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Losing My Virginity

"I hope you’ll all enjoy this story of how I finally popped my cherry"

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“You mean you actually let him fuck you? Properly? All the way? Put his dick right inside you?”

Janet nodded.

“Well, we were on the sofa, and I’d taken my shirt and bra off so he could play with my boobs,” she went on.

I nodded. This was what I did with my boyfriend too. Most of our friends agreed that taking your bra off and letting your guy play with your bare tits was okay. If I knew we wouldn’t be disturbed, I sometimes got down to my knickers and let him put his hand down the front of them and touch my pussy while he sucked on my nipples. Then I’d get his dick out and give him a hand-job, making him shoot his mess into a paper hanky, or sometimes onto my little tits if I was feeling particularly naughty.

I’d been the first of our crowd to let a boy ejaculate all over her boobies, soon after my seventeenth birthday, and Susie claimed to have given her boy-friend a proper blow-job, though she said she hadn’t let him shoot his load into her mouth. But I’d never gone any further – and now it looked as if Janet had beaten us all to the big one.

“He was really doing it nicely,” she went on, “sort of sucking on my nipples and licking at them. Like you did that time at the sleepover.”

I smiled at the memory. Janet had big dark nipples and they’d got very hard when I played with them. “So did you give him a few hints about what you liked best?”

“That’s right, and he actually listened for once. Anyway, for some reason I was getting really turned on, and I’d already started rubbing at his hard thingy through his trousers. Then when he started unzipping my skirt I let him carry on, instead of pulling his hand away like I usually do.”

“I bet that surprised him.”

“Maybe, but he really made the most of it. Once I’d pulled my skirt right off, he started stroking my thighs and trying to put his hand between them. Like I said, I was getting all turned on, so I sort of let my legs come apart.”

I giggled. “Oh, you slut,” I said, but I was getting a bit turned on myself. Sitting cross-legged on Janet’s bed while she continued with her confession, I pulled my own skirt up a bit and began to rub myself gently through my plain white knickers.

“So then he started pulling at my panties. They were one of my nice pairs, and I didn’t want them to get ripped, so I just raised my bum and let him pull them right down my legs.”

“Oh my God! So then you had nothing on at all?”

“Just my white ankle socks.”

“Wow, that’s awesome. What if someone had come in?”

“Well, I didn’t reckon my parents would be home for an hour or two. They always stay late in the pub on Thursdays after bell-ringing.”

“Go on them, what happened next?”

“Well, he was kissing me and his hand was right between my legs, and he got one of his fingers actually inside me. And Annie, being like naked with him, I was getting really turned on. He still had his jeans on, and then he started undoing them, and pulling them down, and I could see his thingy in his pants, and it was already up, even without me playing with it.”

I’d heard all about Janet’s boyfriend’s “thingy” before. She’d measured it once, after he’d boasted about how long it was, and it was seven inches long, which seemed to be a bit above average, as far as we could tell from comparing notes with all our other friends. According to her, his mess used to go really far when he came, and once she’d had to wipe it off the TV screen when she’d wanked him off while they were lying on the carpet, watching one of her dad’s porno DVDs.

But Janet was carrying on with her story.

“We were kissing and tonguing and I could tell he was getting excited. So I put my hand down his pants and squeezed his thingy, and pulled it out properly and began to wank him. But then he pulled my hand away and sort of straddled me, rubbing his thingy against my leg. Then it sort of brushed across my pussy, and I think I must have pushed against him, because it almost went in.”

“Oh Jan!” I said, still rubbing myself through my knickers.

Janet giggled. “Go on Annie, take them off,” she said. “You don’t want to spoil them.”

So I pulled my knickers off and sat cross-legged again so Janet could see my pink slit – it was really wet. I began to really work my clitoris, stroking through the fuzz of hairs on my plump mound and coaxing it out of its fold of skin. I knew where Janet’s story was going, but it was still so hot.

“I told him to be careful, and he whispered something like, ‘God Janet, I really love you and I really want to fuck you,’ and I was feeling so turned on I thought ‘Why not, it’s going to happen, so it might as well be now.’ So I whispered back ‘Ok, but have you got a dobbie?’ and of course he didn’t, the prat.”

“Oh my God, what did you do?” I had visions of them using cling-film from the kitchen, or a freezer bag with an elastic band round the end, or something mad like that.

“Thank God I know where my Dad keeps his, in the cupboard by the bed, so I ran upstairs in just my socks and got one out, hoping he wouldn’t miss it. Then I came back, and Tony was just sitting there on the sofa with his thingy in his hand, looking kind of nervous and excited at the same time, and for a moment I thought ‘Do I want to do this?’ then I thought ‘Of course I do, I really want him.’”

Janet was really enjoying telling me her story, and I was enjoying listening to it. I don’t think I’d ever been so wet.

“So I sat down on the sofa next to him, and I ripped open the packet and took the dobbie out and put it over his knob and rolled it down ‘til it was right on. It looked kind of cute with the little bubble on the end sticking up!

“Then he began to kiss me again and I lay down on my back on the sofa and let one of my legs dangle off so he could see my pussy hole, and then he kind of lay on top of me and I felt his thingy pushing between my legs and for a minute I thought he couldn’t find my hole properly. But then he used his hand to get it in the right place and I felt it pushing in. Then he pushed harder and, oh Annie, my hymen tore and I wasn’t a virgin anymore and he went right in and it hurt a bit and there was blood but it was amazing.”

While she was telling this part, she was getting rather excited, and I felt my own orgasm starting to well up. I’d worked up a good rhythm, so I got my finger rubbing faster and faster at my clit, and just as Janet got to the bit where Tony finally pushed into her and took her virginity, I came, shaking and gasping.

Janet smiled. “Have you finished now?” she asked.

“For the moment,” I said, sitting back and letting my breathing calm down a bit. “But that was really so hot. It does sound awesome. So did he last long?”

“He kind of got faster and faster after a few minutes, then he shook and gasped and stopped pushing and that was when he came I guess. It was actually nicest when he lay there next to me and I could tell his thingy was still inside me, but he’d stopped actually fucking. We kissed and cuddled and he went on about how much he loved me and how good I was.”

“So did it hurt much then?”

“It hurt like hell when my hymen broke. But once he was actually inside it didn’t, I could just feel him sort of moving in and out. If I’d thought about it I guess I should have played with my clit at the same time, then maybe I’d have come too, but it did feel good anyway.”

“Then what happened?”

“Well, eventually he pulled his thingy out, and it hadn’t even gone down much. I had a look and the little bubble at the end was all full of his mess, and round the knob as well. And of course there was some blood on it, which was a bit icky. Then I rolled it off and his thingy was all covered in it. It smelt a bit gross! But I just took it into the kitchen and wrapped it in a tissue and pushed it right down to the bottom of the non-recycling bin.”

“What about the sofa? Was there blood on that too?”

Janet looked a bit shameful.

“It was a bit of a mess,” she confessed. “There was a sort of pink, bubbly, sticky patch on the cushion. I should’ve put a towel or something down first. But I wiped most of it off, and then turned the cushion the other way up so the wet bit was underneath. I hope it doesn’t show now it’s dried.”

I giggled. “I’ll have to remember that,” I said.

“So how about it, Annie? Are you going to let Harry do you now?”

I blushed. I’d been thinking about losing my virginity for so long now, wondering when it was going to happen, and how long I should wait. It had always been fun just playing with Harry’s cock, and letting him play with me, without worrying about taking that last step. I wasn’t sure I wanted to marry him (I kind of assumed I’d want to try a few other guys as well before I thought about settling down), but he was cute and kind and funny, and hadn’t pushed me too hard to go all the way. But now that Janet had shown the way, and didn’t seem too damaged by it, there didn’t seem any good reason not to.

So I shrugged and smiled, and said I’d think about it.

“So are you going to let Tony do it again?” I asked.

“Sure, why not? I guess it won’t be so painful next time, and I’ll make sure I have some dobbies handy.”

“If he’s got any sense, he’ll have got a box already. He’s probably making plans to do it again right now.”

Another thought occurred to me. “Will he have told the other guys, d’you think?”

Janet raised her eyes to the ceiling. “I bet he was texting them all on the way home,” she said. “’Hey, guys, you’ll never guess, I just fucked Jan!!!’ or something like that.”

Not that we could exactly complain, sitting here talking about it, but guys are so immature about that sort of thing. At least Janet had waited to tell me in person, even if she had texted me that same evening after Tony had left, insisting I came round the next morning because she had something “REALLY IMPORTANT” to tell me.

So that’s the story of how Janet popped her cherry, or at least how she told it. But you probably want to hear about me next, so this is how it happened.

It was only the next weekend, and Janet texted me to say that she and Tony were going for an evening picnic up by the old Abbey ruins, and did Harry and me want to come too? It sounded cool, so I said yes for both of us, then told Harry. He was ok about it, especially when I said I’d bring the drinks.

We were a bit naughty really, because the Abbey was owned by the National Trust, so obviously you had to pay to get in, and anyway it closed at about six o’clock in the evening. But everyone at school knew that if you walked for a couple of hundred yards round the old park walls, away from the main entrance, there were a couple of places where the wall was a bit dilapidated and it was possible to scramble over and get in for nothing. Away from the Abbey ruins themselves, there were all sorts of little lawns and classical temples and gazebos and stuff (it had all been landscaped in the eighteenth century), which even during the day were really quiet and peaceful. In the evening, it was unbelievably romantic, especially on a warm summer evening when the sun was going down. I’d been there two or three times, and it was always fun. We had to be a bit careful, because we assumed there must be some sort of security patrol, but I’d not heard of anyone who’d been caught yet.

Anyway, the four of us met up outside school and trekked out there. It was a bit of a walk, but we didn’t mind, and by the time we got there the car park was empty and everything was properly shut up for the night. We cut across the park to avoid the shop and café, in case anyone was still there clearing up, and hit the old wall in just the right place. On the other side the area was heavily wooded, so once you were over it was easy to disappear safely into the trees without worrying about being seen. We took it in turns to scramble over the wall (I’m sure the guys were trying to look up my skirt), and pushed our way through the bushes until we met up with a little path that led down where we wanted to go.

Knowing that we were trespassing adding that little frisson of excitement, and there was quite a lot of shushing and muffled giggling every time someone stepping on a dry twig. Even though the sun had been shining brightly all afternoon it was still cool under the thick canopy of the trees, and my bare arms came up in little goose-bumps. Once Janet let out a little scream when a rabbit darted out of the undergrowth and flashed past us, which made me giggle even more.

After walked for fifteen minutes or so we could see the trees starting to thin out, and the path emerged right next to our favourite spot, on a manicured lawn in front of a rather cute fake-classical summer house. As soon as we got there, we picked a nice-looking spot on the grass and got out the food and drinks; Janet had bought some nice nibbley bits from M&S, and I’d got some bottles of wine that had been “Buy One Get One Free” in Morrison’s. The guys hadn’t thought to bring anything (of course), but they’d carried the bags, which was fine by us.

It was a warm evening, and I was wearing a little sun-dress that reached just above my knees, while Janet had a cute blouse and denim shorts; I thought we both looked pretty hot. To start with, we just relaxed on the grass and chatted about this and that, passing round the food and sipping at the wine – luckily I’d remembered to bring some plastic cups. After a while, while the boys were talking about football, Janet whispered in my ear that she’d got a packet of condoms in her bag, in case Tony got frisky.

“He wouldn’t with me and Harry here, though, would he?” I asked, a bit surprised at the idea.

“Well, if he suggests we take a stroll by ourselves into the woods, I’ll make sure I’ve got them with me,” she sniggered.

After a while, we drifted back to our boyfriends, and began a little cuddling. I was lying on my back with my head on Harry’s tummy while he stroked my arm and hair. This soon developed into kissing, and I felt his hand close over my breast and start to stroke my nipple through my dress and bra, in the usual way. It felt good, and I made appreciative little purring noises to let him know I didn’t mind.

My dress rose quite far up my thighs as I rolled over to kiss him a bit more, and I wondered if Janet and Tony could see my panties. Then I sensed that Harry’s mind wasn’t exactly on the job in hand, and I was about to say something, when he shushed me, and made me look behind me at our friends.

I could see what had distracted him.

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Janet had actually taken her blouse off and was kissing Tony in just her skimpy red bra; the one that made her well-rounded boobs bulge out like two bald men in a box. As we watched, Tony’s hand, which had been stroking one breast through the bra, took hold of the upper edge of the cup and pulled it down. Janet’s bare breast popped out, and Tony at once began to massage her dark areola and nipple.

“Ooh fuck,” breathed Harry.

Ooh fuck indeed. Obviously, I was pretty well acquainted with Janet’s not-so-little boobs (as was Tony, I assumed), but Harry probably hadn’t seen them before in all their naked glory. And he soon got a chance to see more than one, as she reached behind her back and unclipped the strap, pulling the bra right off, letting both of them bounce free. Harry gulped.

“Oi, I’ve got some too,” I said, jokingly.

Fortunately, he took the hint, and lost no time in beginning to unbutton the front of my sun-dress. I shimmied the straps off my shoulders, and the whole top half slid down to my waist, leaving me in just my bra as well. My boobs weren’t as big as Janet’s, but I was wearing one of my favourite little lacy bras that only just covered the nipples, and which I thought made me look dead sexy.

Harry liked the look of it too, and he put his hand on one gently bulging cup as he kissed me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Janet was sitting astride Tony’s lap as he played with both her tits, bending over and kissing them and sucking on her hard nipples. I could feel mine get hard too as Harry kneaded them in turn through my bra, and I was delighted when I felt his fingers slip inside one of my cups and pinch the firm little bud which he found inside. I made it clear by the way I pushed my tongue into his mouth and pressed my chest against him that I was enjoying this a lot.

Min d you, I began to wonder about what Janet had said earlier. She and Tony didn’t seem to showing any signs of disappearing into the woods any time soon. If she was going to let Tony fuck her again, surely they wouldn’t do it here, right in front of us? And how would Harry react if they did? I began to wish I’d brought a packet of condoms myself.

Suddenly I felt Harry’s hands behind my back, fiddling blindly with my bra strap. More by luck than judgement, he got it almost straight away, and I quickly shucked the garment off. I pushed Harry onto his back and straddled him, leaning over so my firm bare tits hung down over his face.

“You are a naughty boy,” I whispered, “Getting my titties out like this, where anyone can see.” I swung them from side to side, and he reached up and put his mouth on one of my pink nipples, sucking and nibbling at it.

While he was thus occupied, I reached down and began to undo his belt and open the front of his jeans. Once I’d got his flies undone, I could feel his dick inside his briefs, and I put my fingers inside and fumbled for it, warm and starting to get hard. I pulled it out and squeezed it, feeling it get even harder.

I looked across at Janet and Tony. There was quite a steep grassy slope down to the main lawn, and she was lying on her back on the slope, and (oh my goodness) she was down to just her panties. Even as I watched, he began to pull them down, and she raised her bum to let him. Now I could see the pale hairs on her blonde bush, and as I watched Tony, who was just in his boxer shorts, lay down between her legs, pushed them apart with his hands and put his head between her thighs. He was clearly licking at her pussy, much to her delight.

Harry was watching as well, but I didn’t want to just copy what our friends were doing. So I tugged his jeans and briefs off, bent down and put the tip of his dick in my mouth.

“Oh fuck, Annie,” he groaned.

I licked around his knob-head, kissing it and rubbing it over my lips. Then I pushed a bit more of it into my mouth and ran my tongue round the ridge of his helmet.

“Ah shite,” he gasped, “Don’t stop.”

I wasn’t exactly planning to. I let it slide a bit deeper into my mouth, although I could feel my gag reflex start to kick in as it got closer to the top of my throat. I knew this was something you could learn to get over, but I didn’t think I could manage that quite yet, not this evening anyway. I just slurped sucked more vigorously, letting his dick slip right out, then sucking it back in again, as if he was fucking my mouth. Saliva was dripping out of my mouth and running down his shaft.

My sun-dress was still bunched around my waist, and Harry slid his hands down my back and pushed it further down, so it slipped off the curve of my bum. Then he put both hands down inside my panties and began kneading my firm little bum cheeks. I could feel myself starting to get really wet.

Then I heard him gasp, “Oh Christ, Annie,” and I saw he was looking at Janet and Tony. Both of them were totally naked now, and Janet had got a condom in her hand and was placing it over the tip of Tony’s knob before rolling it down his erect shaft.

“What the fuck is she doing?” Harry whispered.

I let his cock slip out of his mouth, shiny and slippery with my saliva, and smiled.

“What do you think she’s doing?”

“It looks like they’re going to fuck, really fuck.”

“You don’t say,” I said. “Come on, let’s watch.”

As we both looked, Tony pulled Janet’s legs apart, so we could both see the pink line of her slit and the folds of her labia, puffy with arousal. Then he positioned himself between her legs, his dick sticking right out in front of him, and slowly slid it into her in one smooth movement. She let out a little squeal of delight as he started to thrust in and out of her, his nice firm bum wobbling slightly with each thrust.

Janet looked over and saw that we were watching. She gave us a naughty smile, then I saw her hand fumbling in the grass. She picked something up and, while Tony was still thrusting into her, chucked it over towards us. It landed almost on top of me, and my heart gave a little leap when I saw what it was – the box of condoms.

Harry looked at me. He was actually shaking a bit, and my head was spinning too. I hadn’t really planned it like this, but oh God, I couldn’t think of a better time, and a more perfect place.

“Will you, Annie, do you want to? I mean, I do, I really do, but…”

I smiled. “I do too, I’ve been thinking about it for ages. It’s been long enough. I don’t want to be a virgin any more, and I want you to be my first proper fuck.”

He leant over and kissed me. I put my arms round his head and held the kiss for as long as I could. I opened my mouth and mashed my lips against his, letting his tongue entwine with mine. My little pink nipples were hard and I knew that my juices would be welling up inside me, my body getting itself ready.

I knelt up so Harry could pull my panties down to my knees, then rolled over and took them right off while he removed the rest of his clothes. My thighs had goose-bumps, not from the cold but from excitement. This was it, I was going to do it at last. Harry’s dick was rock hard, so at least that wasn’t going to be a problem. What would it feel like? Would it hurt?

As far as length went, I assumed it would go in as far as it could, and then stop. But what about width? I’d not really thought much about it while I was jerking him off, but my hand only just went right round his dick, and now it looked very thick indeed. But I guessed I’d just stretch as much as I had to.

I opened the condom box and pulled out an individual square packet. I smiled at Harry as I ripped it open, and took out the neatly rolled rubber. I reached for his dick and pulled down his foreskin before carefully positioning the condom over his shiny red knob. I rolled it down as far as it would go (I didn’t want it coming off), and hoped that just as the condom stretched to allow his dick to fit, so would my vagina.

There was no putting it off any longer. I lay back on the grass, my chest heaving, suddenly nervous of spreading my legs to show him my full genitalia. Harry took charge, carefully taking my legs and moving them apart, revealing the pink folds of my labia, masking and protecting the entrance to my pleasure hole. He positioned himself between my spread legs, holding his dick in his hand, then leant over and kissed me. He whispered “I love you, Annie.”

That was sweet, but now I just I wanted him to get on with it. I rubbed my hand on his chest, and smiled.

“I’m ready,” I whispered.

I felt his dick bump against my pussy as he got into position. Then his swollen knob was at the entrance to my virgin passage, pressing against the protecting skin of my hymen. He was being gentle, not wanting to hurt me, but he was going to have to press harder.

“Push, babe,” I whispered, and as he thrust forward I arched my bum upwards against him. I let out a high-pitched squeal as my hymen tore and his dick went right up into me.

“Oh god, I’m sorry,” he whispered, but the look in my eyes must have shown him that the pain was worth it.

“No, it’s wonderful,” I gasped, blinking the tears out of my eyes. It was true, it was.

Then he began to fuck me properly, pushing right into me, his balls slapping against my bum, before pulling almost all the way out. I knew he wasn’t a virgin (everyone knew he’d been fucking Amanda Mayfield before she dumped him for Neville Granger, the school sports captain), but that meant one of us knew what they were doing, which was fine by me.

The pain of my ruptured hymen had numbed now, although as I raised myself on my elbows to kiss Harry I could see streaks of blood on the condom as he pulled out of me. It felt so good being fucked out here on the grass, the warm air on my bare skin, and I briefly looked over to see Tony and Janet still going at it a few yards away.

I remembered what she had said about wishing she’d rubbed her clitoris the first time, and I put my hand on mine. Straight away I felt a little tingle through my body. It felt hard in its little fold of flesh, and as I began to strum my fingers over it the pleasure of being fucked by Harry intensified even more. Damn, it felt amazing. Was being fucked always this good?

Harry was panting and groaning, and his thrusts were getting harder and faster. Then with one almighty grunt his body stiffened, and he shook as he ejaculated, filling the condom with squirt after squirt of his mess. I could feel the bulge of his dick still inside me as I rubbed harder at my clit, my other hand grasping my right tit and squeezing it, my nipple sticking up like a hard little raspberry. Then I came with a squeal, my hand pressed against my clit, my whole body shaking.

It felt so good, I just wanted to start all over again. But I felt Harry withdraw, and looked at his dick just starting to droop a bit, the condom full of his white ejaculate. Other times, I’d always enjoyed playing with it after I’d wanked him off, and I decided next time I’d make him pull out before he came, and come on my tits, like they did in internet porn.

As Harry began to roll the sticky condom off his dick, something light and floppy suddenly landed with a splat on my bare tit. For one awful moment I thought a bird had crapped on my boob, but then I realised it was another condom full of semen, knotted at one end so the mess didn’t run out. Bloody Janet! I looked over, and there she was, still naked and waving at me.

“Bull’s eye!” she shouted.

I held up the condom and looked at the amount of semen it held.

“Not bad,” I said, “Come on Harry, let’s see yours.”

He looked a bit worried, as if he didn’t want his come-producing abilities measured against Tony’s. But he tied a knot and handed it over, slick and sticky with a mixture of lube and my juices. I held the two up and compared them. There wasn’t much to choose between them, to be honest; they were both well filled.

“Ooh, I think Harry’s is fuller,” I giggled.

“No way,” said Janet. She started crawling across the grass towards me, when suddenly we heard the sound of a vehicle. It seemed very close, and my heart almost stopped when we heard it stop, then after a short pause the sound of a door slamming shut.

“Oh fuck!” cried Janet. “Someone’s coming, quick!”

Honestly, I’ve never seen four people get dressed so fast. I just pulled my sundress over my head, not bothering with my underwear, chucked my bra into my bag along with the remains of my picnic, while Harry pulled on his trousers and grabbed his other clothes. Janet and Tony were doing the same, and all four of us then made a dash for the woods, clutching our belongings. We ran, panting, up the hill and through the trees until we were at the wall over which we had to scramble to get out.

As we stood there, gasping, Harry shushed us, and we held our breaths while we listened for the sound of pursuit. None came. We listened for the sound of the car, but all was quiet; we were probably too far away to hear anything anyway.

“Fuck, I was sacred for a minute there,” puffed Janet. “What if we’d been caught, all four of us screwing away like that?”

“Come on, let’s get over the wall,” I said. “Once we’re out of here they can’t do anything anyway.”

We scrambled over, and once we were on the other side I slipped my arms through the straps of my sundress and let it slip down to my waist so I could put my bra back on; it was a bit too revealing without something underneath. But when I rootled through my bag for my panties, I couldn’t find them anywhere.

“Lost something?” asked Janet.

“My bloody pants,” I said, and she laughed.

“You probably left them on the grass,” she said, “or dropped them as we were running.”

“Well, I hope nobody finds them,” I said. “It’s a good job my mum doesn’t put nametapes on them any more.”

“As long as they don’t DNA test them you should be ok,” said Tony. “I’ll just pretend I don’t know you anyway. And it’ll be Harry’s fingerprints on your tits.”

As we walked back, Janet pulled me to one side.

“So how was it?” she said. “Are you glad you’ve done it now?”

“Oh God yes, it did hurt a bit, but it was awesome too. I just want to do it again now.”

“That’s exactly like I felt. I hope you don’t mind, but I told Tony I’d told you about him fucking me, and he said it would be cool if Harry and you fucked next.”

A penny dropped.

“Is that why you suggested the picnic?” I asked.

“Well, kind of. Tony said that if you and Harry saw us making out and fucking, you’d be bound to do the same. He thought of doing it at my house, but I thought here would be more fun, and it’s so cool doing stuff in the open air.”

“Well, thanks for the condoms,” I said with a giggle. “I think that was the clincher. Once we had them, there wasn’t really any choice. Actually, thanks for the whole plan. I owe you one.”

She squeezed my arm.

“It was so cool. Maybe we could try a foursome next?”

“Maybe we could.”

But did we? You'll just have to wait and see.

And in case you're wondering, the picture shows the place where it actually happened - on that grass in front of the summer-house.

Written by naughtyannie
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