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The King Of All Cocks Gets Its First Fuck

"A young guy with a big cock is desperate for a fuck."

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I had not long turned seventeen and had never had sex with a girl. I was known among the kids that I had grown up with as “Donk”. I got the nickname as my cock was much bigger than any of my friends. They said I was built like a donkey. My cock when slack was seven inches long and over six inches in circumference. Erect, it was eight inches long but still six inches thick.

To me, my cock was just normal, but it was considerably thicker than most of the other guys. I was often asked to show it so that others could see what I had and was somewhat of a curiosity. Only one other guy had a cock longer than mine but nowhere near as thick. When I joined the football club and was seen naked in the shower room, I was often asked if I felt faint when I get a hard-on as it must take all the blood in my body to get it hard. I didn’t but it never really got as stiff as most of the other guys because of the weight of it. I could not get it to stick straight out like the other guys.

My cock head was also big but concerning my cock, it was roughly in proportion to the other guys' cocks. I must say I was rather proud of my cock and whenever I was asked to expose it, I had no problems in doing so.

As I grew older my cock became a point of interest among many of the girls in the district. Some of them had begun to have sex and they became curious when their boyfriend mentioned the size of my cock. I could always rely on a girl asking to see it if we were on a date.

If they asked to hold it and masturbate me, I never refused them as I loved to feel somebody else stroking my cock. When I asked if I could fuck them most of them refused me as they believed it would hurt getting it into them. It was too big they said. Most of them were sixteen and a few were virgins.

Some girls would suck the head of it but not finish it because I might cum in their mouth. They didn’t like licking my pre-cum. They all let me masturbate them and they always went home happy, but I was always somewhat disappointed in the fact they would not let me fuck them.

I was getting more and more frustrated at not being able to fuck a girl for my first time.

I was getting desperate as other guys were telling me about fucking this girl, or that girl. I decided I wanted to have my first fuck and I was beginning to feel I didn’t care who it was. I would like to do it to one or two of the girls I knew, but they said no because of the size of my cock. I decided that the only way I was going to fuck anybody was to go to a brothel. I decided I would pay for a woman to let me fuck her.

I looked on the internet and there were two brothels in the next town. I didn’t want to be seen going to one of the local ones. I could go by bus; it was only half an hour. I chose the one called “Hard Times.”

I rang and asked about the cost and asked if there were any young ladies of about twenty that would be available. The woman assured me that I would have no problems as many university students worked there. I made an appointment for the following day. I didn’t want to wait any longer.

When I arrived, the Madam in charge introduced herself as Rose. She asked for my ID and checked my age. It was obvious I was only a teenager. After she assured herself I was seventeen and old enough, she took my money and said I would have an hour with the girl. She would suck me and then fuck me.

I explained I had not had sex before. She smiled and assured me her girls would make sure that I would enjoy myself with them.

The Madam rang a bell and three girls appeared for me to choose the one I wanted. They all looked about twenty as I had asked for. One was Asian, another was coloured and the third looked like a local girl. Rose explained I was a virgin boy and had no experience. They all seemed interested.

I chose the local girl because I liked the look of her. She was tall, had a nice smile, blonde curly hair and was showing a lot of lovely-looking tits. I told the other girls next time I would pick one of them.

The girl I chose was called Jan, and she seemed pleased that I had picked her. She took me by the hand and lead me off to a room that was beautifully furnished and had a spa and a huge bed, and lots of mirrors. I was a little surprised at how nice the room looked; I had imagined it would have just had a bed in it to fuck on.

Jan told me to undress and explained that I had an hour to do what I wanted with her. The time would start after my shower. I would have to use a condom and confirmed I had paid for one oral experience and one ‘naughty’ as she put it. I would be required to have a shower before and after we had sex. No kissing would be allowed before, during or after sex.

It seemed very clinical, and she was friendly and treated me like I was a friend rather than just a customer, calling me by name all the time.

She told me to undress and gave me a towel and showed me the room with a shower cubicle, toilet and hand basin. It was very compact. As I undressed, I left my underpants to the end.

Jan undressed completely. She had nice firm tits and was completely shaved and had no pubic hair.

When I removed my underpants, I turned to face Jan. When she saw my cock the look on her face was surprising. “Oh my God,” she said. “Where did you get THAT?” she asked.

I think I may have blushed a bit. Even she thought it was big.

“I hope I can still fuck you?” I stammered. I wasn’t expecting her to be surprised.

“Of course, it will be a pleasure with that. I have never had one that thick. I am looking forward to seeing what it feels like. Go have your shower. I want Rose to see that, you don’t mind, do you?”

I had showered before I left home, so I was quick.

When I returned to the bedroom the Madam and the other two girls were there. Jan was still naked and when I walked in, they all had their eyes glued to my cock. I was naked but not embarrassed for some reason. It felt normal to be naked, as was Jan.

Both Rose and the other girl who they called Sue came over to look more closely at my cock. Rose took it in her hand and looked at it, “That is a real cock, it feels great.”

As she held my cock in her hand, it firmed up a bit but not to its full extent. It still hung down and being circumcised it looked quite impressive even if I say so myself.

Then Sue also felt it in her hand and rubbed her finger over the head of it squeezed it and said, “Next time you come, please ask for me. I wouldn’t mind a go with that.”

Rose looked at me and said, “That is magnificent. I wouldn’t mind trying that myself.”

By now it was getting firmer and close to fully erect as Sue stroked it.

“You won't mind if we see what it feels like after you have finished with Jan will you?” Rose asked.

“How much will that cost me?” I asked innocently.

“For you that will be my pleasure. No charge,“ Rose said.

Rose said to Jan, “When you have had your time with him, let me know I will look forward to seeing what that is like myself. That is something else. Enjoy it.”

Then Rose and Sue left for us to get started. After the door closed Jan said, “I haven’t seen Rose offer to let anybody fuck her for some time. You are a hit. Is it true you haven’t had a fuck yet? Am I going to be the first girl you fuck?”

“That’s why I am here as they all say it is too big.”

“I am impressed, I can’t remember fucking a virgin guy before.”

“I hope I can do it right,” I said.

“You will be fine; I will make sure you have a good time.”

Jan took my cock in her hand

“I am going to break the rules for this one. We are supposed to use a condom, but I want to try it without. Don’t say anything, will you? Don’t tell her, but I want to suck that without a condom. Have you had it sucked before?”

“Not properly,” I replied.

She squeezed it once like she was masturbating me and looked to see if anything came out the eye of my cock. Immediately my cock got hard.

“That is more like it. Your clean so I will give it a go. I haven’t ever sucked one this big before.”

Jan got down on her knees and held my cock in her hand and then stroked it a few times and then put her mouth over the top of it and rubbed her tongue around the rim. At the same time, she took my balls in her warm hand and within a few seconds the skin had softened and my balls were hanging down and she began to fondle them as she was sucking the head of it and slipping her lips along the shaft back and forth. It felt amazing.

Other girls had begun to suck my cock, but they only put the top of it in their mouth for a minute or two. They didn’t want to risk me cumming in their mouth. It was disgusting they said. If they saw pre-cum, they wouldn’t even start.

Jan was giving me a wonderful sensation. She took it out a couple of times to tell me how wonderful it was, and she was enjoying having it in her mouth and sucking the ‘King of all Cocks’, she told me.

I stood there in raptures as I felt her rubbing her lips and fingers along the shaft and slipping the skin along with the hardness as she stroked it. I had let girls masturbate me a few times, but this felt awesome.

Jan took her mouth off it for a minute and told me to let her know when I was about to cum.

“I want to get it all. I can usually tell but just to make sure I don’t waste any. Do you make much cum?” she asked.

“About the same as the other guys I have wanked off with a few times. I don’t seem to spurt any more than them just because I have a big cock,” I told her.

She went back to sucking and stroking my cock and fondling my balls. I guess she was sucking and fondling my cock and balls for about six or seven minutes before I could feel it was happening.

I said, “I am about to cum,” and I looked down at her kneeling in front of me.

As I spoke, Jan looked up. It was an amazing sight with my huge cock filling her mouth and her dark brown eyes looking up at me. That was enough, and it bought me on much faster than I realised.

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Oh shit, that was quick,” I stammered.

As I said it the first spurt of cum erupted from the eye of my cock into her warm wet mouth. I have never had anybody suck me off and get my cum in their mouth, this was another virgin experience.

I jerked about three or four spurts of cum into her mouth and she looked up at me and again her dark brown eyes made me feel good. My first complete suck off.

She was getting every drop of my cum in her mouth. Then Jan held my cock in her hand and opened her mouth to show me all the white cum on her tongue and then closed her lips over my cock again and swallowed it as I watched, then sucked every drop out of me. That was the most awesome thing I had seen. The way she did it made me feel good and the look on her face showed me she had enjoyed doing it and swallowing it herself.

“Shit, I enjoyed that,” I told her.

It was the first time I had ever had anybody suck me till I had cum. I had previously had two girls suck the head of it for a minute or two before they stopped. Neither girl had sucked a cock before, as they were worried I might cum in their mouth.

“I enjoyed it too. Don’t tell Rose I did it without a condom. We are not supposed to do that. I think we all do it for our special customers, and you will be my favourite if you come back,” Jan said.

“I don’t know how often I will be able to afford it that often,” I told her.

“With a cock like yours, I think we will be doing a special rate for you. Let's see what Rose says before I raise it with her. I haven’t seen her take anybody else on like she has said she will with you. Her big days are behind her it seems. She was famous at one time."

After she had finished sucking me dry, she stood up. I was standing there, and she got a clean warm wet cloth and milked the rest of the cum out of my cock and wiped it. Then she had a drink of what looked like Coke.

“That was amazing,” she said. "Now let's see what you are like in bed." Jan then took my soft cock in her hand again and she stroked it until it was hard again. I could not believe how good this was feeling. I was naked with an attractive young naked woman and about to fuck her. This was to be a major milestone in my life.

“You said this is the first time for you, “Jan asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“How come it has taken so long for you? Most young guys have their first well before this.” She asked.

“None of the girls I know would let me do it, they were frightened it would hurt them. I tried to get into one girl, and she made me stop before I got it into her, she said it was too big.”

“How old was she?” Jan asked.

"About sixteen I think,” I replied.

“Your cock won't hurt them. They don’t know what they are missing. It means I get the pleasure of a virgin boy. It’s a long time since I have one of them.”

“Can I ask how long you have been a prostitute?”

“Three years, I started when I was eighteen.”

“What made you want to be a prostitute?”

While Jan was getting the condom and putting it on my cock and getting it hard again ready to fuck her, she explained.

“I was working two jobs as a waitress to try and pay my university fees and it was hard to make ends meet. One of the other waitresses left. A couple of weeks later she came in and she wanted to talk to me after I finished work. She knew I was fucking my boyfriend and told me she was working in a brothel called “Hard Times”. She said it was a great money earner and nothing like she imagined. It was good. It's nice, not what you might think.”

I listened intently as she worked on getting me hard.

“Then she suggested I go with her one night to see for myself as they were looking for a couple more girls. I was curious and went one night just to see what it was like. It’s classy and almost clinical. It’s well-organised. Nothing like I had imagined it would be like.”

I was getting harder as she worked on my cock.

“I met Rose and she explained the conditions. She got me to go with one of her favourite customers. He was an older man and nice. She stayed with me to show me what I had to do to make him happy. I couldn’t believe how nice it all was. It was better than with my boyfriend. I started the next Monday on a quiet night. Liz, another girl, helped me a lot at first and explained how to handle some men who didn’t want to use condoms and wanted anal, which I won't do."

She continued, "The first week I got to fuck seven men and it was quite interesting. I didn’t mind it at all. I made more money that week than I could ever make as a waitress, and I liked it better. The men treated me better than at waitressing. I have been surprised by how well it is run. I have been treated well. A few of the girls who work here also study at my university.”

I was impressed with her and I could see everything was like she had explained.

“On busy nights, I might have had to go with as many as six or seven men, but it isn’t rough. Everything is very well conducted, and you are very safe. They don’t let drunk guys in and everybody I have had sex me has been nice to me.”

“I am glad you did or I would never have met you. it is quite different to what I imagined,” I told her.

“My boyfriend didn’t want to fuck me after I had fucked six or seven guys before him. We must use condoms, so it wasn’t any different for him, but he didn’t like me doing it. I suppose I didn’t help as I may have treated him as I did a customer, so he dropped me.”

Jan had finished putting the condom on which felt nice as she rolled it down over the length of my cock.

“That’s the hardest one I have ever had to roll on,” she said with a giggle as she studied her handy work and squeezed the air out of the nipple on the end of it.

“Just as well we have some big sized ones here. I don’t think you would get a normal one over that cock.”

I had watched her roll the condom over my cock for the first time. She was very adept at it. I had never had a condom on it before. It didn’t feel much different until I touched it and then it felt sort of strange, but I had no idea what it would feel like with it on inside her.

Jan then got up on the bed and got herself into position for me to fuck her. She looked lovely and this made my cock get even harder. It was sticking almost straight out in front of me. That didn’t happen often as it is hard to get it like that as it is heavy when it's hard and usually hangs down a bit. It feels nice though, as it flops about when I move.

“Ok, big boy, let's see what that thing of yours feels like. Come over here and join me.”

She looked lovely lying there all nude. Her tits were just perfect. All firm and just sitting up on her chest with the nipples on the tip of each breast a deep red colour. They were hard too and sticking up.

“What way do you want to do it?” she asked. Before I could answer she said, “I think for your first time a missionary is pretty much the way to start. Then you can go doggy on me.”

I didn’t know there were different ways to fuck. I thought you just got on top of the girl, put your cock into her cunt and pumped it as you do with your hand when you wank yourself. I followed her instructions and got between her legs which she had pulled right back, and her cunt looked beautiful all moist and pink just waiting for me to fill it with my cock.

She must have been wet too as it was shining in the light. I learned later she had put some lubricant onto it.

I got up on the bed and took my cock in my hand and guided it toward her cunt. It looked like it would not fit as it looked bigger than her cunt did. I put the head of my condom covered cock against her skin and she got up on her elbows and watched me put it into her.

I didn’t need to be told what to do next. I was excited. I just pushed my cock against her cunt lips and watched as it just went into her. Her lips completely enveloped the head of my cock, I could see and feel the head of it push the lips of her cunt apart, I was in. It felt awesome. Now to get the rest of it into her. I pushed and watched some more as it spread the lips wide and disappeared.

Even with a condom on I could feel the warmth of her body surrounding the end of my cock.

“Stop there,” she said. I thought I must have been hurting her.

“Hold it there for a second and get used to the feel of it inside me. It feels very tight going in, seeing it's your first time I don’t want you to cum too quickly, try and not get too excited. Go in slowly.”

I waited for a moment and then I pushed a bit harder and it went in a bit more. It felt great.

“Slowly does it,” she said

I pushed in a bit further and watched as some more of my cock disappeared inside her. It felt awesome. I had it almost right in. I was now fucking a girl for the first time.

There was a bit of a bulge around the end of my cock where the condom ended. I was squeezing it into her even with the condom on it felt even tighter inside her. I needed to be careful I didn’t push it out the other end of the condom.

Once she saw that I was about halfway into her she said, “Now slowly get the rest of it in. I can feel it. It's huge.”

I pushed against the resistance and I could feel my cock going into her body slowly. It felt amazing, it was so tight. I had to push quite hard. I could feel how tight my cock was in the condom and I thought I might push the top of my cock out the end, but it slid in easily.

Jan said it felt tight in her too. “Careful you don’t split the condom,” she said.

Slowly, I pushed all my cock in and as I did it got easier. I looked down I could see a roll of skin had been forced out if the condom and it looked like a collar all around the band at the end of it. It was just outside of her cunt. My cock was inside her, but it was so tight that it pushed a lot of the skin back.

“Oh my God, that feels good,” Jan said. “I haven’t felt a cock that big inside me like that ever. I have had long ones but not one that thick. It is the thickest cock to ever fuck me.”

“This feels amazing,” I said.

I had done it. I was having my first fuck. I was no longer a boy virgin.

I told Jan. “You have made the wait to fuck a girl so much better, “

I knew why I have had to wait so long to have sex with a girl. My cock was the reason.

“A couple of girls I had asked before had said yes, but when they saw my cock, they changed their minds telling me it is too big and would hurt them. One girl let me get it almost in before she changed her mind and I was so disappointed.”

“Then make the most of it. There is not often that I can feel the sensation you are giving me. It feels nice, it's really big in there and I can feel it.” Jan was encouraging me.

I had waited long enough; I didn’t want waste any time I wanted to get the most out of the hour I had to fuck her. I knew what it felt like now. I was having my first fuck and maybe it was worth the wait. It felt amazing. I began to fuck her as you don’t need lessons to realise what you must do.

Jan was attractive and doing everything to make it feel good for me, and I think for her too. She was being so lovely to me and making sure I was having a good time. I had picked the right girl to do it with.

I pushed and pulled back and was going great for a couple of minutes until I pulled back too far and my cock popped out of her cunt. I immediately went to push it back in.

 “Oh God get it back in, I can't believe how good that feels,” She cried out.

I soon had my cock back into her as it went in a lot easier as she was a lot wetter now and the condom was covered in the wetness from inside her. It was still tight in her though. I just relaxed and fucked her for about five minutes and the feeling got better and better and it got easier as it got more slippery inside her.

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I was enjoying the feeling and so was Jan as she told me “You feel great, you are doing well.”

I kept looking down at her as I pumped my cock back and forth and she was smiling at me. I could tell she seemed to be enjoying it too.

Her tits were shaking as I was fucking her. I was enjoying myself and I think she was too. This felt amazing.

I asked, “Do you cum when you do it like this?”

“Rarely, it doesn’t happen often, but sometimes I do enjoy it,” She told me.

“Some guys had told me they came too quickly the first time and the girl was unhappy,” I told her.

“You don’t have to worry you are going great guns,” She said smiling back.

I tried not to think about cumming, and she didn’t seem like she was going to. I kept fucking her and I could not have been happier. It didn’t matter to me if she came or not.

After another few minutes, I could feel that sensation in my cock.

I said, ”I think I am going to cum,”

“Take it out... quickly... I think we can make you last longer if we try it another way, quickly… pull it out.”

I did what I was told and pulled my cock right out of her and waited until I was told what to do next. I could feel the urge to cum stop once my cock was out of her. I looked down and the condom had worked its way about halfway down my cock, but it was still tight.

“I want this to last a bit longer myself,” she said.

Jan rolled over and got up on her hands and knees, and I didn't need to be told what to do next. Her cunt as sitting up there between her legs and her lovely peach coloured lips were all puffed up ready for me to fuck her again. Even her little bum hole looked nice.

I could see how I had to get my cock back into her. I then positioned my self and guided my cock into her again. I had not realised how nice the cheeks of her ass were. They were all pink from rubbing on the sheets as I fucked her. As it went into her again it felt even nicer. I had also lost the feeling I was going to cum.

It took a little while to adjust to getting my movements right like this as my cock was tight and I needed something to hang onto as I pushed it into her. She suggested I hold her waist and that gave me a bit more grip. Then she said,

“Hang onto my shoulders and push, it is not in far enough.”

I did as she told me and pushed my hips hard and got myself into her even further than I had before. My cock is no longer than a normal cock, it's just thicker. The feeling of her skin against mine felt wonderful.

“Oh God, that feels amazing,” Jan said.

I felt proud that I could make her feel like that. I didn’t think a prostitute would notice.

Now I was in I then held her hips again and I was soon able to get the rhythm right as I continued to fuck her. As I fucked her, I could feel just how good it was feeling, I had relaxed a bit and kept up the rhythm and began to look around the room.

Even Jan seemed to be enjoying us fucking like this. She was pushing herself back onto my cock as I pushed it into her… we were both having fun.

The room was full of mirrors that I had noticed earlier but I had been so busy looking at Jan and had not noticed that I could see myself and Jan on the bed from both sides fucking her. – There were even mirrors on the ceiling as well.

One thing I noticed as Jan knelt there and let me fuck her like this was the way her tits were swinging beneath her and that looked so sexy. They were swinging at the same speed as I was fucking her. It made it feel even better seeing myself and Jan fucking. Her body was also moving as each time I pushed my cock in she pushed back to get it in even further. This was amazing and I couldn’t have wished for a better girl to have sex with for my first time.

After a while, she said, “That was great but let's try another way”.

I was not going to argue. This was amazing. I hoped my time would not run out.

I pulled my cock out of her and told me to lay down on my back. Then spread her legs and got over me.

“I am going to fuck you now,” she told me. “Hold your cock straight up.”

Then she slowly lowered her cunt onto my cock and she immediately started to fuck me from on top and I could see her face and watch her tits moving about as she bounced up and down. This was something I had never imagined that would happen.

“Oh shit, this feels amazing,” she told me. “I could go on like this forever.”

“So, could I,” I replied. “This is the best yet.”

After a further few minutes or so Jan said, “Sit still,” and then without taking my cock out of her she swung around and faced backwards on me and then began to fuck me again.

I could see my cock in her cunt, and it going in and out of her. Her bum hole was pink and looked small and tight. This was something I had never imagined.

As we fucked a bell began ringing. “Oh, fuck the time is up… forget it, this is on me.” Jan said.

That was the fastest hour of my life and I had achieved more in sixty minutes that I had in almost eighteen years of my life. Jan didn’t stop and kept fucking me.

Then she turned her body around on top of me again and was now facing me.

“OK, let's go for it.” She said.

Then she began to fuck me hard and almost immediately I started to get the cumming feeling and before I knew it I was filling the condom with my cum and oblivious to the sounds she was making as I realised she had an orgasm as well.

She had a good time I could tell, and she kept going even after she had cum. My cum was now running down out of the condom all over me as she continued to fuck me.

She was just getting off me when Rose walked in.

“Well well, you two have had a time of it. Overtime and all,” She said.

“I couldn’t believe how good it was and he lasted the whole time and has just cum himself,” Jan said.

“Was she good?” Rose asked.

I looked at Rose and said, “Words could not describe what I have enjoyed in the past hour. This was one of the highlights of my life. I never imagined it would be like this.”

“Then have a drink and get ready for me. I will be waiting.”

Then looking at Jan said, “Clean him up and bring him to my room. He will need a rest from all accounts so I will see you both in about half an hour. No need to get him dressed.”

Then Rose left.

Jan came to me and hugged me. “That was something, even for me,” she told me.

The feeling of her warm naked body against mine had my cock half-hard again.

“Go have a shower. Before you do, let me get that off you,” Jan got down on her knees and pulled the condom off my cock. It came off easily as it was full of cum and my cock had got a lot softer. She had a tissue ready and soaked up all the cum leaking from it and then wiped my cock and put the used condom in it and dropped it in a bin.

“Go have a shower and clean up. I will join you in a moment.”

A minute or so later Jan joined me in the shower which was big enough for two people and she soaped me all over and made sure my cock was as clean as possible. “Just for Rose,” she told me.

“How was that, big boy, for your first time?” Jan asked.

“Absolutely amazing. I could never have imagined that it would have been like that,” I replied.

“It isn’t normally like that. You are somebody special and apart from it being your first time, which we usually make allowances for and let them do it twice because the first time is all over in a minute. You were amazing. Your cock is something else, I loved it and I don’t say that often. Not many guys go for an hour and not cum.”

“You kept doing things and changing the way we did it. I was close a couple of times and just as I was getting ready to cum, you did something and I lost the urge. What we did after that was even better than what we did before. I never realised fucking could be that great, and all the different ways you did it was a surprise,” I told her.

“I am really glad you enjoyed yourself. A girl’s first time is special, but I think yours was equally as special. I hope you enjoyed it,” Jan said.

“It was you who made it so special," I said, "I had no idea that you would care about it being my first time,” I told her.

“We usually make exceptions for boys and the first time, but your cock made it special for me and I think Rose will even enjoy it with you too,” Jan replied.

“Do you think so? She must have been fucked a thousand times.”

“Even more than that I feel. She is nice, though. It’s a pleasure to work for her and she looks after us.”

“How many girls work here?” I asked.

“Twenty over a week. I work when I can as far as lectures are concerned. Rose always makes sure I get enough work to make the money I need, and a bit more.”

“If I come again, will you be here?” I asked.

“You can ring and make an appointment, but I think you should try other girls for a while. We are all different. You would like Sue too and there are a few older women that would treat you well. With that cock of yours, you will be in demand for a while until all the girls have tried it.”

“I don’t know if I could afford it that often,” I replied.

“Somehow, I think Rose will be making a concession for you. I think some of the girls will be wanting it with you as well as satisfying your needs.” Jan said. “Now off you go and see Rose, I will be waiting for you after you have been with her to see how you went.”

Then Jan came to me and kissed me on the lips. “Thank you for a wonderful time and I hope I have made your first time memorable,” Jan said and opened the door for me and took me to see Rose.

“Thank you, I will never forget you, and what we did.”

Then Jan took me along the corridor. We were both stark naked. Jan knocked on a door and I heard Rose say, “Come in ready or not.”

Jan kissed me lightly again and said: “Enjoy her and see you again soon I hope.” Then walked back to her room.

I entered the room and Rose was ready for me. She was naked and like Jan had shaved all the hair off herself.

“I am glad you enjoyed yourself, Jan is really special. I know she gave you a good time and now its time for you to learn how to treat a lady. I know it's your first time for you and I hope we will see a lot more of you.”

Rose sat down and I sat opposite her. It was interesting talking to her. There was a bottle of champagne already open and she poured me a glass. We talked for a while and she outlined the workings of the “Hard Times” and how I would be welcome at any time. She indicated she didn’t want me to go with Jan every time but to try some of the other girls and some of the older women. "There is more to sex than just fucking,” she told me.

I could not believe that she was talking to me as she was. She was treating me as a friend rather than a client. As I looked at her, she was naked and looked about fifty or a bit older, but still had a good figure. She was about my mother's age but was far fitter. I thought about what my mum would say if she knew I was about to fuck a woman her age.

After a while, Rose leaned over and fondled my cock which immediately responded and firmed up.

“That is a very nice cock you have there, I assume Jan liked you fucking her?”

“I think so, she said she liked it.”

“Ok let’s see how good you are. I am not going to make you use a condom, you can have this one bareback.”

I was happy about that and my cock was soon hard enough to go into her.

She got up on the bed and lay there and I followed her.

I didn’t need to be told what to do and Rose didn’t give me any instructions. We both knew we were ready, and I took my cock in my hand and guided it into her cunt as she lifted her legs and spread them wide.

I just put my cock against her lips and pushed as I did with Jan. I went into Rose much easier than Jan. Her cunt was nowhere near as tight.

I immediately began to fuck her. It felt better without the condom and my cock slid back and forth in her much more easily. Everything was sort of coming naturally to me now and even though it was only my second fuck, I think she was happy.

“That does feel good,” Rose said. “Not many men have a cock like yours, it’s a pleasure to feel a nice fat one from time to time. Most of them seem to feel special if it’s longer than normal, but thicker ones feel better,” Rose commented.

Like Jan, Rose’s tits wobbled as I fucked her. Her tits were like two fried eggs though, Jan’s were firm and hard. Rose seemed to be concentrating on the feeling of my cock rather than my pleasure. She didn’t say much but seemed to wriggle a bit more than Jan and I assume she was feeling my cock in her. She was not like Jan, she seemed to be fucking me rather than me fucking her.

I then concentrated more fucking Rose and the feeling I was getting. I liked it and I wanted to please her.

“How many positions did Jan give you?” Rose asked.

“This way, dog fashion and then she got on top,” I told her.

“Then you got your money's worth. How does it feel with me?”

"Wonderful, you are not as tight as Jan, or it might have felt like it because I had the condom on.”

“I have to say for a kid your age, you are not bad. Even for the first time. I hope you will come back some more.”

“Jan said I should try some of the other girls.”

“Any time you like. You should try and come during the day, we are not as busy, and we can give you a bit better time than at night. We get a lot of men here at night as you can imagine. The girls have usually got to serve as many as ten men some nights.

“That many?” I commented.

“Yes, they don’t get an hour then. It’s just till they cum and the girl usually has another client waiting so she gets her quota.”

“Now I know why you have to use a condom,” I commented.

“No, that’s for health reasons mainly. It’s virtually the law.”

At this time, I started to cum.

Rose just lay there until unloaded my cum into her and I noticed how different it felt as I continued to fuck her for as long as I could.

“That’s the boy, enjoy yourself. I have enjoyed it too.”

“You didn’t cum?” I questioned.

“That’s not how it happens in the “Hard Times”. We can fake one, but we don’t normally have a natural one unless the guy really turns us on, and he is usually one of our regulars,” Rose explained.

I realised she was different from Jan and now I had cum, it was over.

“The shower is over there,” Rose indicated a curtain.

Then she got a bowl of water from a basin and squatted down and washed my cum out of her. She didn’t shower. Then she got dressed.

“Thank you, it was nice to be with you,” Rose said as she left me to shower.

While I was in the shower Jan came back with my clothes.

“Did you enjoy it with Rose?”

“Not as much as with you. It was just a fuck I suppose to her.”

“I will see you downstairs. I want to have a chat with you before you go. Don’t be too long I have another client in about half an hour.”

When I was dressed, I went down into a sort of private room. Jan had some tea and cake ready. I was surprised.

"Mike, I like you a lot and I hope you liked me. If you want to see me again ring here and they will tell you when I am available. Next time I might break the rules and do it without a condom."

“Rose and I didn’t use one,” I told her. “It did feel better, I would like that with you.”

“When do you think you might be back?” She asked.

“Possibly in a couple of weeks,” I told her.

“I spoke to Rose and she says you can have the regulars' rate,” Jan told me.

“Rose said I should try it with other girls. I would like to do it with you all the time though.”

“If she said that, I would do as she says. She is the boss.”

“Maybe next time I will do it with another girl and then the time after with you again.”

“That sounds like a good idea, that way you can meet more of the girls and get to know them.”

After that, Jan had to go, her next customer was there for her. I wondered how she would be with him. She was nice to me for the first time.

Another girl showed me out another door. “See you soon, I hope,” she said.

A week later I went to “Hard Times” again and this time I went with another girl. She was Chinese and when we were getting ready, she asked me if I had been before and when I said I had been with Jan and Rose she was surprised. "Not many get to fuck Rose," she told me, "and they are always much older than you."

When I took my pants off, she took one look at my cock and said “Now I know why you got to go with Rose, that is a monster. Wow, I am impressed. I can’t wait to get that into me.”

We had a fuck and it was good but not as good as with Jan. Her name was Soo, she told me I had to use a condom with her too. She had a little bit of hair above her cunt and she was tight too and she told me she was impressed with the way I fucked her. I had a feeling she told all the men that.

At the desk, I asked about Jan and was told she would be working again on Friday and I was asked if I would like to make a booking.

I couldn’t afford it twice in one week.

Two weeks later I rang and made a booking with Jan and I was looking forward to fucking her and she was friendly, and I got to fuck her twice. After that, I went to “Hard Times” almost every other week, pay week. Sometimes I fucked Jan and other times some of the other girls. I got to know them all and they liked it with me.

I only had to pay half price as a regular. I got to fuck different girls as well as Jan, too, if it was a quiet night.

One or two older ladies made me feel good as they liked my thick cock. All the girls got to know me, especially my cock, and they all enjoyed me fucking them and I got a few privileges as well. I was sucked off most times and after a couple of times, they agreed not to insist on a condom.

Jan was a special delight for me and a couple of times she let me fuck her after I had fucked one of the other girls. That had to be arranged secretly as she wasn’t supposed to do it for free. She told me a couple of the girls had special men, that had special privileges. I was hers.

One night I went, and I had booked Jan. When I arrived, she was with another man, the receptionist told me. I waited in the lounge. When Jan saw me, she hadn’t realised it was me who had booked her, the receptionist just told her she had a 10 pm client. That was me.

She told the receptionist I would be her last client. I was surprised, as was the receptionist.

I went with Jan and we had a great time. By now we were good friends and I was well known by all the girls after six months, particularly my cock. They all wanted me to go with them.

The night was cold and wet so there were very few customers. I was with Jan for nearly two hours and Jan always really enjoyed me fucking her and she was very friendly. After we had fucked, I was showering she got into the shower with me and asked what I was doing afterwards.

I told her I would be going home. She asked if I would like to go and have a drink with her and I said that would be nice.

We went to a club where she was known, and we had a good time and danced together. She arranged a table in a quiet corner where we could talk. By the time we left, it was 4 am. She and I were good friends, much better than just a fuck buddy. During the time we were there Jan told me she really liked me and in future, I could meet her and go somewhere together.

It turned out that somewhere was her apartment she shared with another girl Sally who also worked at “Hard Times”. I had fucked her once.

Both were university students and working at “Hard Times” to pay their fees. A few of the other girls living in the apartments did the same it seemed.

Jan, Sally and I became good friends. I accepted what they did, and Sally liked me almost as much as Jan did. I fucked her a few times in the apartment if Jan was working. Jan, it seems, didn’t mind.

My attendances at “Hard Times” dropped off a bit as I was fucking Jan in her apartment. During the time I had been going there I had got to fuck quite a few of the other girls, mostly girls Jan had arranged for me to fuck. Some were women and much older than me and they were nice. They got to hear about my cock, and they said it was interesting when I fucked them.

Jan and I began to go out together as friends, but we didn’t fuck every time. We went on nights she didn’t work and often at weekends. We didn’t talk much about what she did as she didn’t like doing what she did, she said she only did it to pay for her a University course.

After almost a year of working at “Hard Times,” Jan cut back her time back to be with me and finish her studies. We fucked only when she wanted to, which was enough for me. She liked it with me, and it was a lot different to fucking her at “Hard Times”. I was more than happy and didn’t miss fucking the other women. At the end of her course, Jan stopped working as a prostitute.

Rose had a big party for Jan, and I gave a few of the older women a 'quickie' for the last time. It was an interesting night. I didn’t get to fuck Rose again. Jan didn’t fuck any of the men as she had already been fucked by all the regular ones, and they knew we were partners now.

Jan had saved a significant amount of money. Rose said she would always give her work if she wanted to.

Jan graduated from University and decided she would not miss being a prostitute while she had me and my cock to keep her happy. Jan said being a working girl was something she enjoyed in a way and she would miss some of the girls she had met and even one or two of the men. Both of us had met some nice girls there and I had fucked most of them. They all loved my big cock.

I moved in with Jan and even though she was a few years older than me, we found we could live together comfortably. I had obtained a well-paid job and my cock was now only appreciated by Jan.

I was offered a promotion in the company but had to move interstate. Jan came with me as her degree now ensured, there was always work available with her qualifications. She would never need to work as a prostitute again.

It may have taken a while for me to lose my virginity, but it was worth the wait. The ‘Donk’ had finally found a more than willing and desirable playground.

Jan still has the King of Cocks to keep her happy.

Written by Meggsy
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