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A Very Happy Birthday (Straight Practice part 2)

"Angie pays me back on my birthday with some help from my new girlfriend"

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It had been seven months since I fucked Angie, my (mostly) lesbian roommate. It happened when Angie, to everyone's surprise (including her own), became attracted to a guy at her gym. Not wanting to scare the guy off by being totally inept in bed, she asked to practice straight sex on me first. Being the nice guy I am, I agreed to teach her. As it turned out, she was a natural! Okay, when you summarize it like that, it sounds pretty unbelievable, I know. But it really did happen, I swear. I wrote about it in a story called Straight Practice here on this site.

Since then, it had been kind of an unspoken thing between us. The worst was just afterwards. I couldn't get that night off my mind. I went through several boxes of tissues replaying it in my imagination. When she was around, I had to mentally distract myself, thinking about baseball or the Golden Girls, so I wouldn't get awkwardly hard.

But she was dating the gym guy - Nick, his name was. I met him a couple of times. He seemed alright; not really someone I'd see myself wanting to hang out with on a regular basis, but he wasn't a complete dick. And Angie seemed happy with him, at least for a while. Meeting him was always sort of awkward. There was that secret unspoken knowledge constantly at the front of my mind: Dude, I fucked your girlfriend before you did.

By the time things with Nick were beginning to cool off for Angie, I'd met someone myself. Her name was Shriya. She was a few years younger than I was and worked at the same grocery store as me, as one of the cashiers. After I quit that job, we stayed in touch, and things just developed from there.

Shriya's family had moved to the US from India when she was just nine years old, and she spent her entire adolescence growing up around American kids. Her parents were very conservative in their Indian values, attending all the cultural festivals at the community center in full traditional Indian dress, going to temple regularly, gossiping with others in the Indian community. Shriya hated it all.

She rebelled against their authority every chance she got. If they told her to stay home, she'd sneak out of the house after they'd fallen asleep and stay out all night. If they told her to dress modestly, she'd pack a sexy outfit and change into it as soon as she was out of her parents' sight. If they wanted her to study business at Harvard, she studied art at Clinton State. If they expected her to marry a nice Indian boy, she dated every race she could find, but Indian. And her sacred virginity? Forget about it.

She was wild, and up for pretty much anything that seemed like it might be fun. And, for now, that seemed to be me. She was really cute: dark skin, black hair, almond shaped brown eyes, a deceptively sweet smile, and a petite five-foot-three frame.

We'd been dating for about four months. The sex was great and frequent. But even when we weren't having sex, I just liked hanging out with her, going to movies, walking in the park, going out to restaurants. Well, to be honest, our sex life spilled over to these spaces too: a blow job in the theater, a quickie beneath the picnic blanket at the park, and so forth. Like I said, Shriya was adventurous.

So this is a story about my 27th birthday, and probably most of you will already guess where this is going (spoiler alert: You're right). But maybe it's worthwhile to read on anyway, because maybe you haven't guessed everything yet. After all, it's not always about getting to the destination. Sometimes it's more about enjoying the view along the way. So...

Have you ever woken up with your cock in someone's mouth? First, you think you're just having a great dream. But then consciousness kicks in, and there's a brief sense of panic - what the fuck is going on here? Finally, the rational part of you fills in the rest for your stupid brain - 'relax, dummy, your girlfriend is giving you head, and you like it.' Then you can lie back and enjoy it, turned on even more by the fact that she snuck under the covers like a ninja to have her way with you while you were unaware.

That describes the first waking moments of my birthday, and by far it was the best start to any birthday I've ever had. I peeked under the covers, and Shriya looked up at me with her big eyes, her lips wrapped around my cock. She'd removed her top, but kept on a small dark purple bra and a little black skirt. The effect was very sexy.

"Good morning, baby," she said cheerfully, and then returned to the blow job.

"With you doing this, how could it be anything but a great morning?" I agreed.

Her giggles vibrated through the head of my penis, which felt amazing. I leaned my head back onto my pillow and enjoyed the sensations. When I climaxed, Shriya took my cock deep as I pumped my cum down her throat. I loved the sensation of her swallowing every last drop. Finally, she came up for air, gasping.

"Happy birthday, baby!" she shouted.

"Thanks," I said.

"I love you," she smiled at me.

"I love you, too." This was something we'd only recently started saying to each other, but it felt right. I really was in love with this amazing girl.

After a bit of cuddling and kissing on the bed, Shriya got up and put her top back on - sleeveless, grey and black, silky. She told me to have a shower while she made us breakfast.

When I joined Shriya in the kitchen, she was frying bacon and scrambling eggs. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her playfully on the neck. My body pressed against hers.

"Stop," she protested, laughing. "The eggs will burn."

Instead of stopping, I grabbed one of her breasts through her shirt and gave it a light squeeze.

"Hey," said a voice that belonged to neither Shriya nor I. Immediately, we straightened ourselves, and turned to see Angie standing in her plaid pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt from Clinton State that showed off her toned midriff. She was without make-up, and her Irish red hair was still a mess from the bed, but it was a kind of hot mess.

"Any coffee?" she asked, bleary-eyed.

"Yeah, just made a pot," Shriya told her.

Angie poured herself a cup, and slumped into a chair at the kitchen table. She'd never been a morning person.

"It's Keith's birthday," Shriya reminded her.

"Oh?" Angie said uninquisitively, and without much interest. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Ange," I said.

Angie wasn't much into birthdays, either. She refused to celebrate her own, and usually couldn't be bothered about anyone else's.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Shriya offered. "There's enough here for all of us."

"Thanks, but I'm good with coffee for now."

Angie opened her laptop, and brought up the previous night's Daily Show. Coffee with Jon Stewart was her regular morning ritual. Shriya served breakfast for the two of us, and we all watched the comedian sarcastically skewer the usual cast of greedy corporations, Fox News, and the Republican party.

Apart from mornings when Shriya and Angie's personalities couldn't be more different, the two girls actually got along well the rest of the time. Angie thought that Shriya was cute and funny. Shriya told me she thought of Angie like her older, Whiter sister. There was some Indian kinship term she used, but I forget.

After breakfast, Shriya had to rush to class, and I needed to get ready for work. We agreed to meet after work for my birthday dinner and drinks.

I'd quit the job at the grocery store some time ago, and now was doing telephone sales for a temporary employment agency. The idea was to convince these businesses to contract for our temp workers. They needed work done, we could supply the labour for cheaper than it would cost to hire workers themselves, especially since we'd take care of all the HR stuff for them. I'd promise them all kinds of bullshit about the quality and efficiency of our workers, and so on.

About nineteen times out of twenty, I'd get instantly shot down, and hung up on by bitchy secretaries who had no authority to make these kinds of decisions for their company, but really got off on the power of being able to screen a phone call. It was a pretty shitty job, to be honest, but I did well enough at it that I didn't get hassled too much by the management.

Throughout the day, as I sat at my desk making phone calls, Shriya texted me photos of her. They started off innocently. Here's Shriya's beautiful face. Here's another selfie with more of her body in it. Here's one she did in the mirror of the washroom at school where I can see her entire figure in a sultry pose.

By lunch, the photos were getting a little more daring. Here's a shot looking down her blouse at her cleavage. Here's one outdoors, looking up her skirt at the purple panties she's wearing. Here's another flash of that purple bra, taken quickly while no one is looking. And this one, with a nipple slip- oh and in the distant background, it looks like someone has taken notice.

As I attempted to convince another receptionist how vital our services were for the financial well-being of her organization, I snapped a discreet photo under my desk where the outline of my hardening cock was clearly visible through the black fabric of my work pants. I sent it back to her with the message: "Do u c what yr doing 2 me @ work?"

This only encouraged Shriya to go further. I received more panty shots, and then magically, the panties disappeared. Here's Shriya in her car, her skirt hiked above her hips exposing her hairless brown pussy. Here's Shriya at a coffee shop near campus, her legs open beneath the table. Here's another shot, close-up and I could actually see the moisture around her lips. The next shot, she's spread them apart like a butterfly. I love the way the brown gives way to soft wet pink. Here's another pussy shot, even closer.

Fuck, I couldn't take it anymore! I put my phone in my pocket, where it continued to vibrate with each new incoming picture.

"Hello? Hello? Are you still there?" asked the voice on the line. "I think he hung up on me..."

"No, no, I'm still here."

"I was saying I'm not interested," the voice resumed its indignant tone. Please don't call here anymore."

At this point we're supposed to argue with them, and say whatever it takes to keep them on the line. The longer we talk, the more chance there is for a sale. But fuck it, I couldn't be bothered.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay?" the voice asked, as if expecting more of a fight.

"Yeah, have a good afternoon," I said easily.

"Uh, you too, pal," replied the voice. I heard the click of the line going dead. Quickly, I put my calls on hold before another could come through to me. I got up and crossed the floor to the washroom, slightly hunched over, hoping no one would spot my erection. Fortunately, everyone I passed seemed very wrapped up in their work.

In the washroom, I closed myself into one of the stalls for privacy. With one hand I fished my phone out of my pocket, with the other I opened my zipper and freed my aching cock. I flipped through the more recent pictures. Here's Shriya with her fingers inside her pussy. Here are those same fingers, glistening with her juices. Here, she sucks them clean with a devious smile on her lips.

As I examined these pictures, my erection came roaring back to throbbing life. I shot a picture of it and sent it to Shriya. Then I began to beat it. With a tight grip, fast strokes, and Shriya's dirty pictures, it wasn't long until I came for the second time that day. Some of it landed in the toilet, and a lot of it landed on the black plastic seat. I took a picture of the mess, and sent it to her. Then I wiped down the seat with toilet paper, and flushed everything.

"U have no idea how hot that is," she texted back. This was followed by "Can't w8 2 c u 2nite."

There was one last picture. Here's Shriya blowing a kiss, with a cute little wink. A wave of affection washed through me. What an amazing girl! I felt lucky to have her.

The next few hours crawled by as they tend to do when you wish they'd disappear. I didn't make any more sales that day. What's more, my supervisor came over and gave me shit for taking too long of a washroom break. No punishment, just a verbal warning. Whatever.

When six o'clock finally rolled around, I whipped off my headset, and rushed out the door. I was so excited for the night that it seemed like my feet might lift off from the floor, and I had to keep myself from shouting like a maniac on my way out.

It was a twenty minute drive across town to a little Thai restaurant I loved. When I got there, Shriya was already waiting for me. I wondered if she was still panty-less under her little black skirt or if she'd put them back on after this afternoon's show. I couldn't see any visible lines, but who knows about these things?

There was a bigger party planned for the weekend when all my friends could come out and celebrate, but tonight Shriya had insisted on just the two of us doing something special together. We got a booth along one of the walls, and ordered our meals with a couple of glasses of wine. The waitress spoke about enough English to take our orders, but little more. She was very cute and smiley and sweet, though.

"Did you know that someone saw you when you took that shot of your nipple?" I asked.

"What? No way!"

I scanned back through the pictures on my phone, and sure enough, there was a guy in the background staring right at her. I showed it to her.

"Oh my god!" she laughed. "I totally didn't see him. It's kinda hot, though."

"Did you put your panties back on? Are you wearing them now?"

"What do you think?" she asked coquettishly.

"Hm." I appraised her figure. "What do I get if I guess correctly?"

"You can have them."

"Well..." I considered, "I think maybe you left them off."

"Yeah?" she asked. "That's what you think?"

Shriya reached into her purse and pulled out a bunched up ball of dark purple fabric, and put it on the table. I saw the waitress approaching with our food, so I quickly grabbed them, and stuffed them under my ass. Shriya just giggled at me.

"You think that's funny?" I asked when the waitress left. "How about this?"

I slipped off a shoe, and with my foot, felt up Shriya's leg. My toe dug in between her thighs, and began to rub there. Shriya slouched down slightly in her seat to give me better access to her pussy. I could feel my sock beginning to dampen in her juices.

"How is food?" The waitress interrupted, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. "All okay?"

"Yeah, it's good," I said, wishing she'd just leave us alone, and let us eat in peace.

"Need anything else?" she inquired.

"No, we're fine," I said.

"Ma'am?" she asked persistently.

"I'm good, thank you," Shriya said. The waitress gave us a strange little smile and a wink, and then disappeared back to the kitchen. Did she know?

I sat up and twirled noodles around my fork.

"Jesus, Shriya. I've been thinking about fucking you all day."

"Good," she replied, looking pleased with herself.

"I wish I could take you right here."

"Not here," Shriya said. "Just wait. I've got a surprise present for you at your place."

"Yeah?" I asked. My imagination went wild with guessing what it might be.

"Mhm," she said around a mouthful of Larb Gai. "I think you'll really like it."

After dinner, we paid, and got up to leave. Just as we were about to step outside, I felt a tap on my shoulder.


I turned around, and there was our little waitress. She was holding Shriyas dark purple panties pinched between her thumb and forefinger. I'd forgotten I was sitting on them.

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She kept her composure, but I could see there was laughter in her eyes. I was speechless as the panties dangled in mid-air.

"Sir? These belong you?" she asked.

"Thank you," Shriya said, breaking the tension. "I was wondering where I left them." She grabbed the panties and put them back into her purse.

As we stepped out of the restaurant, we almost died laughing.

"Did you see her face...?"

"And then you..."

"And you were like..."

It took us at least a couple of minutes to recover.

We drove together back to my apartment. Shriya's car could sit in the parking lot until tomorrow morning. I couldn't help myself as we were driving. I reached across to the passenger seat, and felt between my passenger's thighs, rubbing my thumb against smooth skin above her pussy. My fingers explored the fleshy crevices and creases beneath her skirt, which she hiked up as she'd done in one of her pictures.

At a stoplight, a giant SUV pulled up beside us. I wasn't immediately aware of this, but because of the difference in heights between the SUV and my little Nissan, the driver of the SUV got a great view down into Shriya's naked lap, where my fingers were working at her warm wet pussy.

As the light turned green, and we began to pull away, Shriya waved and smiled up at the driver. I could see him in the rear view mirror; a perplexed looking forty-something balding guy with his wife sitting beside him, staring absently out of the passenger window, unaware of what her husband had just witnessed. We both cracked up laughing again.

Finally, we pulled into the garage, parked, and went upstairs to my apartment. Just outside the door, Shriya instructed me to close my eyes. She fished my keys from my pocket (taking care to give my dick a good squeeze while she was in there), and opened the door. Then she took my hand and guided me inside. After we'd walked a few steps, we stopped.

"Okay, open your eyes," she said excitedly.

I did, and for a minute I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be looking at.

"Happy birthday!" Shriya shouted.

In the middle of the living room, facing the sofa, was a kitchen chair wrapped in gift paper, with a red bow stuck to it.

"You got me my own chair?" I asked. "Do they not teach you how to do birthdays in India?"

"Shut-up," Shriya retaliated. "Open it."

Dutifully, I tore the wrapping paper from the chair. Yes, it was exactly the same chair that I'd sat in that morning for breakfast.

"Thanks, babe," I said without much enthusiasm. "It's great."

Honestly, I didn't give a damn about the chair. The only thing I was interested in was fucking Shriya senseless. I moved towards her, but she pushed me back.

"You don't like it?" Shriya asked, pouting.

"No," I said. "I do. I like it. That's why I bought it, and three others just like it over there." I pointed to the kitchen table.

"Why don't you try it out?" Shriya suggested. I shrugged, and sat down. If it would make her happy, then maybe we could get past this and on with the birthday sex! "Just wait there for a second."

"Shriya, what is this?"

"Just wait," she repeated. "Trust me, you won't be disappointed."

Shriya scurried off to Angie's room. Angie's room? When she came back, she was wearing a new outfit, sort of a catholic schoolgirl thing with the pleated tartan skirt, thigh-high stockings and a white shirt with more than a few buttons undone in the front. Beneath the shirt was a very sexy red bra that made Shriya's small breasts look fuller. She held her hands behind her back, which pushed her chest out sexily.

"What have you got there?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon," she deflected. "Just stay where you are, don't move."

Shriya danced around the chair behind me. I tried to twist my head, but I couldn't see her. She was crouching down. I felt her hand circle around my wrist, and then something else soft and sheer. It snaked around one arm, then the other. Suddenly it pulled tight, tying my arm to the chair. Quickly, the second arm followed suit. I was tied to the chair.

"Shriya, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just relax," she said, moving back into my field of vision.

She carried a couple more scarves, which she used to bind my ankles to the front legs of the chair while carelessly caressing my penis over top of my pants.

"There!" she said, standing. "How's that?"

"I can't move," I said.

"That's the point. All you get to do for now is just sit there and enjoy."

Shriya went over to my stereo, found some slow soft music she liked (Brightblack Morning Light, for those of you who care about such details). As the first few electric piano chords came lazily drifting from the speakers, Shriya began to sway her hips seductively.

"What if Angie comes back?" I asked.

"She won't," Shriya assured me. "I asked her to give us the place to ourselves tonight, so she's going to stay with one of her girlfriends. But don't worry about her. Relax. Right now, it's just me and you, baby."

She stepped slowly towards me, stopped, turned, grabbed the hem of her skirt, and lifted it to show me the fine curve of her ass. She was wearing a sheer see-through pair of red panties that matched her bra. She smiled at me as I admired them. She gave one of her cheeks a hard smack before letting the skirt fall back into place.

Next she undid the buttons of her shirt, exposing her bra. She pushed her breasts together, and ran her hands over them. Then she straddled the chair, and shoved them into my face. I tried to lick them, but she leaned back and wagged a finger at me.

Still straddling me, she shrugged the shirt from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Then she unclasped her bra from behind. She removed her bra while managing to keep her breasts covered with her hands. I mean I'd seen her nipples hundreds of times, but something about her coy nature, the false modesty, was a turn-on. She could pretend, but I knew what a bad girl she really was.

Shriya stood, and continued to dance topless in some sort of style that was equal parts hip-hop music video and Bollywood. Maybe that sounds a little weird, but it was actually very sexy. She kept her breasts covered with her hands, though sometimes a nipple might slip into view, sort of accidentally on purpose.

After a minute, she came back to the chair and leaned over me, guiding one of her stiff nipples between her fingers to my mouth. I licked and sucked it, as her hands fell away from her chest and brushed through my hair. Then she switched breasts and I worked on the other one. Meanwhile, I could feel her thigh grinding against my crotch. I was hard, but being tied up, there wasn't anything I could do about it. Like she had said, the only thing was to just sit back, relax, and enjoy it.

With both nipples thoroughly attended to, Shriya stood again, this time lifting her foot onto the seat of the chair, and showing off her panties again. I could see they clung wetly to her pussy. Shriya began to massager herself over top of them, then lowered her pussy to my face. I could feel the dampness on my lips and nose. I stuck out my tongue, probing the sheer fabric, and the soft flesh beneath.

"Here," she said, "Let me help you."

She moved the fabric aside for me, and this time I buried my tongue inside her. Shriya squealed with delight, as I ran my tongue along her pussy, up to her clit.

"I've been thinking about this all day," I said.

"Mm, me too," Shriya cooed softly.

She turned around, so her ass was in my face, then slid down my body. She began to give me a lap dance, grinding my cock beneath my pants. It was hard as a diamond. I wanted to fuck Shriya so badly. My arms strained against their bonds, but the knots held tight.

Shriya moved around behind me again. Her hands caressed my body from my thighs to my chest. Then suddenly, everything went dark as Shriya tied another scarf over my eyes, blindfolding me.

"Can you see anything?" she asked.


"Don't lie."

"I'm not. I can't see a fucking thing."


Nothing happened for a minute, and then I felt her hands at the buckle of my belt. Then the button on my pants was undone.

"Lift your butt up," Shriya ordered.

I did, and she pulled them down to my ankles. My cock felt relief at finally being free of its constraint. It pointed skyward. I felt her hands run over my legs, up my hips to my chest, then back down my stomach. Fingers lightly circled my balls, skated across my pelvis, and brushed my erection.

Soon, I felt her hot breath on the head of my cock. Her lips parted slightly and her warm wet tongue ran over the tip of it. Her hands worked my shaft as she took my head fully inside her mouth. Her tongue darted around my cock, just below the head, like a boxer bobbing and jabbing against a slow opponent.

"Fuck, Shriya," I groaned, "this feels really fucking good."

Shriya giggled. But there was something weird about it. It didn't sound right. It seemed like it was coming from further away than it should have. Besides, how could her giggle sound so clear when her mouth was full of my cock?

"Shriya? What's going on?" I asked. There was no response, but the sucking continued. "Shriya, what's happening? Where are you?"

I felt hands at the back of my head, and then suddenly light flooded my vision as my blindfold fell away. I looked down and found a pair of green (not brown) eyes looking back up at me from a face that was white and freckled and framed by fiery red hair. She was completely naked.

"Wha?" was about all I could manage.

Shriya stepped around the chair again.

"Surprise!" Shriya shouted. "Happy birthday, baby!"

"Happy birthday, Fern," Angie echoed.

Shriya fell to her knees beside Angie. The two women simultaneously worked on my cock with their mouths and hands. When one was sucking the head, the other was licking my shaft, or gently kissing my balls. Sometimes they paused to kiss each other. There were hands all over my body, as if I was being molested by some kind of many-armed Hindu goddess.

I'd been teased so much all day and night, I knew I couldn't last much longer.

"I'm going to fucking cum!" I shouted.

The girls backed off, and then Angie wrapped her two large breasts around my cock, and squeezed them together. With just a few tosses of her hair, I was over the edge. A jet of semen exploded out of my cock, splashing against Angie's chin and dripping back down onto her chest. My cock kept pumping out hot cum between Angie's tits.

When my orgasm finally faded, Angie stood and fell backwards on to the couch. Instantly, Shriya pounced on her. She licked my cum from Angie's chin and throat, following the sticky trail down to her chest where she buried her face between Angie's breasts. I liked the way her brown skin looked against Angie's pale freckled white. She kissed her way up to the left nipple and began to tease it with her tongue. Then the right nipple.

Angie grabbed and kneaded Shriya's small ass through the panties, which were by now soaking wet with her arousal. In a move that would have qualified her for the World Wrestling Federation, Angie flipped Shriya onto the couch, while simultaneously sliding her panties down to her ankles. Before Shriya knew what was going on, Angie had sunk her face between her legs.

Shriya was instantly squirming with pleasure as Angie worked her tongue expertly on her swollen clitoris. The girls angled themselves so that I could have full view of everything. Angie's fingers probed deep inside Shriya, as she continued to lick her. It wasn't long before Shriya's body was reduced to a shrieking, quivering, orgasm.

Even though, I'd just cum about ten minutes ago, my erection returned full force while I helplessly watched Angie go down on my girlfriend.

"Looks like someone's feeling a bit lonely over there," Angie teased.

"Should we let him come play with us?" Shriya asked.

"I think so," Angie agreed. "He's been a good boy."

Angie untied my legs, while Shriya freed my hands from behind me. I flexed my limbs which were stiff from being restrained for so long. I then led both girls to my bedroom, trying to decide which one to fuck first.

I settled on Shriya, whom I'd been thinking about the whole day. She bent over on all fours, and I entered her doggy style. As I began pumping my cock inside her, Angie crawled under Shriya, and began licking her brown pussy again. Shriya bent forward and began to finger Angie. Angie moaned, and I could feel it even with my cock deep inside Shriya.

After a few minutes, I wanted to switch and fuck Angie. She lay on her back, and I rubbed the head of my cock over her clit, mixing Shriya's juices with hers. Then I slowly entered her, remembering how I'd needed to be gentle with her last time. She was still tight, but I was already well lubricated, and slid in easily. Shriya watched, playing with herself.

I felt myself approaching an orgasm, so I pulled out, and watched the two of them for a couple of minutes while I stroked myself. Angie tossed Shriya down onto the bed, and positioned herself between Shriya's legs so their pussies were touching. Angie ground her pelvis against Shriya, and Shriya ground back.

It was one of the hottest things I'v seen. I wanted to get in on it, too. I straddled Shriya's stomach, and inserted my cock between their scissoring vaginas. I was completely engulfed in the hot wet pussies of two gorgeous women, grinding against my rigid member. It felt fucking unbelievable.

Angie slipped off, and I lay on the bed. Shriya climbed on top of me, and lowered her pussy down onto my cock. Angie crawled over my face, and I began licking her sweet pussy. I sensed both girls were simultaneously building towards orgasm.

It was amazing to see the way they fed off each other's energies. Their moans synchronized, and were gaining intensity. I continued to work on Angie's clit with my tongue. Her hips had actually begun to rock back and forth above my face. Shriya, continued to bounce up and down, impaling herself repeatedly on my shaft.

The moaning turned into shouting.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" yelled one.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" screamed the other.

I made my own muffled sounds right into Angie's pussy.

Then came a guttural deep groan from above me. I felt Angie's body tense up, and then shudder deeply. Her sweet juices flooded over my face as she came. With a couple more strokes, Shriya soon followed suit. I felt her juices flow, as her pussy contracted and pulsated around my cock. Her legs spasmed uncontrollably on either side of me, accompanied by an almost animal howling as she climaxed.

It was enough to send me over the edge, and before I knew it my body tensed and shook involuntarily, and I shot my cum deep into Shriya's still quivering pussy. My balls throbbed deeply as I pumped more and more of my semen inside her, until finally, there was nothing left but heavy breathing.

The two women collapsed on either side of me. I kissed Shriya first, lovingly. Then I kissed Angie, my best friend since college, also lovingly. Lying between them, I felt a deep, profound sense of contentment.

"Thank you both for such a great birthday present."

"I told you I'd pay you back when you helped with the whole Nick situation," Angie said. "I think this about makes us even, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'd say it does," I responded, laughing.

"Happy birthday, baby," Shriya said. She yawned and trailed her fingers on my chest.

"Very happy," I agreed.

To this day, I have yet to have a happier one.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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