five foot in bare feet and considered myself skinny.

As the evening wore on, I became more and more certain that it was me he was looking at. Eventually, he came over to where the five of us were stood. The other girls all looked at him with predatory interest, and two of them, Christine and Anna, both smiled and started to make it clear to him that they were available and open to anything he might have in mind, from dancing to going off somewhere alone with him. He ignored them completely, just holding out a hand to me.

"Dance?" he asked quietly.

I took his hand, feeling a … something. A static electricity spark? A physical or chemical reaction? A connection of some kind, a sharing of souls? A completion as if two halves of a puzzle had been fitted together. Laugh all you want, but something happened in that microsecond. I walked to him, then followed him away from the girls.

"I'm Dave. And you are?"

"Wondering why you chose me instead of one of the others," I replied, "so why did you?"

He led me out onto the dance floor. It was a slow romantic record, 'The Winner Takes It All' as I recall.

"Because if I am going to be rejected," he smiled, "it might as well be by the best looking girl in the club."

I looked at his face, searching for any sign of ridicule, but found only sincerity.

"Stop it," I pleaded, "the others are better looking and far sexier, I am flat-chested, small and skinny."

He took my chin in his hand, tilting my face upwards to look into my eyes.

"You are petite, with a beautiful figure, and eyes that show your soul," he murmured, "and a smile that I would die for."

Inexperienced as I was, even I knew that was so corny, but the way he looked at me when he said it made it so believable that I melted into his embrace. I glimpsed the other girls looking at me enviously, a new experience for me.

"Before you ask, I am twenty, work in a travel agency, am single, unattached and overdrawn at the bank by about forty pounds," he told me, "and I think I am in love with you. You feel so good in my arms, like it feels so right, as though you belong there."

I laughed, hugging him to let him know I was enjoying the feeling of his arms too. I was wearing a short backless dress, very modest from the front, but at the back, only my bottom was covered, and the warm touch of his hand on my bare skin was making me so squirmy.

"Are you always so shy?" I asked, "or is it just with me that you are lost for words?"

Now it was his turn to laugh.

"Too much, too soon?" he questioned, "the silly thing is, for the first time in my life, I mean it."

I looked up at him, him being a good six inches taller than me, even with me in my heels. His head bent down, and he kissed me, so soft, so lovingly. Time stopped, nothing and nobody existed except the two of us. Even the music faded, to be replaced by a rushing sound in my ears and the only feeling was my heart beating and his chest pressing against me.

The moment seemed to last a year before reality returned. Vaguely I realized that even in the kiss, his hands had not wandered, no sneaky grabbing of my boobs or backside. Was that a faint hint of disappointment that I felt? I moved my own hand down, squeezing his backside gently, and he smiled, finally caressing my butt and pressing me into him.

I could feel the bulge in his trousers and knew he was feeling horny. I had never made a man feel horny before, not that I knew of. It felt good. I wriggled against him. He groaned softly.

"Have you any idea what you are doing to me?" he murmured, "are you at least going to tell me your name before I throw you over a table and ravish you?"

I laughed again.

"My name is Marie, I am seventeen, still at school," I told him, "and I might just let you do that if we can find an empty table."

He looked around, then shook his head.

"Looks like we will have to leave the ravishing for another time," he told me, looking serious, "not a spare table in sight, and I think your friends are starting to get concerned over you being molested on the dance floor."

"They can wait a few more minutes," I informed him, "while you kiss me and molest me again."

He complied gladly and showed me that the first kiss was no fluke and that he had even been holding back on the first kiss. This one was with a hand pressing gently on my backside and let me know that he was more than happy to go further, as far as I wanted, yet I felt under no pressure, knowing he would accept any limits that I set. He led me back to where the girls were standing. I still had my arm around him, and he seemed in no hurry for me to move it.

"This is Christine, Anna, Wendy, and Joanne," I introduced the girls to him, "this is Dave, my boyfriend."

"Fiance," Dave murmured to me, "that is if you want"

"This is Dave, my Fiance," I corrected myself.

All four girls stared open-mouthed at this announcement. All four tried talking at once before Christine shushed them.

"Your Fiance?" she queried, "since when?"

"Since about ten minutes ago," I told her, smiling happily, "Dave is taking me home. See you Monday."

As we were leaving the club, I asked, "do you drive?"

"Not after drinking," he told me, "how far is your home?"

"Near enough to walk," I admitted, "but I don't really want to go home yet. Do you mind?"

He smiled at me, hugging me to him.

"Whatever you want, darling," he conceded, "another club, or back to my place? I have a flat not too far."

"That sounds good," I agreed, "do you live alone?"

He nodded, "the question is, will you feel safe alone there with me?"

"Who says I want to be safe?" I countered, surprising myself, "maybe I am tired of being safe."

He looked at me, clearly taken aback. We walked slowly, arm in arm, stopping occasionally in shop doorways or dark alleys to kiss and touch, each halt increasing our mutual arousal. Finally, we arrived at his rented flat, climbing the single flight of stairs and giggling quietly for no reason other than being together.

Once inside, I asked, "do you have a 'phone?"

He pointed to one over in a corner. I dialed the number, without telling him why I needed it.

"Mom, it's Marie. Wendy is not feeling too good, and her parents are away this weekend, so I am staying over with her," I said, "I don't really like leaving her on her own. See you tomorrow."

Dave looked quizzically at me as I hung up.

"Now I don't need to worry about getting home late," I clarified, "and it means we have no need to rush whatever we decide to do."

"I know what I want to do," he told me.

He pulled me down onto the couch with him,

"The question is, should I do it?" he mused, "I really do not want you to feel under any obligation or pressure. We can just as easily wait a few weeks, or even months because I am going nowhere unless you are with me."

I looked carefully at him, feeling his words were to be trusted, and knowing we were just beginning a long journey together.

"Dave, there is something I need to tell you before we go any further," I said hesitantly, "I have never done it, you know, made love, but I could not imagine anyone I would rather have as my first, and maybe my only lover. That is if you want me?"

Was that doubt I could see in his eyes, uncertainty?

"I am not trying to trap you into a relationship you may not want," I insisted, "if you do have me, it will be with no strings attached, no commitment, just be honest with me. No lies, no telling me what you think I want to hear, no false promises. Just the truth."

He pulled me across him, kissing me deeply, hand stroking my hair as I got lost in some alternate dimension where every heartbeat was in color and time did not exist.

"My sweet darling," he murmured, "what I told you in the club was the absolute truth. I fell in love with you an hour before I could pluck up the courage to ask you to dance, and since that first kiss, I have been yours, heart and soul."

We both sat there, grinning like idiots.

"In that case, would it cause you any discomfort to kiss me again?" I asked.

He did so, and it felt so right. My hands were stroking him through his shirt, and he caressed my upper body, one hand finally brushing along the side of my bust. He stopped, pulling away from me.

"Sorry," he apologized, "I didn't mean..."

I stopped his apology with my lips, my tongue delving into his mouth, tongue-teasing his and my arm pulling his mouth harder onto my mouth. When he still did not take the hint, I took his hand and placed it firmly on my tit. He squeezed hesitantly at first, then harder, as I pushed against him, soft moans coming from me.

I pulled away from him, my hands going behind my neck and undoing the press-stud holding the halter-neck strap in place, and letting the upper part of the dress fall forward. He looked at me and I blushed, realizing I was topless for the first time in my life in front of a man.

"Are they, you know, not very good?" I asked fearfully, "I know most girls have..."

This time it was he who stopped my stammered apology by kissing me, soft fingers tracing patterns around the aureole, then teasing nipples to erect hardness. My fingers fumblingly undid his shirt buttons, so that I could explore his skin, teasing his nipples. I moved my head to his chest, using my tongue and teeth to torment them, forcing him to groan with pleasure.

I pulled at his jacket and shirt, and he slipped them off. I luxuriated in the feel of my hands running over his upper body, while he was exploring me with hands and eyes. I pulled his head down, and his tongue teased my tits, teeth nibbling gently. He pushed me gently and I lay back, my upper body arching up towards his mouth.

"God, I want you so much," he whispered.

I took his face in my hands, pulling him up so that I could kiss him.

"So what's stopping you?" I murmured, "not me, that's for sure."

"Are you certain," he asked, "really certain? Isn't it a big thing for the girl, losing her virginity?"

"Dave, darling, I am not 'losing' anything," I assured him, "I am giving it willingly to a man that I happen to be in love with, and who I am fairly sure loves me. This is not a one night stand, is it?"

He shook his head, "not even a thousand nights, my love," he insisted, "I told you, I am yours, heart, body, and soul, always and forever."

"So why don't we move to the bedroom," I suggested, "so that you can give me what we both so desperately need."

He stood, holding out a hand to pull me up, then led me to his bedroom. I was glad to see that he had a double bed, lots of room for us both to sleep comfortably afterward. I stood in front of him pressing against him, while his hands fumbled behind me, trying to find the zip on my dress.

He finally found it, and the dress slipped to the floor, leaving me in just a skimpy pair of pale blue lacy briefs. He drew in a long breath as he looked at my almost naked body. I moved closer to him, unbuckling his belt, then unzipping him. He kicked off his shoes, stepping out of his trousers. His boxer shorts showed a rather impressive bulge, and my hand cupped it, pressing gently.

"Oh God, Marie," he gasped, "don't do that. I am having enough trouble trying to keep control already. You really have no idea how sexy you are, do you?"

I grinned, shaking my head.

"No," I admitted, "but I love hearing you tell me."

He grabbed me and bundled us both onto the bed. I squealed, wriggling against him, then pulling his shorts down until he gave in and slid them off. I grabbed his penis, the first one I had ever handled. It felt kind of nice in my hand, and I pumped it a few times, causing Dave to groan out loud. He moved my hands away from it, then slid my panties off, and I was naked for him.

I felt the blush rise in my cheeks, then spread across my whole face. Dave kissed my forehead, then inched his way downwards, kissing every inch, pausing as I squirmed when my neck was reached, then spending some time teasing and tormenting my tits. Partly for fun, but partly I surmised, to give his tumescence time to go down.

Every touch of his lips on my bare skin was like an electric shock, and I was tingling everywhere his lips had touched. I thought this was the ultimate in pleasure, but when he pulled my legs apart and traced his fingers, then his tongue along my virgin slit, it felt like I had died and gone to heaven.

I was holding his hair, pushing my pussy up to meet his tongue, and when his fingers started rubbing across my love button, I exploded, coming massively for him. I sort of lost touch with reality for a few moments, coming back to Earth to the sound of his voice calling my name. I smiled up at him, wondering why he looked so concerned.

"Oh wow, Marie," he murmured, "was that your first climax?"

"The first I ever had from a man," I admitted, omitting mention of what I had enjoyed with a girlfriend, "that was incredible. Will you do that to me every time?"

He grinned, nodding happily.

"Every chance I get," he assured me, "are you still sure about making love?"

"Dave, if you even think of leaving me like this," I warned him, "I will rip that thing off and take it home to use later."

More smiles from him, and he reached over to his bedside cabinet.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curious.

"Condom," he explained, "we do not want or need pregnancy, not yet anyway."

I didn't argue, we could discuss contraception at a later date, for now, it touched me that he was being so considerate. He managed to get it on after a few moments, showing he had not had too much experience, although it was still more than I had enjoyed. Then he was between my open thighs, the tip of his cock nudging gently at the entrance to my honey pot. I was so wet he slid easily inside me, then stopped.

I moved slowly against it, enjoying the way it filled me, and how every muscle in my pussy seemed to grip him the full length of his erection. He started moving in and out, and my arousal was growing. After a while, I pulled his head close to my mouth.

"Dave, I am not made of spun glass," I whispered, "fuck me, please?"

He increased his speed and the power of his thrusts, and I was moving with him, meeting every lunge, my hands clutching his back, fingernails digging in, pulling him into me, and then fireworks times ten, my head imploded as I hit the top, feeling him twitch wildly inside me as he came, and I hung on to him tightly with arms legs and pussy. wanting the moment to last an eternity.

Eventually, my body relaxed, and I let him go reluctantly. He went to the bathroom, coming back shortly without the condom, and getting into bed next to me. I curled my arm and leg over him, snuggling into his embrace. My hand snaked down, caressing his limp penis. I was surprised when I felt it twitch. I stroked it slowly, dreamily.

"How long before he is recovered enough to play again?" I asked, not having had any experience of it.

"With what you are doing to him, not too long," Dave smiled, "why? Is your sexy pussy still hungry?"

I nodded. "Maybe if I kissed him better, it would speed up his recovery," I suggested.

Dave looked at me in surprise. I admit, even I was surprised. It was something I had never done, just talked about with some of the girls, but I was fascinated to find out what it was like. I slid down the bed, then slipped his poor tired out cock into my mouth. It was soon twitching again, and I slid my face up and down, gripping with my lips and teasing the tip with my tongue.

From the groans of pleasure coming from Dave, he was clearly enjoying my ministrations, and the penis was growing alarmingly in my mouth until it was soon rigid. I gave it one last kiss, then went back up the bed, kissing Dave and letting him taste himself on my lips and tongue.

Another condom and he was inside me again. This time he was more relaxed and, having already come, looked like he was going to last longer. I wrapped my legs around him as he drove into me smoothly and firmly, and I was soon coming again for my lover. He stopped as I came, giving me time to come down from the intensity of the climax.

Once recovered, I pushed him until he rolled over onto his back, his hard erect cock still deep inside me. I moved to a kneeling position, straddling Dave, losing contact with his cock briefly but replacing it where it belonged. Then I was sliding up and down on Dave's pole, watching him smiling as I rode him.

His hands came up, grabbing my tits, thumbs rubbing and pinching the nipples, sending me wild. I was bouncing hard by then, each bounce impaling me fully on his erection, and I was coming, but wanted more. I carried on bouncing, harder and faster as Dave gripped my hips, steadying me, then I was coming over and over, and I felt love juices running, flooding, squirting out from me as I collapsed in a heap over Dave, his twitching cock still buried in me letting me know he too had come.

"I love you," Dave whispered.

"And I love you loving me," I replied, "I hope that making love is going to be a regular feature of our engagement. Better start buying the larger packs of condoms."

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Written by marie5555
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