I did the morning and evening paper round every day before and after school. I had to earn money to pay for my hobbies. I got an allowance from mum and dad but was not enough, so hence the paper rounds.
I had turned sixteen last month, had a great party, two in fact. One at home with all my relatives, you know the ones, and another one with my mates, great fun.
I’ve always been randy, ever since I discovered I got boners by looking at the opposite sex - I loved it. I jerked off every chance I got, usually four to five times a day. At home in my bed was the place I did it the most.
I had also jerked off in the school toilets; mainly because I had to relive myself upon the very thought of a particular lady teacher. I was not sure why, but the older woman seemed to get my cock up in seconds.
I had secretly on my laptop, visited adult sites. My parents had put parental controls on it, but they didn’t know that I knew how to get round them. And on seeing some of the male cocks on them, I knew I had something a bit larger than the average boys or even the men. On screen they all seemed big, so this one time I measured mine. Even I was impressed when the tip reached nine inches on the rule. And I’m still a growing lad at sixteen.
My cock always got hard on seeing the right older female. And on jerking off, after blowing my substantial load I could get hard very quickly again. On one occasion when I watched a porn movie, I jerked off and blew masses of cum three times in an hour. My cock felt really sore, I loved it.
I had gone out with girls of my age, neighbours and school friends, but nothing beyond a kiss and a cuddle.
I wondered when I would lose my virginity, I wanted it to be soon, and I wanted to get my cock into a pussy and not have to use my hand.
It was Thursday night and again I jerked off to a porn movie and went to sleep. I had to be up at five for my paper round.
Friday morning, I got up as usual had a wash and went and delivered the papers, it took just over an hour. As I walked home I noticed a poster stapled to a tree. It caught my attention mainly because there were kisses all-round the edges as if it was the frame of a picture in red lipstick. There were several of these on the trees that lined the street.
The reason for the poster was a missing cat; a white cat, with black ears and black tail, the posters heading was ‘My name is Whisky.’ And the funny thing was I knew the address where they wanted the cat back if found. It was an address I delivered a paper to in the mornings and evenings, a Mr and Mrs Brewer, my mum knew them too. Well anyway, I came back home for breakfast before leaving for school.
School was always boring on a Friday; the only exiting thing was the French teacher. My cock always got up even at the thought of going to her class. So I had to go and visit the loo’s before I went to her lesson’s, and jerk a quick one off.
School finished and I ran home, a quick bite to eat of whatever my mum had made for me. And then back out for the evening round.
I had finished the round as usual and walked back to the shop to drop off the bag. I noticed that the posters were still up on the trees. I got to the newsagents and dropped off the bag and collected my money for the week.
Short ten minute walk to get back home; as I stopped to cross the street, strangely Mrs Brewer drove past and waved to me, I waved back and crossed the street. I was almost home when I heard a cat meow from up a tree.
Yes, I know strange but true. I looked up and saw a cat, it meowed again but it was a ginger cat. I still looked up as I took a few more steps and suddenly I stumbled over something, I looked down and saw another cat; that one looked more like Mrs Brewer’s cat - white with black ears and tail. It was snarling at the cat up the tree.
It looked up at me and I bent down and picked it up. I took it home to show mum. She said, “Isn’t that the missing cat in the poster?”
I said, “I think so, I don’t know, looks like.”
Mum said, “Take it along to Mrs Brewer, and see if it is.”
I said, with a frown on my face, “It’s Mrs Brewer, can’t you go?”
Mum said, “No, I’m cooking, take it along now and don’t be too long. I know you, doodling, daydreaming along, just hurry up. Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours.”
I stroked the cat as it purred and I said, again with reluctance in my voice, “Oh, I’ve got home work to do.”
What I really wanted to do was get on the porn sites and jerk off.
Mum turned sharply round and pointed a wooden spoon at my nose, she said, “James Andy Conner,” then pointed to the cat and said, “Take this cat now, you hear me?”
I lowered my forehead to the table and said in a sad tiered voice, “But what if it’s not hers?”
Mum sternly said, “Well, there’s only one way to find out… show it to her!”
Although we knew the Brewer’s casually, neither mum nor I knew that they had a cat.
I stood up ever so slowly from the kitchen table chair, and took hold of the cat. I walked out, taking small slow steps towards the back door. Thinking in my head, ‘I’ll just have to jerk off twice tonight.’
It would take about ten minutes to get to Mrs Brewer’s house. I had the cat under one arm and stroked it with the other as I walked. As I walked, I compared it to the cat in the poster, looked very similar, it could have been Whisky.
I got to the door and knocked, I stood there and a minute later Mr Brewer opened the door and said, “Hello Jimmy, what have you got there?”
I didn’t get a chance to answer before he said, “Come on in Maryanne will be pleased to see her.”
I did not want to go in, I held the cat with both hands at arm’s length, and offered it to him, I said, “Mum wants to know if it’s yours?”
Mr Brewer opened the door wider, stepped aside and said, “Go through and show it to Maryanne, it’s her cat, she’ll know.”
I dropped my arms and my head fell, I slowly took small steps in through the door and in. What I really wanted to do is get back home and have a quick cum blast before dinner.
As I walked through Mr Brewer closed the door behind me and said, “Go through to the lounge, she’s in there.”
I walked along a narrow hallway, not really knowing where the lounge was, but as I walked I looked through the only open door, I noticed Mrs Brewer sat in an arm chair. She put her cup of tea down, I presumed it was tea and she stood up.
She said, “Oh, hello Jimmy! Is that Whisky, you’ve got there?”
I held it up and Mrs Brewer came forward. As she walked towards me, I could only stare blatantly at her legs. Although I had seen Mrs Brewer before, it had always been with her in a long coat or dress.
Holy shit she had nice legs, my cock started to stir. Shit I had to place the cat in front of my pants to cover up my impending hard on. Mrs Brewer came up close and took the cat away; I immediately placed my hands in front of my pants. Good, she hadn’t noticed my bulge.
She took the cat and held it to her face and snuggled up to it, she said, “Ahh, Whisky you’re back, thank god you’re alright. Where have you been all week? Thank you Jimmy, thank you very much.”
I was not looking at her, my focus had diverted to a family picture on a table, it was a younger Mrs Brewer and a couple of kids. Mrs Brewer said, “That’s my two, when they were your age, they’re all grown up and have flown the coop.”
Mr Brewer came up from behind me; he winked and said, “You’ll get a reward I’m sure from her.”
He was putting on a jacket and then walked up to Mrs Brewer and gave her a kiss on the lips and said, “Bye dear, I’ll see you in the morning.”
I looked at Mr Brewer as he walked past me, he had the paper I had delivered earlier in his hand; he jovially tapped me on the head with it and said, “Bye Jimmy.”
I looked back at Mrs Brewer and she said, “He’s off to work, he’s on nights this week.”
I had my hands clasped in front of my pants to hide my erection; I turned around and said, “I’m glad I found it for you. I’ll be off then.”
She took a couple of brisk steps and placed a hand on my shoulder, she said, “Not so quick young man. You heard him; he said I was to give you a reward.”
I turned and looked at her, still with an awkward stance, I said, “It’s okay, I don’t want anything.”
She put Whisky down and it ran off. Mrs Brewer leant down and opened her arms as she stepped forwards and said, “Let me give you a nice warm hug.”
I had no choice but to move my hands from in front of me as she hugged me tight. I placed my arms around her but lightly, it felt awkward. She hugged me so tight that my whole body was pressed up against her. I felt my cock being pressed and I moved my hips away, but her grip on me limited my movement.
She let go after quite a while and said, “My goodness Jimmy you have grown.”
We stepped apart and I instantly clasped my hands in front of me again. My cock had fully erected from her tight hug.
She smiled and said, “Ahh aren’t you sweet, sweet little Jimmy.” She ruffled my hair and asked, “Have you had your dinner yet?”
I turned sideways and said, “No, mum’s getting it ready now.”
She said, “Well that will be my reward for you then, dinner.”
She walked to a table and got hold of the telephone, she had rung my mum. She had a brief conversation with her and told her that she would send me home after she had given me something to eat as a reward for finding Whisky. Mum must have agreed.
While she talked to mum, Whisky came back and was around my legs; I picked her up and placed her in front of my pants.
Mrs Brewer put the phone down and walked up to me and took Whisky off me and put her down onto the floor. I immediately clasped my hands in front of my pants again.
Mrs Brewer walked past me, towards the door, she said, “So Jimmy, what would you like to eat?”
I followed her and said, “I’m not really that hungry at the moment, Mrs Brewer, thank you.”
She stopped and turned round, placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “Not Mrs Brewer, Jimmy, you may call me Anny, my name is Maryanne, but everyone calls me Anny. Okay.”
I said nothing, I just nodded. She took her hand off me and said, “Not hungry, okay. Let’s wait a while for when you are then. Come on, come this way.”
She walked past and I looked straight at her bare legs, her calf muscles were very defined and shapely. Her arse looked plump and firm through the tight skirt she had on and I noticed that there was no panty line. She had long brunet hair, she wore it loose and it was down to the middle of her back. She wore a pink blouse which showed a little bit of the top of her boobs. I was not sure how old she was, but must have been close to fifty I would have thought.
I followed her through the door and to my surprise she didn’t go through to the kitchen, she walked up the stairs. I stopped as I went through the door. She looked at me from half way up and said, “Come on Jimmy, up here, follow me.”
My cock got even harder, if it were possible. I gulped down some spit in my mouth and followed her up the stairs. I reached the top landing and noticed that only one door was open down the hall. I walked to it and stopped before I went through.
Mrs Brewer was sat on the bed, cross legged, arms behind her on the bed. When she saw me there; she beckoned me in with a finger, and said, “Come here Jimmy, come on in.”
I stepped through and in, and carried on till I was about two feet from her. My hands were still clasped in front of me, very awkwardly, my mouth felt dry.
She looked me straight in the eye and asked, “How old are you Jimmy?”
I blinked a couple of times and said, “I was sixteen last month.”
She looked down to my hands and uncrossed her legs; she took hold of both my hands, one in each of hers and prized them apart. The protrusion in my pants made by my cock was very evident.
She looked back up in to my eyes and said, “My little Jimmy, let’s see what you have there.”
She still looked straight at me and with her hands she undid the belt and the top button of my pants, she lowered the zipper. My pants fell to the floor. She took hold of the waist band of my under pants and lowered them. My cock sprang up like a Meer-Kat.
Mrs Brewer’s face lit up and said, “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. What do you have here my little boy?”
I looked down as she grabbed hold of my rigid cock in her fisted hand, she said, “Not so little I see. I had noticed it downstairs, you were trying to hide it with Whisky, and again when I hugged you. I knew then you were… a little more than happy to see me… maybe not me but… my legs perhaps?”
She really gave it a strong squeeze and said, “Fuckin’ hell Jimmy, it’s so fuckin’ hard. I bet it hurts!” She wasn’t wrong, it hurt like hell. I had never been harder, mainly because she had a hold of it.
She looked back up to me and asked, “You don’t mind me using foul language, do you Jimmy?”
I shook my head; in my head I wanted her to use rude words, it made her sexier.
She loosened her grip slightly but held it tight in her fist, fuck that was the first time ever that another person had a hold of my cock in their hands. It felt fantastic already. She slowly moved her hand up and down; she rolled the fore-skin over my cock-head. I had already leaked out a lot of pre-cum, she took a finger of her other hand and smeared it across the head.
Fucking hell it felt so fucking great, I felt so unbelievably great. I closed my eyes and flashed memories of porn films through my head.
Mrs Brewer asked, “Feel nice does it Jimmy?”
I still looked up, eyes closed and nodded. She said, “Well Jimmy, if you like the feel of that, then tell me how this feels?”
She had lowered her head and taken my cock into her mouth. She sucked just the knob, fucking hell, fucking hell; it was so fantastic, I was just lost for words.
She stroked the shaft and had hardly started to blow me off when I blew a fuck full of cum into her mouth. I Said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
She continued to suck when I blew my cum load into her mouth. She then took my cock deeper into her mouth and let me blow the rest of my loads down her throat.
Holy fuck that felt so amazing, I had never thought it could have felt so nice. I grabbed hold of her head as she slowly sucked me till my cock started to soften.
She took me out and said, “Blamey Jimmy, you blow cum like there’s no tomorrow.”
I was so embarrassed that I had blasted so soon, I said, “I’m sorry, I’m… I’m…”
She looked straight into my eyes and said, “Sorry Jimmy, for what?”
My face was flushed red, I felt even more self-conscious, I did not know what to say, my eyes fell to the floor.
She stood, she towered over me, she was at least a foot taller than me, and I was five foot three.
She started to unbutton her blouse, and as she walked away she said, “You like older women don’t you Jimmy? I can tell.”
I didn’t think, the words just came out, I said, “Why how old are you!”
She had pulled off her blouse and placed it on a chair; she turned slightly towards me and said, “Now Jimmy, even you must know not to ask a woman her age.”
She stood back upright in her white frilly bra, and started to take her skirt off. She had at that point turned fully round and faced me; we were about ten feet apart.
She said, “If I tell you my age, you may run a mile, little innocent boy like you.”
I grabbed my cock and stroked it, I said, “I do like older women, the girls of my age do nothing to interest me.”
She smiled and said, “Okay Jimmy, what if I told you… I’m in my fifties.”
I still stroked my cock and already felt it hardening to the sight in front of me, I said, “I’d love to lose my virginity to an experienced woman.”
A beaming smile came across her face and she said, “Oh Jimmy, I’m experienced alright.”
I still stroked my cock and said, “I bet a woman in her fifties could teach me a lot of things.”
Her smile broadened, her eyes lit up and her face sparkled with radiance as she said, “Are you telling me that you’re a totally innocent, unclaimed, fresh cocked virgin boy.”
My cock was almost there, not fully hard, but at half mast, where it stood horizontal if I let it go.
My face flushed again, I just nodded, and she said, “Ahh, that explains the three second blowjob, I did think it was a bit premature. Was that your first blow job Jimmy?”
I half smiled and said in almost a whisper, “Yes.”
She looked down to my stiff cock and said, “And I see youth is on your side young man.”
As she slipped her skirt down she said, “Come on Jimmy, strip off. Let’s see all of you then.”
I only had my tee-shirt to pull over my head, I did that and I threw it to the floor where my pants were. I turned around and her back was to me, she placed her skirt onto the chair. I could see she wore a white G-string, hence no panty line.
Her arse looked so wonderful, a pale white, clean, smooth skin. She had her back to me, and I walked up behind her, I grabbed both her arse cheeks and gave them a good long squeeze.
She didn’t even flinch; she just turned her head slightly to me and said, “Why Jimmy, there I was thinking you were just a shy little boy.”
I said nothing; I grabbed hold of the G-string from the top and started to pull it down. As I lowered it and got to around her knees, my face was at her arse. I licked it and sucked on one of the cheeks. I could also see her dangling pussy lips. I loved looking at pussy lips on porn sites. I would put in a search just for that.
She stepped out of her G-string and I threw it over to her other clothes, she said, “Would you like to slap it?”
I didn’t need to be asked twice, but I wanted to wait till I was ready for that. I said, “Oh yes, I’d love to. I’ll get to that a bit later.”
She stood up and turned to me and said, “Now who’s being a tease!”
She turned her upper body slightly and said, “Would you be so kind.”
She wanted me to undo her bra strap. I unclasped it as she held the cups. She then turned right around and took her bra off. She placed it with her other clothes and turned back round to me.
Fucking hell, my eyes popped out of their sockets. Her tits were fabulous, round and firm like honeydew melons. My reaction was purely reflex, as both hands moved to one tit and squeezed it. It felt so nice and firm, her nipple stuck out about half an inch, again pure reflex as my tongue moistened and came out of hiding.
I licked the nipple, I swirled my tongue around it, and my lips locked and sucked in her hard, aroused peak.
She moaned softly, and I felt her hand on my cock, she stroked it softly, the full nine inch length. I moved to the other tit and sucked on that for a while. My cock was getting harder and harder.
She let go of my cock and said, “Let’s get more comfortable, get on the bed Jimmy,” she lightly pushed on my back to guide me that way.
I made my way over as she turned to a small drawer and then faced a mirror. She too then came over to the bed. As she crawled on she smiled at me and pocked her tongue out, she flicked it around and showed me the stud she had just put into her tongue.
She pulled it back into her mouth and said, “You’ll enjoy that later.”
She lay down on her back and said, “Ever eaten a woman before Jimmy?”
I made my way to between her legs and said, “No, not yet.”
She smiled slightly and said, “Well Jimmy, I said I’d feed you for bringing my cat back. So go ahead and feast on my pussy.”
She lifted up her knees and parted her legs. Holy fucking cow, her pussy was fantastic; she had nice long pink pussy lips. And I could not help but notice yet another stud, it was in her clit. Her clit was pierced with a shiny looped shaped stud in a ‘C’ form with balls on either of the ends.
She said, “That one’s for me, it adds to my pleasure.”
I plunged down and sucked in her pussy lips; I stretched them out with my lips and then began to lick her out. I pocked my tongue onto her very wet hole; she tasted oh so fucking nice. I never would have thought I would have liked tasting a woman’s fanny - but how wrong a boy could be.
I moved to her clit and flicked her stud with my tongue.
I had turned sixteen last month, had a great party, two in fact. One at home with all my relatives, you know the ones, and another one with my mates, great fun.
I’ve always been randy, ever since I discovered I got boners by looking at the opposite sex - I loved it. I jerked off every chance I got, usually four to five times a day. At home in my bed was the place I did it the most.
I had also jerked off in the school toilets; mainly because I had to relive myself upon the very thought of a particular lady teacher. I was not sure why, but the older woman seemed to get my cock up in seconds.
I had secretly on my laptop, visited adult sites. My parents had put parental controls on it, but they didn’t know that I knew how to get round them. And on seeing some of the male cocks on them, I knew I had something a bit larger than the average boys or even the men. On screen they all seemed big, so this one time I measured mine. Even I was impressed when the tip reached nine inches on the rule. And I’m still a growing lad at sixteen.
My cock always got hard on seeing the right older female. And on jerking off, after blowing my substantial load I could get hard very quickly again. On one occasion when I watched a porn movie, I jerked off and blew masses of cum three times in an hour. My cock felt really sore, I loved it.
I had gone out with girls of my age, neighbours and school friends, but nothing beyond a kiss and a cuddle.
I wondered when I would lose my virginity, I wanted it to be soon, and I wanted to get my cock into a pussy and not have to use my hand.
It was Thursday night and again I jerked off to a porn movie and went to sleep. I had to be up at five for my paper round.
Friday morning, I got up as usual had a wash and went and delivered the papers, it took just over an hour. As I walked home I noticed a poster stapled to a tree. It caught my attention mainly because there were kisses all-round the edges as if it was the frame of a picture in red lipstick. There were several of these on the trees that lined the street.
The reason for the poster was a missing cat; a white cat, with black ears and black tail, the posters heading was ‘My name is Whisky.’ And the funny thing was I knew the address where they wanted the cat back if found. It was an address I delivered a paper to in the mornings and evenings, a Mr and Mrs Brewer, my mum knew them too. Well anyway, I came back home for breakfast before leaving for school.
School was always boring on a Friday; the only exiting thing was the French teacher. My cock always got up even at the thought of going to her class. So I had to go and visit the loo’s before I went to her lesson’s, and jerk a quick one off.
School finished and I ran home, a quick bite to eat of whatever my mum had made for me. And then back out for the evening round.
I had finished the round as usual and walked back to the shop to drop off the bag. I noticed that the posters were still up on the trees. I got to the newsagents and dropped off the bag and collected my money for the week.
Short ten minute walk to get back home; as I stopped to cross the street, strangely Mrs Brewer drove past and waved to me, I waved back and crossed the street. I was almost home when I heard a cat meow from up a tree.
Yes, I know strange but true. I looked up and saw a cat, it meowed again but it was a ginger cat. I still looked up as I took a few more steps and suddenly I stumbled over something, I looked down and saw another cat; that one looked more like Mrs Brewer’s cat - white with black ears and tail. It was snarling at the cat up the tree.
It looked up at me and I bent down and picked it up. I took it home to show mum. She said, “Isn’t that the missing cat in the poster?”
I said, “I think so, I don’t know, looks like.”
Mum said, “Take it along to Mrs Brewer, and see if it is.”
I said, with a frown on my face, “It’s Mrs Brewer, can’t you go?”
Mum said, “No, I’m cooking, take it along now and don’t be too long. I know you, doodling, daydreaming along, just hurry up. Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours.”
I stroked the cat as it purred and I said, again with reluctance in my voice, “Oh, I’ve got home work to do.”
What I really wanted to do was get on the porn sites and jerk off.
Mum turned sharply round and pointed a wooden spoon at my nose, she said, “James Andy Conner,” then pointed to the cat and said, “Take this cat now, you hear me?”
I lowered my forehead to the table and said in a sad tiered voice, “But what if it’s not hers?”
Mum sternly said, “Well, there’s only one way to find out… show it to her!”
Although we knew the Brewer’s casually, neither mum nor I knew that they had a cat.
I stood up ever so slowly from the kitchen table chair, and took hold of the cat. I walked out, taking small slow steps towards the back door. Thinking in my head, ‘I’ll just have to jerk off twice tonight.’
It would take about ten minutes to get to Mrs Brewer’s house. I had the cat under one arm and stroked it with the other as I walked. As I walked, I compared it to the cat in the poster, looked very similar, it could have been Whisky.
I got to the door and knocked, I stood there and a minute later Mr Brewer opened the door and said, “Hello Jimmy, what have you got there?”
I didn’t get a chance to answer before he said, “Come on in Maryanne will be pleased to see her.”
I did not want to go in, I held the cat with both hands at arm’s length, and offered it to him, I said, “Mum wants to know if it’s yours?”
Mr Brewer opened the door wider, stepped aside and said, “Go through and show it to Maryanne, it’s her cat, she’ll know.”
I dropped my arms and my head fell, I slowly took small steps in through the door and in. What I really wanted to do is get back home and have a quick cum blast before dinner.
As I walked through Mr Brewer closed the door behind me and said, “Go through to the lounge, she’s in there.”
I walked along a narrow hallway, not really knowing where the lounge was, but as I walked I looked through the only open door, I noticed Mrs Brewer sat in an arm chair. She put her cup of tea down, I presumed it was tea and she stood up.
She said, “Oh, hello Jimmy! Is that Whisky, you’ve got there?”
I held it up and Mrs Brewer came forward. As she walked towards me, I could only stare blatantly at her legs. Although I had seen Mrs Brewer before, it had always been with her in a long coat or dress.
Holy shit she had nice legs, my cock started to stir. Shit I had to place the cat in front of my pants to cover up my impending hard on. Mrs Brewer came up close and took the cat away; I immediately placed my hands in front of my pants. Good, she hadn’t noticed my bulge.
She took the cat and held it to her face and snuggled up to it, she said, “Ahh, Whisky you’re back, thank god you’re alright. Where have you been all week? Thank you Jimmy, thank you very much.”
I was not looking at her, my focus had diverted to a family picture on a table, it was a younger Mrs Brewer and a couple of kids. Mrs Brewer said, “That’s my two, when they were your age, they’re all grown up and have flown the coop.”
Mr Brewer came up from behind me; he winked and said, “You’ll get a reward I’m sure from her.”
He was putting on a jacket and then walked up to Mrs Brewer and gave her a kiss on the lips and said, “Bye dear, I’ll see you in the morning.”
I looked at Mr Brewer as he walked past me, he had the paper I had delivered earlier in his hand; he jovially tapped me on the head with it and said, “Bye Jimmy.”
I looked back at Mrs Brewer and she said, “He’s off to work, he’s on nights this week.”
I had my hands clasped in front of my pants to hide my erection; I turned around and said, “I’m glad I found it for you. I’ll be off then.”
She took a couple of brisk steps and placed a hand on my shoulder, she said, “Not so quick young man. You heard him; he said I was to give you a reward.”
I turned and looked at her, still with an awkward stance, I said, “It’s okay, I don’t want anything.”
She put Whisky down and it ran off. Mrs Brewer leant down and opened her arms as she stepped forwards and said, “Let me give you a nice warm hug.”
I had no choice but to move my hands from in front of me as she hugged me tight. I placed my arms around her but lightly, it felt awkward. She hugged me so tight that my whole body was pressed up against her. I felt my cock being pressed and I moved my hips away, but her grip on me limited my movement.
She let go after quite a while and said, “My goodness Jimmy you have grown.”
We stepped apart and I instantly clasped my hands in front of me again. My cock had fully erected from her tight hug.
She smiled and said, “Ahh aren’t you sweet, sweet little Jimmy.” She ruffled my hair and asked, “Have you had your dinner yet?”
I turned sideways and said, “No, mum’s getting it ready now.”
She said, “Well that will be my reward for you then, dinner.”
She walked to a table and got hold of the telephone, she had rung my mum. She had a brief conversation with her and told her that she would send me home after she had given me something to eat as a reward for finding Whisky. Mum must have agreed.
While she talked to mum, Whisky came back and was around my legs; I picked her up and placed her in front of my pants.
Mrs Brewer put the phone down and walked up to me and took Whisky off me and put her down onto the floor. I immediately clasped my hands in front of my pants again.
Mrs Brewer walked past me, towards the door, she said, “So Jimmy, what would you like to eat?”
I followed her and said, “I’m not really that hungry at the moment, Mrs Brewer, thank you.”
She stopped and turned round, placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “Not Mrs Brewer, Jimmy, you may call me Anny, my name is Maryanne, but everyone calls me Anny. Okay.”
I said nothing, I just nodded. She took her hand off me and said, “Not hungry, okay. Let’s wait a while for when you are then. Come on, come this way.”
She walked past and I looked straight at her bare legs, her calf muscles were very defined and shapely. Her arse looked plump and firm through the tight skirt she had on and I noticed that there was no panty line. She had long brunet hair, she wore it loose and it was down to the middle of her back. She wore a pink blouse which showed a little bit of the top of her boobs. I was not sure how old she was, but must have been close to fifty I would have thought.
I followed her through the door and to my surprise she didn’t go through to the kitchen, she walked up the stairs. I stopped as I went through the door. She looked at me from half way up and said, “Come on Jimmy, up here, follow me.”
My cock got even harder, if it were possible. I gulped down some spit in my mouth and followed her up the stairs. I reached the top landing and noticed that only one door was open down the hall. I walked to it and stopped before I went through.
Mrs Brewer was sat on the bed, cross legged, arms behind her on the bed. When she saw me there; she beckoned me in with a finger, and said, “Come here Jimmy, come on in.”
I stepped through and in, and carried on till I was about two feet from her. My hands were still clasped in front of me, very awkwardly, my mouth felt dry.
She looked me straight in the eye and asked, “How old are you Jimmy?”
I blinked a couple of times and said, “I was sixteen last month.”
She looked down to my hands and uncrossed her legs; she took hold of both my hands, one in each of hers and prized them apart. The protrusion in my pants made by my cock was very evident.
She looked back up in to my eyes and said, “My little Jimmy, let’s see what you have there.”
She still looked straight at me and with her hands she undid the belt and the top button of my pants, she lowered the zipper. My pants fell to the floor. She took hold of the waist band of my under pants and lowered them. My cock sprang up like a Meer-Kat.
Mrs Brewer’s face lit up and said, “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. What do you have here my little boy?”
I looked down as she grabbed hold of my rigid cock in her fisted hand, she said, “Not so little I see. I had noticed it downstairs, you were trying to hide it with Whisky, and again when I hugged you. I knew then you were… a little more than happy to see me… maybe not me but… my legs perhaps?”
She really gave it a strong squeeze and said, “Fuckin’ hell Jimmy, it’s so fuckin’ hard. I bet it hurts!” She wasn’t wrong, it hurt like hell. I had never been harder, mainly because she had a hold of it.
She looked back up to me and asked, “You don’t mind me using foul language, do you Jimmy?”
I shook my head; in my head I wanted her to use rude words, it made her sexier.
She loosened her grip slightly but held it tight in her fist, fuck that was the first time ever that another person had a hold of my cock in their hands. It felt fantastic already. She slowly moved her hand up and down; she rolled the fore-skin over my cock-head. I had already leaked out a lot of pre-cum, she took a finger of her other hand and smeared it across the head.
Fucking hell it felt so fucking great, I felt so unbelievably great. I closed my eyes and flashed memories of porn films through my head.
Mrs Brewer asked, “Feel nice does it Jimmy?”
I still looked up, eyes closed and nodded. She said, “Well Jimmy, if you like the feel of that, then tell me how this feels?”
She had lowered her head and taken my cock into her mouth. She sucked just the knob, fucking hell, fucking hell; it was so fantastic, I was just lost for words.
She stroked the shaft and had hardly started to blow me off when I blew a fuck full of cum into her mouth. I Said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
She continued to suck when I blew my cum load into her mouth. She then took my cock deeper into her mouth and let me blow the rest of my loads down her throat.
Holy fuck that felt so amazing, I had never thought it could have felt so nice. I grabbed hold of her head as she slowly sucked me till my cock started to soften.
She took me out and said, “Blamey Jimmy, you blow cum like there’s no tomorrow.”
I was so embarrassed that I had blasted so soon, I said, “I’m sorry, I’m… I’m…”
She looked straight into my eyes and said, “Sorry Jimmy, for what?”
My face was flushed red, I felt even more self-conscious, I did not know what to say, my eyes fell to the floor.
She stood, she towered over me, she was at least a foot taller than me, and I was five foot three.
She started to unbutton her blouse, and as she walked away she said, “You like older women don’t you Jimmy? I can tell.”
I didn’t think, the words just came out, I said, “Why how old are you!”
She had pulled off her blouse and placed it on a chair; she turned slightly towards me and said, “Now Jimmy, even you must know not to ask a woman her age.”
She stood back upright in her white frilly bra, and started to take her skirt off. She had at that point turned fully round and faced me; we were about ten feet apart.
She said, “If I tell you my age, you may run a mile, little innocent boy like you.”
I grabbed my cock and stroked it, I said, “I do like older women, the girls of my age do nothing to interest me.”
She smiled and said, “Okay Jimmy, what if I told you… I’m in my fifties.”
I still stroked my cock and already felt it hardening to the sight in front of me, I said, “I’d love to lose my virginity to an experienced woman.”
A beaming smile came across her face and she said, “Oh Jimmy, I’m experienced alright.”
I still stroked my cock and said, “I bet a woman in her fifties could teach me a lot of things.”
Her smile broadened, her eyes lit up and her face sparkled with radiance as she said, “Are you telling me that you’re a totally innocent, unclaimed, fresh cocked virgin boy.”
My cock was almost there, not fully hard, but at half mast, where it stood horizontal if I let it go.
My face flushed again, I just nodded, and she said, “Ahh, that explains the three second blowjob, I did think it was a bit premature. Was that your first blow job Jimmy?”
I half smiled and said in almost a whisper, “Yes.”
She looked down to my stiff cock and said, “And I see youth is on your side young man.”
As she slipped her skirt down she said, “Come on Jimmy, strip off. Let’s see all of you then.”
I only had my tee-shirt to pull over my head, I did that and I threw it to the floor where my pants were. I turned around and her back was to me, she placed her skirt onto the chair. I could see she wore a white G-string, hence no panty line.
Her arse looked so wonderful, a pale white, clean, smooth skin. She had her back to me, and I walked up behind her, I grabbed both her arse cheeks and gave them a good long squeeze.
She didn’t even flinch; she just turned her head slightly to me and said, “Why Jimmy, there I was thinking you were just a shy little boy.”
I said nothing; I grabbed hold of the G-string from the top and started to pull it down. As I lowered it and got to around her knees, my face was at her arse. I licked it and sucked on one of the cheeks. I could also see her dangling pussy lips. I loved looking at pussy lips on porn sites. I would put in a search just for that.
She stepped out of her G-string and I threw it over to her other clothes, she said, “Would you like to slap it?”
I didn’t need to be asked twice, but I wanted to wait till I was ready for that. I said, “Oh yes, I’d love to. I’ll get to that a bit later.”
She stood up and turned to me and said, “Now who’s being a tease!”
She turned her upper body slightly and said, “Would you be so kind.”
She wanted me to undo her bra strap. I unclasped it as she held the cups. She then turned right around and took her bra off. She placed it with her other clothes and turned back round to me.
Fucking hell, my eyes popped out of their sockets. Her tits were fabulous, round and firm like honeydew melons. My reaction was purely reflex, as both hands moved to one tit and squeezed it. It felt so nice and firm, her nipple stuck out about half an inch, again pure reflex as my tongue moistened and came out of hiding.
I licked the nipple, I swirled my tongue around it, and my lips locked and sucked in her hard, aroused peak.
She moaned softly, and I felt her hand on my cock, she stroked it softly, the full nine inch length. I moved to the other tit and sucked on that for a while. My cock was getting harder and harder.
She let go of my cock and said, “Let’s get more comfortable, get on the bed Jimmy,” she lightly pushed on my back to guide me that way.
I made my way over as she turned to a small drawer and then faced a mirror. She too then came over to the bed. As she crawled on she smiled at me and pocked her tongue out, she flicked it around and showed me the stud she had just put into her tongue.
She pulled it back into her mouth and said, “You’ll enjoy that later.”
She lay down on her back and said, “Ever eaten a woman before Jimmy?”
I made my way to between her legs and said, “No, not yet.”
She smiled slightly and said, “Well Jimmy, I said I’d feed you for bringing my cat back. So go ahead and feast on my pussy.”
She lifted up her knees and parted her legs. Holy fucking cow, her pussy was fantastic; she had nice long pink pussy lips. And I could not help but notice yet another stud, it was in her clit. Her clit was pierced with a shiny looped shaped stud in a ‘C’ form with balls on either of the ends.
She said, “That one’s for me, it adds to my pleasure.”
I plunged down and sucked in her pussy lips; I stretched them out with my lips and then began to lick her out. I pocked my tongue onto her very wet hole; she tasted oh so fucking nice. I never would have thought I would have liked tasting a woman’s fanny - but how wrong a boy could be.
I moved to her clit and flicked her stud with my tongue.

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I sucked in her stud and clit, she moaned and said, “That’s it little boy, suck on mummy.”
She placed her hands on top of my head and pushed my head into her, she lifted her hips up at the same time. She squeezed the sides of my head with her thighs. It all felt a little claustrophobic but I was not going to complain. I continued and felt her wetness come through. I lapped up all that came out of her pussy, like I was her cat ‘Whisky.’
Suddenly her movements came on stronger and she shouted out, “Oh yes dear boy, make mummy cum. Mummy loves little boys and mummy loves to cum.”
She clasped my head tight with everything, her legs, her hands and her hips. It all came to a stop when she shouted, “Fuck yes, oh fuck yes, that’s fuckin’ it son. Fuckin’ it.”
Her legs shook and fell away, her grip on my head loosened and she let go. As I lifted my head slightly, I saw her stud and could not help but lick it again. As I licked her clit with the full length of my tongue, her hips involuntarily spasmed. She clasped my head with both hands and lifted it off her pussy.
I looked up at her and her eyes were closed, her face shone and beamed a light smile. She opened her eyes and looked at me, and with one arm outstretched, she said, “Come here son.”
I slipped up to the side of her. She cuddled me with her arm; she squeezed my head against one of her boobs.
As she squeezed me I stroked her thigh, I moved my hand up and along to her pussy, I stuck in a finger to make it wet, I took it out slipped it up to her clit. I ran small circles round her clit and stud with the wetted finger. Her hips again spasmed; I loved the fact that it was me making that happen to her.
I did that for a while; when she reached for my cock and said, “Let me show you how a tongue stud feels.”
She let her arm fall off me and onto the bed. I got up and was going to kiss her, as I thought that was what she wanted. But no, she kissed my lips and winked, then said, “Sixty-nine dear boy, sixty-nine.”
I knew what she meant; I positioned myself on top of her and she grabbed my cock. She pulled my cock to her open mouth and stuck out her tongue. She rubbed her stud across my cock-head. It felt so fucking nice. She then rubbed the stud from the base of my cock to the head; that too felt fantastic. It almost felt like she was drawing cum out from the base to my head, I felt like exploding.
She did that for a while; while I lowered my head to her pussy and began to lick, suck and eat her again.
We continued to suck and devour each other for a while. What she did to my cock, well, it just felt so fantastic.
It felt so great that I knew she was going to make me cum soon. She sucked me off and stroked my shaft with a tight grip, I pushed my cock deep into her and she must have known, she held down my fore-skin while my balls pumped my cum into and down her throat, yet again.
I was happy that I at least lasted some length of time, and did not blow my wad in three seconds again. Fucking hell that was awesome, she sucked so well. I wanted to fuck that woman so fucking badly.
Then as before, her hips shook and her thighs clamped my head. Her pelvic thrusts where strong and she took my cock out of her mouth and said, “Come on son, that’s fuckin’ it, suckle mummy, make mummy cum. Oh fuck yes, suck mummy, suck mummy, suck mummy.”
She threw her hips up in great force as she said that. And then she clamped my head tight again with her thighs. I sucked lighter and came to a stop. All I felt were tremors from her whole body, her thighs, her hips, her stomach, just everything. She had taken my cock back into her mouth and drew out the last remnants of cum.
I moved off of her to the side and turned round so I could suck on her tits. I groped, licked and sucked on her tits and nipples. I could not wait to become a man.
I continued for a while, sucking, kissing, groping and fondling her boob flesh and nipples. She stroked my flaccid cock which had her saliva on it and some of my cum. While my mouth worked on her tits, I ran my hand along her long legs; I stopped and squeezed at certain points. I made my way to her clit, where I stroked and flicked the stud. That made her moan, I so loved it when she moaned from my touches.
I just could not let her tits go, and she said, “Suckle on mummy son, suckle on mummy.”
After a while, she had worked her magic on my cock and my cock pained again, it had built up so much blood into it, it pained and throbbed to be relieved.
She stroked my cock slowly from base to head and she said, “I love the way young cocks just get up again and again.”
I manoeuvred myself so my legs were on top of hers. She knew what I wanted to do; she parted her legs and allowed me to take up my position between them. My cock lay on top of her pussy, it snuggled and it throbbed between us.
I wanted to stick my cock into her; I wanted to know how it felt. I moved my hips so my cock lowered and I stabbed at her to find the entrance.
She had her head next to mine and said, “You want to fuck mummy now, you ready to fuck mummy’s tight little pussy with that big cock, son?”
She grabbed my head and lifted it off her tits, she made me look at her and she said, “Well, just hold on there son, I know you want to get it in and blow your load. A bit of advice to a virgin, if you really want to experience a fuck, let me help you.”
She lowered one hand and grabbed my cock, she rubbed my cock-head against her clit and stud, she said, “Nice isn’t it.”
I nodded, it was nice, it felt so fucking nice, she knew how nice it felt, she then said, “I’m going to get you in now. But push slowly and get the whole cock in. And then don’t move till I tell you. Can you do that son?”
I nodded, she kissed me on the lips and as she moved my cock-head into position, I felt it pop in. Fuck just that felt great. She let go and it was my turn. I wanted to stick my cock in and fuck her hard and fast. But I remembered what she had said. So I tried to control myself, I pushed in and oh my fucking god. It felt like a heated jacket made to surround my cock and grip it tight as it went in.
It felt so fucking amazing. I was not sure I could just get it in and keep it there. I heard her say, “Oh fuck Jimmy, you’re certainly not a little boy.”
As I slid in I felt her hands on my arse, she pushed my arse and I got in, all in. The sensation was out of this world. I thought I was going to blow my load right there and then. I couldn’t wait to start fucking her.
She said, “Oh my god, son, you’re so fuckin’ large, and so fuckin’ deep.”
I looked up towards her and she said, “Wait, son; let me get in a better position for you.”
She grabbed both her ankles and raised them, and said, “Okay, fuck me, starts slow, you’ll enjoy it more.”
I only wanted to hear those words, so I pulled out and back in slowly as she had said. I wanted to go fast and faster but then realised that she was so fucking right. The slow speed felt so sensational, her pussy grabbed my cock so well. It was as if it were in her fist.
I really started to love fucking her at that sensual pace and found I could last quite a while; it was around ten minutes later, when I heard her say, “Harder, son, fuck mummy harder for me.”
My cock-head felt warm, and her cunt walls seemed to squeeze my shaft so snuggly. She said, “That’s nice, son, fuck me like you want to hurt mummy.”
And I did, I slowly started to increase my speed and it felt like I was going deeper, it felt so nice. My cock-head got hotter and hotter, she shouted out, “I’m cumming son, don’t stop or blow your load, not yet. Ahh yes, yes, yes.”
I pushed in hard, I slowed down my movement just a little, but kept pounding her pussy, she again shouted out, “I’m cumming son, oh my god that’s so nice. Mummy loves your big cock, make mummy’s pussy hurt.”
I felt her hips shake, as tremors rippled through her body. I was close to blowing my pay load. I felt her juices quench my cock. I quickened up the pace and felt my cock had not let me down. I was so happy I had given a woman an orgasm with my cock.
She had bent her knees and held her legs apart; her knees were at her tits as I fucked that sexy mature woman.
I could not hold out any longer, I said, “I’m cumming.”
Her hips seemed to bounce back at me hard, it almost hurt when we both rammed together.
Her eyes were closed and she shouted, “Go ahead son, rip that fuckin’ pussy apart. Make mummy bleed like a virgin.”
I was so amazed that I had kept fucking her for so long; it must have been twenty minutes or so. I looked at her face and it looked like she was being fucked, eyes shut tight, cheeks red and flushed, her teeth clenched.
I kept fucking and fucking and oh my god I was so there when she shouted, “Oh god, son, ohh my fuckin’ god.”
She had another orgasm and that time her cunt gripped my cock so tight, I too started to blow my load. I felt like a man when I heard her shout out “Cum in me little virgin boy, cum in mummy.”
I pushed deep and hard, she met me with strong thrusts of her own. I blew the most massive cum loads I had ever blown. Holy fuck, each one drained me and left me weakened.
I was not sure, but in six or seven blasts I must have emptied my balls of everything they had.
After my last blast I stayed deep into her. Her legs slipped down and to my sides. She grabbed hold of my arse and squeezed the cheeks and pulled me deeper. I felt her cunt as it milked my cock; it squeezed around it so perfectly. My cum dribbled out of her and soaked the bed sheets.
We both stayed still; our bodies heaved in the afterglow. My head rested on her boobs, I could hear her heart beat, as it slowed down and came to a steady normal state, as did mine.
I raised my head to look at her and she seemed to have the just fucked look on her. She opened her eyes and said, “Welcome to a man’s world, my son.”
Her cunt convulsed around my cock, my cock never went dead limp, it seemed to stay semi hard, and I loved it.
I lowered my head and kissed both her erect nipples. I was about to withdraw from her. She still had her hands on my arse and pulled me in and she said, “Stay in there, son, let it rest in me. God it feels nice to have a true cock in me, I can feel every inch of it. I’ll harden it back up for you to enjoy me again. You would like to enjoy me again.”
I smiled and said, “Fuck yeah.”
I lay my head back down onto her tits and closed my eyes.
I must have drifted off for a while, not sure how long. But what woke me was my cock; it had hardened again with a little help of my mature woman.
I didn’t lift my head, but turned it up to look to see if she was awake. She was, she said, “Hi stud, I love the way your cock hardened in my cunt, you feel so nice in there. I bet you’d like to fuck again.”
I nodded and licked her nipple; I ran circles around her nipple on her pimpled areola.
She squeezed my arse and said, “It’s been nearly two hours, I presume your mum’s waiting for you.”
I suppose she was, but I did not want to go, I said, “I’d like to fuck you one more time before I go please.”
A broad grin appeared on her face and she said, “You don’t have to say please, dear boy, I want to be fucked just as much as you would like to fuck me.”
She let go of my arse and said, “Okay, let me show you a different way, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
I pulled out and looked at my cock, it glistened with a mixture of her womanly cunt juices and my cum. Cum dribbled out of her and dripped onto the bed sheets, it joined the previously expelled loads I had blown into her.
She too looked at my cock, she leant forwards and licked it from base to tip, making sure I got a feel of the tongue stud. She licked it three or four times, she said, “Yummy.”
She got up and turned around; she gathered three pillows together, pilled them all on top of each other.
She bent over and pointed her pert white arse out, she said, “There you go, son, I’m sure you know what to do from here.”
I sure did, I moved behind her, on my knees. Before I stuck my hard erect throbbing cock into my mature woman, I wanted to suck on that perfect arse of hers. I bent down and held one of her arse cheeks in both hands. I squeezed it and I sucked on her arse till she sighed.
I looked at my work and a bright red spot appeared, I licked it. I then remembered her asking for a slap, oh yeah, she was in just the right position for that. I bet she thought I had forgotten and did not expect it.
She had her head lowered down between her arms which rested on the pillows. I rubbed the arse cheek that I had not sucked, and then I slapped it. Her head rose up and said, “Oh fuck yes, again, harder, son.”
She did not have to ask, I was not going to stop just at the one. I slapped the other arse cheek, that time harder than the first; a thunderous echo pulsed around the room. I slapped the other cheek again; my hand prints were on both of her arse cheeks.
I moved closer, I wanted my now aching cock back in her. My cum still lined the rim of her pussy and dripped off her pussy lips, it ran down her inner thigh. I grabbed my cock and I rubbed my cock-head against her clit and stud, just as she had done before, which I loved. Fuck, it felt great, even better than before as I applied more pressure than what she had done.
She pushed her arse back onto me; I slipped the cock-head briefly into her pussy and back out again and onto her clit. I did that several times as I leaked pre-cum again, it all added to the sensational ecstasy of it all.
Each time I prodded my cock into her I went a bit deeper. Then finally, I buried my whole nine inches into her and grabbed her hips. I sunk my cock deep and stayed there while I pulled her fantastic body onto my cock; I remembered that that was one of the best feelings on my cock, to have it buried deep as we throbbed on each other.
She turned her head and said, “Fuckin’ hell, son, you’re just so fuckin’ huge.”
I wasn’t really that interested, as I probably knew the answer by the way she was talking about my cock; I asked, “Doesn’t Mr Brewer satisfy you.”
She sort of laughed and said, “He’s been impotent for the last three years, and son, you’re cock is twice as big as his.”
I began to fuck her; I withdrew and plunged back in. It felt so nice, my previous cum acted as a lubricant and it was being washed away and replaced by her cunt juices, it all ran down the sides of her thighs. I didn’t go fast; I kept a steady pace as I wanted to fuck her for as long as possible.
She dropped her head and moaned into the pillow, she rose up and said, “I’m cumming, son, fuck yeahh.”
I felt her body shake and tremble as more juices flowed out and down her thighs. I quickened the pace for a minute while she had her orgasm, and then resumed my previous pace.
I saw her reach out towards the bedside cabinet, she grabbed the phone. She rang a number, I did not know who at first, and then she said, “Hi Jane.” That’s my mum.
I stopped dead; she looked round and pushed her arse towards me, as if to say ‘keep fucking.’
I resumed but much slower, and I listened to her conversation with my mum.
She said, “Don’t worry; I’ve given Jimmy something to eat, I think he liked it, he seemed to lick the whole thing clean. He’s just helping me with what I thought was a little job, but has turned out to be much bigger than I thought it would be. We should be done in about an hour or so. Is that alright?”
Mum must have said it was alright, and my virgin taking cougar put the phone down.
After that I started to speed up and I slapped her arse again. She sighed deeply and dropped her head.
A minute later she sharply raised her head up and said, “Come on, son, fuck mummy nice and hard with that mother fucking cock.”
I increased my pace and rammed into her, her head hit the head-board on every thrust and she said, “Fuck that’s it son, oh my fuck son let mummy have it. I’ve taken your virginity, now punish me for it. Fuck mummy to death son, fuck me to death.”
I dropped down and grabbed hold of one of her ripe tits. I massaged it and tweaked the rock hard nipple between my fingers. I reached for the other one and did the same.
I really felt like a man. I wanted that feeling to last forever. I wanted my cock to pump as much cum into that woman as possible.
I fucked and fucked, I found I could last longer and longer after each time I had cum. That time I lasted much longer than before, it felt so great; I managed to give her two more orgasms before I felt I had to blow.
I sped up through her orgasms, but slowed down slightly afterwards. Her cries through her orgasms made me proud, I felt like the king of the world, and that was my first ever fucking session, I amazed myself. I put it down to all the jerking off I had done over the past couple of years. It had paid off.
As she went through another orgasm I said, “I’m cumming.”
And to my utter disappointment, she fell forwards and my cock came out, she said, “Not yet son, don’t blow it yet.”
She grabbed hold of me and made me lay on my back. She held my cock in one hand very lightly, her other squeezed the base. She brought her mouth close to my cock-head, put her lips together like she was going to whistle and she blew lightly across my cock-head. It cooled it down and I no longer felt like I was going to cum.
She looked up and asked, “You okay, son? You going to cum now?”
I shook my head and said, “Wow, how did you do that?”
She smiled and straddled across me as she said, “I know you could have got it up again, but just save it for a bigger blast. We’ve got a bit more fucking to do before I send you home son.”
She slipped my cock into her as she lowered herself. It went in smoothly, although very snug, it went in one movement. She sat down and my cock vanished into her. She placed her hands onto my chest and I held her hips. She rose and fell so sweetly. It sent shivers down my cock into my balls, up my spine and into my head.
I squeezed the flesh on her hips as she fucked me. I too joined in and started to fuck her back. I looked down to her pussy and saw the shiny clit stud as it went up and down. Her pussy lips clung to my shaft and stroked along it.
While we fucked she stroked my bare chest and said, “God you’ve made my pussy sore, son. I haven’t felt this sore for a long time.”
I said, “Yeah, it feels like the skin on my cock is very sensitive, I’ve never blown so much cum before.”
She patted my chest and said, “Okay, son, give mummy just one last load and we’ll call it quits.”
She started to rise and fall quicker; I followed her lead and slammed back into her midway. We fucked at quite a pace for some time when she said, “Jesus fuckin’ fuck. Fuck me, son, fuck mummy hard for me. Make my cunt bleed, oh feels so nice.”
I fucked her hard and made sure I gave her a nice long orgasm. I felt like I was soon to be there too. My cock-head again got hot; it felt like it was going to explode soon. I said, “I cumming.”
I grabbed her hips tighter and tighter; I pushed my cock up her and pulled her hips and body down onto my soon to erupt volcano.
I closed my eyes and I tried to hold back, as I pumped and fucked my ‘First lady.’ It felt fantastic, I couldn’t hold back any longer, I had to let go, I pulled her down and buried my cock as it exploded cum into her cunt.
Although I ejaculated six or seven blasts the amount of cum was not as much as last time, it did not seem to run out of her pussy as much. But nevertheless, it felt so fucking great, best feeling a man could have, I could call myself that then.
I had had it, I was fucked, and I brought us both back down onto the bed. She had her head thrown back and had a hold of a tit in each hand. She gasped for breath as she again milked my buried cock. She did that so well, it almost felt like a mini fuck in itself.
She let go of her tits and came down, her face close to mine and she said, “If that was the performance of a virgin, then I want to see what my son can do after a month.”
I wasn’t sure what she meant, I thought she meant I could not fuck her again for a while. I had a quizzical look on my face and asked, “You mean I can’t fuck you for a month or so?”
She smiled, winked and moved her face slightly closer; she kissed my lips and said, “My little innocent boy, you’re going to fuck me every time Mr Brewer is at work, almost daily form today.”
I grinned and said, “I would like that.”
She stroked and then pinched my cheek and said, “You’re not the only one who’s going to like it.”
She ran her fingers down the side of my face again and said, “Your youth and stamina is amazing, we’re going to have great fucks, you and I, I know.”
I smiled and grabbed the back of her head, I pulled her to my lips and we kissed each other passionately. It was the first time we had done that, after all that fucking.
To think I would never have to jerk off my own cock again – I had found myself a cougar and was proud of it. I wished there were more lost cats I could take back.
She placed her hands on top of my head and pushed my head into her, she lifted her hips up at the same time. She squeezed the sides of my head with her thighs. It all felt a little claustrophobic but I was not going to complain. I continued and felt her wetness come through. I lapped up all that came out of her pussy, like I was her cat ‘Whisky.’
Suddenly her movements came on stronger and she shouted out, “Oh yes dear boy, make mummy cum. Mummy loves little boys and mummy loves to cum.”
She clasped my head tight with everything, her legs, her hands and her hips. It all came to a stop when she shouted, “Fuck yes, oh fuck yes, that’s fuckin’ it son. Fuckin’ it.”
Her legs shook and fell away, her grip on my head loosened and she let go. As I lifted my head slightly, I saw her stud and could not help but lick it again. As I licked her clit with the full length of my tongue, her hips involuntarily spasmed. She clasped my head with both hands and lifted it off her pussy.
I looked up at her and her eyes were closed, her face shone and beamed a light smile. She opened her eyes and looked at me, and with one arm outstretched, she said, “Come here son.”
I slipped up to the side of her. She cuddled me with her arm; she squeezed my head against one of her boobs.
As she squeezed me I stroked her thigh, I moved my hand up and along to her pussy, I stuck in a finger to make it wet, I took it out slipped it up to her clit. I ran small circles round her clit and stud with the wetted finger. Her hips again spasmed; I loved the fact that it was me making that happen to her.
I did that for a while; when she reached for my cock and said, “Let me show you how a tongue stud feels.”
She let her arm fall off me and onto the bed. I got up and was going to kiss her, as I thought that was what she wanted. But no, she kissed my lips and winked, then said, “Sixty-nine dear boy, sixty-nine.”
I knew what she meant; I positioned myself on top of her and she grabbed my cock. She pulled my cock to her open mouth and stuck out her tongue. She rubbed her stud across my cock-head. It felt so fucking nice. She then rubbed the stud from the base of my cock to the head; that too felt fantastic. It almost felt like she was drawing cum out from the base to my head, I felt like exploding.
She did that for a while; while I lowered my head to her pussy and began to lick, suck and eat her again.
We continued to suck and devour each other for a while. What she did to my cock, well, it just felt so fantastic.
It felt so great that I knew she was going to make me cum soon. She sucked me off and stroked my shaft with a tight grip, I pushed my cock deep into her and she must have known, she held down my fore-skin while my balls pumped my cum into and down her throat, yet again.
I was happy that I at least lasted some length of time, and did not blow my wad in three seconds again. Fucking hell that was awesome, she sucked so well. I wanted to fuck that woman so fucking badly.
Then as before, her hips shook and her thighs clamped my head. Her pelvic thrusts where strong and she took my cock out of her mouth and said, “Come on son, that’s fuckin’ it, suckle mummy, make mummy cum. Oh fuck yes, suck mummy, suck mummy, suck mummy.”
She threw her hips up in great force as she said that. And then she clamped my head tight again with her thighs. I sucked lighter and came to a stop. All I felt were tremors from her whole body, her thighs, her hips, her stomach, just everything. She had taken my cock back into her mouth and drew out the last remnants of cum.
I moved off of her to the side and turned round so I could suck on her tits. I groped, licked and sucked on her tits and nipples. I could not wait to become a man.
I continued for a while, sucking, kissing, groping and fondling her boob flesh and nipples. She stroked my flaccid cock which had her saliva on it and some of my cum. While my mouth worked on her tits, I ran my hand along her long legs; I stopped and squeezed at certain points. I made my way to her clit, where I stroked and flicked the stud. That made her moan, I so loved it when she moaned from my touches.
I just could not let her tits go, and she said, “Suckle on mummy son, suckle on mummy.”
After a while, she had worked her magic on my cock and my cock pained again, it had built up so much blood into it, it pained and throbbed to be relieved.
She stroked my cock slowly from base to head and she said, “I love the way young cocks just get up again and again.”
I manoeuvred myself so my legs were on top of hers. She knew what I wanted to do; she parted her legs and allowed me to take up my position between them. My cock lay on top of her pussy, it snuggled and it throbbed between us.
I wanted to stick my cock into her; I wanted to know how it felt. I moved my hips so my cock lowered and I stabbed at her to find the entrance.
She had her head next to mine and said, “You want to fuck mummy now, you ready to fuck mummy’s tight little pussy with that big cock, son?”
She grabbed my head and lifted it off her tits, she made me look at her and she said, “Well, just hold on there son, I know you want to get it in and blow your load. A bit of advice to a virgin, if you really want to experience a fuck, let me help you.”
She lowered one hand and grabbed my cock, she rubbed my cock-head against her clit and stud, she said, “Nice isn’t it.”
I nodded, it was nice, it felt so fucking nice, she knew how nice it felt, she then said, “I’m going to get you in now. But push slowly and get the whole cock in. And then don’t move till I tell you. Can you do that son?”
I nodded, she kissed me on the lips and as she moved my cock-head into position, I felt it pop in. Fuck just that felt great. She let go and it was my turn. I wanted to stick my cock in and fuck her hard and fast. But I remembered what she had said. So I tried to control myself, I pushed in and oh my fucking god. It felt like a heated jacket made to surround my cock and grip it tight as it went in.
It felt so fucking amazing. I was not sure I could just get it in and keep it there. I heard her say, “Oh fuck Jimmy, you’re certainly not a little boy.”
As I slid in I felt her hands on my arse, she pushed my arse and I got in, all in. The sensation was out of this world. I thought I was going to blow my load right there and then. I couldn’t wait to start fucking her.
She said, “Oh my god, son, you’re so fuckin’ large, and so fuckin’ deep.”
I looked up towards her and she said, “Wait, son; let me get in a better position for you.”
She grabbed both her ankles and raised them, and said, “Okay, fuck me, starts slow, you’ll enjoy it more.”
I only wanted to hear those words, so I pulled out and back in slowly as she had said. I wanted to go fast and faster but then realised that she was so fucking right. The slow speed felt so sensational, her pussy grabbed my cock so well. It was as if it were in her fist.
I really started to love fucking her at that sensual pace and found I could last quite a while; it was around ten minutes later, when I heard her say, “Harder, son, fuck mummy harder for me.”
My cock-head felt warm, and her cunt walls seemed to squeeze my shaft so snuggly. She said, “That’s nice, son, fuck me like you want to hurt mummy.”
And I did, I slowly started to increase my speed and it felt like I was going deeper, it felt so nice. My cock-head got hotter and hotter, she shouted out, “I’m cumming son, don’t stop or blow your load, not yet. Ahh yes, yes, yes.”
I pushed in hard, I slowed down my movement just a little, but kept pounding her pussy, she again shouted out, “I’m cumming son, oh my god that’s so nice. Mummy loves your big cock, make mummy’s pussy hurt.”
I felt her hips shake, as tremors rippled through her body. I was close to blowing my pay load. I felt her juices quench my cock. I quickened up the pace and felt my cock had not let me down. I was so happy I had given a woman an orgasm with my cock.
She had bent her knees and held her legs apart; her knees were at her tits as I fucked that sexy mature woman.
I could not hold out any longer, I said, “I’m cumming.”
Her hips seemed to bounce back at me hard, it almost hurt when we both rammed together.
Her eyes were closed and she shouted, “Go ahead son, rip that fuckin’ pussy apart. Make mummy bleed like a virgin.”
I was so amazed that I had kept fucking her for so long; it must have been twenty minutes or so. I looked at her face and it looked like she was being fucked, eyes shut tight, cheeks red and flushed, her teeth clenched.
I kept fucking and fucking and oh my god I was so there when she shouted, “Oh god, son, ohh my fuckin’ god.”
She had another orgasm and that time her cunt gripped my cock so tight, I too started to blow my load. I felt like a man when I heard her shout out “Cum in me little virgin boy, cum in mummy.”
I pushed deep and hard, she met me with strong thrusts of her own. I blew the most massive cum loads I had ever blown. Holy fuck, each one drained me and left me weakened.
I was not sure, but in six or seven blasts I must have emptied my balls of everything they had.
After my last blast I stayed deep into her. Her legs slipped down and to my sides. She grabbed hold of my arse and squeezed the cheeks and pulled me deeper. I felt her cunt as it milked my cock; it squeezed around it so perfectly. My cum dribbled out of her and soaked the bed sheets.
We both stayed still; our bodies heaved in the afterglow. My head rested on her boobs, I could hear her heart beat, as it slowed down and came to a steady normal state, as did mine.
I raised my head to look at her and she seemed to have the just fucked look on her. She opened her eyes and said, “Welcome to a man’s world, my son.”
Her cunt convulsed around my cock, my cock never went dead limp, it seemed to stay semi hard, and I loved it.
I lowered my head and kissed both her erect nipples. I was about to withdraw from her. She still had her hands on my arse and pulled me in and she said, “Stay in there, son, let it rest in me. God it feels nice to have a true cock in me, I can feel every inch of it. I’ll harden it back up for you to enjoy me again. You would like to enjoy me again.”
I smiled and said, “Fuck yeah.”
I lay my head back down onto her tits and closed my eyes.
I must have drifted off for a while, not sure how long. But what woke me was my cock; it had hardened again with a little help of my mature woman.
I didn’t lift my head, but turned it up to look to see if she was awake. She was, she said, “Hi stud, I love the way your cock hardened in my cunt, you feel so nice in there. I bet you’d like to fuck again.”
I nodded and licked her nipple; I ran circles around her nipple on her pimpled areola.
She squeezed my arse and said, “It’s been nearly two hours, I presume your mum’s waiting for you.”
I suppose she was, but I did not want to go, I said, “I’d like to fuck you one more time before I go please.”
A broad grin appeared on her face and she said, “You don’t have to say please, dear boy, I want to be fucked just as much as you would like to fuck me.”
She let go of my arse and said, “Okay, let me show you a different way, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
I pulled out and looked at my cock, it glistened with a mixture of her womanly cunt juices and my cum. Cum dribbled out of her and dripped onto the bed sheets, it joined the previously expelled loads I had blown into her.
She too looked at my cock, she leant forwards and licked it from base to tip, making sure I got a feel of the tongue stud. She licked it three or four times, she said, “Yummy.”
She got up and turned around; she gathered three pillows together, pilled them all on top of each other.
She bent over and pointed her pert white arse out, she said, “There you go, son, I’m sure you know what to do from here.”
I sure did, I moved behind her, on my knees. Before I stuck my hard erect throbbing cock into my mature woman, I wanted to suck on that perfect arse of hers. I bent down and held one of her arse cheeks in both hands. I squeezed it and I sucked on her arse till she sighed.
I looked at my work and a bright red spot appeared, I licked it. I then remembered her asking for a slap, oh yeah, she was in just the right position for that. I bet she thought I had forgotten and did not expect it.
She had her head lowered down between her arms which rested on the pillows. I rubbed the arse cheek that I had not sucked, and then I slapped it. Her head rose up and said, “Oh fuck yes, again, harder, son.”
She did not have to ask, I was not going to stop just at the one. I slapped the other arse cheek, that time harder than the first; a thunderous echo pulsed around the room. I slapped the other cheek again; my hand prints were on both of her arse cheeks.
I moved closer, I wanted my now aching cock back in her. My cum still lined the rim of her pussy and dripped off her pussy lips, it ran down her inner thigh. I grabbed my cock and I rubbed my cock-head against her clit and stud, just as she had done before, which I loved. Fuck, it felt great, even better than before as I applied more pressure than what she had done.
She pushed her arse back onto me; I slipped the cock-head briefly into her pussy and back out again and onto her clit. I did that several times as I leaked pre-cum again, it all added to the sensational ecstasy of it all.
Each time I prodded my cock into her I went a bit deeper. Then finally, I buried my whole nine inches into her and grabbed her hips. I sunk my cock deep and stayed there while I pulled her fantastic body onto my cock; I remembered that that was one of the best feelings on my cock, to have it buried deep as we throbbed on each other.
She turned her head and said, “Fuckin’ hell, son, you’re just so fuckin’ huge.”
I wasn’t really that interested, as I probably knew the answer by the way she was talking about my cock; I asked, “Doesn’t Mr Brewer satisfy you.”
She sort of laughed and said, “He’s been impotent for the last three years, and son, you’re cock is twice as big as his.”
I began to fuck her; I withdrew and plunged back in. It felt so nice, my previous cum acted as a lubricant and it was being washed away and replaced by her cunt juices, it all ran down the sides of her thighs. I didn’t go fast; I kept a steady pace as I wanted to fuck her for as long as possible.
She dropped her head and moaned into the pillow, she rose up and said, “I’m cumming, son, fuck yeahh.”
I felt her body shake and tremble as more juices flowed out and down her thighs. I quickened the pace for a minute while she had her orgasm, and then resumed my previous pace.
I saw her reach out towards the bedside cabinet, she grabbed the phone. She rang a number, I did not know who at first, and then she said, “Hi Jane.” That’s my mum.
I stopped dead; she looked round and pushed her arse towards me, as if to say ‘keep fucking.’
I resumed but much slower, and I listened to her conversation with my mum.
She said, “Don’t worry; I’ve given Jimmy something to eat, I think he liked it, he seemed to lick the whole thing clean. He’s just helping me with what I thought was a little job, but has turned out to be much bigger than I thought it would be. We should be done in about an hour or so. Is that alright?”
Mum must have said it was alright, and my virgin taking cougar put the phone down.
After that I started to speed up and I slapped her arse again. She sighed deeply and dropped her head.
A minute later she sharply raised her head up and said, “Come on, son, fuck mummy nice and hard with that mother fucking cock.”
I increased my pace and rammed into her, her head hit the head-board on every thrust and she said, “Fuck that’s it son, oh my fuck son let mummy have it. I’ve taken your virginity, now punish me for it. Fuck mummy to death son, fuck me to death.”
I dropped down and grabbed hold of one of her ripe tits. I massaged it and tweaked the rock hard nipple between my fingers. I reached for the other one and did the same.
I really felt like a man. I wanted that feeling to last forever. I wanted my cock to pump as much cum into that woman as possible.
I fucked and fucked, I found I could last longer and longer after each time I had cum. That time I lasted much longer than before, it felt so great; I managed to give her two more orgasms before I felt I had to blow.
I sped up through her orgasms, but slowed down slightly afterwards. Her cries through her orgasms made me proud, I felt like the king of the world, and that was my first ever fucking session, I amazed myself. I put it down to all the jerking off I had done over the past couple of years. It had paid off.
As she went through another orgasm I said, “I’m cumming.”
And to my utter disappointment, she fell forwards and my cock came out, she said, “Not yet son, don’t blow it yet.”
She grabbed hold of me and made me lay on my back. She held my cock in one hand very lightly, her other squeezed the base. She brought her mouth close to my cock-head, put her lips together like she was going to whistle and she blew lightly across my cock-head. It cooled it down and I no longer felt like I was going to cum.
She looked up and asked, “You okay, son? You going to cum now?”
I shook my head and said, “Wow, how did you do that?”
She smiled and straddled across me as she said, “I know you could have got it up again, but just save it for a bigger blast. We’ve got a bit more fucking to do before I send you home son.”
She slipped my cock into her as she lowered herself. It went in smoothly, although very snug, it went in one movement. She sat down and my cock vanished into her. She placed her hands onto my chest and I held her hips. She rose and fell so sweetly. It sent shivers down my cock into my balls, up my spine and into my head.
I squeezed the flesh on her hips as she fucked me. I too joined in and started to fuck her back. I looked down to her pussy and saw the shiny clit stud as it went up and down. Her pussy lips clung to my shaft and stroked along it.
While we fucked she stroked my bare chest and said, “God you’ve made my pussy sore, son. I haven’t felt this sore for a long time.”
I said, “Yeah, it feels like the skin on my cock is very sensitive, I’ve never blown so much cum before.”
She patted my chest and said, “Okay, son, give mummy just one last load and we’ll call it quits.”
She started to rise and fall quicker; I followed her lead and slammed back into her midway. We fucked at quite a pace for some time when she said, “Jesus fuckin’ fuck. Fuck me, son, fuck mummy hard for me. Make my cunt bleed, oh feels so nice.”
I fucked her hard and made sure I gave her a nice long orgasm. I felt like I was soon to be there too. My cock-head again got hot; it felt like it was going to explode soon. I said, “I cumming.”
I grabbed her hips tighter and tighter; I pushed my cock up her and pulled her hips and body down onto my soon to erupt volcano.
I closed my eyes and I tried to hold back, as I pumped and fucked my ‘First lady.’ It felt fantastic, I couldn’t hold back any longer, I had to let go, I pulled her down and buried my cock as it exploded cum into her cunt.
Although I ejaculated six or seven blasts the amount of cum was not as much as last time, it did not seem to run out of her pussy as much. But nevertheless, it felt so fucking great, best feeling a man could have, I could call myself that then.
I had had it, I was fucked, and I brought us both back down onto the bed. She had her head thrown back and had a hold of a tit in each hand. She gasped for breath as she again milked my buried cock. She did that so well, it almost felt like a mini fuck in itself.
She let go of her tits and came down, her face close to mine and she said, “If that was the performance of a virgin, then I want to see what my son can do after a month.”
I wasn’t sure what she meant, I thought she meant I could not fuck her again for a while. I had a quizzical look on my face and asked, “You mean I can’t fuck you for a month or so?”
She smiled, winked and moved her face slightly closer; she kissed my lips and said, “My little innocent boy, you’re going to fuck me every time Mr Brewer is at work, almost daily form today.”
I grinned and said, “I would like that.”
She stroked and then pinched my cheek and said, “You’re not the only one who’s going to like it.”
She ran her fingers down the side of my face again and said, “Your youth and stamina is amazing, we’re going to have great fucks, you and I, I know.”
I smiled and grabbed the back of her head, I pulled her to my lips and we kissed each other passionately. It was the first time we had done that, after all that fucking.
To think I would never have to jerk off my own cock again – I had found myself a cougar and was proud of it. I wished there were more lost cats I could take back.