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My Wife Made Me Do It - pt. 2

"Mandy learns her place"

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Author's Notes

"This is part two of a three-part series. If you missed part one, you'll probably enjoy part two more if you read part one to catch up on things first. <p> [ADVERT] </p>~~ Enjoy"

I'm not sure what time I woke up the next morning, but my head was killing me and my bladder was ready to explode as I stumbled into the bathroom to pee. I just wanted to let my cock hang over the toilet and empty myself, but I was still caged, and had to sit and pee like a girl.

My breast forms pulled on my chest as I sat like a sissy with pee trickling out of me at half my normal flow. My head hurt like hell, but my ass, for some reason, felt wonderful.

My blurred recollections of last night were filled with images of me doing things I never would have imagined. Things I'd always thought were shameful and perverted, were now things that I had done. I kept telling myself I did it for Sherry, acting out a fantasy she had of me, as a birthday present to her.

It was humiliation for sure, but there was something exciting about the humiliation, like the humiliation I felt the first time Sherry took me with the strap-on. Real cock had given me the same satisfying sensations the strap-on did, only better.

Once my eyes were able to focus, I found a note Sherry taped to the bathroom mirror,

'Good morning, Mandy. After all the excitement you had last night, me and Brenda decided to come home and let you sleep it off. Give me a call when you wake up.'

I called her up and she asked, “So how are you feeling this morning, Mandy?”

"Okay, I guess," I told her, "except for a splitting headache. I don't think I wanna be called Mandy anymore. That was just a game we played last night."

"That wasn't a game last night," she informed me, "it was my fantasy, the birthday present you promised to act out for me. Last night was only half of my fantasy. The other half comes today, if you still want to play.

"We left you a pill on the counter for your headache, and there’s some juice in the fridge."

"It's not the same pill as last night, is it?"

“No, baby, it's not the same pill. We gave you ecstasy last night, because we wanted you relaxed and compliant. I was so proud of the way you really got into it. Do you remember how much fun you had?”

“Well, it's all kind of a blur," I said as I walked out of the bathroom, "but from what I remember, I think I liked it. I probably wouldn't have done all those things if I hadn't been so high."

My headache wasn't going away, so I decided to take the pill, and the juice tasted wonderful.

“So you’re not all that freaked out about anything you did, right?”

"Not too freaked, I guess. I'm just kinda worried about people we know finding out about it."

“Don’t worry," she assured me, "those guys last night know you as Mandy. They don't even know what Mark looks like. No one will ever know who they are, because they all wore ski masks. So are you worried about anything else?”

I reluctantly told her, “I’m worried you might think I’m gay.”

She laughed and told me, “You're not gay, baby. You're just a kinky little sissy who loves getting fucked in the ass. It's time for you to acknowledge what me and Brenda already know, but you've been too afraid to admit.”

"Look," I defiantly said, "I'm not a sissy. I'm just playing along with you because I said I'd do it for your birthday."

"You're not a sissy...?" she laughed again. "Go look at yourself in the mirror. You've got tits glued to your chest, and your little sissy clit is locked-up in a cage. And the video we made last night should convince you of what you are."

"You made a video...?"

There was a long pause before she said, “That's right, Mandy. But don't worry, me and Brenda left it in a safe place."

“Where is it?”

“We loaded it the VCR in your motel room so you could watch yourself. Go ahead and push the play button. Push it right now."

I pushed play and saw myself on the TV, being pumped full of big black dick.

“Oh... my... God," I gasped.

She giggled and said, “You know what they say, Mandy, once you go black, you never go back.”

“How many?” I was afraid to know.

“You took on six well-hung black guys last night, so how do you feel now? Sore or what?”

My eyes were glued to the TV as I told her, “You’ll be surprised, but I’m not all that sore.”

“So was I right? Doesn’t the real thing feel better than plastic?”

"Let's just say I'm not as sore as I probably should be. Now that I've done it, I'm not sure I wanna do it again."

"Oh, c'mon Mandy... are you gonna crap-out on me halfway through the fantasy?  Submit to me, baby. Submit to me and Brenda. Your submission to us will come with some very nice rewards for you."

"What else do you want me to do?"

"Well, for starters, pretend you're our sissy. Just pretend the rest of your life belongs to us from now on. Pretend you're our whore, turning tricks for us. It'll turn me on so much if you do. It was such a turn-on for me last night watching you getting it on like a sissy slut. You were loving it, sweetheart, I could tell you were."

"I was probably loving it because I was so loaded on ecstasy. I mean, I loved the way it made me feel, but I don't think I woulda done it if I wasn't so loaded."

"Sometimes, baby, our inhibitions keep us from doing what we really want to do. We knew the ecstasy would help you drop all your inhibitions so you could enjoy it like you did. I know you liked it last night, and don't try to say you didn't."

"Okay, so I liked it. What do you want me to do?"

"I just told you. I want you to do it again today, without taking ecstasy, of course, just to see if you really like it. It's my fantasy, baby, it's your birthday present to me.

"I don't want to lay too much shit on you all at once, Mandy, but things have changed. Please do this one thing for me, so the changes will be good for us both."

"So I'm supposed to be a whore for you?"

"Just pretend you are, just for me. Play it out for me today, and Monday night, you'll get to fuck me and Brenda. You know how bad you've been wanting Brenda's pussy...? Well, be our obedient sissy today, and you'll get to have her. She already said she would, promise."

My cock was straining in its cage after hearing that. The promise of getting into Brenda's pussy was too much to resist, “Okay," I agreed. "What now, honey?”

"What now...?" she laughed, "Just be a sissy and let yourself be controlled like one. We have the room reserved until Monday, and it’s only Saturday morning, so let's take advantage of it. I'd like you to work out of the room, while me and Brenda take a little overnight trip to Lake Tahoe."

"You mean like actually turning tricks? Like a real whore?" I asked in a panic.

"Didn't you tell us last night that you were our sissy-whore?"

"Yeah, but I thought we were just joking."

"Well, we were and we weren't. Last night was sort of a 'free samples' night, to see if you could make the grade. I'm happy to tell you that you passed with flying colors.

"From now on, if you agree, guys will pay us before they get to fuck you. And remember, you'll get pussy rewards for it. You'll get to fuck me and Brenda Monday night. That's gotta make your little prick beg to be let out."

Baiting me with Brenda's pussy again pushed me over the edge. Maybe she was right, maybe I was a sissy. Like she said, all I had to do was try it.

I couldn't deny it to myself, that I really did like it, after I'd gotten into it. It couldn't be any worse if I let myself indulge in it once more, just to make Sherry happy.

"Okay, I'll try to do what you want," I finally gave in, "I'm just not sure I can."

"Don't worry, Mandy. We'll help you get used to it. I think you're gonna fall in love with the new version of you."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Sherry heard it over the phone and told me she'd sent someone over to give me a little wake-up, and that I was to keep talking to her on the phone until he was gone.

She said I was to do exactly as I was told. Since I'd already agreed to everything, I felt I had to go along with it.

I opened the door, and there was a husky black guy who walked right in and slapped me on the ass as he passed me by.

He sat at the desk table, drawing out white lines of what appeared to be cocaine. He motioned me over to the table, and handed me a rolled-up bill.

When I told Sherry what he had done, she said, "It's just a little cocaine to take the edge off your nervousness. You don't have to, but it'll make your day much more pleasurable. Just let everything happen, especially what's going to happen in a few seconds," she giggled.

I'd never snorted cocaine before, but some of my friends had told me how much they liked it. I figured if I was going to play sissy for Sherry again today, I might as well be a little high while I was doing it. It was strange how my nostrils got numb all of a sudden. I kept the phone pressed to my ear so Sherry could hear me snorting up several lines.

He was behind me, and bent me over the table. I suddenly realized why Sherry started giggling when he squirted lube around my ass and jammed his cock into me in one swift thrust. I grimaced at the sudden shock and pain, and all but screamed into the phone.

Sherry told me to stay on the line, describe everything that was happening and tell her everything I was feeling, which I did.

He pumped my ass hard and fast, and I could hardly hold the phone with all the pain and humiliation he was inflicting on me. To my complete surprise, as humiliating as it was, the humiliation was turning me on.

Involuntarily, I started pushing my ass back to meet every one of his hard thrusts. Finally, as he was grinding against my butt, I felt his huge cock twitching inside me, and I hoped he was cumming.

He slipped out of me as fast as he slipped in, pulled up his pants, and just walked out; leaving a small mound of cocaine and a used condom on the table. He never said a word the entire time he was there.

Sherry giggled into the phone, “Now you’re a genuine coke whore, baby. How do you feel?”

The cocaine I'd just snorted was giving me a rush and I replied sarcastically, “I feel great, honey.”

“Good," she said, "now go in the bathroom and clean yourself up. I left you clean lingerie and another outfit for tomorrow. We'll be by to pick you up tomorrow after we get back from Tahoe.

"That same guy who just fucked you will bring your food to you. He'll be expecting another piece of ass every time he comes by, so just assume that's gonna happen each time you see him.

"So, Mandy, everything's set up for you. All you have to do is watch your video to get your head into it. Thank you so much for trying this. I'll be thinking of you. See you tomorrow, sweetie."


My first thought when Sherry hung up the phone was, "What the hell did I just agree to?'

I'd just snorted a bunch of cocaine and let some black dude I'd never seen before fuck me like I was just a convenient asshole to be used for his personal pleasure. I screamed into the room, "Fuuuuuuck!"

I felt like I was trapped in that motel room, wearing a wig, dressed in lingerie and a fucking corset that restricted my breathing. There was no doubt about it, I was fucked, but I'd fucked myself by agreeing to it all.

I'd already been fucked once this morning, and no telling how many more times I'd be fucked before this self-imposed nightmare was over. Then I noticed, underneath all the humiliation I was experiencing, there was a certain thrill to it that couldn't be denied. Something inside me was wanting this.

I ran into the bathroom and felt like crying. I stared at the mirror and saw Mandy looking back at me. She wasn't a bad-looking chick at all. Kinda hot, actually, if she'd been happy and smiling.

I laughed at the ridiculousness of how I'd let my wife and that bitch Brenda draw me into this. I went over to the couch and just sat there for probably an hour, thinking about this big step I had agreed to take. Then I heard my phone bleep with an incoming text. It was from Sherry.

'Hi Mandy. Just checking up on you before we leave for Tahoe. By now, you've probably had a few second thoughts about what you just agreed to. I hope what you're about to experience will remove all those second thoughts.'

'In top drawer of the dresser, you'll find clean lingerie and some nice girly bath oil we left you so you can have a nice, relaxing soak in the tub before your boyfriends come over later. Remember what I told you. Just let go and let yourself be Mandy today.

'I know you'll love it by the time it's all over. Me and Brenda can't wait to give you your pussy rewards Monday night. Toodle-do, Mandy. Have fun!'

'God-dammit!' I thought after reading her text. 'I put myself into this.'

I opened the dresser drawer to find the bath oil she left for me, along with a set of red-laced nylons, panties, and bra. Of course, there was a note attached.

'Hi Mandy, you pretty girl. Hope you like the red outfit we left you. Your lingerie is all you'll need to wear today. There's a shower cap under the bath oil. Put it on over your wig because you don't know how to take it off and put it on yet. We'll teach you that next week. You have much to learn, little sissy. We'll have fun learning together. Remember, baby, Monday night you get to fuck us both!  Love... Mistress Sherry'

'So now she's my mistress, instead of my wife,' I thought, '... wonderful fantasies my wife dreams up.'

I went into the bathroom and turned on the hot bath water. I poured in half the bottle of bath oil, and spent the next fifteen minutes trying to figure out how to get that god-damned corset off my body. It took a while, but it felt great to take a deep breath after I threw that godforsaken garment on the floor.

The bathroom was steamy and girly bath fragrances filled the air. I had to admit, I felt better in a way I'd never imagined. With the shower cap over my wig, I eased myself into the very hot water and a big 'aaaagh!' came out of my mouth.

I just closed my eyes and let my mind go blank as the hot water soothed every muscle in my body. I felt much better when I opened my eyes, but there was no way for me to ignore my big tits, nor could I forget about the pink plastic cage between my legs.

They were on me to stay, until I got home, at least. I couldn't fight them any longer. The only way I was going to get through the night was to temporarily accept myself as a sissy. Reluctantly, I started getting myself psyched up to play-out Sherry's fantasy-like I promised I would.

I closed my eyes again, and thought about the moments of intense pleasure from last night, when I had a cock in my ass and mouth. It was turning me on and I felt my dick straining against the cage again. The more I thought about it, the harder my cock swelled. I tried to stop thinking about it, but I couldn't.

I opened my eyes, wishing I could just jack off to relieve the pressure building in my balls. I remembered getting so turned on last night, and never even getting to cum. I realized the pleasure I'd felt came from giving pleasure to the men around me. I smiled, thinking about how I did that.

I remembered how satisfied I felt when Sherry and Brenda shared my first mouthful of cum last night. It was a pleasant taste, from what I remember. I felt a satisfaction that was hard to put my finger on.

At any rate, I was going to have to repeat last night's performance again in a few hours. The more I got myself psyched up about it, the easier it was going to be for me.

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The bath water had turned lukewarm, so I pulled myself out of the tub and grabbed a towel. I no sooner dried myself off, when there was a knock on the door. I panicked, and being completely naked, I froze in my tracks. There was another knock, followed by the sound of the door opening.

"Miss Mandy...?" a voice rang out. "You in here girl?"

"I'm in the bathroom," I yelled out. "I'm not dressed."

All of a sudden, I looked up to see the black guy from this morning at the bathroom door staring at me with nothing on, save for the cage encasing my cock.

"You don't need no clothes in here, Mandy. They just gonna get ripped off you when the johns get here. You look real nice naked, for a new filly."

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, the name is Thaddeus, you can call me Thad. You looked too spaced out this morning to introduce myself."

"Apparently I wasn't too spaced for you to fuck me, though."

"Hell no, girl. I'll hit that tight ass of yours in your sleep if I want to."

"So I guess you're gonna want another piece of me before you go?"

"I just might. All depends how I feel. You just figure that your ass is mine any time I want it. Let's forget about that right now. I brought you some lunch. Can't have you turning tricks on an empty stomach."

"Turning tricks? Is that what they call it?"

"Come sit on the couch with me, girl. Let me set you straight on a few things."

I felt really strange sitting next to Thad being totally naked, but he soon put me at ease, telling me that it wasn't much different than the lingerie I'd soon be wearing.

After making sure I had agreed to all of this, he explained how every new sissy like me has a hard time accepting it at first, but once they do, they're happier than they'd ever been before.

I wasn't sure I could believe him, and I was still having a hard time thinking of myself as a sissy. The more he talked though, the easier it was for me to understand where I was at right then.

At one point, he put his strong arm around me, and to my surprise, I didn't flinch. He lightly ran his fingertips inside my thighs and up my stomach to caress my tits. I know they were just breast forms, but I swear it felt good to be touched like that.

"You can sit in here and watch the damn TV all night," Thad sternly said, "or I can bring some of my boys over and let you discover who you really are. You ain't leaving this room until Miss Sherry picks you up, so if I were you, I'd have a little fun."

"Damn," I sighed, "it's not like I'm here against my will. I guess I might as well at least try to have some fun."

Thad took my hand and placed it between his legs. He didn't try to force me into anything as I instinctively wrapped my hand around his cock. I was amazed at the size of it, compared to my own. No wonder it hurt so much when he fucked me earlier like an alpha male. Something about it turned me on in a way that I couldn't help myself.

There I was, sitting naked with a guy I'd never seen before this morning, and my cock is trying to get hard inside its cage. He noticed my body squirming to his touch. I was caressing his cock and not even thinking about it.

"That little clitty of yours is getting excited, ain't it, girl?"

"How did you know?"

"Because, it's written all over your face, girl. You got your first taste of cock last night. It's only natural you'd want more now that you've had it. Look how you're touching me. You can't help yourself. It's in you, girl, stop fooling yourself. Take my cock out. You know you want it. Take it."

I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the cocaine, but automatically I unzipped him and reached inside. I was in awe of him when I pulled it out. With both hands on top of each other, there were still inches of cock I couldn't hold.

I remember feeling sexually inferior to him. Having both hands around a cock more than twice the size of mine, how could I not? No wonder Sherry and Brenda like black dick so much. If this is how a sissy feels, I was feeling it strong.

I leaned forward and felt his strong hand on the back of my neck. He pushed me close to his cock faster than I would have liked, but I really didn't mind. He seemed to know I wanted it. Once I kissed his head, it was over for me.

My mouth opened up to take in his thick shaft. My tongue pressed against his hard meat as he pushed me down further. He laughed at me when I choked on it.

"Girl, you got a lot to learn. Get down there on your knees and love yourself some cock. Get to know it, learn what you like. Set your sissy mind free!"

I got on the floor like I was told. It felt uncomfortable at first, but I told myself I was going to do it; mostly because my sissy brain I never knew I had was kicking in. It made me let myself go, forgetting I was ever a man and pretending to be a girl. After a while, I wasn't pretending anymore, I was feeling it.

It wasn't like last night at all, when I was so drugged-out and cocks were just being shoved into me right and left. The cocaine did amplify everything I was feeling, but staring at his monster shaft, it was more like my choice to feel it, to kiss it, to love it.

I held my tongue flat against it as I glided up and down what must have been nine inches or more. All I know is that it was the biggest cock I could have imagined.

The whole time I was sucking him, he ran his fingertips up and down my back, sending shivers up my spine. It really helped to relax me, and I soon found myself giving head and loving it. It really turned me on when I felt his fingers exploring my crack.

I clamped my mouth tighter around his thick shaft and arched my spine the moment he brushed over my hole. The way he lightly spanked me made me moan for him. He pushed his wet finger into me, and I knew I right then I needed it, I needed to be fucked.

I threw my arms and legs around him as he picked me up like a feather and carried me to the bed. He laid me down and kept me bent with my ankles resting on his shoulders as I watched him put on a condom and lube me up. I felt so vulnerable, so horny, so completely sissy.

"When I bring company over later," he told me, "it'll be your place to put the condom on, you understand?"

"Yes," I complied, "I'll do that. Just fuck me. I want it."

"You more than want it, girl. You fuckin' need it! A sissy needs to be fucked regularly to keep her in her place."

He then smiled at me in a way that made me look into his eyes, and I felt myself melting in his presence.

I remember the searing pain around my ring when he opened me up. He'd obviously fucked new sissies before, because he knew how far to push in before he stopped to let my inexperienced pussy relax around him.

His cock felt so amazingly good inside me, after I'd just spent the last half-hour worshipping it with my mouth. It was like the sexiest, kinkiest, deepest massage kind of feeling that drove me wild as the pleasures got more and more intense.

I loved every second of it, every fucking stroke, every single inch of him. The sensations around my hole and inside my anal canal were incredibly erotic and intoxicating.

"Fuck me!" I cried out, clenching my ass tightly around his thick cock. I don't know why I wanted it so bad, but I did

"Take it, you little sissy-bitch! Love what you are, Mandy, love what you need."

"Oh God... Oh God!" I couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. It was like something inside had come alive, something that was always there, but only now discovered.

He kept my legs raised the whole time, hitting my joy spot and making me cum like a chick... a full-on, full-bodied orgasm, that broke me into little pieces. From that moment on, I knew my proper place. I was a sissy, no doubt about it.

Thad kept fucking me till my ass was numb and tears were running down my cheeks. I'd just been fucked in the ass like a sissy-whore, formally broken-in, real nice and proper. A warm glow came over me when he finally pulled out.

I remember the empty feeling in my ass as I stared at his cock that had filled me so full just moments before. I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight, saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Before he left the room, he told me to snort the rest of the cocaine he left me earlier. He said it would make the rest of the day more pleasurable for me if I was stoned while I was having sex with men I'd never seen before.

I trusted him and took him at his word. I cleaned up the cocaine before putting on my red lingerie to get ready for my first paying company. I didn't know shit about makeup, so I just applied a coat of candy-apple-red lipstick Sherry had left me to give myself what Thad called, 'cock sucker lips'.

I was ready when my first customers knocked on my door. I timidly smiled as I opened the door to them in. I was worried there might be four or five guys, but there were only two, which gave me great relief. Unlike last night, they weren't wearing ski masks, and I was able to associate a face with a cock.

They both slapped my ass a couple of times and got me giggling as we went over to the couch and I sat between them. As if my hands already knew what to do, they found their place inside each guy's thighs, very close to their cocks.

The guy on my left pulled out a big, thick joint, and I smiled at him as he lit it up. He held it to my lips and I didn't even have to move my hands as I inhaled a big hit. They were telling dirty jokes about whores and sissies, and making passes at me left and right.

By the time we finished the joint, we were all laughing our asses off. I was laughing harder than either of them, since I was already snockered on lines of coke when they got here.

They flipped a coin to see which one I'd suck first, and the guy on the right won. I was happy about that, because by this time, I had both of their cocks out and they each had big hard-ons. The guy on the right was the smaller of two, so I thought I'd be able to get used to his cock before I had to take on the monster to my left.

I was so wrong about that. While I was on the floor sucking the smaller cock, the big cock came around behind me and pulled my panties to my knees. He jammed his horse cock into me with no warning at all, and I was so glad that Thad had warned me to squirt my ass full of lube before they arrived.

I let out a quiet scream as he bludgeoned himself into me. I wanted to sound like an experienced girl, like I was a pro at this, so I kept most of my pain to myself. It must have driven me to really suck hard on the cock in my mouth, because he pulled my head off it and told me to just lick until the guy behind me busted his nut.

I rolled a condom down his shaft so he'd be ready when it was his turn. It wasn't long before I felt the cock in my ass pulsate out of control as he pumped me for all he was worth. My pain had completely gone away by this time, and I remember feeling like I was in heaven.

When he pulled out he complimented me on my tight ass and slapped both my cheeks as he got up. When the other guy slipped his smaller cock into me, my hole was gaping and all I felt was an intense pleasure.

The guy who just fucked me sat before me on the couch, and I took the condom off and cleaned his cock with my tongue and my mouth. The taste of cum sent me into a dizzy sissy-high that felt better than all the cocaine I'd been snorting.

There was a knock on the door and Thad stuck his head in to say, "Five more minutes, boys."

I barely had time to clean the second guy's cock before their time was up. They told me what a good little whore I was and that made me feel good as I pulled my panties back up.

Thad came in and said I did a good job and that he had another john lined up for me in a half hour. He gave me a hug and told me I was off to a great start. I wanted him to fuck me again, but I knew there wasn't time.

I fucked two more guys that afternoon before Thad brought me my dinner. We talked a lot during my dinner break and I was starting to like him a lot. I don't know if I actually liked him, or if I just thought I did because of the good fucking he gave me earlier. But either way, I was feeling a lot better about this and loved the way my ass felt so satisfied.

He gave me a few more lines of coke before he left, but honestly, I probably didn't need it. I was already looking forward to getting company again. I watched the video that Sherry and Brenda made of me last night, wishing I could jack off as I waited for my next guy to come in.

I still had a hard time believing it was me doing all those nasty things on the video, but the way my poor little sissy cock was straining against its prison convinced me that it was. I was ready and willing when the next guy knocked on my door.

My ass was getting sore and my throat had a permanent cum taste by the time midnight rolled around. Thad didn't have any more johns lined up and told me to get some rest and he'd wake me up if my services were needed.

I crashed out hard from everything I'd been through the past twenty-four hours. Thad woke me up twice during the night, and I felt like I was dreaming as I sucked and fucked two more guys.

He let me sleep till noon the next day and told me he wasn't going to send any guys my way today because I'd had enough and he didn't want to wear me out. He did get in bed with me though, and I sucked his cock again before he fucked me to another sissy orgasm just as good as the one he gave me the day before.

My ass was very sore when he finished with me, but I didn't mind. I was already falling in love with his cock, and I wouldn't have minded if he'd fucked me another hour. Not that I had any choice in the matter. He'd already told me that my ass was his any time he wanted it, and that was just fine with me.

Sherry told me I'd fall in love with the new me, and I'll be damned if she didn't know me better than I knew myself.

I was well-fucked and happy as I eased myself into the hot water for another relaxing soak in the tub. Thad had fucked my sissy resistance out of me good-and-proper, and the sissy lifestyle was beginning to fit me like a glove.

It was around four o'clock when Sherry called and said they'd be by in an hour to pick me up. I went to the closet to get the outfit she'd left for me to wear home. There was a fresh set of lavender lingerie and a cute summer dress that hung mid-thigh on my legs. After wearing panties, nylons, and bras all weekend, the newness of wearing a dress still felt so very strange to me, but it's all I had to wear, and at least it was clean and fresh.

Fully dressed, I went to look at myself in the bathroom mirror and Mandy smiled back at me. She looks cute when she's happy, and indeed, she looked very happy.

I heard the door open without a knock, and I knew my mistresses had come for me. I ran to them and they welcomed me with open arms. I'd never felt so loved as I did with those two girls' arms around me. We stood in the middle of the room kissing for I don't know how long.

Brenda took my hand and put it up her dress. She wasn't wearing panties, and said she wasn't because she wanted me to know that her pussy was mine to use tomorrow night. Sherry wasn't wearing panties either, for the same reason.

They both held their dresses up and let me finger their wet pussies as they kissed me and told me how proud they were of me.

It felt very good to be Mandy.

Written by Jilluvscox
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