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Baby K (Part 7 of 8)

"Baby K forgives and enjoys playing with Mummy."

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Chapter 10: Mummy’s Bedroom


We were in the kitchen after breakfast, washing up and tidying away, when Daddy called out to us.

"Come to my office, babes."

Unlike the previous day, we stood facing his chair while Daddy looked at us.

"Turn around, then bend over, hands on calves."

We obeyed our Daddy. I stole a sideways glance at Babaa; he gave me a quick look, grinned, and winked. I felt my skirt being lifted, and then there was an almighty slap on my bum. I squealed in surprise, then heard the second strike on Babaa. He let out a short grunt.

"I want a bit of sport with my cane this morning. Shuffle over so your bodies touch and lift your arm over the other’s back."

We duly shuffled. I lifted my arm to cross his back and felt him do the same.

"Now for my little fun."

The first blow came as a shock; we were struck simultaneously. I squealed, and he grimaced and grunted.

There was no pause between a whole series of hits. Silently, I counted up to twelve, by which time I was sobbing in pain, and I could hear Babaa exhaling, trying to contain the hurt in his inflamed flesh.

"Good, babes, you’ve shown yourselves to be top-class pain sluts. You can stand up now."

We stretched up, still joined by two arms across our backs.

Daddy stood before us, lovingly caressing the cane in his hand.

"When you have finished in the kitchen, your duty this morning is to clean and tidy Mummy’s bedroom. Off you go!"

We went into the bedroom, a huge space with a deep bay window facing the front garden. There were mirrored wardrobes along one wall, a dressing table with large backlit mirrors above along another wall, and a huge double bed. The bathroom was visible through a partly open door. I hadn’t realised there was a second entrance when I was there with Mummy.

A couple of hours later, when we were just about finished, Mummy arrived. She was lovely in a soft knit dress and black leather calf boots. She looked around approvingly.

"Nice job, babies. Now put away your cleaning gear and come to sit with me."

We put our stuff out in the hall, then returned to find Mummy sitting in a comfy feeding chair placed in the middle of the window bay.

"Sit on the floor, please, one on each side."

Curled up there, my knees bent under me, looking across at Babaa, then up at Mummy, made me feel we were a real family, two children and a beloved mother. All families have tiffs; parents are human and make mistakes; this is one of life’s great reveals we all experience. I had forgiven Mummy for her mistake; she had apologised and suffered a horrible punishment. I was ready to move on; now it was her chance to take us forward.

"First, babies, I want you both to know I love you and would never want to harm you. I made a mistake and have accepted the consequences. We will play together today, here, in my personal space."

I looked up at her, felt love, and saw love.

"Babaa, look at me."

He tipped his head back, gazing into her eyes. Mummy put a hand under his chin and lifted it a bit more, then leaned forward and put her lips on his. The kiss was long and passionate; their cheeks flexed and bulged with the play of tongues inside. Watching their arousal affected me, deep within my pussy there was an awakening, a tremor, and an excitement.

As they broke apart, Mummy turned to me, cupped my chin, and pushed her lips against mine. My mouth opened to welcome her in, and as her tongue flicked around in my mouth, the tremors in my pussy increased in intensity. Our kiss was as long as her previous one with Babaa, but nothing lasts forever. She withdrew and sat upright in her chair.

"I am going to play with Baby K, Babaa; you are going to watch, but you must not play with yourself, because I will want you later."

She looked at me.

"On the bed, Baby!"

I flopped across the duvet face down and relaxed in its soft embrace, quite unprepared for Mummy’s opening gambit. She lifted my little maid skirt, then smacked each of my cheeks in turn while gently fondling my flesh, running her hands up and down my thighs. At one stage, she pulled my panty crotch aside and played with my pussy. Inside, my desire and need were growing.

I wanted Mummy’s love, but I was not ready for her next move. She pulled my legs around and then walked over the duvet until she was straddling my body. Then Mummy sat down on my back, took hold of my hair, and pulled my head up.

"Let me see your tongue."

I stuck it out as far as I could.

A hand appeared in my vision, holding a fearsome-looking knife. The blade came closer and closer to my face, and then I felt the steel pressing into my tongue.

"I could slice that pretty thing apart right now."

Somehow I felt this was a game, a demonstration of my restored trust in Mummy, but then there was also a quiver of fear that she might go a bit too far.

"Do you trust me, Baby?"

My answer was, "Yes," but with my tongue immobilised, I wasn’t sure if it sounded right, so I repeated the attempted noise. The knife lifted from my tongue but just shifted to my throat, and the cold steel slipped across my exposed flesh.

"Yes, Mummy, yes, yes, I trust you."

"Good, Baby."

She dropped the weapon, then moved off me, kneeling on the bed beside my legs. I rolled over onto my back and looked up at her, wondering about her next move.

She jumped on me, knocking the air out of my lungs, then forced her lips against mine, forcing her tongue into her mouth. Our legs were interleaved, and she was using my leg to ground her pubic bone, so I raised my knee a bit so her clit got the stimulation she craved.

Gradually, her urgency abated, and then she sat up between my legs and picked up the knife again. This time she ran the blade up and down my sternum, but I wasn’t frightened anymore, and she seemed to understand we had turned a corner.

Mummy reversed the blade, then, in a swift motion, cut through the top part of my maid’s dress, and in a second, made another cut through the centre of my bra. The clothing fell away to each side, and my breasts were exposed. The knife was discarded, and she leaned down to suck each nipple in turn before she sat up and searched around for something. I watched, intrigued when she picked up a silk square and folded it in half. Mummy turned back to me, leaned forward, and wrapped the folded silk around my head. I lifted a little to let her knot the material behind me.

Mummy kissed me with a peck on the lips before I sensed she was sitting up again. I felt my panties being pulled aside, and then Mummy’s fingers explored my pussy lips; her fingers slid up and down, spreading the juice, before pushing inside me, three fingers working over my clit, pressed hard onto my pubic bone. My hips started to flex in pleasure, and then she withdrew. I sensed her lean towards me before the same three fingers were pushed into my mouth. I licked and sucked greedily, tasting my own pussy juice.

"Is this fun, Baby?"

"Yes, Mummy, I’m enjoying it all!"

"Goody, time to strip."

I felt her pulling my maid’s dress down my tummy, and then she unlocked each of my wrist restraints in turn, pulling the dress straps down my arm and over my hand, before locking me up again. I lifted my hips to let her pull the whole garment down my legs and away from my body. I was naked, other than hold-up stockings and a blindfold.

There was a tug on my collar chain, suddenly it was very tight, pulling me up.

"Stand up, Baby,"

I shuffled across the duvet, my wrists sticking out in front of me as she yanked on the connecting chains. Once I was standing, I felt Mummy behind me. Her arms slipped around my body below, and her hands started to knead my boobs. Her breath was in my right ear, so I turned my head towards the sensation. Her lips found mine, and we kissed deeply, our tongues flicking together in love.

Next, she sucked my right nipple, it was very sensitive, and I groaned with the sensation. Then I felt her reach to pick something up before running a cold metal object over my boob and nipple. I was sure it wasn’t the knife, as was confirmed in a few seconds when my nipple was clamped tight in a metallic embrace.

"Urgh, it hurts, Mummy."

Almost immediately, she moved to suckle my left nipple, which, like the other one, was hard and sensitive, so when the clamp was applied, I let out another groan of pain, and, as my body shuddered, I felt the weight of a chain connecting my two nipples swing gently, increasing the soreness of my two teats.

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Mummy pulled on my neck chain,

"Move with me, Baby."

I shuffled across the floor until I was where she wanted me.

"Stand still, Baby."

I waited, swaying slightly, my sense of balance perturbed by the lack of visual clues. Then it started thwack, thwack, thwack. At first, it felt like a soft brush spread out over my breasts before she turned on the power, and every stroke stung my body.

The beating did not last long; Mummy came to me and hugged me tight, one arm wrapped over my shoulder and back, the other around my waist. She squeezed me tight, then kissed me frantically. All around me, I could smell her perfume, her body, and the woollen dress. I returned the embrace, one arm over her shoulder, the other trapped between our bodies, immobile on the end of my chain. We kissed and kissed, and for one moment when I stuck my tongue out, she grabbed it between her teeth and bit down enough to make me cry in pain. It was wonderful; I loved Mummy more than ever before.

She told me to turn around, then guided me across the room with her hands on my shoulders.

"Lean forward; put your hands on the surface in front of you."

"Yes, Mummy. Thank you, Mummy."

"Good, Baby."

I heard her move away; there was rustling behind me, and then I felt her presence again; this time it was her naked flesh pressed against my back as she leaned over me.

Her hands found the knot in my blindfold and gradually teased it open. When the silk scarf fell from my eyes, I found myself looking into the big dressing table wall mirror with the reflection of Mummy smiling at me. Free of the scarf, her hands wandered to play with my boobs, hanging and swinging gently below my horizontal upper body. She kissed me time and time again while teasing my nipples, sending a shudder of pleasure that momentarily blocked out my pain from the clamps.

I looked at her beautiful, mature body, adorned in no more than a bra, panties, and jewellery, as her hands lifted something.

"Open wide, Baby."

My wide-open mouth was ready as she placed a long bar over my teeth. On the side were metal rings with what looked like leather straps. I recognised the device as being similar to a horse bit. Mummy clipped the straps behind my head, then pulled them tight, and my mouth compressed into a deformed grin. She then clipped two more straps, one on each side, before pulling back on these, raising my head like a horse in dressage.

I felt Mummy’s fingers probe my pussy, slipping between my wet lips and slipping into my tunnel of love. At first a gentle twisting, then a vigorous pumping. It was incredibly sensual, but she did not hit my clit, the flesh around it was moving, but the stimulation wasn’t enough to take me over the edge. I needed to cum, so I put my hand down there, explored my sex, parted my lips, and found the hard shaft within.

Together we found the rhythm, Mummy in my cunt, pressing on my g-spot with every stroke, and me on my clit. When my orgasm came, my knees buckled as my body trembled in spasm. My brain was filled with absolute pleasure, while down below, the accompanying sensitivity seemed out of this world.

Flopped over the table, I could hardly breathe; my lungs were almost stretched to their maximum in meeting my body’s need for air. Behind me, I could hear Mummy panting in exhaustion, a gentle thrust of her hand moving inside me for a few moments before she pulled out and her body pressed against me,

"Don’t move, Baby. I have a treat for you,"

I did move a bit, just enough to lift myself and straighten my legs, before she reappeared in the mirror, her panties covered with a set of straps she was fiddling to adjust. In front of her mound was a large protuberance, thick, long, and very black.

I realised my treat was to be fucked by Mummy, and I supposed that the dildo would fit me, after all, it didn’t seem any thicker than her hand. She pulled back on the reins, my head was yanked up again into dressage mode, and I mentally prepared myself for her entry into my wet, slippery vagina.

Mummy’s fingers opened my lips again to let the rubbery tip press against the entrance to my tunnel. Then, in one brutal heave, she pushed into me the whole length, and I yelled as she hit my cervix. I had never had such deep penetration, so the sensation of the rubber against my body’s limit was quite intense. It didn't hurt, but I wasn’t physically or mentally prepared. The second time I enjoyed it, and every time after that as she pumped it into me.

I moved my hand to rub my clit again; the combination was incredible.

"I’m going to cum, Mummy. Keep going, please; don’t stop; I need you."

The orgasm was quite different from normal. I started to shiver; my head felt as if it was going to burst; and my whole body went into spasm. It seemed to go on forever; I had no control and collapsed onto the floor, writhing and yelling in pleasure.

I sensed being dragged across the floor and rolled onto the bed, still in the throes of my cum. After I had calmed down, Mummy said she had never seen such a deep, whole-body cum like mine.

"Thank you, Mummy; oh, thank you so much; I love you to bits!"

She raised her body above me, then gently removed the bit with its reins, followed by the nipple clamps. I sighed with relief; my nipples felt numb from the constant harsh pressure of the steel pads. Then her mouth descended on mine, and our lips parted for a long, gentle, and very deep kiss.

A gentle humming caught my attention; the source was close by. Then Mummy shifted around a bit, and I felt my clit being pressured by the head of a powerful vibe that she was holding. My clitoral area was super sensitive, so I responded immediately, my hips flexing, willing me towards orgasm. The end came very quickly, I jumped and rolled around, having my third deep orgasm in short order.

"Please, Mummy, I can't take any more. Please let me give it to you."

I grasped the machine’s shaft, then pushed the head beneath the backing pad of the strap-on, and then up, until it sat squarely over Mummy’s clitoral area and turned the vibrations to maximum power. She gasped from the intense feelings. Lying on her side beside me, with one leg cocked upright, was the perfect stimulation and kissing position. Oh, how we kissed. While her body bent in little thrusts against me, our mouths were linked wide open, tongues flicking, saliva drooling from her mouth into mine.

The end was inevitable, in a huge melee of thrusting and rolling, she fell on her back beside me, yelling and screaming in a cacophony that filled the whole room. I kept the vibrator on her clit somehow. The aftershocks raced through her muscles, accompanied by a series of loud grunts, and the strap-on cock whirled around above her flexing thighs. I felt so good. There is nothing so satisfying as giving, and watching your partner experience a deep orgasm, nothing at all.

As she calmed down, we petted side by side, caressing one another, whispering sweet nothings, and kissing gently and lovingly.

I heard a door opening and stretched around to see Daddy standing in the doorway, naked except for a pair of tight, black, and shiny shorts.

"Rather noisy, I think. Perhaps it’s time for Baby to come with me."

He snapped his fingers, and I pulled myself off the bed to stand with him. Daddy took hold of my collar chain and started to pull me away.

I saw Babaa sitting quietly in the feeding chair. I had forgotten he was there, waiting for his turn with Mummy. He looked flushed, probably well aroused, I thought.

Mummy went over to stand in front of him, still wearing the dildo harness. She pushed it against his lips and demanded, "Suck, Babaa, suck."

His mouth opened, and the shaft slid inside. The thought of him tasting my juice was intensely erotic. Then she pushed in deep, her hands locked around the back of his head. Glug, glug, glug was the only sound as Mummy fucked his mouth and throat.

Daddy pulled harder on my chain, and I followed him quietly out of the room. As the door swung closed behind us, the sounds of forced oral sex gradually diminished.


In the next part, Baby K enjoys horsing around with Daddy.

Written by SandG_Play
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