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Baby K (Part 8 of 8)

"Baby horses round with Daddy"

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Chapter 11: Horsing Around with Daddy


"Get down! Hands and knees!"

Startled by Daddy’s abruptness, I obeyed quickly, dropping onto the carpet, then lifting my head to gaze up at my master, who jerked my chain viciously, pulling my collar hard into my neck.

"You’ve had a lot of fun with Mummy, haven’t you?"

"Yes, Daddy."

My voice felt guttural; the collar was half choking me, and I found speaking difficult.

"Well, now it’s my turn. Show me your gratitude by licking my toes."

The weight on my chain slackened, so I bent forward and started licking from the tiniest on his left foot across to the biggest in the middle, then across to the right, from biggest to smallest, before reversing the whole process. Right to left, left to right, I licked away. His skin felt soft and smooth and smelled freshly washed, with just a faint odour of a scented cream.

It was such a pleasure to serve my Daddy. I could have gone on all day, but my reverie was cut short by a jerk on my chain. I glanced up; he towered over me, and the limit of my sight was the very prominent bulge in his shorts, a bulge that wasn’t there when I was commanded to start licking.

"Come with me; crawl on all fours."

And so I followed, crawling along the landing carpet in his wake. We stopped by a door; I saw the bottom opening, and Daddy’s feet walked in. Another jerk on my chain forced me to scuttle, on knees and hands in quick time, into the room.

It looked like another bedroom, but I could only see the divan side from the floor.

"Get up on the bed, Baby."

I crawled over and mounted the soft mattress.

"This is our guest bedroom, where we will play today. You, of course, are not a guest; you are our slutty maid."

I glanced around at traditional furniture, an easy chair, and large windows. It was a lovely space with a very comfortable king-sized bed. Daddy opened a chest drawer and pulled out something.

"You are a mess. Those stockings are holed and laddered. Take them off, then put on this night dress and the panties. He threw a bundle at me, and I lifted my chained wrists as if to ask him, "How can I?"

His hand opened to show the key to my chains, and then, leaning across the bed, he took everything off, including my collar. It was the first time since my initiation that the collar had been off, and I felt naked without it. I quickly stripped off the stockings, and he was right because they were totally wrecked. I slipped on the nightie, the white material covered in printed red flowers. Two thin shoulder straps, a hem that hardly covered my mound, and my boobs were well displayed. It was set off with a matching pair of soft panties that only just covered my pussy. I felt glamorous, with a different style of sexiness, and the sight of Daddy staring at my transformation made me feel really content.

"I have something else for you, Baby."

He reached into the drawer and lifted a pink object. It took me a couple of seconds to recognise it was my little toy, the Lovense vibrator he had told me to wear on our first meeting. He reached out to me, still holding the toy in his hand.

"Put this inside you, then lie back across the bed."

I lay on my back, then felt inside the panties with my fingers until I found the opening to my hole, then pushed it inside until the tail was flat against my clitty. I discovered how wet I was; my playtime with Mummy still affected my body. I wriggled around on the bed. Daddy took a pillow from the bed and put it where he wanted me to lie. I stared up at the ceiling, and then Daddy blocked it off. My vision was filled with his balls and, above those, his cock, standing proud of his naked body.

"Take me, Baby, take me in your mouth."

I tilted my head back and directed his cock towards my mouth. As I pulled back on his foreskin, a large bead of lube slowly oozed from his slit and formed a droplet that slipped through the air, slowed by a fine thread of juice that looked like spider silk. I opened my mouth and let it drop inside. It was a taste of things to come.

His helmet was poised between my lips when my clit was suddenly assaulted by powerful vibrations. Already sensitised by Mummy, my body jolted at the sensation, and I forgot all about Daddy’s cock, releasing it from my grip and grasping at my boobs with both hands. I squeezed and pinched, groaning in self-inflicted pain. My hips flexed with the pleasurable sensations, and within seconds, I had another orgasm, my first with Daddy and my fourth of the day.

As my shuddering body came down from its high, there was no lessening of stimulation; my clit was still being assaulted by the buzzing beast within me. My need to cum again increased; my fingers strayed down to rub my wet pussy through the panties and the action pressed the vibrating tail hard against my clitoral area. It was enough to tip me over the edge again. My hips bucked high above the bed as a huge spasm wracked my body. Somewhere in all this, I remember looking up at my mound, seemingly in an impossible place above me, with my body arched in erotic triumph.

Lost in a welter of orgasmic surges, I heard my cries of ecstasy but saw nothing more until my mouth was filled with engorged cock. My eyes opened to see Daddy’s flesh in front of me, and my mouth sensed the taste of his juice as he thrust deep inside. Every jab made me gag. I felt the bile rise in my throat until my mouth filled with vomit, spraying over Daddy and splashing back onto my face.

Daddy withdrew, and then I felt his hands grasp me and lift me into a sitting position, coughing and spluttering. Strangely, my body was also still jerking from the aftershocks of my cum. The whole situation seemed surreal, something that happened to other women, not me.

"We need to get cleaned up."

Daddy picked up a tumbler from the bedside and gave it to me. I sipped the water at first, then gulped down the entire glass. He took it from me, went into the room’s ensuite, and brought it back, filled to the brim. I drained that one, then another, before my coughing and nausea passed.

"Stand up, Baby, lift your arms."

He bent forward, took hold of the hem of my nightie, and pulled it over my head. I dropped my panties to the floor, and Daddy picked them up before stripping the sheet from the bed.

"Wait there."

He disappeared outside with the soiled clothes and linen before returning to our room.

"Shower time! Come!"

We walked into the ensuite. Daddy turned on the shower and stood with his hand stretched into the cubicle, testing the temperature, before taking my hand and leading me inside. The warm water was a blessing; Daddy soaped me down, shampooed my hair, and generally pampered me as a lover, not a subby maid. I felt so much love for him, so when it was my turn, I cleaned him tenderly, enjoying every touch of his skin. I felt inside his bum crack, soaped it clean, and pushed my soapy finger inside, enjoying his moans as I rotated my finger around the spongy anal flesh. Finally, I knelt and soaped his cock, pulling his foreskin back to let my finger trace a path around the glans, then running down his shaft to cradle and fondle his balls. The shower water cascaded over my head and ran down my face as I took the flaccid tool into my mouth, licking and sucking him back to life, enjoying the gentle thrusts as I aroused him again.

"Come up, Baby."

I stood, looking into his handsome face, and then he took my cheeks in his two hands and pushed his lips against mine. I opened my mouth and let his tongue join mine inside. Our kiss seemed endless, the water splashing over us, arms wrapped around our two naked bodies, his stiff cock standing proud, pressed hard into my tummy.

Daddy turned the water off, then reached across to lift a bath sheet from the heated rail. He wrapped it around me and rubbed me dry before using the same towel to dry himself.

"One more thing, Baby, let me brush your beautiful hair."

Clean and fresh, we went back into the bedroom. Daddy motioned for me to stand still before picking up my collar and restraints and fitting them on me.

He pointed at an object covered with a blanket before lifting it. Underneath was something that appeared to be a cross between a workbench and a keep-fit horse.

"This is for you. Come and lie on it."

"Yes, Daddy."

I lay down on the soft leather top, my arms dangling down the front legs with my chains on either side, and my feet were stretched so far that my toes just brushed the carpet. Daddy knelt beside me, and I heard two clicks as he locked my wrists to eyes on the horse’s legs. Then he went behind me. His hands gently shifted my legs around, and I felt more restraints gripping my ankles, holding me completely powerless and completely under his control.

With my head hung down, I could only see the carpet, then suddenly there was nothing as Daddy placed a soft blindfold over my eyes. I heard him moving around before soft straps were laid across my head. Daddy fiddled around, clips clinked, as he fitted what I felt was the same harness Mummy had put me in earlier.

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"Open wide, Baby."

The arrival of a sphere in my mouth confused me; it was not the same. There were similarities. My open mouth dripped saliva from around the thing that was gagging me, and my speech was limited to a few guttural grunts.

"I’m going to give you a little treat, Baby, and I promise it will not hurt."

I felt his hands pull my cheeks apart, then something cold landed on my sphincter, and a second later his fingers were inside me. It felt very nice, so I groaned in a way that I felt he would understand. The fingers came out, followed by a new cold sensation, hard and cold, being pushed inside. Then Daddy lifted my head, and I felt my anus being pulled towards my back at the same time as my head was being pulled towards my bum.

I lay there, still, my body stretched this way and that, wondering what was to come next. The answer was two straps being fitted around one thigh, holding something against my leg with the top of the object pressed against my clitoral area.

Then the vibrations started with a jolt, and although I had lost my earlier arousal level, my clit was still very sensitive. I ground myself against the vibrator, willing the pleasure on.

"Oh, God, Daddy, that’s fantastic." However what came out was "Err, ugh, ga, faaa."

Without warning, there was a loud crack with a simultaneous stinging pain across my bum.


One after the other in quick succession, twelve harsh cracks, twelve awful, stinging pains.

The beating stopped, and my cheeks felt as if they were on fire. All I could hear was Daddy’s gasping breath, which seemed to be a combination of effort and arousal. The pain was displaced by the mounting arousal in my clit.

"Don’t cum yet, Baby. If you cum before I permit, you’ll get another six of the best."

Speaking was useless, so I just nodded, but I was almost there and tried my best pleading voice around the gag.

"Ees, Ga, Ees, Ga."

"I’ll count down, you can cum at my command."


"Five, four, three, two, one, cum now, Baby."

I stopped my brain trying to hold it back, and immediately my body took over, my legs pumping against the restraints, my hands in spasm, gripping the horse legs, my hips rolling around, and I stretched up as far as I could go. Waves of delicious pleasure ripped through my head. It was glorious.

Daddy turned off the vibrator, and I felt him remove the straps holding it to my leg before he pushed his body against my pussy and thrust his cock into my wet hole. The pounding was magnificent; I loved Daddy in me; his cock slapped in and out, my body and brain in sync, both wanting and needing his seed squirted deep inside me.

I don’t know who came first. I think my first contractions kicked him off, but it was of no real importance. I screamed into the gag as my body floundered on the horse. Daddy screamed too, a series of deep masculine yells, as his cock jumped and pumped his creamy cum into my tunnel.

He collapsed onto my back, tightening the line connecting my head harness and my bum hole. My head was pulled back so far that my collar started to choke me, and I gasped for the air my body craved.

In this position, I felt another pair of hands release my gag and blindfold, and then Mummy’s familiar odour hit my nostrils before her soft lips pressed against mine.

"Mummy, Mummy, I can’t breathe."

"Daddy, get off her!"

I felt him move and shuffle to one side.

"Is that better, Baby?"

"Yes, Mummy. Thank you, Mummy."

"Good, Baby."

She stood up, and I found myself looking straight at her strap-on, just a few centimetres from my face.

"Open wide, Baby."

Its black head and shaft slid into my mouth; the taste seemed strange, not female, not me. She pumped gently for a while, then withdrew. I’m going to enjoy fucking you again, Baby. Daddy is well spent, but I have another cock for you to suck."

She moved away, and I saw a male body sporting a huge erection.

Babaa, fuck Baby’s mouth until you come.

"Yes, Mummy."

He stepped forward, and I opened my lips to let him in. It was the first time I had seen Drew’s cock in all its glory; it had always been scrunched up in a cage before. His foreskin was pulled back halfway, exposing a swollen purple head with a large drop of juice oozing from his slit. I fell in love with it at first sight, wanting him to feed me his juice and cum.

He grasped my head with both hands, then started to gently pump my mouth. At the same time, I felt Mummy’s hands on my thighs, then her body pushing in where Daddy was earlier. She pushed the black beast inside, then started to pump my hole.

The pair seemed to work in unison, one in, one out. I gave Drew’s cock all my attention, licking and sucking to maximise his pleasure, and I heard his sighs of satisfaction as his arousal increased. Mummy’s pounding at the other end was sending me higher and higher. My arousal felt like a dam about to burst, which in turn made me redouble my efforts to get my mouth filled with Drew’s squirting white cream.

The race was won by the cock in my mouth. I felt it pulsate just before the first release, and then his cum squirted across my tongue before draining into my throat. This was the signal for my orgasm. My body was wracked by surges of spasm, and my mind was a maelstrom of pleasure. I had reached the absolute peak of sexual gratification, made perfect by the knowledge that I had given something special to my new lover.

Nothing could top my happiness. There were three people in the room that I loved dearly. Daddy released me from the horse and bonds, and then all four of us lay on the bed, Mummy and Daddy cuddling together while I snuggled up against Drew, my head on his shoulder, my hand playing with his soft cock.

Daddy raised himself on one arm and peered over Mummy, smiling as he saw our intimacy.

"Babies, you’re both going home tomorrow morning, so your time as our servants is over. I propose we all have a giant takeaway tonight with as much wine as you can drink. Our treat for two wonderful subs."

The evening was quite different from all the preceding ones. Daddy ordered the meal to be delivered, and Mummy set the table where we all sat in dressing gowns. After dinner, we shifted to the drawing room, where the wine flowed. When Mummy played her piano, I realised she was an accomplished pianist. Graciously, she let me play, standing over me as I tinkled the ivories again. Her hands slipped under my gown while her fingers gently played with my nipples. Aroused and pissed, I turned my face to her, and we had our last deep kiss to a slow Chopin nocturne.



Chapter 12: Homeward Bound


The time to leave and go to my vanilla existence arrived in the morning.

I woke up, showered, and looked in the wardrobe to find my original clothes laundered and neatly folded, along with my precious handbag and mobile phone and a large carrier bag full of wrapped parcels. Then I toddled downstairs and found some painkillers for my hangover before eating a hearty breakfast prepared by Mummy. While eating, I chatted with her, Daddy and Drew. It was so ordinary and conventional, and it was hard to visualise the previous meals when I was no more than a submissive servant, pandering to Mummy and Daddy’s every whim.

Daddy ordered a cab to take me home. As the car turned out of their driveway, I stretched around to have a last look at my home for the last five nights; or was it six? I had lost track of time, and my life was not bounded by days but by submission to Daddy and Mummy.

In my mind, I constantly turned over Drew’s phone number until we were on the motorway when I took out my mobile phone and entered him into my contacts list.

That evening, alone in my flat, I opened the packages left for me in the wardrobe. There were several pristine maid outfits, plus the nightdress and panties I had worn with Daddy and, perhaps most precious, my collar, wrist cuffs, and chains.

Later, I was watching some boring reality television show when the only call I ever wanted came through.

"Hi, Drew."

"Hi, Kathy. The first words I want to say are, I love you."

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"I love you too, Drew."





The story of my fetish didn’t end after the events of my story with Mummy and Daddy. My romance with Drew took off big time, and we married six months later.

We share the same kinky needs, but Drew is a wimp and can’t bear to hurt me, so I have to hurt him lots and lots. I do it out of love and get a huge kick out of being the household dom. My fetishes, my life.




Written by SandG_Play
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