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A Fine Mess Ch. 2

"Guess who's coming to dinner?"

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Jen and Morgan had taken the day off to prepare for dinner that evening. Preparing Morgan’s house for the dinner party, preparing the food, last-minute runs to the grocery and liquor stores, and a trip to the beauty salon ate up the day. Half an hour before Tom Black was due to arrive Dan and Ken stood dressed in their nicest suits quietly talking ‘what if’ strategies in the living room. The men immediately stopped talking when their wives entered the room. Both women wore sheer evening gowns that were just barely appropriate for public viewing. The dresses clung like a second skin in all the right places, yet the loose fabric below the hips swirled giving delightful views of creamy thighs and the band at the top of their stockings. The deep-cut v-front made a bra a ridiculous impossibility and the way the dresses clung to their gorgeous asses left no doubt that panties would show up like a sore thumb.

Ken and Dan’s eyes were darting back and forth between the two women. Dan tore his eyes away and looked over at Ken. “Fuck Tom Black! Let’s lock the door, turn the lights out, and ravish both of them.”

Jen threw up her hands. “Oh no you don’t! We’ve worked our asses off today and we want a little show-off time before our dresses end up wrinkled on the floor and we end up all sticky.”

Dan pretended to jump at her and grinned. “OK, I had to give it a shot. You both look fantastic and at any other time, I would have ravished you anyway. I guess it’s time to get our game face on. Hopefully, we’ll have a pleasant, if awkward, dinner and Tom will leave after dessert.”

The two men followed their wives into the kitchen to watch their last-minute check on dinner. They were proud of their wives. Jen and Morgan seem to have thought of every detail and the smells told them the meal was going to be wonderful. The sound of the doorbell interrupted their reverie. Ken and Jen walked together to answer the front door leaving Dan and Morgan in the kitchen. Dan felt a sudden chill and looked at Morgan nervously. “Well, here we go.” He reached out for Morgan’s hand, painted a smile on his face, and escorted her to meet Tom Black.

They arrived in the foyer as Ken opened the door and moved aside to allow his guest to enter. Jen had never seen the mysterious Tom Black. The man that walked in the door had some gray in the hair atop his six-foot-five solid frame. It was the perfect amount to enhance his handsome face. Tom looked to be in his mid-forties based on his hair. It was hard to tell with the suit jacket on, but he looked extremely fit. He practically exuded alpha male sexuality and both women felt themselves blushing.

Dan and Ken shook his hand, then turned to introduce him. Ken gestured toward Jen. “This is my wife Morgan.”

Tom moved to within a few inches of Jen forcing her to tilt her head up to meet his piercing blue eyes. Oh my god! He’s making me wet and he hasn’t laid a hand on me! Get a fucking grip girl!

There can be no doubt that Tom knew exactly what he was doing to the young wife. He not only knew the effect he had on women, but he also worked hard to maintain and improve his natural ability. Ken’s wife Morgan was very attractive and as long as Ken didn’t make a fuss, Tom would happily push her buttons.

Tom took her hand in his and gently squeezed it while giving her a handshake that looked more like foreplay than anything else. Tom had a few surprises in store for Ken and his wife that should make the evening very interesting.

He barely hid his surprise when he turned his attention to Dan and his wife. “You’re married to Dan?”

Morgan gave him a big smile. “Hi, Tom. It’s nice to meet you. Yes, I’m Jen and I’m really sorry my so-called father is an asshole. If it’s any consolation I hate him too.”

Tom moved into her space and gave her his patented steel-eyed look. “Did you know? Did you help him?”

Morgan was like a deer caught in the headlights for a moment. Then, she stood straight and looked him dead in the eyes. “No, I didn’t know, and I would never help him. All he ever did was donate the sperm that made me. He hated having a child. I didn’t serve a purpose as far as he was concerned and I am absolutely certain that if I had wound up dead his response would have been a smile of satisfaction. If I could erase him from my life I would in a heartbeat. Does that answer your question?”

Tom raised his hands in appeasement. “I believe you. I had to ask though and you know why.”

Morgan nodded. “I understand your need to know, and now you do. You about ready for a drink?”

Soon Tom had a drink in his hand and he began to break the social ice. “Ken, you and Dan work together. Is that about it?”

Ken laughed. “Far from it. Dan and I have been best friends since we were freshmen in college. We started the seed companies that provided the capital to start our business. We also married best friends. Morgan and Jen became friends as freshmen too and we all ended up dating. We even stood up for each other’s weddings. We are close friends and have been for years.”

Tom nodded. “I’m impressed. You all must know everything there is to know about each other.”

Ken shrugged. “I wouldn’t go that far. We share our good times and bad. We talk about everything under the sun, but there are some things that only husband and wife share. I think that’s perfectly normal. I’m sure there are things that Dan and Morgan share between them that are none of my business and that I probably wouldn’t be comfortable knowing anyway.”

Dinner was served and Tom was effusive in his praise of Jen and Morgan. His manner relaxed the two women and they found themselves enjoying his company. Ken and Dan were just relieved everything was going so smoothly. After dessert, they all moved to the living room for an after-dinner drink.

Dan and Morgan settled on the loveseat. Jen and Ken sat on the couch with Jen in the middle. Ken motioned toward the big chair for Tom, but he waived it off and sat down next to Jen. Jen looked down in shock as Tom placed his hand on her leg just above her knee. His fingers began to slowly swirl on top of her leg. “Ken, I’m sure you remember Bill and Tracy Monroe?”

Ken was stunned. How the fuck does he know them? “Uhm, yes I sure do. How are they?”

Tom smiled. “They’re doing well. We used to get together on a regular basis.”

Jen had no idea whom they were talking about and decided silence was her best strategy. She glanced over at Morgan for reassurance and saw that her face had gone pale. Uh Oh! This just went sideways, didn’t it? And, I don’t have a clue. Jen did the only thing she could. “Jen? Would you please give me a hand in the kitchen for a minute?”

Tom pressed down on her leg. “Oh, I’m sure it will keep Morgan. Let’s talk for a while before I leave.”

Jen knew two things at that moment. Tom was up to something and he didn’t want her to leave the room. Ken looked directly at Tom’s hand on Jen’s leg. “Tom I’m trying very hard to be accommodating, but you are crowding some lines.”

Tom nodded. “I know that I am, and I’m about to cross a few. You can hear me out or I can leave and the deal is off.”

Dan spoke up. “Why Tom? Why would you put this contract at risk for whatever it is you are doing here?”

Tom nodded. “I see your point. Let’s just say that I am very particular about whom I do business with. I only work with people I trust. People that are open and honest. I’m going to assume that your best friend Ken and his wife Morgan have been open and honest with you.

“This brings me back to Bill and Tracy Monroe. As I’ve said I’ve spent some quality time with them. They wouldn’t stop talking about how much they loved Ken and Morgan Tosh. Ken this and Morgan that until sometimes it got a bit tiresome. I think that when you are with someone you shouldn’t spend that time talking about somebody else you would rather be with, but that’s just me.

“I have to say that we no longer spend time together. We had a bit of a disagreement and parted ways. Before that parting though they shared a lot about you guys, especially you, Morgan.”

Jen raised an eyebrow in response. “I have no idea what they told you, but I am deeply disappointed that they would talk behind our backs.”

Tom smiled gently at her. “I can imagine.”

Tom looked over at Dan and Morgan. “Dan, Jen, I’m sure you already know about Morgan’s wonderful little kinks. I especially like the post-hypnotic suggestion. That was a bit of genius.

“I’m sure you already know this, so correct me if I’m wrong. Morgan picked up a nasty cigarette habit a few years ago and decided to try hypnotism to help her quit. She found out that she is very suggestive. Apparently, she talked her hypnotist into planting a few post-hypnotic suggestions.”

Tom stood and faced the sitting Jen. “I especially like the one with the finger snap. As I understand it, if you snap your fingers near Morgan’s ear and whisper ‘Suck Cock’, she has the irresistible urge to suck the first cock she can get in her mouth. Isn’t that amazing? It must make you so very horny Morgan while you anticipate that finger snap and the order to suck cock. You never know when it could happen. I bet Ken has used it to a wonderful effect when you’ve least expected it.

“It has to turn you on so much wondering when that finger snap will result in another man’s cock in your mouth. Does the idea of that make you wet Morgan? Are your juices flowing right now?”

Jen was struggling to process what she had just heard. Her best friend in the world had never told her about this. It was scary as hell. So why am I so horny? There was something so thrilling about pretending she was Morgan. Pretending she was someone else released her from any reservations she would normally have. The blush that ran up her chest and onto her face unintentionally answered Tom’s last question.

Tom reached out and traced a finger down Jen’s cheek and across her lips. “But you see, Morgan, I find the entire thing a bit difficult to believe. I think an experiment is in order because I must know the truth before I leave.

"I’ll let you decide, Ken. In ten seconds if you don’t snap your fingers and say the words, I will.”

Ken’s mouth gaped open. “Wait, what?”

“Five seconds left, Ken.”

Ken wasn’t about to let Tom at his friend’s wife, and he quickly leaned over and snapped his fingers nest to Jen’s ear. He leaned in and said huskily, “Suck Cock.”

Jen immediately sat up straight and pushed Ken onto his back. She was far from stupid and had quickly figured out what Tom wanted. After the experiences of the last few days, she had no problem giving him that. She began frantically unbuckling and unzipping Ken’s pants. She yanked his shoes off and tossed them over her shoulder without looking, then grabbed Ken’s pants and underwear, pulling them down and off his feet. She immediately slid her body up his legs, grabbed his cock with her hand, and plunged her mouth down onto his shaft. Ken’s hands gently caressed her head as he threw his own back and closed his eyes in arousal.

Jan continued to blow Ken as Tom turned toward Dan and Morgan. “Wow, who knew? Well, if that one worked, this next one should be a dandy.”

He turned back toward Jen and Ken. Morgan grabbed Dan’s hand and squeezed it hard. They tilted their heads together and Morgan barely whispered, “I think things are about to get crazy.”

Dan looked at her like she was nuts. "That train left the station ten minutes ago."

Tom spoke as he watched Jen suck Ken’s cock with wonderful technique. “The good old finger snap works for this next one too. From what I understand Morgan becomes quite insatiable during slut time. Let’s try it and see!”

Jen had responded instantly to Tom’s earlier command to suck cock. It wasn’t like she had a problem with it. She enjoyed the hell out of sucking Ken’s cock and if that had the added benefit of securing their future she was fine with that. Tom’s revelation of a second command and what she had inferred that meant shocked the hell out of her. She needed time to think this through, but Tom wasn’t going to give it to her. She decided to go along for now. There was too much at stake for her to wimp out at this point.

Tom took off his suit jacket and tossed it on the back of the couch. He continued removing clothing until he stood in his silk boxers. His cock bulged obscenely against the fabric as he reached down and grabbed a handful of Jen’s hair. He pulled her gently off Ken’s cock and made her sit up facing his crotch. His fingers came up to her ear and his fingers snapped, causing Jen to jump. He leaned down and made sure that everyone in the room heard him. “Slut time.”

Jen’s hands came up and grasped the waistband of his boxers. She began sliding them down while focusing all her attention on the bulge inches from her face. Morgan was squeezing Dan’s thigh as she watched intensely. Jen and Morgan both wanted to see what the hottest man they had ever met was packing and he didn’t disappoint them.

Jan slid the boxers down and his cock sprang free. He wasn’t fully erect, but he was still massive. Jen and Morgan looked at him in fascination. His cock was a work of art and their mouths were watering. Jen gently fondled his balls while her other hand grasped his cock. She began to squeeze and slide her hand up and down his length. Her head tilted forward and her tongue darted out to catch the drop of pre-cum on his cock. She tasted the drop, then began feeding as much of his cock as she could into her mouth. Her tongue caressed his shaft as her mouth and hand began to move. He stood for a moment enjoying Jen’s amazing blow job skills before looking at Ken. “Why don’t you get that dress off her?”

Ken looked at Jen and she gave him a slow wink. If she wasn’t quitting, then he sure wasn’t. It was a matter of moments and a bit of wiggling before Jen was left in her heels and stockings. Jen continued to blow Tom’s cock and Tom again looked at Ken. “Well, what are you waiting for? It’s slut time, so fuck her.”

Tom stepped back and Jen lay back on the couch. Ken moved between her legs and almost hesitated, but Jen saved him. “Come on baby. It’s slut time. Fuck your slut. Stick that big cock in me and fuck me.”

This wasn’t quite how they had planned it, but Ken wasn’t about to turn her down. He rubbed his cock up and down her labia and his cock was soon well lubricated. Jen was wet and ready when he slid the head of his cock into her opening. He sank a few inches into her, then pulled back a little to aid lubrication, then moved deeper into her. He continued to gradually enter her until his cock was buried to the hilt. He posted up on his knees and grabbed her ass with both hands, pulling her on and off his cock as he fucked her. Within a few minutes, Jen’s orgasm blasted through her body without warning.

As the final dregs of her orgasm evaporated Tom leaned over and supported himself with one hand on the back of the couch. He used his other hand to brush his cock against Jen’s lips. She opened her mouth and he sank almost enough to choke her into her mouth. Jen’s body responded and her pussy spasmed on Ken’s cock as Ted fucked her mouth. As commanding as his control of her head was, he was surprisingly controlled. His thrusts were fast, but not deep enough to cause her to choke. It looked like he was fucking her face off (he wasn’t) and it looked like she was loving every second of it (she was).

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The two men worked her over for several minutes until Jen screamed her orgasm around the cock in her mouth. Dan was stunned. He’d never seen his amazing wife look so hot. His cock was achingly hard and his hips moved slightly in time with Ken’s thrusts. Morgan was affected as well. She was nipping and kissing Dan’s neck as her hand loosened his pants and pulled his cock free. She slipped down his body and lovingly sucked his cock as she watched her best friend and her husband fucking on the couch. The sight of her husband’s cock sliding in and out of her best friend thrilled her and aroused her like never before.

Tom had Jen’s head held in both hands. He pulled her mouth off his cock, leaned down, and kissed her like he wanted to fuck her with his tongue. Jen was left gasping when he pulled away. “I want your pussy, Morgan.”

Jen looked over at her husband. The look of wanton lust in her eyes told him all he needed to know and he nodded his approval. Ken slid his cock out of her pussy and Jen lost no time in twisting around, lying back, and spreading her legs in invitation. Tom planted his face in her pussy and began caressing her breasts with both hands. In a matter of moments, he had her thrusting her pussy hard against his face in her desperate need to orgasm. His tongue was setting her on fire and the orgasm building in her had taken full control of her body. The rational Jen would have been shocked and ashamed by what happened next. She was beyond rational thought though and as her orgasm exploded over her she screamed out, “Oh God! Fuck! Fuck me! Give me that big cock!”

Tom didn’t bother looking at Ken for approval. He lined his big cock up with Jen’s pussy and pushed the head of his cock into her. Jen gasped at the amazing cock that had just barely penetrated her, and yet made her feel so full. Tom kissed her, then looked into her eyes. “I’ve dreamed of fucking you since I learned about your kink. I didn’t really believe it, but I had to find out.”

He slid deeper into her. “And I have to say your pussy feels amazing. Enough talking, it’s time to make you cum some more.”

He was soon long stroking into Jen and her body responded ecstatically while her mind settled into a euphoric place beyond rational thought. Jen had never experienced pure sex like this before. She didn’t have feelings for Tom, but she sure could feel him and she didn’t hesitate to give him complete control.

Tom fucked her missionary until she orgasmed twice before flipping her over and fucking her doggy through another orgasm. Jen was an orgasmic mess when he laid back on the couch and had her ride him. Jen was grinding her clit against his root while his cock was fully buried and pulsing in her pussy. Her head was tilted forward as if her neck had given up on supporting it and, her entire being was focused on the magical massive cock buried in her pussy.

Tom put a hand behind her neck and began to pull her face toward his “Ken, get the lube and fuck her ass.”

Jen groaned into his mouth as their lips connected. Anal play had never been her thing, but at this moment she was up for anything that contributed to the ecstasy that was overwhelming her. She continued to grind her pussy on his magical cock as their tongues expressed their mutual heat.

Dan’s cock had never been harder in his life. Watching his amazing wife having a wonderful time with another man’s cock in her excited him beyond belief. It didn’t occur to him to be jealous of a man that in every physical measure was pleasing his wife better than he ever could. He knew who she loved and he didn’t believe for a second she would forget that for a big cock, no matter how well it was wielded.

Ken wasn’t gone long. When he returned to the room he noted that Tom and Jen were oblivious to everyone else and took a moment to look over at Dan and his wife. He watched as his wife turned her back to Dan and straddled his crotch. He watched as she fed his cock into her pussy, and he watched as she shivered and moaned while she lowered herself on him. Morgan settled with Dan’s cock fully embedded, her head came up, and her eyes caught her husband’s.

Ken smiled lovingly at his wife. His best friend was making his wife feel wonderful and he couldn’t have been happier for both of them. He looked toward Jen and back to Morgan and Dan before mouthing silently, “Is this OK?”

He wasn’t looking for Morgan’s response. He had no doubt what her response would be. He was concerned about Jen and how Dan felt about her. Dan’s reassuring smile told him all he needed to know. Dan trusted him to watch out for Jen if she was beyond watching out for herself. What Dan couldn’t, and didn’t, say was that he had never been in his wife’s ass. He was a bit too fat in the cock department for her to comfortably take him and after a failed experiment, they had decided anal sex wasn’t their thing. Dan didn’t mind. He was ambivalent about anal sex anyway, and if Ken was successful with Jen it was more than fine with him. He trusted Ken to be careful with her.

The raging erection that preceded Ken as he moved behind Jen was a clear indication that he wanted Jen’s ass. Tom had pulled Jen against his chest and was kissing her passionately while Ken began gently running his greased fingers over her anus. His index finger moved between the cheeks of her ass, hesitated for a moment, then disappeared between them. Jen let out a soft moan and Ken began to slide the finger slowly in and out of her ass. A few minutes later he added a finger and Jen began to push her ass back against his hand, forcing him deeper.

Ken managed a one-handed juggling act and squeezed a large portion of lube onto his cock. He dropped the lube bottle and spread the lube in his hand on his cock. He moved behind Jen, grabbed his cock, and moved forward. Dan and Morgan watched in erotic fascination as Ken’s hand left her ass and his cock slowly disappeared between Jen’s ass cheeks in its’ place.

Tom pushed upward on Jen’s hips, forcing her ass against Ken, and opening up a little distance between himself and Jen. Dan and Morgan soon saw why. Tom used that distance to thrust upward into Jen while Ken fucked her ass from behind. The two men alternated their strokes so that one hole filled while the other emptied and with each alternating stroke, Jen came more unglued. She started to cum and couldn’t seem to stop. Her voice was growing horse from her ecstatic screams when both men plunged deep at the same time and began to shoot their loads of cum into her. I final orgasmic scream preceded her collapse onto Tom’s chest.

Jen was completely exhausted and didn’t so much as twitch when Ken pulled his cock from her ass. Ken quickly left the room while Tom held Jen wrapped in his arms to keep her from sliding off him and onto the floor. Ken was back in moments with a warm, wet, washcloth. Tom slipped his cock out of her ravaged pussy and rolled her onto the couch. He stood and left the room. Ken knelt down and tenderly washed Jen’s pussy and ass. Her eyes began to open as Ken finished and he caressed her face with his hand. “Hey there, back with me now? Are you OK?”

Jen could only muster the energy to nod and smile sweetly at him. Ken slid a pillow under her head and her eyes drifted closed. Ken kissed her fondly on the forehead, then sat on the floor with his back against the couch. Morgan and Dan now had his undivided attention.

As soon as Dan saw that Jen was being well taken care of he let himself get lost in Morgan. Not satisfied having her back to him, he lifted her off and gently laid her on the floor. He grabbed a couple of pillows and joined her there. He kissed her deeply and slid a pillow under her head. Morgan wrapped her legs around him and he slipped into her warm depths. In spite of the heat between them, they started slow. Ken’s heart swelled as he watched his best friend making love to Morgan.

Dan and Morgan had long lusted for each other, but this was something different. This was sharing a deep connection and it was much more significant than just fucking. Their kisses, their touches, and their coupling weren’t being used to reach personal satisfaction. Those things were being used to express their deep affection for each other. Ken was speechless at the beauty of it. Ken felt Jen’s soft hand on his shoulder. “They look beautiful together don’t they.”

Ken looked at her and saw tears in her eyes. “Are you all right, Jen?”

Jen nodded. “I’m so fucking happy I can’t stand it. Look at them. That’s you and me too you know. The four of us belong together. “

Ken reached up and squeezed her hand. “I love you Jen and I couldn’t agree more. So, where does that leave Tom?”

Jen gave him a serious look. “Really? He’s an amazing fuck and a guy we’re doing business with. I’d say that about covers it. He’s certainly nothing more than that to me. Why? You jealous?”

Ken gave her a little smile. “I guess, a little bit.”

She smacked his shoulder. “Well, don’t be. Dan’s not, so you don’t have a reason to be. But just to be clear, there’s Dan, you, and Morgan, then there is everyone else. I could happily live my life without everyone else. It’s you three that I need You are the ones that complete me.”

She studied him for a moment. “You OK now? Good. Why don’t you get Tom wound up to fuck Morgan? I know she’d love it and from the looks of things Dan’s going to fill her up good in a minute.”

While they had been quietly talking Dan and Morgan’s need for each other had escaped their control. Their coupling became more intense as they drove each other toward ecstasy. Their bodies melded together in passion, each trying with everything they had to make the other feel wonderful.

Jen saw the signs. Her wonderful husband was on the verge of shooting his load deep into her friend. Then, suddenly he was and Morgan was thrashing and moaning out her own orgasm as she felt his hot cum fill her. Their mutual orgasms held them paralyzed in thrall for several long minutes and as they regained their senses, their lips met in a loving embrace. They kissed and caressed each other through the afterglow until Dan moved his head back so he could look into her eyes. “You are an amazing woman and you’ve given me the most wonderful gift.”

Morgan smiled at him. “I love you too, Dan…

“You know it’s kind of funny. I had it all figured out. You and I would fuck like bunnies and it would be lots of fun. Instead, you made love to me and it was perfect. You make me feel wonderful and loved.”

Tom chose that moment to re-enter the room. “Well, look what I found!”

The two couples looked at Tom. He was carrying a framed picture and when he showed it to them their faces fell. Tom had found Morgan and Ken’s wedding picture in their bedroom.

Tom looked pissed. “Well? What the fuck are you pulling? Do you think I would let you fuck me over again, Morgan?”

Jen sat up and held up her hand. “Back off asshole! Morgan has never done anything to you and we have no intention of fucking you over. Sit your arrogant ass down and we’ll explain.”

Tom gave her an angry look. “Why should I? How about I walk out of here and the deal’s off?”

Jen shrugged. “So be it. We crossed a lot of lines tonight trying to accommodate you, but you’ve bumped up hard against our limit. You listen, or you leave. It’s your decision.”

Tom stood in thought for a moment. “I’m assuming you’re Jen?”

Jen nodded.

“Well, Jen, what happened between us was amazing and didn’t seem at all like it was faked. I’m positive that I can tell the difference. Because of that, I’m willing to give you all a listen.”

Tom sat down on the couch and waited. Jen explained their concern that Tom would assume Morgan was like her father and would back out of the deal. They decided to switch wives during dinner, knowing that once the deal was done everyone involved would walk away happy. No harm, no foul.

“It obviously didn’t work out that way. You see we already had a bit of a problem. Well, not a problem. More like an itch that desperately needed scratching. We decided to switch spouses so we could learn more intimate details about each other before you came to dinner. We wanted to be sure we could pull this off. The problem with that was we found out we wanted each other. We’ve been bringing ourselves to a boil over the last few days and we were all ready to explode. We decided to hold off until we got through this dinner evening with you.

“I didn’t know what the hell you were talking about with the hypnotic suggestion thing, but I decided to go along. It’s not like I didn’t want to suck Ken’s cock. Slut time was all the excuse I needed to let myself go with it and I can’t say I regret it. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

“So, now you know. This isn’t some evil master plan. We’re just four people who love each other and support each other. We did the best we could with the hand we were dealt.”

It was Morgan’s turn. “It seems to me that you’re the one playing games and trying to manipulate us. You’re the one that threw the Monroes in our faces. Who, by the way, have pissed me off to no end. They had no right to share our secrets like that.”

Tom looked down for a moment. “Yeh, you’re right. My wife and I did a bit of sharing with the Morgans and things were fine for a while, but there was something off about them. They wouldn’t stop talking about you and how much they missed you. They loved to brag about the time they spent with you. I really didn’t have a plan when I sprang that on you. I just wanted to see if you would give me an honest reaction. I certainly never expected things would go as far as they did. Not that I’m complaining.

“Now that I know you had the best of intentions, even if those intentions were meant to fool me, I have no intention of backing out of the deal. The deal we made is good for all of us and I see no reason to make additional demands. I do have a request though…

“I would like you to visit my home and meet my wife. I have plenty of bedrooms and you are welcome to stay with us. Whether you visit or not, we'll execute the contract at Ken’s office in the morning.”

Morgan jumped up. “Yes! I could just suck your dick for that! As a matter of fact, if Ken doesn’t mind, I think I’ll do just that!”

Ken grinned at his wife. “Go ahead, honey. Fuck him too if you want. Jen thinks he’s pretty good.”

Morgan dropped to her knees in front of Tom and began to slowly pump his cock. “I know, I saw. Do you think you got another fuck in you, Tom? Oh, by the way, we’ll come to visit as long as the Monroes aren’t involved in any way.”

Not bothering to wait for his answer, Morgan’s mouth enveloped his cock and she began to hum contentedly as her mouth slid up and down his pole.

Tom groaned. “But, I didn’t snap my fingers and say slut time!”

Morgan popped his cock out of her mouth and grinned up at him. “You didn’t really believe all that hypnotism bullshit did you?”

Jen’s mouth fell open. “You rotten little shit! You could have winked or something to give me a clue!”

Morgan grinned at her. “You looked like you were enjoying yourself and I figured you would say something if things were going too far.”

With a wink at Jen, Morgan went back to sucking on Tom’s cock. A cock that she would soon confirm was as good as she thought it would be.

Written by Woodart
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