In the morning, Steffie made the guys a breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, orange juice and coffee, frying the eggs to each man’s liking. He was allowed to have one strip of bacon, one egg, a small glass of juice and a cup of coffee for his own breakfast. The guys had all had at least two eggs, several strips of bacon, and several slices of toast. No one was very talkative, but there was an occasional derogatory comment directed toward Steffie, or about Steffie’s cock sucking; Steffie made no reply, and only looked humbly at the floor. They weren’t really being too mean to him.
The guys each took showers after breakfast and then Master Robert informed Steffie he could take a shower, and they had a fresh outfit for him to wear for the day. The guys had all taken long, hot showers, so when it was Steffie’s turn, the water was only lukewarm at first, and then began to get cold as he was rinsing off. The outfit provided for him consisted of the same heels he wore the night before: pink satin bikini panties, pink crotchless pantyhose, a pink flared mini-skirt, and a simple white short-sleeved blouse. He wore the panties over the crotchless pantyhose, because he knew that’s how a sissy should wear them, in case he was ordered to remove the panties and keep the hose on, even though he didn’t think it likely that the guys would tell him to take his panties off.
The guys were all leaving at 10:30AM to drive to the nearest town and find seats in a sports bar to watch the game. Steffie was ordered to stay in the cabin and clean house. They told him they’d be back in the late afternoon or early evening and expected to have their cocks sucked again.
“And if someone happens to come by, you answer the door just as you are, and open it wide so they can see you well,” commanded Master Robert.
“Is someone else coming here?” Steffie asked nervously.
“You never know. Maybe the UPS driver will make a delivery and need a blowjob, so be ready.” The guys all laughed.
Steffie dutifully acknowledged their orders and set to work as they were leaving, cleaning the kitchen and straightening up the house, including making all the beds and cleaning the bathrooms. His feet started hurting after a while because he wasn’t used to wearing heels for so long, much less doing chores in them, but he was afraid to take them off, fearing that somehow the guys could spy on him.
As he was finishing vacuuming the living room, he thought he heard a knock on the door. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He just knew the guys had set him up for some humiliating experience with some stranger they had arranged to come to the cabin. Did they purposely arrange to have UPS deliver while they were gone? Was it someone else?
Another loud knock sounded at the door. Steffie knew he had no choice but to answer it promptly, despite his desire to hesitate. He could see an unfamiliar car in the drive, but the door had no window or peephole so he could look to see who was there.
His breath shuddering as he exhaled, Steffie opened the door, and opened it wide as he had been instructed, feeling very fearful. He gasped when he saw Michelle, his coworker and John’s girlfriend, but she was standing slightly behind and to one side of another girl Steffie had never seen before.
They lied to me, Steffie thought to himself. They hadn’t kept things secret, except for Michelle, or maybe Michelle had told this other person about Steffie.
“Michelle?!?” exclaimed Steffie.
Michelle giggled. “Well, hello, Steffie. Don’t you look cute?”
She had called him by his sissy name, not by “Steve”, as she knew him at work.
Steffie was speechless. He looked embarrassedly at the other girl, but didn’t know what to say.
“I’d like you to meet Sierra,” said Michelle.
“But—but no one else is supposed to know,” complained Steffie.
The other girl laughed softly, then said, “That’s no way for a sissy to greet a lady.” Her tone was admonishing, but also carried a sense of command.
Steffie almost involuntarily apologized, “I’m sorry. I don’t know you, and I was told no one else would know about this. It’s hard for me to say it’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetie, you’ll think it’s nice…eventually,” answered Sierra. “Don’t just stand there. Grab our bags and show us in.” This time the commanding tone was unmistakable.
There were three bags, two smaller ones and a larger one, almost like a duffle bag. Steffie managed to gather them all up and proceeded to carry them into the cabin. The girls giggled behind him.
“Oh, boy,” he heard Sierra say, “you’ve got a long way to go to get feminine, sissy. You don’t even walk like a woman, and you need to shave your legs.”
“I’m—I’m sorry,” said Steffie. “I’ve been wearing these high heels for a long time and it’s not easy for me to walk in them. I don’t have a razor with me.”
“That’s okay,” laughed Sierra. “You’ll get plenty of practice in heels. Lucky for you, we brought you a razor.”
How was she to know that? wondered Steffie, but he didn’t answer.
“Take us to the master bedroom,” ordered Sierra.
When they got to the bedroom, Steffie set the bags down, and the girls went to sit on the edge of the bed, looking at Steffie judgmentally, it seemed.
“You know, Steffie,” said Sierra, “when a woman tells you to do something, you should politely respond and acknowledge your orders.”
Sierra was quite attractive, wearing jean shorts and a tight t-shirt stretched across her breasts, the outline of her bra showing through. Her breasts were not huge, but they certainly weren’t small. Her legs were tanned, toned, and slender. She appeared very fit. She had straight dark hair, past her shoulders. She slipped her arm around Michelle and seemed to pull Michelle close to her, sort of hugging her.
Michelle was shorter than Sierra, who was of medium height. She wasn’t heavy, but not skinny, and she probably struggled to keep her weight down. Her breasts were fairly large, though; sometimes at work she exhibited some cleavage, but didn’t go too far with it. Her hair was long and blonde. She wore a t-shirt, too, and plaid shorts that weren’t as short as Sierra’s.
Steffie was confused. “What do you mean?” he asked. “What should I say? You mean, like, ‘Yes, Ma’am’?”
“Sure, that will do,” answered Sierra. “Or, maybe, ‘Yes, Mistress’ might be more appropriate. Let’s hear it.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Steffie answered humbly. In a way, just saying the word “Mistress” gave Steffie a bit of a thrill. Was she going to be his Mistress? he wondered.
“Okay. So, we have all afternoon with you before the guys get back,” said Sierra. She stopped, looking around the room a bit. “So this is where you had all your fun last night, right? I think I recognize it from some of the pictures.”
“Um, yes,” admitted Steffie.
“I’ll bet you enjoyed sucking all those cocks, didn’t you?” teased Sierra.
Steffie hesitated. “I guess I did. But it was pretty embarrassing because I work with all those guys. And now Michelle is here, and I work with her, too. I just don’t know how things will be at work from now on.”
“Don’t worry about it, Steffie,” said Michelle, finally speaking. “I won’t tell anyone else. But Sierra knows a lot about sissies. She’s told me lots of stories about her experiences with them, so I told her about you. Oh, and I knew about you even before you guys came up here, and I’ve seen you at work since I’ve known. And you never suspected that any of us knew. So it will probably stay that way, as long as you don’t piss the guys off.”
“Or us,” added Sierra. “Also, from here on out, we’ll refer to you appropriately as ‘she’ or ‘her’, because we know you want to be a girl.”
“Okay,” said Steffie. “I mean, yes, Mistress.”
“So let’s have a good look at you. Twirl for us,” said Sierra.
Steffie did his best to twirl fast enough for the skirt to flare out a bit.
“Lift up your skirt so we can see the panties better,” Sierra ordered.
“Yes, Mistress,” answered Steffie, obediently lifting the front of the skirt to show his panties.
“Keep it up, and come here,” Sierra told him.
“Yes, Mistress.” He approached the girls until he stood less than an arm’s length away.
“You have nice, slender legs,” Sierra said. “Don’t you think she has pretty legs, Michelle?”
“Not bad,” said Michelle, approvingly.
“Touch her panties,” said Sierra, looking directly at Michelle.
“Um, no, I don’t think so,” said Michelle.
Sierra cleared her throat. “You want to touch her panties. Touch them,” she said to Michelle. Steffie noticed Sierra was commanding toward Michelle, too.
Michelle touched the front of Steffie’s panties with one finger, and quickly withdrew it.
“Oh, my God,” said Sierra, exasperated. “Get a good feel or I’m going to have the sissy feeling your panties.”
Michelle’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped at Sierra.
“I told you we were going to have some fun with your sissy friend. Please cooperate and you’ll enjoy yourself,” Sierra told Michelle. “Now feel her up real good. Tell me if you think her clitty is getting hard.”
“You know I’d do anything for you,” Michelle said quietly to Sierra. She reached out her hand and began to rub the front of Steffie’s panties, feeling his penis with her fingertips and then rubbing her hand around his balls. Her lips started to form a slight smile.
Steffie had already begun to feel aroused even before she touched him, and now he felt his penis growing.
“Um, I think he is getting hard,” said Michelle with a giggle.
Sierra laughed. “Oh, is sissy Steffie getting a stiffy? But don’t say ‘he’. Just call her a sissy, or use ‘she’ when you talk about her,” said Sierra.
Michelle continued to rub Steffie’s penis, and he couldn’t help but moan.
“Okay, enough. We don’t want her making a mess. And we have things to do,” said Sierra. “Strip,” she directed Steffie. “Take everything off.”
Awkwardly, Steffie removed the clothes he was wearing, starting, thankfully, with the heels. He stood naked and embarrassed before the grinning girls, his penis sticking out, somewhat hard, but only about four inches long.
“Ooh, we see why you’re a sissy,” said Sierra. “Have you ever seen one so small on a grown man?” she asked Michelle.
Michelle shook her head. “I’m afraid not,” she said with another giggle.
“It’s not fully hard,” said Steffie defensively. But that only made the girls laugh.
Sierra went to one of her bags and rummaged around, bringing out a lady’s razor and shaving cream. She handed them to Steffie.
“Go shave your legs and armpits,” she ordered Steffie. “You’re probably getting a little stubble on your balls, so get those, too. Your chest doesn’t need it—I’m not sure if you have any hair there at all. And don’t keep us waiting long.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
* * * * *
When Steffie came out of the restroom, he was surprised to see Sierra lying on top of Michelle on the bed. Sierra’s legs were between Michelle’s spread legs. Sierra had also taken off her top, but kept her bra on. It appeared they had been making out.
Sierra turned and looked at Steffie. “I hope you did a good job,” she said. “Sissies should be nice and smooth, especially their balls and clitty. “
Sierra slid off the bed. “Oh,” she said, seeing a look of surprise on Steffie’s face, “are you surprised about something?”
“I thought Michelle was John’s girlfriend,” said Steffie, confusedly.
“I am,” said Michelle simply with a giggle.
“Does John know…you know…” Steffie started to inquire.
“Yeah, he does. And no, he doesn’t get to watch. At least not yet,” said Michelle with a giggle.
“Wow,” was all Steffie could say.
“Alright, enough chit chat,” said Sierra. “Go grab a towel,” she ordered Steffie.
He wondered why, but went to get a towel.
“Lay it on the floor, and then lay on top of it, on your side,” Sierra ordered.
Steffie complied.
Sierra reached into the large bag and produced a box of latex gloves. “It’s time for your enema,” she told Steffie.
“Oh, no, come on,” complained Steffie. “Really?”
“What did you say?” asked Sierra sharply.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Yes, Mistress.”
“And what time is it?” Sierra asked him.
“It’s time for my enema,” said Steffie, feeling like he was surrendering.
“Good girl,” answered Sierra. She pulled on latex gloves and squirted lubricant on one finger. “Ready or not, here it comes.”
Steffie felt cold lubricant against his hole, causing him to flinch a bit, but then the finger began to tease his hole and slightly enter it. The sensation was not unpleasant, but it made Steffie gasp. Sierra then withdrew her finger, and slowly slid the tip of the enema tube into his butt hole.
“Hold it in,” Sierra said, as Steffie felt liquid filling his abdomen.
“Yes, Mistress,” said Steffie. He felt incredibly vulnerable.
“Did I mention I’m a nurse?” Sierra asked.
“Oh, no, Mistress, I don’t think so. But I guess you have experience with this.”
She laughed, and he heard Michelle giggle, too. He could not see the girls, though, as he was faced away from them.
“I do indeed,” answered Sierra. “But I have a lot more experience with enemas outside the medical setting than in it. You might be surprised that you’re not the only one in the room that I’ve given one to.”
“God, you don’t have to tell him everything!” he heard Michelle exclaim.
Sierra laughed. “Oh, stop fretting. And you meant ‘her’ not ‘him.’ We’re all going to be intimate friends. And I like to know my friends inside and out,” Sierra said. Again, there was a commanding tone to her voice, even without issuing a command.
“Oh!” was all Steffie could answer in surprise.

Steffie felt the tube being withdrawn.
“How’s that, sissy? Feeling all filled up?” asked Sierra.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Just lay there for a few minutes. Let it do its work.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You’re being a very good girl, sissy,” said Sierra warmly.
“Thank you, Mistress,” answered Steffie. “Um, I kind of feel like I have to go,” said Steffie, feeling the pressure in his belly.
“Hold it a little more,” said Sierra. “It might be difficult, but this is only for cleaning you out. Sometimes an enema is used as punishment, though.”
Steffie felt her hand pat his butt cheek. Pressure mounting, Steffie clenched his butt muscles, his sphincter, fighting against the growing urge to evacuate his bowels.
At least another minute passed, and Steffie started to feel slight cramping in his belly.
“Oh, please, Mistress. I really need to go.”
Sierra laughed, but said, “Go ahead. And make sure you get it all out.”
Steffie was up and moving before she finished her sentence, trying to keep his muscles clenched as he walked quickly to the bathroom. He felt another wave of embarrassment as the girls laughed at him.
Steffie felt physically relieved, having successfully made it to the toilet just in time before the liquid gushed out of him. He wiped himself clean and washed his hands before exiting the bathroom. The girls were still kneeling by the towel, though, and Sierra patted the towel with her hand. It was Michelle, however, who now wore latex gloves.
“Another one?” asked Steffie, feeling embarrassed again.
“Yes,” said Sierra. “She needs to learn.” Sierra grinned at Michelle, who looked back with a blank expression.
Steffie got in position and was given another enema, with Sierra guiding Michelle throughout the procedure.
When he returned from the bathroom this time, though, Sierra was seated on the edge of the bed, holding something in her hand. Michelle was not in the room, but soon returned carrying a bowl carefully, trying not to spill its contents. To Steffie’s surprise, Michelle wore only her panties and bra, but also a strap-on dildo, which made Steffie’s eyes grow wide. It wasn’t that the dildo was very large, but it was simply the fact that Michelle was wearing it. The dildo bobbed up and down lazily as she slowly took the bowl to the nightstand.
“Come here,” Sierra commanded Steffie, who was staring at the strap-on toy. Then he saw that the object in Sierra’s hand was a male chastity device. He had one of his own at home that he had played with, but had never worn one in anyone else’s presence. “Have you ever worn one of these?” Sierra asked.
“Well, yes, I have one at home, but it’s plastic,” answered Steffie. The one Sierra held was stainless steel and constructed differently than his—it was more like a cage.
“I prefer metal,” said Sierra. “But this one is made for long-term wear. You see the opening at the tip is fairly large, which allows you to pee without spraying everywhere. Still, you’ll sit down when you pee, like a good girl, from now on. The fairly wide spacing on the cage bars makes it easier to stay clean. Sissies should always stay clean.”
Sierra paused and then took the metal ring part of the device and slipped it over Steffie’s cock. He flinched when she pulled one of his testicles through the ring. The second testicle was even more difficult to get through the ring, and it was somewhat painful, causing Steffie to mutter “Ouch” and inhale sharply. But feeling her hands on his cock and balls was also starting to make his small penis hard.
“I figured this would happen,” Sierra said, with a giggle. Then, to Michelle, she said, “Go get a wash cloth and put it in the bowl. Then wring it out a bit and bring it to me.”
The washcloth was dripping slightly when Sierra took it from Michelle. She quickly applied the washcloth to Steffie’s balls and penis, making Steffie almost jump because it had been soaked in ice water.
“Oh my God, that’s freezing!” exclaimed Steffie. Sierra held him fast by his balls, so he couldn’t move away.
“It’s your own fault, sissy,” said Sierra. “Your little clitty should never get hard without permission,” she added with a chuckle. She cupped his balls with the cold, wet cloth. “When I do this, I call them ice-ticles, instead of testicles.” That brought giggling from Michelle. “And,” Sierra added, “ice-cold washcloths and ice itself can also be used to punish a naughty sissy. There are so many things found around the house that can be used to punish: clothespins, rubber bands, wooden spoons, belts—the list is almost endless.”
Sierra then ordered Michelle to dip the washcloth in the ice water again and then reapplied it to Steffie’s clitty and balls, making Steffie almost shiver. But Sierra’s efforts were successful in causing his small member to shrink to an even smaller size than normal, and then she easily put the rest of the chastity device on him. She locked it into place, and gave the device a little pat with her hand. “Good,” she said, seemingly satisfied. “Now let’s just see you try to get hard,” she said tauntingly.
The cage part of the chastity device was only about an inch and a half long, though, and even Steffie’s small penis would be constrained if he started to have an erection.
Smiling at Steffie, she put two keys for the device on a necklace, and then put the necklace around her neck. The keys dangled between her breasts; she was still wearing her bra. Sierra leaned back a bit, her hands behind her on the bed, and she raised a foot and gently nuzzled Steffie’s balls.
“Okay, now we can have some fun,” said Sierra. “Go get on your knees and suck your coworker’s rubber cock while I get some butt toys out,” she ordered.
Feeling humiliated, Steffie followed her order.
“Look into each other’s eyes, too,” Sierra said liltingly. She seemed to enjoy causing Michelle discomfort, too. “Remember: intimate friends,” she laughed.
Steffie dutifully sucked on the dildo, sliding his mouth back and forth on it, and looked up to see Michelle staring down at him. She let out a breath and her eyes seemed to mirror her words: “Yeah, things are going to be weird at work now.”
“Let’s hear some slurping over there,” said Sierra. “Suck it like you sucked John’s. Show her you’re better at sucking cock than she is. And put your hands behind her head and force it in her mouth, Michelle, like a guy would do to you.”
The two coworkers complied with Sierra’s command, and soon Steffie was making plenty of slurping and throaty noises as the dildo hit the back of his throat. It was not very large, fortunately, only about six inches long and an inch thick. It was made of a pink-colored silicon material.
Soon Sierra was standing over him, too, smiling down at him. “You love sucking cock, don’t you? Don’t you wish she had a real one that could cum in your mouth?” she teased.
Steffie stopped sucking long enough to answer, “Yes, Mistress,” and then returned to his task.
“Okay, now let’s play with your sissy pussy,” said Sierra. “Go to the end of the bed and bend over with your legs spread a bit.”
Steffie wiped his mouth with his hand because saliva had started to run out of it, but followed her command. The girls both stood behind him as he bent over, laying his upper body on the bed face down.
“Put these on,” he heard Sierra say, and then heard the sound of latex gloves being tugged on.
“Okay. I think you know what to do next, from your own personal experience,” said Sierra, speaking to Michelle. “Lube him up a bit with your finger.”
“You love embarrassing me,” he heard Michelle complain quietly.
Even though he knew what she was about to do, Steffie still was startled when he felt her finger at his hole, and then felt it slowly sliding in, obviously with a lot of lubrication. The sensation was uncomfortable at first, but then started to feel pleasant as she slowly slid her finger in and out.
“Oh, you’re a pro,” he heard Sierra say to Michelle. “Go in as far as you can a few times, and then try two fingers.”
Steffie uttered “Oh” involuntarily when he felt her two fingers stretching his sphincter, but it was not really painful.
“That’s it. Work that pussy,” said Steffie with a giggle. “Ask her how she feels.”
“How do you feel, Steve—I mean, Steffie?” asked Michelle in a soft voice, as though she didn’t want to be heard.
“It actually feels kind of good,” confessed Steffie. He was truly enjoying the sensation of her fingers fucking his sissy pussy now. He relaxed into the pleasurable feelings.
“You’re allowed to moan and sigh, Steffie,” said Sierra. “Let your Mistress know how much you appreciate her attention.”
“Oh, God,” sighed Steffie, “It feels really nice, Mistress Michelle.”
“You’re welcome,” Michelle giggled back.
Then he felt her fingers withdraw and there was a pause before he felt something hard at his rectum.
“It’s just a little glass butt plug with a pretty pink jewel on the bottom,” said Sierra.
He felt the well-lubricated plug being partially pushed slowly into his sissy pussy, then pulled back, then pushed in again a bit further. The action was repeated several times until finally the butt plug was fully inserted.
“Ohhh…” moaned Steffie. “That hurt a little bit, but it’s okay now. It feels good, Mistress Michelle.”
“That was me, silly,” said Sierra.
“I’m sorry, Mistress Sierra. I thought Mistress Michelle was doing everything,” apologized Steffie.
“Don’t worry, she’s going to be doing everything again very soon,” answered Sierra.
There was another pause, and then, to his surprise, Sierra climbed onto the bed and positioned herself with her crotch in front of Steffie’s face and her legs on either side of his body. She was completely naked.
“I want you to eat my pussy. Michelle is going to fuck you with her rubber cock next, and will keep fucking you until you make me cum,” said Sierra, with a bit of lustiness creeping into her voice. “Maybe we’ll play with the other butt toys later. For now, I want my pussy licked.”
Steffie was slightly fearful, but remembered the dildo wasn’t very big, and he was more than eager to start licking Sierra’s pussy. She was shaved smooth and her pussy was very inviting. She scooted down on the bed a bit and Steffie’s mouth met her pussy lips. He licked each side of the lips gently, and then licked her clit.
“Oh, good girl,” said Sierra. “Now go on and please your Mistress.”
Steffie planted his lips on her pussy lips and began licking her clit eagerly, sometimes dipping his tongue into her pussy.
“Oh, yes, sweetie,” said Sierra. “Sissies make wonderful oral slaves.” She stroked his hair a bit. Sierra moaned as Steffie continued licking her.
Steffie was encouraged and continued to eat her pussy enthusiastically. He was positively enthralled with her pussy.
Then he felt the butt plug being slowly withdrawn. After a moment, he felt pressure at his hole as the dildo started to enter him. His sissy pussy was fairly loosened up by now, and he did not resist at all as he felt Michelle slowly pushing the tip almost all the way in, withdraw it, push it in again, and repeated the action until finally he felt the head of the penis-shaped dildo pop into his sissy pussy. It hurt only slightly but once inside, he relished the sensation. He felt the dildo being slowly pushed in further, moaning with pleasure as he licked Sierra’s pussy and felt Michelle fucking him.
“Can’t believe I’m doing this,” he heard Michelle say with a slight laugh, but she sounded resigned to the situation now.
“Intimate friends,” reminded Sierra. “We’ll have lots of dirty little secrets to keep.” She put a hand on Steffie’s head and pushed him away from her pussy. “I want to watch her fuck you for a bit. You’re doing a nice job, but I don’t want to cum just yet. Look at me while she fucks you.”
Steffie looked up at her pretty face as Michelle slowly fucked him. “It feels nice, Mistresses,” sighed Steffie.
Sierra smiled back at him. “Enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” she said.
“Oh, yes, Mistress, very much. Thank you for this, and for letting me lick your pussy. You’re delicious.”
“Aw, aren’t you sweet? I think we’re going to have lots of fun together. We’ll be your Mistresses and make you the best sissy you can be. I’ve trained lots of sissies and helped mold them into perfect little playthings.” She still wore the necklace, and it hung down to her wonderful breasts as she rested on her elbows looking at Steffie. “These keys mean you belong to me now, and must submit to my control. Do you have any problem with that?”
“Oh, no, Mistress, not at all. This is wonderful and I appreciate your offer to help me be a better sissy,” Steffie answered genuinely. “Thank you so much.”
“Okay, you can return to pleasuring me now,” Sierra told him.
Steffie eagerly began to lick her pussy again, feeling truly grateful for the wonderful experience he was having. The embarrassment he had felt earlier was melting away, being replaced by worshipful feelings toward the two women.
Sierra lay back, her head resting on a pillow, sighing as Steffie licked her pussy and nibbled at her clit. “You’re doing very well,” she told Steffie. “Make little circles around my clit with your tongue, and flick it back and forth a bit. Oh, yes, that’s what I like. Fuck her faster,” she said to Michelle.
Steffie’s moans and sighs competed with those now coming from Sierra. She clamped her thighs against his head, knees bent slightly, then released them. “Oh, yes, good, good,” she moaned, beginning to thrust her hips, pushing against Steffie’s face.
Her moaning and thrusting made him feel even more enthusiasm as he greedily licked her. The rubber cock sliding in and out of his ass was stimulating as well, and he could feel his penis, his little clitty, swelling and straining against its cage. He felt truly grateful for the women allowing him to submit to them.
Sierra grabbed his head with both of her hands and pushed her pelvis against his mouth as he continued to lick and nibble, making rapid circles around her clit with his tongue.
“Yes…yes…God, yes!” she moaned. Her breathing quickened and came out with something of a hiss. “Yes, yes, yes…Oh! Oh!” She held his head still and backed away a bit, taking long deep breaths now. “I’m almost there. You’re a good girl. Okay, now finish me,” she commanded.
Sierra’s excitement seemed to transfer to Michelle, who was now thrusting the strap-on cock into his ass with stronger strokes. “Ungh, ungh,” moaned Steffie with each stroke, but he returned to circling Sierra’s clit with his tongue.
It was only a few more moments before Sierra almost shouted “Yes!” a final time, and then pushed his head away and backed up on the bed, giggling and sighing at the same time. “Oh, God, that was nice. You’re a good oral slave, Steffie.”
“Oh!” uttered Steffie, but only because he felt the dildo suddenly withdraw from him. He looked at Sierra then, and said, “I’m glad I could please you, Mistress.”