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A Weekend That Will Always Be Remembered

"A blind date opens the eyes of a girl, blind to the joys of the flesh."

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Last weekend my girlfriend Sue and I were invited to a girls-only twenty-first birthday party, being held at a Country Club Golf Resort. To make a weekend of it, Sue and I checked in the night before. I am older than most of the girls but we both knew them all well. Sue was the youngest of the group.

On Saturday morning while doing some laps in the pool I noticed a guy pacing me. He looked familiar.

I stopped at the end of the pool after a few laps and he joined me.

“You can still set a good pace. Do you remember me...? Tony.” He asked.

“Of course, I do Tony, how are you?”

He was a guy that had partnered me at our school graduation ball, who had a crush on. He dated me a few times after that and I had slept with him. He was a couple of years older than me and enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed his. We were now a couple of years older and he still looked firm and fit, somebody that you would be happy to be seen with.

Later, by the poolside, we chatted, and I agreed to meet him after the party. Before accepting, I confirmed he was not in a relationship or married.

The fact that there were only girls to party with did not turn me on much. The party was to end at mid-night due to the rules of the resort. I would not be ready for bed at that hour.

In making the arrangements, Tony asked me if I could bring my friend. He had noticed Sue and me at breakfast and later by the poolside. He explained that he had a mate, and we could meet up as a foursome.


I met Sue a little later and explained the prospect of a date. She was a bit cool on the idea that it was a blind date, especially with a guy that even I had not met. I managed to convince her Tony was cool, and it would be good fun for just one night. I confided in her that a couple of years previously, I had a fling with him and slept with him a couple of times, before going our own ways. We parted as friends. I still liked him and if she did not like his mate, we could always make excuses and leave them.

“Would you sleep with him again?” She asked.

“That depends upon a lot of things. Only time will tell,” I replied.

“Please do not leave me alone with his mate. You know I am still a virgin. If you two do it then he will expect me to as well. I don’t want to do it with a stranger for my first time,” Sue said rather concerned.

“Have no fear. If you don’t like his friend then we can dump them,” I replied.

“Will you promise me? What happens if you want to sleep with your guy again?” Sue asked.

“I promise. If that happens, I will arrange for Tony to come to my room later. That way you will be safe. You won't have a problem.”

“And you will get what you want. Thank you,” Sue replied.



The party soon became dull and boring as all the girls seemed to have well-established relationships as well as a few forthcoming marriages which seemed to dominate the conversations. Sue and I left early. We found Tony in the bar with his mate.

It did not take long for Craig, Tony’s friend to impress Sue. I was happy that it was working out for her as I had plans for Tony.

We all made our way to a small poolside bar within the resort that was playing soft music. A few people were dancing to slow and romantic music. We could talk comfortably. Many of the girls were in bikinis or thongs as it was a warm night. Sue and I were each wearing shorts and an off the shoulder top. All the guys had a collared shirt on which was one of the conditions of entry and the girls were required to have a top as well, no bare breasts.

The pool was adults-only, and it had a bar in the middle and was busy with people drinking and chatting. I noticed a couple of topless girls seated on bar stools in the pool.

We were not dressed for swimming, so we did not stay long. After we had a couple of drinks and a dance, Tony suggested we go for a walk along the beach.

We all agreed, and the fresh air, I felt, would help clear our heads and walk off the drinks.

We walked for a while and passed several couples and groups settled on the beach. The four of us were soon alone. The Golf Course was running parallel with the back of the beach with only the moonlight to illuminate the area and the fluorescent surf along the beach.

We came to an area that had a couple of picnic tables on the edge of the golf course which overlooked the beach.

Sue and her Craig went to one seat and Tony and I went to another, some few metres apart.

It did not take long for the guys to make their intentions clear and we were soon snogging and getting amorous. The drinks had helped us loosen up a bit although none of us was what one would describe as intoxicated.

As we kissed, it was not long before Tony’s hand began to wander and I could feel him beginning to touch my breasts on the outside of my blouse, which was off the shoulder. He was familiar with exactly what lay beneath as he had enjoyed fondling them during our previous affair.

The passions were rising, and it was not long before the top of my dress was around my waist and Tony was fondling my bare breasts and tweaking my nipples. The mixture of the cool air and his fingers soon had them both hard. He was doing it in a way that I was liking. He moved his lips from mine to my nipples and began to run his tongue around one and suck it while he tweaked the other one. I was not going to resist as I was enjoying it.

The more he did it the more I liked it.

I wanted a piece of the action myself and I put my hand onto his thigh and slid it back under the leg of his shorts. He did not say or do anything to help or assist me, so I put my hand onto his fly and unzipped him. He wriggled a bit to make it easier for me. Within a minute I had my hand around a nice firm cock stroking it as it was sticking out of his shorts. Many happy returns, I thought.

It didn’t take him long before he said, “Do you mind? I am a bit uncomfortable.”

Without waiting for my answer, he stood up and without another word, slipped his shorts down together with his underpants. He was naked from the waist down and his erection prominent. I did not need to be asked. I did the same and my blouse and shorts were soon next to his on the grass. As I did that, he slipped his shirt off and we were both standing in the moonlight completely naked. I knew where we were headed. The kiss that followed was beautiful with my breasts against his slightly hairy chest.

It was not the first time I had been naked with him; it was not unusual for a group of us to end up skinny-dipping after parties. He was older than the guys I had been with recently and bought back nice memories of my first experience with him.

I knew how to enjoy sex in its various forms. I had gained my initial experience during back seat affairs in cars and once they had cum, they lost interest and I was left wanting often. They could not last long enough.

Guys a couple of years older became far more interesting. Tony had been one of them. It was the older more experienced ones like Tony who ensured I was enjoying the experience and achieving orgasms regularly. Bedrooms and motels were far more conducive to good sex.

By now, Tony and I were back snogging and rubbing our naked bodies against each other. I could feel his cock erect and sandwiched between us as we ground our pelvis’s together. The passion was amazing, and I knew in my mind that I was going to have sex with him. That was a forgone conclusion. However, things were moving just a bit too fast for me.

“Let's cool it for a few minutes, I am not quite ready for what I know you are,” I was damp where he had leaked pre-cum as we were snogging.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

I recognised the signs and wanted him to relax a bit more. He was quite worked up and may have cum too quickly for me.

“Positive,” I replied. “I just want to get my head sorted. Don’t worry, you will get what you want.”

I wanted to be sure he was not too excited and finish it before me, and not enjoy him.

“Don’t worry we will do it; I promise. Things just happened a bit quicker than I expected,” I explained.

I had been there and done that before. I did not want it happening this time.

My delay had worked. I recognised his impetuousness has slowed, but his cock remained hard and erect. What we were doing now was enjoyable foreplay. Had I let him have his way, it could have been all over by now.

Experience had taught me that speed is not the essence of the contract.

After we had both enjoyed the best part of ten minutes of stimulating those parts which would soon be joined rather than played with, I let him know that I was ready.

“No worries, I will get the condoms,” he said.

It seems he remembered the last time we fucked, I insisted he used one.

“There is no need, I am safe. I am on the pill now,” I told him.

“How about Sue? I don’t know if Craig has any.”

“I am not sure, I don’t know if she is using oral or not,” I replied, but not letting on Sue was a virgin.

Tony sang out to Craig. “Do you have any condoms?”

“I don’t think we will need them; Sue is a virgin and wants to stay that way,” he replied.

Then Sue sang out, “Have you two done it yet?”

“Not yet, but I will be in a few minutes,” I answered.

Silence followed. The only sound was the surf crashing against the shoreline.

Then Sue and Tony appeared. Sue immediately noticed we were both completely naked.

“Have you decided yet?” I asked Sue.

Sue hesitated. “Yes… No… No, I am not sure,” she stammered, expressing some indecision.

She seemed agitated.

“What are you not sure about?” I questioned.

“OK... Ok…. Give me a minute …. Give me a minute. Oh God, Oh God,” Sue stammered.

In what seemed like an eternity but was no more than thirty seconds she said,

“Ok…Ok… Oh Shit, I hope I don’t regret this. I... will, I will do it,” Sue said.

“Good decision,” I responded.

“Oh God, this has to be the biggest decision of my life. I hope I don’t regret it,” Sue said.

“You won't, I can assure you, and you know I am speaking from experience,” hoping to raise her confidence.

Then Craig hugged me; I whispered in his ear, “You lucky bugger. Treat her gently.”

I think he realised without my encouragement she would not have made that decision. Sue was just standing there alone, looking bewildered, confused, and lonely.

I went to her and just hugged her. “Good decision, you won’t regret it, you chose well.”

As I was hugging her, I could feel her trembling. “You will love it, and you will be the happiest girl on earth,” I assured her.

Craig came over and said, “Thank you,” to me. Then he took Sue's hand and kissed her.

We had all been party to Sue making a huge decision. I felt for her, it was a huge sense of relief. Sue had made a momentous decision based on the fact Tony and I were going to fuck. She did not want to be the one left out. Her day had come.

After Sue and Craig had finished their kiss, Craig walked over to Tony, and Sue joined me.

“Good girl, you will love it, he is a really nice guy. I am sure he will treat you well.” I tried to assure her.

“I hope so, he is nice. I hope I have made the right choice,” Sue commented.

”You will be fine. If it were me, I wouldn’t have hesitated,” I assured her.

Craig and Tony were chatting. I heard condoms mentioned.

Craig went with Tony to get the condoms out of his shorts and Sue said to me quietly, “I just sucked him, and I swallowed it. It tasted terrible but I didn’t let him know it was my first time.”

“I know you will enjoy it. Don’t worry,” I told her.

“I hope so. He asked me if I would do it with him and I really want to, but I just could not say ‘yes’. I know there are no second chances. Once I knew you two were going to, I knew I had to, it was time. I could not get past the fact it would be my first time. I am still a bit scared. God, I hope I do not make a fool of myself; I really like him. I have got to do it sometime. I do not know how I lasted this long... a virgin at eighteen.”

I thought to myself… and not before time.

“If you had not been here, I do not think I could go through with it. I feel better you are here with me. Now I know he is going to use a condom makes me feel better,” Sue confided in me.

“I think he knows what he is doing, just go along with him. I am sure he will be gentle with you,” I reassured her.

When the two guys returned Craig had a couple of condoms in his hand.

I went to him and said, “Please treat her well. I feel she would not be doing it with you if we had not been here and she realised we were going to fuck each other. She is shit scared and now knowing she won't get pregnant will ease her mind in one way.”

Tony and Sue were talking together,

“You will be fine. He is a great guy. He understands, he reassured me he understands it’s your first time and he will be gentle,” I heard him telling her.

I too tried to reassure her, “You couldn’t have picked a better guy than Craig, he is a real nice guy. I am happy for you both. It will not be his first time and I am sure he will look after you, and make sure that you enjoy it. His experience will ensure he knows what to do.”

I then walked back to the bench with her and she undressed completely. She looked lovely and still had all her pubic hair. Craig and Tony followed.

I hugged her and said, “It will be ok, it might hurt a bit as it goes in. Just bite your lip and it will be over in a few seconds. Then tell yourself you want to enjoy it. You won't have to worry about getting pregnant now he is going to use a condom.”

Craig joined us and he commented, “Nice,” seeing her naked for the first time. He then removed his shorts and joined the rest of us all standing there naked.

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I could see she felt a little embarrassed with all our eyes giving her body a thorough look over. She put her hand over her hair. Her nipples had hardened and were quite prominent. She looked beautiful and so innocent standing there in the moonlight. Virginal for the last time.

As we headed back to our bench, Tony said to Craig once more, “Treat her gently, mate. Make it special for her.”

Craig and Sue were already locked together kissing.

As we walked back to our clothing, I told Tony, ”God, she sucked him off and swallowed.”

Tony told me, “Craig said she is a natural. I hope she likes her first time. Craig is good with women. They all like him and rarely refuse him. He is impressed with her, and you. Watch out, he would not hesitate with you.”

“Maybe we should date again and swap,” I jested.

“Are you any good at giving head?” Tony asked jokingly.

“You already know the answer to that, or do you have a short memory?” I quipped.

Now Tony was standing in front of me with his slack cock hanging down. I took it in my hand and licked the tear of pre-cum from the eye if it. I sucked on the head of his cock. It felt awesome, getting longer and harder in my mouth.

The urgency of our fucking had passed and now we were both ready for a nice long time together, and the inevitable fuck to make the night a success. We were fortunate that the weather was still quite warm with no breeze.

“Oh, shit that feels good,” he said, feeling my mouth encompassing his cock in my warm mouth.

I then began to give his cock a good lick and suck. I took the head of it between my lips and rubbed my tongue over it. His cock is a good size and it felt wonderful in my mouth. I then slid my lips down further along the shaft as far as I could without gagging. I used my hand to stroke it as I sucked.

Then I heard Sue sing out, “Wish me luck,” Then there was silence.

I continued to suck Tony’s cock, but was thinking about Sue.

It was a few minutes after that I heard a bit of giggling. They were up to something she was enjoying. We could not see them, so I was unsure of what was happening.

“Do you want to stop before I cum?” Tony asked me.

I took my mouth off his cock long enough to say, “And miss out on your tasty man milk? No way,” I replied and got straight back onto his cock.

I sucked him until he came, which took another few minutes. His legs wobbled and he held onto my head. I swallowed every drop of his cum and let him know I liked it. I have sucked enough cock to have got to like the taste of cum. At first, I was not enamoured with the taste. Now I enjoy it.

As I stood up after devouring every drop of his semen, he said, “Give me a minute or two and I will be ready to give you what you have waited patiently for,” Tony assured me.

It was incredibly quiet and then I heard Sue cry out, “Oh… God… Oh, fuck…. S-H-I-T! she exclaimed.

“Ohhhh... Ohhhh... Ohhhh...” These short groans were then followed by a long slow groan.

“Oohhh… Ohh… Arrrrrhhh.” Then I heard what I thought was a soft cry or sobbing sound.

I could hear the two of them whispering to each other. Sue was crying softly.

“You OK?” I called.

“it's OK, she is fine,” Craig called back.

“It’s fine, it’s fine, it hurt a bit at first... but it is OK now. I did it. I did it. I am so happy,” Sue exclaimed as I heard her sniff.

“We just had a look. Everything is in good shape. There is no doubt about it being her virginity,” Craig said.

Tony said to them, “I don’t think I have a Band-Aid big enough to cover that.”

We all laughed.

“Enjoy,” I called back.

I could hear them talking together but I could not hear what they were saying. It was obvious though that Sue was happy, and I heard her giggle a couple of times. I would have said they were now fucking again, and her virginity was a thing of the past.

The sounds of happiness drifting over to us indicated to me that Sue was enjoying having Craig fuck her, and obviously he was making her experience a good one. Craig must have been having some fun with her.

“All good?” I sang out.

“If I had known it was this good, I would have done it years ago,” Sue called out.

In the meanwhile, Tony had positioned me ready to get his cock into my cunt this time. I had let him decide how he wanted to fuck me and helped in getting myself ready.

I sang out, “Good girl, welcome to the club.”

“You should have warned me, this is amazing. I am enjoying it, it feels fantastic,” She sang out.

“You learn by experience,“ I replied.

The sound of the surf was now covering the noises that Craig and Sue were making now. From the muffled sounds and giggles, they were both enjoying themselves. Tony must have been getting a bit shitty with me as I was more concerned about Sue than him fucking me.

I returned to his attention with me. I lifted my legs, and he was ready and within a second or so his cock was deep inside me. I could feel the head of his cock part my lips and he thrust his cock deep down and into me urgently. The feeling of him going deeper and deeper was fantastic. I am still tight and could feel it going in. It gave me a nice feeling as the walls of my cunt gripped it as he went down into me. He was right up inside me now, and his face was only inches from mine.

“Kiss me,” I begged.

He gently laid his body over me and we kissed, and we kissed with passion. The feeling of him kissing me and the sensation of his cock inside me was awesome. His hands were rubbing each side of my head and ears. The feeling was quite erotic. I was grabbing a hand full of breast meat in between pinching my nipples all at the same time which added to the feeling inside me that makes fucking a pleasure.

We kissed for a few minutes before he positioned himself above me and began to fuck me. I lay there with his cock thrusting deep inside me and I could feel it touching my cervix. I had been fucked a few times, but this was my best, so far. I did not think it would get much better than this. His cock was perfect, just over six inches long was my guess, and nice and thick. It had a good solid head on top of it as well. He had filled my mouth with it and was now filling that passage to my womb.

I was now completely involved in sharing myself with Tony. I had forgotten all about Sue for a moment.

Tony soon established a rhythm, and we were fucking like true lovers. I was engaging with him as he thrust, and I began using my legs to enhance the sensation. Our two bodies were working together like a well-oiled machine.

Then I heard Sue exclaim, “Oh fuck… Oh, fuck.”

It was obvious to me she was cumming. She continued to babble to herself or Craig. I could not understand what she was saying if she was saying anything other than gibberish. They had been having a great time together. So were Tony and me. I could not believe how much I was enjoying it. The effect of the drinks had worn off and the sensation of having sex was affecting my entire body. It felt amazing.

The effect of Tony’s cock was magical. I had been enjoying him fucking me missionary for about five minutes and enjoying it. This is the best fuck I have had in ages. There was only one way better I believed.

“Would you like to fuck me ‘doggy fashion?’” I asked.

He did not hesitate and withdrew his cock. “My pleasure,” Tony replied.

I repositioned myself onto my knees and elbows. I love this position. My tits hung down and swayed with the motion as his cock thrust deep into me and excited my clit as he did so.

Almost immediately, I felt his hands spreading the cheeks of my ass. He ran the head of his moist cock up and over my asshole and that sent a shiver up my spine. I thought he might go for anal. Then the feeling of his thick damp cock sliding between the cheeks of my ass and into my vagina and filled me as I wanted to be filled so fervently.

It felt wonderful as he returned to thrusting his cock hard into me and the sound of our two naked bodies slapping together was as wonderful to my ears as his cock was to my clit, and my tits swung beneath me in rhythm with his thrusts. Without asking he slipped his finger into my ass and was thrusting it gently. Now I was in virtual heaven.

My entire body was feeling the wonderful sensations of having sex with a guy who knew how to make me happy.

“Are you getting close?” Tony asked between thrusts.

“I don’t want this to end, your cock feels fantastic in there. I am getting close though; if you are ready, fuck me a bit faster, we might make it together,” I suggested.

Tony lifted the speed and force of his thrusts. His balls were now slamming against my perineum. After about ten hard thrusts, I felt the first spasm in my clit as my tummy muscles also twitched.

I was sure Sue and Craig could hear the slapping as our bodies met.

I was cumming.

“Fuck me… fuck me hard,” I implored as I came time and time again with the feeling of him still thrusting his hot cock deeply up into me, hitting my cervix. My body had jerked a few times before I heard him grunt and felt the warmth and wetness of his wonderful warm semen filling me.

This sensation gave me the greatest feeling of satisfaction when I felt his cum inside me.

Eventually, he was spent and his cum had filled my cavern of passion. He pulled out as we both collapsed. Then we lay side by side cuddling as we both took deep breaths after such an intense orgasm. His once hard cock slowly subsided and leaked the remnants of his cum onto my leg.

We lay there silently for a few minutes recovering and I enjoyed the warmth of his body against me and the coolness of the night air against our exposed and naked flesh. The night around us was cooling down, as was the passion.

By now we could hear Craig and Sue. They were obviously on their feet again and moving around.

“Haven’t you two finished it yet?” Sue asked from a distance.

“Perfect timing. He just finished. Come over,” I called. We stood up awaiting their arrival.

The two of them arrived hand in hand.

“How was it?” I asked as I cleaned Tony’s cum off me.

“That was amazing, and I enjoyed every moment. Craig was just wonderful with me,” Sue told us. “I could not have asked for anyone better to do that for me. I will remember this night for the rest of my life.”

Craig saw me wiping myself and said, “It looks like you two enjoyed yourselves as well.”

Tony said to Craig, “Well done, mate. I think we won the double tonight. Jan was amazing too. It was many happy returns for me.”

“Seems I must have improved,” I chided Tony.

Sue asked, “How many girls have you fucked?”

Tony looked at her and said, “There have been a few. But Jan is by far the best.”

Sue looked at Tony with a questioning look.

“Maybe we should swap next time,” Sue ventured to say.

Tony said, “You would like a next time? With me, would you?”

“If you are half as good as Craig, then yes,” Sue said laughing. “I like it and now I have started I don’t want to stop. I have nothing to worry about anymore, I have done it, I am not a virgin anymore. I am so happy. Seeing he used a condom, he went down on me straight after... another first. I have had two amazing orgasms. I could not have asked for anything better. I have not enjoyed anything as much as what I have done tonight.”

“I think we had better be getting back its past 2 am. We don’t want a search party out looking for us,” Tony said.

We all picked up our clothes and walked back toward the resort naked. We dressed again when we came across a group still partying on the beach.

As we kissed goodnight, Tony told us, “We have a late checkout. We do not have to be out of our rooms till 4 pm. You could bring your bags to our room after breakfast. We would all have time for a swim and then decide what we can do to fill in the time.”

“I know what I want to be filled and it isn’t the time,” Sue said.

We all agreed to meet for breakfast at 9 am and plan the day's events.

As Sue and I walked back to our rooms, Sue told me, “You could not believe how happy I am. I will remember this night forever.”

When we were inside, Sue said: “I have something to show you.”

It was the condom Craig had used. She had it in a paper tissue with a knot at the end and it was full of his cum.

“This is going under my pillow tonight,” she said. “It is my trophy. I will keep it for as long as I can to remind me of the best night of my life.”

“Maybe tomorrow you could compare Craig and Tony.,” I suggested.

“What do you think Craig would say?”

“Yes, I hope. I would like to see what it's like with Craig myself,” I replied.

“I know it was my first time, but I can tell you; It was amazing!” Sue boasted.


- o -

We had breakfast with the guys and said goodbye to the party girls we had abandoned the previous night, and it seems we had not been missed. The guys then helped us move our bags to their rooms and then we all went for a swim.

As we sat by the pool Sue said, “I have a plan.”

“We don’t have to guess what that might be?” I added.

Sue then outlined our discussion of the previous night.

“That sounds great. Let take all the time we need, and enjoy ourselves,” Tony said.

“Hear, hear,” Craig confirmed.

“I hope you are as good as Tony,” I said looking at Craig.

“And if I am not?” Craig asked.

“Then you will just have to keep doing it until you are,” I said, as we all laughed.

After that, we went back to the boys' rooms and we fucked.

As Craig and I fucked we heard Sue screaming in the adjoining room.

“Oh my God... Oh my God… My God… Oh my God.” It sounded like Tony had got her to cum.

Craig stopped fucking me long enough to say, “Sue won't forget this weekend for a while.”

“Neither will I, the both of you have been amazing,” I told him.

We had another swim, then lunch, and fucked them again before showering and checking out right at 4 pm.

In the car on the way home, we compared notes and Sue told me she had already arranged another date with Craig and suggested that we all have another weekend together.

It seems he had won her heart as well as her virginity.

Written by Meggsy
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