This story is an account of true events. Some real names are used by permission, other names are fictitious. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 1: The Elf Maidens Play
I am awake now. It is dark. I cannot see. My hands are bound above my head by what feels like rope. I am tied to the headboard. My legs are bound. I try to speak, but can't. My mouth is taped shut. I hear someone in the room. I can smell her perfume. It is Kelly, my new submissive girlfriend.
I met Kelly three months ago. She accepted my invitation to move in with Sara and me and to be our girlfriend. Kelly moved in with us two weeks ago. She calls out to Sara and tells her I am awake. Sara is my girlfriend of almost three years. I hear Sara enter the room. That was an evil laugh. Kelly laughs with her. What the fuck are they up to?
"Wake up, birthday girl. I guess you are wondering why you are in the position you are in. Let's just say that I have a special surprise for you." Sara kisses me on the cheek. Her hand rests on my belly. She rubs me. "I have planned a very special day for you, but I cannot have you leaving this room just yet. Preparations have been made while you slept, but they are not all finished yet."
I feel Sara's hand glide up my body. She cups my left breast. "We are going to have so much fun with you today. Consider the experience as my main gift to you. I'm sure you will enjoy what is in store for you, my love." She kisses my cheek again and pinches my nipple. My nipples are hard; it's cold in here.
"Are you hungry, my love?" Sara asks.
If my mouth wasn't taped shut, I would tell the bitch I can't speak. "I'll take the tape off if you promise not to scream or run your mouth too damn much. You are not allowed to ask questions; got it?" I nod my head in agreement. She rips the tape from my mouth. I want to scream from the pain, but I'm not allowed to scream.
"I'm hungry, and I'm cold," I tell her.
"Kelly, cook Jessy's breakfast," commands Sara.
Kelly quickly replies, "Yes, Mistress." I hear her trot off down the hall.
Mistress? I'm the Mistress around here. I didn't give Sara permission to domme Kelly. She is my sub. Both of them are my subs.
Sara lies next to me and kisses me; I kiss her back. "I love you so much, Jessy. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." She crawls on top of me, her naked body against mine. "I'll get you warmed, my love." She kisses me again. Her hands rub both of my arms, all the way to my bound hands.
"Are the ropes too tight? Your hands aren't turning colors."
"No, they are not too tight. Why do you have me bound?" I calmly inquire.
"I told you, Jess, I cannot have you leave this room; it would spoil my surprise for you. Trust me on this like I have always trusted you."
She has a point. Very deep trust must be earned if a sub is willing to submit to anything I desire. The tables are turned now, it seems. I trust her. She deserves my trust.
"I trust you Sara, and I always will," I lovingly tell her. "No-one else in the world has trust like you and me."
"You are so right, my love. Our three year anniversary is coming soon. I can honestly say that you have given me the best three years of my life." A flood of emotions overcome me. She kisses me again. Sara is the love of my life. I could not ask for a better lover than Sara. She is absolutely perfect for me in every way, and I let her know this often.
Bacon... I smell bacon. "Bacon-bacon-bacon!" I say real fast, like the dog in the Begging Strips commercial. Sara lets out her silly laugh. I love to hear her laugh. She snuggles her cute little face into my neck.
"Are you going to tickle-torture me?" I ask.
"Not a bad idea," she says softly. She raises her head, her lips touching mine. She whispers, "I have something much better for you today."
"I have to pee. Get the fuck up before I piss the bed." She rolls off of me.
"Is that any way to talk to your Mistress?" She presses her hand on my lower belly. My urge to urinate intensifies a hundred times.
"Bitch, if you make me piss this bed, I will make you suck it all out of the mattress."
"Ha-ha. You are in no position to be giving orders and shouting threats. Ask me nicely and I'll take you to the bathroom."
I'm getting angry as hell now. "God damn it, Sara, I have to pee," I say angry at first, tapering off into a plea.
"Ask your Mistress nicely," she teases.
Okay, play the game, Jessy. "Dear, sweet Mistress Sara, would you please allow me to go pee?"
"Ha ha. That's better, Jessy. You can go pee. First, I have to fix you up."
I hear her digging about in the nightstand. Then she handcuffs my right wrist to the bed. She takes another pair and cuffs my other wrist. I feel her untie the ropes from the headboard, and then from my arms.
"Roll over," she says.
I roll onto my face. She grabs my left arm and pulls it down to my side. Straddling me, she holds my arm still with her knee and unhooks the handcuffs from the headboard. She pulls my arms together behind my back. Click. I feel like a criminal ready to be taken downtown and booked. She wasn't playing. She left me no opportunity to resist or escape. She unties my legs.
"Roll to the edge of the bed and I'll help you up." I do as she says and she guides me to the bathroom where I pee.
"What time is it, Mistress Sara?"
"It's after 11am."
"Why so early, Mistress Sara?"
"Because there is a lot going on today, my love. Much preparation has already happened. There is still a lot yet to do."
I finish my morning pee. "Am I going to have to drip-dry, or is someone going to wipe me?"
Sara yells for Kelly.
I hear Kelly answer from the kitchen. "Yes, Mistress Sara... coming."
Quickly, Kelly is at the bathroom door.
"The birthday girl needs to be wiped. Do it for her," Sara calmly demands.
"Yes, Mistress." I hear Kelly get some tissue. I don't need to be told; I spread my knees wide. She pats my pussy dry and drops the tissue. "There you go, Miss Jessy."
Miss Jessy? Why not 'Mistress Jessy?' Hmm. It seems I've been demoted on my birthday; what kind of shit is that?
"Go finish preparing her breakfast, Kelly."
Kelly starts to leave but stops. "Where will she be eating, Mistress Sara?"
Sara helps me up and tells Kelly, "Bring her breakfast to the bedroom."
Sara leads me to the bedroom and helps me sit on the side of the bed. "Sa... Mistress Sara, is all of this necessary, the blindfold and the handcuffs?" She pushes me back on the bed and swings my legs around.
"Roll over," she commands. "Yes, this is necessary. You must be cuffed to the bed at a minimum. I can take the blindfold off, but if you need to go anywhere, the blindfold goes back on and your hands will be cuffed behind you." She straddles me again. My left arm is freed from the cuffs, but she hooks my right arm to the headboard. I will have a free hand to scratch with.
Sara removes my blindfold. The light of day hurts my eyes. She made sure to close the bedroom door. I try asking her questions about 'the preparations', but she won't say a word. I sit up in the bed; my legs over the side. Fucking shit. It's my birthday, for crying out loud. I'm treated like a hostage in my own home, in my own bedroom. Well, it's how I do Sara sometimes.
Kelly kicks the door. Sara opens it, being sure to block my view down the hallway. Sara motions Kelly to come in and shuts the door. "Your breakfast, Miss Jessy. I hope you like it. Bacon and sausage; hash browns with onions and cheese, two eggs over-easy, fresh cantaloupe from the garden, and grape juice." She places the tray next to me on the bed. It smells great. Oh my God, how much hash browns does she think I can eat?
"Kelly, feed the birthday girl," Sara commands. She seems to be having too much fun with her usurped role of Mistress.
"I have a free hand, Mistress Sara, I can feed myself."
Sara looks at me angrily. "Do as I say, Kelly. The birthday girl is not to do anything today. You must tend to her every need. I have to see about the rest of the preparations. If the birthday girl has to get up for anything, come and get me. I have the keys to the cuffs."
Sara leans down to kiss me on the forehead. "I love you." We smile.
Miss Kelly feeds me with a fork, wipes my mouth when needed, and holds my cup so I can drink. I tell her I am full and she starts to remove the tray. "Wait... give me that bacon." She takes the bacon and places one end in her lips and brings the other end to my mouth. I eat the bacon and get a kiss from her.
She puts the tray on the dresser, sits next to me and asks if there is anything I need. "I'm cold Kelly." She pushes me back onto the bed and covers my body with hers; much like Sara did earlier.
"Tell me what's going on, Kelly. What has Sara got planned for me?"
"Ha ha. I can't tell you anything, Miss Jessy. You should know better than to ask me."
With my free hand, I reach up to move her hair out of her face. I touch her sweet lips with my thumb. She lowers her lips to mine and pecks me. "You have no power over me today, so don't try to seduce any information from me."
"I wasn't Kelly, I love you and I'm so glad we met. I'm so glad you are here with me and Sara."
She smiles. "I love you, Jessy." She looks at me intently and lowers her lips to my ear. She whispers, "Whatever happens today, just roll with it; get in the moment. Become who you will be."
I'm a little puzzled at that remark. She kisses my neck. "Are you warm yet?"
I ask for a blanket which she gets from the chest. She fluffs my pillows, and helps me sit up to get comfortable. She covers my naked body with the blanket.
"Anything else at all?" asks Kelly.
"I need to brush my teeth."
She leaves, taking the breakfast tray with her. She closes the door behind her as I am trying to see down the hallway. This is going to drive me crazy. I'm a freaking Leo. Curiosity killed the cat. Being unable to sneak a peek is going to kill me.
Kelly returns with the same tray with two glasses on it; one with my toothbrush, the other just water. She preps my toothbrush and asks me to open wide. "For real? I can brush my own teeth, Kelly."
"Mistress Sara says that you will do nothing today. I'll be brushing your teeth now, or not. It's your choice."
I can't believe this. "Brush them, please." She does, and a pretty good job, too; bless her heart.
"Thank you, Miss Kelly. What if I need to poo?"
Kelly's eyes widen."Hmm, I guess I'll be wiping your ass, Miss Jessy." For her sake, I hope I don't have to poo. She kisses me and takes away the tray. She returns with Sara.
"Who is here?" I ask, hoping to learn anything about what's going on.
Sara looks at me sternly. "No questions! Any more questions and I will let the creep next door in here to see you naked and cuffed to the bed. Don't worry about a thing. Kelly will sit with you and take very good care of you."
Sara goes to the bookcase. She pulls out my favorite book, The Silmarillion, and the companion book that I use with it. She remembered. I always begin reading it on my birthday. I'm sentimental like that. Dad gave it to me on my tenth birthday. I started on it that day and finished it right before he passed away a few weeks later.
"I'll be busy for a good while. Kelly, take good care of her. Get me if she needs to go to the bathroom. First, I need to speak to you in the hall, Kelly." Sara kisses me.
Kelly returns after a minute or so. She closes the curtains, turns on my reading lamp, retrieves my reading glasses, and carefully places them on me. She gets my reading table and sets it up for me. I reach for my book, but Kelly stops me. She sets the book on the little reading table, sits next to me, and opens the book. Wow, is this how a queen feels? Is sweet Kelly going to turn my pages for me? I have to kiss her.
Kelly turns the pages. I read aloud so she isn't bored to tears. A while later, I need to reference someone in the book. She gets my companion book, looks up the character's name, and reads the synopsis for me. I could really get used to this. I read for about an hour. Kelly questions me about the book, and I, being a Tolkien nerd, am happy to answer all of her questions. I occasionally hear voices and noises from somewhere in the house. That sparks my curiosity even more.
Two o'clock comes; then three. Kelly gets Sara whenever I have to pee. She gets me whatever I want to drink. She even lights and holds my cigarettes for me.
How long is all of this going to take? Jeez, what the hell has Sara done?
Janine bursts through the door and closes it quickly. "Happy Birthday, bitch!"
Janine is my ex-girlfriend from a few years ago. I've never seen her wear overalls. She looks cute with huge tits. She kisses me and sits next to me.
"How are you? Is Kelly taking good care of you? If not, I'll spank that ass." I don't answer Janine; Kelly giggles.
I look at Kelly, "You want her to spank you?"
"Yes, Miss Jessy." All of us laugh.
"She's been an angel, and I'm okay. I'm just wondering what is going on out there and what Sara is up to," I say to Janine, expressing my frustration.
"That's why I'm here now. It's time to get you prepped. Kelly, you will assist me. Unfortunately, I cannot let you loose."
She produces a handcuff key. Janine unhooks me from the bed and cuffs my hands behind my back. I am blindfolded again. She leads me to the bathroom and turns on the shower. When the water temperature is right, she uncuffs my right arm, removes the blindfold, and cuffs me to the shower assist handle.
Kelly jumps in with me. She removes the shower head and wets my hair and body, shampoos my head, and rinses me. She soaps and washes my whole body. I give her access to my pussy and ass; she washes those parts with her fingers.
Janine dries my body as Kelly showers herself. My head and body wrapped in towels, I am led back to the bedroom and sit at my make-up table. The door opens; it's Sara. "Kelly, do her nails, all of them."
Kelly quickly responds, "Yes, Mistress. What color polish?" Sara whispers instructions. While Kelly gives me a pedicure and manicure and removes my old polish, Janine blow-dries my hair. She turns me so I can't see the mirror, and brushes my hair. She separates the front of my hair and braids the rest of it. I can tell it's a french braid. She brushes the front part and twists two thin braids. She wraps them around my head and behind my ears and pins them. Janine blindfolds me. Kelly begins polishing my nails. Suddenly, the door opens.
"Pretty nails, Kelly."I recognise Autumn"s voice. How long has she been here? I don't know. I wonder if the boys are here. I say hello to Autumn.
Sara comes in to check on progress. "Makeup?" Sara asks. She smells like a charcoal grill. I'm hungry and want to eat her.
"Am I doing it, or you?" Janine ask. Sara says she is too busy cooking. Janine will apply my makeup. Janine and Sara leave and Kelly finishes my polish.
"Your hair is gorgeous, Miss Jessy," Kelly says sweetly. I wish I could see it.
Janine returns with a small stool. She turns my chair towards her and removes my blindfold. Kelly stands behind me. I'm instructed to not look in the mirror. Janine applies all of my makeup. Autumn enters and tells me to hold my breath. She sprays me with something. Breathe. Oh, my god. I don't know what perfume that is, but it is awesome.
I'm led back to the bed. I'm handcuffed to the headboard. I watch Kelly dry and straighten her hair. I hear bitches in the shower. When they finish in the bathroom, Sara and Janine appear, and place a black cloth bag over my head, so my makeup and hair does not get messed up. Apparently, I'm not allowed to watch them do their hair and makeup.
It must be five o'clock now, or later. What seems like another hour goes by. Hurry up, bitches. I hear ooos and aahs about hair and makeup. I can't see a thing. I'm getting very impatient now.
"Almost ready, fifteen more minutes," Sara says.
Janine returns, apparently with whatever the girls are going to wear. "Here's yours, here's yours, here's yours, Jessy's, and mine. Get them on, girls."
Autumn chimes in, "Wait, I thought you were going to be a... "
"Shut up, Autumn!"
"Oh, sorry guys." The girls laugh. Autumn almost spilled the beans. Oh well, I waited this long. Another fifteen minutes won't be a problem.
"Let me look at you all," Janine says in a motherly tone. "You ladies are gorgeous."
"So are you, Janine." pipes Autumn.
"Go take your places, girls," orders Sara.
Sara comes to me and uncuffs my hands from the headboard. I stand and walk where she leads. Sara and Janine drape something over my shoulders and neck. It's very lightweight and soft. They fuss with it a bit, but they finally get it on me. I hear a couple of snaps. Sandals are put on my feet and strapped. Something is attached to the front of whatever I am wearing; it is centered between my breasts.
Janine makes remarks about how great my gown looks on me. I hear Sara leave and then return. "They are ready. Go join them, Janine."
A couple of minutes pass. Sara speaks to me, "Jessy, thank you for being so patient with me. I'm not sure I could have endured this, but you did. I didn't know of any other way to get things done without you seeing or hearing what was going on. Please forgive me."
I laugh. "Mistress Sara... "
She stops me. "No more 'Mistress Sara', but I do have one more demand. I need for you to remain hooded until I sit you down in the living room. When I remove the hood, keep your eyes closed for me."
"I'll do anything you ask. I'm sure you spent a lot of time today getting your fucking preparations done, and God knows how much time you spent dreaming this shit up." She laughs. "I'll keep my eyes closed."
Sara takes my hand and leads me to the living room. It smells of candles in here; my favorite kind. Sara leads me to what I think is the middle of the room and backs me up slowly. Holding both of my hands, she professes her love for me in such a beautiful way. I will not repeat it here; this I will keep to myself.
The girls let out a chorus of 'aww' when they hear Sara's declaration. I'm smiling under the hood. She wraps her arms around me. With her lips next to my ear, she whispers something that no-one in this world will ever hear. She pulls away after a bear hug and asks me to sit down. I reach behind to feel for a seat and place my ass in it.
"Close your eyes, my love. Keep them closed," Sara softly says.
Someone approaches and stops; I can tell by her perfume it is Janine. Sara is careful to lift the hood off of my face. I feel Sara and Janine remove the pins holding the small braids and sets something on my head. Both girls wrap the braids around the head-dress and re-pin it. Sara whispers, "Keep your eyes closed".
Sara speaks loudly. "Ladies, on this joyous day, we celebrate the birth and life of our most beloved, and the most beautiful elf-goddess. So beautiful that flowers bloom wherever she walks. Nightingales follow her and announce her arrival - our most precious songstress ever (I chuckle at that one). The daughter of Queen Yanina and King Berenor. I give you the heiress of the kingdom of Gothring. It is my esteemed honor to present to you: Itara Ithiliel!" The girls clap and cheer.
I took that as my cue to open my eyes. Oh-My-Fucking-God. Kneeling before me is Sara, looking as pretty as any elf there ever was. She is so beautiful. "I am Starial, your humble and submissive chambermaid. Anything you want or need is my desire to get for you." Sara says graciously.
I look around the room and immediately burst into tears. I'm handed a box of tissues. Sara's gown, so sheer I could see her nipples, was beautifully made. The other girls are dressed in similar fashion, except for Autumn. She is dressed as a hobbit woman. All of them look just like princesses.
I notice the decorations. Blue and white sheer curtains adorn the perimeter of the room and hang in drooping panels across the ceiling. Even the mat was covered in blue and white. Ornaments and props look like they came right out of a Lord of the Rings movie set. Lots of candles are everywhere. My hands are on my face. I am crying.
Starial places a gift at my feet and stands, kisses me deeply, and moves to my left side. "My love, may I present to you Kirien (that's Kelly), your humble and submissive bath maiden."
Kirien steps forward. She kneels and says, "Your wish is my command." She places a gift at my feet. She, too, kisses me deeply and whispers, "Be who you are, Itara." She kneels next to me on my right.
Starial speaks again, "My love, I present to you Astriel (that's Autumn), an emissary from the halfling realm that has come to serve you at the bidding of her people to honor you on your birthday." Astriel is no normal hobbit. Her gold shelf-bustier does not cover her bare breasts. Her brown skirt falls to her knees. She is wearing dark brown suede, knee-high boots She is the hottest hobbit this side of Mirkwood.
In like fashion, Astriel comes forth and lays a gift at my feet and says, "Do with me what you will, I am obliged." She kisses me and kneels at my left side. Starial takes my hand. I look up at her and wipe my tears.
Starial is smiling; tears are on her cheeks. She bends down to kiss me; I kiss her and wipe her tears. I sobbingly thank her. I try to whisper to her, "I wish my momma could be here to see this."
I feel a hand on my right shoulder. As she steps from behind my throne chair, Janine announces: "I am here, my darling." I look up to see her. Oh, my god! She is dressed like Judi Dench's elemental character in Chronicles of Riddick, only her gown is a lot more sheer.
"Your mother, Yanina, would never miss your birthday, my love," Sara says, looking at Yanina and then me. Yanina stands before me. I stand to hug and kiss her; we both are crying. I finally sit and look around at the girls. There's not a dry eye in the room.
"Here, you bunch of pussies, dry your eyes," I say laughing. I gather some tissues and blow my nose and gather more to dry my eyes. I pass the box of tissues to Astriel.
Everyone is silent. Okay, let's roll with this. "Someone bring mother a worthy chair." Kirien and Astriel grab Yanina a chair and cover it with my blue and white Afghan. She sits to my right facing me at an angle. Starial winks at me. I want to cry, but I resist. Everyone is looking at me.
"I want to thank you all for being here to celebrate my birthday. All of you are very dear to me. The party has just begun, but if it ended right now this would rank as the best birthday party I have ever had. Mother, Starial, Kirien, and Astriel, all of you have gone to great lengths to produce such a wonderful setting for me. I'm sure all of you have put a lot of time, effort, and resources into creating such an elaborate and beautiful 'movie set' for me. I cannot express to you just how much this means to me. I will never forget this night as long as I live."
Yanina eloquently states: "I am sure that I speak for all of us, my daughter, that everyone here feels that you deserve this and more. We lovingly labored with great enthusiasm to give you this night. This is our collective way of expressing what you mean to us. You have touched each and every one of us in a very profound way. Each of us is grateful to be in your company now and grateful for having met you. We are all better people because of you. You have enriched every soul here and we would not be the people we are today if it were not for you."
Tears roll down my cheeks as I listen to Yanina.
Yanina continues, "Your immense love and passion for life, and for us, is something we could only hope to give back to you in equal measure. We know how unselfish you are. We know that you would not expect us to reward you in equal measure that which you have given us. You are the most special of spirits, a modern day Wonder of the World, and all that meet you will count themselves lucky to have met a true gift from the gods. Your beauty, charm, charisma and energy I have never before seen in another. We are all humbled to be a part of your life. These words hold true in all Earths, including Middle Earth."
I look away from Yanina to the other faces; a look of awe at the words they just heard. Tears flow down my face.
Starial breaks the silence. "She speaks for me, my love. I could not have said it better."
Almost in unison, Kirien and Astriel say, "She speaks for me as well, Itara."
"Group hug, bitches!" I had to say it, that was a pretty deep speech. I quickly wipe my face and hug these beautiful women. I look at Yanina, "Did you really mean all that?"
Starial interrupts, "She meant every beautiful word of it."
Oh, my god, that's too much. I have to sit down.
"Well, are you going to open your gifts, Birthday Girl?" Yanina says.
"It's been over six hours since I last ate, and I know you have all been working hard to transform this room.

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It's time to eat, bitches. I smell food and it's driving me crazy. These gifts can wait until after we all eat."
Starial starts barking orders. "Heat the oil, prepare the potatoes, get the meat out of the oven." Astriel and Kirien are in the kitchen; they busy themselves preparing the meal.
Starial returns to me and says, "I have prepared your favorite dishes: beer-baked pork roast, loaded baked potatoes, grilled zucchini, cucumber, onion, and tomato salad. There is only one thing to cook. As soon as the oil is hot, in four minutes, you will have frog legs." Yes, people, elves eat frog legs.
Starial and Kirien bring the small table from the kitchen. They set it up in front of me and cover it with a blue cloth. Starial brings my utensils and salt and pepper. She pours me my favorite beer and sets it before me. I notice the label is different. The label reads: Samwise Adams Buckland Lager and has a hobbit picture instead of the Sam Adams picture. What didn't these girls think of?
Yanina slides her chair to the table. We talk while the others scurry in the kitchen. I ask her if she made the gowns and Autumn's costume. She did and even fashioned the curtains and some of the props. Autumn, Kelly, and Sara assisted Janine with the props and ornaments. I asked how long it took. She tells me that Sara approached her weeks ago and said she wanted to do this for my birthday, and ever since then they have been working on various ornaments and props. This past week, she made all of the costumes. I look down at my own costume; it's beautiful. I can see my pink nipples through the ultra-sheer fabric.
"Starial? Bring me a mirror, darling," I ask of my beautiful lover.
I laugh when Starial returns with a five-foot mirror that hangs on the back of the bathroom door. Yanina moves my dinner table so I can stand. I'm shocked at what I see. I really look the part. It's a simple but elegant gown; a blue and white broach connects the two halves of the gown between my breasts. Yanina really made me beautiful with elvish-looking makeup. They set my Arwen crown on my head. I look like a real elf princess. How Tolkien-nerdy can I get? Hee hee.
We finish our meal, and the table is put away. The dirty dishes are put away. Another Samwise Adams Buckland Lager is poured for me. The girls gather around to watch me open my gifts. I will not reveal what they are; personal and private for me only. I thank each girl for their wonderful gift and kiss them. Astriel and Kirien carry my gifts to my room and return.
We finish our beers, and some of us burp. Yanina issues directions for Astriel and Kirien to do the pre-sex ritual; they scamper off to the bathroom. Starial and Yanina talk to me about the decorations. It is then that I notice my throne chair. It looks like a real elvish throne.
Astriel and Kirien return; Yanina and Starial head to the bathroom. Kirien asks if I like everything. "Oh, hell yes, girl, just spectacular."
We chat until Yanina and Starial return. Starial leads me to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and do the other ritual. Starial escorts me back to my throne. I ask where the boys are. They are always here on Mondays. Starial tells me they couldn't make it; work related bullshit. They see my disappointment. I was really expecting them to be here. Tom, Dick, and Harry are The Three Cockateers, as I commonly refer to them.
In case you are wondering why these girls and I are scantily clad and why I'm disappointed that the boys aren't going to be here, now is the time to tell. Every Monday night, all of us meet here. We have dinner that I prepare. As soon as dinner is over, all of the girls put on a show for the guys. This involves lots of kissing and licking; sometimes it's a toy show. When the girls are done, it's time for me to work my magic. I direct all of the action. One of the girls is systematically chosen to start things. She will take on all three guys at once. When all of the girls have had their turn and if the guys can go some more, we have a free-for-all fuck fest until the guys give out. Now you understand my disappointment. It's my birthday and there's not going to be any cocks.
Five sexy nymphs are going to have a great time, regardless of the absence of the boys. Starial stands and makes a proclamation. "Itara, normally you take it upon yourself to order the night's festivities as you wish. Tonight, I will be relieving you of those duties so that you can relax and completely enjoy yourself. My love, this night is designed specifically for you and your pleasure. Mother Yanina, please move your seat beside Itara and observe."
Yanina does as she is asked and sets her chair next to mine. Starial instructs the other girls to stand; she plays some elvish music. Astriel and Kirien bow before me and begin a slow dance, waving their arms slowly in the air. They dance towards each other and away, and they move in slow circles. Sometimes they dance hand in hand; first one hand, then the other, then both hands. Astriel's firm breasts are bouncing freely. Kirien's loose gown flows over her perfect breasts. Sometimes her hard, pink nipples are exposed as she floats in front of me. Twirling together, they dance arm in arm making eye contact with me whenever they can.
Starial positions herself on the other side of the dancing nymphs. The girls continue to dance until the music stops. They turn and face me, and bow low. They stand erect before me; their hard nipples enticing me. Another song begins. Starial, who is hiding behind the dancers, quickly has both girls naked; except for Astriel's suede boots.
Both girls act shocked at their sudden nakedness, and hug each other while looking at me. Their hands begin to dance across each others bodies; down their sides, across their sexy asses, and up their backs. Their firm breasts press against the other's. Tongues lick lips, and lips suck tongues. Kirien kisses Astriel, and Astriel moans into her mouth. Kirien breaks from the kiss and licks Astriel's lips slowly and seductively. She kisses her way down Astriel's neck; licking and kissing down her chest as Astriel gives me a sexy smile. Kirien licks Astriel's hard swollen nipples. A moan fills the room.
Starial glides over to Yanina and motions for her to stand. In a moment, Yanina is naked except for her sandals. Her huge breasts are exposed for all to see. Starial motions for me to stand, and soon I am naked as well. Starial collects the gowns and Astriel's costume and disappears. When she returns, she is naked. She brings a chair to sit next to me. I feel her looking at me; love is in her eyes. She leans to kiss me. I do not deny her.
When Starial and I break our kiss, Kirien is sucking hard on Astriel's nipple. A loud moan escapes Astriel's lips. Kirien kisses and licks her way to the other nipple and licks it softly, slowly, and very seductively. I feel Starial's fingers caress my breast; rubbing it softly. Kirien's mouth latches onto Astriel's other nipple and sucks hard. Another loud moan escapes Astriel's lips. In unison, Starial and Yanina's lips latch onto my nipples. My body tingles, and my pussy clenches.
Kirien licks her way down Astriel's tanned belly. She stops only to circle her navel a few times. Astriel pinches her own nipples as Kirien's tongue descends further. Kirien's lips inch closer to Astriel's sweetness. As Kirien's tongue is about to touch Astriel's pussy, Starial claps her hands; signaling Kirien to stop.
Kirien offers me her perfectly shaped breasts. Her pink nipples are begging to be sucked. I lick one and then the other. Yanina and Starial grab my knees and spreads my legs apart. I feel the cool air on my wetness. My pussy clenches again.
Astriel stands behind Kirien and reaches between her legs. Her fingers slide inside Kirien's wet pussy. Kirien stands erect, pulling her gorgeous breasts from my mouth. I see Astriel's small arm sticking through Kirien's legs; angling towards my face. I lower my head and part my lips. Wet fingers rub nectar on my lips. I suck Astriel's fingers and relish the taste of Kirien's precious juice. Astriel withdraws her arm from between Kirien's legs. Kirien kisses me; tasting her own juice on my wet lips. She licks my lips clean and slides her tongue in my mouth. I moan again as I taste her juice.
Starial's finger touches my clit then slides between my pussy lips and into my dripping hole. I moan a second time as Yanina and Starial suck my nipple.
My hands reach for Kirien's lightly tanned breasts. My mouth wide, I cover her nipple and as much flesh as I can. I suck hard and flick my wet tongue across her engorged nipple. My tongue picks up speed and soon I'm flicking my tongue as hard and fast as I can.
Astriel grabs her around the waist to steady her. She slides three of her fingers inside the young elf's pussy from behind. Kirien is weak in the knees and almost collapses. I pinch her left nipple and continue my sucking tongue-flick method. Astriel works her fingers in and out of Kirien's pussy; deeper and faster her fingers fuck Kirien's delicious hole.
I switch to Kirien's other nipple and attack it with my tongue. Kirien's breasts are heaving from her labored breathing. Moaning in ecstasy, she is close to exploding. Starial pulls my hand from Kirien's right breast and sucks her nipple hard. I reach for Kirien's pussy; Astriel's fingers feverishly fuck Kirien's dripping tunnel. My own fingers are wet with juice. I rub Kirien's swollen button. I trace my fingers in circles around and over her magic spot. Kirien pants and moans my name. "Oh, Itara, please don't stop. I beg you, Mistress!"
I flick my tongue hard on her nipple and flick my fingers across her pink jewel, almost thumping it. Astriel crams her four small fingers in and out of Kirien's shaking body. Starial's fingers find my left nipple and she squeezes hard causing me to bite down on Kirien's sensitive nipple; Starial bites the other. The three of us attack her most sensitive spots. Kirien's body begins to quake as she yells, "Don't stop, god damn it!" Her legs shiver and shake. Her clit, pussy, and nipples are feverishly attacked; her sexual senses are overloaded. She screams and moans.
Astriel grabs the quaking elf around the waist to steady her. She jams her fingers hard into her dripping honey hole. Kirien has lost control of her body and she explodes in ecstasy. Yanina springs from her chair to help hold up the unsteady elf. Starial and I release our mouths from her exquisite breasts and Astriel removes her fingers from her burning love cave. Yanina gently lays her at my feet.
When Starial snaps her fingers, Astriel gets between Kirien's legs and licks up all of the sweet nectar from her leaking hole. Her pussy lips are swollen and red, glistening in the candle light. Astriel scoops her nectar and crawls towards me and offers me Kirien's precious pussy juice. I suck Astriel's tongue deep into my mouth and taste the delicious result of our intense attack on Kirien's sexy body. Astriel's tongue intertwines with mine as we share the delicious, sweet juice.
After our kiss, Astriel offers Starial her wet fingers. She paints Starial's lips with shiny wetness. She does the same for Yanina's lips; pussy juice lip-gloss covers the Queen's full lips. I kiss and lick the juice from Starial and Yanina's lips. I turn my gaze back to Astriel. She is rubbing the juice on her own lips and nipples. I cannot resist. I kiss tiny Astriel soft and sensuously; savoring the flavor of Kirien. One by one, I suck Astriel's fingers. I moan at how delicious they are. I suck Astriel's glistening nipples; such delicious hard nubs on her firm breasts.
Astriel pulls away from me and again slides her tongue deep inside Kirien. She licks out all the juice she can get. Kirien twitches as she feels a hot tongue slip in and out of her pussy. Astriel, crawling up her body, delivers the honey to the almost incoherent elf-maiden. The taste seems to revive her; Kirien passionately kisses the young hobbit. Kirien finally opens her eyes; apparently drunk from the intense orgasm she just had. Astriel helps Kirien into a sitting position. She stares at Astriel with amazement in her eyes; so do the rest of us.
Astriel, standing there in just her sexy leather boots, grins and says, "Yes, this hobbit girl knows how to fuck." That brings a roar and applause from us all.
"You sure do, baby." Kirien finally speaks. She rises to her feet; a little wobbly in the knees at first. Then she lifts tiny Astriel off of the floor and kisses her. Astriel wraps her legs around Kirien's waist.
When they finish their kiss, Kirien asks, "Mistress Itara, is there anything I can do for you?"
"Come sit with me, my darling." She sits sideways across my lap and lays her head on my shoulder. "You are so sexy when you orgasm Kirien, and your sweet juice I will always crave." Kirien smiles at me and squeezes my breast. She kisses my neck.
Starial claps her hands three times and the girls sit at my feet. "Would Mistress Itara like refreshments?" she inquires.
"Yes I would. But it's time to get this party going right. Bring me the bottle of whiskey and glasses for us all."
Cheers erupt; Astriel is back in a flash. We each take a small glass from Astriel and she pours each of us a mouthful of the brown elixir. These girls have thought of everything. They have covered the bottle with a different label. The label reads: Jed Durniel's Tuckburrow Sour Mash Whiskey (that's JD for short, wink).
Yanina rises from her seat and raises her glass to propose a toast. "Let us celebrate this blissful night with the beautiful Itara. The hobbit lads in Tuckburrow sure know how to brew a fine spirit. Though it burns a little going down, it certainly makes me burn hotter even lower... if you catch my meaning. So girls, down the hatch and straight to the snatch!"
Cheers and laughter reach a loud roar until Yanina brings her glass to her lips. The rest of us follow suit. "Another round, dear Astriel," orders Yanina.
I notice Astriel beginning to remove her leather boots. "No, no, no, no, no!" I snap at her. Astriel looks at me confused. "No, my sexy hobbit lass, leave the boots on. They really do something for me." Her confused expression transforms into a wry smile. She re-straps her sexy boots.
After a second glass of whiskey and some idle chat, Astriel begins to pour another glass. "Should someone of your slight stature be partaking of such strong drink?" Yanina asks.
Astriel smiles and exclaims, "Not only can this hobbit girl fuck, but she can drink as well."
We all giggle. I'm starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. My body is feeling warmer and so is my pussy. We down a third glass of JD. I look at Starial and we kiss, our tongues still tasting of JD. She doesn't break the kiss as she moves to sit in my lap. I twist in my throne to face her better and tongue her pretty lips. Both of us are moaning, kissing and licking.
The other girls are staring at us. A chorus of 'ooo' erupts. We break our kiss and stare into each other's eyes. We say 'I love you' in unison. Starial comes out of the moment and claps her hands four times: a cue for Kirien and Astriel.
Kirien and Astriel hurry from the room and return carrying a long, short bench. They set it in the center of the room. It is made of sturdy, dark wood, and has a thick, padded leather top.
"The previous performance from Astriel and Kirien was just to excite your senses. Now it's time for us to pleasure you, my love," Starial says. I rise from my throne and let her lead me to the bench. She positions me at one end. I'm lying flat on my back with my knees bent and feet on the floor. Starial spreads my knees and feet apart to expose my pussy.
She snaps her fingers twice. Kirien and Astriel kneel, one on either side of my breasts. Yanina and Starial take positions at either leg. Starial produces a flask and opens it. She tips it so a warm, scented liquid pours over each of my thighs. She passes it to Kirien who pours oil down the center of my chest to my hips. More oil splashes on either of my breasts.
"Begin, girls," commands Starial. All four women spread the oil over my flesh with just their fingertips. This feels so wonderful. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I let out a long, slow hum. I enjoy these forty fingers dancing over my skin. Occasionally, I feel more oil being applied. My body feels so warm. My pussy feels even warmer.
When it seems they have coated my body evenly with oil, Starial claps her hands. I feel them all lay their hands flat on my body and begin rubbing me in pairs. Each girl's hand motions mirrors their counterpart's. Astriel and Kirien's hands match each other; rubbing my upper torso, chest, breasts and neck. Starial and Yanina's hands also match as they rub my lower torso, hips, and thighs. This is the best oil massage ever.
Starial must have quietly signaled the girls to the next phase of this amazing massage. Using one hand each, Astriel and Kirien slowly and softly tickle my neck with their fingertips. Their other hands tickle my breasts and nipples. Simultaneously, Yanina and Starial softly rub my inner thighs with one hand. The fingers of their other hands softly trail over my pelvic mound and down the sides of my pussy. They tickle my flesh but avoid my wet pussy, lips and clit.
After a couple of minutes of this wonderful tickling, the girls change their patterns. With just one finger each, Astriel and Kirien began tracing large spirals around my breasts. The two fingers slowly spiral inwards until they reached my nipples. They circle my nipples several times before their fingers begin to spiral outwards.
Meanwhile, Starial and Yanina pull my legs further apart. I feel them touch me with one finger each just below my pussy. Both fingers trace wide arcs over the flesh surrounding my pussy; they never touch my lips or clit. When their fingers reach directly above my clit, they reverse direction. Their arcs trace a little closer to my pussy this time all the way to the bottom. They repeat this motion over and over; each time getting a little closer to my pussy without touching it. I am in sensation heaven.
After a few minutes, I feel an additional finger softly touch the entrance to my wet hole and begin a very soft and slow circling motion. Within just a few seconds, I am moaning continuously; my pussy is on fire. I sense my clit is very swollen, but it still had not been touched.
The two fingers tracing the flesh around my pussy suddenly stop. The finger tracing circles at my entrance moves a little closer to my hole. A loud moan issues from me. I can feel how wet I am. The finger at my pussy hole switches directions at the same time the nipple-fingers change directions. An even louder moan escapes my lips. Waves of tingles course all over my body emanating from several points at once; especially my clit, which still had not been touched. The girls continue to circle my nipples and hole for several more minutes.
Without an audible signal, the finger at my hole slides just inside me at the same time another finger touches my clit. My body spasms at the incredible sensations. All four fingers are circling my most sensitive areas; always changing directions simultaneously. My hips quake uncontrollably. Starial and Yanina place a free hand on each hip applying just enough pressure to keep me still.
An eon could have passed; I didn't know and didn't care. The sensations, the tingles, the goosebumps, the heat in my loins, the hardness of my swollen nipples and clit were all combining into a blissful dream.
Again, without an audible signal, a change abruptly occurs. The fingers on my nipples stop. Now two fingers and a thumb are lightly trying to grip each of my oiled nipples and attempt to pull them, but they are too slippery. At the same time this change occurs, the finger at my pussy hole slides inside me and rubs the interior of my burning pussy in a 360-degree motion. The finger circling my clit rubs slightly harder circles around and over it. The sensation is like an earthquake sending seismic spasms throughout my body.
Starial and Yanina press very hard to keep my hips stationary. The fingers working on my pussy apply a little more pressure. The fingers on my nipples now able to grasp, pull, and release. My moans are louder and longer. My body stiffens. My wet pussy and clit are on fire. Sensing the beginning of my orgasm, Kirien and Astriel pinch my nipples hard. Three fingers slam into my dripping pussy. Three fingers press hard and strum across my engorged clit.
Wave after wave of incredible earthquakes rocks my body. The fingers in my pussy find my g-spot. After a few seconds, I feel my pussy attempt to expel the finger. I clench my muscles. Starial's face is mere inches from my hole as I squirt my cum all over her face. I feel four hands holding me fast. My body continues to spasm, my orgasm continues for what seems like minutes. I hear someone exclaim "Oh, my God"and "hold her tight."
My brain overloads; I feel like I may pass out. Slowly my orgasm recedes like a huge wave that has crashed ashore and is returning back to the ocean. My body calms and my breathing gradually returns to normal. I take a deep breath and exhale. I attempt to sit up, but my body does not want to work. Kirien and Astriel pull me up. My head is spinning from a combination of orgasm, adrenaline, and JD. As I focus, I see Starial kneeling between my knees. She brings her face to mine.
I see my thick cum on her face. She extends her tongue with a small amount of my cum on it. I kiss her deeply and share my tangy cum with her. I lick my cum off of her face and kiss her again. This is only my second time to squirt. I am so happy that I came on Starial's face. I stare into her eyes. She looks like she is lost in a dream. She tears up from emotional overload. Kissing her salty tears, I relish the taste and this moment.
I help her up and she helps me to stand. We hold each other tight. We kiss before we break apart. I turn to face the other beautiful ladies. A sweet smile is on Yanina's face; she winks at me. I look at Kirien: childlike innocence and a look of wonder are on her sweet face. Astriel has a look of worry on her face. I reach out my hand to her. She stands and clings to my body. I tell her that I'm okay.
"Starial, I need to sit."
She and Astriel hold my hands and arms and lead my wobbly body to my throne. Starial sits next to me. Yanina is sitting on my right. The girls kneel in front of my throne. I must seem drunk to them, but it's not the alcohol.
"Ladies, that is how you give a birthday orgasm."
Smiles are on every face; even the worrisome Astriel. I can't stop smiling.
"That was one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had, and it was certainly the longest ever. Don't worry your pretty head, Astriel. I did not have a seizure. I am not drunk, but I am high as hell from that orgasm. Thank you ladies."
Turning to Starial and then Yanina, I ask, "Okay. Which one of you was rubbing my clit and which one was fingering my hole?"
Together they answer. Yanina was rubbing my clit and Starial was fingering my hole. "You motherfuckers," I declare. "And you two sadists, pinching the fuck out of my nipples, thank you Thank you all."
Laughter fills the room.
We chat about what had just happened. Then it dawns on me to ask, "Starial, how did you choreograph that? How were you signaling them to change directions and techniques? That was perfect timing every time."
Quick to respond and cut off anyone else, Starial says, "You have your secrets, I have mine."
"You bitch, ha ha." I suppose I'll never know. It's probably best to leave it that way.
"Itara, you are an amazing director, but I'm a choreographer."
"And a goddamn good one, at that." I respond. "Another round of JD, Miss Astriel."
"Yes, Mistress Itara," answers Astriel.
Astriel pours us all another glass of JD. We clink our glasses and drink. After about ten minutes of chat, we have another shot of JD. Starial claps her hands and the girls take their places kneeling in front me.
"We are just beginning with you, my love," Starial says, giving me a sly grin.
Taking my hand, she leads me to the bench again. This time she has me lay face down. Each woman takes their place kneeling on either side of the bench. Warm oil is spilled onto my back, then my legs and, finally, my ass. Oil runs into my crack. Starial uses a finger to wipe upward to catch the oil, goosing me in the process. I laugh loudly.
The women spread the oil and gently rub my skin. Astriel and Kirien work on my arms from my shoulders to my fingers. They rub my neck and back and down to my buttocks. Starial and Yanina massage my ass, legs, and feet. Oh, my God, it feels so good on my feet. There is nothing sexual about this massage; it's just a great relaxing deep tissue massage. This is heaven...
Starial starts barking orders. "Heat the oil, prepare the potatoes, get the meat out of the oven." Astriel and Kirien are in the kitchen; they busy themselves preparing the meal.
Starial returns to me and says, "I have prepared your favorite dishes: beer-baked pork roast, loaded baked potatoes, grilled zucchini, cucumber, onion, and tomato salad. There is only one thing to cook. As soon as the oil is hot, in four minutes, you will have frog legs." Yes, people, elves eat frog legs.
Starial and Kirien bring the small table from the kitchen. They set it up in front of me and cover it with a blue cloth. Starial brings my utensils and salt and pepper. She pours me my favorite beer and sets it before me. I notice the label is different. The label reads: Samwise Adams Buckland Lager and has a hobbit picture instead of the Sam Adams picture. What didn't these girls think of?
Yanina slides her chair to the table. We talk while the others scurry in the kitchen. I ask her if she made the gowns and Autumn's costume. She did and even fashioned the curtains and some of the props. Autumn, Kelly, and Sara assisted Janine with the props and ornaments. I asked how long it took. She tells me that Sara approached her weeks ago and said she wanted to do this for my birthday, and ever since then they have been working on various ornaments and props. This past week, she made all of the costumes. I look down at my own costume; it's beautiful. I can see my pink nipples through the ultra-sheer fabric.
"Starial? Bring me a mirror, darling," I ask of my beautiful lover.
I laugh when Starial returns with a five-foot mirror that hangs on the back of the bathroom door. Yanina moves my dinner table so I can stand. I'm shocked at what I see. I really look the part. It's a simple but elegant gown; a blue and white broach connects the two halves of the gown between my breasts. Yanina really made me beautiful with elvish-looking makeup. They set my Arwen crown on my head. I look like a real elf princess. How Tolkien-nerdy can I get? Hee hee.
We finish our meal, and the table is put away. The dirty dishes are put away. Another Samwise Adams Buckland Lager is poured for me. The girls gather around to watch me open my gifts. I will not reveal what they are; personal and private for me only. I thank each girl for their wonderful gift and kiss them. Astriel and Kirien carry my gifts to my room and return.
We finish our beers, and some of us burp. Yanina issues directions for Astriel and Kirien to do the pre-sex ritual; they scamper off to the bathroom. Starial and Yanina talk to me about the decorations. It is then that I notice my throne chair. It looks like a real elvish throne.
Astriel and Kirien return; Yanina and Starial head to the bathroom. Kirien asks if I like everything. "Oh, hell yes, girl, just spectacular."
We chat until Yanina and Starial return. Starial leads me to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and do the other ritual. Starial escorts me back to my throne. I ask where the boys are. They are always here on Mondays. Starial tells me they couldn't make it; work related bullshit. They see my disappointment. I was really expecting them to be here. Tom, Dick, and Harry are The Three Cockateers, as I commonly refer to them.
In case you are wondering why these girls and I are scantily clad and why I'm disappointed that the boys aren't going to be here, now is the time to tell. Every Monday night, all of us meet here. We have dinner that I prepare. As soon as dinner is over, all of the girls put on a show for the guys. This involves lots of kissing and licking; sometimes it's a toy show. When the girls are done, it's time for me to work my magic. I direct all of the action. One of the girls is systematically chosen to start things. She will take on all three guys at once. When all of the girls have had their turn and if the guys can go some more, we have a free-for-all fuck fest until the guys give out. Now you understand my disappointment. It's my birthday and there's not going to be any cocks.
Five sexy nymphs are going to have a great time, regardless of the absence of the boys. Starial stands and makes a proclamation. "Itara, normally you take it upon yourself to order the night's festivities as you wish. Tonight, I will be relieving you of those duties so that you can relax and completely enjoy yourself. My love, this night is designed specifically for you and your pleasure. Mother Yanina, please move your seat beside Itara and observe."
Yanina does as she is asked and sets her chair next to mine. Starial instructs the other girls to stand; she plays some elvish music. Astriel and Kirien bow before me and begin a slow dance, waving their arms slowly in the air. They dance towards each other and away, and they move in slow circles. Sometimes they dance hand in hand; first one hand, then the other, then both hands. Astriel's firm breasts are bouncing freely. Kirien's loose gown flows over her perfect breasts. Sometimes her hard, pink nipples are exposed as she floats in front of me. Twirling together, they dance arm in arm making eye contact with me whenever they can.
Starial positions herself on the other side of the dancing nymphs. The girls continue to dance until the music stops. They turn and face me, and bow low. They stand erect before me; their hard nipples enticing me. Another song begins. Starial, who is hiding behind the dancers, quickly has both girls naked; except for Astriel's suede boots.
Both girls act shocked at their sudden nakedness, and hug each other while looking at me. Their hands begin to dance across each others bodies; down their sides, across their sexy asses, and up their backs. Their firm breasts press against the other's. Tongues lick lips, and lips suck tongues. Kirien kisses Astriel, and Astriel moans into her mouth. Kirien breaks from the kiss and licks Astriel's lips slowly and seductively. She kisses her way down Astriel's neck; licking and kissing down her chest as Astriel gives me a sexy smile. Kirien licks Astriel's hard swollen nipples. A moan fills the room.
Starial glides over to Yanina and motions for her to stand. In a moment, Yanina is naked except for her sandals. Her huge breasts are exposed for all to see. Starial motions for me to stand, and soon I am naked as well. Starial collects the gowns and Astriel's costume and disappears. When she returns, she is naked. She brings a chair to sit next to me. I feel her looking at me; love is in her eyes. She leans to kiss me. I do not deny her.
When Starial and I break our kiss, Kirien is sucking hard on Astriel's nipple. A loud moan escapes Astriel's lips. Kirien kisses and licks her way to the other nipple and licks it softly, slowly, and very seductively. I feel Starial's fingers caress my breast; rubbing it softly. Kirien's mouth latches onto Astriel's other nipple and sucks hard. Another loud moan escapes Astriel's lips. In unison, Starial and Yanina's lips latch onto my nipples. My body tingles, and my pussy clenches.
Kirien licks her way down Astriel's tanned belly. She stops only to circle her navel a few times. Astriel pinches her own nipples as Kirien's tongue descends further. Kirien's lips inch closer to Astriel's sweetness. As Kirien's tongue is about to touch Astriel's pussy, Starial claps her hands; signaling Kirien to stop.
Kirien offers me her perfectly shaped breasts. Her pink nipples are begging to be sucked. I lick one and then the other. Yanina and Starial grab my knees and spreads my legs apart. I feel the cool air on my wetness. My pussy clenches again.
Astriel stands behind Kirien and reaches between her legs. Her fingers slide inside Kirien's wet pussy. Kirien stands erect, pulling her gorgeous breasts from my mouth. I see Astriel's small arm sticking through Kirien's legs; angling towards my face. I lower my head and part my lips. Wet fingers rub nectar on my lips. I suck Astriel's fingers and relish the taste of Kirien's precious juice. Astriel withdraws her arm from between Kirien's legs. Kirien kisses me; tasting her own juice on my wet lips. She licks my lips clean and slides her tongue in my mouth. I moan again as I taste her juice.
Starial's finger touches my clit then slides between my pussy lips and into my dripping hole. I moan a second time as Yanina and Starial suck my nipple.
My hands reach for Kirien's lightly tanned breasts. My mouth wide, I cover her nipple and as much flesh as I can. I suck hard and flick my wet tongue across her engorged nipple. My tongue picks up speed and soon I'm flicking my tongue as hard and fast as I can.
Astriel grabs her around the waist to steady her. She slides three of her fingers inside the young elf's pussy from behind. Kirien is weak in the knees and almost collapses. I pinch her left nipple and continue my sucking tongue-flick method. Astriel works her fingers in and out of Kirien's pussy; deeper and faster her fingers fuck Kirien's delicious hole.
I switch to Kirien's other nipple and attack it with my tongue. Kirien's breasts are heaving from her labored breathing. Moaning in ecstasy, she is close to exploding. Starial pulls my hand from Kirien's right breast and sucks her nipple hard. I reach for Kirien's pussy; Astriel's fingers feverishly fuck Kirien's dripping tunnel. My own fingers are wet with juice. I rub Kirien's swollen button. I trace my fingers in circles around and over her magic spot. Kirien pants and moans my name. "Oh, Itara, please don't stop. I beg you, Mistress!"
I flick my tongue hard on her nipple and flick my fingers across her pink jewel, almost thumping it. Astriel crams her four small fingers in and out of Kirien's shaking body. Starial's fingers find my left nipple and she squeezes hard causing me to bite down on Kirien's sensitive nipple; Starial bites the other. The three of us attack her most sensitive spots. Kirien's body begins to quake as she yells, "Don't stop, god damn it!" Her legs shiver and shake. Her clit, pussy, and nipples are feverishly attacked; her sexual senses are overloaded. She screams and moans.
Astriel grabs the quaking elf around the waist to steady her. She jams her fingers hard into her dripping honey hole. Kirien has lost control of her body and she explodes in ecstasy. Yanina springs from her chair to help hold up the unsteady elf. Starial and I release our mouths from her exquisite breasts and Astriel removes her fingers from her burning love cave. Yanina gently lays her at my feet.
When Starial snaps her fingers, Astriel gets between Kirien's legs and licks up all of the sweet nectar from her leaking hole. Her pussy lips are swollen and red, glistening in the candle light. Astriel scoops her nectar and crawls towards me and offers me Kirien's precious pussy juice. I suck Astriel's tongue deep into my mouth and taste the delicious result of our intense attack on Kirien's sexy body. Astriel's tongue intertwines with mine as we share the delicious, sweet juice.
After our kiss, Astriel offers Starial her wet fingers. She paints Starial's lips with shiny wetness. She does the same for Yanina's lips; pussy juice lip-gloss covers the Queen's full lips. I kiss and lick the juice from Starial and Yanina's lips. I turn my gaze back to Astriel. She is rubbing the juice on her own lips and nipples. I cannot resist. I kiss tiny Astriel soft and sensuously; savoring the flavor of Kirien. One by one, I suck Astriel's fingers. I moan at how delicious they are. I suck Astriel's glistening nipples; such delicious hard nubs on her firm breasts.
Astriel pulls away from me and again slides her tongue deep inside Kirien. She licks out all the juice she can get. Kirien twitches as she feels a hot tongue slip in and out of her pussy. Astriel, crawling up her body, delivers the honey to the almost incoherent elf-maiden. The taste seems to revive her; Kirien passionately kisses the young hobbit. Kirien finally opens her eyes; apparently drunk from the intense orgasm she just had. Astriel helps Kirien into a sitting position. She stares at Astriel with amazement in her eyes; so do the rest of us.
Astriel, standing there in just her sexy leather boots, grins and says, "Yes, this hobbit girl knows how to fuck." That brings a roar and applause from us all.
"You sure do, baby." Kirien finally speaks. She rises to her feet; a little wobbly in the knees at first. Then she lifts tiny Astriel off of the floor and kisses her. Astriel wraps her legs around Kirien's waist.
When they finish their kiss, Kirien asks, "Mistress Itara, is there anything I can do for you?"
"Come sit with me, my darling." She sits sideways across my lap and lays her head on my shoulder. "You are so sexy when you orgasm Kirien, and your sweet juice I will always crave." Kirien smiles at me and squeezes my breast. She kisses my neck.
Starial claps her hands three times and the girls sit at my feet. "Would Mistress Itara like refreshments?" she inquires.
"Yes I would. But it's time to get this party going right. Bring me the bottle of whiskey and glasses for us all."
Cheers erupt; Astriel is back in a flash. We each take a small glass from Astriel and she pours each of us a mouthful of the brown elixir. These girls have thought of everything. They have covered the bottle with a different label. The label reads: Jed Durniel's Tuckburrow Sour Mash Whiskey (that's JD for short, wink).
Yanina rises from her seat and raises her glass to propose a toast. "Let us celebrate this blissful night with the beautiful Itara. The hobbit lads in Tuckburrow sure know how to brew a fine spirit. Though it burns a little going down, it certainly makes me burn hotter even lower... if you catch my meaning. So girls, down the hatch and straight to the snatch!"
Cheers and laughter reach a loud roar until Yanina brings her glass to her lips. The rest of us follow suit. "Another round, dear Astriel," orders Yanina.
I notice Astriel beginning to remove her leather boots. "No, no, no, no, no!" I snap at her. Astriel looks at me confused. "No, my sexy hobbit lass, leave the boots on. They really do something for me." Her confused expression transforms into a wry smile. She re-straps her sexy boots.
After a second glass of whiskey and some idle chat, Astriel begins to pour another glass. "Should someone of your slight stature be partaking of such strong drink?" Yanina asks.
Astriel smiles and exclaims, "Not only can this hobbit girl fuck, but she can drink as well."
We all giggle. I'm starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. My body is feeling warmer and so is my pussy. We down a third glass of JD. I look at Starial and we kiss, our tongues still tasting of JD. She doesn't break the kiss as she moves to sit in my lap. I twist in my throne to face her better and tongue her pretty lips. Both of us are moaning, kissing and licking.
The other girls are staring at us. A chorus of 'ooo' erupts. We break our kiss and stare into each other's eyes. We say 'I love you' in unison. Starial comes out of the moment and claps her hands four times: a cue for Kirien and Astriel.
Kirien and Astriel hurry from the room and return carrying a long, short bench. They set it in the center of the room. It is made of sturdy, dark wood, and has a thick, padded leather top.
"The previous performance from Astriel and Kirien was just to excite your senses. Now it's time for us to pleasure you, my love," Starial says. I rise from my throne and let her lead me to the bench. She positions me at one end. I'm lying flat on my back with my knees bent and feet on the floor. Starial spreads my knees and feet apart to expose my pussy.
She snaps her fingers twice. Kirien and Astriel kneel, one on either side of my breasts. Yanina and Starial take positions at either leg. Starial produces a flask and opens it. She tips it so a warm, scented liquid pours over each of my thighs. She passes it to Kirien who pours oil down the center of my chest to my hips. More oil splashes on either of my breasts.
"Begin, girls," commands Starial. All four women spread the oil over my flesh with just their fingertips. This feels so wonderful. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I let out a long, slow hum. I enjoy these forty fingers dancing over my skin. Occasionally, I feel more oil being applied. My body feels so warm. My pussy feels even warmer.
When it seems they have coated my body evenly with oil, Starial claps her hands. I feel them all lay their hands flat on my body and begin rubbing me in pairs. Each girl's hand motions mirrors their counterpart's. Astriel and Kirien's hands match each other; rubbing my upper torso, chest, breasts and neck. Starial and Yanina's hands also match as they rub my lower torso, hips, and thighs. This is the best oil massage ever.
Starial must have quietly signaled the girls to the next phase of this amazing massage. Using one hand each, Astriel and Kirien slowly and softly tickle my neck with their fingertips. Their other hands tickle my breasts and nipples. Simultaneously, Yanina and Starial softly rub my inner thighs with one hand. The fingers of their other hands softly trail over my pelvic mound and down the sides of my pussy. They tickle my flesh but avoid my wet pussy, lips and clit.
After a couple of minutes of this wonderful tickling, the girls change their patterns. With just one finger each, Astriel and Kirien began tracing large spirals around my breasts. The two fingers slowly spiral inwards until they reached my nipples. They circle my nipples several times before their fingers begin to spiral outwards.
Meanwhile, Starial and Yanina pull my legs further apart. I feel them touch me with one finger each just below my pussy. Both fingers trace wide arcs over the flesh surrounding my pussy; they never touch my lips or clit. When their fingers reach directly above my clit, they reverse direction. Their arcs trace a little closer to my pussy this time all the way to the bottom. They repeat this motion over and over; each time getting a little closer to my pussy without touching it. I am in sensation heaven.
After a few minutes, I feel an additional finger softly touch the entrance to my wet hole and begin a very soft and slow circling motion. Within just a few seconds, I am moaning continuously; my pussy is on fire. I sense my clit is very swollen, but it still had not been touched.
The two fingers tracing the flesh around my pussy suddenly stop. The finger tracing circles at my entrance moves a little closer to my hole. A loud moan issues from me. I can feel how wet I am. The finger at my pussy hole switches directions at the same time the nipple-fingers change directions. An even louder moan escapes my lips. Waves of tingles course all over my body emanating from several points at once; especially my clit, which still had not been touched. The girls continue to circle my nipples and hole for several more minutes.
Without an audible signal, the finger at my hole slides just inside me at the same time another finger touches my clit. My body spasms at the incredible sensations. All four fingers are circling my most sensitive areas; always changing directions simultaneously. My hips quake uncontrollably. Starial and Yanina place a free hand on each hip applying just enough pressure to keep me still.
An eon could have passed; I didn't know and didn't care. The sensations, the tingles, the goosebumps, the heat in my loins, the hardness of my swollen nipples and clit were all combining into a blissful dream.
Again, without an audible signal, a change abruptly occurs. The fingers on my nipples stop. Now two fingers and a thumb are lightly trying to grip each of my oiled nipples and attempt to pull them, but they are too slippery. At the same time this change occurs, the finger at my pussy hole slides inside me and rubs the interior of my burning pussy in a 360-degree motion. The finger circling my clit rubs slightly harder circles around and over it. The sensation is like an earthquake sending seismic spasms throughout my body.
Starial and Yanina press very hard to keep my hips stationary. The fingers working on my pussy apply a little more pressure. The fingers on my nipples now able to grasp, pull, and release. My moans are louder and longer. My body stiffens. My wet pussy and clit are on fire. Sensing the beginning of my orgasm, Kirien and Astriel pinch my nipples hard. Three fingers slam into my dripping pussy. Three fingers press hard and strum across my engorged clit.
Wave after wave of incredible earthquakes rocks my body. The fingers in my pussy find my g-spot. After a few seconds, I feel my pussy attempt to expel the finger. I clench my muscles. Starial's face is mere inches from my hole as I squirt my cum all over her face. I feel four hands holding me fast. My body continues to spasm, my orgasm continues for what seems like minutes. I hear someone exclaim "Oh, my God"and "hold her tight."
My brain overloads; I feel like I may pass out. Slowly my orgasm recedes like a huge wave that has crashed ashore and is returning back to the ocean. My body calms and my breathing gradually returns to normal. I take a deep breath and exhale. I attempt to sit up, but my body does not want to work. Kirien and Astriel pull me up. My head is spinning from a combination of orgasm, adrenaline, and JD. As I focus, I see Starial kneeling between my knees. She brings her face to mine.
I see my thick cum on her face. She extends her tongue with a small amount of my cum on it. I kiss her deeply and share my tangy cum with her. I lick my cum off of her face and kiss her again. This is only my second time to squirt. I am so happy that I came on Starial's face. I stare into her eyes. She looks like she is lost in a dream. She tears up from emotional overload. Kissing her salty tears, I relish the taste and this moment.
I help her up and she helps me to stand. We hold each other tight. We kiss before we break apart. I turn to face the other beautiful ladies. A sweet smile is on Yanina's face; she winks at me. I look at Kirien: childlike innocence and a look of wonder are on her sweet face. Astriel has a look of worry on her face. I reach out my hand to her. She stands and clings to my body. I tell her that I'm okay.
"Starial, I need to sit."
She and Astriel hold my hands and arms and lead my wobbly body to my throne. Starial sits next to me. Yanina is sitting on my right. The girls kneel in front of my throne. I must seem drunk to them, but it's not the alcohol.
"Ladies, that is how you give a birthday orgasm."
Smiles are on every face; even the worrisome Astriel. I can't stop smiling.
"That was one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had, and it was certainly the longest ever. Don't worry your pretty head, Astriel. I did not have a seizure. I am not drunk, but I am high as hell from that orgasm. Thank you ladies."
Turning to Starial and then Yanina, I ask, "Okay. Which one of you was rubbing my clit and which one was fingering my hole?"
Together they answer. Yanina was rubbing my clit and Starial was fingering my hole. "You motherfuckers," I declare. "And you two sadists, pinching the fuck out of my nipples, thank you Thank you all."
Laughter fills the room.
We chat about what had just happened. Then it dawns on me to ask, "Starial, how did you choreograph that? How were you signaling them to change directions and techniques? That was perfect timing every time."
Quick to respond and cut off anyone else, Starial says, "You have your secrets, I have mine."
"You bitch, ha ha." I suppose I'll never know. It's probably best to leave it that way.
"Itara, you are an amazing director, but I'm a choreographer."
"And a goddamn good one, at that." I respond. "Another round of JD, Miss Astriel."
"Yes, Mistress Itara," answers Astriel.
Astriel pours us all another glass of JD. We clink our glasses and drink. After about ten minutes of chat, we have another shot of JD. Starial claps her hands and the girls take their places kneeling in front me.
"We are just beginning with you, my love," Starial says, giving me a sly grin.
Taking my hand, she leads me to the bench again. This time she has me lay face down. Each woman takes their place kneeling on either side of the bench. Warm oil is spilled onto my back, then my legs and, finally, my ass. Oil runs into my crack. Starial uses a finger to wipe upward to catch the oil, goosing me in the process. I laugh loudly.
The women spread the oil and gently rub my skin. Astriel and Kirien work on my arms from my shoulders to my fingers. They rub my neck and back and down to my buttocks. Starial and Yanina massage my ass, legs, and feet. Oh, my God, it feels so good on my feet. There is nothing sexual about this massage; it's just a great relaxing deep tissue massage. This is heaven...