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What Happens at Home, Stays at Home, Part One

"The imagination and experiences of a teenage girl taking her first steps toward losing her virginity."

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Author's Notes

"This is only the beginning of April's sexual awakening. <p> [ADVERT] </p>There is much more to follow. Don't miss Part Two!"

“What happens at home, stays at home.”  That’s what Mom says when one of us finds ourselves with family secrets. Before long, I began to understand what she meant.

I am the youngest of three. Jeanne is six years older than me. Gary, my brother, is four years older. I turned eighteen in April, so I suppose that’s why my parents named me April.

Mom and Dad got married right out of high school and my older sister was an unplanned ‘seven-month’ baby. Dad had several jobs before becoming a truck driver. Now he’s away a lot.

My sister is married, and Gary is in college. That leaves Mom and me to ‘hold the fort’ or you might say be home alone. But ‘alone’ is a misnomer. We have company, lots of company. You should know that Mom has lots of male visitors.

Mom is in her forties, still pretty with the body of a thirty-year-old.  She has never been shy about showing it off.  Mom likes sexy clothes that reveal her well-proportioned figure. I never get tired of watching her shamelessly flirt with the butcher or UPS guy. At last year’s Halloween party, she wore a revealing French maid outfit with deep cleavage, a mini skirt, that revealed a tiny thong. It embarrassed me, but Dad was proud of her and said she was the hit of the party. Apparently, he thinks of her as eye candy.

I was a slow starter and didn’t have my first date until I was sixteen. It was a wake-up call when Doug, a senior, took me to a party where everyone was drinking, smoking pot, and a lot of the couples making out. Of course, I tried to fit in holding a can of beer and pretending to be enjoying myself. On the way home, Doug parked the car in a dark isolated street just outside of town. He kissed me, and I thought that was great since it was my first real kiss.

Doug told me that I had a great body as he began to grope my breasts. At first, it was okay but when he unhooked my bra, I got worried. He felt me up pretty good and said I had great tits. “Take off your sweater and let me suck ‘em,” he said in a husky voice.

I said, “No.”

He kissed me again and said “Please,” while unbuttoning my sweater. Of course, I didn’t want him to think I was a prude, so I let him take off my top. Maybe I was getting into the moment as he kissed and sucked my nipples. It was an unexpected new feeling that I didn’t want to stop.

This must have encouraged Doug because his hand ran up my thigh and he had his fingers inside my panties. That’s when I yelled, “Stop! Take me home.”

It startled him because he called me a ‘tease’ and a ‘bitch’ and drove me home. Needless to say, Doug never asked me out again. My next two dates were months later with other guys. They were much the same as my date with Doug although I would admit, the touching was turning me on.  My girl girlfriends called me a ‘Goody-Goody’ when I told them what had happened. They said I was missing out by not letting the guys have their way. One thing I knew, I didn’t want to be like my mom and get pregnant in high school.


So, this brings me back to Mom and her male friends.

It was a week or two after my sixteenth birthday, and I remember it was a rainy spring night. I had been at my girlfriend’s house to watch a movie and gossip about the other kids in our class. I got home around eleven and it seemed the house was empty. I thought that Mom had gone out to her book club.

That’s not what happened. I had just put on my pajamas and was on my way to the kitchen when I heard a murmur from Mom’s bedroom. I didn’t think much of it because Mom sometimes talks in her sleep. I was only surprised that she was already in bed. It might have been 2:00 AM when I heard our front door close. Why would Mom be going outside at that time? I wondered. Then I heard a car start and drive away with Mom heading back to her bedroom.

I asked her the next morning about her friend. She said it was Uncle Steven who was picking up the cell phone he had left at our house. “But Mom, why at 2:00 AM?” She just said that he was on his way to the airport to pick up his wife on a red-eye flight. I only knew Uncle Steven as our euphemism for a close family friend.

Something similar happened a few weeks later but this time it was ‘Uncle’ Frank. The difference this time was that Uncle Frank had dinner with us and when I got home from another horrible date, his car was still parked in the driveway but gone in the morning. Mom just said he stayed to talk about some troubles at home. Mom is a good listener, so I didn’t think more about it.

The third time it happened, I started to think more about it. This time I heard more than murmurs and they weren’t coming from Mom. It was a male voice. The sound was something like a groan or a kind of grunt. Maybe Mom was giving one of our friends a massage but then, maybe it was something else that I didn’t want to think about.

Mom said that ‘Uncle’ Chuck came over to see my dad. “Dad’s on a trip," I said. "Why did he stay all night?” She said his car wouldn’t start. Funny, it started fine in the morning.

Then there was ‘Uncle’ Brandon who was my dad’s drinking buddy. He dropped over to see if Mom and I were okay after the storm. He stayed the night, of course.

 That was the night with ‘Uncle’ Brandon that I heard Mom screaming all the way into my bedroom. I knocked on her bedroom door and asked if she was okay. She said she was having a nightmare. “But why did Uncle Brandon stay the night?” I demanded the next day.

“Honey,” she said, “because trees and powerlines were down, and it wasn’t safe to drive.”

“But why with you in your bedroom?”

“I couldn’t ask ‘Uncle’ Brandon to sleep on that old broken-down sofa. You know how Dad hates it. Anyway, I missed your dad and wanted someone to snuggle with.”

I was getting the picture, and it wasn’t about storms and an old sofa.

Dad came home two days after the storm and told us all about the terrible accidents he saw and homes where the roofs were ripped off. At night, I heard more grunts and moans from the bedroom. Now I had no doubt what was happening in the bedroom. All I could imagine from the sounds they made was that sex must be painful.


Some months later, I’m not exactly sure when, but it was summer, and I had a boyfriend. Jordy was my first serious boyfriend and by serious, I mean we explored each other’s bodies as if we were Sherlock Holmes checking out a crime scene, without having intercourse. We both wanted to do it, but he understood how my sister, Jeanne, had been an unplanned arrival. Neither of us was ready for that.

Having Jordy’s hands around me was like being hugged by my mom but with the added thrill of tingles that are hard to explain. It was like sparks flowing through my whole body.

And there was something else. My body had changed. Now I looked like a woman instead of a girl. My boobs had blossomed almost as voluptuously as Mom’s.  I was proud of the way they looked. Jordy said they were his favorite toys.

One time, the boys at a swim party dared the girls to go topless. I wasn’t the first but eventually, I joined four other girls showing off our tits. A couple of the guys said I was the best. That’s when I learned how much fun it is to show off like Mom and be an exhibitionist. There was an added bonus. Lots of guys wanted to take me out on dates.

I remember when Jordy touched me down there eventually finding the opening he was searching for. It was the first time I had someone else’s fingers inside me. I did for myself, but Jordy’s fingers were a new feeling. It was much better that way. Jordy thought I should shave between my legs like the girls he saw on the Internet.

“What girls are those?” I asked him.

“Just some models that are proud of their bodies.”

Finally, I got him to admit that he had been looking at porn sites. The next day I checked out a few ‘adult’ videos on the Internet. He was right. All the ‘models’ were shaved. It looked sexy, so I did the same and lost my feminine bush.

After I was smooth as a billiard ball, Jordy had his fingers in me all the time. “Wow, you are so sexy, April,” he would tell me. “You feel really nice!” he gasped.

One night he said, “Now it’s your turn,” and he unzipped his pants. That was the first cock I had ever touched. It was hard and stiff and warm and standing straight up. He had me hold to it showing me how to stroke it up and down. Then I got a surprise. Out of the tip oozed something clear and wet that felt oily.

“Oh no, Jordy!” I yelled. “You’re pissing on my hand!”

“Don’t worry, April,” he said. “It’s alright. It’s not piss. Just don’t stop.” I didn’t stop and got a second surprise when whitish stuff shot out of his cock, four or five times. I knew what it was. I can’t tell you how exciting that was for me. And for Jordy, it made him groan just like the ‘uncles’ that my mom entertained.

The next time Jordy and I were together, he told me how great it was that I made him cum. “God that was wonderful,” he said. “I think it got you pretty wet too.”

“What do you mean?” I said as if I didn’t know.

“You know what I mean. You like it when I finger you.”

“I guess so,” but I was embarrassed.

My secret was out. He was right. I do get wet down there when we’re making out. Sometimes when I get home, my panties are so wet I need to hide them from my mom until they dry out. I just didn’t want him to know that I was ready to fuck him.

Now all I could think about was fucking Jordy. But my first time wasn’t with Jordy.


Dad was away again on one of his long-haul trips and Mom was entertaining again. I knew what was going on, but like a fly on the wall, I was paying more attention. The sounds from her bedroom were familiar and I knew they weren’t from pain but from pleasure and relief. The ‘uncle’ was really loud that night growling and hooting. Mom squealed a little, then yelled, “Harder, Sid, harder!” That was odd because she introduced him to me as Uncle Ted. I didn’t realize until later that she was with both Ted and Sid!

Jordy and I split after a Fourth of July party. We were fooling around like always and I kept putting off the big moment. Jordy was impatient and then angry. He said I was a tease. I wanted it as much as Jordy, but I needed to talk with my mom about not wanting to get knocked up like mom.

“Well, how are you and Jordy getting along?” she asked one night at the dinner table.

“We split up. He wanted to do it and I said no. He got mad and said there were more fish in the sea. The last I heard he was screwing Martha Kennedy.”

“Do you think you are ready to have sex, April?”

“I think so, but I’m scared. I want to go to college and have a life better than you.”

“My life isn’t so bad. I have friends and that is what really counts.”

“Mom, I’m too young to get pregnant. Anyway, I’m afraid having sex will hurt.”

Mom gave me a sympathetic smile and said, “It’s like putting a new ring on your finger. At first, it might be a little tight and uncomfortable until you get used to it. Then after a while, it is the best feeling you will ever experience.”

“So, you are encouraging me to have sex.”

“Well, not with anyone and not unprotected. Your dad and I thought if we were careful, and we didn’t need protection. Well, you know how that turned out.” And mom left it at that.

“Maybe I should wait until I get married.”

“Of course, but if you don’t, you just need to take precautions. Your boyfriend could use a rubber, I mean a condom.” Then she explained how a condom worked. “But April, sometimes guys cheat and take it off at the last minute. Of course, a rubber can break so it’s a little bit unreliable. There is something women wear called diaphragms that fit in our vaginas. Maybe a better solution is birth control pills.”

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So, the pill it was. It was like having a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card. I took the pill without a boyfriend, but I wasn’t as scared as before.

Just before school started at the end of August, Dad was heading on another coast-to-coast route while Mom was away helping my grandmother who had fallen and had broken her hip. On the second night, I was home by myself. The doorbell rang. I cautiously opened the door thinking it was a delivery man with a package from Amazon. It wasn’t.

Standing in front of the door was a black guy about as tall as the Eiffel Tower with a smile as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge. “Hi,” he said. “I’m here to see Beth Lamour.”

“There is no one here by that name,” I said rather rudely.

“Oh, I’m sorry. That must be her stage name. You must be April, her daughter.”

“Yes, I am. Who are you?”

“I’m a friend. I’m your mom’s leading man. We’ve performed together.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Your mom invited me to stay here when I’m in town.”

“Didn’t Mom tell you she had an emergency and had to help her mother?”

“Oh, I get it. It’s your grandmother. I hope it's not too serious. Would it be okay if I stay here until she gets back?”

I didn’t know what to say, so I just said, “I don’t know when that will be.”

It’s just that it wasn’t unusual for strange men to stay at our place. He was dressed nicely and was handsome, so I assumed it would be all right. It was getting close to dinner time so after he settled in my parents’ bedroom, we went out for dinner.

We ordered a pizza and talked. His name was Luke, and he was a bachelor living in South Florida. He explained that he had acted with my mom a while ago. I remember Mom wanted to be an actress before I was born and had been in a few plays.

He asked me about school and if I planned to go to college. I told him I wanted to be an artist or maybe an actress.

He flashed his radiant smile and asked about my boyfriends. “You must have guys knocking down your door to have you as a girlfriend,” he said. “April, you have a cute face and an incredible body.  I think acting would work for you.”

I blushed, then said, “Well, I had a boyfriend, but we broke up.”

“Okay but now you are all grown up, April. You have Hollywood good looks like the babe in The Wolf of Wall Street?  What’s her name?

"You mean Margot Robbie. She was Naomi in that picture. Do you know her?”

“No, don’t I wish. She’s beautiful and sexy, like you.”

“Thanks, Luke, and you are handsome too.” Then he took out his cell phone and snapped a few pictures of me. I didn’t pose or anything; just me being myself.

At home, he unpacked and joined me in the family room to watch a movie. The movie was almost over when Mom called and said Grandma was in the hospital. She would have to stay with her for a few more days. I told her that Luke had arrived. She apologized for not telling me he was in town. Maybe I was reading between the lines when she told me to be hospitable while she was gone. Was Mom suggesting that I should take care of him like she entertains her overnight visitors?

When I got off the phone, I sat next to Luke so we could talk. I asked him about acting. He said sometimes it was great but a lot of times not so much. Luke said he loved performing with my mom. “She is talented and has a way of making me perform better.”

He was curious about the boys I dated and I told him about Jordy. It was small talk but there was something about Luke that turned me on. Maybe it was his manly cologne, or his manicured beard, or that he was interested in me.  But then I couldn’t get Mom’s last remark out of my head thinking he would be perfect for my first.

The next morning, I took my jammies off and put on a robe heading for the shower. I wasn’t alone. Luke was about to step in the shower just as I got there. I should say that I was shocked and embarrassed but that’s not how I felt. Instead, I felt energized and excited in a new and strange way. When he turned to look at me, I had another epiphany. Luke was gorgeous! His muscular build reminded me of the Greek god statues I had seen at the museum.  And his, ahh, should I say, his package was all shaved and made my ex-boyfriend’s family jewels seem, well, underdeveloped. I couldn’t take my eyes off his well-proportioned cock.

“Hello, April,” he said in a deep masculine voice. “You like what you see?”

I was a little startled and looked up to see his lusty smile. “You go first, Luke. I can wait.”

“Come on. We can do it together.”

I thought he meant to take a shower together, but he had more than that in mind. I guess I did too.

Luke helped me off with my robe. I was standing totally naked in front of him, not embarrassed, but feeling vulnerable with a racing heart. He didn’t say much as we stepped into the shower. I only heard him say, “Nice tits,” when I joined him under a stream of warm water. His kiss and the warmth of the water helped calm me down but only temporarily.

Luke turned me facing away from him as he soaped my backside, rubbing it with his strong hands. I wasn’t surprised when he wrapped his arms around me and soaped my breasts. It was as much fondling as it was washing because every so often he pinched my nipples. When his hand soaped and massaged my pussy, I was so aroused I could hardly catch my breath.

Finally, I reached down and began soaping his cock and balls. They felt amazing. His balls were warm and almost as large as my fist. I could feel his cock stiffened, quickly growing to what only can be called trophy size. I stroked it back and forth like I had done with Jordy. I was sure he would cum quickly like my boyfriend but that didn’t happen, at least it didn’t happen in the shower.

After more soap suds and rinsing, we toweled each other off. “You are an amazing girl, April,” he said. “You like teasing a man.”

“What do you mean, Luke?”

“You forgot a man likes to finish what he started.”

“What did you start that we didn’t finish.”

“It’s what we started, April. Nothing to worry about. Let’s get dressed. I’ve got an appointment with my manager in an hour. I’ll be back before dinner.”

The day went slowly as I thought about what he meant about teasing him and finishing what we started. At four-thirty in the afternoon he was back at the house and asked me if I’d like to go to a cocktail party celebrating the release of a new movie. Of course, it sounded so exciting. I said, yes, at once.

I dressed in my best clothes, borrowed my mom’s jewelry and we left at seven for the party. It was at a suburban country club not far from our house. The women were elegantly dressed; many of the men wore suits. Only the girls who served us were scantily dressed as if they were there for a casting call. 

To my amazement, the crowd was friendly, particularly the men. I felt so adult. I couldn’t tell if they were being sociable or hitting on me. Many asked about my last movie and who I was with and who was my director. I explained sheepishly that hadn’t made a movie and I was with Luke.

I wanted to fit in so badly. When a server asked what I wanted to drink, I said, I’d like a glass of wine. He asked what kind of wine and I said, “Sovereign blank,” because that is what my mom drank. And in a condescending voice, he said, “You mean Sauvignon Blanc.”

So, I had a couple of glasses of Sauvignon Blanc instead of Sovereign Blank that made me lightheaded. I couldn’t understand why Mom drank that awful-tasting drink except that it made me relax. Luke gave me a few puffs of his joint. I liked that feeling better.

Dolly, who was my mom’s age, was very friendly and was definitely hitting on me. She gave me a hug and a mouth-to-mouth kiss and asked me to join her upstairs for fun and frolic. I got the message but although the fun sounded okay, I wasn’t in the mood to frolic, at least with her.

We stayed for almost three hours. I was tired and a little dazed when I asked Luke to take me home. He suggested we stay to watch the movie’s trailer. I told him I didn’t want to pass out in front of everyone. He finally agreed.

At home, I no longer felt dizzy, only happy and I guess a little less inhibited when Luke kissed me and said I was the prettiest girl at the party. He asked me if I had slept with anyone lately. I told him that I had only one boyfriend and we only played around in his car a couple of times.

“So, you are a virgin, April?” he asked in that velvety sexy voice.

I turned every shade of red and said, “Well, sort of.”

“No time like the present,” he said.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“It means you are a beautiful girl who deserves to be loved in the proper way.”

“What are you suggesting, Luke?”

“We should be together tonight.”

“You mean have sex.”

“Only if you think you’re ready.”

“I’m ready to go to bed, but alone.”

“Playing hard to get, right?”

I gave him my best scowl and headed for my bedroom.

Luke grabbed my hand pulling me close with my back to him and his arms around me cupping my breasts. “Look, I saw how you liked our shower this morning and enjoyed being touched. I loved it too. You are a lovely girl but it’s time you became a woman. So, stop playing around. I’ve got a good feeling about us, April. Let’s sleep together and see how it goes.”

I said, “No!” But I was just fooling myself. I wanted him. I was in my bed for about half an hour before deciding it was time, my time and I felt just enough relaxed to do it.  He was undressing when I joined him in Mom’s bedroom.

He didn’t say a word, just gave me a huge smile and a hug. Luke wasn’t wearing pajamas when he slipped next to me in my parents' king-size bed. My nightgown was easy for him to remove. The warmth of his body next to mine was a new thrill that can only be described as comforting and of course, exciting. The exciting part was feeling his extra stiff shaft against my tummy.

I thought he would put his cock inside me and that would be all there was to it. That’s not what happened. Luke slid down and gently pulled my legs apart. They opened as easily as a flower beginning to bloom. There was no faking it. My desire was obvious and even more so when his lips and tongue touched my pussy.

I had never felt anything like it. My arousal was over the top when he licked and sucked my clit and his tongue explored my slit. It was so much better than when Jordy touched me down there. My breathing was heavy; my heart was pounding; my pussy hot and tingling. Then, all at once, I let out a shriek. It was like my mom’s screams that I thought were nightmares. I don’t know why but that’s what happened. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I cried, and he didn’t for a few more minutes.

Everything was new to me, my feelings, my swirling brain, my lust. So, I didn’t expect what came next when Luke knelt over my head with his balls dangling over my lips. “Lick my balls, Porn Girl,” he demanded. I didn’t know if he meant Porn Girl as a compliment or a dig. Either way, I did what he asked before he put his cock in my mouth. “Suck my dick, Porn Babe.”

So, that’s what I did. Luke kept shoving it in deeper and deeper until I gagged, my eyes watered and I couldn’t breathe. He seemed to be in a kind of frenzy that I hadn’t noticed before and quickly moved between my legs. At first, he used his dick to slide up and down my pussy slit making my lust begging for more. I wanted him to put it in.

“Now Luke, now!  Fuck me. Make me a woman and fuck me hard.” I couldn’t believe I said that.

I think my mind was in a kind of suspended animation. I remember him pushing in a little, then a little more and my breathing was deep and fast, but I don’t remember much about him shoving it all the way in. I don’t know if he got it all in, but he must have because I was sore the next morning.

We both fell asleep, and it was morning when we finally showered together. He wanted to fuck me in the shower, but I told him my pussy was too sore to do it so soon. “Maybe after dinner, I’ll be better,” I said.

“You were terrific last night, April, but now I need a blowjob to give me a good start for the day.”

That’s what I did, right there in the shower. This time I finished what I started and got a mouthful.

Written by xhardx13
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