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Helping out a Classmate

"Helping out a classmate gets a little more exciting than expected"

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You’re a twenty-year-old student at the university. You’re not handsome, but you hope girls don’t qualify you as ugly either. You’re the nice guy, always trying to help others. Unfortunately, being the nice guy doesn’t really help when trying to get a girlfriend. Girls usually go for the hotter guys, who also show more confidence. You don’t show confidence, but that’s only logical since you don’t have much self-confidence. You get nervous when talking to girls, especially when they’re hot. Which is mostly the case in your class. You don’t have much of a social life, you like being alone and absolutely hate clubs. You rather watch sports, movies or series and play games. You know this won’t get you any attention, but it’s simply what you like to do. It’s no surprise that you are still a virgin. Too be honest, you don’t see that change any time soon.

Like most of the people like you, you’re doing well in class. No late evenings in clubs and heavy drinking means you can focus on your study. While in the first semester everyone had an easy time, the second semester has been a lot tougher so far. Most of your classmates have a hard time getting good marks on their tests, but you get high marks just like you’ve always done. This hasn’t gone unnoticed. A lot of your classmates have asked you for help, which you’ve always given.

Today is another easy day for you. The teacher is explaining a new chapter. Everyone is concentrating and busy taking notes. They’re looking like it’s rocket science, but for you it’s a piece of cake. After class, Danielle walks up to you.

“You always understand it so easily,” she tells you. “How do you do that?” she asks.

Danielle is the oldest woman in your class. She’s 25 years of age. This also means that she’s got the most mature body of your classmates. If you would have to make a ranking, she would definitely be number one. She’s smaller than you are. Her head is levelled with your shoulders. She’s got a sexy, slim body. Her boobs aren’t too big, but for you they’re perfect. She’s got a flat belly and a nice, round butt. Except for a hot body, she is gifted with a very beautiful face and nice soft brown hair. For you, there’s only one way to describe her: perfect. Also, for a couple of times she sat close to you in class and you’ve had some nice talks. Unlike other girls that look like her, she doesn’t ignore you. The others only give attention when they need your help.

“Well, I don’t have much of a social life....” you answer honestly and a bit embarrassed.

She notices you’re a bit embarrassed, probably because of your awkward smile you made after you answered her. You stare at her. She’s wearing black trousers, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. Her clothes complement her body.

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as it is what you want,” she comforts you, snapping you back to reality after staring at her.

Did that just happen? Most people of your age laugh at you when you tell them you don’t go out and don’t drink alcohol, but she seems to respect you for choosing your own lifestyle. Since you’re thinking about that, there’s an awkward silence for some time.

“Anyway, I wanted to ask your for help.. I really don’t understand this chapter, and as you know my marks have been bad all semester… I need to get a good one or else I’m going to have to do this semester again next year,” she says, breaking the silence.

“Sure, I’ll help you,” you reply.

“Thank you, Michael,” she smiles.

“So, shall we go to the library?” you ask.

“No, it’s so boring there,” she answers.

Why wouldn’t she want to go there? It’s quite, so you can explain this chapter to her.

“I’ve got a better idea, how about we go to my place?”

You get really nervous. Since it’s lunchtime, you think she invites you over to have lunch. The university has a cafeteria, but the food is absolutely awful.

“Erhmm.. sure,” you manage to say.

Danielle smiles again. You figure she must be in a good mood, she never smiles so much when you two are talking.

“Let’s go then!” she says happily.

This day is going to be awkward and great at the same time, you think. You’re going to spend time with Danielle. You’ve helped out other hot girls, like Kim and Gabriela, but Danielle is different. If Danielle gets 10/10, and you do think so, Kim and Gabriela would both get 8/10. But those two are another story.

You walk with Danielle towards her car and get in. The drive over to her house is awkward, since you have no clue what to say. You hate yourself for it, but it’s the way it is.

When you arrive you get out and walk towards the apartment building. Unlike most of your classmates, and yourself, she’s living on her own. She used to live here with her boyfriend, but he cheated on her. After that she kicked him out. She doesn’t show it, but it still hurts her.

“Make yourself at home,” Danielle says.

You stand in the doorway. On your right is the door to the bathroom. Further away from you, also on the right, the bedroom is located. Ahead of you are the living room and the kitchen. It’s an open kitchen, which means you are able to watch the TV from the kitchen.

You put your bag on the ground and walk towards the couch. Danielle walks into the kitchen and asks what you would like to eat.

“I really don’t care, anything is better than what we get at the cafeteria,” you joke.

“That’s true,” she laughs. “So, sandwiches are fine?”

“Sure, that would be great,” you answer.

She makes some sandwiches for you and herself and puts the plate on the table. You join her at the dining table and start eating. She’s talking about her ex, how she could not understand why he cheated. Neither can you. You would never cheat on your girlfriend, at least, you think. You can’t say for sure, because you’ve never had one.

“He’s just an asshole,” you say, trying to comfort Danielle.

“I guess,” she answers.

You both finish eating. Danielle picks up the plate and walks into the kitchen. You walk over to your bag and grab your books.

“Where are we going to do this?” you ask Danielle.

“On the couch would be fine,” she answers.

You walk over to the couch and sit in the corner. Danielle walks over to you, without her books or notebook. She walks over to you, takes the book from your hand and throws it away. She then proceeds to sit on your lap. You immediately feel your cock getting harder. Shocked by her actions, the only thing you manage to get out of your mouth is a weak “Ehhmm?”

She knows this is awkward for you. She smiles at you and rests her head on your chest.

“Relax,” she says. “I just need someone to talk to,” she adds.

You’re still confused.

“You’ve always treated me with respect. You’re a nice guy. I feel like you’re the only one capable of listening and comforting me,” she proceeds.

“But what about your marks?” you ask. What a stupid question! She’s begging for your attention, and that’s what you ask?!?!

“I do need help, but can we do that after this?” she asks.

You’re not sure what she means by ‘this’, but you agree.

“So, you want to talk about your ex?” you ask.

“I don’t know. There are so many thinks I’d like to talk about to you.”

She’s still sitting on your lap. Her head is leaning on your chest and her legs are now placed on the couch.

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Your cock is fully erect now. There’s no way Danielle can’t feel that. She starts talking about her ex. About how he didn’t treat her with respect, about how all he wanted was sex, but he never gave anything back. She talks with quite some detail about her sex life, explaining that all her former boyfriend’s just wanted to get into her panties, but never gave her any love or respect. Because of the details she mentions, your cock twitches.

“Are you getting turned on by me telling about my sex life?” Danielle asks as she smiles at you and wiggles her butt. Every guy would get turned on by having a girl like her sit on her lap and talking about her sex life.

“I-I’m so sorry, I can’t help it.. I respect you, I really do, but this is just too much… I’m terribly sorry,” you apologize.

“It’s okay, I know you respect me,” she answers. “I also know you like me,” she adds, again smiling at you.

“I can’t deny that,” you sigh.

“It must hurt,” she says.

“What must hurt?” you ask, not sure whether she means your cock being caged by your trousers or the fact that you will never get Danielle.

“Your cock. It’s trying to break free, but your trousers and my butt are keeping it in place,” she answers.

You thought it was awkward in her car, when both of you didn’t know what to say, but it’s nothing compared to this.

Danielle gets off of you and sits on her knees between your legs.

“I’m the one who created this problem, so I guess I’m the one who’s going to solve it,” she says as she unbuttons your trousers and pulls the zipper down.

“N-No, you don’t need to do that, it’s my fault,” you tell her, getting more nervous than ever before.

She doesn’t listen and reaches inside for your cock. When she grabs it, you almost blow your load by just the feeling of her hand. She pulls it free.

“Nice,” she compliments your cock.

“Thanks..ooohhh,” you moan, as she puts her lips around the head of your cock.

She starts to move up and down slowly. Her touch is amazing. She suddenly pulls her mouth off of your cock.

“I’m guessing you’re still a virgin?” she asks.

“Y-Yes,” you manage to mumble, your face turning bright red in embarrassment.

She sees this, it was hard to miss, and smiles at you.

“Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be ashamed about,” she says as she strokes your cock. “I actually like it. It means you wouldn’t fuck every girl if you got the chance.”

You like her theory, and it is true. You’ve never gotten the chance to have sex with someone, but you wouldn’t have fucked the first girl who would give you the opportunity. You want the first time to be with someone special.

“Am I special enough to lose your virginity to?” she asks.

“Yes!” you moan.

After you answered her, she immediately opens her mouth and puts your cock inside. She starts bobbing up and down, this time letting your cock slide in further than before. You can see her blowing you off, but some of her hair starts blocking your view. She wants you to enjoy the show and pulls her hair in a knot. Now you can fully enjoy it all. She lifts her head up, leaving only the head of your cock inside. She then opens her mouth completely and moves down as far as she can go. You feel the tip of your cock hitting her throat. She moves up again, and slams down immediately after. She keeps doing this for some time.

“I’m gonna cum soon,” you warn her.

She keeps sucking, but she doesn’t go as deep anymore. She’s now also jerking you with two hands. She feels your cock pulsating and knows what’s about to come. She keeps bobbing up and down as you blow stream after stream of hot, sticky cum inside her mouth. You moan loudly while you do this. She swallows your complete load.

“That was amazing, thank you,” you say, still panting.

She stands up and walks over to the bathroom.

“I’m just going to fresh up, we can start with the chapter after I’m done,” she says.

“Wait!” you say.

She stops walking

“It’s not fair, you made me cum. Although I’ve never done it before, I want to return the favour,” you tell her.

“You don’t need to do that, no man has ever made me cum,” she answers.

“At least let me try,” you say. “You can teach me to do it the way you want it,” you add as you stand up and walk over to her.

“It’s really not..aaaahhhh,” she says, while you grab her and pull her to you.

You hold her in your arms. She’s smiling. She must like your touch.

“I’ve missed a good, loving hug,” she admits.

You let go of her and you both walk over to the bedroom. You take of her leather jacket and throw it on the ground. As you want to take off her top, she pushes you away. She pulls her hair out of the knot and lets it slide behind her face. Her beautiful smile alone drives you crazy. She grabs her shirt and slowly pulls it up. She waits a while before finally pulling it over completely, revealing her amazing breasts. Unfortunately, her bra is containing them. You can’t control yourself. You walk over to her and throw her on the bed. You pull down her trousers, leaving Danielle in her underwear. She giggles as you stare at her.

“You truly are beautiful,” you tell her.

You place your fingers on her stomach and slowly move down. You grab the waistband of Danielle’s black panties and pull them down. You can now see her beautiful, shaven pussy.

You lay down, placing your head in front over her wet opening.

“Teach me,” you say.

You lick her once and she shivers at your touch.

“Just lick me for some time,” she answers.

You do as she says and start licking. She starts to moan softly. That must mean she likes your touch. You’ve watched a lot of porn and try to remember what they always do in those silly movies you watch. You move your index finger towards her pussy and start to push it inside her slowly.

“Ahhhh,” she moans.

You push in further, as she continues to moan harder and harder.

“Put your tongue inside,” she instructs.

You do as she says and, without removing your finger from her pussy, you push in your tongue. You start to flicker your tongue around and push your finger in as far as it can go. You start to fuck her with your finger.

“Oohhhh… don’t stop… I’m close,” she moans.

Either you’re an expert on how to make a woman cum, or all the events from today have had a great effect on her. Or both.

You keep going and suddenly Danielle puts her heads on your head, pulls your head against her pussy and starts moving her pussy around. She starts to moan really hard. You just keep doing what you did, although you worry about not being able to get enough air. Suddenly, Danielle’s body starts to shake involuntarily. She screams out in pleasure. After her orgasm, she let’s go of your head.

“Oohh Michael....” she says, trying to catch her breath. “That was amazing, how’d you know how to do that?” she asks.

“Erhhmm....” you mumble as you lay beside her.

“Porn?” she guesses.

“Yes…” you say, looking down in embarrassment.

She laughs.

“Naughty boy!” she jokes as she gives you a soft flick on your head.

You look up and you both stare in each other’s eyes. She smiles at you. This is another awkward situation for you, but today, all awkward situations have turned out great. And so will this one.

“I love you,” she says.

You’re amazed by hearing her say this. Your crush just told you she loves you.

“Really?” you ask, unable to believe your luck.

“Yes. You have always been nice to me. You’re a good listener as well. And it seems you are fun in bed,” She answers.

“Well, I love you too,” you tell her as the two of you cuddle, holding each other close.

Written by ilp99
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