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The Chastity Arrangement

"Story broken into three chapters about a husband introduced to chastity and more."

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Famous Story

Chapter 1 of 3 The Bargaining

At first, I was confused, then I became a bit fascinated. My husband had sent me a link to a porn site with every genre you could possibly think of. I came across a man and woman and the man had this little cage around his cock. Something about it I found not only entertaining but erotic. I asked myself, “Why would a man want his cock locked up in a tiny cage for who knows how long?”

“Why does the thought of it make me tingle inside?”

“Would my husband want to try something like that and If he didn’t could I ever get him to try something like that?”

I did my fair share of research. The more research I did the more intense my desire became.

I figured I would bring my new desire up with him in a gentle manner. So one night while I was sucking on his cock I took more time than usual playing with it and stroking it. In kind of a joking manner, I said, “I think I should put your cock in a cock cage and hang on to the key.” 

He responded with a quizzical, “What?” 

As I continued stroking his cock, I said, “You know, one of those cock cages. I think it might be kind of fun. It would definitely be a big turn on for me locking you up and having control of the key.”

He didn't say no but answered with, “What would something like that have in it for me?” 

I responded, “Well I can tell you that this little man right here would get a lot more attention and I think you might get some of the best orgasms of your life.”  

He asked,  “How long would I have to wear it for?” 

I explained,  “We can start off with just a day or two and see how it goes. I can promise you the orgasm will be worth it.” 

It's funny, when I have my husband's cock in my hand and mouth he seems to be a little bit more willing to do things. 

When I began rubbing his balls he simply said, “If it'll make you happy I'll give it a try.” I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. I began sucking and stroking his cock like a pornstar. It wasn't long before he was exploding in my mouth.

The next day I did my shopping online. I couldn't believe how easy it was to find cock cages on Amazon so I ordered a couple in different sizes for immediate shipping.

A couple of days later, my husband noticed a difference in the way I was acting. He asked, “Why are you so cheery?” I told him that his new cock cage had come in and he'd be putting it on that night. It was more than just a fascination for me now. It was my chance to give him a new experience.

That night I asked him to remove all his clothes and get on the bed. I placed the cock cage on the pillow neck to him then I slid down and took his cock into my mouth. I sucked and stroked him until he was hard as a rock and then slid up and slid his cock right into my wet pussy. He could immediately tell I was excited by the wetness surrounding his cock. He kinda chuckled and said, “You really are in a special kind of mood tonight aren't you?”

I just smiled and said, “Yes, I am.”

I rode his cock until he came deep inside of me. When his orgasm subsided I laid next to him. Remaining silent, I waited until I could see his cock had become completely soft. That's when I grabbed the cock cage and said, “It's time.”  Already having him completely satisfied made it kind of easy. 

Now, putting the cock cage on for the first time was a little awkward but I had watched enough videos on how to do it that I got it right. Once getting the cage securely around his cock and locked, I sat back and admired my work. I even found myself playing with it a little bit. Flipping it up and down, seeing how it fit, examining it. I made sure he watched as I took the key and put it on a chain around my neck. He asked, “Now this is just for a day or two right?” 

I let out a little giggle and responded, “We'll see.”

I spent the next day making him drop his pants and underwear so I can inspect him regularly. Seeing him so willing to follow my instructions was actually really fun. I made sure to give his balls a good massage every time I did and every now and then a little kiss on his cage. I couldn't help but tease him with, “How’s my little man in the doing?” It was so much fun I couldn't resist.

That night I had him lay on the bed and I removed his cage. I cleaned and then massaged his balls and cock for several minutes. I could tell he was in heaven as my lips wrapped around his hard shaft. When he came I held his cum in my mouth and allowed a little to dribble down my chin before staring deep into his eyes. As I swallowed the mouthful I could tell by the grin on his face he appreciated the display.

I said, “Now that wasn't so bad was it?” 

He replied with, “Hell no it wasn't.” 

I then said, “So you wouldn't mind if we took it a little further?” 

My charm was working as he said, “I am all yours.” 

I couldn't help but smile as I responded, “That's exactly what I wanted to hear.” I put the chastity cage back on his soft cock and went to bed.

For the next two days, I continued my inspections and questions. I felt like a child with a new toy. 

I sent him a message that may have caught him a little off guard. It read, “Showing your devotion by allowing me to own your cock is the most loving thing I have ever felt.” It may have been kind of corny but I was feeling like a new chapter in my life was starting.

It was hard to keep control of my excitement. I just wanted to play with his caged cock and see what would happen next but I had to start planning. I made some new rules. I informed or I should say convinced my husband that when he was home he was not allowed to wear pants or underwear and as a reward, I would only wear whatever he wanted me to. 

What a great effect this had. Not only could I see his caged cock all the time which seemed to continuously bring a smile to my face, but him seeing me in sexy revealing outfits was creating more of an effect that I could have imagined. He was constantly trying to be near me, touching me, and getting mentally aroused. 

It took a few days but he finally asked, “Can I be released yet?” 

Just what I was waiting for. I looked at him and said, "Let's see if you have earned it.” I led him to the bedroom and asked him to sit and watch as I took a long shower. I peaked at him a few times to make sure he was following directions. If you have ever seen a puppy waiting as you held a treat up in the air, that is what he reminded me of. 

I ended the shower by shaving my legs and pussy. Getting out I dried off standing directly in front of him. I could see how anxious he was becoming. I looked at him and said, “Remember, you have to earn it.” Leading him to the bed I fluffed the pillows and laid down. I looked him up and down and then gave my directions, “This is what we shall do. You have been locked up for three whole days and that deserves some appreciation. But not quite a reward.”

I guess It's wrong to think like this but in a way I wanted him begging. I wanted him begging for me to empty his balls. I wanted him to willingly allow me control of his every orgasm as if I was the only answer to the only question. 

I told him to sit with his legs spread in front of me. I leaned back and began playing with my pussy. The mound was smooth and soft from the fresh shaving. I could feel the wetness inside and soon slipped my fingers between my folds. I massaged my clit and fingered myself until I was ready to burst. My body shook as I quietly moaned feeling the orgasm roll through my body. 

I looked at my husband and said, “Remember when I said you would be having amazing orgasms?” 

He replied, “Yes.” 

I then said, “Do you really trust me?” 

Again he replied with, “Yes.” 

I grabbed his caged cock and fondled it saying, “Tonight you are truly lucky. Tonight you will begin showing me just how much you want this.” I ran my tongue around his nipple then gently kissed his chest. I whispered, “Do you want this to continue?”  

His eyes were lost in lust as he replied, “Yes.” 

I laid back down onto the bed and said, “My second orgasm always takes longer than the first so you better start licking.”

My husband quickly buried his head between my legs and began licking. I laid there, enjoying the feel of his tongue working on my clit. I had to fight to hold back the orgasm as he brought me to the edge over and over. He was on a mission to not give up until he had completed his task. 

I allowed the pleasure to continue for far longer than needed. Having him there, on his knees, licking for as long as my hearts desired and him knowing that his time wouldn't be coming made me feel like a goddess being worshiped. My husband soon received that night's reward when I came so loudly you would have thought I lost my soul. 

I woke to my husband in the shower. The water running down his body dripping from his steel encasement was delightful.  When he got out and dried off I called him to the bed. I began inspecting and massaging his balls. His balls looked so big and full. I said, “Oh dear, honey, those look really full.” 

I motioned for him to lay on the bed and I grabbed one of my vibrators from the nightstand. I began teasing his balls and cock with delightful vibrations. He was pleasantly moaning as I removed the cage from around his cock. I began lightly running my nails over his shaft and his cock sprang to life. His hard-on grew quickly as I twisted my fingers around its head. I reached into the nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube. Squeezing the lube into my hand I said, “Now, here's the deal.”

“Do you remember me talking about my friend Jade from work? Well, it just so happens that she and her husband used to be swingers. Now I'm going to stroke your cock.” I dribbled the lube into the head of his cock and said. “If you can last more than five minutes, I will invite her over and we will both take care of you.” 

My husband had a huge smile on his face. I let out a deep breath and said, “Are you ready?” He shook his head up and down telling me, yes and I began sliding my hand up and down his shaft. I stroked and twisted my hand around the head of his hard cock. Within a minute my husband said, “Hold it, hold just a second.” I couldn't help but giggle and I released his cock. I really didn't want him cumming that quickly. 

He took a deep breath and said, “Okay, go ahead.”  I began stroking again. Slow then fast, changing hands and directions. His cock was straining and so was he trying to hold back. I kept my eyes on the clock and when there were two minutes left I began my final assault. I gave him long firm strokes and began massaging his balls. When I saw his thighs tighten I began stroking faster and faster. He reached with his hand to stop me but I pushed it away. Stroking with full speed, he let out a loud moan as loads of cum began shooting into the air.

When he had finally stopped cumming I said, “Look, honey, you had less than a minute left.” He couldn't speak, he just laid there panting from the orgasm. I cleaned him up and put his cage back on. Looking down at him and said, “There we go, the little man is back where he belongs.”

I winked at my husband and asked, “He does belong in here, doesn't he?” 

He shook his head in confirmation. 

I replied, “Good, now I hope next time you can do better.”

As the days passed by things were amazing. My nude husband in his cage, me wearing little to nothing. The attention I was getting was wonderful. I felt so confident. I decided it was time for some more fun.

That night I had called my husband over and had him sit next to me on the couch. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my pussy and told him to rub it.  He gently massaged my pussy lips, clit, and mound as I relaxed. I knew it was having the right effect because his little man kept twitching, moving his cage around. I turned to him and said, “I want to get fucked.” I got up and headed to the bedroom and he quickly followed behind.

I removed the lace bra I was wearing and he immediately began licking and sucking my nipples. I could feel the juices forming between my legs and I began massaging his caged cock. I maneuvered him so he was on his back on the bed. Reaching into our toy drawer I grabbed a couple of restraints and fastened each of his arms to the bedpost. I purchased a thin leather harness in hopes of this moment. Pulling the harness from a drawer I laid it over his groin. He stared in confusion as I  worked the straps around his waist and legs getting the harness in the proper position.

He asked, ”How am I going to fuck you like this.”

I smiled. Reaching back into the toy drawer I said, “I'm not getting fucked by that,” while pointing at his cock. I pulled a large thick eight-inch dildo from the drawer. Holding it up I said, “I'm getting fucked by this.” 

I stuck the dildo onto the nub sticking up from the harness. The large cock standing up from his body made me chuckle. It was longer and thicker than his. I ran my tongue around its head and began stroking it. As I stroked it up and down I thought of how I've never been this naughty, this devious, and how what I was about to do might have him begging to god for me to let him have an orgasm.

I grabbed the bottle of lube and opened the top. I paused as I realized something. Closing the top of the bottle I looked at my husband I said, “My pussy is so wet I don't think I'm going to need any lube.”

Facing my husband, I squatted. Using one hand to steady myself, I reached down with the other.  I spread my pussy lips and allowed the head of this big cock to press against my opening. I lowered myself and a long loud moan escaped my lips as the large cock found its way inside. 

I thought I would have to stop but it felt too good so I continued slowly lowering myself until the entire shaft disappeared. My mind swirled in the pleasure my pussy was experiencing as my body started moving. 

I rode slowly then fast. I ground and bounced, bringing myself to the edge of orgasm over and over until my mind and body couldn't take anymore. Then fucking myself furiously my entire body orgasmed as a woman possessed. 

Climbing off the dildo I fell to my husband's side. I tickled my fingers over his chest and lightly circled them around his nipples. Propping myself up so he could see my face I said,” Now this is the way it's going to work. When I want to make love you're going to use your little man in the cage. Touching the head of the large dildo sticking up from his body I continued, “ When I want to get fucked, you're going to use that.” 

His eyes gazed down to the large dildo glistening from my juices. I placed one hand on his swollen balls and began massaging. I then asked, “Do you understand?” 

He shook his head up and down, I could hear the pleading in his voice as he responded, “Yes.” 

I looked at him once again and said, “You're going to be locked up for one more day but I have a very, very special treat for you tomorrow. I imagined he was thinking my friend Jade would be coming over but that's not quite what I had in store.

The next day came and my husband was more than ready for his prize. I let him know that this was all about him tonight. Bringing him to the bedroom I once again fastened his wrist to the bedpost and began playing with his balls and caged cock. I said to him, “I know you were hoping that my friend Jade would be our guest tonight but I don't think you're quite ready for that, after all, you still can't make it past five minutes.” 

I removed his cock from the cage and began licking and sucking until he was as hard as he could be. He moaned and squirmed trying to force hump my mouth the entire time. I had to make a comment, “Honey, your balls look amazingly full tonight.” He shook his head up and down. 

I continued, “That's important because tonight your cock is going to be deep in my pussy. 

I felt very pleased when he replied, “Thank you."

A few minutes of sucking and stroking made him so hard I could see the stress on his face. Climbing on top of him I slid my pussy up and down the length of his cock. The slickness of my wet pussy coated his shaft. I knew he was desperate to be inside of me and I couldn't wait to have his warm cock deep inside me.

I slid forward and allowed the head of his cock to find its way into my warm honey pot. Pressing my hands into his chest I asked, “Do you want your cock deep in my pussy?”

My desperate husband pleaded, “Yes, please yes.”

I responded, “Good because I want you in there too. I slid back allowing his cock to penetrate me fully. 

Looking deep into his eyes  I said, “Here's the deal, if you cum in less than five minutes, my cum filled pussy is going directly onto your face.” 

His eyes opening wide he replied, “You wouldn’t.” 

I began slowly moving up and down on his hard tool teasing his cock then allowed it to slip from my pussy. I pressed my fingers into his chest and said, “God I want to feel you inside, my pussy is so wet but I’ll only do it if you want me to.”

I could feel his heart beating faster. His hips moved as his cock desperately searched for my opening. I adjusted enough to allow his tool to find its way and push inside. I wiggled a little allowing him to feel the motion he so badly wanted. I asked again, “Do we have a deal or do I need to stop?”

Then came the moment I knew I had finally broken him. He let out, “Okay, it's a deal.” 

That satisfying naughty feeling came over me again. I began nice and slow, feeling his hard cock deep inside me. I wanted to ride him hard until I was shaking in orgasm but I had to keep myself under control. After all, this was about more than that. 

Watching the clock as the first minute passed. I couldn't help but tease him a little saying, “Honey, you are doing so well I think my little man is learning to please me the way I like.” His head shook up and down and I could tell he was lost in the feeling of having his cock buried in my wet pussy. I knew I had complete control. 

I peaked at the clock and when it hit the three-minute mark I said, “Oh honey, this is feeling really good.” 

My hips began moving at a much faster pace. My ass rose up and down as I gave him a hard fucking. It took what might have been thirty seconds for his body to tense up and him to scream out, “No.” I could feel the warm load filling my pussy.

I closed my eyes and held still as the comfort of his warm jizz coated my inner walls. When the tension in his body released I sat on his cock motionless. My heart was beating in excitement. I said, “Honey, you were so close again.”

Well, you know what is coming, don't you? 

I quickly cupped my hand under my pussy and squeezed my insides trying to hold it in. Without giving him a chance to recover I quickly positioned my pussy directly over his mouth, removed my hand, pressed my pussy into his lips, and said, “Open up.”

Looking down I could see the cum begin to dribble onto his lips. I said, “Now you know what the deal was and it would be a shame to have you locked up when the real fun begins so open up.” That's the moment when I knew he was completely mine. The amazing power I felt when he willingly parted his lips. 

I could feel his cum running from my pussy as I moved back and forth. His tongue venturing into my hole and flicking on my clit.. I couldn't help but allow him to bring me to orgasm as I glowed from his total devotion. Then it was time to return my little man to his cage.

Chapter 2 of 3 Hello Jade

Days turned into weeks and our sex life just kept getting better. The different ways we experienced pleasure in the bedroom were amazing.  I learned how easy it was to tease my husband in simple ways and he responded in the most attentive ways.

One afternoon on my way home I received a call from my friend Jade. She wanted to stop by. I had never discussed my sexual exploits with her so I hoped when she arrived my husband wouldn't be expecting special treatment.

When Jade arrived I made sure my husband was properly locked and properly dressed in actual clothes. Jade and I sat and talked about things at work for quite some time when Jade commented on how sweet and attentive my husband was. She wanted to know my secret. I very nonchalantly said, “Chastity.”

It took a moment for it to sink in but she finally responded, “Did you just say chastity?”

I shook my head up and down with a grin and answered, “Yes.”

I continued, “He is actually locked up right now.” 

She responded, “You must be kidding.”

I said, “Nope, I have the best husband in the world and he will do anything for me.”

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Jade's eyes widened. She asked, “Can I see it?”

 Like a proper host would I replied, “Of course.” 

I beckoned my husband to come near. Standing in front of us I commanded, “Remove your pants please.” I could see Jade's eyes locked onto his every move as he dropped his pants and stepped out.

I told my husband to come closer and I held his caged cock in my hand. Looking at jade I said, “Isn't his cage beautiful?”

Jade looked at it closer and responded, “That is so cute, I've never seen one up close before.”

Jade asked,  “Can I touch it?”

I replied, “Of course you can.”

Jade stroked and examined my husband's device. She giggled and said, “My god, look how full his balls are.” 

I couldn’t help but again giggle as I responded, “You should see what he'll do to get them emptied.”

Jade responded, “I could only imagine.”

I was feeling proud. Something about showing him off was very satisfying. Looking up at my husband I said, “Honey, would you please rub Jade's feet.”

Jade rested back on the couch as my husband slipped off her heels and began massaging her foot. After a few minutes, I could almost feel how hard my husband's heart was beating when Jade looked down and said “Is he leaking?”

I ran my finger over the tip of his cage. Placing it in my mouth I responded, “Yes, he sure is.”

Jade looked at me and said, “After all my years of swinging, I have never seen this before.”

I turned to Jade and  asked, “Do you mind if I make myself more comfortable?”

She readily responded, “Oh, please do.”

I removed all of my clothing and sat back on the couch. I could feel my pussy was already soaking wet. I lightly tickled my clit as my husband finished Jade's foot massage. I asked him if he was all done and he indicated he was. 

I ran my fingertips up and down my thigh and said, “Good because I think I'd like to be fucked.”

Jade seemed a bit confused as my husband stood up and left the room but was purely entertained when he walked back wearing his strap-on harness with a large dildo attached and his cage cock peeking out below. 

As he approached I began to part my legs. I could see Jade smiling as she leaned back into the couch. Jade maneuvered herself closer and watched as my husband leaned in and began to feed his strap-on cock  into my wet pussy. He had truly become an expert with this tool fucking me slow then fast, long than deep.

As my husband fucked me I noticed Jade's skirt raised over her stomach, her panties pushed aside and her fingers swirling around her clit. My pussy became flushed and the tingling through my clit told me an orgasm was near. I was sent over the edge into a quaking orgasm when I watched Jade plunge her fingers into her own soaked pussy.

My husband withdrew his large tool from my wet pussy. I looked at him, then at Jade, and then back at him. I took a bold but appropriate move when I said, “I think you should take care of our guest.”

Jade smiled. Jade reached out and stroked my husband's strapon. Looking at me she said, “That’s a pretty big cock you have there.”

I looked at my husband and said, “Honey please make sure she is properly lubricated.” 

My husband fell to his knees and pulled Jade's panties off. Grabbing her by the thighs he pulled her closer and then lowered his head between her legs. Within moments Jade was moaning in pleasure.  Jade commented on how good he was with his tongue. I informed her that he's been working very hard at it.

Jade's head fell back as the pleasure took over. That's when I nodded my head up and down signaling to my husband it was time. He raised his head up, grabbed his huge tool in his hand, and pushed the head of the dildo into Jade's throbbing pussy. His relentless thrusting had Jade moaning louder and louder by the second.

Jade's head which was leaning back against the couch suddenly came forward as her eyes and mouth opened wide. She gasped trying to catch her breath as her orgasm took over. My husband drove the length of the huge dildo deep inside her cunt. Jade's hands reached out grabbing at my husband pulling him in as waves of bliss hit her deep inside her womb. My well-trained husband pumped his strap-on cock in and out of Jade. His caged cock slapping against her ass.  She shook and moaned as she came on his big tool.  

Once Jade came down off her rollercoaster I really wanted to show off my man. I got up and dropped to my knees in front of him. I lifted his caged cock, took the key from around my neck, and removed the chastity device. 

With a few strokes, his cock was as hard as a rock. I instructed him to lay on the floor. Asking Jade to kneel down with me I began stroking his cock. I said to Jade, “You see how full his balls are, right?”

She grinned and said, “Oh yes, can't miss that.”

Watch how well he has learned to control himself. Spitting on his cock for added lube I began stroking. Every time he came close to orgasm he would ask for permission o cum. When he did I would stop and tell him no.

Jade was amazed that he was asking permission. I said, “Go ahead and give it a try.” Jade placed her hand in his cock and began stroking, stopping every time he asked for permission to cum. 

Jade and I took turns stroking my husband's cock. I looked at Jade and said, “I have to make a confession.” Jade looked at me curiously as I continued, “I knew you used to partake in swinging, and one of the ways I trained my husband was by telling him I would bring you over some time.” Jade responded, “Well it looks like his dream has come true, I really wish you would have shown me this sooner. I haven't had this much fun in quite some time.”

I whispered to Jade, “Watch this.” I swung myself around so my pussy was directly over my husband's face. I said, “If you don't make me cum Jade is going to stop stroking your cock, and back in the cage you go.” 

My husband reached up and grabbed me by the waist. He pulled me down onto his mouth and began licking my clit with all he had. Jade giggled and said, “I really like him.” This was going to be very easy for my husband. I was so wet and horny I could have orgasmed from just blowing on my clit. 

Jade alternated between stroking and stopping as she watched me orgasm on my husband's face. Jade asked, “Does he get to cum now.”

I replied, “He has earned a big reward.”

I got off my husband's face. Leaning closer to him I asked, “It's your choice dear. You can cum in my pussy or Jade and I can stroke you together, which will it be?”

My husband looked at me and then at Jade as she held his cock in her hand. I knew it was a tough choice for him to make. He looked back at Jade who was teasing him with a puppy dog look and said, “Together.”

He was either taken by the pouty look on her face or maybe concerned about what he might be obligated to do if he came inside me, seeing the naughty mode I was in.  This was going to be fun either way.

I repositioned myself across from Jade. Together we began alternating strokes on my husband's cock. He was so hard I knew he could explode at any moment. Sensing he was on the edge I took Jade's hand and placed it on his balls. Jade massaged his balls with one hand and stroked the base of his shaft with the other while I stroked and twisted the head of his cock. He let out a long moan as the cum began spewing from his cock. 

Spurt after spurt shot up into the air landing on hands, stomach, and even my breast. Jade was amazed by the amount of cum my husband had stored up. He came so hard when he was done he couldn't get up from the floor. Jade put her panties back on as she watched me clean off my husband's cock and put his cage back on. 

Jade asked, “Does he wear that all the time.”

I had to chuckle as I asked, “You see how talented it has made him, wouldn’t you keep it on him too?” 

Jade shook her head up and down replying, “Point taken.”


Chapter 3 of 3 Lost

After that time with Jade things kept evolving. Jade came over quite often and we enjoyed some fantastic playtimes. I learned a lot from Jade. Sometimes her thoughts could be far more wicked than mine.

I had been playing with different cages for my husband. Just to change things up a little. We even took a trip to the beach where he wore it the entire time. That's also when a problem occurred. 

Being in the warm sun, oiled up, nearly naked, and knowing my dear husband had his chastity cage on the whole time had us both really horny. When we got home we unpacked quickly and I couldn't find it anywhere. The key was missing. 

I tried keys from his other cages but this cage was special and none of the other keys would work. Both of us felt quite panicked. There was no choice we would have to go to the emergency room and have it removed. My husband objected. He said there was no way that was going to happen.

I called Jade and she had an idea. Call a locksmith. My husband and I pondered the idea then I called Jade back. “Do you know a good locksmith?” I asked.

She said she may and she would call me back shortly. 

We waited patiently for her call. When my cell rang I answered quickly, “Tell me you have good news?” I put her on speaker. 

Jade replied, “I do have good and bad news.” A locksmith friend I used to know can help out, but not until tomorrow. 

With great disappointment I replied. “Please give the locksmith my number and tell him it’s urgent.”  My husband and I went to bed that night very frustrated. 

The next day we waited and waited for the call then came a knock at the door. I opened the door quickly. "Hi, I'm Drew, the locksmith, Jade said you have a problem with a lock.”

I pulled him by the arm inside and asked, “Did Jade tell you what kind of lock it was?”

He replied, "No, just something about a close friend who lost her key and it's urgent.”

I brought him into the living room. Then turning toward my husband I said, “Honey, show him.” With a bit of embarrassment, my husband dropped his pants. 

Drew looked and replied, “Well this is new.” 

I asked, “Can you get him out?”

He replied, “Did you try the hospital?” I informed him that my husband is unwilling to do that. 

Drew stood there for a moment thinking. He scratched his chin and said, “I've got a small saw that may work. You will need him to lay down and keep very still.”

Drew placed his hand on my husband's shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, pal, I’ll get you out of that thing I just need to go to my van and grab some tools.” I thought Drew may jump in his van and disappear and hey, who could blame him. His job was to remove a cage from another man's cock.

While waiting for the locksmith to return I thought, “How am I going to stop a man of my husband's size from moving while Drew sawed off the lock.” Then the idea hit me. I said, “Honey lay down on the living room floor and I'll be right back.” I grabbed the wrist and ankle restraints from the bedroom. I managed to get my husband restrained using legs of furniture to hold the straps. 

When Drew walked back in through the door I was elated. Drew set his box of tools on the floor near my husband. He knelt down next to him and began to examine the cage. Lifting and moving it around caused a problem. We had spent all of yesterday getting horny and now my husband's cock began to swell in his cage at the slightest touch.

I knew it shouldn't have been but I couldn’t help it. Naughty thought went through my mind seeing my husband lying there strapped down with his caged cock straining to get out and the good-looking, well-built man carefully examining it. A familiar wetness began to form inside my panties and my nipples became a bit hardened.

Drew turned toward me and said, “We’ve got a little problem.”

I replied, “What now?”

Drew then stated, “I can’t begin to saw with his penis like this, If I give you a few minutes can you, you know, get it smaller?”

I kneeled down and examined the situation. I replied, “I can try.”

Drew stepped away. I began massaging my husband's balls and tried to coax him verbally. “Come on, honey, you can do it, cum for your queen," I said. 

I reminded him of times with Jade, but his cock continued to strain inside the cage without cumming. The more playing in front of Drew I did the fuller his balls became. It just wasn't doing anything but making him and myself hornier. I got back up to my feet and asked, “What do we try next?”

Drew replied, “My ex used to really tease me with a show, I would burst as soon as she touched me.”

I suddenly had a vision of myself playing with my pussy in front of these two men and my pussy began to tingle. I turned to Drew and asked, “So, how do you know Jade?”

Drew moved a little closer to me and looked into my eyes. The deep tone of his voice and his direct contact made my knees week as he replied, “Jade's husband and I used to fuck her when they were swingers.”

Drew pressed his body into the side of mine. I realized he purposely positioned himself so I would feel his bulge against the side of my ass and what a bulge it was. Drew grabbed a kitchen chair and placed it in the room facing my husband. He pointed towards it and said, “Please have a seat.”

I sat down and Drew stood directly between my husband and me. Looking down at me he said, “I can get him out but it won't be easy, I have to touch his cock and balls and that will be costly.” 

I looked up and said, “Money’s not an issue I have to get him out.”

Drew's hands reached down unbuttoning his jeans and unzipping his pants. Sticking his hand into his pants he pulled out the largest piece of manhood I’d ever seen. With his hand stroking its thick, long cock he said, “Not everything is about money.” 

I heard what he said but It didn’t register. I was just sitting there staring at his enormous cock. The length, thickness, and veiny look had me mesmerized. It was so much bigger than my husband's strap-on, I just sat there and stared. 

Drew cleared his throat and asked, “Are you going to pay?”

I peaked around Drew’s hip and looked at my husband. I was glad he couldn’t see what was in front of me. I asked him, “Honey, are you sure you want him to get you out?

He shook his head up and down saying, “Yes, just pay him however much it takes.” 

I took a deep breath and replied, “Okay honey if you say so.” 

My husband disappeared from my view. I looked up at Drew and then back down at his cock. I wanted to feel its size. I wrapped my hand around it the best I could. Even if my husband had any idea there was no way I wasn’t going to touch it. 

I knew what Drew wanted to see me do and honestly, I don’t think there was any way I could resist. I licked my lips and opened my mouth. Placing my mouth onto the head of his massive tool I unintentionally let out a loud moan. The taste of his skin was delicious on my tongue. I could feel myself salivate and I had to squirm in the chair from the tingling in my pussy.

I worked the head of Drew’s big cock, my hand gripping his thick shaft holding it in place. It took a minute for my husband to realize what I was doing. I think the sound of me gagging and slurping may have given it away. I heard my husband say, “Babe did he tell you you had to suck his cock?”

I heard him but this was no time to answer an obvious question, my mouth was full. I heard my husband beckon again, “Babe.”

I stuck my available hand out holding up my pointer finger, signaling just a minute I was busy.

I looked up at Drew and he could see the look of amazement on my face and he smiled. The more I sucked the harder and bigger his cock seemed to get. I could feel my pussy becoming wetter as I continued slurping on his tool. The feel of Drew’s hard, veiny shaft in my hand awakened a yearning inside me.

Drew took his hand and pulled his cock from my mouth. I didn’t know why but I just kept my mouth open trying to get it back around its head while he held it from me. Drew teased me moving his cock back and forth across my open mouth. I looked up and with the way, he looked at me, the smile on his face, and the look in his eyes. Drew knew he had me willing to do whatever he wanted.

Drew stood me up and removed my blouse, then my bra. He unbuttoned my shorts and slid them along with my panties down to the floor. I stared as he removed his shirt, exposing his tone firm chest. I felt a flutter in my heart when Drew dropped his pants giving me a complete view of his enormous manhood. In the back of my mind, I knew I should be afraid of what something like that might do to my pussy, but my body didn’t care. 

Drew spun me around so he could sit in the chair. His hands squeezed my breast and then ran down the sides of my body. My heart began to beat harder when his hand slid up the inside of my thigh and his fingers found the wet folds of my pussy.

My entire body became warm and my pussy even warmer. His large fingers pushed into my waiting hole, making me moan. At this point, I was beyond all rational thinking. There were times in my life when I felt like I was being controlled by my pussy, but never like this. 

My mind was swimming in euphoric adrenaline when Drew turned me around. I realized I was standing there naked with this man's hands manipulating my body as my husband lay there on the floor. I gazed at my husband. I looked down at his caged cock and smiled when I saw his cock leaking precum. 

I could see the look on his face. This was the moment I would find out if all these months of locking him up in the chastity cage had truly changed him. Would my husband put my carnal desires above everything else? I knew I wanted this huge cock inside me, fucking me, but did my husband want it for me too. Did he want to see his wife, his queen in orgasmic bliss? I asked, “Honey, do you want him to get you out of that cage?”  

With lust-filled eyes, my darling husband replied, “Yes.”

I spread my legs and got in position over Drew’s lap. Looking down I could see Drew’s hand wrapped around his thick tool pointing it at the opening of my pussy. My husband’s eyes were locked onto the huge cock that was so close to his wife's pussy. I knew he wanted to see just as bad as I wanted to feel it.

I lowered myself and immediately felt the burn as Drew’s cock head pushed past my pussy lips. The girthy phallus stretched my insides. The moistness of my pussy allowed me to withstand half of his thick shaft before I had to pause. My mind became lost as every nerve ending inside my pussy grappled to understand this feeling.

I exhaled, ready to allow his cock deeper inside when I felt Drew’s hands on my hips. I lost control of every thought and my body exploded inside. Drew grabbed me by the hips and forced me down making his entire cock disappear into my wet hole. Pushing past my cervix into my belly I felt every hard thick inch take me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before.

Then something happened. There was no fucking, no playing with my clit, just Drew’s thick cock buried inside me, I began to shake. I felt as if waves of sparks were shooting from the inside of my pussy in all directions to my head and toes as an orgasm rocked through me. 

I couldn't scream. I couldn’t even see what was in front of me, my body just kept convulsing and the orgasm wouldn’t stop. I tried to regain control but it was useless. I just kept cumming. Drew didn’t move, he just waited. When the spasms had finally come to an end Drew began to fuck me. 

The smooth, slow strokes from his huge cock sent shivers through my body. With each thrust, it felt as if an unreachable itch was finally being scratched. My hands found my breast and squeezed hard as Drew's slow long thrust teased my insides. It felt as if my pussy was begging me. I placed my hands onto Drew's knees and started moving up and down.

My pussy began searching, looking for the source to quench its thirst and within moments it found it. My knees banged into each other as the orgasm burst inside my chest and waves of rolling heat ran down into my clit. I shook and twisted as it rolled through my body and then I felt it. The heat and the fullness of Drew's sperm releasing deep inside me. My eyes popped open wide as he pulled me in tight and pressed his cock deep inside. 

Slowly rising up Drew’s cock slipped out. I quickly found myself on the floor passionately kissing my husband. It may have been Drew's cock that just gave me earth-shattering orgasms but it was my husband's love and devotion that got me there.

When I looked up Drew was fully dressed. He reached into his tool bag and pulled something out. He opened my hand and said, “This should do the trick.” Grabbing his bag he headed for the door. Before closing the door behind him Drew Said, “Call me if you need a locksmith again.”

I opened my hand to find a small piece of paper. In it were a phone number and a key. Drew had one all along. 

After releasing my husband from his cage I told him to head upstairs, “I'm not done with you yet,” I said. As he walked up toward the bedroom, I grabbed my cell phone and called Jade. 

Jade answered, ”Hello, sweetie”.

I replied, “You're very wicked, I love you, and hung up.”

Written by ricinatl
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