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A Little Fijian Gang Bang - Chap 2

"Dave Gets to know Cath."

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Dave -

The next morning I again woke just after 6 am and strolled down to the beach, along to the end, and up around the golf course. On the way back to the unit I stopped and had some breakfast. Cath arrived not long after I sat down; she collected some food for herself and came over and sat with me.

“Alright if I sit with you?” she asked.

“No problems. You are up early, I thought I was the only silly bugger who gets up early on holiday.”

“Oh I like to sleep in, but if I have things on my mind, I will get up early and walk them off,” she said while tucking into some pancakes topped with fruit, syrup, and a couple of good dollops of cream.

“And what would a lovely-looking lady like yourself have on her mind that would stop her sleeping?” I said winking at her.

Cath looked at me and I could see she was gauging what I really meant by that statement.

“Hey! I’m not hitting on you, just trying to lighten the mood and stating the obvious.”

“I have all sorts of creeps hit on me, and I get pretty sick of it. Added to that Tony will egg them on if he’s in the mood and he usually is these days. In fact, that’s why I didn’t sleep that well.”

“Ah! I noticed he is encouraging you to flirt with James. But I thought you were enjoying that.”

“It’s not James, he’s actually nice and not at all pushy. Anyway, I shouldn’t be bothering you with all this.” She resumed eating her pancakes.

“Hey seriously, if you need someone to open up to, I’m happy to just listen. Besides, Sue has taken the boys under her wing and they have started calling her mum, so we would look out for them if Tony was to get funny about them hanging around.”

“Tony won’t get funny with the boys, quite the opposite, he is encouraging them,” said Cath.

“So what’s the problem then?” I asked.

Again Cath studied me, looking into my eyes to see how serious I was. “Tony has always wanted us to have a threesome.”

That was all she said, and she continued again with her pancakes. I was puzzled about what to say. So I ate some of my own breakfast and let the silence run for a couple of minutes.

Then I spoke up. “I think many men wonder about sharing their wife at some stage. But the majority never go further than fleeting thoughts and never would dare to bring it up with their wives.”

“Do you have thoughts of sharing Sue with another man?” She asked.

“Yes, in fact only a couple of nights ago, when the boys were flirting outrageously with Sue. But I really don’t think I could ever go through with it, I’m sure I would be much too jealous. Do you think Tony would follow up if you gave in?”I asked.

“Oh yes, he’s been on about it for years,” She looked at me hard, sizing me up, then blurted out - “I have nearly given in a couple of times, but then always get annoyed like I did last night.”

I asked Cath why she got annoyed, and she replied.  “We met a couple at the restaurant last night and Tony had flirted outrageously with the wife. Her husband had not been impressed and she had been bloody embarrassed.”

Cath said that it started after they had been married for about five years. Tony would buy her sexy clothes and lingerie and get her to wear them out places they went. She had enjoyed it early on, as they had fantastic sex when they got home, but soon she found Tony pushing for her to go a lot further and several times he got very insistent, most of these times she was not at all keen on the people they were with. There were other times she felt she was being offered to tie up some business deal in Tony’s favour and that really had pissed her off and it had been happening more frequently in the last couple of years.

She said that if he had let her have some say in it and they had discussed who would be invited, she may have agreed, as she had always wondered what a gang bang or a threesome would be like. But now fifteen years into the marriage, she thought he was taking too much interest in other women and that getting her to sleep with someone else was partly to allow him to play around and that pissed her off. She asked me what I thought, and I had to agree that Tony sure looked pretty interested in other women and that Sue said he was hitting on her pretty hard.

Cath asked. “Did Sue get upset about Tony hitting on her?”

“No, she can handle Tony, we have a pretty solid open marriage and she is okay about discussing it with me. Like you, she always has guys ogling and hitting on her, she has learned to handle them over the years.”

Just then the boys turned up for breakfast, so that was the end of Cath and my conversation. The boys immediately started flirting and joking with Cath and her serious mood disappeared, as she gave them as good as they gave. Soon after, Sue turned up as well, closely followed by Tony. The boys all had Sue on about her goodnights and that they expected this every night from now on. When we got up to leave for the day ahead, Cath moved alongside me and asked what the goodnights with the boys was about. I said I would tell her later, and did she want to continue our conversation tomorrow morning, I can meet you on the beach at 6:30. She replied she would like that.

I looked at the time and saw it was 9:30, I had organized a Shark Dive for myself at 10:00, so a quick word to Sue and I ran to our room to get my gear. I had brought my own flippers and mask with me. Sue did not want to go on the shark dive, she’s not that confident a diver and not too keen on sharks either. The Fijian dive boys said they would take her out for her voucher dive in a couple of days.

The dive was excellent, about fifteen sharks turned up for a feed of fish, they were mostly about four to five feet long, but there were two quite big ones around seven or eight feet long. Funny, but I had dived a lot and only once had ever seen a shark underwater, it scared the living daylights out of me. But this dive was a breeze, partly I guess because there were another ten people underwater with me as well as about four Fijian boys. But also because I positioned myself right in the middle for the best view, and figured if a shark was in a bad mood, it would grab someone from either end of the line.

When I got back from the dive, I found Tony sitting by the pool with another couple. Tony as I expected, was giving the wife his full attention and she seemed to be hanging on his every word. I asked Tony where the others were, and he directed me to the tennis courts. So after dropping off my gear, I headed over to find Sue and Kevin playing against James and Cath, with Tim sitting up in the umpire's chair, calling balls out that were obviously in, and having himself a great old time. I watched a few games. They were quite evenly matched, James and Sue both being quite good players, Cath and Kevin not near the same standard, but they could hold their own.

When they finished we all went back to the pool, and Tony introduced us to Gavin and Virginia. She was a redhead, nice body, with good boobs, but I wouldn’t have put her in the same league as Sue, and certainly not a patch on Cath. I thought they looked a bit older, but it turned out Virginia was forty-five and Gavin was forty-nine. Gavin, her husband, was quiet, in fact, I thought he was a bit of a wimp; he looked concerned but wasn’t making a scene over Tony leaching all over his wife.

We all had lunch together and organized to all sit together that night and watch the rugby. Whoever got down the bar first would grab a big enough table and extra chairs. The afternoon was spent around the pool, walks to the beach for a swim and about four the sun had gone down behind some palms so it was cool enough to play volleyball. Around six we all headed to our units to get ready for the evening.

Cath -

I walked back to the unit with Tony, I felt my resentment building. He had paid me no attention since we had made love the previous night. I had had a wonderful day, it started with me opening up to Dave a little and, unlike many guys I meet, he didn’t try and use this to his advantage, but seemed to listen and understand me. The rest of the day was spent around the boys, who were a breath of fresh air, yes they were hitting on me, but instead of pissing me off, it was doing a lot for my self-esteem. The tennis in the morning was as good as I had played in years; we were all so even, Sue was a very good player, but James and I just jelled and we held our own in every game. Surprisingly I got on very well with Sue, she didn’t seem to hold it against me that Tony had been hitting on her so hard.

When we got back to our unit Tony headed for the shower first, so I sat on the sofa and tried to get my good mood back. I thought about the first time I saw James, and I have to admit I thought about what it would be like to sleep with him. He was about six two, well built (but not some Hollywood hunk), with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes that had a naughty twinkle in them. He obviously worked outside a lot, as he was well-tanned and it was a long-term tan, not like the one Tony and I were hoping to take home from Fiji. I blushed as he caught me looking at the trail of hair that went from his navel down into his board shorts, where I could see that he was sporting an impressive bulge. The other two, Keven and Tim were not too bad either, I knew it would not happen, but if ever I was to have my girlhood fantasy of being ravished by a group of men come true, then these boys would be as good as you could get.

When I had finished my shower, Tony had laid out what I was to wear - a red dress that had thin straps over the shoulders and buttons right down the front. He always chose my clothes when I went out, so this was no surprise, and the fact there was no bra was OK, as the dress had inbuilt cups, but the tiny little thong that I expected to be alongside the dress was missing.

“What knickers are you expecting me to wear with this?” I asked.

“None, I’m horny and want to think of you around those young guys with no knickers all night,” said Tony.

I should have argued, as the dress he had picked out, only came down to mid-thigh. So I knew I was going to have to be very aware of how I moved and sat all night, or it was going to be easy to see that I wasn’t wearing any. But bugger him, if he was okay with me around three horny young men with no knickers, well he could live with the consequences. But I made my mind up then that he was not going to profit from it, I was not going to have him sitting anywhere near me.

Dave -

Sue and I walked down to dinner with the boys, we were the first to arrive, and so all we set up a table halfway back from the bar. The bar was already three deep, with loads of Fijian men and some of the male guests, so we set up at a table, far enough back to be able to see over their heads. Unlike most countries, there’s no ban on the Fijian locals (many of whom work at the resort anyway) from drinking at the resort bar, especially when there is a big game on like this. It may be different nowadays, but then, this was the only TV with an overseas broadcast, so all the men from the local village had turned up.

Tim and I went to the bar to get our first round of drinks. The atmosphere was great, I was surprised at how many of the Fijian boys were rooting for Australia; I had expected them to be mostly for the All Blacks. But it turned out one of their local heroes had played for Australia, so at this stage in the evening anyway, us Kiwis were greatly outnumbered. When we got back to the table, Tony, Cath, Virginia and Gavin had arrived and they were sorting out who sat where around the table. I sat myself down next to Sue, Tony sat to her right and dragged Virginia down next to him, which put Gavin on the end of the table. Cath seemed to have no problem with Tony positioning himself between the girls and she sat down on the other side of the table between James and Keven, with their backs to the screen. Tim sat on the end next to me.

We ordered some burgers, salad and fries quickly, so we would be finished by the time the game started and Tony went and bought a round of drinks. One thing about him, he wasn’t tight with his money. When the game started, Cath and the boys moved around to our side. The bar had filled, there were no spare tables and they were about three deep at the bar. I won’t describe anything about the game, I’m sure it was the All Blacks winning, but I really can’t remember. Halfway through the first half, Tony called along to Cath, to grab his card and go get everyone more drinks. She gave him a look and told him to get up and get them himself. Remembering our conversation of this morning, I thought - she’s getting annoyed with him again. Tony replied though, that he couldn’t get out, to which James hopped up, grabbed his card and told Cath to come with him and sign for the drinks.

Cath -

I was bloody annoyed with Tony, he’s blatantly chatting up Virginia and orders me to run around after him. But James could see I was busting for a fight, and tipped in to defuse things. As we went up to the bar he moved behind me and yelled above the noise, “Lady coming through,” and the guys at the bar opened up a channel and let us move up to the bar. I could feel James pressed firmly against my back, then his hands at my side lifted my dress up above my hips. I just about had a heart attack, he wasn’t to know I had no knickers on. I also felt the buttons at the bottom of the dress pop off.

“James! Pull that down now, I have no panties on,” I said, turning my head to scowl at him.

"Shit sorry, I didn’t know,” he said and pulled down my dress.  But he took his time about it and his hands had a good feel of my naked hips as he pulled the dress down over them. I have to say that I momentarily had a flash of annoyance at what he had done, but then had a real surge of excitement at having been in the midst of a crowd of mostly huge Fijian men, naked from the waist down. I glanced around and saw that they were all watching the rugby.

“James, you’ve ripped some buttons from my dress, can you see them on the floor?”

James nudged the big Fijian to our right and said to him he’d dropped something, so the guy gave a big grin and moved over slightly and let James get down to his knees. Just then the barman came up and took my order, I had to yell out over the noise and ‘to fuck with Tony’, I ordered beers for the boys, but double strength cocktails for us three girls (nice and expensive).

By the time I had finished making myself heard, I looked down to see how James was getting on, he was kneeling there with two buttons in his hand, looking up my dress with a silly look on his face. A huge flush of warmth spread up my body and I felt myself getting wet, almost without thinking, I shifted my feet apart and gave him a good look. He slowly stood and slid his tongue from inside my knee almost to the top of my legs. I was actually disappointed he didn’t bury his head between my legs, I certainly opened them wider as he got near the end.

Then I noticed the big Fijian guy that had moved to the side for us, watching the goings on with a huge smile on his face and I came back to reality. But the damage was done, I felt as sexy as hell and as we stood there watching the barman make the cocktails.

The crowd of men closed around us again, and I felt James slide his hands around my hips and lift my dress back up again. He caressed just above my mound with one hand, the other hand he moved up my body inside the dress right up to my breasts. This lifted my dress way above my waist, I could feel his prick stabbing me in the back through his shorts; he was hard and felt huge. It felt fantastic, but I needed him to touch me and I reached down and pushed his hand from my mound, right down in between my legs. He didn’t hesitate now and slipped a couple of fingers into my slit, scooped some juices in two fingers and worked them up around my clit.

As James worked between my legs, he bent down and nibbled on my earlobe, something that always has been a big turn-on for me. I started to go wobbly at the knees, then the barman was in front of us with the drinks. James slid his hands away, pulled down my dress and reached forward to grab all the beers. Too late though, the action may have mostly been below bar level but the barman knew what was going on and he had that huge Fijian grin on his face. I picked up the three cocktails and turned to follow James back to the table. Someone goosed me as I pushed through the crowd and I’m sure they were surprised to get slippery wet fingers for their effort, but it was pointless making a scene and I was really past caring anyway.

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Dave -

I watched James and Cath break free of the men at the bar and walk towards our table. Both were red in the face and to me anyway, it was obvious that something had been going on whilst they were in the huddle at the bar. I couldn’t blame them, but wondered if anyone else noticed. Cath sat down very awkwardly and it was then I noticed the bottom of her dress was flared open, looked like the buttons had come undone. I wondered if James had done this. She got Tim to reach over to where they had been sitting earlier and get her napkin, which she laid over her legs. James walked around the table, handing out the beers, I should add that these were not little 330ml bottles but full pint bottles of the local Fiji Bitter. He then went and got two of the cocktails from Cath and took them to Sue and Virginia. As he moved past me I asked him what they were.

“Mai Tai’s, I think there are going to be three very tipsy ladies at the end of the night, they have Bacardi, Cointreau and Amaretto in them, and Cath ordered doubles,” he whispered in my ear.

At half-time, I noticed people up and heading for the toilets; one of the first to go was Virginia. Then Sue got me to shuffle my seat back and hop up so she could get out. She went to Cath and bent over speaking in her ear.

Sue -

“Hey Cath, you want me to help you to the toilet?”

“I want to go, but I have a bit of a problem with my dress,” she replied.

“I saw that when you brought the drinks back. Stand up holding the serviette in front of you. I will try to shield you as we walk to the door.”

Cath stood and moved towards the toilet, but I noticed she had a small wet patch right in the middle of the back of her dress. So I took her arm and steered her towards the side door and out into the beautiful warm Fijian night.

“Where are we going?” Said Cath.

“To your room, we need to change that dress, your period has started and there’s a wet patch at the back.”

Cath looked embarrassed, and replied, “Oh! I was worried about that, but it’s not blood. James was being a bit naughty when we were getting the drinks, right in amongst all those men and I’m leaking like a tap. Are you disgusted with me?”

“No! Not the way Tony is treating you,” exclaimed Sue. “How do you put up with him?”

As we walked back to their unit, Cath answered me, she stuck up for Tony, saying “he was not always like this”.

She said it used to be great for the first ten years or more of their marriage, and that even now, week by week they got on just fine. But that over the last five years or more, whenever they went out he would spend more time chatting to other ladies, or if he did hang around her, he would be trying to get some group thing going. I asked her how that all got started, and she explained that when they first met they had shared fantasies and that hers had been having a threesome or even a gang bang.

“He’s always bought me sexy lingerie, dresses, etc. And I used to love it when he would tell me what to wear and take me places where I would get chatted up. But he was supportive and would get me out of any situation that got too steamy. Nothing ever went any further than just talk though, I guess because he was too jealous to share me early on. But nowadays he has changed completely and says he wants to watch me with someone else.”

Cath hesitated for a minute, then continued. “What is pissing me off now though is it's now all about him, if he would discuss what he wants and what I want and let me choose the guy or guys, it maybe could happen. Then again, fantasies are just that, I mean they never really turn out like in books, do they, maybe they are best just to remain fantasies?  Even worse though, is that he has been taking me to business meetings over the last couple of years and I feel he has offered me as closure on some deals. The guys are creeps mostly and seem to think they can maul me all night, and Tony sits there and encourages it.”

We arrived at the unit and both used the toilet. I got Cath to take off her dress, and was startled to see that was all she had on.

“Have you not had anything under that dress all night?”

“No, Tony didn’t want me to wear anything,” Cath said, looking embarrassed

“Don’t be embarrassed, I’ve gone without knickers plenty of times for Dave. Shit! No wonder you got all wet standing at the bar with all those Fijians around you.”

Then I noticed that the buttons on the bottom of the dress had been cut, even the third button from the bottom was only hanging on by a couple of threads. I showed Cath, she did not act surprised, telling me that Tony had done that to her a few months before at a function and had broken them off halfway through the night himself, leaving her fighting off his clients the rest of the night.

I had no answer to this, I was astounded they were still together. Dave would have his balls up by his ears if he tried that with me.

I chose a new dress for Cath. I looked through her clothes and picked out a light blue number that left her shoulders bare. It had spaghetti straps, was held tight at the waist with a belt and then flared out to halfway down her thighs. She got out a blue bra and panty set to go with it, but I insisted she try it without the bra. It looked great, the material was thick enough that you could not see her nipples, but they were obvious all the same.

Cath looked in the mirror and said, “I need a bra with this dress.”

I replied, “Probably, but don’t get shy now, you’ll need to get more drinks and I want to watch the reaction at the bar, now that I know what is going on. I think I’m a bit jealous, I wish I had the guts to stand up amongst all those gorgeous Fijians with no knickers.”

I picked up the blue panties and inserted a panty liner into them, then reached up under her dress and tucked them into her waist.

“What are you doing?” Cath asked as she tried to shy away.

“Well, I figure we may both get pretty wet again, once you go to the bar again. You can go to the toilet and put those on if it becomes a problem after,” I replied.

“OK, but I’ll only do it if you do too,” said Cath.

I hesitated for a second, thought what the fuck and reached down and removed my own panties. Then opened the front of my dress and tucked them under my bra strap. “Dave’s going to be a very happy camper, if he finds I’ve got no knickers on.”

We walked back, arm in arm, and found the second half was well underway. Dave gave me an inquiring look about where I had been, but I just tapped my nose to indicate that was for him to find out later. Tony hardly noticed Cath and I had returned, even though she was along the end of the row, he must have seen the new dress, but between the rugby and Virginia, he seemed to have enough on his mind. I noticed when Cath sat down James had a good look down the front of her dress. They immediately started talking, whilst everyone else was watching the game. A few minutes later I looked around at everyone’s drinks, they were all nearly empty, so I finished mine and caught Cath’s eye.

Holding the empty glass up, I mouthed, “Dry argument - time for some action.” She gave me a wicked grin and motioned to James we needed drinks.

Cath -

I noticed some movement to my right, looked and saw Sue with an evil smirk on her face, indicating it was time for me to head up to the bar. I could see she was going to be as turned on imagining what was happening, as was I, at just the thought of it. I nudged James and said we needed more drinks. He let me up and I walked over behind Tony and asked for the Visa card again. He looked back over his shoulder and commented on the new dress.

So I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “No sex for a week, you cut the buttons on the other one.” He must have thought I was joking, as he just laughed and returned to watching the game.

James headed away to the right again, where the crowd was thinner, but I pulled on his arm and headed for the middle of the bar where the bulk of the Fijian boys were, right under the screen. He gave me an inquiring look, I just told him I didn’t want the same barman again. He nodded in understanding and again shifted behind me and yelled out, “Woman coming through.” It was four or five deep here, but they opened up and let us up to the bar, closing around behind us.

Bugger me, it was the same barman, he’d moved along the bar and immediately broke into a big grin. He also spoke to a couple of the boys around us in Fijian, but I had a good idea what he had told them, as several around us took their eyes of the screen and I could feel their eyes perusing my body. When they went back to watching the game, James moved both hands to my hips and then slid one around and down between my legs. The barman brought the six beers over straight away, and motioned to James to take them back to the table, as he was going to be a while making the Mai Tai’s, as he needed more juice squeezed. So James grabbed three beers under each arm and pushed his way out and back to the table.

As soon as he left I felt a hand grab a bum cheek, well I shouldn’t say grab, as it was more a caress. A bloody big hand though, it enveloped the whole cheek and then some. I stiffened up, but then when nothing more happened I relaxed, it was rather nice really. Then I felt my dress lifted at the back and another hand slipped directly onto my other cheek. It stayed there unmoving, but I was really turned on, so I gave my bum a wiggle and the hand started kneading and feeling all around my ass.

Suddenly both hands left my ass and I was aware of James returning behind me. But before he could resume his little game, the guy next to me pushed back from the bar and motioned James to take his place at the bar beside me. James whispered in my ear that he had missed me and had a little nibble at my earlobe, as he moved his arm from my back around and down in front of me. I felt his hand gathering up the front of the dress until he could slip it underneath and his fingers found their way in between my legs again and started working my juices all over my clit again. I found myself pushing his arm against the bar and worked my hips in unison with his probing fingers. My mind was starting to get pretty messed up with all these feelings erupting from between my legs, but I still had enough sense to look over and see how our drinks were going.

The barman had at last got the glasses out and was filling them with ice. Then I felt the back of my dress lift again, and the strange hand back kneading my ass. Only this time it didn’t stay on my ass, I felt the guy dip down against my back and slip two bloody great fingers between my legs right into me. He pushed them in deep, they felt like they were six inches long, he hooked them, drew them back out covered in my viscous fluid, and smeared it all around my butt hole.

Fuck, talk about seventh heaven, I had James playing on my clit, like it was a guitar string and a great big Fijian slowly slipping one huge finger into my bum. As the finger entered my ass I involuntarily lurched forward. James, having no idea what was happening behind, must have thought I was coming and increased his action on my clit. He also brought his other arm across his body, and lent it on the bar, but his fingers went straight to my nipple through my dress, squeezing and twisting it.

Then I felt a third hand slipping between my legs and two long fingers pushed up into my cunt. From the angle this hand entered me, I knew this was a different guy to the one that was slipping his fingers slowly in and out of my butt hole. I don’t have an idea how long this went on, but all too soon the barman came back to the bar with three Mai Tais, I was close to coming and couldn’t get anything sensible to come out of my mouth, so just handed the Visa card to James. But the barman informed him he didn’t need it as he had opened a tab the first time and would just add it to that. I took one of the Mai Tai’s and turned around, two hands slipped out of me and a couple of huge six foot five Fijian’s beamed at me and opened a way out for us.

“Fuck that was horny. Did you cum?” asked James, as we walked back to the table.

“No, But you have no idea, how close or what just happened back there. I’ll tell you about it later.”

I took the drink I was holding and leaning over Sue, I placed it in front of her and quietly said, “We need to talk, I’ve just had the most erotic experience in my life.”

Dave’s head snapped around, quiet as I thought I was, he had obviously heard what I said. Sue got him to shift back and let her up, and she headed out to the toilet with me. Once we got outside the bar, we walked over beside a palm tree and I told her what had happened. Sue was beside herself, she said she could hardly keep her hands above the table when we were up at the bar, but in her wildest dreams had not expected anything like that to happen. She said the second the game finished she was heading back to the room with Dave.

I went back in and sat back to watch the game. I don’t think James or I had a clue what was happening on the screen. We both kept brushing our hands against one another, when the others weren’t looking our way, but I knew Sue had a very good idea what was going on down our end.

Too soon the game was over, and I looked around the table to see if I could get to the bar for another round of drinks, but most seemed to have been sitting on theirs for the last half. People were starting to disperse out of the bar, especially all the Fijian boys, they must have been told they could just stay for the game. I got lots of smiles and a few knowing grins from them as they filed past our table.

I suddenly found Tony behind me, and taking my arm he lifted me up and told me we were going back to our room for drinks. He informed me that he had booked all the boys in for a game of golf in the morning, so wanted an early night, as it was a 7:00 am “tee off”. Sue heard him and fired back that James and Kevin wouldn’t make it, as we were playing tennis after breakfast. I could tell Tony was a bit annoyed, he didn’t like having his plans re-arranged. But he turned me around and we walked out of the bar. I was furious, I didn’t even get to say goodnight to James. I was as horny as hell and didn’t want to be stuck having to fend off Tony.

As we left the bar, there was Virginia and Gavin waiting for us. When we got to the room, Tony said for me and Gavin to pour some drinks, it didn’t take a great mind to figure out that Tony was hoping for a foursome. He put some music on and took Virginia in his arms and started to slow dance. I showed Gavin where the glasses were, informed him the drink was all in the fridge, to grab what they wanted, I was off to bed.

In the bedroom I pulled on some light baggy track pants, slipped the dress up over my head and pulled a “T” shirt on, didn’t bother with my teeth, just slid into bed and lay there fuming. I heard Tony asking Gavin where I was, then he was in the room asking what the fuck I was doing.

In a very quiet voice, as I didn’t want to make a huge scene, I answered. “I’m not going to play your games, Tony. You want to mess around with Virginia, go ahead, but don’t expect me to entertain Gavin whilst you play.”

He looked startled and went back out to the lounge, about fifteen minutes later he came back, saying they had gone. When he came to bed he tried to cuddle, and expected sex; I told him to stay over his side of the bed and not expect any action for the next few days.

“I’m too mad to talk now, let’s sit down and discuss this in the morning. Once I was sure Tony was asleep, I got up and showered etc., put on a nighty and got back into bed, but it seemed hours before I could get to sleep.


Written by mingemuncher
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