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My Mate Fancies You

"A young man takes a fancy to a much older woman and it leads to him losing his virginity"

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"My mate fancies you," said the young man standing at the bar to the buxom, mature barmaid.

"Does he now? So why doesn't he tell me himself?" replied the barmaid, looking beyond the young man to the stunningly good-looking youth seated at the back of the pub. He had already been to the bar to get the first drinks but she did not take too much notice of him that time.

"Coz he is a bit shy; he has got a big cock though," said the smiling and also good-looking young man at the bar.

"That is nice to know but how do you know he has a big cock?" replied the barmaid, becoming more interested in the conversation.

"Coz him and me share a flat and we often see each other naked," responded the youth.

"Oh, that sort of mate," teased the barmaid.

"Fuck off! No, we are both straight," replied the youth, indignantly.

"I was teasing you, silly; two more pints?" said the barmaid, indicating the empty glasses that the youth had brought to the bar.

"Yes please," answered the youth, looking at the barmaid's substantial cleavage, he quite fancied her too.

The barmaid pulled off the pints, the youth paid for them and then returned to his mate. The barmaid looked at the seated young man who gave her a sort of forced smile before looking away. 'Not bad at all and with a big cock,' the barmaid thought to herself and gave a little chuckle.

The barmaid was fifty-eight-year-old Gwen Fulcher. She was married but her husband was a long-distance lorry driver and often away for one or more nights at a time. Gwen was not always alone in bed those nights though.

The youth that had come to the bar was eighteen-year-old Lewis Green and the youth that particularly fancied Gwen was Ade Livingstone also eighteen, but only just.

A little later, Gwen thought that she would collect some glasses but also maybe have a bit of fun. She collected some empties from a table near where the youths were seated and deliberately thrust her large arse in a tight black skirt in the direction of the two young men.

Both eighteen-year-olds had their eyes on the woman's backside and both young men felt a hardening of their cocks.

Gwen then collected glasses from another table but this time she was leaning forwards facing the youths and gave them a good look at her cleavage and a substantial amount of her large tits. She then looked up and smiled at the young men, the one that apparently fancied her was open-mouthed.

Later still, with their pints consumed, Ade made his way to the bar to get some more. He felt strangely nervous.

"Two more pints, love?" said Gwen, smiling very sexily.

"Um, yeah, yes please," mumbled the young man. It seemed that his friend had been right about him being a bit shy so Gwen assumed that he was also right about him having a big cock.

"Your mate told me that you fancy me," said Gwen, her eyes on the young man as her hand almost wanked the pump as she pulled off a pint.

"Oh, um, did he?" said the embarrassed young man.

"Yes, he did; was he telling me the truth?" said Gwen, her hand still seemingly masturbating the pump.

"No, I mean yes, um..., he, um, yes, sorry," said the flustered young man.

"Don't be sorry, baby; it makes a woman of my age feel good knowing that a hunk like you fancies her; rather turns me on, actually," smiled Gwen, who had now stopped wanking the pump.

"Um, thanks," said the young man, paying for the beer and looking to move away.

"My name is Gwen, what is yours?" said Gwen, her sexy eyes on the youth who looked like a rabbit in the headlights.

"Ade, my name is Ade," replied the youth, before leaving the bar.

"Nice to meet you, Ade, see you again sometime," said Gwen to the departing youth.

"I think you have pulled there, mate," said Lewis, as his friend returned with the drinks.

Unlike Lewis, Ade was a virgin and the thought of getting with the sexy mature barmaid was both daunting and exciting to him.

Lewis had told Gwen the truth because when Ade had returned after buying the first pint he had said, "I could give that barmaid a good fucking," but Ade had said it as bravado. Lewis was not sure if his mate had fucked a woman or not but he did not think that he had in the two months that the pair had been flat sharing. Lewis had shagged four different females in that time, one of them twice.

They did watch porn together sometimes, along with the lewd comments, but any wanking was done in private.

In due course, Lewis bought a fourth pint and it was now getting towards closing time.

Gwen's and Ade's eyes met sometimes and smiles were exchanged and Ade managed to hold the contact a bit longer before looking away.

Gwen was then collecting glasses and the pub landlord had called last orders. Gwen's big arse was only inches away from Ade when she was cleaning the table next to where the young men were, Ade could have just touched the woman's backside, something that she was wishing he would do. She wanted him between her legs at some point, not tonight though because her husband was home.

Gwen's husband Frank did not think that she was celibate in his absence but that would not stop him tanning her big arse if he ever had proof, he frequently fucked when he was away overnight.

With Lewis and Ade now just about finished their pints, Gwen turned her attention to them and their table. "You having any more or are you done for the night?" smiled Gwen, giving Ade, in particular, a great view down the front of her blouse.

"We are done, thanks," replied Lewis, Ade was speechless.

"Okay, see you again, I hope," said Gwen, taking the two now empty pint glasses, her fingers touching Ade's in the process.

"Yes, very likely," replied Lewis, Ade could still not talk.

Both young men watched Gwen's swaying behind as she went back to the bar.

"Good night, boys, sleep well," smiled Gwen minutes later when the two youths left the pub.

"Good night," they both said, Ade now having found his voice.

"Fuck, she was really coming on to you, mate," said Lewis, once they were outside.

"Do you think so?" replied Ade, still both excited and daunted by the thought.

"Yeah, I think she is gagging for it; why don't you go back in and see if she wants a fuck tonight?" said Lewis, as they stood yards from the pub.

"No, no, maybe another night," said Ade, now chickening out a bit.

"You might not get another chance," said Lewis, almost pushing Ade back into the pub.

Ade thought that if he did not go back in he would look like a pussy to his mate but he had no idea what he would say when he got back in, but back in he went.

Gwen was cleaning a table right next to the door. "Oh, when I said see you again I did not think it would be this quick," grinned Gwen, feeling sexually aroused.

"Yeah, um, I wondered if, um...," said Ade, as he stumbled over his words.

"Wondered what, honey?" said Gwen wanting to devour this sexy hunk's mouth and have his cock in her.

"Wondered if you fancied a fuck," blurted Ade, who then had to stop himself from running out of the pub.

"Ha, well that was straight to the point; actually I very much do but I can't tonight because my husband is home; another night though, baby, you and me will fuck," said Gwen, damp between her legs at the prospect.

"We will?" said an elated Ade.

"Yes, honey, give me your phone number; when my husband is next away, we will get it on," said Gwen.

Ade gave Gwen his number and they looked into each other's eyes, they wanted to snog but couldn't.

Ade again left the pub, with a massive grin on his face and his cock hard in his jeans.

"Well, what did she say?" asked Lewis.

"She said yes; she can't tonight but we will another night," said a bubbling Ade, who then started to worry about his lack of experience with women.

"Fuck! See, I told you that you had pulled," said Lewis, genuinely pleased for his friend even if a bit jealous.

Over the next day and a bit, Ade fretted about his lack of sexual experience, he had only actually seen a naked female on film or in magazines and alternated between longing for Gwen to phone him and hoping that she never did.

About forty hours after he had left the pub, his phone rang with an unknown number.

"Hello," said Ade, both hoping that it was Gwen and that it wasn't.

"Hello Ade, it is Gwen, your favourite barmaid," said the sexy voice on the other end.

"Oh, hi Gwen," said Ade, his voice betraying his nervousness.

"You don't sound very pleased to hear from me; don't you want to fuck me?" said a disappointed-sounding Gwen.

"No, I mean yes; yes, I do want to but I, um, you should know that..., um, I...," said Ade, trying to think of how to tell this woman that he was a virgin.

"I should know what, baby? Tell me," said Gwen, thinking that maybe she was not going to get the fucking that she desired.

"I have not done it before," blurted Ade.

"That is okay, sweetheart, we all have to do it for the first time once in our lives," assured Gwen, rather liking the idea of taking a hunk's virginity.

"Yes, but you might be disappointed in me," said a concerned Ade.

"I am sure that I won't be; we can have fun together; my husband is away for the next two nights," said Gwen.

"You mean we can do it tonight?" said a much more relaxed Ade.

"Yes; I have to work but you can meet me in the pub, or outside at closing time if you prefer; better tell your mate that you will be very late back to your flat unless you stay with me all night," said Gwen.

"Fuck! Um, yes, I will tell him; I will see you outside the pub, okay?" responded a thrilled Ade.

"Okay baby, see you later; I will give you a night to remember," said Gwen.

The conversation ended and they both took a little time to gather their thoughts. Gwen wanted to make the young man's special night to be extra special, Ade was excited that he was no longer going to be a virgin but worried in case he could not give the obviously very experienced woman sexual satisfaction.

"The barmaid phoned me, I am meeting her tonight; I might be out all night," Ade said to Lewis at the first opportunity.

"Fuck! Well good for you; give her a good seeing to," replied Lewis, who then started to think of which past or hopefully future conquest he could invite to the flat for a fuck. Lewis got in touch with the female, slightly older than him, that he had already fucked twice and she was delighted to accept the offer of a third session.

Lewis told Ade about his plans and that his fuck buddy would be arriving about nine so Ade decided that he had better be out of the way by then. He did not want to drink before meeting Gwen, although alcohol might steady his nerves a bit, but he got himself ready and was gone before nine.

It was a pleasant evening so he just wandered around, forever checking the time on his watch. It eventually got to eleven o'clock and he was outside the pub in which the woman to whom he was going to lose his virginity was working. He was very tempted to go inside, despite having said that he would wait outside.

Some people left the pub and Ade got a glimpse of Gwen through the opened door, she was wearing a gold blouse and a black skirt, possibly the same skirt as the earlier night. She looked stunning.

Gwen had been feeling strangely nervous about her upcoming sex, she did not usually feel nervous leading up to a first time with another partner but it had been many years since she had bedded a virgin and she wanted to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for Ade.

Ade remained outside as more and more customers left the pub until, at last, he heard Gwen shouting her goodbyes to the landlord and landlady. "Good night Bob, good night Cheryl, see you soon," said Gwen and Ade heard a male and a female voice shouting good night to Gwen, then she was there!

Gwen stood just outside the now-closed pub door as locks clicked behind her. "Hello Ade, you look so fucking hot," said Gwen, meaning it as her eyes took in the sexy hunk standing a few feet away from her.

"Hello Gwen, you look great too," replied Ade, shyly as his penis stiffened in his jeans.

Gwen held out her hand and took Ade's hand. "Come on, baby, my car is just over here; I do not live far away but don't want to be walking on my own late at night," said Gwen, leading Ade towards her car.

Their shoulders brushed together as they walked hand in hand, they both giggled like nervous teenagers which one of them was. They reached Gwen's car at the back of the pub car park. "Here we are baby," said Gwen, as she unlocked it.

Ade got into the passenger seat and the car doors had hardly closed when Gwen was on him, her lips on his devouring him. Ade responded as best he could and as Gwen's tongue entered his mouth, his entered hers; they eventually had to stop for breath.

"Mmmm, you are a great kisser Ade, either you have done that before or you learn fast," complimented Gwen.

"Um, well I have done it before but not much," answered Ade, his cock bulging in his jeans, as Gwen noticed.

"Fuck, you look huge," said Gwen, massaging Ade's bulge through his jeans, light coming from a nearby street light.

Ade did not say anything because he did not know what to say, he was concerned about cumming in his boxers if Gwen kept doing that though. To both Ade's relief and disappointment, she stopped massaging his cock. "Let's get to my house and my bedroom," said Gwen, starting her car.

As she had said, her home was not far away and they were soon out of her car and at her doorstep as Gwen unlocked her front door. Once inside the kissing started again and Ade thought that his hands had a life of their own as they drifted down Gwen's back and onto her big arse.

Their aroused bodies ground together. "Mmmm, this is going to be so fucking good; upstairs sexy hunk," breathed Gwen when this snog finished. Ade was going to be losing his virginity very soon as he followed Gwen's black-skirted arse up the stairs.

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"Let me see it," said Gwen, as they got to her bedroom and she undid Ade's jeans. Very soon his jeans and boxers were down and Gwen had his very impressive erection in her hand.

"Honey, I am going to wank you off because you will be able to go a lot longer when you get this beautiful weapon in my cunt if you have already cum," explained Gwen, Ade did not object as the mature woman's hand moved slowly up and down his penis.

Gwen wanted Ade to enjoy this wanking so she wanted to make it last without being cruel so she stood to his right side and they both watched her right hand sliding up and down his cock, she caressed his bare arse with her left hand, adding to his arousal.

Gwen felt Ade's body stiffen, so she knew that he was close and she was not going to edge him so she started wanking him hard and fast. "Oh, oh, fuck," gasped Ade as he started ejaculating and Gwen shrieked with laughter as she watched his spunk shooting out and splattering on the bedroom carpet.

"Shit, I will have to clean that carpet because my husband would belt my arse if he saw cum stains on it when he gets home," said Gwen, as Ade struggled to breathe normally having just been wanked to an amazing cum.

"That was amazing," Ade managed to say.

"Better than your right hand, I imagine," smiled Gwen.

"Yeah, much better," acknowledged Ade.

"Well, the fucking that we are going to do soon will be better still, I promise," said Gwen, before locking her lips on Ade's again, this time Ade's brain told his hands to grip her backside although they would probably have done it anyway.

"I think I had better get naked; do you want to do it or do you want to watch me do it?" smiled Gwen.

"Um, um, I will watch if you don't mind," replied Ade, fearing struggling to undo the woman's bra.

"Okay baby, but you get yourself naked too," said Gwen and Ade swiftly did so.

On Gwen's instruction, Ade sat on the bed as Gwen slowly undid her blouse, her eyes locked on his. Gwen removed her blouse and smirked as she reached behind herself and unclipped her bra before tossing it to one side, revealing her large tits.

"You like? Have you seen tits like these before?" asked Gwen, massaging her breasts.

"Yes, I like, and I have only seen tits in porn videos or magazines," answered Ade, honestly.

"Why don't you touch them, kiss them, lick them?" encouraged Gwen, spreading her arms wide.

Ade stood up and tentatively put a hand on each tit, his cock had started to harden after having its stiffness wanked out of it. Ade massaged Gwen's breasts for a little while and then kissed them and next he licked her nipples. "Mmmm, that feels so good," sighed a very turned-on Gwen.

Gwen let Ade play with her tits for a while, she was enjoying it, but she wanted to move things on. "You have seen the top bit, now it is time to see the lower bit; sit down, baby boy," said Gwen, sweetly.

Ade sat back on the bed, he was now semi-erect, and Gwen turned her back on him and smiled over her right shoulder as she unzipped her skirt and started slowly lowering it. She gradually revealed her large backside clothed in black knickers and she bent over as she kept hold of her skirt until it reached her feet.

She remained bent over, her large bottom pointing at Ade who was squirming a bit on the bed as his excitement mounted. Gwen then stood and smirked over her shoulder as her hands went to the top of her knickers and she started lowering them, slowly exposing more and more of her arse crack and buttocks until her knickers were at the back of her thighs and her arse bare.

Ade's penis was now almost fully hard as he looked at the mature backside. "Touch it, kiss it," invited Gwen and Ade dropped to his knees behind her and ran his hands over her buttocks before kissing them. Gwen bent over, thrusting her arse into Ade's face as she took her knickers the remaining way down and off.

"Now see the front," said Gwen, turning to put her hairy and wet cunt on show. Ade was looking at his first ever real-life naked cunt and he loved it. His fingers went towards it without being invited and he brushed Gwen's cunt lips and she opened her legs wider.

Gwen let him stroke her lips and he tentatively put two fingers inside and moved them about, Gwen moved in response trying to fuck herself on the invading digits. "Oh baby, I am so ready to fuck; are you?" said Gwen.

"Yes, yes, I think so," replied Ade, his erection now standing proud.

"Let's do it," said Gwen, getting on the bed with legs spread, Ade's moment had arrived.

Ade got on the bed in between Gwen's legs and, once it was within reach, Gwen took his cock in her hand and guided it to her pussy entrance. "Ready, baby?" smiled Gwen, as she ran the head of Ade's penis against her vulva.

"Yes," answered Ade, his face inches from Gwen's smiling face.

"Here we go then," said Gwen, feeding Ade's cock into her cunt as she put pressure on his buttocks with her heels encouraging him to ease forwards, which he did.

The couple sighed simultaneously as Ade felt his penis enter a woman for the first time and Gwen felt a large, rigid young cock sliding into her soaking cunt.

Ade soon got into what came naturally as he thrust his hips, as he felt new and wonderful sensations in and around his penis. Gwen locked her legs behind him and panted encouragement, she was loving having this large hard cock in her. "Yes, yes baby, give this horny married slut a good fucking," breathed Gwen, which made Ade thrust harder and faster, he hoped that he was really pleasuring her rather than her just saying words.

He very soon seemed to get his answer to that thought. "Shit, fucking shit, I am fucking cumming," wailed Gwen, as the novice lover took her to a sensational orgasm.

Ade assumed that he must be doing it correctly so he kept doing the same but now harder and faster still, Gwen was getting her best fucking in ages, she almost screamed when she came again. Ade was feeling great about himself and about life as he realised that he was able to give an experienced mature woman such sexual pleasure.

Ade could feel that he was not far from ejaculation and briefly wondered if he had supposed to cum in Gwen's cunt, but the sudden eruption of spunk from his penis made the wondering pointless; it also made Gwen cum for the third time.

They both came hard and long and it took a while for their bodies to relax and for them to get their breath back. "Fuck, that was sensational; best fucking I have had in ages," said Gwen, when her body had stopped trembling.

"Really? Was it good for you? You are not just saying that?" responded a delighted and still high Ade.

"Yes, baby, you are a natural; I have sometimes faked orgasms in the past but those three were certainly for real; fucking amazing; how was it for you?" said Gwen, holding Ade's head in her hands and looking deep into his eyes.

"It was wonderful, Gwen; better than I could have hoped for; thank you so much," said an ecstatic Ade.

They kissed, long, deeply and lovingly. "Fancy another go when you have got over this one?" smiled Gwen.

"Yes sure; I want to fuck you forever," laughed Ade.

"Maybe not forever, my husband will be home in a couple of days and I don't think that he would be too pleased to find us fucking," chuckled Gwen.

"Well, as often as we can then," replied Ade, no longer shy and no longer a virgin.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," answered Gwen, unlocking her legs from behind Ade's back.

Ade rolled off her and they lay side by side looking at the ceiling, each with their nearest hand to their lover caressing their lover's stomach.

"I think that it would be best if you left before it gets light, don't want nosey neighbours telling my husband that they saw a sexy hunk leaving our house," said Gwen.

"Okay, but we will still have another fuck before I go, won't we?" asked Ade.

"Yeah, would you like to take me from behind?" asked Gwen.

"Yes, if that is what you would like," answered Ade.

"Yes, I fancy having my fat arse in the air as a well-endowed young man shafts me from behind," responded Gwen.

"How come you have not fucked a female before? You are an incredibly hot-looking young man, I would have thought that girls would be throwing themselves at you," asked a curious Gwen after a while.

"Guess it is because I am shy; sometimes girls did show an interest in me, but I would get embarrassed and tongue-tied and they would lose interest," answered Ade.

"You are not tongue-tied with me though; incidentally, I want that tongue between my legs some time licking my cunt," said Gwen.

"It is strange because I feel relaxed with you, although I was petrified in case I could not satisfy you," replied Ade, wondering what cunt tasted like.

"I do not know how many different males have fucked me over the years but honestly, you are right up there with the very best; fuck, you made me cum so hard," said Gwen.

"Oh Gwen, you saying that makes me so happy,... and proud," smiled Ade.

"Yeah, well, I mean it; you were amazing, especially as it was your first time," continued Gwen.

"Yeah, my first time; I am not a virgin anymore," chuckled Ade.

"No, you have gone straight from being a virgin to a Gwen-Fulcher-approved exceptional fuck," laughed Gwen.

"You said that your husband was away for two nights, can I see you again tomorrow night?" asked Ade.

"Yeah, I am not working tomorrow night so you can come around during the evening, better be after dark though," replied Gwen.

"Great; I will lick your cunt tomorrow night," smiled Ade.

"And I will suck your cock," responded Gwen.

Gwen rolled onto her front. "If you are going to fuck me from behind, you might as well have a good look at my big arse first," she said.

Ade gazed at the large rounded cheeks as his penis stiffened once again. "Touch it then; you said that you are not shy with me now," smiled Gwen.

Ade propped himself up on his left elbow and ran his right hand over Gwen's left arse cheek, he then shifted onto his knees and caressed Gwen's right cheek with his right hand and left buttock with his left one. "Mmmm, I like my arse being played with,...usually," said Gwen, happily.

The 'usually' was because it depended on who was playing with her arse, her husband no longer had any consideration for what Gwen liked and did not like and he was rarely gentle with her in any way.

Ade continued running his hands over Gwen's buttocks and sometimes kissed her cheeks as his cock got stiffer and Gwen got increasingly turned on. Ade then had a moment of inspiration and swung his right leg over Gwen's body and had his dangling almost fully erect penis brushing her buttocks, exciting both Ade and Gwen even more.

"Fuck, this is hot," said Gwen, squirming her arse a bit.

Ade's rod had now become rock hard as it rested on Gwen's cheeks, "Baby, I need a fucking, now," Gwen almost pleaded.

Ade had the sense to swing his right leg away from Gwen and she scrambled onto her knees, her arse in the air.

Ade got behind her and Gwen sensed that he might need some assistance on entry so she reached behind her with her right hand and grasped the young man's penis. She held it against her cunt lips and instructed, "Push," and Ade moved his hips forwards and his cock entered Gwen's vagina.

There was some slight adjusting of positioning and then Ade was almost fully inside so the from behind fucking could start. Ade put his hands on Gwen's hips and started rocking and then thrusting backwards and forwards.

"Yes, mmmm, harder, faster, yes, yes," grunted Gwen as Ade built up a rhythm.

Ade was now ramming her hard and fast and Gwen squealed as she started to cum. "Oh fuck, cumming, shit, shit, shit," she panted.

Ade was fucking hard and fast and he accentuated each thrust with a grunt. "Fucking hell, fuck this bitch, fuck this slut... oh fuck!" shouted Gwen as her young stud, who should be wearing 'L' plates, took her to a further climax.

Gwen was now gripping the bed headboard and had her mouth wide open and her eyes rolling as she achieved sexual pleasure that she had not had, seemingly, for years.

Gwen was laughing, screaming and groaning all at the same time as another orgasm hit her before Ade's cock spat semen deep inside her.

The young man that only a few hours earlier was a virgin now seemed to be an expert lover as Gwen's body shuddered through her most recent climax.

"Oh fuck, Ade, you have really given me a good seeing to," said Gwen, as she straightened her legs and Ade collapsed on her back, his cock still in her cunt.

As it had been decided that Ade had better leave before daylight, they had had their last sex of the night. Ade had a shower and got dressed with a return visit to be made the next evening.

Although Ade had Gwen's phone number from her call to his mobile, she told him that he must never ring it in case he called at an inopportune moment, such as Gwen's husband being home.

Ade Livingstone felt very pleased with life and with himself as he headed back to the flat that he shared with Lewis, he was not surprised to hear the sounds of fucking coming from Lewis's bedroom although Lewis had previously only performed when Ade had been out for a few hours, he had not still had a female in his bed this far into the night.

Gwen Fulcher felt drained after the amazing sex that she had had, she had found herself a sensational lover, even if he had no previous experience; as she had told him, he was a natural.

She would have to get the wanked spunk out of the bedroom carpet somehow though before her husband came home, but before then, she had the prospect of more sex with the young former virgin.

Written by PJH
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