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An Unexpected Moment Of Heaven - Part 2

"Fate brings together two people who desperately need what the other has to offer…"

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Author's Notes

"This is the very belated follow-up to Part One, which I wrote some time ago (possibly in a galaxy far, far away). <p> [ADVERT] </p>You may wish to read that first (see dropdown list above), though hopefully, this should stand alone."

Naked, Catherine reached out her hand and touched me softly with her fingers.

And that was all it took.

I couldn’t help it; I just — exploded!

My cock pulsed, and cum shot everywhere, up her arm, on the sofa, and over the rug. Her hand was covered.

“I—I’m sorry…!” God, I was so embarrassed. I could see my spunk on her tits, and even on her cheek.

“Oh, my word…” she murmured, taking a tentative lick at her hand. She giggled again. “Don’t be sorry, Michael. It’s very — flattering. But it looks like I may have some work to do before we can continue.”

She looked at the look of horror and humiliation on my face at what had happened, and her expression softened.

“You do want to continue, don’t you? You haven’t tasted me yet, and I want to feel that lovely cock of yours inside me. I want you to fuck me, Michael!”

She leaned forward again and whispered in my ear.

“Why don’t you lie down, and I’ll see what I can do to — revive you?”



I had definitely drunk too much wine over lunch – plus a couple more glasses since I got home. Not usually a wise thing! On the other hand, and rather unexpectedly, I was having the most fun I’d had in years! My friend Cynthia was right – I needed to take opportunities like this when they presented themselves. And Michael was absolutely an opportunity not to be missed!

I still felt wicked, though. I was taking advantage of him — I knew that. But was I really being so incredibly naughty? I laughed to myself. Probably, yes. But I was lonely and I hadn’t had a fuck for so long — and Michael was sooo perfect; such a good-looking young man; guileless, sweet, innocent…

And, as it turned out, he was a virgin! How could somebody so handsome and – there was no phrase for it – well-hung – still be a virgin, for Chrissakes?

I laughed softly to myself. I was such a naughty, naughty woman, because I very much intended to change that state of affairs.

Not that Michael seemed to be objecting to my plan in any way. Far from it – he was demonstrating an incredibly delightful enthusiasm, despite his painful shyness! Could it be that he really found me so attractive? That he had the hots for me? Me — the forty-something, slightly past her best, mum of his best friend?  

When I’d touched him just now, I’d never seen anyone shoot his load quite so — so powerfully!

It was very flattering, and I was rather delighted that I could elicit such a pulsating response in the young man — though Michael was incredibly embarrassed about it. He seemed ashamed, almost.

Hmmm — well, we didn’t want that, did we? I needed to take him in hand – both figuratively and literally!

I suppressed another smile at my little pun. I now saw it as my role to help him. After all, I’d be helping both of us really, wouldn’t I? And I felt a responsibility now — a duty to make sure his first experience was something special. He had no need to feel embarrassment or shame. He was a young man; sexually aware, but inexperienced. It was surely a mature woman’s duty to introduce him to the delights of the feminine form and to show him what to do.

And now that he’d got his first ‘shot’ out of the way, we could take our time. I could show him how to please me and give him some confidence with a woman.

I also really wanted to enjoy that incredible surprise that he’d been hiding in his pants! Oh, wow, what a marvellous cock! I hadn’t been expecting anything like that! Bigger than my husband had been — bigger than anything I’d had before! Ooh, yes — I was getting very wet at the thought of it thrusting inside me!

I looked at my hand. The gentle touch of my fingers that had triggered him so energetically had left a substantial deposit of his young seed on my skin. I suddenly wanted to sample it and raised my hand for a taste.

Mmmm – delicious! Such sweet, healthy young spunk…

He’d be a tender lover, I was sure. I’d always had a soft spot for him. Out of all of my son’s friends, Michael was the one I was drawn to the most. Quiet, reserved and painfully polite. But also considerate, intelligent and totally unaware of his own attraction.

I smiled at him, lying back on the sofa as I’d asked. Naked as he was, he looked — vulnerable — that really was the only word for it.

And in his vulnerability, I felt my own insecurities bubbling to the surface once more.

“I’m not too skinny, am I, Michael?” I asked anxiously. “I know some men prefer curvy women. I’m not as curvaceous as my friend Cynthia. Some men so love women with curves in all the right places!”

Oh, God! I was starting to babble incoherently – and I’d thought I was in control of myself!

“Erm, curvy’s nice, Mrs Robins — Catherine. But — but, you’re perfect as you are!”

Breathing out in sudden relief, I leaned towards him and kissed his tender lips. “You’re very kind, Michael, and very sweet!”

God, I loved the taste of him!

I worked my way slowly down his chest, planting gentle kisses, running my tongue and lips over his hairless skin. I could hear his breathing accelerate as I moved downwards. He had good abs above the tidy, youthful mound of pubic hair that framed his slumbering tool.

I rested my head on his thigh, his cock and balls only inches from my face. I blew gently on his sac and watched goosebumps rise automatically at the sensation. Enjoying myself, I slipped my lips gently over his deflated weapon. I could taste the cum from his previous eruption —both salty and sweet at the same time. God, it was a long time since I’d tasted a man’s cum! I’d never been particularly keen, but Michael’s spunk was divine! I couldn’t get enough of the exquisite flavour!

I could feel him growing rapidly as I worked my tongue and lips on him; the slurping noises I was making as I moved up and down sounded very lewd to my own ears, but Michael was moaning in contentment, and I could feel his hands in my hair, stroking my scalp. I caressed his balls gently and stroked his perineum; he started to tense…

I abruptly withdrew my lips, feeling I might be getting him going too quickly. I didn’t want him to cum again so soon after his last eruption. 

God, I was behaving like a horny slut! I giggled cheekily, the wine I had consumed continuing to loosen my inhibitions. I recklessly and impulsively wanted this young man’s potent sperm in me! I wanted him to fuck my ever-so-naughty pussy with abandon. It was a long time since anything other than silicone had visited the inside of my repressed knickers. I wanted the feel of a nice big cock ramming my sopping twat until he creamed my decadent insides!

But I needed to be patient. I wanted to show him how to pleasure me first.

“Would you like to lick my pussy, Michael?” I suggested coyly.

He gasped with surprise – or maybe disbelief. I giggled in response.

“Here, let me show you…”

I straddled his head, facing his now very hard cock, and slowly lowered myself, so that my needy pussy hovered just above his nose and mouth.

“Can you smell me, Michael?”

I heard what I thought was a whimper, and sensed his shyness; In encouragement, I wiggled my bottom and lowered myself another inch. I watched his cock twitch, and he groaned as if I was torturing him; then I felt his lips connect with mine, as he carefully kissed my most intimate place. I moaned at the delicate touch. His tongue slid between my labia into me – into my sticky wetness. I relaxed myself further onto his face, enveloping him in my stickiness, and his tongue was suddenly everywhere, greedily exploring, trying to bury itself in me…

With a gasp, I slowed him down. “Not so fast, lover-boy,” I giggled.

I pulled my lips apart, spreading myself and exposing my long-slumbering bud to his feasting eyes and tongue.

“Slow down a bit, and – ohhhh – yes, there! Now…” Helping with my fingers, I guided his tongue, showing him where I wanted him to lick, what motion to use, how fast, and…

Oh My God — Yes!

And then I was cumming – cumming hard. I was gushing onto his face. God, I hoped he didn’t find it too much!

I could hear and feel him licking and lapping, and I had to push him away as I came a second time, and everything became soooo sensitive, I couldn’t stand it anymore and oh my god, a third one – oh my god!!!!!




I realised I had been bucking on Michael’s poor, drenched face and as I came down from my orgasm I slid down beside him. He looked very pleased with himself. Unable to resist, I kissed his dripping face, relishing the taste of myself on him.

“Did you enjoy that?” I murmured.

“Oh, God yes,” he said hoarsely. “I can’t believe how…”

“Tasty I am?”

“Wet you are!”

“Mmm - is that okay?” I asked, suddenly unsure. Maybe he found it disgusting.

“Yes – it was just –– unexpected.”

“Well, you should know that you did that to me.”

I rested my head on his chest and snuggled into him. My hand wandered to his conspicuous erection, and I grasped him, and gently began to move my fingers up and down.

“Would you like to make love to me now?”

“Yes, please!”

“Mmm - I think, this time, you should be on top,” I said, moving around so I was now laying down on the rug. He knelt between my legs and clumsily leaned forwards.

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“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

He was struggling and fumbling a little and, smiling, I reached down and guided him into me with my hands.

“There, Michael – right there!”

He groaned as I felt his warm cock slide into me, pushing my walls apart, filling me up, stretching me…”

“Make love to me, Michael – please make love to me. Fuck me!” I urged, desperate to feel him cum in my needy cunt.

I had never been so full before, nor so wet. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I felt complete with Michael’s cock inside my slippery walls, and I desperately wanted him to inseminate my shameless uterus with his copious seed.



As I slipped inside her, a feeling of total contentment washed over me. Catherine’s wetness enveloped me, cocooning my rock-hard cock in a sea of warmth. Oh my God! It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. There couldn’t possibly be anything else like this, surely?

I let out a long sigh – a groan, as I sank all the way into her heat. I could feel her muscles contracting around me, welcoming me, drawing me further in until my pelvis bounced into hers.

God, I was finally doing it! I was finally having sex with a woman! With Jack’s mum! Unbelievably, my cock was completely inside Catherine now. Inside her warm, velvet, sexy cunt…

As the word cunt registered in my brain, I nearly shot my second load of the day. I could feel my face contort as I desperately tried to hold off. As I somehow managed to bring myself under control I opened my eyes and looked down. Catherine was smiling at me; a radiant smile that made me feel – how did it make me feel? – Like being on top of the world!

And, astonishingly, she seemed to be enjoying me inside her – seemed to relish me! I smiled back and Catherine wrapped her legs around me, pulling me into her. I pressed myself against her soft breasts, and kissed her soft lips.

Had I died and gone to heaven? Surely nothing else would ever compare to this!

Just being inside her was the most incredible feeling I’d ever had! I finally felt complete, felt at home. Felt I was leaving boyhood behind and becoming a man.

“Cum in me,” she whispered, her hot breath loud in my ear. “I want you to fill me with your spunk, Michael!”

This time I couldn’t hold out – nor did I want to. Her words triggered me once more even as she squeezed her pelvic muscles again, and I spurted. Spurted deep inside Catherine’s womb – four, five, six times! Eyes closed, she arched her back and tilted her chin towards the ceiling as I impregnated her. She was coming too, her delighted gasps and cries joining mine in a shared ecstasy. Oh God, it felt so wonderful, coming together like this!

I was so lucky. I would never forget this day!



We lay together, entwined and as one for a peaceful, contented few minutes. With my eyes closed, I made occasional noises of pleasure. When Michael's flaccid cock eventually slipped out of my gratified, well-satisfied pussy, a river of cum followed it. I smiled to myself as it dribbled down between the crack of my bottom. For the first time in I don’t know how many years, I was totally relaxed; satiated even…


I could feel my newfound hunger for sex returning with a vengeance. Eyes still closed, I reached out my hand for him. I found what I was looking for and ran my fingertips along the length of his cock.

I felt him react almost instantly to my touch; an involuntary throb and an immediate thickening. I lightly wrapped my fingers around him.

He started getting hard again.

“My, you’ve got some stamina, haven’t you, Michael?”

He seemed embarrassed. “You turn me on so much, Catherine,” he croaked.

God, he was sweet!

“You’ve already cum twice, young man. Do you want to see if you can do it again?”

His eyes grew round, and he nodded with a burgeoning smile on his face, like he’d just won the lottery.

“Would you like to cum in my mouth? Or do you want to fuck me again?”

I saw the indecision of someone who wanted both cloud his eyes and I laughed. “Maybe you can fill my mouth with your hot spunk another time – I do very much want to taste you. But for now, I think I want you inside me again. I want to feel your young cock thrusting in me and make me beg for mercy!”

He quivered, his face looking like he couldn’t believe his luck. Maybe I was overdoing it. I leaned forward.

“Will you take me again, then, Michael?’” I whispered in his ear. “From behind, this time…?”

“Yes,” he croaked. “Oh God, yes!”

“Only – this time, I don’t want you to be as gentle with me. I know I’ve been a bad girl, Michael, and I want you to fuck me hard. Can you do that? Show me what a naughty slut I’ve been and give me what I deserve?”

He seemed uncertain. I put my finger under his chin and raised his head up, so we were only inches apart. I looked intently into his gorgeous blue eyes.

“It’s what I want, Michael. I haven’t had a man take charge of me for so long. I need that, you know — a man. Can you be that for me?” I pleaded.



Catherine turned around and knelt on the rug, bare arse pointing right at me. Her vulva, swollen and puffy after our earlier session, was decadently presenting itself for the fucking it craved.

God – I could cum just looking at the view of her like that!

I shuffled forwards on my knees until I was poised behind her. Catherine turned to look over her shoulder. She smirked at me and waggled her backside impertinently. I grabbed her hips and pushed forward, and she was already so wet with our mixed fluids and so ready to receive me, that my hard cock slipped straight into her. She closed her eyes and gasped as I rammed my cock into its new home and my hips slapped rigorously into her bum cheeks.

“Oh, yes! Fuck me, Michael – fuck me like the naughty slut that I am!”

Jeeezus Christ!

I did what she wanted me to do and each time I slammed relentlessly into Catherine’s sexy, mature cunt she grunted, and her bum cheeks bounced and wobbled. The sound of my hips smacking into her arse lifted my confidence and I found I was grinning to myself.

I slapped her buttocks, and her resulting cry encouraged me. I did it again, and again, and her cries of pleasure only encouraged me to do it more.

“You’re a wicked woman, Mrs Robinson!” I panted. “A complete slut!” I felt bad saying the words because Catherine was far from that – but it was what she wanted. And I was happy to oblige her.

And it excites you, too, doesn’t it? I admitted to myself.

“Y – yes, Michael, I am!” she gasped.

Catherine’s spicy little bum-hole was winking in front of me. Feeling very naughty myself, I lubricated a finger with her cunt juice and slipped it into her bottom; as it slid in, Catherine squealed in response.

“Oh, God yes, Michael!”

I smirked at her back and, still holding onto her hips, I slammed my cock into her even harder, whilst staring at her lovely arse – now covered in red handprints. I could feel myself building again, getting ready to explode.

Christ! Three times in one afternoon!

Catherine’s muscles gripped me as I squirted deep into her womb once more. I pulled her hips, impaling her, pushing as deep into her as I could possibly go. She cried out, her own orgasm making her convulse in a series of waves that made me think I was riding a bucking bronco. I held her like that until her shudders subsided.

Finally, as our breathing finally started to calm down, we collapsed into a sweaty, jumbled heap on the rug, more contented than I’d ever been. I knew I had a stupid smile on my face as I fell asleep.


When we surfaced from our sex-filled slumber a little while later, Catherine was holding me in her arms with my head resting on her breasts. It felt delightful and I couldn’t believe my luck at the afternoon’s events.

Our eyes met and she smiled down at me.

“Thank you, Michael. That was wonderful. Just what I needed.”

I was suddenly shy again. “Thank you, Mrs – Catherine. I was just thinking that I can’t believe what you did to me. It was – incredible!”

She smirked. “What I did to you? What about what you did to me?”

“Oh!” Now I was embarrassed. “That was – I mean, you wanted… It was just…”

She put a finger to my lips and hugged me.

“You are a lovely young man, Michael, and more than I deserve.” She paused, suddenly looking serious.

“Can we talk about my son for a minute?”

Oh crap! What is she going to say?

“You know Jack’s gay, don’t you?”

“Er, yes. Yes, I do.” I swallowed. “Mrs Robinson, Jack and I…”

Her laugh interrupted me. “Oh, I know. But you’re not going to tell me you’re gay too, are you, Michael? Not after the last couple of hours. Bisexual, maybe…?” 

I could feel my cheeks redden. “I…”


Shit, that was the front door!

“Hi Mum — I finished my shift earl… Oh…”

“Hey, Jack.”

“Erm, hey Mike. Er…”

“Why don’t you put the kettle on, Jack, whilst we get ourselves sorted out.”

“Er — sure, mum.”

I met Catherine’s eyes again and this time she just burst out laughing.

“He’ll get over it.” She took my face in her hands and kissed me on the lips. “So, what are we going to do about this - situation…?”


Written by TheShyThespian
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