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Summer Adventure 2

"A young girl looks for a new lover."

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Author's Notes

"All characters are sixteen years of age or older."

Kate was now hooked on sex. She loved having Jacob’s hard cock pumping into her. Unfortunately, it had been two weeks since that event. While she and her best friend, Sarah, had enjoyed a couple of orgasm-filled nights licking each other, Kate was missing getting fucked.

She found her eyes drifting down to the crotch of every male she encountered. She saw phallic images in the most mundane of objects. Everywhere she looked, she was reminded of what she was missing.

Most frustrating and confusing were the males in her family. While she had inherited her mother’s genes, small even for a native American female, her older brother got their dad’s. Tall, blonde, and strong, from Dad’s Norwegian ancestry. Both father and son had impressive and tantalizing bulges between their legs. With Dad’s larger-than-average body, it was no wonder Mom was always happy.

Fortunately for her sanity, her dad worked daily, and her brother, Ben, spent all his home time in his basement bedroom or working out on the equipment in the adjacent family room. Ben was two years older, and they had no friends or interests in common. While they were cordial, they were not close. Kate only had to bear these masculine distractions at the family table.

She had never fantasized about her father or brother before losing her virginity. She had never fantasized about any cock. Was she losing her mind? Was she considering incest? Kate decided it would be best if she found a boyfriend quickly.


Kate was in the basement laundry room, loading the washer. She could hear Ben in the distance, working out. All she had on was an oversized T-shirt and panties. She had stolen the shirt from her dad, which meant it was long enough to cover her butt. She decided to wash her current undies, so she whipped them off and tossed them in the machine.

“Wow . . .” Ben exclaimed.

Startled, Kate jumped. She turned to see her brother looking into the laundry room. He was sweaty, with a towel over his shoulders and wearing only soaked gym shorts.

“Are you now naked under that shirt?” He gazed in wonder.

Kate got the impression that Ben was mesmerized by that possibility. She coolly started the wash and turned to face Ben. She placed her fingertips on her thigh below the T-shirt's hem. She slowly pulled her shirt hem up, exposing more thigh and hip.

“I guess I am,” she acknowledged in a sultry voice.

Her hand was now even with her navel. This exposed all of one hip with just a hint of the side of her pussy. Ben’s jaw dropped, and his eyes widened. He was frozen in place, speechless. His sudden erection tented his shorts. Kate was thrilled with her ability to invoke such a reaction in a male.

She pulled the T-shirt neck to one side, allowing it to fall off her shoulder, exposing her chest and the top of her areola. She stepped toward Ben.

“Would you like to see more?” she purred.

“I . . . ah . . .” Ben stammered.

“Your hard-on is saying ‘Yes’,” Kate proclaimed.

Ben glanced down at his shorts and back up at her. Shock and betrayal were written on his face. Kate was close enough now to grasp Ben’s shorts and the impressive girth underneath in her tiny hand. She went way up on her tippy toes and whispered into his ear.

“You should go shower.”

She squeezed his dick and stepped around him.

Leaving that cock behind after feeling its size and hardness was a real effort for the horny teen. She needed to get out of the house and find someone to fuck her. As she climbed the stairs to her room, she decided the skateboard park would have a selection of boys for her needs. She plotted what she would wear to lure a potential mate.


Kate lived in a moderate-sized city.  It only had one skateboard park. It covered several acres to accommodate all of the city's users and contained sections with handrails, stairs, pyramids, banked ramps, pikes, and pools. There were bleachers beside each section and concession stands that opened for events.

She entered the park through the main gates wearing a pleated red leather microskirt just long enough to cover her butt. Her top was black, sleeveless, and cropped. Best of all, the top was translucent and clearly showed the tiny red bikini that covered her nipples. She wore combat boots and black fingerless lace gloves. She accessorized wearing a black choker with a silver skull in the front and matching skull earrings.

There were plenty of skaters using the park. She spotted a group from her school on the far side, working on gliding atop the handrails in that section. Kate recognized Noah from last semester’s math class. He was larger than any other boy in their grade, so he was hard to miss.

She took the pedestrian path between sections headed for that group. As she walked across the park, there was an occasional failed trick from a distracted skater whose eyes were on her. She liked how the way she looked affected the boys. Her walk became a sashay as her hips swayed a bit more. She was beginning to understand some of Sarah’s behavior.

There were other girls in the park. A few were skaters. Most, like her, were looking to hook up or were girlfriends coming to watch. They tended to camp on the lowest row of the bleachers in front of the practicing boys.

These girl's eyes were full of hate as Kate came near. She ignored them and gave little waves and winks at the boys she passed. If the other girls were beasts, they would be growling at Kate’s behavior. Lucky for Kate, the boys she had her eyes on were well removed from female spectators.

As she reached her targets, she called out.

“Hey Noah, remember me from Mrs. Noether’s class?”

Noah had always been quiet. Now, he seemed to be struggling to form a response. The others had stopped skating and gathered around. A boy with creamy chocolate skin and a cocky grin tapped Noah on the chest and told him,

“I got this.”

He stepped forward and declared, “Isaiah.” He cocked his head to the side and asked, “And you are?”

Kate held out her hand for a shake and answered, “Kate.”

Isaiah took her hand and used it to draw her to him. Isaiah’s eyes drank Kate in.

“I could finish you in two bites!”

“I don’t need to be eaten. My girlfriend takes care of that. I need to be fucked. Have you got this, Isaiah?”

Kate’s eyes deliberately lowered to stare at Isaiah’s crotch.

“. . . Yes . . .” Isaiah’s voice broke as he attempted to recover his game.

“So let’s move. Take me someplace private.” Kate demanded.

Isaiah’s face scrunched as he considered where he could take Kate. One of the other boys tentatively volunteered.

“My parents are gone. You can use my house.”

“Thanks, Liam. Problem solved. Lead the way,” Isaiah declared.

Liam scooped up his skateboard and hopped on his electric scooter. He offered Kate a ride. Since he was small, like her, they both fit. Isaiah jumped on his board to follow. They left the park through a back gate. Kate noticed that both Isaiah and Noah flanked their scooter.

“Why’s Noah coming along?” Kate asked.

“He lives next door. We go everywhere together. He’s not comfortable in crowds without me, and I don’t get picked on with him at my side. Trust me. You won’t even know he’s near,” Liam explained.

As significant as the skateboard center was, it was just a section of the recreational lands that comprised “The Park.” The houses facing this green belt were some of the oldest and finest in the city. Liam turned into this neighborhood of large homes on even larger lots representing every possible architectural style, all beautifully landscaped. These contrasted with Kate’s modest house set in a recent track of almost identical designs with mostly small lawns.

Three blocks in, Liam pulled into a sprawling tutor with four garage doors along one side. He punched a complex code into a keypad to open a door and ushered everyone into the garage. There was another keypad on the door to the kitchen. Leaving the boards in the garage, the kids crossed the acres of granite counters and stainless appliances and into the entrance foyer.

Liam led them past the grand staircase and into a hall on the far side of the foyer. His room was the first door in this hall. It was a large room with a king-sized bed and an en-suite bathroom.

Isaiah ran and flopped onto the bed, landing on his back.

“Ah . . . This will do,” He declared as he laced his hands behind his head.

Kate walked up to the bed and lifted her skirt to expose her moist cunt.

“If you want to push your dick into my ‘only been fucked once’ pussy, I suggest you get naked,” Kate declared.

Isaiah began pulling off garments in haste, awkwardly rolling around to get it done.

Still holding her skirt up, Kate faced the two other boys.

“If you're going to stay and watch, you’ll have to be naked too!”

That said, she unhooked her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She then pulled her blouse off over her head and let loose the straps on her bikini top. These joined the skirt on the floor. She left on her boots and gloves. She could hear the boys undressing as she turned to face the bed.

Isaiah was now naked. His beautifully hard cock waiting. Kate crawled forward and pinned Isaiah to the bed with one hand while she held his cock erect with the other. She sat forcibly down, burying that cock deep, and howled. Without hesitation, she posted hard up and down. Tempo unchanged, Kate leaned forward, putting more stimulation on her clit. This move also brought her mouth into contact with Isaiah’s. The pleasure she was receiving made it impossible to kiss him properly, so Kate settled for probing with her tongue.

Isaiah’s cock filling her up each time Kate thrust down felt so good. It felt exactly like her first fuck, precisely what she was missing. In short order, Kate peaked in orgasm. Isaiah was overwhelmed by Kate’s aggressiveness and by her tight pussy. Kate’s orgasm-driven quivering triggered Isaiah’s own. Jerking up, he spurted jets of semen into her. Kate collapsed onto Isaiah’s heaving chest. They panted together, recovering from the ecstasy.

“I hope you’re not done. I need more fucking!” Kate complained.

Without a word, Isaiah rolled them over and proceeded to pound his cock into the delighted Kate. She wrapped her legs around Isaiah and used her boots to ‘spur’ him on. She thrust her hips up in rhythm with his pounding to ensure significant pressure where their bodies collided. Kate used both arms to pull Isaiah’s head down tight. They were ear-to-ear, listening to each other groan and grunt.

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Isaiah drove Kate to orgasm, waited out her spasms, then resumed pounding. He brought her to a second peak, paused, and continued. He came with her on her third orgasm. Completely spent, Isaiah rolled free to catch his breath. Kate quivered and leaked fluids onto Liam’s comforter, fully sated for now.

Isaiah gave Kate a perfunctory cheek peck while gathering his clothes.

“Got to dash! Call when you need more fucking,” Isaiah stated in a rush.

He climbed off the bed and bolted for the door, clutching his bundle of clothes. Kate’s sexual urges were satisfied, so Isaiah’s attitude didn’t faze her. He was too full of himself for Kate to consider him as anything but a good fuck. Isaiah was not a candidate to be her boyfriend.

No longer distracted, Kate looked over the two boys standing naked beside the bed. One her size and one twice as tall. They both had straining hard-ons. Their cocks were proportional to their body size. Liam’s was smaller than an average cock. Noah’s was larger than average. While the girth was proportionate to his large body, the length of his cock exceeded the norm. ‘Pencil dick’ popped into Kate’s head. Except that a pencil this size would be a carnival novelty item.

Kate climbed off the bed and walked up to Liam.

“I’d like to thank you for allowing me to use your bedroom.”

She leaned in and kissed him. Liam stood stiffly, and his return kiss was clumsy.

“You’ve never been with a girl! Stay put. I’ll get cleaned up and give you a tour.”

One of the shower heads in Liam’s bathroom was a handheld. Kate used it to thoroughly rinse her vagina and wash the sweat off her skin. Toweled dry, she returned to Liam’s side. She had him sit beside her on the bed. She placed his hands on her nipples.

“I’m sorry I don’t have breasts for you to experience. Play gently with my nipples while I show you how I like to be kissed.”

She softly kissed him on the lips.

“Do what I do,” she suggested.

Another soft kiss, followed by her tongue parting his lips and exploring inside his mouth. Liam was learning and added his tongue, twisting it around hers. Kate then moved her mouth to his neck and nibbled up to his ear. Liam followed her lead. His efforts had Kate shivering.

“Now kiss down to my nipples and suck on them.”

When Liam reached her nipple and drew it into his mouth, Kate moaned loud and long. She glanced over at Noah and saw him studying their every move. The tip of his cock glistened with pre-cum. There was so much that it rolled down his cock head and dripped off. Being watched so intently by one boy while engaged in sex with another sparked a new thrill in Kate. Her desires were re-awakening.

Liam moved to Kate’s other nipple without her prompting. Between his fingers and his tongue, her nipples were sending pulses of pleasure straight to her clit.

“You are doing so well! Would you like to check out my pussy?”

Liam nodded his head without leaving her nipple. Kate laid back and spread her knees.

“Kiss down to there. Explore as much as you want on the way. Learn all you can about a girl’s body.”

Liam did just that. His lips found places that made Kate giggle and others that raised goosebumps. He learned to pay attention to her reactions and focus on the ones that made her moan. She was happy to provide the feedback that encouraged him to please her. When he finally reached her pussy she was ready for an orgasm.

“Use your fingers to open and explore gently. Use your mouth and tongue to pleasure me. This nob is my clit. It can be overstimulated, so pay attention when playing with it.”

Liam spent some time getting a good look and feel. When he got around to using his mouth, he turned out to have a natural talent for eating pussy. His tongue on her clit drove her to the peak she craved. She grabbed the back of his head in both hands while her body shook violently.

The sight of Liam bringing Kate to orgasm was too much for Noah. He echoed her grunts of pleasure. Kate glanced in his direction to see him red-faced with embarrassment and his cock spurting jet after jet of cum onto the bed.

“I didn’t mean to ignore you, Noah. Let me finish with Liam, and then I’ll give you a chance.”

Kate pulled Liam further up onto the bed and kissed him. His response this time was excellent. She copied his earlier path from mouth to nipple and on down to his cock. She took just as long exploring and testing. By the time she wrapped her warm mouth around the head of his leaking cock, Liam was so turned on that he came immediately.

This was Kate’s first taste of semen. She didn’t find it pleasant. She let it pour out of her mouth and returned to sucking the head of Liam’s cock. Liam jerked his over-sensitive cock away. They cuddled to enjoy the moment.

“Can you be patient while I attend to Noah?” she asked.

“I’m not going anywhere. This is my bedroom after all!” was his reply.

They all got a good laugh out of that. Kate crawled over to where Noah was still standing beside the bed. His hard-on undiminished by his earlier orgasm. She climbed off the bed and stood looking up into his kind face.

“What would you like to do?” Kate asked.

“I’d like to try kissing you.”

“OK. Sit on the bed. We should be about the same height then.”

Kate stepped between Noah’s knees, allowing his cock to rub into her belly. His cock was so long that its head was even with her nipples. She put her arms around him and drew his head in. Noah had been paying attention. Their kiss was extraordinary.

“Use your hands to caress my back and butt while we kiss,” Kate instructed.

Their next kiss was long and lingering. Both sets of hands were caressing. Kate leaned hard into Noah’s chest. They ended up toppling over onto the bed, where they wrapped tightly around each other and continued the passionate kissing. Kate ground her cunt into Noah’s hip. Noah humped his cock against Kate's front. They broke the kiss, panting hard.

“Wow!” Kate exclaimed.

She pulled Noah’s head back in for more. Their passion rose with each new kiss. Their dry humping increased. Noah peaked and showered Kate’s chest in spunk. Kate orgasmed, soaking Noah’s side. They continued to kiss while recovering. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

“Please fuck me!” Kate insisted.

Noah was eager but inexperienced. Kate positioned him between her legs and used both her hands to guide his cockhead to her opening.

Due to his youth, Noah was still hard enough to enter her, even after two orgasms. Being on top of a naked girl and pushing his cock into her tight warm vagina was the most incredible pleasure Noah had ever experienced. He wanted to savor the sensation. Eyes closed, he pushed in slowly with little pumps, going deeper with each.

Kate felt herself filling to the maximum. Of the three cocks she had experienced so far, Noah’s fit the best. She just needed to get him moving at the rhythm that caused her the utmost stimulation. She grabbed his butt cheeks in her hands and pulled down while thrusting her hips up.

“Faster!” She commanded.

There were a few false starts before they got their thrusting synchronized at the tempo Kate desired. Once there, the pleasure for both was overwhelming. They were moaning loudly. Their bodies were tensing, muscles straining, rushing toward a climax.

Kate came hard. Tremors shook every limb. She screamed in ecstasy. Noah howled. His hips jerked inward forcefully with each orgasmic spurt. Their mouths locked in a fierce kiss while their bodies spasmed.

The kiss gentled. They clung together, each diminishing spasm triggering a reaction in the other. Now, wonder and awe crept in as their brains began functioning again.

“That was so hot!” Liam exclaimed.

Kate looked over to see Liam’s hands covered in fresh sperm.

“It was hot!” Kate agreed.

Liam was licking the cum from his hands. He froze with embarrassment when he noticed the other two watching him, fascinated.

“What?” he inquired.

Noah just shrugged. Kate had a puzzled look.

“Please don’t tell. I love the taste of my semen,” he admitted.

“Would you consider cleaning me up?” Kate wondered.

“I can give it a try,” was his tentative reply.

Noah pulled his cock out of Kate and rolled off. Unplugged, Kate’s pussy was leaking copious amounts of Noah’s semen. Liam lay between her thighs and gave a test lick. He then went to work slurping and licking up all the fluids like a starved piglet.

Kate turned her head toward Noah to get more kisses. As the fluids diminished under Liam’s thorough cleaning, he became more attentive to pleasuring Kate. He then noticed Noah’s hard-on gleaming with fluids.

“Could I . . . clean you too?” Liam hesitantly asked.

“Sure,” was Noah’s nonchalant answer.

Liam leaned in to lick along Noah’s rod. Both found they enjoyed his cleaning. Noah’s cock was soon glistening from Liam’s saliva.

Kate flipped around to position her vagina near Noah’s head. She arranged Liam so his straining cock was near her head. This changed the angle of Liam’s head, allowing him to take Noah’s cockhead into his mouth. Noah took the opportunity to explore and pleasure Kate’s pussy. Kate sucked Liam’s cock entirely into her mouth. They formed a neat triangle, each with their head in the crotch of another.

Liam was surprised at how much he enjoyed the reactions of Noah to his cock sucking. The thought of servicing this massive male member to the point of it shooting fresh semen into his mouth was exciting Liam.

This was Noah’s first blowjob. He couldn’t believe how much pleasure his cock was receiving. Having his face buried in pussy for the first time multiplied his arousal. He came hard into Liam’s mouth.

Noah’s cock jerking and filling Liam’s mouth with cum, along with his cock fully encased in a warm, sucking mouth, triggered his orgasm. Kate felt his cock surge and managed to avoid a mouthful of cum. It ended up splashing all over her chest. Kate had an afternoon full of pleasure, so she didn’t feel left out of this round of climaxes.

She snuggled into a spoon with Noah, feeling his hard-on against her back. She pulled Liam into her front to form a three-way spoon. The boys were shedding the last of their orgasm-induced sensitivity. Kate squirmed against Noah’s erection.

“Don’t you ever get soft?”

“Of course,” he replied matter-of-factly. “It won’t happen while I have a beautiful naked girl in my arms,” he amended.

“Lucky me. That was the best fuck I’ve had so far! Would you be willing to do me regularly?”

“Yes. My mom and little sister are always home, so I can’t take you there.”

“My parents are always working. You are welcome here. It means I’ll be here with you.” Liam offered.

“That’s no problem with me. I enjoyed today,” Kate commented.

“Sure,” Noah stated.

With that settled, they drifted to sleep in each other’s arms.

Written by LordCephius
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