First Meeting at the Annual Conference
The two women met at the annual hospital administrators’ conference held each year in Nashville, Tennessee. Both were ascending the corporate ladder at their respective locations: Aleta, CFO of a hospital in Colorado, and Sandra CIO of a Medical Center in Arizona.
Aleta's light brown hair fell to her waist, but normally she wore it pulled up in a bun while at work. Standing 5' 6", she presented a formidable figure in the professional world.
Sandra let her shoulder-length blonde hair cascade in a sleek, messy fashion.
They quickly developed a friendship during the first night’s dinner presentation, having discovered a mutual love of fine wine, travel, reading, and solitude. Two hectic days of conference meetings found the ladies yearning for some quiet time, so they ducked out after lunch for a stroll to discover the sights and sounds of the surrounding neighborhood. They chatted occasionally as they walked, enjoying one another's company, finding it unnecessary to engage in idle words.
After a group dinner on the second evening followed by several glasses of excellent wine, the ladies departed the dining hall and headed for their rooms located directly across from each other on the seventh floor.
“Would you care to join me in a nightcap?” asked Sandra.
“Sure,” responded Aleta, somewhat naively.
Sandra opened the door to her suite, stepped inside, and beckoned her guest to enter.
“Make yourself comfortable, I need to pee.”
Aleta seated herself on the couch and gazed about the room. Same layout as her own suite, apart from some personal items strewn about. A pair of stockings over the back of a chair, bra, and panties bunched on the cushion, a USB charger cord draped into the drawer of the nightstand. Apparently, neatness was not top of mind for Sandra.
The toilet flushed and Sandra returned to the sitting area, walked to the mini bar, and pulled the door open.
“Some Scotch?” she asked.
“Is there any Vodka in there?”
“Grey Goose, if you’d like?”
“Sure, with a cube of ice, please.”
Sandra cracked open the tiny bottle, poured the Vodka over ice, and handed the drink to Aleta then emptied a hotel-sized bottle of Scotch into her own glass. After tossing her stockings, bra, and panties onto the floor, she took a seat on the chair opposite Aleta, kicked off her high heels, and wiggled her long slender toes. Aleta admired her neatly pedicured toes with a lovely magenta polish that caused them to stand out in contrast to her light bronze skin.
“Mmmm, it feels so good to set my toes free!”
Aleta responded in kind, removed her shoes, then arranged them neatly on the floor next to the couch. The two sipped their drinks and chatted about the events of the day, their jobs, husbands. Eventually, Sandra changed the subject.
“Do you, I mean have you ever masturbated?” asked Sandra.
“Uhhh, oh my … I … umm,” mumbled Aleta nervously.
“Oh, I’m sorry to be so abrupt, I guess I’ve had a bit too much to drink, and it has been several days since I’ve been with my husband, you know.”
“No … it, it’s OK, it just caught me by surprise … yes, I guess I have, you know, done that from time to time.” Why do you ask?”
“Just a lady's thing, you know.” Sometimes my girlfriends and I talk about sex when we get together, just us girls sharing secrets.”
Aleta’s “girlfriend” get-togethers never broached the subject so directly before, and she was becoming curious, perhaps even a little warm in her lower parts.
“What do you and your girlfriends talk about, I mean, when you’re talking about … that?” asked Aleta.
“Oh, you know, how you do it, what you use, when and where, stuff like that.” I used to read Penthouse Forum when I was a girl.” I’d sneak into my dad’s room and peek in his dresser drawer. One day, I found a copy and read it from cover to cover.” I was fascinated by the stories, and, you know, the photos and stuff.”
Aleta recalled the time she had found a Penthouse magazine in her older brother’s room, secretly tucked under the mattress to avoid the prying eyes of other family members. As any curious, nosy teenage sister would, she sneaked into Tommy’s room to spy on the inner workings of a high school-aged young man. Initially, she was shocked by the explicit nature of the photos, and wondered how such pretty women would be willing to expose everything to the world?
On the first page she turned to, a pretty redhead was seated on a high-back chair wearing a thin, white translucent silk bra, a string of pearls cascading between her breasts, and her left foot resting on the seat, revealing her womanhood. The fingers on her right hand separated her outer labia exposing the clitoral hood. Her left hand came from beneath her raised leg, with fingers poised, about to enter her vagina.
Aleta gasped at the sight and found she was unable to avert her gaze as curiosity and admiration caused her to linger for several minutes and absorb the sight. Her youthful eyes passed methodically up and down, left, and right across the page, as some new and exciting feeling generated a tingling in her lower parts while she beheld this beautiful mature woman in all her glory, leaving the image indelibly imprinted on her memory. The young girl closed the magazine and carefully replaced it under the mattress just as she had found it. Walking quickly to the bathroom, she closed the door and looked into the mirror; her face was flush with emotion, her breathing shallow and rapid.
As she gazed at herself in the mirror, she noticed her erect nipples showing through her pajama top. She slipped her right hand into her top and gently pinched her left nipple, causing her pussy to tingle. She slid her left hand into her pants and found, for the very first time, her swelling clitoris. A soft brush with the tip of her index finger shot waves of electricity to every part of her body. She had found her center of pleasure and began to work slowly, exploring the sensations.
In a few moments, her finger entered her pussy and began to slide in and out, shallow at first, just barely penetrating. Aleta became aware of her wetness as her middle finger explored the entrance to her vagina. She was slick with lubricant by now, her finger progressing incrementally deeper as she watched herself in the mirror. Her face became contorted and she bit her lower lip as the tension built in her pussy. She inserted her middle finger fully, up to the joint that met the palm of her hand, and gently massaged her clit. Within seconds she let out a muffled grunt as she experienced her first orgasm and rocked her pelvis forward and back, rhythmically grinding herself until the waves subsided.

After a few more times sneaking peeks, she chose to discontinue her forays fearing she might be caught, or worse yet, might be gay.
Sandra spoke and jarred Aleta’s thoughts back to the present:
“Can I show you something that I brought with me?” I purchased it at a ‘Pure Romance’ women ’s-only sex toy party.”
“Sure,” replied Aleta.
Sandra stood from the chair, walked to the nightstand, opened the top drawer, and unplugged a small black object from the USB charger cord.
“It’s called Lady’s Delight.” Do you want to see how it works?” asked Sandra.
“How, ummm, what do you mean?”
“I’ll demonstrate, that’s what we do at the parties.” It’ll be fun!”
Sandra returned to her seat on the chair and parted her knees, revealing her nakedness beneath her skirt, she had removed her panties while in the bathroom peeing. Aleta quickly glanced away, then drawn by the same intense curiosity she had experienced as a young girl so long ago, returned her gaze.
Sandra parted her knees further, lifted her right leg, and hung her foot over the edge of the chair, just like the Penthouse model Aleta had seen in her brother's magazine. Her pubic area was completely shaven and smooth as a baby’s bottom. She still wore her black stockings, and silk blouse beneath her business jacket.
Taking the device in her right hand, she clicked it to the on position, placing it gently on her mons, and began to slide up and down between the cleavage. Sandra closed her eyes as the vibrations started to stimulate the hidden treasure. Parting her knees further, she placed her left hand on the vulva and pulled her outer lips farther apart to fully expose her inner labia and clitoral hood. Aleta found herself unable to pry her eyes from the beautiful woman as her own breathing quickened. She had never seen another woman’s clitoris so up close and in person, until now.
Sandra opened her eyes thinly and looked directly into Aleta’s, smiling warmly as she massaged herself with the toy; a thin film of lubrication glistened at her opening. As she watched the demonstration, Aleta timidly slipped her hand under her own blouse and pinched the left nipple, causing it to become erect. Sandra pulled her lips still further apart, pressed the toy firmly alongside her clit, clicked the button to a higher level, and began to rub in earnest. She ran her tongue across parted lips; a tiny bead of perspiration formed on her chin as she pressed harder, and her pressure became more deliberate.
Aleta watched from the couch, barely able to breathe, taking in the performance and trying not to lose control of herself. Sandra’s breast began to rise and fall quickly, and Aleta was aware of the woman’s nipples standing erect beneath the silk blouse. Moments later Sandra bit her lower lip, mumbled ‘I’m going to cum!’, then convulsed in orgasm, bucking her hips uncontrollably. She continued gently rubbing her mons, being careful to avoid further direct contact, and after the waves had subsided, inserted the tip into her pussy then out again, and clicked it to the off position.
“What did you … (panting) … think of my … demonstration?”
“It was breathtaking,” replied Aleta.
“Do you want to have a try?” asked Sandra.
“Would it … umm … be OK if I just use my fingers?”
“Of course, dear, if I can watch.”
Aleta stood from the couch, turning her back to Sandra, and wriggled out of her skirt, letting it drop to the floor. She was wearing her recently purchased pantyhose from Wolford of Australia. The chic, INDIVIDUAL 12 STAY-HIP design was both comfortable and evocative, especially since she wore no panties beneath. Turning back to face Sandra, she shed her blouse and bra. Sandra was surprised when Aleta revealed her neatly trimmed, wispy black bush.
Most women these days wore either closely cropped pubic hair or were completely shaven. Sandra was barely able to view her friend’s female parts through the forest. Aleta placed her hands on either side of her patch, parted the hair, and exposed her ample labia as Sandra breathed an excited gasp.
Aleta sat on the couch, situated her bottom at the edge, and leaned back against the cushion. She raised her knees high above her shoulders and spread wide with her pussy and bottom in full view of Sandra who acquired the faint, alluring aroma of Aleta’s scent. She inserted the index and middle fingers of her right hand into her mouth up to the webbing and sucked gently, generously wetting them, then returned to her clitoral hood. Circling slowly at first, she extended her range of motion outward, exploring the sensations. Parting her fingers, she slid them downward on either side and squeezed her labia, and massaged up and down until her clit was fully captured in the web between her fingers.
Her excitement mounted as she thought about being watched by another woman. She had never masturbated in front of a woman, and only once or twice with her husband.
Inserting her fingers fully into her mouth again, she tasted her own secretions and marveled at how much she enjoyed the taste. She then reached beneath her leg and upward with her left hand, finding her exposed butthole, circled the opening with her middle finger, and tapped gently at the entrance.
With both hands in position, Aleta inserted her middle fingers into her pussy and index finger into her ass simultaneously as she released a muffled groan.
Within seconds she was dipping her fingers deeper into both holes while grinding the palm of her hand against her swollen clit. She spread her legs as wide as she was able, raised her knees almost to her ears, arched her feet, and curled her toes. Her asshole and pussy throbbed rhythmically open and closed, clamping tightly on her fingers as she convulsed on the couch.
"Oh ffuucckkk!" she purred.
Aleta raised her drenched fingers to her mouth and sucked them, tasting herself one more time.
“That was delicious,” purred Sandra. I hope we can do this again soon.”
After each had fully recovered, they exchanged minor pleasantries, gave each other a peck on the lips and Aleta returned to her own room for the evening.
The conference ended at noon on day three, and the two women exchanged personal emails promising to remain in touch. Returning home, each resumed their everyday lives.
…to be continued.